Shawn Buckley is a constitutional and criminal lawyer with expertise in the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations. He is president of Canada's Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA), a non-profit organization devoted to protecting Canadians’ access to natural health products. In 2010, the NHPPA launched its Three Part Action Plan to focus attention on Canadians' constitutional rights. This plan includes the Charter of Health Freedom. The NHPPA is solely supported by concerned natural health products manufacturers, retailers and public advocates. https://nhppa.org/ Booth 212.
Shawn Buckley is lawyer with expertise in the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations. Mr. Buckley acts primarily for manufacturers of Natural Health Products and has an enviable track record in protecting companies charged by Health Canada. Some of the more notable defences have included:
- obtaining the acquittal of TrueHope Nutritional Support following a protracted Health Canada prosecution;
- obtaining the acquittal of the Strauss Herb Company from 73 charges brought by Health Canada;
- having charges against the Nutraceutical Company (Biomedica) withdrawn after Constitutional Challenges to the New Drug Regulations and the seizure power under the Food and Drugs Act were filed.