Dr. Aurora Juliana Ariel
Whether its pioneering work in the psyche, bringing out her landmark discoveries in global conferences, writing books, leading TheQuest Trainings, or expressing her musical talents, Aurora Juliana Ariel possesses the proverbial Midas touch. Her brand of alchemy is the sacred sort, yielding a gold one can only discover within. Pioneering doctor and scientist, author and musician, entrepreneur and producer, mystic and healer, Aurora is a Renaissance woman for the New Millennium.
Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD, #1 Best selling Author, Creator of TheQuest and Award Winning Author of the Earth 2012 series, is a pioneering doctor whose research and work have given her a profound understanding of the psyche and the tools to heal an ailing humanity. She holds over 35 certificates and degrees in advanced healing methods as well as a BA, MA, and PhD in psychology. She is also a Kahuna in the Hawaiian Tradition, the successor of Hawaiian Kahuna, Shaolin Grand Master Pang.
Working with countless clients over many years with miraculous results, Dr. Ariel’s landmark discoveries led to the development of a breakthrough Counseling Theory and Practice, and the founding of the Institute of Advanced Healing to bring out TheQuest worldwide. She is passing on her vast body of knowledge in her books as well as TheQuest 7 level Certificate Training Courses via TheQuest University, which was founded in 2010. Level 5 is the one year Life Coach and Counselor Certification Course.
Graduates of TheQuest Spiritual Leadership Training (Level 6) can elect to set up chapters in their respective areas. Designed to serve communities around the world, these centers include TheQuest Counseling, Life Coaching, support groups, classes, and trainings.
January 2010, Dr. Ariel launched the TheQuest Global Outreach Program under the Institute of Advanced Healing, and the creation of rehabilitation models for prisons, battered women, youth at risk, veterans with PTSD, and addicts. Sponsors can gift TheQuest books to prisons, rehab centers, safe houses, abuse, addiction, grieving, and Youth at Risk programs, hospitals, hospice, libraries, and schools through their tax deductible donations. Certificate Training Courses for Counselors from these programs (Level 4) are available through TheQuest University.
Understanding that individuals worldwide are suffering from subconscious patterns they have no control over, and concerned how this is adversely affecting the planet, Dr. Ariel developed a complete Self Healing System for the layperson, which is laid out in her groundbreaking book, TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny. Determined to get TheQuest to millions of people across the planet, Dr. Ariel began gifting the book to the world for FREE forever Christmas 2009.
Inspired to translate her knowledge into healing and life transforming media productions, Dr. Ariel launched her multimedia company, AEOS, to release her five collections of music, books, and films. In 2008, the company launched the Earth 2012 series and her first solo music CD, Renaissance of Grace, her 2nd album to date. Her first book, Earth 2012: The Ultimate Quest, How To Find Peace in a World of Chaos, which highlights TheQuest as a remedy for a world in travail, won a 2009 Visionary Award.
Her 2009 releases include TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny, and Earth 2012: Time of the Awakening Soul books, as well as her Nuevo Flamenco World Music CD with Bruce BecVar, Gypsy Soul: Heart of Passion. In 2010, she released her 3rd book in the Earth 2012 series, Earth 2012: The Violet Age, A Return to Eden. On 11.11.11., Dr. Ariel released her 5th book, Letters From the Inner Self: The Indwelling Spirit, and on 12.21.11, her 6the book (4th in the Earth 2012 series), Earth 2012: Oracles of the Sea, the Human Dolphin Connection A host of exciting music, books, and films are soon to follow. http://aeos.ws/
Committed to positive world change, she founded the Earth Vision Foundation and the Earth Vision Alliance to bring forth her vast humanitarian endeavor, the Earth Vision Center project, which is a living library of the advances of our time set within a pristine natural environment. Dr. Ariel is currently seeking key alliances and an island or large property in the South Pacific for the first Earth Vision Center, Lemuria Rising. The Center will also be the international headquarters for the Institute of Advanced Healing, TheQuest University, and AEOS multimedia production studios. More About the Earth Vision Center Project
Dr. Ariel is available for speaking engagements, to present her landmark work at global conferences and events, train counselors in TheQuest, give coaching, counseling, and trainings for individuals, companies, and organizations committed to positive world change, and to hold TheQuest certificate training courses in countries throughout the world.