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Guest Name
Shannon Guest
Shannon Guest
Guest Occupation
Psychic Artist, Channel, Angel Messenger
Guest Biography

Shannon Guest began painting guardian angel portraits in 2000, after several requests were made of her to make this effort. Originally, the portraits were only available in oil media. About five years ago, Shannon began to offer the portraits in pastels, which allowed for them to be much more affordable. As everything is really just energy, the portraits may be done in person or remotely. Shannon begins her process by tapping into the soul of the person, saying a prayer, and then starts to sketch. Although she does “see” the image to some degree, her process is more like automatic writing or channelling, where the information comes through her hands. She will also hear some of the information. Several years ago, Shannon began to offer a choice of guardian angel portrait, soul portrait, or guide portrait, and recently has even had a request for a dragon portrait. If there is a specific request for another type of being that is with the person, Shannon will make every effort to comply. All three styles of portrait will include messages given through color, gesture and symbols for the person in the moment. However, the soul portrait is really representative of the soul signature of the person and will be all about the individual. Past lives may be brought in if they are important in this particular lifetime. In addition, Shannon receives an individualized channelled written message, which may be relevant in the moment or more of a broad view of the soul or lifetime.

Shannon has a great love of nature and the outdoors and is also an avid photographer, with a great affinity for seeing “spirit” in nature, in the form of symbols, faces, magical creatures, elemental beings, etc. within trees, rocks, water and literally all around us. Her belief is that these are messages and a form of communication that the natural world is attempting to give us. She has compiled a book of these photographs called “Messages from the Lorax,” which is available on her website and on Amazon. The book is in the process of being updated, with quite a number of new photographs being added and should be complete in its revision by the end of Summer 2015.