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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author/Activist
Guest Biography:

CONGRESSMAN PAUL FINDLEY - Author, speaker and pundit Paul Findley served in the United States Congress for 22 years representing central Illinois. Before his Congressional service, Mr. Findley served as a Naval officer with the Seabees in the Pacific in World War II, followed by work as  a newspaper editor in Jacksonville, Illinois.

Mr. Findley is the author of the best-selling book They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby, first published in 1985 and most recently updated in 2003. This was the first book to expose the power of the Israel Lobby throughout the United States: in Congress, academia, and the press. A reviewer noted:

“Because he questioned blind American support of Israel, the lobby deprived a conscientious Illinois congressman of the seat he occupied for 22 years. In doing so, it freed Paul Findley to write the most powerful expose to date of Israel’s abuse of American trust, a book which may prove Admiral Moorer’s prediction to him that ‘the American people would be goddam mad if they knew what goes on.'”

Mr. Findley is also the author of Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S.-Israeli Relationship. Richard Curtiss, Executive Editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and a former career Foreign Service Officer, called the book: a “treasure trove of information about Palestine, Israel, and the latter’s relationship with the U.S.”

Curtiss went on to state: “All Americans who are serious about tipping U.S. policy back toward even-handedness in the Middle East will find this book useful, in fact essential…. Use of Findley’s clearly organized and carefully indexed facts will make readers highly effective in convincing their countrymen that, collectively, Americans have been too gullible for too long.”

Mr. Findley is also the author of A. Lincoln, the Crucible of Congress, Silent No More: Confronting America’s False Images of Islam, and The Federal Farm Table.

Mr. Findley has received numerous distinctions, among them:

1942 election to Phi Beta Kappa, Illinois College; 1972 Logan Hay Award; Abraham Lincoln Association; the 1976 Estes Kefauver Memorial Award; the 1977 Elijah Lovejoy Award; the 1978 Commander’s Cross, Order of Merit, highest civilian award of the Federal Republic of Germany; 1980 Laureate of Lincoln Academy, State of Illinois, 1986 human understanding award by EAFORD; Honorary doctorate degrees—1969 Lindenwood College, 1973 Illinois College, 1988 Lincoln University, 1997 MacMurray College.

Guest Occupation: Contactee
Guest Biography:


We are at a cross-roads in the history of humanity and yet, even now, stupidity and skepticism makes some people hold on to the conviction that we are alone in the universe and that the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is a utopia.

The manipulation and control exercised by the evil elite “Iluminati” has produced a huge evil for humanity, especially in the past few decades. Unfortunately, the truth about these realities has been treated with irony and highlighted among so-called “conspiracy theories”. It proves however, not to be so solid, as developments in recent years in world events have clearly demonstrated.

Through this site we strive to bring to light, in particular, the truth about the existence of beneficial extraterrestrial beings and the contact they have had with some human beings. Our wish is to offer in this way a real, fair opportunity, to form a strong nucleus, to bring together those who have had such experience with representatives of some superior worlds in the Cosmos.

From the point of view of the amazing transformations which will shortly take place on Earth, contact and communication with beneficial extraterrestrial beings is a very important, primary action that will lead humanity towards a harmonious cohabitation of love and peace. This is the goal for which this site was created, it proposes to make the presence and manifestation of beneficial extraterrestrials among us more and more known.

Our hope is that in a short time it will give birth to many more such centres of resonance and communication with extraterrestrial beings throughout the world. This would help extraordinarily to raise the level of vibration of the entire planet and implicitly of all of humanity, thus creating a premise for a bright, prosperous life, full of goodness, peace, wisdom, harmony and love on our planet.

Those who have experienced authentic, significant and sublime extraterrestrial contact, either during dreams, or in other circumstances, now have the possibility to share all your beautiful perceptions and accounts, in this virtual space designed especially for this.

Also, will be – via the documentaries they produce – the starting point for more expanded vision about life in the Universe, its laws and realities.

We hope that our initiative opens the path for communication with beneficial extraterrestrial beings who want to help us, contributing in this way to the evolution of humanity and their acceptance into the Galactic Supreme Council.

Guest Category: Cosmology, Cosmogony, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Biology & Chemistry, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic
Guest Occupation: Singer, Sound Healer
Guest Biography:

Diana Carr’s music carries messages of healing, empowerment, and celebration of the powerful times we are living in. Her songs stem out of and are tailored for her work in sacred ceremony. She has developed her sound supporting high-vibrational acts such as Luvamp and Earth Wake and is now stepping deeper into her service as a solo artist.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Music
Guest Occupation: Founder and Managing Partner of SAIL Capital Partners LLC, Author, Poet, Earth Sustainability Activist
Guest Biography:


Walter L. Schindler is the founder and Managing Partner of SAIL Capital Partners LLC. His primary responsibilities include capital, corporate finance, and mergers and acquisitions. Under his leadership SAIL has been selected by the World Economic Forum as a member of its Community of Global Growth Companies and was nominated for Private Equity Manager of the Year by Foundation & Endowment Money Management. In addition, SAIL Capital was chosen by the U.S. Department of Commerce to co-lead with Deutsche Bank the first U.S. Trade Mission on Clean Energy to Germany and to participate in the first Impact & Sustainable Investment Trade Missions to Europe with investor meetings in Zurich, Amsterdam, and London. He has also been a participant in the Australian American Leadership Dialogue, a private group of government and industry leaders from both countries.

In 2014 Walter was elected to the Board of Directors of Fulbright Canada, the Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America. Walter is also a member of the Board of Directors of CNS Response Inc., as well as a member of the North American Advisory Board of The Cleantech Group, the Advisory Board of US Bank, and the Chief Executive Roundtable of the University of California at Irvine. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of The Cleantech Open, the world’s largest accelerator of cleantech companies, based in Silicon Valley.

In January 2015 SAIL Capital Partners Ltd. was formed as a new affiliate to combine strategic advisory services with investment management of private client accounts for a range of special projects ranging from sustainable real estate and infrastructure to transformational growth opportunities in any global sector or market arising from sustainable innovation. This mission is pursued in close partnership with Frost & Sullivan, the leading international consultancy focused on transformational growth opportunities. Walter is Chairman and CEO of SAIL Capital Partners Ltd., based in London and California.

Prior to SAIL, Walter served as the partner in charge of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher’s Orange County, California office, which grew under his leadership to one of the largest offices in its worldwide network. His 19-year career at this leading international law firm included advising clients on some of the most successful IPO’s and mergers in the US during that time, including Allergan, Callaway Golf, Fluor, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company (PIMCO), PacifiCare, SafeGuard Health, and Ultrasystems. He was the lead strategic advisor in over 60 successful mergers, acquisitions, and IPO’s and over 25 renewable power projects. His assignments included advising Pacific Mutual Life Insurance with regard to the creation and execution of the exit strategy for its investment in PIMCO and working on the IPO of Ultrasystems Inc., the first renewable power project developer to go public in the US. He has 35 years of broad and deep experience in energy and renewable power projects and related exit experience.

Walter is a native of New Orleans, was an Eagle Scout, earned his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. with honors from Yale University and his J.D. with honors from Harvard Law School. He studied as a Fulbright Scholar in Italy, attended the University of Florence, and translated Italian poetry into English. At Yale Graduate School he was awarded the Mary Cady Tew Prize in 1975 (awarded by Faculty to the best first-year graduate student in the humanities and social sciences). He is the author of a book of original poetry (The Napoleon House; published by Archon Books) and a book on the life and poetry of John Milton (Voice and Crisis: Invocation in Milton’s Poetry; also published by Archon Books).

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Education, Philosophy, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Teaching Spiritual Knowledge, Lectures, Workshops, Researcher,
Guest Biography:

Patrick Adrian, Synchro Zone

Are we Prisoners of Karma ?

Is Freedom from Karma Possibile?                                                                              

Patrick Adrian has written over 40 books, including 15 novels, 24 non‐fiction  books and 1 poetry book. Those books are the result of a lifetime spent  studying and teaching spiritual knowledge. He continues to work on new ones  in which he conveys the knowledge to his readers in a practical way.

Patrick is based in Croatia, Europe. By nature he is a seeker of knowledge and  explorer of human potential. His spiritual journey started at the age of 13 and  all of his work is based on his own experiences and discoveries. Most of the  books are available in Croatian, but also in other languages: Serbian, Slovenian,  Hungarian, Ukraine and English.

Patrick is the founder of DA Spiritual Academy where he teaches Integral  meditation, conducts a three‐year intensive study of Indian astrology (jyotish),  teaches a spiritual dance called NeoDance and runs a number of other  seminars and workshops (Hidden Messages, Life‐Death‐Life, Vastu etc.).

He is also the founder of, a Global Network of intuitive communication, and  the humanitarian association The Art of Giving. Patrick is also one of the  founders and an honorary president of the Dolphin Dream Society and an initiator of Celestial Labyrinths Project. However, the main focus of his activities, talks and seminars is on explaining  and showing the way out of conditioned thinking, programmed behavior and  confined living. The spiritual goal, as Patrick sees it, is the remembering and re‐ creating the natural state of absolute freedom of consciousness.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Lawyer, Researcher, Writer and a long time student of Hinduism
Guest Biography:

THE SPIRITUAL GENOME; Networked Intelligence in DNA

 Bradley Bartholomew weaves together science, spirituality and philosphy in his examination of the “Networked Intelligence In DNA”
Bradley Bartholomew’s work is timely in response to questions being raised by the scientific community and others; “are we living in a computer simulation? Does the matrix really exist?” Spiritual Genome is a cohesive blend of science and spirituality with Hinduism at its roots; shedding light on the networked intelligence in DNA and how DNA can act as a universal quantum computer. Through this body of work the “matrix” unfolds!
Bradley Bartholomew initially trained as a lawyer in Queensland, Australia. He subsequently came across the works of Sigmund Freud and experienced a profound realization that Freud's Unconscious Mind and the Hindu Inner Self were one and the same. From then on he has devoted his life to tracking the Inner Self. After spending considerable time in an Ashram in India he wrote several articles about Hindu Philosophy in the 1990s that were published in prestigious philosophical journals in India including the Indian Philosophical Quarterly. His revelations that the Hindu Upanishads have a Quantum Mechanical interpretation led him back to University to formally study Physics and Genetics where he made a pivotal discovery about how the DNA acts as a Quantum Computer. This discovery has brought Hinduism into the information age. 
Bradley Bartholomew’s book The Spiritual Genome brings to the forefront the theory of a networked intelligence in the DNA. He clearly outlines this theory that the DNA of all living creatures (including plants) is connected in the quantum substratum, and that it is this networked intelligence which constitutes the essential oneness from which springs all the diversity of life that we see around us. Bradley Bartholomew’s book illustrates how this networked intelligence is generated at the fundamental level by computer processing constituting the ultimate source of life. This he says is demonstrated by memristors in the DNA which enable the storing of data, and which have a direct bearing on such widely believed phenomena as past lives and reincarnation. The Author cohesively explains how the DNA can act as a universal quantum computer with sufficient processing power to potentially enable the generation of the entire universe. The Spiritual Genome explores how DNA acting as a universal quantum computer is foreshadowed in the Hindu Upanishads written more than 2500 years ago. The Upanishads are interpreted using state of the art neuroscience as well as Quantum Mechanics. This is said to not only enable the precise location of the Inner Self, but also demonstrates that what we experience through our five senses is capable of being generated from within. Quantum Mechanics also enables a deeper interpretation of Maya; the ancient Hindu doctrine of the illusory nature of all things. In the words of Bradley Bartholomew the Author, “We find that all this diversity that we see around us is in fact a virtual reality nested in the networked intelligence." 
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Spoken of by many as one of the greatest living masters of the Bach Flower Remedies, Dr. Love has the oldest ongoing classes in the Bach Remedies in the world, forty years, and has worked with over 100,000 people.

He has been a practicing Homeopath now for forty years, although he is no longer in private practice.  He has served as Founder and Director of the International Association of Homeopathy, based in Montana, for 18 years.  And he has been honored to train many thousands of individuals from Hong Kong to Israel, and around the United States. who now use his healing approach.

The International Association of Homeopathy offers a one year Certification Program with distance learning, and apprenticeship with Dr. Love. You will receive your Certified Homeopath, Certified Herbalist, Certified Nutrition Consultant, and Homeopathic Certification in the Treatment of Animals.

Dr. Love has developed a new level of Healing using the Homeopathic approach to the Bach Remedies.  His approach is much more effective, and helpful, and way more powerful, than the way the Flowers are currently being used.  In the Certification Program he personally guides a student through the gateways and doorways and hidden gates, of their own individual Healing Process.  And then he teaches you how to Heal others.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author/Researcher
Guest Biography:

TY BOLLINGER is a happily married husband and fathter, a CPA, health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, and author of the best-selling book “Cancer – Step Outside the Box“. After loosing several family members to cancer (including his mother and father), Ty refused to accept the notiion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. He began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. What he uncovered was shocking. There is ample evidence to support the allegation that the “war on cancer” is largely a fraud and that multinational pharmaceutical companies are “running the show”.

In 2006, after almost a decade of cancer research, he published “Cancer – Step Outside the Box” which (now in its 5th edition) has become a best-seller (over 100,000 copies sold) and has been called the “most eye-opening book since 1984″. Ty has now made it his life mission to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest: the vast majority of all diseases (including cancer) can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery. Speaking from personal experience and extensive research, Ty has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world.

In 2011, Ty collaborated with his colleague, Dr. Michael Farley, to edit and publish a revolutionary book on medicinal herbs entitled, “A Guide to Understanding Herbal Medicines and Surving the Coming Pharmaceutical Monopoly“. This book is destined to become a favorite reference for experienced herbalists and natural health newcomers alike. Drawing on over three decades of personal experience, obesrvation and research of Dr. Michael Farley, the book provides a refreshing and enlightening yet simple to understand guide on the medicinal uses of natural herbs. The book simplifies and demystifies herbal medicine and puts it back within the grasp of all who want to reclaim some control over their health options.

Ty speaks frequently to health groups, at seminars, conferences, churches, and is a regular guest on multiple radio shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: filmmaker/activist
Guest Biography:

MERLIN L. MILLER was born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa, and graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. He served several years in the U.S. Army where he commanded two units and then worked as an Industrial Engineering Manager for Michelin Tire Company. In 1983, he was accepted into the University of Southern California’s “Peter Stark Motion Picture Producing Program,” graduating in 1985 with an MFA degree in Cinema/Television. He subsequently became an independent screenwriter, motion picture producer/director, and instructor.

Merlin’s award winning films include; “A Place to Grow” starring Gary Morris, Tracy Kristofferson, John Beck and Wilford Brimley, and “Jericho” starring Mark Valley, Leon Coffee, Lisa Stewart, R. Lee Ermey and Buck Taylor.

His vision is to build a viable and far-reaching alternative to Hollywood…one that can help shape a more positive destiny for the marginalized, yet traditionally valued American majority. In recent years, Merlin wrote a historical treatise, “The American Dream”, and published several articles, connecting military, political and media intrigues.

In 2007/8, Merlin became politically active – in support of Ron Paul’s Presidential campaign. In 2012, he was recruited by a small independent political party to be their Presidential candidate. During the course of campaigning, Merlin appeared in numerous radio, television and print interviews, wrote “Our Vision for America”, and visited Iran – meeting with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Merlin plans to produce “False Flag”, a critically important motion picture, and help build a coalition of nationalist, populist, and patriot organizations. United, this coalition could end pervasive political corruption, and help restore America’s traditional goodness – as a freedom-based, constitutional republic. This political effort has led to formation in 2015 of the American Eagle Party – “We the People” Restoring our Republic”.

He has been married for 40 years to Susan, and they have 4 grown daughters,  three of whom also graduated from West Point and are currently serving in the U.S. Army. (L: Merlin with former Congressman and “father of the Tea Party”, Dr. Ron Paul, during the 2008 Rally to Restore the Republic.)

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Musician, songwriter and producer
Guest Biography:

Bradley Kohn has been active as a musician, songwriter and producer from a very young age. He started play the piano at 6 years old, was writing songs at 9 and first recorded one of his songs in a professional recording studio at only 10, where he was co-produced by Mike Moran (Freddie Mercury, George Harrison, David Bowie) and Pete Van Hooke (Van Morrison, Live From Abbey Road, Paul Carrack).

Spurred on by such incredible experiences he started experimenting with a four track recorder as a way to catalogue his compositions. By the age of 16 he was fronting a rock band (as both lead singer and rhythm guitarist) that played regularly on the London circuit. Bradley was now rapidly gaining valuable musical knowledge. Not one to rest on his laurels he kept himself active by promoting and arranging shows for himself and others proving his skills in many areas of music.

Having successfully finished his A-levels Bradley went on to study at the Academy of Contemporary Music where he received a HND with honours.

Determined to work in music, the next few years saw Bradley test his skills in various musical arenas. This included being booked as a pianist, singer, guitarist and percussionist for private, public and televised events in Europe, producing drum tracks for ITV, writing songs for European artists including Spanish TV show (Generación OT: En concierto) winner and pop star Beth Rodergas, organising and promoting the Session All Star events in London’s Covent Garden, Chelsea and Soho and running his own music studio – Home Farm Studios.

“A unique talent”

– Peter Van Hooke

This became his base for almost a decade which lead him to become a multi-platinum awarded producer, writer, artist and engineer, working with scores of bands and artists, scored and music supervised award winning films and completed work for The BBC, Discovery and The Royal Ballett among others. In 2009 he became an in house producer for EMI working out of Abbey Road Studios and The Roundhouse. In 2014 he moved to Los Angeles, where he has already worked at East West, Ocean Way, The Village, NRG, New West Records, Fonogenic Studios, Nightbird Studios (The Sunset Marquis) and Remote Control Productions (Hans Zimmer), as well as performed on local radio shows and at venues such as The House of Blues, Soho House and RG Club.

To Learn More About Our Guest, Brad Kohn, Visit:

Connect With Our Guest, Brad Kohn on FB at:

To Hear More of Our Guest Bradley Kohn’s Music, Visit: or on Youtube at:

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Former professional soccer player, cancer survivor, winner of the hit reality television show Survivor Africa and co-founder of Grassroot Soccer, Author, Coach, Embassador, Actor, Motivational Speaker, Multi Award Winner
Guest Biography:


ETHAN ZOHN is a former professional soccer player, cancer survivor, winner of the hit reality television show Survivor Africa and co-founder of Grassroot Soccer. As demonstrated by his charitable work, volunteerism, and community involvement, Ethan believes that a better and healthier world can be achieved through education, advocacy and inspiration.


With the $1 million prize money that he secured in winning the 2002 Survivor: Africa, Ethan co-founded Grassroot Soccer (GRS), a nonprofit organization that uses the power of soccer to strengthen communities and empower young people to stop the spread of HIV. Since 2002, GRS has graduated over 700,000 from its tailored, soccer-based HIV prevention-curriculum. GRS now directly implements programs throughout Southern Africa and partners with organizations to implement its curriculum in over 40 countries around the world. Ethan has contributed to GRS’ ability to develop a strong donor network, including Nike, the Gates Foundation, USAID, FIFA, Elton John AIDS Foundation, Barclays, Peace Corps and the MAC AIDS Fund. In the summer of 2010, Ethan and Grassroot Soccer teamed up with the (RED) Campaign to bring Soccer Skillz Camps to children in South Africa during the highly publicized and watched 2010 FIFA World Cup.

In August 2008, Ethan officially launched the Grassroot Soccer UNITED campaign, an international, youth-led movement to end HIV/AIDS in Africa, by embarking on a world-record-breaking 550-mile journey on foot, from Boston, MA, to Washington, D.C. – dribbling a soccer ball the entire route. Ethan also spearheaded the creation of the GRS Endurance Team which has enabled over 250 athletes to compete in the NY, Boston and LA Marathons and raising over $2,000,000. Ethan himself has competed in marathons on behalf of GRS, including running the 2010 and 2011 New York City Marathons, despite being diagnosed and undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. He later captained the GRS Team and ran 2012 Los Angeles and Boston Marathons.


In April 2009, Ethan was diagnosed with CD 20+ Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After multiple rounds of chemotherapy and an autologous stem cell transplant, Ethan learned that his cancer had returned. Thanks to the dedication of a team of doctors, Ethan underwent a course of experimental treatment and received a second stem cell transplant, this time from his brother. Throughout his battle with cancer, Ethan served as a National Ambassador for Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C), and has since harnessed his industry connections in television to create SURVIVOR SU2C, through which donations are made to cancer research through the popular television show, Survivor.

In the fall of 2011, after 20 months of being in remission, Zohn was told his cancer had returned. He quickly and without hesitation persevered, using his platform to continue to be “the megaphone” for the young adult generation battling cancer. He engaged with his fans through autobiographical short on People Magazine’s Through an in-depth video web series, Ethan opened up about his fight against cancer, showing the raw truthfulness behind this disease – the humor, the fear, the doctors, hospitals, etc. Since 2011, Ethan has been a guest writer for the Huffington Post and penned a blog for called the “The Zohn Zone” about life after cancer. Today, he continues to use his celebrity to educate others about cancer research and advocacy across the country. Ethan is also a Global Envoy for The LIVESTRONG Foundation and is a national spokesperson for the Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Ethan and Survivor Amazon Winner Jenna Morasca hosted the 2012 Daytime Emmy-nominated ABC show “Everyday Health.” They traveled around the country covering stories on amazing people who have gone through a health crisis and continue to use the power of the human spirit to not only better themselves, but also the communities around them. Ethan has also been featured in the award-winning documentary film A Closer Walk, and has been a host for the MSG Soccer Report (Madison Square Garden Network) and FC Fox (Fox Soccer Channel) and Outside Today (Outside Television Network). Ethan has also worked as a sideline commentator for the US Men’s National Soccer Team, Major League Soccer, NCAA College Soccer and for ESPN Radio. Ethan’s other television credits include The Amazing Race 19, Survivor All Stars, Eco-Challenge Fiji and Earth Tripping.


Ethan is a global ambassador for Beyond Sport, an organization that promotes, develops and supports the use of sport to create positive social change across the world. Ethan has also worked extensively with Autism Speaks, America Scores, Stupid Cancer, Maccabi USA, Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital’s Cycle for Survival and Be The Match. Ethan travels the world as a motivational speaker emphasizing character, leadership, resiliency, values and service to nurture the immense potential that young people have to change their world. Ethan routinely addresses high schools, colleges, corporate, and professional audiences, including United Synagogue Youth, Goldman Sachs, Young Professionals Organization, NCAA, WE Day, Atlantic Health Systems, Seattle Genetics, Genentech, Lynne Schusterman Foundation/ROI, Tribefest, and others.


Originally from Lexington, MA, Ethan graduated from Vassar College, where he majored in biology. After graduating from Vassar, Ethan played professional soccer for Highlanders FC (Zimbabwe), the Cape Cod Crusaders and the Hawaii Tsunami, as well as for the 1997 and 2001 U.S. National Maccabiah squads. From 1998 to 2002, Ethan was the Assistant Coach for Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Men and Women’s soccer teams. In 2003, he coached the U.S. Maccabiah team at the Pan-American Maccabiah Games in Chile.

Ethan’s latest endeavor is co-authoring a three-part children’s educational book series. Soccer World: South Africa was the #1 children’s book on for May/June 2010.


2013 – Gilda’s Club “Gildie Red Door For Advocacy Award”

2012 – Xfinity Survivors Hall of Fame

2011 – Honorary Doctorate Of Humane Sciences Degree – Dominican College

2011 – Mia Hamm Foundation “Courage Award”

2011 – Ulman Family Fund Award for Advocacy

2008 – A Caring Hand “Philanthropic Achievement Award”

2007 – The Peace Abbey – Courage of Conscious Award

2005 – People Magazine 2005 Helpers of the Year – People Magazine

2005 – Vassar College Innovator of The Year

2005 – Campus Activities Magazine – Rookie Speaker of the Year

2004 – Hero’s Among Us Award- Boston Celtics and Massachusetts State Department

2004 – Nkosi Johnson Community Spirit Award – IAPAC

2003 – Auxilia Chimusoro Award – U.S. State Department in Zimbabwe

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Dancer, Model, Miss Canada Runner Up, National CFL Cheerleader, Sports Dancer, Actress, Writer, Talk Show Host, TV Personality, Cancer Survivor
Guest Biography:



Originally from Vancouver BC, I was awarded a scholarship to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Paul Rudd and I went through the program together and am proud to say that we graduated in the same class.


My first love was dance. I have been a dancer my whole life and performed with a Vancouver based company until I decided to make my way to the land of “dreams come true”. My love for dance kept me in one studio or another teaching classes and choreographing students ranging from 3 years to adult. Dance is my soul.


I won the FRESH LOOK CANADA 1980 modeling contest and was then recruited by a prestigious Vancouver based modeling agency. This led to the film and television world where I began building my resume. One of my first times on set was in a scene with Johnny Depp when he had a show called 21 Jump Street which filmed in Vancouver.


My pageant career was intense. I won several titles and loved the hard work that went into presenting my best self. Representing my city, province, country meant a great deal to me and I did my very best to be an outstanding citizen and virtuous role model to all. My first and most memorable title was Miss Teen Vancouver which landed me a trip to Toronto where I competed in the Miss Teen Canada Contest. The next most prominent title was Miss Canada Runner Up. I am still very proud of these titles which allowed me to contribute to the community in so many beneficial ways for many years.

National CFL Cheerleader/Sports Dancer

The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders were very popular at this time in my life. One of my aspirations was to represent our national team, The BC Lions as a cheerleader/sports dancer. After a long day of grueling auditions I was ecstatic to be one of the few chosen out of hundreds of dancers who showed up for tryouts. There were only a few spots in the line that were open and I really wanted one. I succeeded, was the youngest dancer ever on the team and probably the most joyous as well.

University of British Columbia

I attended UBC, University of British Columbia but all I could think about was being accepted to a school like. FAME. I did my research, auditioned for the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (LA/NYC) was awarded a scholarship and packed my bags for Los Angeles.

After graduating from the American Academy I was cast in a film called Barbarians at the Gate. This was an HBO film starring James Garner and Jonathon Price. It was my first audition out of school and thought to myself… wow this is easier than I thought!

I continued with the journey by pounding the pavement: Student films, endless performances in plays all over the city, making the casting rounds, go to acting class 4 nights a week, attending workshops, theatre sports, networking, earned my SAG card, etc, …. doing everything possible in my power to achieve success.

As luck would have it, I met a wonderful fellow thespian with whom I co-wrote a sitcom and shopped it. Not getting the reaction we wanted, we decided to take a producer class at UCLA extension with Howard Storm. He told us to write about what you know… what you are good at. My partner and I were both full of enthusiasm and lots of fun so we decided to write a show about Nightlife. We filmed in LA and Las Vegas and planned on taking it across the globe.

We started with the basics. A pitch. We did not just do any pitch, we did a performance pitch. We wore costumes, choreographed a 2 minute routine and actually performed for our potential investors in their offices!!!

KTLA/WB was interested but they wanted to see a pilot. We raised $15,000.00 in one week, hired a production company and filmed two months later on New Year’s Eve. Our very first interview was with Paul Oakenfold, starting at the top with the biggest DJ in the world. Literally.

KTLA picked up our show which was called CLUBBIN’. It ran for two seasons and had top ratings, only second

to The Jimmy Kimmel Show.

Then this happened… Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson had that wardrobe faux pas at the Super Bowl half time show and everything changed for KTLA and Tribune. We had already shot a whole new season and it was in the can which unfortunately is where it stayed. The FCC was coming down hard and KTLA’s lawyers were not in favor of another of season of Clubbin’.

As one door closed another opened. A new company called was looking for content for their TV Web channel and they loved Clubbin’. We were on air, live, for two hours once a week for two years. We hosted in studio guests, had chatters, callers and a very loyal following. This interactive concept which combined so many forms of media into one made for an extremely exhilarating experience.

This lead to covering red carpet events, music festivals, food and wine shows, etc… LIVE on location.

CBS LA approached me about writing for under the pen name SHARLA. Currently I still write for them about LA hot spots and entertainment.

Within this time frame I wrote a spinoff of Clubbin’ called GIRLZ WEEKEND. I filmed the pilot in Las Vegas and had just secured an investor to fund this show when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colo-rectal cancer.

All bets were off.

Now here I am… on the other side and am ever so passionate about giving back through information, information and insight.

Below you will find clips of my work from Clubbin’ to Cancer and everything in between.

With all the love and strength in my heart, I thank you. Allyson Phelan-Eagan

*TV Personality:

*Writer CBSLA:

*Webshow Talk Host:

*American Academy of Dramatic Arts Scholarship Graduate

*Miss World Canada runner-up *Miss Teen Vancouver

*BC Lions Cheerleader (CFL)

Public Speaking

Gratitude and Cancer (7 minute version)

My Top 5 Favorite Words You Can Say to Another Human Being (Parts 1-2-3)

Kicking Cancer You Tube Channel



Guest Category: Arts, Beauty, Performing Arts, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Pianist, Arranger, Singer, Talk Show Host, Audio Engineer, Technician, Script Writer, Composer
Guest Biography:

Obinna Eze-Ajoku

Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Obinna grew up a pianist and an arranger. He spent some time in Nairobi, Kenya where he sang classical tenor for about a year at the age of 12. He returned to Nigeria where he developed his piano talents, playing and arranging music in churches as a teenager.

From the age of 19, he began to sing a lot more, going on to record original songs that were played on radio stations around Africa. He and his songs would feature on song charts, a BBC TV series, documentaries and huge concerts.

After a few years also doubled as a daily radio talk show host where he would speak with people who shared live stories and sought counseling and advise on the air. Every now and then, the show would also delve into political issues, however the main content of the show was Family and Relationships.

In 2013 he attended Full Sail University, Orlando Florida, graduating as Overall Best Student in the Recordings Arts Program for the year. During the time, working as an audio engineer and technician with companies such as ESPN, WWE and composing for productions done for non-profit organizations and the FBI.

Presently Obinna is working as an audio engineer with EA Sports, a video game company. When he’s not creating sounds or scripting, he is playing the piano, arranging or composing for himself, another singer or a church.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Artist, Sculpturist
Guest Biography:


Artis Lane was born in North Buxton in southern Ontario, Canada, on May 14, 1927. When she was two years old, Lane’s family moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Lane attended school and began to distinguish herself as an artist. By the age of fifteen, she was painting portraits of her classmates, and after graduating from high school, she was awarded a scholarship to the Ontario College of Art in Toronto. After graduating, she married journalist Bill Lane and moved with him to Detroit, where the Urban League, Detroit Chapter, played an instrumental role in Lane’s being the first woman to be admitted to Cranbrook Art Academy. Lane used her artistic talent to help support her family by painting portraits of auto industry executives and then Governor of Michigan George Romney.

Lane met actress Diahann Carroll shortly afterwards, and moved to New York City, where she continued to paint portraits while becoming a member of Portraits Incorporated. She soon moved to Los Angeles and began working with Universal Studios. There, she met actor Cary Grant, and the two became close friends. Over the ensuing decades, she was commissioned to paint such notables as President John F. Kennedy, Frank Sinatra, Henry Kissinger, Barbara Bush, Rosa Parks, Michael Jordan and Aretha Franklin, among others. In addition to her portraitures, Lane created bronze sculptures for the National Council of Negro Women’s Dorothy Height and Mary McLeod Bethune.

Lane has created bronze sculptures for the Soul Train Awards and has designed book covers and the original logo for the Dance Theatre of Harlem. Lane has held exhibitions throughout the United States and Canada. Her works can be seen in the Smithsonian Institution, the University of Missouri Library, AT&T’s corporate collection, the offices of Motown Records and numerous private galleries.

Lane is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Women of Excellence Award from the Chatham-Kent Family YMCA in Canada, the Museum of African American Art Award in Los Angeles, and the Women for Women Award from the Martin Luther King, Jr. General Hospital Foundation. In 2004, Lane continued to live and work in Los Angeles.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Beauty, Visual Arts, History, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Comedian, TV host, Writer, Award winning art director, Cook
Guest Biography:

Kim Castle, star of kimTV and the upcoming series, Aging Ungracefully™, is a fresh voice for feminine leadership. After running herself into the ground striving tirelessly for success, she recovered from exhaustion, depression, and stress-related illness naturally through diet and lifestyle changes. With humor, insight, and vulnerability, she helps busy women discover a better way to live with her recipes and shortcuts to feeling great again at any age.

A former stand-up comedienne, TV host, writer. and award winning art director, Kim’s wit and wisdom has been featured on CNN Headline News, Fox Business News, Yahoo Small Business, Inc and countless books and magazines. She’s won a Webby for her groundbreaking work for General Motors and was nominated for the Los Angeles Women Making A Difference Award.

Funny, fashionable, and inspiring, Kim is leading the way for busy women to live well with healthy recipes and shortcuts to feeling great again at

Guest Category: Comedy, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Assistant Professor, Psychologist
Guest Biography:


Dr. Roxanne Moschetti was born in Northern California in the late 70’s. She was the oldest of three and served as a segregate parent to her younger sister and brother from the time they were born. Due to extensive neglect during her childhood, education was not a priority for her. Homelessness, frequent relocation, and family instability led to failing grades in school. At the age of 13, Roxanne had attended seven different schools and carried a .87 GPA. In an out of shelters and foster care, Roxanne and her siblings were finally removed from their mothers care when she was 13. Roxanne knew at that point that she never again wanted to experience the stress and pandemonium that her family had endured over the past 13 years. With this in mind, she started to look at her childhood as a learning experience rather than a hardship. Experiencing these situations helped her recognize the importance of early prevention and assistance for families that struggle with poverty and addiction.

At the age of 17, Roxanne set out to be the first in my family to attend college and enrolled in classes at Shasta Community College. She later transferred into California State University, Chico where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. While in college she took over legal guardianship of her younger and sister and brother who would remain living with her until she later applied to graduate school. Against all odds, Roxanne eventually received her Ph.D. and Master’s degree in Child and Adolescent Development from University of California, Santa Barbara. She began teaching as an Assistant Professor at California State University, Northridge in 2008. Her current research focuses on the impact of social networks on underrepresented impoverished college students experiences. Roxanne spends her free time volunteering with homeless youth in the community and is currently writing a memoir about her personal experiences from growing up homeless to eventually earning her Ph.D.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Ph.D., L.M.T.
Guest Biography:

Meir Schneider, Ph.D., L.M.T.

Natural Vision Improvement ,Learn a New Way of Being in the World !

Meir Schneider was born with cataracts, glaucoma, astigmatism, and nystagmus. After five unsuccessful surgeries on the lenses of his eyes, which left them shattered and filled with scar tissue, doctors pronounced was certified legally blind. Schneider performed his reading and schoolwork in Braille.

At age 17, Meir learned the Bates Method of eye exercises. He practiced them diligently, up to 13 hours a day, undeterred by the skepticism of family and friends. To this he added his own regimen of self-massage and movement. Within six months, he could recognize visual objects for the first time; within 18 months, he could read print without glasses. His vision continued to improve, and today is 20/80. He holds a current unrestricted California driver's license.

During Schneider’s recovery process, while still a teenager, Meir began to help others with a wide range of degenerative conditions, such as polio, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis. He found that the same principles which enabled him to gain functional eyesight could be applied to the entire body. His discoveries led to the creation of the Meir Schneider Method of Self-Healing through Bodywork and Movement, helping tens of thousands of people with serious physical and visual conditions worldwide.

An internationally respected therapist and educator, Meir is the founder and director of the School for Self-Healing in San Francisco, the author of The Natural Vision Improvement Kit, Movement for Self-Healing, Yoga for Your Eyes, Meir Schneider's Miracle Eyesight Method, Self-Healing: My Life and Vision and the principal author of The Handbook of Self-Healing. He was awarded a PhD in the Healing Arts for his work with muscular dystrophy.

 PDF link with more info and pictures: Left, Meir Schneider’s right eye(with maximum dilation):  Less than 1% of the lens area admits light; the rest is scar tissue and membrane. Making the best possible use of badly damaged eyes, Meir sees about 20/80. Right, a normal eye (dilated). The black area is the lens, all of which admits light.... Meir Schneider’s blindnes certificate ...

Guest Category: Business, Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Kids & Family, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Master Engineer—restorer and modifier of microphones,
Guest Biography:

Klaus Heyne has crafted the recorded sound of cultural icons such as Barbra Streisand, Whitney Houston, and Lenny Kravitz, as well as that of legendary film studios and scoring stages—Lucasfilm, Paramount Studios and Disney, among others. The sound of many of the world's finest vintage microphones by Neumann, AKG, and others—a sound still unsurpassed by current technologies—continues to flourish in the 21st century largely thanks to Klaus Heyne's efforts.

In the year 2000, he partnered with Dirk Brauner to create a limited edition set of 100 recording microphones—the VM-1 Klaus Heyne Edition—the single most expensive microphone ever issued; the model has since doubled in price.

Born in Berlin, Klaus studied law in Frankfurt and apprenticed as a luthier. In the 1970's, he emigrated to the U.S., settling in San Francisco. From guitar repairman, and later, owner of a luthier shop in the S.F. Bay Area through the early 1980's, he became an importer of vintage German tube mics to the U.S. Since 1987, he has specialized in the repair, restoration and upgrade of fine European recording microphones for studios, producers, artists, voice talent, and film production companies. Klaus has expanded his services to vintage microphone authentication and investment consultation. In 1991, Klaus relocated to the Columbia Gorge, Oregon.

He is currently writing "The Vintage Microphone Handbook", a guidebook for acquiring and preserving vintage microphones—a long awaited publication. Klaus moderates a world-renowned online forum on Prosound Web. A link can be found here.

The link for Klaus Heyne's company, German Masterworks: Join us for a special edition of Lena Live, in a conversation with "the man behind the sound". BBS Radio—Station 1 

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music, Technology, Tech News, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Biologist
Guest Biography:

DOUGLAS RICHARDS PhD is Director of Research for Atlantic University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He has a Ph.D. in biology from the University of North Carolina. In 1976 and 1984 he participated in expeditions to the island of Bimini in the Bahamas in search of the ruins of Atlantis. He is the author of numerous scientific papers, including "Water Penetration Aerial Photography" in the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, as well as Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited.

Guest Category: Education, History, Paranormal, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

GAIL CAYCE SCHWARTZER is the granddaughter of Edgar Cayce and daughter of Edgar Evans Cayce. She graduated from Ohio State University in1968 with a B.S. in psychology. She worked with the Edgar Cayce Foundation for 15 years, and is the author of Osteopathy-- Comparative Concepts of A. T. Still and Edgar Cayce, as well as Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited.

Guest Category: Education, Paranormal, Philosophy, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy