David Lewis is a masterful singer/songwriter – 7 CD’s published - who became a messenger for the Ascended Masters about 11 years ago.
David brings harmony and prescience of divine order that is stepping through the thinning veil for winning from the beginning of the Aquarian Dispensation.
In this show, David provides some timely insight from the Master Jesus regarding the big shift of Earth energies with evolutionary ascent of mass consciousness from talking about problems to focusing on solutions with loving kindness.
We live in a miraculous time when quantum science of the divine matrix is unveiling not only the mysteries of quantum power (free energy), quantum wisdom (heart coherence), and quantum healing (global TeLeCare), but also the mysteries of conscious evolution with revelations from ascended realms that give us INsight for OUTlook of a more enlightened nature.
For those who like waking up with song and inspiration in the morning, David’s website provides free live and prerecorded messages from those who ascended with momentums of mastery that comes through these messages. The ‘look’ and ‘feel’ of your day may well benefit.
So welcome David Christopher Lewis to Cosmic LOVE in the spirit that matters for overcoming faithless fears with fearless faith, neutralizing the inordinate love of power in the world with the ordained power of love.