Kathleen Carroll is a former government attorney from California and a whistle blower against corruption in public education.
Here is her brief bio:
"I am an activist, a government whistle blower- a former attorney with the California Commission on Teacher credentialing where I initiated a state audit of the agency and reported a number of illegal activities /problems, and I am a public education advocate. I've been a speaker at presentations related to the privatization of public ed; I've also been a frequent guest on KPFA radio show in Berkeley, CA. I am one of the administrators for Voices Against privatizing Public Education on FaceBook.
Currently, I am working hard on being able to place a ballot initiative to repeal charter school laws in CA. I am working with CA legislative counsel to draft the text of the initiative, working to get the word out, have an online petition to build statewide support.
I reside in Sacramento, CA."
Hear Kathleen speak about the privatization of public education in California:
Attend the rally on August 17th in LA to repeal the Charter School Laws in CA:
Here is the online petition: