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Guest Name
William Michael Forbes
William Michael Forbes, Spiritual Medium, Channel and intuitive life coach
Guest Occupation
William Michael Forbes, Spiritual Medium, Channel and intuitive life coach
Guest Biography

William Michael Forbes, is a Spiritual Medium, Channel, and

Intuitive Life Coach.

William Michael has been coaching people for over 30 years, yet something happened a little over a year ago that opened him up to the Divine, energy beings that exist outside of our normal range of perception, we do not see them or hear them until we discover how to tap into them. This gave William the ability to guide others with their inquires and to facilitate in developing their abilities to connect with non-physical, high vibrational beings.

He feels honored to be able to connect others to their passed loved ones, Guardian Angels, and receive guidance from ascended masters and other multidimensional beings.

"I did, in fact, have an experience over 40 years ago where I heard an invisible voice; I was standing on a bridge, 131 feet up from the ground, about to jump. And the last tearful thought I had as I climbed up onto the ledge was, “If there is anyone that can help me, do it now”, and at that moment poised on the edge I heard a strong and very calm voice, say; “Do not jump, get down off the bridge, then go to the payphone on the corner and call this number xxx number and ask for…Terry O’Brien.

- Now I can imagine that you might be thinking how unusual that was, but at that time I was in such an emotionally messed up place, that after looking briefly around to try to find who spoke to me and I did not see anyone, I just decided to go to the payphone, call the number the voice gave me and ask for that man, who graciously invited me into his home to live with his family and he became my first real mentor.

I now know that it was my guardian angel John who spoke to me on that bridge 40 years ago. I know now with absolute certainty we are never alone!"

There is always someone with us, waiting for us to ask question and open up our ears and eyes to receive the much-needed guidance and support that this world cannot always provide. There are realms of knowledge, energy, and consciousness that are available to everyone who has the willingness to explore beyond what they know. I am honored to be able to share my knowledge and experience with anyone embarking on the sacred journey to explore, create and manifest a life created from love. If you are questioning the validity of the Unseen World I encourage you to explore further, for what your eyes see and your ears hear are but a tiny part of the great and wonderful mystery of your being.