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Guest Name
Medicine Woman and Healer
Guest Occupation
Shaundra Hyre is of Cherokee Indian Heritage, a medicine woman, quantum energy healer, sound therapist, and conscious entrepreneur. She is a somatic trauma integration practitioner, ascension guide, and mentor.
Guest Biography

I’m speaking with Shaundra Hyre who is of Cherokee Indian Heritage, a medicine woman, quantum energy healer, sound therapist, and conscious entrepreneur. She is a somatic trauma integration practitioner, ascension guide, and mentor. Shaundra is the founder and creator of Tribu Spirit and Auraura Quartz Grails. She has been working in service with sacred plants since 2010, is based in Miami, and travels the world serving in ceremonies under her established Plant Medicine Church: TRIBU. Shaundra has knowledge and experience in many different fields of healing and Shamanic Arts. She owns and runs Tribu Spirit, an online Shamanic Shop, as well as Auraura Quartz which provides high frequency crystalline sound bowls and grails encoded with special codes of light. Shaundra is an Auraura Emissary of Light, a group of Galactic beings here to assist in the Planetary Ascension. Learn more: IG:@tribu_spirit