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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Lawyer/Activist
Guest Biography:

Max Geller is a 2nd year law student at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachussetts.  He is also one of the senior members of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) - an advocacy group for the rights of the Palestinians.  Recently, their group was suspended, meaning they could no longer meet, hold activities or receive funding on Northeastern Univeristy Campus. 

Over the years, Max has witnessed what he believes is a deliberate targetting of the SJP organization and members leading up to and including this latest development.  The story might have remained buried and unnoticed but the issue has turned into something more - the right to Freedom of Speech, and Northeastern SJP has received mainstream and alternative media coverage, support from activist groups nationwide as well as the American Civil Liberties Union which may take legal action against Northeastern University on behalf of SJP.

Below is Max's articulate and documented response to Northeastern University's suspension of his group.  It is suggested that if you read the news stories following this story that you compare Max's response to what the news may be reporting inaccurately with or without intended bias:

Via Email

March 14, 2014

Emily Hardman Director of Student Programming & Communications Office for Student Affairs Northeastern University

Re: Appeal of March 7, 2013 Suspension of Students for Justice in Palestine


Dear Ms. Hardman,


We received the attached suspension notice from Jason Campbell-Foster. On behalf of Students for Justice in Palestine, we are writing in response to this suspension notice. As discussed in detail below, we contest the assertions made by the University in the suspension notice. Please consider this letter our appeal of the suspension of our group, which we intend to supplement once we have seen all of the evidence on which the University is relying. Given the severity of the punishment, we believe we should be provided with due process, including access to the factual allegations against us and a proper hearing.


On April 8, 2013, an invited panel of active duty Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers spoke at  Northeastern. SJP conducted a walk-out at the beginning of this event,  after which the event continued as scheduled. We did not disrupt the event.  The following day, the University attempted to cancel an event planned by SJP as a “direct result” of our April 8, 2013 walk-out, according to Stephanie Pierce. After a hearing, SJP was found responsible for a violation of the demonstration policy – specifically, a failure to give 7-day notice of a demonstration. SJP was sanctioned, and placed on probation for alleged violations of the policy relating to the April 8, 2013 IDF panel event until December 31, 2013. We disputed these allegations at our hearing and in our subsequent written appeal. On May 3, 2013, we were advised of the penalties and conditions to which SJP would be subjected. We were informed that, in order toreturn to good standing with the University, among other conditions, we would need to create and submit a civility statement in coordination with the Political Action Council. We submitted our civility statement on December 31, 2013.  Unfortunately, the Political Action Council did not convene between the day our sanctions were issued and the day we submitted thisstatement. After we submitted the statement, on February 12, 2014, Associate Dean Jose asked SJP to revise the statement, saying he “Would like to receive something back…before Spring Break.”  (See attached email from Dean. Jose). While we made several efforts to connect with Mr. Jose after February 12th, as detailed below, we were unable to talk with him. At no point were we told that February 28th was a "deadline” after which we would be in violation of a rule or policy.

Since the day our sanctions were issued last May, the Political Action Council has met exactly once. The attendance record from the February 27th, 2014 meeting of the Council reflects that two SJP members were present.Given that we submitted the civility statement and attended this meeting, we understood that SJP started the Spring 2014 semester in good standing with the University and that the probation ended December 31, 2013 as indicated in communications with University officials. On February 23, 2014, mock “eviction notices” were distributed at student dormitories on campus. On February 25, 2014, NUPD officers began to contact SJP members by cell phone, arrive unannounced at their homes, and interrogate them about the distribution of the mock notices. Last week, the University suspended SJP, and informed us of this by a notice dated March 7, 2014 (see attached). In the week and a half between the police interrogations and the issuance of the suspension notice, SJP was never notified or formally charged with involvement in the distribution of the mock eviction notices. SJP has not been granted a hearing or any other opportunity to formally contest any of the allegations made in the suspension notice.



As stated above, we contest the assertions that the University made about us in its suspension notice (attached). Directly below, we have highlighted and responded to some of the most glaring inaccuracies contained in the notice.  However, this list is not exhaustive, and our appeal letter is no substitute for a formal public hearing, an opportunity to challenge the evidence the University cites, and a formal opportunity to respond to all allegations. This is not a complete rebuttal, but merely a sampling of particularly egregious inaccuracies and omissions contained in the suspension notice.

1 and 2. The University incorrectly alleges that SJP failed to “reach out” to Mr. Jose, and that SJP failed to submit a civility statement with “significant revisions” before the February 28th “deadline” 

On October 28th, 2013 SJP members met with Mr. Jose and discussed the submission of the civility statement before the end of the year. SJP submitted our civility statement on December 31, 2013. As stated above, we had no opportunity to attend a Political Action Council meeting  before this date because no such meeting had been convened. We met with Mr. Jose on February 12,  2014. He sent an email on February 13 detailing broad changes he wanted “to see added” to our submitted statement, and that he “Would like to receive something back…before Spring Break.”  (See attached email from Mr.Jose).  We made several efforts to contact Mr. Jose after February 12 both in person (on March 3 & 4) and by phone (March 6), as SJP members’ phone and voicemail records show, but he indicated that he was busy, and we were unable to reach him before Spring Break,. SJP acted in good faith by submitting a civility statement outlining our group’s intentions, attending Political Action Council meetings, meeting with Mr. Jose, and attempting to reach him to further discuss the matter before Spring Break. It is disingenuous of the university to state in the Suspension Notice that we failed to meet a “deadline” when we made significant efforts to respond to Mr. Jose in the short timeframe his email suggested.  It is also significant that the NUPD began interrogating SJP members on February 25, 2014, mere days before the beginning of Spring Break when Mr. Jose asked that we send him a revised civility statement. The interrogations diverted our attention from revising the civility statement, and required our immediate response given the legitimate fears of legal and academic consequences for targeted students.

3. The University alleges that SJP is responsible for sliding mock eviction flyers under doors in residence halls; a charge which SJP disputes.

SJP disputes the charge that we violated University policy in connection with mock eviction notices that were slid under student's doors.  Before receiving the March 7 suspension notice, SJP was never notified or formally charged with involvement in the distribution of mock eviction notices. SJP has not been granted a hearing or any other opportunity to formally contest this allegation, nor has the University provided us with the evidence on which they have based this charge.

4. The University incorrectly asserts that SJP has not been regularly attending meetings of the Political Action Council.

As stated above, since the day our sanctions were issued last May, the Political Action Council has met exactly once. The attendance record from that one meeting on February 27th, 2014 reflects that two SJP members were present. Additionally, in our meeting with Bob Jose on February 12th we discussed SJP’s past participation in the Council meetings and the new plan for having the Council convene only once per semester. This demonstrates that SJP has in fact been consistently participating in the Council meetings, as Dean Jose remembered our participation in these sessions and never mentioned that we had not met our obligation with regard to the Council.

5. The University falsely accuses SJP of acts of vandalism that allegedly occurred on the Northeastern University campus in 2012. In the suspension notice, SJP is accused of “Vandalism of university property by placing stickers on variousstructures in April 2012.”

The March 2014 suspension notice is the first time that SJP has been informed of any accusation that we allegedly engaged in such behavior. SJP had nothing to do with this alleged vandalism. There are many individuals within and beyond our campus community who engage in pro-Palestine speech and expression, and not all of these individuals are SJP members. SJP must be provided a full demonstration of the evidence used to justify our  suspension, and a fair, public, and meaningful opportunity to contest any such evidence.

6. The University incorrectly alleges that SJP failed to comply with cancellation of an April 2013 event.  In the suspension notice, the University claims that SJP is charged with “Failure to comply with event planning and contract policies in preparation of an event with a guest speaker in April 2013,” referring to the planned lecture by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta.

The suspension notice is inaccurate. In our sanction letter, dated May 3, 2013, the University found us “NOT RESPONSIBLE” for the charge, “Failure to comply with cancellation of event as requested.” This part of the sanction letter refers to the same April 2013 event as the March 2014 suspension notice. It is unclear why, in March 2014, the University is justifying the suspension of SJP based partly on an alleged violation for which the University already found us “NOT RESPONSIBLE.”

7. The University incorrectly alleges that SJP disrupted another student event on April 8, 2013. SJP was found responsible for violating the university demonstration policy by not providing one week advance notice.

There was no finding that SJP was responsible for any disruption. In fact, SJP did not disrupt that event.  It went forward and no one was prevented from speaking. 



Several aspects of the suspension notice, and other University communications and actions, suggest that the school has singled out SJP and its members for interrogation, sanction, and suspension due to our pro-Palestinian political beliefs. Some individual students may also have  been targeted for their real or perceived religion, race, or ethnicity. To treat students r student groups differently on these bases is illegal, violates school policy, and is inconsistent with maintaining diversity, academic freedom, and a free exchange of ideas on campus.

1. Northeastern University SJP is the only group ever to be suspended and banned from Northeastern’s campus for peaceful expressive activity, to our knowledge.

2. No other university has suspended an SJP chapter for alleged mock eviction actions, even though both individual students and student groups participate in such actions on many U.S.campuses.

3. It is unprecedented tosuspend a student group for alleged rule violations, particularly without a fair process to review and contest charges and evidence.

4. School policies regarding posting fliers are routinely flouted and ignored by other students and student groups, and we are unaware of any sanctions pursued against others who do this. It appears that flier distribution is only interrogated by the NUPD or subject to discipline when the content of the flier includes pro-Palestinian speech.  Examples of tacitly accepted fliers on campus include athletic team boosters, postings for music and drama events, fraternity advertisements, and menus from local businesses.



The suspension notice relies primarily on charges for which SJP was found not responsible, or matters about which SJP has never had the chance to defend itself. That we are being suspended for rule violations, for which we have not been given the proper opportunity to respond, represents a fatal flaw in the process that has led to our suspension. The banning of SJP represents a draconian repression of our speech rights and belies the University’s commitment to academic freedom.



Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a college student activism organization in the United States and Canada that promotes the liberation and self-determination of Palestinian people. The goals of the organization are to strengthen the student movement for Pro-Palestinian causes. The organization actively supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.  As of 2010 SJP had more than 80 chapters at American universities.

Please visit Students for Justice in Palestine Nebraska University Chapter:

Guest Category: Education, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Environmentalist
Guest Biography:

DR. HELEN CALDICOTT is the single most articulate and passionate advocate of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental crises, Dr Helen Caldicott, has devoted the last forty two years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behavior to stop environmental destruction.

Born in Melbourne, Australia in 1938, Dr Caldicott received her medical degree from the University of Adelaide Medical School in 1961. She founded the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at the Adelaide Children’s Hospital in 1975 and subsequently was an instructor in pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and on the staff of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass., until 1980 when she resigned to work full time on the prevention of nuclear war.

In 1971, Dr Caldicott played a major role in Australia’s opposition to French atmospheric nuclear testing in the Pacific; in 1975 she worked with the Australian trade unions to educate their members about the medical dangers of the nuclear fuel cycle, with particular reference to uranium mining.  While living in the United States from 1977 to 1986, she played a major role in re-invigorating as President, Physicians for Social Responsibility, an organization of 23,000 doctors committed to educating their colleagues about the dangers of nuclear power, nuclear weapons and nuclear war. On trips abroad she helped start similar medical organizations in many other countries. The international umbrella group (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. She also founded the Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND) in the US in 1980.

Returning to Australia in 1987, Dr Caldicott ran for Federal Parliament as an independent. Defeating Charles Blunt, leader of the National Party, through preferential voting she ultimately lost the election by 600 votes out of 70,000 cast.

She moved back to the United States in 1995, where she lectured at the New School for Social Research on the Media, Global Politics and the Environment; hosted a weekly radio talk show on WBAI (Pacifica)in New York; and was  the Founding President of the STAR (Standing for Truth About Radiation) Foundation on Long Island.

Dr Caldicott has received many prizes and awards for her work, including the Lannan Foundation’s 2003 Prize for Cultural Freedom and twenty one  honorary doctoral degrees. She was personally nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Linus Pauling – himself a Nobel Laureate. The Smithsonian has named Dr Caldicott as one of the most influential women of the 20th Century. She has written for numerous publications and has authored seven books, Nuclear Madness (1978 and 1994 WW Norton), Missile Envy (1984 William Morrow, 1985 Bantam, 1986 Bantam) , If You Love This Planet: A Plan to Heal the Earth (1992, W.W. Norton);  A Desperate Passion: An Autobiography (1996, W.W. Norton; published as A Passionate Life in Australia by Random House);The New Nuclear Danger: George Bush’s Military Industrial Complex (2001, The New Press in the US, UK and UK; Scribe Publishing in Australia and New Zealand; Lemniscaat Publishers in The Netherlands; and Hugendubel Verlag in Germany); Nuclear Power is Not the Answer (2006, The New Press in the US, UK and UK; Melbourne University Press in Australia)  War In Heaven (The New Press 2007);  revised and updated If You Love This Planet (March 2009); and Loving This Planet (The New Press; 2013).

She also has been the subject of several films, including Eight Minutes to Midnight, nominated for an Academy Award in 1981, If You Love This Planet, which won the Academy Award for best documentary in 1982, and Helen’s War: Portrait of a Dissident, recipient of the Australian Film Institute Awards for Best Direction (Documentary) 2004, and the Sydney Film Festival Dendy Award for Best Documentary in 2004.

Dr Caldicott currently divides her time between Australia and the US where she lectures widely. In year 2001, she founded the US-based Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NPRI), which became  Beyond Nuclear. Currently, Dr Caldicott is President of The Helen Caldicott Foundation/, which  initiates symposiums and other educational projects  to inform the public and the media  of the dangers of nuclear power and weapons.

The mission of the Foundation is education to action, and the promotion of a nuclear-energy and weapons-free, renewable energy powered, world.  The Foundation’s  most recent symposium, co-sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility was held at the New York Academy of Medicine in March 2013, 2013.  It was entitled The Medical and Environmental Consequences of Fukushima

A book – Crisis Without E nd — emanating from the conference proceedings and edited by Dr. Caldicott will be published by The New Press in the Spring of 2014.

From 2010 to 2013  Dr Caldicott hosted a weekly radio show If You Love This Planet which aired on many community and other public radio stations internationally.  From 2007 to 2009 she was  also a member  of the International Scientific Advisory Board convened by  José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the then Prime Minister of Spain.

Guest Category: Education, Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Inspirational Speaker, Author, Talk Show Host, Guest Expert, Brand Ambassador
Guest Biography:

Elizabeth holds two undergraduate degrees from Loyola Marymount University in Biology and History and a Doctorate in Dentistry from University of the Pacific in San Francisco.  She is Board Certified in the State of California.  Upon Graduation and successful completion of the California State Board Exam, Dr Elizabeth practiced dentistry in San Francisco before moving to Southern California.  There, she practiced in Huntington Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach and Westwood.

Today, Dr. Elizabeth is an inspirational speaker, author, talk-show host, guest expert and brand ambassador.

Over the past several years, Dr Elizabeth has been a keynote speaker at manyprestigious international conferences such as BRAVEHEART Woman’s Conference, THE WIN, (Women’s Information Network) Conference, THE FESTIVAL OF GODDESSES (for three consecutive years,) NAFE (National Association for Female Executives) and THE RAW SPIRIT FESTIVAL. She has also spoken at THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO in Los Angeles and THE BEST OF RAW FESTIVAL in Sedona.

Dr Elizabeth has been a guest expert on many shows such as Good Morning America, The Home and Family Show, The Loral Langemeier Show, “Authentic You TV” and “The Quick Fix” with Bradley Quick.

Dr Elizabeth is the host and creator of “Skinny Dipping in the Fountain of Youth with Dr Elizabeth”. This television show airs on EmpowerMe.TV starting in 2014. Based on her book of the same name, Dr Elizabeth and her guests share their secrets to being Radiant, Youthful, Beautiful and Sexy at EVERY Age with her viewers.

Dr Elizabeth is also the host, producer and creator of the international radio show, “The Dr Elizabeth Show” airing each Wednesday at 3:00pm PST on The Awakening Zone Network.

Dr Elizabeth created “World Luminaries”, interviews with today’s great teachers. In this series, she conducted interviews with notable inspirational teachers such as Dr. Michael Beckwith (Agape International Spiritual Center, the movie “The Secret”), Mark Victor Hansen (co-author and co-creator of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series), Millard Fuller (founder of Habitat for Humanity) and others.

As co-host of the nationally syndicated television program, she hosted her own medical segments called “Ask Dr. Elizabeth”.  In these segments, Dr. Elizabeth spoke of the body, mind & Spirit connection and answered viewers questions on health and wellbeing. She was also an executive producer for the show.

Dr Elizabeth also offers coaching services. These include her “Skinny Dipping in the Fountain of Youth” Lifestyle Makeover Teleseminars. In addition, she offers one on one private coaching sessions over the phone, via skype or in person.

Dr Elizabeth has studied intuitive intelligence and energy healing for the past 5 years with world-renowned clairvoyant teacher, Vicki Reiner. She incorporates the principles of intuition, clairvoyance and healing in her lectures and coaching sessions. She firmly believes in the body-mind-spirit connection and the power of the body-mind to heal itself when properly nourished and detoxed, mentally, physically, emotionally and heart-fully.

In addition to speaking tours, Dr Elizabeth offers seminars. These presentations include content from her book and lectures, experiential exercises, guided meditations, dance, music and movement. She is a huge proponent of making learning exciting; therefore, her seminars are always uplifting, inspiring and fun!

Whether on stage or in front of the camera, Dr Elizabeth lights up any platform with her youthful enthusiasm, contagious spirit and generosity of the heart. She is a walking talking embodiment of her message that you can be undeniably radiant, youthful, beautiful and sexy at EVERY age.

She is the author of the book “Skinny Dipping in the Fountain of YOUTH!”

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Medical Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Rev. Madalyn Suozzo began perceiving the human energy field at age 15 when she began sensing images, colors, sounds, feelings and stories inside people's bodies.  She lectures on the physics of the psyche, the connections between the seen and unseen worlds, where body mechanics and self-awareness meet. She has teaches a powerful awareness training, both nationally and in Canada and her work has been mentioned in three books on healing.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Scholar, Lecturer, Columnist, Managing Partner, Writer, Author, Screenwriter, Political Commentator, Researcher, Teacher, Defense Contractor, Member of Mensa International
Guest Biography:

Anthony W. Orlando is a Lecturer in the College of Business and Economics at California State University, Los Angeles. He is an op-ed columnist for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and the Hazleton Standard-Speaker. He serves as the Managing Partner of the Orlando Investment Group, LP.

His latest book, Letter to the One Percent, is exactly what it sounds like: a letter to the richest one percent of American households. It is a call to action, a plea for compassion, and a manifesto for the future. It tells the story of their extraordinary success – and how the other 99 percent of Americans missed out. Kirkus Reviews hails it as a “powerful, compact primer on American economics.” Reese Schonfeld, the founding President and CEO of CNN, says it “should be read by every one of us.”

Orlando received his bachelor’s degree in economics from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, as well as a master’s in economic history from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His expertise includes macroeconomics, finance, American politics and foreign policy, economic and political history, and the history and operation of the movie and TV industries.

Orlando has co-authored articles on real estate history and the recent housing bubble in the Wharton Real Estate Review and the World Financial Research. His current research investigates the role of the financial system and credit supply in the business cycle, from a theoretical, empirical, and historical perspective. He also serves as a financial consultant and researcher for various institutions, where his work ranges from advising government officials to high-profile lawsuits stemming from the recent financial crisis.

Orlando has also authored several screenplays in various stages of development in Hollywood, including Homestead, the true story of the bloodiest labor battle in American history; The Forty-Niners, which follows various characters during the Gold Rush of 1849; and The Street, a no-holds-barred view inside Wall Street. He has worked with multiple production companies, including Fierce Entertainment and Big Cat Productions, as well as Universal Studios and the movie investment firm PalmStar Media Capital.

Orlando co-founded the Wharton Politics & Business Association, for which he served as President. He also led the Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club and the Wharton Undergraduate Finance Club and served as Executive Vice President in the Wharton Accounting Society. Due to his success leading these organizations, he was invited to deliver an address at the annual Wharton Undergraduate Leadership Forum. He has also spoken to large college crowds about topics ranging from macroeconomics to health care reform to energy efficiency, alongside such dignitaries as Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell, Harvard Business School Professor Regina E. Herzlinger, and UC Berkeley Professor Jacob S. Hacker.

Orlando has appeared on television, both as an interviewee and a political commentator, beginning when he published Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal: The Spiritual Journey of a Teenage Traveler at the age of 17. He has worked as a financial consultant at Oliver Wyman Financial Services, an advertising copywriter at WorldNow, a researcher in business history, a teaching assistant in macroeconomics, and the assistant to the purchasing manager of a defense contractor. He is also a member of Mensa International and the World Economics Association and a trustee of the philanthropic Orlando Foundation.

As a client of the prestigious Leigh Bureau, Orlando is a skilled and engaging public speaker who can address a wide range of issues, from politics and macroeconomics to the world of high finance and the art of storytelling. With a youthful vibrance, he breathes new life into the greatest challenges of our time.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Senior Writer for
Guest Biography:

Greg Smith is the Senior Writer and Lead College Football Writer for You can find him on Twitter @GregSmithBSO

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Play-by-Play Broadcaster
Guest Biography:

2014 marks Waltz's 10th year as the television play-by-play voice of the Marlins on Fox Sports Florida's Emmy Award Winning coverage. This is his 20th consecutive year covering Major League Baseball. As well, since 2012 Rich has served as one of the voices of Fox's National Saturday Baseball coverage.

Last season, Waltz was one of the primary voices of the World Baseball Classic for MLB Network and MLB International. In March of 2009 Waltz also called games in the WBC, including two of the biggest upsets in International Baseball history as the Netherlands twice stunned the Dominican Republic.

Waltz's baseball experience includes MLB Network's coverage of Thursday Night Baseball, ESPN, ESPN Radio, and FX. Prior to joining FOX Sports Florida, Waltz served as the fill-in announcer and pregame host for the Seattle Mariners television and radio networks. In 2000, he served as the fill-in voice of the Toronto Blue Jays on CBC across Canada. His minor league stops included Spokane, Wichita, and Las Vegas.

This past Winter Waltz called College Basketball for CBS Sports Network, the Pac-12 Network, and Fox Sports Net. His College Basketball also spans every major conference for the ACC Network, Fox Sports, ESPN, ESPN Regional and Turner Sports. From 2010 through 2012 Rich was the voice for the ACC Football Game of the Week and SEC Saturday Night Football for Fox Sports Net.

From 1997-2002, Waltz called College Football for ESPN, ESPN Radio and ABC in the Big Ten, SEC and ACC conferences; including many Bowl and Championship Games. Waltz's ESPN assignments also included: Major League Baseball, NCAA Basketball, Arena Football, NCAA College Softball World Series, Little League World Series Regional Finals, and Major League Soccer. His football experience also includes NFL Europe for Fox, Pac-10 Football for FSN and NFL Preseason games for the Seattle Seahawks. As well, Waltz has called ATP and WTA Tennis events for Tennis Channel and IMG.

In 2006, Waltz helped create and organize the Fox Sports Fantasy Auction, which in eight years has raised more than $615,000 for the Marlins Foundation. In 2008, he was honored by the Marlins with their Community Service Award.

Raised in Martinez, Calif., Rich was a starting infielder on two championship teams at the University of California-Davis. Waltz resides in both South Florida and Issaquah, WA with his wife and two daughters.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Author/Speaker
Guest Biography:

My second guest, Tom North is the award-winning author of the book, True North – The Shocking Truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours”. He appears on radio and television programs, and is a keynote speaker at colleges, universities and conferences.

Tom is committed to raising awareness of all forms of child abuse and domestic violence, and the devastating effects it can have on health, human spirit and life itself. He is dedicated to helping people realize their true identity and their potential for healing. Tom is an Official Supporter of National CASA for Children. His blog is:

In his book, True North – The Shocking Truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours”, award-winning author, Tom North, writes about his experience as the 11th of the 20 Beardsley children, made famous in the 1968 film “Yours, Mine and Ours.” With Lucille Ball playing the role of the mother and Henry Fonda as the father, the film was a critical and box-office success. However, the loving family portrayed in the film differed dramatically from the actual Beardsley family. Tom shares what it was like to grow up in that family, taking the road less traveled through child abuse, domestic violence and despair, to hope, and eventually to self-discovery and a fulfilling life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Hypnotherapist
Guest Biography:

John McGrail, PhD, is a hypnotherapist, personal success coach, spiritual teacher and a leading media expert on the topic of personal improvement. A former military officer, aviator and mass-media professional, he has combined more than 30 years of teaching, coaching and mentoring experience with his work in clinical hypnotherapy to create what he calls Synthesis, powerful process for creating personal change and transformation quickly and profoundly.

Synthesis integrates science and spirit through a powerful mixture of models, techniques traditions and wisdom, dedicated to the art and science of personal empowerment. Dr. McGrail has helped thousands of people— clients and workshop students—bring lasting change, growth and transformation into every aspect of their lives. Synthesis begins with Rule # 1: Life is supposed to be fun!

Dr. McGrail’s writing and expertise have been featured in numerous national publications, majoronline outlets, (e.g. Time, Readers Digest, Self, Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home journal, Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News, WebMD, SheKnows, Intent), etc. and he is a frequent guest on radio and television shows across the country and abroad. His book, The Synthesis Effect, (Career Press, 2012) shares and teaches his Synthesis techniques and is receiving rave reviews. Dr. McGrail resides in Los Angeles California.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology
Guest Occupation: 'A Course in Miracles'. The Oneness Blessing, Ilahinoor, Ho'oponopono, White Time Healing and other energetic transferences
Guest Biography:

I started my sojourn on the planet growing up in a cozy family environment which encouraged love, laughter and learning. I chose to follow my ‘muse’ early in life by becoming a professional rock musician, which enabled me to thrive enough to support a family early on. I returned to schooling at age 40, and settled into the helping professions as a counselor for children, families and the unemployed. My interests led me to become trained and certified in Nutrition. I eventually embraced Quantum Biofeedback, an advanced computerized healing system, as both a practitioner and eventually international trainer and educator. My interests have expanded further to embrace the Spiritual aspects of healing, and now, with my wife Erina, teach and train others to become Licensed Spiritual Healers. My own inner work has evolved into an optimistic world view and desire share this with others through writing, teaching and music. I have authored ‘Navigating the Collapse of Time’ and co-authored ‘Dowsing Beyond Duality’ with Erina to support others in tapping into their greatest potentials.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Author, spiritual, quest, transmissions, ancient knowledge, mystery schools
Guest Biography:

Tamara Veitch and Rene DiFazio

Author, spiritual, quest, transmissions, ancient knowledge, mystery schools

Guest Occupation: Tibetan vocalist
Guest Biography:

Tsering Lodoe was the lead singer for the Oscar nominated Nepali movie "Himilaya", and contributed to the sound track for 'Seven Years In Tibet' starring Brad Pitt. Did you see that powerful movie? Lodoe gives voice to the indomitable will of a spiritual people to represent peace and harmony. 

Right after the Cosmic Love show, Lodoe will be performing at the Bozeman concert with Tibetan flutist Nawang Khechog.  Nawang is a Tibetan Grammy Nominee who has won multiple awards from Tibet, India, Nepal and the United States.  As a Buddhist devotee who lives in the community with the Dalai Lama, Nawang will be giving a 90 minute talk on 'Awakening Kindness' at a Bozeman workshop on Sunday.
 Accompaniment for much of this music is master acoustic guitarist Bruce BecVar who I'll also be interviewing with a sample of his music. Bruce is a gifted multi-instrumentalist and composer. Having produced and recorded 12 CDs since 1986 on his label Shining Star Music, BecVar is considered a veteran in the world of acoustic guitar. His Forever Blue Sky was on the top ten New Age Billboard charts. The World Music label Narada featured one of his Nuevo Flamenco pieces on their highly successful flamenco guitar sampler called Gypsy Passion.
 Some of the world class musicians that have appeared on BecVar's recordings include, Alex Acuna (Of Weather Report), younger brother Brian BecVar, Paul McCandless (Windham Hill) and Steve Reid (The Rippingtons).
 Bruce Bevar's guitar and Tsering Lodoe's vocals provide a profound harmonic experience.  This is a show you may want to put on your calendar whether for the local event or on Cosmic Love.
 Bruce BecVar website:

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Counselor/Author
Guest Biography:

Diane Tessman

Guest Category: UFOs, Akashic Records, Angel Communication, Numerology, Medium & Channeling, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Tantra, Earth Mother; Gaia Mid-wife, Divine Sacred Union, Moon Wisdom, Facilitator, Healer, Meditation, Transmitter
Guest Biography:

Anaiya is a wellspring of both wisdom and experience. A skilled facilitator and transmitter of palpable pioneering passion, she is known the world over for her role in activating New Paradigm Relationships and Divinized Sexuality. 

‘Without a holy tantric revolution being at the heart of our Great Rebirth – it will never happen! For us to be able to truly birth this new paradigm we absolutely need the sanctified holy sexual force to give us the energy, stamina, passion and unyielding pioneering spirit to make it through to the other side of this planetary transformation’.  

Anaiya also works with men and women who are not in intimate relationship, preparing them on every level to meet and engage with their beloved.  She works in 'Sacred Union' with all, facilitating your own Holy Marriage between the transcendent and imminent aspects of being, focusing mostly on sexuality, the full heart and truth/transparency. 

She brings together the potential for a fully embodied transformation within your Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Mental and Soul Body

This work is an aspect of The Great Rebirth, and is part of the Divine Feminine Expression.

Guest Category: Tantra Sex, Sexuality, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Sports Reporter and Play-by-Play
Guest Biography:

Kanoa Leahey is a sports reporter for KHON-TV, the Honolulu Fox affiliate. In addition to broadcasting the Monday-Friday sportscasts, he is also a play-by-play Announcer for high school sports on Oceanic Cable and for college basketball on the ESPN networks, as well as co-host of Leahey & Leahey, a weekly talk show featured on PBS Hawaii with his father, Jim (Leahey & Leahey Live).

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Iolani School alum got his first job as a sports reporter at KITV, Honolulu's ABC affiliate. After several years as the weekend sports anchor, he took over as the Sports Director at KHON-TV in 2004. In 2012, he stepped down to make more time for his national play-by-play work.

Leahey is a third generation sportscaster in Hawaii. His Father, Jim Leahey is the "voice" of University of Hawaii sports, and his grandfather, Chuck Leahey, is viewed by many as one of the most beloved sportscasters in state history.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Basketball Trainer
Guest Biography:

Albert "Guss" Armstead is known throughout the nation for his organized developmental basketball programs. As mentioned in Chris Ballard's Hoop Nation, Armstead customizes his workout programs for future NBA players, current NBA players, college and high school basketball players. Armstead has gained invaluable knowledge as a basketball coach, Executive Director of the Sacramento Summer Pro League, Director of Player Relations and Development for Saga Sports, and Co-founder of 2 the Hoop, Inc.

Guss Armstead has the professional experience to instruct you and help raise your game to a higher level. Let 2 the Hoop Basketball Services help you improve your offensive and defensive skills with the hopes of allowing you to reach your fullest potential as a basketball player.

With players hailing from places as diverse as China and Africa, Guss has worked with individuals from around the globe.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Jazz Musician
Guest Biography:

Fellow Jazz musician and activist Gilad Atzmon who visited, interviewed and actually played music with Trevor LaBonte, tells the story of our guest better than anyone.  Here is his article...

The War Against Trevor (LaBonte) by Gilad Atzmon

Until two years ago, Trevor LaBonte was one of the most successful Jazz artists in Texas. He had been performing every night and in the most prestigious venues. He was the first-call guitar player for many of Austin’s prominent musicians. But then it all changed.

Gilad Atzmon: Trevor you were a local Jazz hero, what happened?

Trevor LaBonte: An activist named Craig Berlin, owner of  Pro-Tape Staff in Austin, organized a campaign  to destroy my career by terrorizing the entire Austin music community. He creates Facebook posts in which he tags 50 or 60 important people in town, and reports to them that I am a ‘Nazi,’ an ‘Anti-Semite,’ and a ‘holocaust denier.’ Berlin demands that everyone must do everything in their power to make sure I never play another note in public. At first, most people ignored him, but  then others took up his cause, including the radio DJ Andy Langer from KGSR, helping to make sure I have become a hate figure and completely ostracized.

Let me understand correctly, you didn’t publish a book or even an article, all that vile campaign against you was launched because you expressed some thoughts on your own Facebook page? Is it correct?

--Yes, that's what happened. 

How have your friends reacted to this onslaught?

--They are confused and afraid, mostly. Many of them quietly agree with at least some of what I say, and they are still friends with me.  But understandably, they are scared to be listed in a performance announcement with me, since they would be certain to draw the hissing and screeching and boycott of Craig Berlin's fans. Most of my friends are sad and just want to play music together.  Anyone who tries to stick up for me, or just moderate the witch hunt against me,  risks being similarly attacked themselves. And the attacks are vile.

Musicians are not used to being vilified for unusual opinions I guess that it would be correct to argue that the entire Jazz community is strictly speaking terrorized by this Jewish campaign to ostracize you.

-- Many of the musicians in Austin are  Jewish and are among my friends. The campaign against me  is being orchestrated by about 10 Jewish people who have publicly agreed amongst themselves that I have fallen ‘gravely mentally ill’, must be taken immediately to a ‘psychiatric institution’ and be ‘heavily dosed with meds.’

This sounds familiar..

-- One  recommend that I be castrated by chainsaw.

This is clearly more radical treatment than the traditional rabbinical circumcision apparatus..

--There were many other violent threats and fantasies, which are an interesting and revealing
response to my mission statement: I advocate universal human rights and opposition to supremacism, violence and corruption of all forms, Jewish, Christian or otherwise. I also believe in the free exchange of ideas and free speech.

I have now met your beautiful and kind girlfriend and your lovely parents. I saw a lot of fear, it seems that everyone around you is subject to harassment by Berlin and his defamation troopers, I even learned from venue owners that they were harassed by Berlin and his klan. Have you ever spoke to Craig? Did you meet him?

--We have only communicated briefly on Facebook. He keeps me blocked now, so I can't even see what he is saying about me, let alone defend myself. I have no choice except to just let him go crazy for the world to see. I hope this demonic ranting  helps people to understand the rampant madness raging in such obsessed minds.

I obviously looked at the accusations against you and they are indeed vile, You are quoted questioning on FB  "If Hitler was an evil dictator, then why did he have broad public support? Why did Germany love him so much?

This is obviously a legitimate and valid question. However when I visited your FB page I realized that you push it a bit further, you question the Holocaust official narrative. You ask “what about those ‘gas chambers?’ Where are they? Why were they never found?”  Trevor, do you realise that such questions are banned by in European countries? Why do you think there is an attempt to stop Holocaust revisionism? Why are you chased, what are they afraid of?

--Yes, I realize Holocaust revisionism is banned in 17 countries. But America is not one of them. Americans need to use their right to free speech to question traditional history of all kinds. The Holocaust is no different in that respect.

You have also suggested that Jews were highly involved with Bolshevism.  Truth can be offensive, but why is this the case?

-- In this case, the truth is offensive to Jews because, were it to become widely known, their whole narrative of history would have to change. The fact  is that Bolshevism was largely a Jewish supported cause. 

I am not a supporter of Bolshevism nor am I a Marxist, but I would simply argue that Jews used their dominance within the Bolshevik movement in order to promote their ethnic interests. I would agree that Jewish Bolsheviks carried on an element of Judeo centric supremacist righteousness.

-- I asked if Jews ran some of the camps of Gulag Archipelago because they harbored deep racial animosity toward the Russian people. I often like to phrase things as questions, and my intent is to get a historical and intellectual conversation started. Yes, they are pointed questions, and my goal is to lead to the conclusions  I have reached. More importantly, I want  people to question traditional versions of history. It's a very painful process, for me as well as
for others, I am sure. I was shocked and upset to learn that 85% of the Bolshevik/Communist government were actually Jewish, something I did not know because it is not taught in any history class.

How can Hitler be seen as the greatest mass-murderer of all time, when practically next
door, people like Trotsy/Leiba Bronstein, Lazar Kaganovich, and Gengrich Yagoda were running completely amok?.The title of worst mass murderer has many competitors.

What is the solution?

-- I think the best solution would be to discard our "political correctness" standards. We should be able to question any historical or political narrative.  That's the first amendment and I think it was created to allow difficult discussions exactly like these.  This is the only way we can start to approach the "truth" in history. No group, including Jewish people, should be allowed to control history.  In the south, we have not controlled the history of the Civil War and I also think that's a good thing.

Thanks for your time Trevor. I would urge my readers and followers to contact Craig Berlin and to demand that he stop his hate campaign against you at once.  I am pretty sure that the tide will change soon. I had an incredible time staying with you and playing music together. However, for the first time I met a musician who was more outspoken than myself. In fact, never before have I had trouble because of the views of one of my band members. This was pretty funny and a very positive dvelopment indeed.

Guest Category: Education, Music, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: on air radio personality, manager of musical acts
Guest Biography:

David Spero had an early start in the music/ media business: holding cue cards on the Upbeat show that his father, Herman Spero, produced. And by the time that he had graduated from high school, he had already had years of experience as an “on air” radio personality. During that tenure, he played at least a role in helping Bruce Springsteen and other rock luminaries ignite their career.

He served as Senior Director of Programming for the The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where he set up many shows and creative events. And he was subsequently inducted as one of the Radio/Television Broadcasters Hall of Fame of Ohio's Class of 2007.

Spero now works as a manager for musicians, having many stories to tell from his unique vantage point as both an observer and participant. And because of his adventures, he notes that while he is in his 60s as the calendar measures those things, he is actually only 26 and holding. His picture proves his point.

Guest Category: Business, Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: inspirational speaker, radio personality, author
Guest Biography:

Karyn Beach does not expect women, or anybody else for that matter to perform miracles. Her message is not necessarily about having it all: a great job, great family, etc. But she does encourage them to at least organize themselves and work towards their potential whatever that potential might be. And she has written a series of books that help readers achieve that objective. As she puts it: “A goal without a plan is just wishful thinking. The purpose of Getting to Goal is to help women define what they want most and develop an action plan for making those dreams and desires a reality.”

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Founder of The Thought Exchange
Guest Biography:

With multi-platinum recordings, Broadway shows, Disney Animated Films, a best-selling book on metaphysics and a teaching and lecturing career that spans the nation, David Friedman is truly someone who has made a major mark not only in all areas of Show Business but in the New Thought Movement as well. From We Can Be Kind to Listen To My Heart, Help Is On The Way, We Live on Borrowed Time, Trust The Wind, I'll Be Here With You and hundreds more,  David has written songs of inspiration, love and hope that take on new emotional meaning in these challenging times.  With 6 Broadway shows, his own Off Broadway Show, 9 Disney Films, 3 television series, frequent appearances as a regular guest on the Today Show,  and recordings by such artists as Diana Ross, Barry Manilow and Nancy LaMott to his credit, David has, in recent years, come to realize that his true mission in life is to help heal and enlighten people by sharing the life-lessons he has learned throughout his illustrious career.  

With this in mind, David recently wrote a book entitled The Thought Exchange – Overcoming Our Resistance to Living a Sensational Life, and spends a great deal of time traveling around the country lecturing, giving concerts and teaching Thought Exchange principles in corporate settings, New Thought churches, schools and private sessions. Most recently, David appeared in the 2012 documentary film The Thought Exchange, based on his work. The film was directed by Usher Morgan and co-starred Lucie Arnaz, Arje Shaw and others.

Guest Category: Music, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, TV & Film