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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Healers, Counselors, Intuitive Readers
Guest Biography:

Miracles can happen at any time

offering counselings, readings, and healings so that you can create the future you wish

Anthony Federico & Rieko Fairy Meadows "Ree & Anthony"

Higher Dimensional Contact

Rieko’s abilities blossomed overnight in June 2017 after being called to the forest in Japan. She realized she could talk to trees. At first she talked mainly to nature spirits and then she began receiving messages from her guides. In September 2018 she was called to Mt. Shasta where she met Anthony in Panther Meadows, the most sacred place in Mt. Shasta. In September 2019 she was first contacted by her future self who is a Hybrid. Rieko was told by angelic beings that she has the ability to channel and communicate with any being in any dimension. She came here to turn the planet into a planet flooded with love.

Anthony was born psychic with a strong memory of the other side and other lifetimes. His psychic abilities strongly developed and awakened after going on a camping trip with Ted Mahr in 2018 to Mt. Shasta and meeting Rieko. He channels angels, his Higher Self, aliens, and other higher dimensional beings excited to help fill Earth with love. His psychic abilities focus on the energy of “wisdom.” In his other lives he is an experienced “mystic traveler” who likes to walk between worlds.

Rieko and Anthony work together doing private and group sessions. They view people’s energy and approach the session based on what is most necessary and relevant at the time. They often operate in the subconscious field of the client, offering “reality navigation” so the client can live any future they wish!

For booking:

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Philosophy, Emotional Health and Freedom, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Singer and Songwriter
Guest Biography:


Singer – Songwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area living in Los Angeles to pursue the music dream: perform original music around the world.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Immigration attorney, Homeland security attorney, writer, inspirational speaker and success coach
Guest Biography:


Sometimes, difficulties and loss can reshape who we are and nudge us into growing. Just like a caterpillar sheds its skin and spins itself a silky chrysalis, what results is a breathtakingly beautiful creature we could never imagine, the butterfly. Meg Nocero’s story is not so different as she depicts her extraordinary transformation in Butterfly Awakens.

As a forty-something Italian-American immigration attorney, Meg moves through unimaginable grief and sadness watching her beloved mother lose her battle to breast cancer. Questioning her life choices and opening herself up to her soul’s calling, Nocero brings readers along on her journey through a dark night of the soul. We experience with her the grieving process, a toxic work environment, and intense stress that results in depression and anxiety, along with a somatic nervous disorder called tinnitus. Meg never gives up and– instead– looks for the help she needs to start to heal and find her light. In the end, like the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, her story is a beautiful love letter honoring her mother’s legacy while detailing the awakening of her own.

Among the many stories about breast cancer and grief, none are quite like this one. After resigning from her career as a federal prosecutor due to a toxic administration, she searches for the lighthouse she saw in a vision when her mother died. Embarking on an inspiring spiritual pilgrimage on El Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain to get to the lighthouse at Cap Finisterre, she sets out to wake up and live again. The butterfly connection and stark honesty of her writing offers readers important lessons learned from moving through grief so that each person can shine their light again.

MEG NOCERO is a former Department of Homeland Security attorney. After 19 years of federal government service, she resigned to pursue her dream as a writer, inspirational speaker, a success coach, and attorney for justice.

Nocero is an avid learner who holds a BA in Spanish, with a concentration in Italian from Boston College; an MA in international affairs from the University of Miami; and a JD from St. Thomas University School of Law. She is a member of the Florida Bar, serves on the Wellness Committee of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and holds certifications as a Federal Law Enforcement Training Center instructor, as a Professional Coach from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and as an Associate Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation. She has a Certificate in Happiness Studies through Harvard Professor Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar’s Happiness Studies Academy and a Certificate for the Science of Well-Being from Yale University.

In addition to being named Miz CEO Entrepreneur of the Year in 2019, she appeared on CNN Español with Ismael Cala and hosts her own YouTube channel and a podcast called “Manifesting with Meg: Conversations with Extraordinary People.”

Guest Category: Business, Legal, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Personal Development, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Addiction Recovery Expert and Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:


Gregory Silva was born and raised on a farm in Northern California. After graduating from Sonoma State University, he was employed in the media industry and various international marketing firms. This career path took him all over the world, and at one point he was even living and working in France.

However, in 2012, Gregory’s best friend overdosed and passed away. Looking for answers to the addiction plague, Gregory ended up changing careers in order to help people recover from addiction and live fuller lives. He is now dedicated to educating people suffering from addiction, as well as their loved ones and employers, about the pathways to recovery.

As the Director of Operations for three drug and alcohol treatment centers in Southern California; Living Longer Recovery, Gravity Treatment Centers, and New Spirit Treatment Center, he enjoys the challenges that come with the position and the opportunity to help change the direction of the clients he encounters.

In his spare time, you will find him volunteering and rescuing abandoned pets.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Personal Development, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Pop singer and songwriter
Guest Biography:


Jordan Raye is a pop singer- songwriter from Israel based in Los Angeles. Her passion for music and writing has always been her driving force through life. Jordan has performed in different festivals and venues around the world, she was an opening act for the Chainsmokers, Jason Derulo, Miami Heat game and a Disney summer production.

She is currently working with different DJs, producers and writers as a vocalist and songwriter for different upcoming projects and releases.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Singer and Songwriter
Guest Biography:


My name is Jaye and I’ve thanked The Heavenly Father above for the gifts I have received in music, art and the 6th sense but most of all the spiritual awareness of love and vibrations. I started taking my music more seriously after a car accident at 29 years of age that changed my thoughts about life.

Left my full time job and I bought two old speakers and a second hand desk and started singing around cafes and sporting clubs as background music till I was approached by an agent to do Tribute Shows.

The agent VIP Entertainment Steve and Jennifer thought I had a tone of Cher in my voice so from there I had costumes made, wigs and backing music at Alfredos Studio and off across all sorts of places, entertaining I ventured.

I also then did tributes of Eurythmics, Dusty Springfield, Stevie Nicks and Marilyn.

I was blessed to be able to travel to many places with the tributes, Sydney, Brisbane, Northern Territory, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bali and UK.

I always had original songs floating round in my head and eventually recorded quite a few whilst performing and holding down a part time job in the funeral industry with which I also had the privilege of singing on Funeral Services.

I wrote a song for Suicide prevention with which I help as one of a few charities along with Animals Australia and Romeo Rabbit and guinea Pig rescue.

I love music of all sorts as it has been my love, therapy and balance.

The latest song co-written with Tim Sacke Love Is Like The Ocean… just that! Ups and downs on waves!

A great Italian producer Papik produced the song beautifully and the video was produced by a great talented friend Vaughan Adam’s that took me out on his yacht along with our mate Andy to record on nothing better but the Indian Ocean off Perth Western Australia. The song has a Sade kind of feel as I’ve always loved Sade from the 80s.

I create music for the love and will continue to create with anything that inspires me.

As knowing the funeral industry so well now I also know how short life can be and every day is a precious experience

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Candidate for Colorado Senate
Guest Biography:

Elect Juli Henry for US Senate


In recent years, our beautiful state of Colorado partook in some of the most dramatic events in American political history. With these events came challenges, much of which have burdened our lives, the lives of our loved ones, and entire communities.

Politics is difficult for many of us to understand – its nature and complexity leaves us heavily reliant on those in power, as we fidget and hope that they fight for us. And while they tell us over and over again that we are their first priority, we somehow end up suffering the consequences of their actions that are even sometimes a result of their own ignorance and impulsivity.

Juli Henry promises a new way forward for our great state of Colorado, and the United States of America.

I love our state, and the people in it. I have dedicated my entire life to community service, and wish to see everyone – regardless of their political affiliation – treated with equal respect and opportunity. This wish of mine is not uncommon, as I am sure we all wish to see the betterment of every person. But unfortunately we have been divided against each other, forced to pick a side, and ultimately finding ourselves in a constant debate between who is right and who is wrong. The entire nation is a victim of this, and Colorado is no different.

I believed the best way to resolve this issue was to serve my country. It didn’t work. I started my own nonprofit to assist those who needed more help than me. It didn’t work. Politics is nothing more than a game, consisting of players who give us false truths, and balance their self-interests with that of their own. And now, after seeing all the pain that we have suffered, have concluded that the only way for real action is to play their silly game, with the intention of creating a positive change: for my family, my community, and my state.

My name is Juli Henry. I am a Colorado wife, mother, Army veteran, and a Republican. More importantly, I am an American, and I know that nothing will change if we ourselves do not enact the action necessary to improve our community. I never imagined myself having to go to such lengths to fight for my rights and the rights instilled in every American, but if it means providing more people the opportunity for prosperity, I am willing to stake my name and wellbeing to ensure such matters.

I hereby announce my candidacy as the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, and with your support, I promise a new way forward for our great state of Colorado, and the United States of America.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Teacher and Author
Guest Biography:


Most people experience fear and stress around money and they’re not aware how much it’s influencing their business, financial and family life, and their impact in the world. 

Sarah McCrum is a teacher and author who helps you create a healthy relationship with money. She teaches you how to grow the inner skills you need to handle the challenges of money, business and family life so you live more generously towards yourself and others.

She offers a practical, relaxed approach through her courses based on the principles of her book, Love Money, Money Loves You. Her work is founded on 30 years of personal practice, 22 years of training with Chinese Masters and two decades of coaching business owners and leaders.

Sarah has influenced the lives of tens of thousands worldwide to expand their consciousness around money and generosity.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker Founder of the Do Tell Movement
Guest Biography:

Dive into the life of Hajah Kandeh with images and videos depicting her day to day life as a mother, author, and survivor.


At 23, Hajah Kandeh fled the conflict diamond war in her country of birth Sierra Leone, where she had also suffered tremendous violence including female genital mutilation and child abuse.  She attended several boarding schools and won a scholarship to France after placing first in the national exams organized each year for best French language students. She graduated First Class from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone where she majored in Political Science and French literature. While in college, she additionally won a “Best Actress” award for The Revelation, a play she wrote and in which she starred. After college, she worked for BBC as a freelance writer in Sierra Leone.

Arriving in San Francisco she worked in the hospitality department of Saks, until securing her job as a mental health counselor for a non-profit. Hajah actively engages in women’s writing groups and conferences, a particular favorite being “Writing Ourselves Whole,” where women of all backgrounds come together and connect through writing and the telling of their stories. The joys and demands of being a single mother have taught her lessons in patience, perseverance, flexibility, and sacrifice like no other job ever has.

Hajah loves poetry and is fluent in several languages including French, Russian, and Krio. Hajah Kandeh is the author of Daughter of A Thousand Stars,  a memoir of survival that is soon to be published. She has also just Founded Do Tell, an organization which aims to educate and empower children to speak up in a safe space about sexual abuse and other forms of violation so that they can get the help they need to begin the long journey of healing necessary to help them become healthy whole adults capable of living fulfilling and productive lives.



Hajah Kandeh


YOU can and you will survive !







The Do Tell Movement is the passion project of Hajah Kandeh. She is about to publish her first book, Daughter of A Thousand Stars previously called Stretched, telling her life story of overcoming a life of conflict and violence, and creating hope. Hajah is on a mission to provide women and children a safe place to “tell” their stories.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Entertainment, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: singer, stand-up comedienne, author, actor, producer
Guest Biography:
Critics have called Geoffrey Mark a walking encyclopedia of show business history.  Born in Brooklyn, New York, Geoffrey has appeared off-Broadway, in summer stock, and has been a singer, and stand-up comedienne in New York nightclubs, cabarets, and on cruises ships.  Geoffrey currently writes comedy, produces documentaries, and reality TV shows.  He's the host of Geoffrey Mark Plays Ella on Apple Podcasts.
Geoffrey's books are the bestselling The Lucy Book, and Ethel Merman:  The Biggest Star of Broadway, and the Family Affair Cookbook.  His newest book is Ella: A Biography of the Legendary Ella Fitzgerald.  Upcoming books include his memoir:  The Devil was Born in Brooklyn and The New Lucy Book.  Geoffrey's books are available on  Stay in touch with Geoffrey on 
Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Literature, Business, Comedy, Entertainment, Music, Society and Culture, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Bob Doyle is known to most as a Law Of Attraction teacher, who has been featured in the movie 'The Secret'.
Guest Biography:

This episode is about understanding how our brain is processing our experience of reality, and how we can see results by creating our lives by design, rather than by default. My guest is Bob Doyle who is best known for his contribution to the film and book “The Secret”, as a law of attraction expert and coach. He has been teaching these principles through programs, live events, podcasts, live streams, coaching, writing, and even virtual reality, since 1998. He is driven by his passion for creative self-expression and his work is heavily focused on helping people decide who they want to be and how they want to express themselves. Recently, Bob’s attention has shifted from the metaphysical aspects of the Law of Attraction or “reality creation” process, to a more grounded and biological look at what controls our experiences, our brain. 

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: accredited consulting hypnotist, member of The National Hypnotists Guild, graduate of The Ontario Hypnosis Centre
Guest Biography:

This episode is about a true story of extra-terrestrial contact. My guest is Lesley Mitchell-Clarke a Toronto based Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who specializes in in a number of modalities, including working with individuals who feel that they have had experiences with extra-terrestrial beings. Most of this fascinating work, as well as Metaphysical Therapies such as Past Life and Inter life Regression takes place at Lesley’s Toronto hypnosis clinic, Lightwork Hypnosis. Prior to her work in hypnotherapy, Lesley has also had a busy career as an actor/dancer/vocalist, and for the past twenty plus years, she has also been a top jazz and arts media consultant, with an array of Grammy and JUNO-winning clients as well as major jazz festivals and record labels. Lesley is currently the Director of LMC Media, with offices both in Toronto and Lesley’s hometown of New York City. She is also a busy arts writer, contributing regularly to a variety of publications.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Connie Zweig, PhD, is a writer, and retired Jungian-oriented psychotherapist. She has been a pioneer in fields of shadow work and meditation practice.
Guest Biography:

This episode is about The Inner Work of Age. My guest is Connie Zweig, Ph.D., who is a retired therapist, and has contributed articles to Esquire magazine and the Los Angeles Times and holds a doctorate in Depth Psychology. Connie is the co-author of Meeting the Shadow and Romancing the Shadow, author of Meeting the Shadow of Spirituality and a novel, A Moth to the Flame: The Life of Sufi Poet Rumi. Her latest book is, The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul, which extends shadow-work into late life and teaches aging as a spiritual practice. Connie has been doing contemplative practices for 50 years. She is a wife and grandmother and was initiated as an Elder by Sage-ing International in 2017. After investing in all these roles, she is practicing the shift from role to soul.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Chicago Bulls & White Sox team Orthopedic Surgeon
Guest Biography:

Dr. Brian Cole is an orthopedic sports medicine surgeon at Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush and a

Professor of Orthopaedics, Anatomy and Cell Biology at Rush University Medical Center. Dr.

Cole is Managing Partner of Midwest Orthopaedics and is the Department’s Associate Chairman

and the Section Head of the Cartilage Research and Restoration Center.

He is the Chairman of Surgery at Rush Oak Park Hospital and leads the Rush Orthopedic Master’s

Program. Dr. Cole is the 2020 President of the Arthroscopy Association of North America. Dr.

Cole also holds several other leadership positions in national and international orthopedic societies.

Outside of academia Dr. Cole serves as team physician for the Chicago Bulls, co-team physician

for the Chicago White Sox, and a team physician for the Chicago Red Stars, Chicago Dogs, and DePaul


Honors awarded to Dr. Cole range from the “Best Doctors in America” since 2004 and “Top

Doctor” in Chicagoland since 2003. In 2006, he was featured on the cover of Chicago Magazine

as “Chicago’s Top Doctor.” In 2009, he was selected as NBA Team Physician of the Year and

Orthopedics This Week has named Dr. Cole as one of the top 20 sports medicine, knee and shoulder

specialists repeatedly over the last 5 years as selected by his peers. Dr. Cole’s patients describe his

practice as compassionate, available and willing to offer novel solutions to avoid surgery whenever

possible. Testimonials to the surgical care that Dr. Cole’s team provides are frequently featured

and shared.

Dr. Cole’s research interests include Cartilage Restoration, therapeutic biologics and regenerative

medicine, and minimally invasive surgical techniques for the treatment of the knee, elbow, and

shoulder. He has published more than 1,000 articles and 8 textbooks on orthopedic surgery and

sports medicine, has lectured nationally and internationally on more than 2,000 occasions and has

appeared as an expert on several TV documentaries.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Long-time Chicago Bulls Announcer, Co-Host of popular ESPN radio’s “Sports Medicine Weekly”
Guest Biography:

Steve Kashul is a 35 plus year veteran of on-air professional television and radio. He served 24 seasons as the Pre-Game, Halftime, and Post-Game TV and Radio Host of the Chicago Bulls.

Kashul is also co-owner of Channel Fore, Inc. which produces “The Golf Scene” TV Show on NBC Sports Chicago, of which he serves as the principal host. He is also host of “Sports Medicine Weekly”, a weekly one hour radio show that aired for ten years on ESPN 1000 Chicago and 670 The Score – WSCR-AM in Chicago and now heard on podcasts nationally. In addition he is an Executive Broker/Agent with Esser Hayes Insurance Group/Assured Partners in Naperville.

Honors and awards include two Emmy Awards for his work as host of Chicago Bulls Basketball on SportsChannel (1991-1997) and winner of a Telly Award in 2006 for his work as host on “The Golf Scene” television show. Telly Awards are recognized worldwide for excellence in broadcast television. He is also a member of the Chicago 16” Softball Hall of Fame, being inducted in the Media Wing in January of 2009.

His work has also appeared on a national scale, having served as the lead announcer and lead voice of the Senior PGA Tour for CNBC, as well as live events on Golf Channel.

Kashul has also served as the play by play voice for the Celebrity Golf Association’s Professional Golf Tour, Big Ten Women’s Volleyball, Illinois High School Association sporting events, Men’s Professional 16” Softball, and was a reporter and host for ten years for the Notre Dame Football Coaches Show as well as host of “The Spirit of Sports”, a show focusing on Special Olympics in Illinois.

Steve has also been a feature writer/columnist for the Chicago District Golfer Magazine, and is a former sports writer for the Chicago Sun-Times, covering High School athletics.

He has also served on numerous committees including those representing The March of Dimes, LaRabida Children’s Hospital, Midtown Educational Foundation, Illinois Special Olympics, Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce, Easterseals, and the Greater Chicago Club Managers Association.

Steve is a graduate of DePaul University in Chicago where he majored in Communications, was born and raised in Park Ridge, Illinois, and currently resides with his wife Cindy and sons Cory and Troy in Naperville, Illinois.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Mastermind Group Coach, Consultant, Educator, Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

Jeanie Holzbacher





Speaker, Mastermind Group Coach, Consultant, Educator, Talk Show Host

After over 20 years of seeing the same patterns in lost time and money in business after business, Jeanie is a passionate igniter of conversations that count. She knows great ideas communicated with powerful influence gain quick buy-in. Combining this effective communication with streamlined processes saves businesses time and money.

Her strategy utilizes a fun, no nonsense (Harvard-meets-the-Hood) approach to teach communication techniques that transform individuals, leaders, and teams. They are then equipped to minimize emotional drama, resolve conflict quickly, and streamline processes to create consistent, predictable results. This custom approach to training is delivered through speaking, Mastermind Group Coaching, Workshops, and online courses.

Because of a proven track record, she is frequently sought after by peers and business owners to speak or consult on special projects in healthcare, transformative teamwork, and leadership education.

Empowering Leadership Today

The John C Maxwell Group


Guest Category: Business, Management, Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Orthopedics, Surgeon
Guest Biography:

Dr. Lee Merritt = The Medical Rebel

Dr. Lee Merritt began her medical career at the age of four, carrying her father’s “black bag” on house calls, along the back roads of Iowa. In 1980 she graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York, where she was elected to life membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Dr. Merritt completed an Orthopedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery.

Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association, and is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She has had a long interest in wellness and fitness, and has been Fellowship Certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

At age 63 she won a female bodybuilding championship in Physique class—with a lot of help from her friends and patience of her family. As a lifelong advocate of free market, patient-centered medicine Dr. Merritt had the opportunity to appear on the John Stossel show to speak against Obamacare. More recently she has appeared on numerous radio programs discussing Covid-19, the futility of mask mandates, and other lies and omissions from the medical “technocrats”.

Her recent speech at Doctors for Disaster Preparedness on “Sars-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy” has been widely viewed on YouTube, and forwarded on by Dr. Mercola—one of her medical heroes. She is married and the proud mother of two sons, one of whom carries on the four generation medical tradition as a General Surgeon, and the other with a real job as an Electrical Engineer. In her spare time, Dr. Merritt raises chickens, gardens and enjoys a rural Midwest lifestyle.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Intuitive, Chakra Life Coach, Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH), Certified Spiritual Counselor (CSC), Reiki Master, International Hypnosis Federation Certified Instructor (CHI)
Guest Biography:

Dr. Carolyn White

From Olympia, Washington

Dr. Carolyn White has a Ph.D. in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Carolyn White PhD—Author, Speaker and Intuitive Chakra Life Coach—is a  Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH), a Certified Spiritual Counselor (CSC), Reiki Master and an International Hypnosis Federation Certified Instructor (CHI).

Her passion for learning about our Human Energy System and the Mind/Body/Spirit connection has spanned over four decades, during which time she sought out mentors who were wise and pure of heart. In 2007, Carolyn capped her life’s achievements with a doctoral program and thesis awarding her a PhD in Esoteric Studies from American Pacific University. She is a certified Reflexologist, a Level IIII ACT Color Therapist and a Certified Aura Video Station Consultant. Carolyn’s love of painting motivated her to extensively study color at Emily Carr College.

Her years in the computing and software industry with husband Gerry honed her problem solving, communicating and teaching skills.  ​

Over the years, Carolyn has applied her studies and experience to help others discover their innate beauty and inner wisdom. Her classes evolved into several books so she could share these wisdom teachings to a broader audience.   

Besides writing, speaking and chakra coaching, Carolyn volunteers for both the Emoto Peace Project America, serving on the board of directors and the Elks, serving as the newsletter publisher.  She loves to create - from graphic design, websites, sewing, knitting to restoring vintage trailers. Carolyn performs with her guitarist husband  Gerry, singing and playing the bass guitar.  

Chakra Coach

As a Certified Aura Video Station Consultant, Dr.  Carolyn has worked with many clients to help them understand the current state of their Human Energy System - the Aura and Chakras.

Her unique background and experience marries the biofeedback technology of the Aura & Chakra Imaging System with her intuitive and interpretive insight. This provides you with an in-depth analysis of your Aura and Chakras.

Since 2005, Carolyn has been privileged to do many consultations using the Aura & Chakra Imaging System. For her clients, seeing the representative size, shape, and color of their chakras is an empowering experience—one that enables you to discover your “inner-wisdom.” With Carolyn’s sharing and guidance, these aura and chakra images show how your emotions and thoughts change your inner state for living at a higher vibration.

Based on your unique Aura and Chakra Imaging session, Dr. Carolyn coaches you with tried and proven techniques that help you clear and balance your chakras.  She shares with you what she "sees" in your aura and chakras and helps you understand how you can be pro-active to transform your life.

For additional information on an Aura & Chakra Imaging session, please visit

The Calendar lists the day and location of fairs and events where Aura & Chakra photos are offered.

For a private consultation, please contact Dr. Carolyn.


Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Kids & Family, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: LEADER of TM Worldwide, and of Vedic Knowledge
Guest Biography:

This episode is with a TM Leader, medical doctor, neuroscientist, and international scholar with mastery in both modern science and timeless Vedic wisdom. My guest is Dr. Tony Nader, a medical doctor trained at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PhD in neuroscience), and a globally recognized Vedic scholar. As a scientist and scholar with mastery in both modern science and the ancient Vedic tradition, he was chosen by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to be his successor and is the head of the nonprofit international Transcendental Meditation® organizations in over 100 countries. Dr. Nader guides the TM® programs and their practical applications in education, health, business, defense, agriculture, and other fields.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Veterans Employment and Training Services Director at Veterans Florida
Guest Biography:

Jeremy Sinnemaki is the Veterans Employment and Training Services Director at Veterans Florida, where he leads the statewide Veterans Florida career, entrepreneurship, agriculture and SkillBridge programs. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity brought Jeremy to Tallahassee where he served as an Economist before coming to Veterans Florida. Jeremy retired from the United States Air Force and served worldwide at a variety of assignments as an Avionics Craftsman, Air Force Recruiter, and Resource Manager. Following his military career, Jeremy was a civil servant for NASA as a Management and Program Analyst at the Kennedy Space Center. After his federal service, he opened several businesses including XiTiD Corp and Life Without Limits, LLC and later having graduated the Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program, went on to open the SolRisa Inn in Cocoa, Florida. Jeremy also serves on the Executive Committee with the Emerald Coast chapter of the Association of the United States Army. He and his wife are in the process of starting a new farm, event center and wedding venue.

Veterans Florida is a non-profit created by the State of Florida to help military veterans transition to civilian life and to promote Florida’s status as the nation’s most veteran-friendly state. Veterans Florida provides powerful tools for veterans to take advantage of the benefits of living and working in the Sunshine State.


Through our Career Services Program, we connect veterans with employers who are eager to hire veterans for jobs that put their particular military skills to use. We also assist veterans in creating a winning resume and preparing for job interviews. Employers receive veteran recruiting assistance and may apply for our Workforce Training Grant.

The Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program provides all the knowledge needed to successfully launch and operate a business. As soon as their business is up and running we keep them connected with mentors and resources.

Veterans Florida’s mission can be summed up in our theme – Your Pursuit. Our Power. – because we recognize military veterans are incredibly focused and will succeed in achieving their personal and professional goals when they take advantage of our tools and resources.


Jeremy Sinnemaki

Veterans Employment and Training Services (VETS) Director

Office: (850) 296-7553


Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Military, Politics & Government, Self Help