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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Teacher, Human Rights Activist
Guest Biography:

Chie Miyagi is a high school teacher in Okinawa and a member of the Board of Directors of the Okinawa Historical Film Society.  She is a representative of Treasures of Ryukyu, a singer-songwriter and author of a picture book 'A Letter from Okinawa' and the Okinawan song of Tida nu fa (Children of the Sun).  Her research inclues peace education, Ryukyu independence, and the Student Corps of Okinawa during the Battle of Okinawa.

Twist in Okinawa mass suicides tale

Teacher based book about civilians ordered to kill themselves on own family tragedy

by Mie Sakamoto

Chie Miyagi, an English teacher in Okinawa, has published an English-language picture book to teach her students about the mass suicides involving local civilians during the 1945 Battle of Okinawa.

“A Letter from Okinawa” depicts a girl whose parents kill themselves under orders from the Japanese military on Tokashiki, one of the Kerama Islands. The girl lives separately from them on Okinawa’s main island, where she has been drafted into the nurse corps.

The girl, Sachiko, sends a letter to her parents after surviving the war but never receives a reply. She later finds out that her parents died in March 1945 in a mass suicide.

At the end of the story, it is revealed that Sachiko is Miyagi’s mother and that the story is based on her mother’s life.

Earlier this month, in her class at Haebaru High School on Haebaru, Okinawa, Miyagi, 49, read the book to her 35 students and had them draw pictures of war and write a letter to their parents in English, imagining they were Sachiko.

The English teacher also told them to learn as much about the war as they could from the experiences of their grandparents.

“It is hard to imagine the mass suicides, as there is no way I can see them in pictures or other means. It is important to convey what happened in the past,” said Daiki Shiroma, 17, one of the students.

Okinawa was the only inhabited part of Japan where ground fighting took place during World War II, claiming the lives of a quarter of its civilian population. More than 200,000 Japanese and Americans died during the battle.

Many survivors say that as Japan neared the brink of defeat, Japanese soldiers ordered civilians to kill themselves and their loved ones, though some deny the claim.

Although there are no specific figures, about 600 people are said to have died in mass suicides.

The issue drew public attention again last year after the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry’s school textbook authorization council instructed history textbook publishers to play down the Japanese military’s role in the civilian mass suicides.

Following a major September protest rally in Okinawa, the council approved requests by history textbook publishers to effectively reinstate references to the Japanese military’s role.

But the council did not retract its opinion that the textbook references to the forced mass suicides could cause misunderstanding.

“The number of deaths (in mass suicides) may not be as big as other war dead” from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or the Holocaust, Miyagi said. “But it is very cruel that families killed themselves to end their lives. I’d like people to know that the war caused such tragedies.”

Miyagi first knew the truth about the death of her grandparents, Jitsui Makiya and Nae, when she saw a monument with their names engraved on it on Tokashiki Island about 20 years ago.

Until then, she did not exactly know how her grandparents had died because her mother, Sachiko, 80, was reluctant to talk about her wartime experiences, as are many survivors.

“My grandfather served as a school principal and later as village mayor on Tokashiki. He must have loved Tokashiki and wanted to live,” Miyagi said. “My mother must have been very shocked because her parents were telling her to come back to the island, saying it was safe there.”

Her mother said she herself was taught by a Japanese soldier how to die using a grenade by making sure she exploded it next to her heart so she would die instantly.

Her mother said she appreciates the fact that her daughter has written the book.

“If Chie had not written about my parents, no one would know how they ended their lives and they would have died in vain,” her mother said. “But if there had been no war at all, they would not have died in such a way.”

Peter Simpson, 43, an associate professor at Okinawa International University who helped Miyagi write the book, said he was “really moved” when he heard the story of her grandparents in May 2005.

“My knowledge of Okinawa was quite limited” before coming to the prefecture in 1998, Simpson said.

He said his image of the mass suicides was that only a small number of people decided to commit suicide as they believed it was better to die than to be captured by the Americans, or that Japanese soldiers would commit suicide rather than civilians.

“It’s not something that many people know about outside Japan. People know more about the Nanjing Massacre and about the ‘comfort women’ (wartime sex slaves) issue, but most people don’t know about these forced suicides,” Simpson said.

“In Okinawa, the memory of the war, especially among young people, is fading. Even the antiwar kind of culture is under threat. . . . So this story is an important one to tell,” he added.

The idea for the picture book came during Miyagi’s 2002-2004 stay in Northern Ireland and Hungary to study English teaching. In the two countries, she showed students a picture-story show about the mass murders and suicides on Okinawa.

“When I told the story about mass suicides and revealed that Sachiko is my mother, the students were shocked,” Miyagi said. “And they simply felt lost (after knowing that family members had killed each other).”

It is beyond her imagination that people were driven to kill their loved ones, Miyagi said, and she still questions why this happened.

On the other hand, she thinks it is a miracle that she came into the world at all and is still alive now.

“It is miraculous that my mother, who lost her parents and many of her friends, met my father, who also survived the war, and had me,” Miyagi said. “I want everyone to realize that life is the product of a miracle.”

“A Letter from Okinawa,” published last November, has an accompanying Japanese translation and is available for ¥700, including tax. For further information, phone Okinawa Jiji Publishing Co. at (098) 854-1622.


Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Surgical Hands on Healer, Preacher
Guest Biography:


Kimberly Meredith is a self-taught Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Surgical Hands-on Healer and Preacher with gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Kimberly’s Shaman lineage dates back to her maternal great-grandmother, Josephina, who initially practiced shamanic healing in Italy. She later settled in Jamestown, New York where her work was highly respected.

As a Trance Channeler with a growing worldwide reputation, Kimberly is a vessel for the healing energy of God, the Holy Spirit, many ascended masters, specifically Mother Mary and angels. With this love and light-filled energy moving through her body, she combines prayers, chanting and the activation of light energy to awaken the spirit within and stimulate healing energies that lead to effective results.

Kimberly’s spirit guide is Edgar Cayce, the father of holistic medicine, a Medical Intuitive and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. Edgar is guiding Kimberly to carry out his work in holistic medicine and push God’s presence to the forefront. Kimberly often resembles a New Age “Mary Baker Eddy” and carries out her faith of Christian Science views. Recently documented blind scientific studies that Kimberly has undergone proves that God is meeting science.

The basis of her work revolves around the simple concept that anger and negative energy causes disease.  The 3rd Dimensional DNA particle of anger can enter into everything we touch, including food and water.

God is energy. It is only through the energy of love and light that the body can heal. We all have the ability to tap into this energy by surrendering into the Holy Spirit 5th Dimensional consciousness. This is when the miracle happens and then we can be healed.

Kimberly Meredith was born in Lynwood, California and at the age of five she displayed some gifts. She was teased at school for having an extreme amount of lines on the palm of her hands, and none of the children wanted to hold her hands. She shyly explained that she had been reincarnated and “God simply forgot to give her new hands.” This story caused an upset with the adults around her at school, and her mother reprimanded her never to speak of this again. Her mother was also confused about how Kimberly knew what that meant.

Throughout her life, Kimberly exhibited many psychic abilities and had many paranormal experiences due to her sensitivity as an open vessel. She was also a firm believer in God as a young girl, which helped her overcome many adversities and abuse in her early years. She grew up in a diverse household with Judaism and Catholicism. She often walked herself to church alone as a child and also grew up going to synagogue every Friday.

Kimberly had an exceptionally close relationship with her paternal grandmother, Bernice. When Kimberly was only two months-old, a family friend mentioned how she was such a pretty baby and gifted her with an unusual Vietnamese name, “Chon.” All of the family and friends called her “Chon.” Her grandmother, Bernice, called Kimberly “Chon” until her death. For many years Kimberly believed “Chon” meant “pretty baby.” Years later, after her divine invention, her Reiki Master told her “Chon” meant “God” in Vietnamese. Grandmother Bernice had been unknowingly calling Kimberly “God” all of those years.

While having displayed some abilities as a young child, Kimberly experienced her first profound near death experience at age nine. In 2012, Kimberly was struck by a car while on foot. As a result of the accident, she experienced two more near death experiences. She was in the hospital for two months.  It was uncertain if she would walk again.

Upon returning home from the hospital in a wheel chair, Kimberly was immobile, in extreme pain and had a brain concussion. She was in a neck brace, unable even to hold her head up. Facing unbearable amounts of pain, in hopes of healing her cervical neck injuries and jaw, she began using a cold laser machine sent to her by her uncle. Every doctor discounted any hope the laser would help her.

However, Kimberly decided to throw all of the pain pills away and give 100% of her faith in God to her healing! The laser finally began to generate new tissue; bones in her neck and jaw. This success prompted her to get her license as a laser therapist.

While Kimberly was at home healing, a friend facing his own rotator cuff tear (shoulder injury) came to visit her. He asked Kimberly to try the laser on him. He commented how her hands felt hot and had a healing effect on him. Her laser ended up healing him fully in only two sessions. He shared his success down at Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach. Afterwards she repaired the Achilles heel of a prominent trainer with only one session with her bare hands, the laser and chanting prayers. The word of her healing ability spread like wildfire. His doctor was shocked with the results. Plans for surgery on his Achilles heel were cancelled.

Kimberly suddenly had 200 people literally lined up at her home!

This laser proved to be more than just a gadget; in Kimberly’s hands it can become a conduit for God’s energy. With her wheelchair in the corner, she stood on her feet to heal people all day long. More healing gifts began unfolding rapidly. She never advertised and worked from her living room. Within six months, she also became a Reiki master and more energetic abilities emerged. People came from all over to see her, including many holistic practitioners and people in spiritual groups.

About a year later, another shift took place and Kimberly began to channel while removing energies out of people’s bodies. Her ability to channel became stronger. She began having rapid eye movements and scanning abilities, her blinking eye lids informing her of the presence and absence of physical conditions. Her eye lids let her know when a disturbance has been detected within a person’s body.

While her hands are on the person’s body, she receives information intuitively and through blinking of her eyes, information similar to what an MRI or X-ray would reveal. In this way, she is also able to detect trapped emotions and negative energies encapsulated in the body. She is a true medical intuitive.

Since then, Kimberly’s gifts have rapidly emerged and continue to lead to many miraculous healings.

With gifts of the Holy Spirit, Kimberly’s hands guide her blinking eyes while she acts as a human MRI/X-ray and scans the entire body to find negative energy and disease. During the scan, she has the ability to find trapped emotional pain encapsulated in the body and can detect any traumas the body has suffered from birth up until the present. When everything is well in the body, the left eye blinks. When the right eye blinks, there is a problem within the body. Both of Kimberly’s eyes will blink simultaneously when all is in spiritual and physical balance within the body.

At healing events, Kimberly is guided to those who are chosen to receive healings.  These individuals are selected by the etheric angel language and angelic hand gestures. If Kimberly’s teeth chatter, it could mean extreme pain is felt within the body or she will tap on her palms how many years since the person had a devastating injury. From these signals, she will know that is the person God, the angels and her guides have selected.

Through the sign language ability of her hands in motion and her blinking eyes, along with the permission of the client and acceptance of the Holy Spirit, she receives messages from God and the angels to assist you in completely resolving lifelong trauma.

Through surgical hands-on healing and/or laying on hands, she has removed tumors, restored hearing, cured cancer, corrected immobility and completely rid the body of dozens of different types of diseases during healing events and personal sessions. Kimberly has healed and helped thousands of people through the Holy Spirit.

Kimberly is a spiritual activist and believes in order to receive the energy of God’s love, you truly need the commitment of having both feet in with God. The image of one foot in and one foot out leaves room for a person to be an open vessel for negative energy to enter. Permanent healing involves committing to the loving energy of Christ light and God with BOTH FEET IN.

Kimberly is a true faith healer with a miraculous gift that honors all people of all faiths.

God is not religion. God is love. We honor all people and faiths.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Kids & Family, Mental Health, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Founder of Get Ready Coaching™
Guest Biography:

High School Counselor

Coach of The Teen Team

Founder of Get Ready Coaching

Donovan's refusal to settle for less than his true calling moved him from a plan to be a pilot, through the family business, past stock trading to school counseling. The next step in the evolution of his passionate plan is to leverage all that he has learned in 16 years as a school counselor to make the most powerfully profound difference possible as a life coach. He helps create trusted teen teams that groove new healthy routines so teens are fueled for takeoff toward Destination Dream.

Guest Category: Kids & Family
Guest Occupation: Investigative Reporter for The Denver Post
Guest Biography:

Mr. David Migoya is a reporter for The Denver Post newspaper, and a founding member of the Post’s Investigations Team.  He has been at The Denver Post since 1999.  He has investigated and reported on many issues during his career, including banking, finance, human services, consumer affairs, and business investigations, as well as matters involving the Department of Veterans Affairs and other issues of interest to military veterans and their families. He has also worked at newspapers in New York, St. Louis and Detroit over a 35-year career that began at The Post.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, History, Medicine, Military, News, Politics & Government
Guest Biography:

Dr. John A. King is a best-selling author, poet, activist, and trainer that hails from Sydney, Australia.  He is a dynamic, passionate, and heartfelt speaker on dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, abuse recovery, ending human trafficking, and perseverance.  His story of being abused and trafficked from the ages of 4-16 isn't one of hopelessness, but of redemption and purpose.  John’s story is featured in the multi-award-winning documentary, Stopping Traffic.

From Dr. John King:

  • I grew up in Australia; I live in the USA.
  • I drive a 1968 Mustang, original paint.
  • I have C-PTSD and write about how to get over your crap.
  • I also write poetry and posts about Human Trafficking.
  • Here are the books I have written, including the poetry one.
  • I started Give Them A Voice Foundation to help kids like I was.
  • My story is featured in Stopping Traffic movie.
  • I run seminars on Trafficking and PTSD.
  • I am a PTSD recovery coach and regularly piss people off.
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, News, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Derrick Jensen Eco-Philosopher Poet, Environmental Activist, Co-Founder of Deep Green Resistance
Guest Biography:

Det David Love and Dr Lana Love speak with Eco poet Philosopher Derrick Jensen co-founder of Deep Green Resistance about moral values and belief systems.

"Derrick Jensen (born December 19, 1960) is an American author and radical environmentalist (and prominent critic of mainstream environmentalism) living in Crescent City, California. According to Democracy Now!, Jensen "has been called the poet-philosopher of the ecological movement."

"Jensen has published several books, including The Culture of Make Believe and Endgame, that question and critique civilization as an entire social system, exploring its inherent values, hidden premises, and modern links to supremacism, oppression, and genocide, as well as corporate, domestic, and worldwide ecological abuse. He has also taught creative writing at Pelican Bay State Prison and Eastern Washington University."

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, Pets and Animals, Politics & Government, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:

Roslyn Franken is a passionate inspirational speaker, author and proud cancer survivor who knows about the power of positivity and emotional resilience in the face of adversity. Her mother survived the concentration camps of Nazi Europe and her father survived the Nagasaki atomic bomb as a prisoner of war in Japan. At age 56, her mother was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and with an amazing “Keep Going” attitude lived for 21 years when she was only given two years tops to live. Her father suffered a massive heart attack at age 67 and with his “Never give up” attitude lived till age 94 when he was told he would be lucky if he made it to 82. When diagnosed with cancer at only 29, Roslyn turned to her parents’ positive “Keep going” and  “Never Give Up” attitude as inspiration in her fight to beat cancer and become a long-time survivor.

At 39, ten years after surviving cancer, and at her heaviest weight, Roslyn had enough. She decided that as a cancer survivor she could not allow herself to continue gaining weight and potentially putting herself at risk of cancer and other often diet, lifestyle and weight-related diseases. How she lost the weight and changed her life is outlined in her easy-to-read and easy-to-follow self-help book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living. 

In giving presentations about THE A LIST  book, Roslyn mentioned her parents’ life as well as her cancer journey that both inspired her path to weight loss and improved self-care. People were so inspired by these brief mentions that they wanted to hear more.

And so, Roslyn set to task once again and wrote her second book entitled MEANT TO BE: A TRUE STORY OF MIGHT, MIRACLES AND TRIUMPH OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT.  In this book, Roslyn reveals the true story of her parents amazing survival, resilience and triumph as unlikely Holocaust and Atomic bomb survivors who find true love against all odds and overcome life-threatening health issues later in life. She also includes the profound lessons she learned from her parents about survival, resilience and positive mental attitude while fighting to survive cancer at the young age of 29.

A documentary was made about her parents’ story and Roslyn’s book, Meant to Be, is currently being adapted for production as a feature film.

As a professional inspirational speaker, Roslyn  delivers a heartfelt presentation to share highlights from her book, Meant to Be. She speaks for conferences, student events, community events, faith-based / religious events, senior groups, fundraiser / charity events, banquets / galas and other group events.

Roslyn is also co-author of Death Can Wait: Stories from Cancer Survivors, a fundraising book for cancer research and cancer patient programs.

She has been a guest on numerous television and radio shows and featured in newspapers and magazines across North America and abroad.

She has a Masters degree in Human Systems Intervention (the study of how people self-learn and change as individuals and in groups) from Concordia University in Montreal, Certification in

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: COA, Speaker, Author, Advocate
Guest Biography:


Speaker | Author | Advocate

How many times have you lost yourself in some chronic family crisis, giving and giving until there is no more left to give-and yet you give more. Out of love, out of duty, out of knowing that everyone looks to  ou?

Whether that awful situation is a result of a horribly dysfunctional family, chronic drug or alcohol addiction, sexual or verbal abuse, raising a disabled or autistic child, the pain of a disintegrating marriage and divorce, the responsibility that comes with parental healthcare decline, a jailed or arrested partner or some other trauma?

As women, we have often learned from childhood that we are the ones that must be the peacemakers, the problem-solvers, the fixers-the ones to make concessions. And we sometimes do this with dire consequences, losing our selves, sometimes our partners and our children -- and even our souls.

Jodee Prouse knows this from experience. Her painfully honest bookThe Sun Is Gone about trying to halt the alcoholic decline of her beloved brother, amidst a lifetime of family crisis and dysfunction, is both a cautionary tale and beacon of hope for women to find the strength to make painful, but personally healthy choices.

Her story begins as a child where she becomes her sweet little brother's protector as her alcohol-fueled father rages in the night. The grand-daughter, step-daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, great-niece, aunt, cousin and ultimately sister to alcoholics, she becomes the one pillar of strength in her immediate household as her neglectful and emotionally-withholding mother moves on to a new partner and divorce again. Eventually starting her own family with a loving husband and two children, and beginning a business, Jodee remains her brother, Brett's best friend and safe harbor.

But as his drinking becomes apparent, grows worse and more self-destructive, Jodee is drawn into a maelstrom of pain, co-dependence, and battle of wills with her other family members. Her deep love for her brother propels her forward to make choices and sacrifices that are disempowering for herself, Brett and others.

Yet, finally, despite excruciating emotional pain, she comes to realize that she must put herself and her husband and children first-and set boundaries-that she cannot fix someone else's life. For anyone dealing with an addictive family member, this experience will especially resonate.

But today, Jodee Prouse asserts that the need for women to take back the control over their own lives - and disengage from the maelstrom within a family crisis -- to no longer be an enabler -- is universal.

Now a full time speaker and advocate living in Alberta CAN and Oroville, WA, after successfully building and selling her highly regarded beauty company, Jodee is also urging families to stop hiding in shame from "family secrets" - to deal with hidden emotions by sharing, speaking out and getting help, to lance wounds that lead to pain, addiction, rage, regrets and family crisis.

Says Jodee: "I know what it is like to feel powerless to something that takes control over your life. It is not easy to break patterns of all we have ever known, even when our choices hurt us or hurt the ones we love. I know that sometimes these behaviors are etched deep inside...But when we lose ourselves in someone else's addiction or issue, we are no good to anyone; not ourselves and certainly not the one's we love. In the end, we are not culpable for someone else's path. Just our own."

And that's the deepest form of love and understanding. Jodee inspires people to: LEARN. ACCEPT. FORGIVE. HEAL.  

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Psychic Healer Author Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

Since birth, Rose has been clairaudient, clairsentient and clairvoyant, as she comes from a family lineage of psychics and healers.  Blessed to be born with gifts passed down from both her Grandfathers, Maternal (Psychic) & Paternal (Healer)  Rose works with her Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels, as well as the Ascended Masters.   Rose’s Christ Consciousness name is “Ja Ra” meaning “She who manifests the light”.

Rose is also a Reiki Master Teacher & Shihan of 4 methods of Reiki, the Host of two weekly radio shows, a published author of 2 books, the Director of Branding Regulations for Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International, LLC and a Love Ambassador for The Love Foundation.

Call Phone Number: 516-418-2629

Full name: Rose Jimenez       

Email address:

Facebook link:

Name of published book(s) & links:

Musings of Love and Life by Rose Jiménez (Author)énez-ebook/dp/B00BAAWV2E

The Beloved's Garden by Rose Jiménez  (Author)

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Medium & Channeling, Tarot & Other Cards, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Netflix host and paranormal investigator
Guest Biography:

Join Christopher Maggard host of Netflix paranormal TV's show: The Search...Existence Unknown as he speaks of his show, their journey, and more on BBS Radio - Paranormal Truth And Reality

Guest Category: Entertainment, Paranormal, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Sasquatch Tracker
Guest Biography:

I was born in Winnipeg Manitoba,moved to Vancouver Island in 1973 and am still on the island,love it here. Had my first encounter at a county fair at the age of 9,and that's what started my interest in Sasquatch to this day.

Tracker of Vancouver island Sasquatch

Guest Category: Paranormal, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Bestselling author, International speaker
Guest Biography:

Teresa is a 4x bestselling author and an international speaker sought by entrepreneurs and large corporations wanting to better understand how local word-of-mouth can suddenly turn epidemic. Specializing in the topics of influence and success, Teresa has a proven track record in understanding word-of-mouth epidemics, having taken three books to bestseller status in only eight months. Her recently released book, Mass Influence, hit #1 international bestseller status in North America and Europe on the same day it launched. Teresa teaches business and marketing courses around the globe, including teaching courses to start-up entrepreneurs in developing countries. As the Chair of the Evolutionary Business Council, Teresa leads an international, invitation-only council of speakers and influencers dedicated to teaching the principles of success.  For more information, or to sign up for her free e-newsletter, please visit her website.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Philosophy, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Medical Doctor and TV Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

Dr. Partha Nandi is is a practicing gastroenterologist in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. He’s host of the popular TV talk show, ‘Ask Dr. Nandi’ an Emmy Award-winning physician talk show that digs deep into medical topics.’Ask Dr. Nandi’ airs to over 90 million homes in the US and over 79 countries. Dr. Nandi is Chief Health Editor for ABC News affiliate, WXYZ in Detroit  

Get Dr. Nandi’s new book, Ask Dr. Nandi: 5 Steps to Becoming Your Own #HealthHero for Longevity, Well-Being, and a Joyful Life and put yourself in charge of your health with his simple doctor-tested five-step plan, that modern science has now made possible, to conquer weight gain, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, diabetes, heart disease and other conditions that rob you of longevity and a joyful life.

Guest Category: Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Society and Culture, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Fitness Expert and Co-Founder of WBTVN
Guest Biography:

Shea Vaughn is the Co-Founder/CEO of WBTVN (Women’s Broadcast Television Network) which is the first OTT digital online TV network with original content created by women for women, reaching a growing audience of over 30 million. WBTVN has democratized TV for women worldwide by providing hosts with easy access to millions of like-minded female viewers while sending a message of community which brings women together in the spirit of mutual support and growth.  

A leading wellness and fitness expert, Shea has trained and consulted with corporate leaders, celebrities and innovative entrepreneurs around the country, affectionately earning her the title of America’s Queen of Wellness. Having created wellness and fitness principles to drive significant improvements and well-being in personal performance and then transitioning this philosophy to inspire business wellness and success, she is considered a pioneer in this field. Her work has won endorsement from the City of Chicago and the Chicago Department of Public Health. 

Shea is the creator of SheaNetics® the only values-based, doctor-endorsed lifestyle practice which enhances the quality of one’s physical, nutritional, mental and emotional intelligence through the winning power of its transformational “Shea-Fit” programs and SheaNetics by grounding 5 Principles of Wellness – Commitment, Perseverance, Self-Control, Integrity and Love.  She is also the founder of the Healthy Initiative Foundation and its healthy lifestyle ambassador program, the 90-Day Makeover.

As a master trainer and presenter, Shea wrote the next chapter in fitness by creating her breakthrough multi-discipline SheaNetics workouts.  They are a one-of-a-kind mash-up of performance proven movements from yoga, pilates, mixed martial arts, dance, GYROKENISIS® and more, and are especially noted for their constant variety, incredible flow and effectiveness with SheaNetics Tri-Core-Power Training for a “killer core”.  SheaNetics workouts deliver a challenging and dynamic unparalleled innovation in body performance exercise which is multi-age-suitable and appropriate for any fitness level.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Sexual Empowerment Expert
Guest Biography:

Veronica Monet, ACS: founder of the Exquisite Partnership Formula ™

Veronica Monet, ACS is an internationally acclaimed sexual empowerment change agent. CNN, FOX, Politically Incorrect, Yale, Stanford and UC Berkeley are just a few of the numerous news and educational institutions that have hosted Veronica for her forward thinking insights and expertise.

Veronica coaches courageous individuals and couples in mastering their erotic experience regardless of circumstance, history or health. As a Relationship Coach, Sexologist and Anger Specialist, she combines her extensive education with deep empathy derived from personal experience. Personally overcoming incest, rape, violence and abuse she has not just survived but thrives. Mastering her experience, she is committed to helping others to own their personal empowerment in the most loving and honorable lifestyle tailored for each sacred being she encounters.

Veronica invites you to join her in her sacred space: The Shame Free Zone. Here you will discover her book Sex Secrets of Escorts, as well as her game-changing Exquisite Partnership Formula ™, a program designed to turn conflict into connection and sex that gets better with each passing year.

Veronica Monet coaches over the telephone, via online video and in-person at her northern California office. She is well versed in transgender, kinky, poly, LGBTQ.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Sex
Guest Occupation: Spiritual, Creativity & Life Coach
Guest Biography:

After a near-fatal car accident in 1992 that broke both of my legs and my pelvis, I began a creative odyssey inward to discover the true nature of life. Through yoga, meditation, bodywork and an ongoing engagement with creative pursuits, I discovered a way to move through the ups and downs of daily life with more grace, curiosity, more presence and greater contentment.

I have a B.A. in Theatre Arts, am a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, a musician and songwriter, a visual artist and a writer. I see creativity as a spiritual path and have created a signature meditation program to help you shift your mindset to one informed by your own inner compass. Through mindfulness practices that include meditation, visualization and self-inquiry, you can change your relationship with your own thoughts to address self-sabotage, unproductive beliefs and habits to feel the way you want to feel.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Guest Biography:

Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques. He was trained and certified at the respected Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, CA, where he served on staff. Combining this background with training in energy psychology and various schools of thought in the area of personal growth and achievement, he coaches groups and individuals in achieving greater success, health and happiness in their lives.

Brad has had the privilege and pleasure of working with a diverse group of clients, from CEO’s to professional and NCAA athletes, from chiropractors and psychiatrists to corporate and federal attorneys, from award-winning actors to residents at a program for homeless men and women in Santa Monica. For several years he taught a weekly class using EFT and guided imagery at Sacramento Drug Court.

He has also been a presenter at a number of events, including several International Energy Psychology Conferences and the Walk On Water (WOW) Fest in Los Angeles. He has presented at Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success event, and has done tele-seminars with “The Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale. Brad has also been a featured expert in all four Tapping World Summits.

Brad is the author of the best-selling children’s book “The Wizard’s Wish,” the co-author of the best-seller “Freedom at Your Fingertips,” a featured expert in the film “The Tapping Solution” (along with Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Bruce Lipton), and has been heard internationally on a number of internet radio talk shows.

For those who have suffered through dry seminars, you should know that Brad’s eclectic background includes several years as an internationally performing actor, and (yes… it is true) he is a graduate of Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Clown College, where he was selected to be the emcee and a featured performer in the final show under the “Big Top.” :•)

Brad is a caring professional with a sincere interest in seeing people produce extraordinary results. He lives in the Sacramento area with his wonderful wife and their two magnificent kids.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: President and General Counsel
Guest Biography:

David M. Gallup is the President and General Counsel since 1992 of the World Service Authority (WSA).  He became the president of the WSA, in the year 1999. David Gallup received a Juris Doctor Degree or professional doctorate in Law in 1991 from the Washington College of Law, American University in Washington, DC and an A.B. in French and an A.B. in History from Washington University in St. Louis, MO, in 1988. For fifteen years, David Gallup was the Secretary of the United Nations Association Task Forces on UN Restructuring and on Cultures of Peace. David Gallup professional memberships include the Maryland, American, World Jurist, and World-Space Bar Associations. David Gallup wrote several chapters in a United Nations Association Report entitled, "Restructuring the UN to meet 21st Century Global Needs.". David Gallup is the legal columnist for World Citizen News. David Gallup has spoken recently on the topics of "World Citizenship and World Law" as a guest lecturer at American University on September 25, 2015. David Gallup spoke at "World Citizenship, World Law and Human Rights" at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in the Netherlands. David Gallup has been interviewed on numerous shows such as on PRI's "The World," Huffington Post Live, BBC's "Postmark Africa," Works That Work (No. 6), and twice on WABC, covering topics such as human rights, creating a global justice system, terrorism, world citizenship, trans-border and migration issues.

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Guest Category: Business, Education, History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Founder & CEO of Broken to Blissful™
Guest Biography:

Susan is an author and sought-after international speaker, sharing her message of building joy on the journey from victim to survivor to thriver. She brings her experience, insights, and proven strategies to her work much to her clients’ delight.

In a nutshell, Susan helps women heal. Whether a woman is in need of support following a divorce or toxic relationship or recovering from an abusive relationship, Susan welcomes everyone and works with them using the tools and concepts from her ground-breaking book: Courage and Grace, From Broken to Blissful, The Journey of Building Joy During Your Recovery From Abuse

Guest Category: Relationship Counseling
Guest Occupation: Author, International speaker, former journalist, musician and investigator
Guest Biography:

Ole Dammegård, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, and adopted by the Apache Nation, is an author, International speaker, former journalist, musician, artist and investigator, who has dedicated the last 35 years to researching many of the global conspiracies. Millions of viewers and listeners around the world have taken part of his interviews and presentations. His main focus has been to find out the truth about the assassinations of JFK, the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Lady Di, plus the terror attacks of 911, Norway, Oklahoma City and many, many more. 

He has done some 500-1000 International interviews (with a total of several millions of views) and is now considered a leading expert on false flag operations and is believed to have managed to expose and stop several planned massacres. Ole has appeared as an International speaker in the USA, UK, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Poland, Gibraltar, Spain and Sweden. He was chosen to represent the people of Europe when giving a JFK-memorial speech in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 2016, as well as being one of the speakers at the World Peace Day in Gibraltar.

Guest Category: Education, Military, World News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science, Society and Culture, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy