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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: ufo activists
Guest Biography:

Here is how Shurlene Wallace describes her becoming a believer in UFOs and what interacting with terrestrials might mean for us personally and as a society.

Unlike my sister, I held a passing interest on the subject. Certainly, like most people, I wondered about life on other planets and about other experiences but never thought that it would ever be something I would personally experience. I was busy raising a family and really didn’t concern myself with such thoughts too often.

Occasionally, my sister would share something she had read, but that was the extent of my involvement - until it happened to me. Since my first experience interacting with extraterrestrials, my life has taken on a new facet and I am thrilled to be in a position to share our story. My sister, based on her self-taught expertise on the subject has helped me so much over the years to come to grips with the experiences and to integrate them into my life in a meaningful way.

We both realize we have our perfect roles to play in the continuing, unfolding events of what may well be mankind’s greatest story yet to tell.

Possibly, there are extraterrestrials with whom we humans can interact. But why should we care about that? What impact can these interactions have on our life?  Why shouldn’t we simply say, “They are where they are and we are here?” 

How did the exploration of extraterrestrials become a part of your life?

How has it changed your life? What are you doing at this point that you might not be doing otherwise? Have some people been openly skeptical of what you say about extraterrestrials?

Many people are frightened of aging? How has your interconnection with extraterrestrials changed the manner in which you view the aging process?

What impact might your involvement with extraterrestrials have upon you life in the future?

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: editor, transition coach
Guest Biography:

Here is what Sue Ellen has to say about her experiences as the editor of Law of Attraction Magazine.

In some circles, being a magazine editor and a transformation coach would be a really weird combination. In the past, it even would have seemed weird in my life, considering that I’ve been the editor of all kinds of different magazines over the last 20-some years, from chef-recipe food magazines to automotive enthusiast magazines. 

But then, while still creating food magazines, I was able to combine my years of experience as a magazine editor — and my expertise in launching new publications — with my 20-plus years of study, practice and teaching of personal-growth and transformation material

In 2011, I was able to create my dream publication, a personal-growth title called Law of Attraction Magazine. (Source Interlink Media, the same company that publishes Motor Trend, Automobile, Surfing and Snowboarder magazines, publishes Law of Attraction Magazine.) I fill each issue of this magazine with tools, techniques and insights from experts around the world — as well as Real-Life Success Stories — to uplift, inspire and empower people. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Peace Activist
Guest Biography:

In 1999, Kokesh enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. In 2004, he was deployed to Iraq and served in Fallujah. He was a liaison between the U.S. military and Iraqi civilians as a member of the 3rd Civil Affairs Group. He also worked a security checkpoint while in Iraq. Kokesh received the Combat Action Ribbon and the Navy Commendation Medal for his combat in Fallujah.

After his discharge, Kokesh was a member of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) and on March 19, 2007, he participated in an anti-war protest and was named in a photo caption of that event in the Washington Post. As a result, on March 29, a Marine Major sent him an e-mail to tell him he was being investigated for misconduct by appearing at a political event while wearing his uniform. Kokesh responded, using an expletive in his reply, thereby incurring an additional misconduct charge under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

In May 2007, a hearing was convened to consider changing Kokesh's military discharge from "honorable" to "other than honorable".  The panel recommended Kokesh be given a "general discharge under honorable conditions,"which is a discharge status below "honorable," and above "other than honorable".  Kokesh's appeal of the decision was denied.

The national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Gary Kurpius supported Kokesh and two others arrested with him at the protest, saying "All they're doing is exercising the same democratic voice we're trying to instill over in Iraq right now." The VFW issued a "blistering statement" with the headline: "VFW to Corps: Don't Stifle Freedom of Speech."

In February 2007, he became an active participant in the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). On March 19, 2007, to mark the 4th anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Kokesh and 12 other IVAW members participated in an occupation-like mock patrol of Washington, D.C. Kokesh first came to national attention after he was interviewed on CNN and his photograph appeared in various newspapers, including the front page of the Los Angeles Times at a protest during Alberto Gonzales's testimony to Congress regarding the dismissal of U.S. attorneys. Kokesh, wearing his marine corps Boonie hat, held up a sign counting the number of times Gonzalez said "I don't remember" or "I don't recall" (Kokesh claimed Gonzalez used such phrases 74 times).

Adam has been a valiant anti-war activist, advocate for veteran rights and those afflicted with PTSD, and even ran for Congress in the primary for New Mexico's 3rd congressional district seat.

Adam joins us to speak about his activism and his latest protest in May of this year when he announced an "Open Carry March on Washington" where thousands of marchers bearing arms would cross from Virginia into Washington, D.C. on Independence Day to protest strict gun laws. He described the event as a nonviolent demonstration to be coordinated with DC law enforcement and that marchers should respond "with Satyagraha" and peacefully turn back if met with force, and should be prepared to "submit to arrest without resisting."

On May 18, Kokesh, along with other protesters, was arrested in Philadelphia by U.S. Park Police at the fifth iteration of a marijuana legalization rally known as Smoke Down Prohibition. Kokesh and Philadelphia marijuana advocate N.A. Poe who appeared before a judge who on Monday May 20 and were charged with assaulting a federal officer and resisting arrest. The day before his May 24 release, Kokesh penned a press release calling for a "Final American Revolution" to take place on July 4 in place of the previously planned armed march on Washington D.C. This was to be "A new American revolution" where "the American Revolutionary Army will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property."

On July 4, Kokesh posted a YouTube video of himself loading a shotgun in Freedom Plaza in the District of Columbia in open defiance of DC law. In the 23-second video shot early that morning and titled "Open Carry March on DC a Success," as the Capitol looms in the distance, Kokesh loads the shotgun while addressing the camera:

"We will not be silent; we will not obey; we will not allow our government to destroy our humanity. We are the final American Revolution. See you next Independence Day."

On July 8, he returned to the scene with a local news crew. Though police indicated they believed he may have used a green screen, Kokesh insisted data from government surveillance cameras in Freedom Plaza would show he was there. "I was here, and I loaded a shotgun on Independence Day, but I didn't kill anybody. I didn't drone any children. I didn't steal any children's future. I didn't sell this country into debt. I didn't do any of the crimes that the man two blocks over at the White House is responsible for," he told the reporter. "I was ready to stand by my word, and I was ready to commit the civil disobedience that I had committed to," he said. "Now that we have a year, now that we're doing something that's much more open-sourced, we're going to be marching again next Independence Day."

On the evening of July 9, a U.S. Park Police SWAT team raided Kokesh's house in a quiet cul-de-sac of Herndon, Virginia, executing a search warrant for the shotgun and raw footage from the July 4 video. With helicopters providing air support, officers knocked then kicked in the door and lobbed a flash grenade in the foyer, filling the house with smoke. Masked police clad in body armor stormed in and handcuffed Kokesh and his housemates, who alleged mistreatment during the raid and the ensuing five-hour search, which allegedly turned up the gun and some forbidden mushrooms. Kokesh was taken to the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and charged with two felonies: possession of Schedule I or II drugs; and possession of a gun with Schedule I or II drugs. Kokesh refused to leave his cell to be arraigned and fingerprinted, but was arraigned by a judge in his cell the next day. A statement posted on Kokesh's website read, "We will continue to spread the message of liberty, self-ownership and the non-aggression principle regardless of the government’s relentless attacks on our operation."In a jailhouse interview on July 18 Kokesh denied any connection to the drugs found in the raid, implying they were planted. He claimed that the Park Police have a vendetta against him, and, when asked if he knew that what he did in the July 4 video was illegal, he responded, "It's called civil disobedience."

On July 26, Kokesh posted bail in Virginia and was immediately rearrested by U.S. Park Police for breaking a D.C. law forbidding bearing arms which carries a penalty of up to five years in jail, in connection with his Freedom Plaza video. Magistrate Judge Lori Parker ordered Kokesh to remain in the D.C. jail over the weekend because, she said, he had violated the rules of his release in another case. Specifically, she noted that in June 2013, Kokesh was charged with possession of marijuana after he was arrested on the south side of the White House allegedly smoking a marijuana cigarette. On July 29 D.C. Superior Court Judge Frederick Sullivan, calling the peace activist "a very dangerous man," ordered him to remain in D.C. jail until trial. At a hearing on August 13, D.C. Superior Court Judge Patricia A. Broderick indicated she would consider releasing Mr. Kokesh to a "high intensity supervision program as he awaits trial." Prosecutors continued to object to Mr. Kokesh's release and said they were working on putting together a plea deal, "which is common in such cases." A tentative trial date was set for Oct. 24.[47] On August 28, Judge Patricia A. Broderick ordered that Kokesh remain in jail until his trial, citing his previous bond violations, guns and drugs found in his home, and that he had no verifiable employment.

Kokesh supporters advocated jury nullification in his case, and billboards appeared in strategic locations in Metro stations near the courthouse stating "No victim? No crime." and apprising prospective jurors:

1. You may, and should, vote your conscience.
2. You cannot be forced to obey a "juror's oath."
3. You have the right to "hang" the jury with your vote if you cannot agree with the other jurors!
4. Good jurors nullify bad laws.

Kirsten Tynan of the Fully Informed Jury Association which funded the billboards, while disavowing the billboards were directly aimed at Kokesh's case, said his case was the kind her organization targeted. "It's a victimless trial," she said. District prosecutors have, on a case-by-case basis, asked judges to deem unfit to serve on juries those who confess to having seen or been influenced by the billboards.

On November 6, Kokesh was released from jail after pleading guilty to the July 4 weapons charges and a marijuana possession charge from the June 8 White House protest. His sentencing is scheduled for January 17, 2014.

Watch Adam's DC demonstration against gun control:

ADAM VS THE MAN started as a radio show on KIVA, AM 1550 in Albuquerque after Adam Kokesh’s failed bid to represent New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional district. It ran 9-11pm five nights a week and was largely an intellectual dump for Adam’s long-winded ramblings about the more esoteric aspects of liberty like why traffic lights are the government holding you down, man.

But in order for that to work, Adam had to sell advertising. And Adam hates selling advertising, so he didn’t. But fortunately, right before that show was going to be cancelled anyway because the station owner didn’t think it fit into their notion of “more positive talk radio” (which translates to "non-confrontational”) Adam was contacted by RT America. (yeah, the Russians) It’s a good thing too, because ADAM VS THE MAN also did not fit into the station owner’s idea of “making money.”

So RT America picked up ADAM VS THE MAN as a TV show on national cable for 30 minutes, weeknights. While some were shocked that a state-funded media outlet would hire a libertarian, if you understand RT to be the Russian government poking the American government in the eye, it makes perfect sense and Adam was happy to be a part of that effort. Unfortunately, after four successful months in which the show quickly came to regularly outperform other similar shows on the network, they decided to part ways and Adam decided to strike out on his own.

And that’s what you see here. ADAM VS THE MAN – 3.0. It’s still about challenging authority, sticking it to the man, and giving the millennial generation a voice, just as it always has been. By challenging authority, host Adam Kokesh reveals the reality of government based not on protecting the freedoms of the people, but exploiting them to perpetuate its own power and serve its sponsors. But the show’s not just about politics: it’s about living like a free, dignified human being, living like government doesn’t exist, and loving it. Adam’s experience as a United States Marine, Republican Congressional candidate, and all-around badass activist, make him uniquely qualified to take down the man behind the curtain.

Who is “the man?” The man is anyone who thinks they can tell you how to live your life and impose their will on others by force of government. But maybe the man behind the curtain is the would-be man in all of us. Because really, the message of freedom that this show is based on, is about conquering that desire to rule over others and that willingness to accept rule by force. They are temptations all are subject to, but in order to establish true liberty for humanity, we must condemn all forms of freedom-violating initiation of force against others and embrace the love and respect for our shared humanity of which we are all capable.

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, National
Guest Occupation: Founder, Healer, Mentoring, Soul Conscious Ignitor
Guest Biography:

Peta grew up in South Africa and coming from a tourism family, started traveling at a very early age. A gypsy by heart, Peta is happiest when she is exploring the world, through the planning and creation stage to the actual travel experience. Peta spent over 21 years in the inbound tourism industry into Southern Africa. Joining the Panos family tourism business, Safariplans (which owned and operated lodges in Botswana and South Africa) in 1988, she worked her way through the ranks and became Managing Director in 1996. In 1998, Safariplans was acquired by Tourvest and in 2001, Peta joined Welcome Tourism Services as Managing Director. In 2004, Tourvest decided to amalgamate their 13 inbound businesses and Peta was appointed as CEO of Tourvest Inbound Operations to lead the process. TIO (recently rebranded as Tourvest Destination Management) quickly became the largest inbound tourism company in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2009, Peta decided to leave mainstream corporate tourism, move to Europe and pursue her dream of creating Spiritual Quest Journeys offering spiritual and conscious tourism to sacred sites and magical places around the world. Alongside her commitment to her tourism career, Peta has always maintained her interest in spirituality and unexplained mysteries, which had started at the age of 15. Peta has traveled extensively worldwide and has visited many sacred sites, holistic wellness centres and retreats. She has studied all aspects of metaphysics and various modalities of healing, including a year 3 apprenticeship before being attuned as a Reiki Master. Peta has always been fascinated by energy work, self empowerment and growth, miracles, manifestation and the spiritual laws. Her e-book on practical day to day energetic work is available with our compliments on this site. PETA PANOS joins us as the Travel Guru and owner of Spiritual Quest Journeys, invites you every show to explore Sacred Sites and Magical Places worldwide. With over 26 years of tourism experience and a lifetime of visiting Earth’s most intriguing places of power, South African born, Peta enchants even the most jaded traveler. Combining information on the sites themselves; the tours that visit them and the mystery that surrounds them – the Travel Guru Spotlight should not be missed by those with wanderlust in their souls.

Guest Occupation: cosmic mythologist, global alchemist, clairvoyant healer, Earth advocate, artist
Guest Biography:
About Laura:
Through natural alchemy, Sacred Union, and living the entire mythological body of the Goddess, Laura is powerfully creating global transformation on the Venus path. Taking on the darkest forces on Earth, Laura reveals the influence of the false matrix and conquers the hidden agendas that are affecting our personal freedom. She opens the gateways for ascension, reveals the source of ancient symbols, and brings to light the true Holy Grail.

Practice & Research:
societal/cultural affairs, conflict resolution & peacekeeping, ancient matriarchal cultures, wilderness leadership, environmental science, mysticism, alchemy, metaphysics, holistic health, multidimensional travel, and natural systems philosophy

tree of life, labyrinth, Ain Soph, Holy Grail, vesica pisces, Shakti, World Soul, Lady Alchymia, Aditi, star-fire, womb of creation, Venus, Sacred Union, Gnosis, philosopher's stone, Mayan calendar, natural stargate & more

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Paranormal, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Assistant Director of Development of the Cougar Athletic Fund
Guest Biography:

Gesser was an All-America quarterback at Washington State his senior season of 2002, and finished seventh in the Heisman Trophy balloting that season. Gesser led Washington State to a 10-3 record in 2002 and a berth in the Rose Bowl versus Oklahoma. Washington State concluded the season ranked 10th in the final Associated Press poll.

He was the first-ever three-time captain in Washington State school history -- elected by his teammates as a captain his sophomore, junior and senior seasons. Gesser led the Cougars to back-to-back, 10-win seasons as a junior and senior, marking the first time in school history that had been accomplished. WSU earned bids to the Sun Bowl and Rose Bowl, respectively, in those back-to-back seasons. He achieved First Team All-America, First Team All-Pacific 10 and PAC-10 Offensive Most Valuable Player honors his senior year. Gesser broke numerous Washington State school records, including most career wins by a quarterback.

Following his college playing career, Gesser played in the NFL with the Tennessee Titans from 2003-2005. In 2005 and `06, he played with the Calgary Stampeders in the Canadian Football League. Gesser also spent time playing with the Utah Blaze of the Arena Football League from 2005-08.

Prior to beginning his college coaching career, Gesser coached high school football in the state of Washington for five years. He began as the offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at Federal Way High School in Federal Way, Wash., for the 2006 season. He moved to Franklin Pierce High School in Tacoma, Wash., for two seasons in 2007 and `08 -- once again serving as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach. His final two seasons as a high school coach were spent at Eastside Catholic High School in Sammamish, Wash., where he was the head coach, offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach for the 2009 and `10 seasons.

In 2008, Gesser founded Jason Gesser Elite Sports. He was involved in hosting Nike Northwest Elite Football Camps in 2009, `10 and `11, and also conducted multiple quarterback skill camps in the northwest during that same time period.

Born May 30, 1979, Gesser grew up in Honolulu, Hawai'i, where he played his prep football at Saint Louis High School. He and his wife, Kali, have three children: daughter Jordyn and sons Kolten and Kruz. Gesser will recruit the states of Hawai'i, Oregon and Washington.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Sales Executive, Traveler, Bicyclist, Writer, Author
Guest Biography:

Kurt Koontz grew up with a lot of the outdoors in Boise, Idaho. He studied business at the University of Puget Sound, then returned to his hometown to rise through the ranks as a sales executive for Micron Technology. While working, he traveled on business across the U.S. and the world. When he retired at age 36, he took to adventure travel—mostly by bicycle across Europe and in the Western U.S. and Canada.

It wasn’t until 2012 that he began writing about his adventures. That year, he walked the 500-mile El Camino de Santiago, the Spanish pilgrimage route dating from medieval times. This journey, he says, was a very different kind of travel.

On the Camino, he lived moment to moment, not knowing where he would find the next meal or sleep the next night. As he walked the 1,300-year-old route, he heard unforgettable stories from other pilgrims and took a deeper look at his own life stories. Recorded in his journal and e-mails home, they became the foundation for his first book, A Million Steps, due out late this year.

He now lives and writes near family and friends, on a tree-lined creek in Boise.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Outdoor, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Clinical Psychologist, Therapist, Author, Lecturer, Meditator, Senior Trainer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Joe Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years experience as a therapist and a great interest in the universal principles of manifestation. In 1995, he began exploring psychokinesis, the ability to influence matter through non-physical means. He has achieved statistically powerful results in university laboratories and, after advancing his methods over years of study, began to teach this skill to groups that share his passion and interest in the fundamentals of manifestation.


Dr. Gallenberger offers a variety of programs designed to expand consciousness through delight. His SyncCreation® home study course, SyncCreation® Manifestation Workshops, and Las Vegas Adventure Workshops help take participants into fascinating states of power and intuition. His students achieve strong altered states of consciousness and energy, resulting in dramatic physical and psychological healing, strong influence over dice and slot machines, and many beautiful manifestations in participant’s lives at home.

Joe is also a long-time meditator and a senior trainer at the world famous Monroe Institute®, which teaches expanded human consciousness to an international clientele. Robert Monroe, whom Joe knew personally, founded the Institute and was a pioneer in consciousness exploration. Joe trains a spectrum of Monroe courses and he co-developed the Institute’s highly successful MC² (Manifestation and Creation Squared) program.

A dynamic, heart-driven speaker, Joe is in demand internationally as a workshop presenter on topics such as the out-of-body experience, accelerated and remote healing, manifestation, and meditation. Further, his book, Brothers Forever: An Unexpected Journey Beyond Death received rave reviews.

Joe enjoys being of assistance and warmly invites you to call and ask questions about any aspect of his work.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Writer and Evolutionary Guide
Guest Biography:

Nicolya Christi is an Author, Writer and Evolutionary Guide.

She has already gathered the attention of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Ervin Laszlo and other evolutionary leaders as a contemporary voice for today’s generation of awakening co-creators for the post-2012 world.

Nicolya is the author of ‘2012: A Clarion Call: Your Soul’s Purpose in Conscious Evolution’ (Published by Bear & Co Spring 2011). Ervin Laszlo endorsed this book quoting as “The most remarkable spiritual book on this or any other subject that I have ever read.” Barbara Marx Hubbard wrote the Foreword citing, “Nicolya Christi is our guide through this evolutionary world shift, one of the best I have encountered.” 2012: A Clarion Call was placed in the top ten of Spring 2011 book reviews by Publishers Weekly.

Nicolya is also the author of ‘2012: A Clarion Call Book of Meditations’ (Self-Published April 2012), ‘New Human–New Earth: Living in the 5th Dimension’ (Self-Published April 2012), ‘The Diamond Heart Prayer Meditation and Affirmation’ (Self Published July 2012, and ‘Ego/Self: A Fairytale”, (Self Published July 2012. She is also a ‘co-author of ‘2013: The Beginning is Now’, along with such luminaries as Ervin Laszlo, Jose Arguelles, Geoff Stray, Carl Johan Calleman and Gill Edwards, (published March 2011). Nicolya is a contributing writer for Ervin Laszlo and Kingsley Dennis’s soon to be published book, ‘Dawn of the Akashic Age’.

She is the founder of WorldShift Movement, co-founder of WorldShift International, and co-initiator of WorldShift 2012.

Nicolya has recently completed her second mainstream book to be published by Bear & Co/Inner Traditions – ‘A 21st Century Handbook for Psychological, Conscious and Spiritual Evolution: From Personal to Global Evolution’. It will be available in all mainstream outlets from August 2013.

Her primary focus is on supporting and informing, through sharing the message of her Work, guiding both the individual and the collective towards personal and global transformation and evolution.

Guest Category: Education, Philosophy, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Musician, Composer, Sound Healer, Teacher, Author, Visual Artist
Guest Biography:

ThunderBeat is a gifted shaman, a world Bridger, who blends tonal with tribal elements into multi-dimensional soundscape; Her harmonies soothe the spirit. While her rhythms awaken the soul.

ThunderBeat is a Native American of Choctaw and Shawnee heritage. The name “ThunderBeat”, was given to her by Native American elders, because of her abilities to heal and awaken through the power of sound.

She has studied at the prestigious Eastman School of Music and has researched sound frequency therapy since 1993.  

She is an international recording artist and live performer. For more than two decades ThunderBeat has recorded and toured with national and international artists on major labels. These include CBS, Atlantic, and A&M Records. As of 2000 she became a solo artist and now she is an accomplished Author, Teacher, Composer, Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Reiki Master, and a Pioneer in Sound Healing.

ThunderBeat receives her music and ancient healing knowledge from her travels world wide to sacred sites. She has initiated ceremony in the Pyramids and temples of Egypt, Mount Sinai, the Vortices of Sedona, AZ, Mayan Lands, and many Native American power sites. She has traveled with John Major Jenkins to several Mayan Temples and toured with Jose Arguelles in Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.

In 2000, ThunderBeat became a Solo Artist. Her concerts have empowered many people around the world.  In 2005 she was nominated for 5 Native American music awards and won best New Age and World recordings.

ThunderBeat is highly recognized internationally for her sound activations and drumming expertise. For more than a decade, she has taught drums at the world famous Sam Ash Music Store, the Long Island N.Y. Drum Center, as well as drum workshops through out the U.S. As a result, she has written an instructional hand drum book called “Rhythms from around the World”, Which includes a guided CD of all the rhythms.

In 2005, she won the Beacon of Light Award for her inspiration, creativity, wisdom, compassion, and service to the community and the world!


Ancient Sun: a Melodic Middle Eastern/World, Egyptian CD. Hit #1 on the world USA music radio charts. The song “SunRise was selected for a compilation CDwithIndia’s largest labelW.O.A Records for the Chillout Zone CD Vol.3. Also available with hemi sync induced. (The Monroe Institute)

Mayan Landing 2012: A Tribal World music CD, Won 2 Native American Music awards. Hit #10 on the world USA music radio charts. The song “Jungle Talk” was selected for the compilation CD “DRUM TRANCE” with Music Mosaic from Australia, Also chosen By Audio Pump for film scores. Hemi sync induced will be available 2011. (Monroe Institute)

Fly High: Cosmic Trance Dance. This CD was chosen By Audio Pump for film scores.

Cosmic Dream:  Ambient Space. This CD was chosen By Audio Pump for film scores. Journey to Ascension. Orion • Sirius • Actuaries • Pleiades

Includes real sounds from space!


You my love are a true healer. Gifted from beyond bringing the tones and

sounds of the other dimensions into this world for people to hear so they

too may experience the other worlds. 
Many blessings with gratitude, Love Miriam Delicado  Author  “Blue Star - Fulfilling Prophecy” (Being played on Heart of Space)

One Heart: Native American. Voted #1 CD in Sedona, AZ USA. Shamanic Journey through the Heart.

Chakra Journey CD: #1 in the USA for Healing/Mediation. As of 2009 she has completed a Series of Chakra products that includes: A Chakra DVD “Visual Sound Healing”; The Chakra JourneyBook, “Awakening the Chakras” and Chakra Poster. As of 2010 a Japanese Version and a Swedish of her Chakra Journey CD will be available. Chakra Journey is a Top selling CD with Hemi Sync induced. (The Monroe Institute) Chakra Journey Retreats / Workshops dates are available on her website.


Guest Category: Paranormal, Ghosts, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive, Variety
Guest Occupation: Transformational Therapist
Guest Biography:

I can offer you practical, easy and inspiring ways to help you make the most of your life; whatever your circumstances. The only thing you need is a genuine desire,  and a commitment, to change.

When you understand the way your mind operates, and  recognize that the early events of your life, or lives, affect the way you live your life in the present you can identify the changes that are required to help you take control  Then the changes you want; whether in your health, your relationships or your career can really happen.  When you take control, you become empowered and you let go of what is not working in your life. Instead you acknowledge your self worth, honor yourself fully and live the life you want to live.

I am here to be of assistance as you travel along your path, showing you how you can heal your life and get to a place of real Inner Freedom. Over the years I have learned many powerful tools, and techniques, that will help you and I look forward  to sharing them. I would love to help you make all the changes you need so that you can become more empowered, take greater control of your mind and live a life that is fulfilled and magnificent.

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, History, Paranormal, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Writer, Talk Show Host, Speaker, Teacher, Psychic
Guest Biography:

Donna Seebo lives in the shadow of Mt. Rainier, in Washington State. Her quiet South Sound retreat is a welcome and refreshing contrast to her busy professional schedule. As an author, publisher, lecturer and renown mental practitioner and counselor, Donna travels extensively each year. Her speaking engagements, radio/television appearances and counseling to businesses and private individuals takes her all over the United States. Donna's extraordinary mind skills have placed her into a life-style that reflects the wonderful opportunities that await anyone that is willing to believe in a positive self image.

Donna long ago learned to accept the world of the paranormal as commonplace for her. She was ordained as a minister in California. Then moving to the Pacific Northwest, she began to use her mind skills through many radio and television programs. Her impact was so powerful on her radio audience that record numbers of callers would consistently jam the telephone lines. Her non-sensational approach continues to set new records in radio listener response. Donna has hosted her own national radio show and continues as a popular repeat guest on numerous radio and television shows all over the United States and Internationally.

Using her personal experiences, Donna has created a program to teach individuals to develop their own mind powers to enhance their daily lives and personal relationships. Donna teaches her "Mind Magic" system by speaking at various business meetings and seminars. her program involves a lively display of her own mind skills and then begins to explain, in easy to understand terms, how anyone can develop their own mind's abilities. Donna's current lecture program is "You are the Magic."

Recently, Donna added another dimension to her business and creative skills; she is now the author and publisher of a successful children's book series. Believing that constant development and change is not only important but exciting, she has begun this new adventure with an award winning first book called, "God's Kiss." The book is a heart warming story of a young boy and his adventure through a world of talking animals, magnificent mountains and valleys to a place where young people gather on Christmas Eve to seek the special kiss of life. The book is filled with exquisite illustrations by the renowned artist, Ed Gedrose. In addition to the book there is a companion audio cassette with Donna's own voice beautifully interpreting the story. The book and cassette tape are so well done that the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive and she is now working on publishing her second book called "The Magic Hat."

Donna Seebo has taken all of her own natural talents and worked to develop them into a successful life. She combines her talents; writing, publishing, counseling and speaking together with her sparkling personality and exceptional voice skills into a demonstration of excellence. Donna is an exciting individual to meet and hear speak. She's a woman who is accomplished and poised and yet reflects a warm and dynamic spirit around her.

Delphi International is proud to present Donna Seebo as a speaker and guest lecturer. To book Donna Seebo for your next meeting, seminar, or talent booking please contact our office for available dates, speaking rates, and program titles.

Guest Category: Variety
Guest Occupation: Therapist
Guest Biography:

Elliott Connie is a solution focused therapist with his private practice based in Keller, TX. Elliott specializes in using the solution focused approach to work with couples. He is the co-author of the book The Art of Solution Focused Therapy, and his second book, Solution Building in Couples Therapy, was released in 2012.  His latest book, The Solution Focused Marriage: 5 Simple Habits That Will Bring Out the Best in Your Relationship, is now available.

Elliott has traveled throughout the United States and Europe, including the UK, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Canada, training psychotherapists to work more effectively with couples, and helping couples to build more satisfying relationships.

Elliott is known for delivering interactive workshops and dynamic speeches that are focused on having an immediate impact on attendees’ personal and professional lives. His humor and story telling skills make him a highly sought-after lecturer and conference presenter.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Entrepreneur, Attorney
Guest Biography:

“I have had the good fortune to be surrounded my entire life by wise, generous and supportive family and friends. When my son graduated from high school I started to recall all of the good advice I have received over the years. I started with a handful of items… then the list kept growing. These are lessons I have learned from the patient guiding hands of my parents, friends and mentors as well as my own mistakes.

I hope you are able to find these rules as valuable as I have, and that they’ll assist your son as he begins his journey through life.”

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Serial Student, Entrepreneur, Author
Guest Biography:


John Shufeldt is a serial student, an indefatigable change agent and a multidisciplinary entrepreneur. After earning his BA from Drake University in 1982 and his MD from the University of Health Sciences and the Chicago Medical School in 1986, John completed his emergency medicine residency at Christ Hospital and Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill. in 1989. He spent his final year at the hospital as Chief Resident before returning to school to earn his MBA in 1995 from Arizona State University. In order to expand his knowledge, John studied and earned his Juris Doctorate in 2005 from ASU. He is admitted to the State Bar in Arizona, the Federal District Court and Supreme Court of the United States.

John is the CEO of MeMD, a virtual care portal connecting patients to providers, and the Principal of Shufeldt Consulting, which provides consulting services for urgent cares and medical office practices. He has founded many other health and non-health care businesses and continues to practice emergency medicine and law.

He is the medical director and medic for the Phoenix SWAT team, an experienced pilot and writes and lectures on a variety of subject matters to graduate medical, business and law students. John is an adjunct professor at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law where he teaches a clinic on Health Law Entrepreneurism. He remains involved in his alma maters by serving on the Drake University Board of Trustees and the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law Alumni Board.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Marketing, Education, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Mother, Actress
Guest Biography:

Gloria Parker has spent a lifetime creating and performing music to the delight of people of all ages. A consummate entertainer and musician, Gloria fronted several bands including the all-girl band, "Gloria Parker and the Coquettes". Alphonse D'Artega wrote many of the bands musical arrangements and they played D'Artega's hit song "In The Blue Of Evening". She has wowed thousands with her musicianship on the marimba, violin, vocally, and the musical glasses.

Gloria has authored hit songs, appeared in film, conducted for Judy Garland, played with the Hartford Symphony, and appeared with Lionel Hampton, who recorded many of her songs. She has also made several television appearances as a featured guest with Joe Franklin, Alan Combs, The Late Night Show with David Letterman, The Ed Sullivan Show, and Philbin.

Gloria has just finished her new book "Corruption Reigns In Our Courtrooms", Please go to the New Book & CD Tab for more information and see quotes from our many new readers.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Sexuality, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Researcher, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Nick Clements has gained employment through working in areas of high social need and by specializing in working with boys and men. Uniquely he combined teaching creativity with community creation, and worked with tens of thousands of people all over the world for 25 years. In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field of community and participatory arts he was made visiting professor at Staffordshire University in 2009. Over the same period of time he lived and studied with indigenous peoples all around the world, participating in ritual and ceremonies, and developing an understanding and expertise around rites of passage.

He now combines his work with boys and men and indigenous teachings to create community cohesion and rites of passage with community groups in the UK and all over Europe. He is an advisor and consultant to governments, local authorities, companies and charities on the problems associated with absent fathers, and the loss of self-esteem through unemployment.

He runs workshops, courses and gives inspirational talks on masculinity and rites of passage. He is presently undertaking a series of workshops in Bulgaria helping to re-invigorate the ‘Chitalishta’ network of community centres throughout the country.

He has written 6 books, three on creativity and the arts, one on how to work with fathers, and the last two on men and boys. He writes extensively on these subjects for magazines, and is employed by a range of universities to give talks and run workshops. He lives in the UK.

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, History, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Professor emeritus of ecology anf evolutionary biology
Guest Biography:

Marc Bekoff is a former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society and a past Guggenheim Fellow. In 2000 he was awarded the Exemplar Award from the Animal Behavior Society for major long-term contributions to the field of animal behavior. Marc is also an ambassador for Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots program, in which he works with students of all ages, senior citizens, and prisoners, and also is a member of the Ethics Committee of the Jane Goodall Institute. He and Jane co-founded the organization Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: Citizens for Responsible Animal Behavior Studies in 2000. Marc is on the Board of Directors of The Fauna Sanctuary and The Cougar Fund and on the advisory board for Animal Defenders, the Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group, and Project Coyote. He has been part of the international program, Science and the Spiritual Quest II and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) program on Science, Ethics, and Religion. Marc is also an honorary member of Animalisti Italiani and Fundacion Altarriba. In 2006 Marc was named an honorary board member of Rational Animal and a patron of the Captive Animals' Protection Society. In 2009 he was named a member of the Scientific Expert Advisory Panel of Voiceless, The Animal Protection Institute and a faculty member of the Humane Society University, and in 2010 he was named to the advisory board of Living with Wolves and Greenvegans and the advisory council of the National Museum of Animals & Society. In 2005 Marc was presented with The Bank One Faculty Community Service Award for the work he has done with children, senior citizens, and prisoners. In 2009 he was presented with the St. Francis of Assisi Award by the Auckland (New Zealand) SPCA. Marc is also on the Board of Directors for Minding Animals International.

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, History, Sex
Guest Occupation: Businessman, humanitarian, energy leader
Guest Biography:

Mark A. Stansberry is an international business man, energy leader and humanitarian from Edmond, Oklahoma. He is founder and Chairman of The GTD Group, author of “The Braking Point: America’s Energy Dreams and Global Economic Realities,” host of “The Weekly Roundtable” radio show on KFAQ 1170 AM in Tulsa, and Chairman of People to People International.

Stansberry founded The GTD Group (Global Trade & Development) in 1988 as a vehicle for helping American businesses expand into international markets and operate skillfully in diverse cultural, political and competitive landscapes. He has led business development and federal government relations initiatives in countries including: Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech
Republic, China, Japan, Mexico and Russia.

In 1997, Stansberry arranged a key meeting between former Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus – now President of the Czech Republic – and U.S. Senator Lott regarding NATO expansion.

He has served in an advisory role on advance teams for Presidents Reagan and Ford, and was a staff member for U.S. Senator Dewey F. Bartlett. Stansberry has been a National Republican Convention Delegate three times (1996, 2000 and 2004) and White House event chairman for the Oklahoma Centennial Salute in 2007.

Stansberry was inducted into the Western Oklahoma Hall of Fame in 2009.

With more than 30 years of direct experience in the Oklahoma energy industry, Stansberry has become a respected industry expert and media commentator on energy issues. He has been invited to testify before the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, served a nine year term as chairman of the State Chamber of Oklahoma Energy Council and founded the International Energy Policy Conference, now in its nineteenth year. He served on Governor - elect Mary Fallin’s Transition Energy Working Group, 2010 - 2011.

Stansberry is currently on the Board of Directors for PostRock Energy Corp. (PSTR, NASDAQ - Global) and is an ex - officio Board member for The Energy Advocates, a Washington D.C./Tulsa based nonprofit public education organization with former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating serving as Honorary Chairman.

Guest Category: Business, News, Careers, Technology, Free Energy, Variety
Guest Occupation: Life Coach
Guest Biography:


I am a steadfast ally of people who want to live their lives with a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

Henry David Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

I help them bring their song forth – so that they lead their lives with purpose,  passion and possibilities.

I bring all of who I am to my coaching clients: my personal qualities and strengths, my values and, of course, my skill sets. My core skill sets are life coaching and experiential education. My professional life coach training was with the Coaches Training Institute; my experiential education training was with the NY Community Training Instituted (affiliated with National Training Labs).  I’ve honed these skills sets through many years of working with a wide range of people in diverse settings.

I’ve been a community organizer, civil rights activist (in Mississippi and New York) experiential educator/trainer, human resources executive, executive recruiter, organization development consultant, award-winning healthcare innovator, author, song writer/composer, chairman of the board of a non-profit arts organization, NIH-funded researcher, presenter, keynote speaker and, of course,  a life coach.  (For the record, I’ve left out great jobs from my teenage years  like hot dog vendor at Yankee Stadium – and more!)

While the gender of my clients has been pretty equal between men and women, I’ve been keenly involved in issues related to men. Over the past twenty three years, I’ve organized and been a leader and mentor of an annual gathering and spiritual retreat for Jewish men.  I’ve also written about issues of particular importance to men.

It’s been said that life is not what happens to you. Rather, it’s what we do with what happens. I’ve lived a life full of twists and turns, very high highs and very low lows.  From these I’ve learned the importance of gratitude, of relationships, of the ever present possibilities of humor, laughter and play, and the value of perseverance and resilience.

I’ve been fortunate to have been able to utilize what I’ve learned in my life, especially the ups and downs, to help other people on their life journeys. One particularly wonderful example of this was my being able to utilize my learnings from the emotionally difficult breakup of my first marriage to create a workshop that helped other people going through similar experiences. Entitled “Separation Soap” (as in soap opera!), it utilized humor as a healing tool to help them move forward with their lives. This approach was considered so innovative that it was featured in major news media around the world and I had the opportunity of presenting it at international and national psychology conferences. It was at one of these presentations, a psychodrama conference in New York City, that I met my future wife (and dance partner), Tsurah, with whom I recently celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary!

I  carry a wonderful legacy from my parents. From my mother I learned about being bold, stepping up for what you want and being a steadfast ally. From my father, I learned about connecting with people, trustworthiness, perseverance and resilience.

I love what I do and feel privileged to be in a position to bring all of who I am to each moment of coaching.  I’m very musical and love to move and dance. When it is appropriate for a particular client, I draw of these and other modalities (meditation, visualization, music, movement, the visual arts, humor, playfulness) to help my clients to bring their “song” forth in their lives:  to see possibilities, move through stuck places and be more fully alive in all that they do.

In my personal life, I’m blessed with a life partner/wife who is the love of my life, two grown children (and their wonderful mates), two delicious grand children, and a robust group of friends.  I consider myself to be a good friend and pay attention to keeping these important connections alive and well. My wife and I love to dance (we’ve been dancing since our first date 34 years ago!). We love being in the natural world, where we hike, swim and go kayaking.  We also share an active spiritual life.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Variety