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Guest Name
Radoslaw Ratajszczak
Radoslaw Ratajszczak
Guest Occupation
Director of Poland’s famous Wroclaw Zoo
Guest Biography

Polish biologist. Since 2007, the head of the Wrocław Zoo, which reformed the garden, making it one of the most beautiful and attractive zoos in Europe.  The author of the project thanks to which the Wrocław Zoo contributed to the discovery of the famous silver-backed chevrotain (Tragulus versicolor) - a species considered extinct. He is the author of 5 books about rare and endangered animals and over 50 scientific and popular science articles published in national journals and specialist foreign journals.

ZOO Wroclaw is the oldest and the most famous zoological garden in Poland. It was established as a joint stock  company and the grand opening took place on July 10, 1865.Less than 20 years later, the Wrocław zoo was included among the leading  facilities in the world. Today, Zoo Wrocław belongs to the European leaders in terms of breeding and attendance - it is visited by almost 2 million guests yearly, more than 12,000 animals live here, representing over 1,100 species.