Geoff about himself:
Ive been employed in two Enforcement Jobs, both with the Government in Canada. I have also had UFO encounters, two Near Death Experiences and some ET Contact, I have done numerous Interviews which can be found on Youtube under Geoffrey Faulkner. I live in Northern California and am now writing two books on my life experiences with the Spiritual and ET side of Life. How the Gorvenment is covering up our Truth. not only about our history but for many, their own Identity. I have had my Personnel Records erased by the Government yet, I still have safely put away my training certificates to validate my employment. I will be Speaking this year at various locations so please watch for my posts, I am also on Facebook under Geoff Faulkner. I am availalbe for Speaking Engagements and can be contacted either on fb or email. healer_ca48@hotmail.com.