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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

MIKE PALECEK lives in Sheldon, Iowa with his family. He works at a group home. He has been a federal prisoner for peace. He met Fr. Dan Berrigan while in the Catholic seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Berrigan told him things about America and the Catholic Church that changed Mike's life. So, Mike went to jail, went crazy, went home, like that.

And Mike has worked as a reporter, editor, publisher on small-town newspapers in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota. The small newspaper Mike & Ruth owned and operated in southeast Minnesota won the Minnesota Newspaper of the Year Award from the MNA in 1994, and went out of business later that year. Mike was the Iowa Democratic Party nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000. He received 65,000 votes in a conservative district on an anti-military, anti-prison, pro-immigration platform, even after endorsing Ralph Nader over Al Gore.

One thing you might not know about Mike Palecek: He once spent an overnight in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary and did not like it.

Guest Category: Education, History, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Reverend, author and speaker
Guest Biography:

Bio for Rev. Michael J. S. Carter

Rev. Michael J. Carter is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. He moved to New York City in 1980 and lived there for 25 years, working as a professional actor before moving to Asheville with his family. Michael is an ordained Inter-faith minister and received his BA Degree in Letters from the College of New Rochelle where he graduated cum laude. He received his Masters In Divinity Degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City (class of 2000).While serving various Unitarian Universalist Congregations in New York, Michael was trained as an anti-racism trainer and has been recognized by President Clinton for his efforts. Michael was also a weekly columnist for the Asheville Citizen Times. Rev. Carter now serves as the minister for Unitarian Universalist Congregation of The Swannanoa Valley, in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina.

Rev. Carter has written articles on UFOs and Religion for such publications as UFO Magazine, Alien Encounters ( A British Publication),The MUFON UFO Journal, Contact Forum, The S.P.A.C.E. Newsletter (Support Program for Abductees Contact Encounters) a UFO support group in New York City. He has spoken at UFO Conferences such as the 2nd Philadelphia, Need –To- Know Conference, The Annual Long Island UFO Conference with the late Budd Hopkins, as well as appearing on radio and TV appearences across the nation. Rev. Carter has also appeared on Japanese television discussing the Bible and UFOs. Author Whitley Strieber has called  Rev. Carter’s book the best book ever written on the subject.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, Paranormal, Religion, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: President Edgar Cayce Foundation
Guest Biography:

Charles Thomas Cayce, PhD, trained as a psychologist, is a grandson of Edgar Cayce, and one of the A.R.E.'s most popular presenters. He was president of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) for many years where he worked to bring a holistic philosophy of management. He is president of the Edgar Cayce Foundation and a member of A.R.E.'s Board of Trustees. His expertise lies in the potential of our mind, relationships, meditation, dealing with stress creatively, and the integration of spirituality into our daily lives.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Producer and Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:
Cielito Pascual is a producer and co-host of the soon-to-be-launched Share International Radio podcast featured on OM Times Radio at OM Times dot com. 
Share International Radio presents a unique spiritual perspective on global trends and world events, pointing to the imminent transformation of our global economy based on the principle of sharing. 
Cielito has spoken  for over 15 years on television and radio and in talks in New York City and Seattle saying that this transformation is unfolding right now, galvanized by the emergence into full public life of Maitreya the World Teacher, and the Masters of Wisdom.
Focused on the transformation of global consciousness, three points are emphasized: 1) We are never alone 2) We have help of an extraordinary kind 3) The solutions to the world's most challenging problems are within our grasp.

Many people know that humanity is at a critical crossroads for change. Cielito will point to political events, healing miracles and unexplained phenomena that are signs of the planetary, interplanetary and cosmic help that is accessible and available so that all may participate in the healing of the planet.

The story of the Emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom is an inspiring story of hope. It reveals the critical relationship between the human and spiritual kingdoms. It shows us that by replacing greed and competition with sharing and right relationship, extraordinary possibilities become available for all life on Earth.

Guest Occupation: Personal Development Coach, Public Speaker, Sexual Abuse Advocacy, Hypnotist, Past-life Regression Therapist, Energy Medicine,
Guest Biography:

LISA SCHERMERHORN is a successful Personal Development Coach.

Lisa can help you make some real, positive and lasting changes in your life by helping you identify the obstacles that are holding you back.

Lisa received her BA in Management from Simmons College in 1984. She is a Certified Hypnotist, helping people with weight loss, smoking cessation, work and relationship issues, as well as Past Life Regression and Life In Between Lives Regression.

She is a Reiki Master, practices the Emotional Release Method, Energy Medicine Practitioner, and has traveled to Peru to study with several Shaman and has been studying Shamanic healing for fifteen years.

Lisa is the Past President of the Woman’s Club of Concord, graduate of the Leadership Greater Concord Program, graduate of the Fast Track Program of the National Speakers Association, and an award-winning speaker.

Guest Category: Medicine, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer
Guest Biography:

Daniel Teague had a near death experience when he was 18 years old during a traumatic car accident. Although he has no memory of this accident he is aware it happened from obvious trauma and over a week of missing time. He went through a spontaneous personality change. After his initial recovery he began to automatically gain psychic awareness, learn to control dreams, have paranormal experiences and the list has continued over the past 2 decades.

Today he is an Energy Healer and creates his own healing modalities in addition to professional trained healing. Daniel loves to make people aware of what is available. Daniel has a unique ability to do Aura scans and energy healings from a distance as no direct contact is needed.

Daniel can be found working at local Holistic and Psychic fairs in the Arizona area. He is available by phone, email and Skype chat.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Journalist
Guest Biography:

LIA TARACHANSKY is a Jaffa-based filmmaker and the Israel/Palestine correspondent for (TRNN) where she produces short, documentary-style reports exploring the context behind the news. In 2012 Tarachansky produced and co-directed with British journalist Phil Caller a BBC-World documentary about Israel's Social Justice (J14) movement and the wave of self-immolations it sparked, in protest of the harsh economic reality many face in Israel.  

In 2013 Tarachansky completed work on an independent feature documentary, ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, a Naretiv Productions film.  The film is an exploration of the power of denial. It questions what Israelis learn, know, and sometimes choose not to know about the 1948 war. That fateful year led to the birth of the state of Israel and displacement of two-thirds of the Palestinian people. The film is currently screening in theaters and festivals in Israel/Palestine and around the world. In 2015 she co-directed ETHNOCRACY IN THE PROMISED LAND with Canadian journalist Jesse Freeston for the largest Spanish-language TV, TeleSUR. The film exposes Israel's policies towards African refugees, attempting to seek asylum in the Jewish state.

Tarachansky's work is frequently featured in publications such as +972 Magazine, Mondoweiss, USA Today, Al Jazeera, and the Huffington Post. Her journalism was profiled in the renown Max Blumenthal book, Goliath.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Naturopathic Physician
Guest Biography:

Dr. Shani Fox, ND,  helps cancer survivors create lives of wellness, authenticity and joy.  Her leading-edge “Back in Charge!” medical care model picks up where conventional cancer treatment ends, helping survivors restore vitality of body and spirit, prevent recurrence and reclaim the healthy, happy future they so richly deserve.

Dr. Shani’s empowering messages about your innate power to generate wellness and happiness have made her a popular national speaker, radio guest and guest blogger for cancer survivor and wellness communities, including Cancer Survivor Radio, The Frankie Boyer Show, Five to Thrive and NOU, the magazine of the Women Survivors Alliance.  She is the author of The Cancer Survivor’s Fear First Aid Kit: 5 Simple Steps to Release Your Fear of Cancer Recurrence and has been published in the peer-reviewed Natural Medicine Journal.  Dr. Shani serves survivors across the nation through live and innovative virtual programs.

Dr. Shani’s free assessment “How Cancer-Proof Are You?” helps pinpoint ways you can stay cancer-free, so you can relax into deep wellness and peace of mind.  Take your free assessment today at

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Teacher, Musician, Musician Contractor, Public Speaker, Documentarian, Conductor, Music Instructor, Voiceover Artist, Documentary Film Director at 'Heal Our Schools' Documentary
Guest Biography:

Join us Sunday, June 14 for 'A Conversation with Teacher and Film Director Laurie Gabriel' -  Laurie is the Writer/Director/Filmmaker of 'HEAL OUR SCHOOLS; HEAR OUR TEACHERS' a documentary film about the real issues hurting our public schools and what real teachers have to offer as real answers and solutions. Laurie will talk about her new teacher-produced documentary and how to put control back into the hands of the people who know the students - the teachers who are the experts.

'Heal Our Schools; Hear Our Teachers' was produced with the mission of uncovering and solving the real problems of public education in America. This venture is different from other education documentaries in that it fully explores the experience and expertise of our most overlooked resource: teachers. Through this platform, educators from all over the country can share their compelling (and strikingly similar) stories and solutions. 'Heal Our Schools; Hear Our Teachers' is an enlightening look into what's really going on behind school doors, as well as a collection of virtually cost-free answers to the education crisis--answers that are based on teachers' caring compassion for the children they serve.

Recent reforms, penned by politicians and policymakers who often have little-to-no classroom experience, have been addressing the same surface issues (testing, teacher evaluation, vouchers, etc.) instead of the real problems: herding of children by subject and by age; daunting bureaucratic paperwork; our society's lack of adult role models who exemplify compassion, honesty, patience, and commitment; parents who do not support the schools; and the reduction of meaningful teacher/student relationships to overcrowded buildings and faceless statistics. Until these truths are acknowledged and addressed, no other reform plan will work.

The teaching profession is currently being maligned by a number of politicians and other persons in the media spotlight, leading to a dangerous plan to replace teachers without finding out what's really keeping them from effectively helping their students. Instead of seeing a turnaround in student achievement, we'll only see a repeat of the same setbacks with the next batch of teachers (if we're able to attract new teachers at all). It's time to set the record straight.

A review of the film:

Documentary aims to 'bring back trust of teachers'

By DEBBIE KELLEY, The Gazette - May 30, 2015

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Teaching a herd of sheep to move in one direction at the same time works. Similarly, teaching a herd of children to read a book, solve math problems and other lessons doesn't.

That's one of the messages conveyed in a new documentary a former Colorado Springs public school teacher created, directed and produced.

"Heal Our Schools" "illuminates the problems federal and corporate takeover have created in our schools and provides teacher-generated solutions." It will debut with screenings in Colorado Springs this weekend and June 13.

Laurie Gabriel, who taught music, drama, choir and orchestra for 27 years in public schools in Colorado, most recently in Colorado Springs School District 11, spent four years and a chunk of money creating the film.

She traveled the country talking to teachers, education policy analysts, authors and other education experts.

"It's getting more and more important that the general public understands what's going on in education, that kids and teachers are being left out, as profit-driven corporations have taken over testing," she said.

Her goal: "To bring back trust of teachers. We've been painted sometimes as not knowing what's best for the kids. We do, and we can work together with parents for the benefit of the kids."

Teachers, Gabriel said, are being left out of the decision-making processes in education to the point that "the silence of the teachers is deafening."

Teachers are being blamed for students not performing well on standardized tests, she said, and in many cases are being threatened with losing their jobs for speaking out against the system.

"I watched the profession deteriorate bit by bit, and it seemed like we teachers were helpless to do anything," Gabriel said. "I heard the same stories in the teachers' lounge and on Facebook and instead of swallowing it, I decided to tell the story."

Along with teachers and students talking about today's classroom environment and impediments to learning, the film includes commentary by high-profile personalities. Those include former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education Diane Ravitch; Jonathan Kozol, an award-winning author on public education; and author and co-founder of an institute to minimize school violence Nancy Carlsson-Paige. She's the mother of actor Matt Damon, who puts in an appearance in the documentary.

Merril Boruchin Spielman, a reading specialist who lives in Manitou Springs, is one of the film's featured teachers. She volunteers to teach students in Southeast Asia and is a substitute teacher in Colorado Springs School District 11.

"I am afraid for our public school system and the dangers that are happening," Boruchin Spielman said. "Ask the teachers what isn't working and how to improve that.

"Whenever there's a problem, we blame and judge rather than look at the solution," she said.

Gabriel said the main problem with today's public education system is that teachers no longer have control of how and what to teach. She advocates localizing and individualizing education. Smaller class sizes, curriculum that includes the arts and humanities, less emphasis on high-stakes testing and more emphasis on promoting individual students' gifts are some of the ideas she puts forth in her documentary.

Boruchin Spielman said the herd mentality of teaching has resulted in classrooms having mixed levels of proficiency, with kids entering kindergarten having anywhere from fourth-grade reading levels to no reading skills.

"What do we do when we have a kindergartner who has to learn how to sit in a chair first before they learn alphabetizing, and we have to treat them all the same," she said. "We're seeing the stress this is putting on teachers and the students, and we're losing our passion."

The film highlights two teacher-led schools, one in Boulder and one in St. Paul, Minn., where students are grouped by academic abilities rather than age and teachers tailor learning to nurture each child's talents and interests.

"It was a heart-breaking decision for me to leave public school teaching," Gabriel said. "If teachers stood together it would be a lot easier for us to stand up for our kids. We need a unified voice saying the way it is isn't right for our kids."

Information from: The Gazette,

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Kids & Family, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author/Researcher
Guest Biography:

DONALD JEFFRIES was inspired by a diverse and ecclectic group of authors like Charles Dickens, Madeline L'Engle, Edward Eager, George Orwell, Kurt Vonnegut, Bram Stoker, Charles Fort and Ambrose Bierce. The Unreals was published in 2007 and has been compared to the television shows The Twilight Zone and X-Files, as well as the classic fairy tales The Wizard of Oz and Alice In Wonderland. 

Jeffries has spent many years researching the assassination of John F. Kennedy and other significant historical and political events. Various conspiracies and unexplained, fortean-style phenomena play a strong role in his writing.

ABOUT Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics by Donald Jeffries...

The US government has spent half the time covering up conspiracies as it has spent helping the American people. In Hidden History, you will see the amount of effort over the past fifty years that our government has dedicated to lying and covering up the truth to the world.

Starting with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Don Jeffries chronicles a wide variety of issues that have plagued our country’s history. Whether it’s the assassinations of MLK and RFK, Iran-Contra, the Oklahoma City bombing, TWA Flight 800, voting fraud, or 9/11, every major disaster or war that we’ve witnessed has somehow been distorted by those who are supposed to be protecting us.

Jeffries also delves into extensive research on the death of John F. Kennedy Jr., and you’ll be shocked by what he finds out.

So whether you’ve only heard bits and pieces of these stories or have read several books on the topics, Hidden History is the book that belongs in every conspiracy theorist’s library, as the information included in this encyclopedia has never been collected together in any other published work available. So sit down, strap in, and get ready to be shocked and awed by how much has been hidden from you by our government over the past fifty years.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author/Researcher
Guest Biography:

DAVID PAULIDES holds two degrees from the University of San Francisco, and has a professional background that includes twenty years in law enforcement and senior executive positions in the technology sector. A boyhood camping experience with his father in the late 1960s sparked his interest in Bigfoot. In 2004 he was one of the founders of North America Bigfoot Search where his investigative and analytical experiences were invaluable in researching Bigfoot sightings. He spent two years living among the Hoopa tribal members, listening to and recording their Bigfoot stories. The Hoopa Project is his first book, based upon his experiences in the Bluff Creek area of Northern California.


    The Hoopa Project: Big Foot Encounters in California
    Tribal Bigfoot
    Missing 411 - Western United States
    Missing 411-Eastern United States
    Missing 411- North America and Beyond
    Missing 411-The Devil’s in the Details

ABOUT Missing 41: The Devil's in the Details

This is the fourth book in the blockbuster “Missing 411” series that describes unusual incidents of people that have disappeared in National Parks and forests of the world. It is a significant step forward in the understanding of the missing phenomena that adds several new elements never before identified. This book describes additional victims, new locations and circumstances while outlining new geographical clusters. The number of people that fit the identified profile and the distances and elevations covered during their journeys will mesmerize you. The book ends with series of charts that expose specific elements that are identified in each of the other books, their frequency, location and timing.

It is highly recommended that you read any of the other “Missing 411” books prior to this. The reader needs to have a background on the topic prior to reading this work to get the full understanding of what is revealed. This book includes stories from the following areas:

United States (33 States) Canada (7 Provinces) Australia (5 Territories) Borneo Ecuador United Kingdom New Zealand Switzerland Austria Sub Chapters: Cornerstone Cases Weather Conditions Criminal Allegations Last in Line Missing from Inside the Home Missing from Inside a Vehicle Locations Previously Searched Scholars/Intellectuals Disabled or Injured Elevation Gain Distance Traveled Aircraft Associated with Missing Person Cases List of Missing from this Book

Guest Category: News, Paranormal, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Photojournalist, Director, Producer
Guest Biography:
Debi Lang is an award-winning photojournalist, director and producer whose career spans over 25 years with major media networks and film production companies. She founded Caring For The World Films after completing her third tour covering the Iraq War. She is an avid adventure traveler, hiker and humanitarian preferring to work in the most remote locations.
Guest Category: TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Producer, Director, Editor
Guest Biography:

Trained in Germany. With 15 years experience in film production both in the US and in Europe, Reinhard is perfectly positioned to provide content for different markets and a range of target groups. As Producer for First Eye Films, Reinhard oversees the complete scope of a film project, from concept development through shooting and post to final delivery. As Director, he has created award-winning programs for both national and international markets. He is a member of the International Documentary Association and the German Film Professionals’ Association. Reinhard is also is an instructor/educator who has taught film and media in Germany, the US and South Africa.

Guest Category: TV & Film
Guest Biography:

Patricia strives to live her most vibrant life in her native New Mexico. She spends as much time as possible in the Pecos Wilderness and Eastern Plains, drawing strength and rejuvenation from the land. In her professional life, Patricia owns and operates Sculpt Laser Lipo Weight Loss & Wellness. She works intimately with clients in a comfortable, private, and safe environment to help people of all ages and needs lose weight, gain confidence and be their best, healthiest and most energetic selves. She combines proven physiological, nutrition, and overall health principles with heart centric counseling to guide individuals on their wellness journey. Her clients come from all over New Mexico and southern Colorado. She is available to connect with individuals worldwide via e-mail and phone, but she prefers using Skype, and Google chat to facilitate face to face interactions. No matter the interface; in person or on-line, each client receives personalized and compassionate care designed to improve physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Patricia’s formal education includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Affairs/Russian Studies from Lewis and Clark College, and a Masters of Science degree in Health Education from the University of New Mexico. An avid learner, she is currently working on a Lifestyle and Weight Management certification and a certification in Aromatherapy. Her philosophy is based on real world solutions and using intuition to guide the process. Never judgmental, always open and more often than not, fun!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle
Guest Occupation: Dedicated to saving America one voice at a time
Guest Biography:

“One voice made up of three hundred million people containing billions of brain cells all working together to solve the problems of today, making the world a better place for the children of tomorrow.” ~ David Frank ~

Guest Category: Education, Politics & Government
Guest Biography:
Corinne spent the last 40 years as VP in the financial corporate world. Student of Doctorate Program in Spiritual Science. She recently transitioned to a relationship marketing company with integrity with which she strongly resonated. This Enables her to assist people in greater vitality and a more joyful life.
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Science, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Dr. Lin Morel is a pioneer in the field of applied spiritual psychology and energetic clearing for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Her best selling book: Soul Lifts: From Bumps to Brilliance is filled with practical examples of how to overcome obstacles. She’s impacted thousands of people across the globe who have built bridges to transformation from their challenges to greater productivity, health and wealth. A 5th degree black belt and nationally ranked karate champion, she brings a unique perspective to transformation.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Dr. Roach is a testament to his practice's transformative power. After ten years of research, ten years of trail and error, he created an intergrative health-based practice that enriches both his personal and professional lives. A dedicated educator, he wants to help others transform their own work life.

Guest Category: Education, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Attorney-at-Law specializing in human reproduction legal issues
Guest Biography:

Stephanie M. Caballero, Esq. has represented nearly 2,000 clients, including Intended Parents, Surrogates and Donors from all over the world through Surrogacy, Egg Donation, Sperm Donation, and Embryo Donation. Stephanie specializes exclusively in Family Formation and Reproductive Law and has appeared on various programs and print media including The Bakersfield Californian, The Examiner, the Creating a Family radio program, NPR, Fox News, The Los Angeles Times, The Union Tribune and the L.A. Daily Journal (and again on March 23rd, 2015).

Stephanie M. Caballero, Esq. is the founder of The Surrogacy Law Center and her firm is dedicated to helping you start your family using surrogacy, egg donation, embryo donation, and sperm donation.

Stephanie had her own journey through infertility, after eight years of treatments including having endured more than 10 artificial insemination procedures, three surgeries, three miscarriages, and 13 IVF procedures she finally realized her dream of having children when a surrogate carried her twins. Stephanie also had to adopt her twins because the state where they were born did not recognize surrogacy.

Stephanie is also a member of the American Fertility Association, American Bar Association, San Diego Bar Association, and American Society of Reproductive Medicine, serving on the board of its Legal Professional Group.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Sports Talk Host
Guest Biography:

Seattle sports talk show host "The Groz" is on middays on 710 ESPN Seattle.  Dave Grosby has been in the Seattle sports radio scene for more than two decades.  The Groz can be heard 12-3pm on "Bob, Groz, & Tom."  Grosby also is the radio play-by-play voice of the Seattle University Men's Basketball team.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College