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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould - The Gathering

Thursday, February 6th!

8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)

Hosts: Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould

Tonight our panel will be addressing questions from our listeners that pertain to all matters related to life after death, consciousness, spirituality, etc.

Call us LIVE to ask your question on the air, or email them in advance to

We can learn from each other!

Bringing You Evidence of An Afterlife Since 2004

Forever Family Foundation is a global 100%volunteer non-profit, non-sectarian organization that supports the premise that life does not end with physical death, furthers the understanding of Afterlife Science and survival of consciousness, and offers support to the bereaved.

Among the active members of the organization and the executive board are scientists, researchers, medical doctors, philosophers and educators who have devoted substantial parts of their careers to the investigation of the survival hypothesis - an existence beyond this physical world.
Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer

With Guest, Master Chief Paul Abney, USS Cole, guided missile ship

Paul Abney and his wife Jan will be with us to share from his heart the events that happened that terrible day on the USS Cole!
Al Qaeda suicide bombers killed 17 sailors and injured nearly 40 others. It was a terrible day that has become a source of determination and camaraderie for our great United States Navy.
Catherine Herridge well known Fox and CBS journalist and senior investigative reporter has done an interview and article with Paul and one other officer that is outstanding.
It will be discussed on our show with former Texas Congressional Candidate Charles Lingerfelt, Paul Abney and our wonderful Raising Expectations Team on March 17th!
Charles is the editor of The Christian Times Magazine (world wide distribution) which will feature Master Chief Paul Abney on the cover of its March Edition with the story inside!
Paul is a devout committed Christian who grieved horribly for his fellow crew members- but whose strength of faith and character was and is a source of peace for his men and women in uniform to this day!

The Team!

Pastor Joe Schofield
Dr. Paul Paul Hall
Stef Stefanie Shaw Thayer
Dr. Craig Craig Tank Thayer
Pastor Ron Ron Greer