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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Palestinian Rights Activist
Guest Biography:

Amena Ashkar, the granddaughter and great granddaughter of other Nakba survivors, who has known no other home than refugee camps.  Amena is here with Mariam, now 86 years old and respectfully known as Umm Akram (mother of Akram), has spent the last 68 years in crowded, makeshift refugee camps in Lebanon. She has raised three generations in the same camps, all waiting to return to their home in Palestine. She has lived through five Israeli invasions of Lebanon, as well as the 1976 Tel al-Zaatar camp massacre that killed more than 2000 of the refugees there.

On May 14, 1948, as Zionist leader David Ben Gurion was proclaiming a Jewish state in Palestine, his heavily armed troops seized the ancient Palestinian Arab town of al-Zeeb and drove out most of the inhabitants. 18-year-old Mariam Fathallah was one of them. She and her young husband Mohammed Atayah and their families were forced to flee to Lebanon, along with most of the town. By the end of the year, the 4,000 year old community had been leveled to the ground. More than half the Arab Palestinians in Palestine were killed or expelled and more than half of the cities, towns and villages of Palestine were made to disappear, a crime that Palestinians call al-Nakba (the Catastrophe).

Amena and Umm Akram have a different message from other Palestinians.  They are among six million Palestinians not living in Palestine – more than those who are.  They are citizens of no government at all, not even the Palestinian Authority.  They are not living under Israeli occupation. Israel does not allow them to visit their homes, much less live there.  Amena has never met an Israeli, and Umm Akram not since 1948. As exiles, they have a different perspective from Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the part of Palestine that became Israel.


Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Radio Host
Guest Biography:

MICHAEL RIVERO is the webmaster of whatreallyhappened and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. The whatreallyhappened website is now in its 18th year.

Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan", "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0". Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism.

Michael's foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster.

Since that sudden beginning, Michael's website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddam's non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran.

Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Angel Readings & Workshops
Guest Biography:

Direct from Steffany's Factbook page

Working with angels and spirit people began for me at a young age. But with school, friends, activities, and family diversions, the abilities I had became dormant for many years.

I graduated at the top of my class in nursing in 1996. I went on to work in surgery, telemetry, and mother-baby before embarking on my greatest journey.

In 2001, after much encouragement from my own angels and human friends, I decided to become more open to exploring what once seemed so natural.

I am a Karuna Reiki Master -- the highest level of achievement in Reiki.

I feel passionately about this work and have dedicated my life to making a difference.

My family is my biggest support and my staff. David, my husband, functions as my business manager and traffic controller. I am blessed by his assistance.

We have two daughters, Zoey and Zanna, and our new addition Zircon who are simply my angels. 

Thank you for your interest in my work, but thank you even more for allowing yourself to explore and nurture your spirit. You will not be disappointed!

Angel blessings to you!

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Washington D.C. Businessman and Political Activist
Guest Biography:

Adam Eidinger is a Washington D.C. businessman and political activist, known for his role in spearheading Initiative 71, which legalized cannabis in the District of Columbia in 2015.

Eidinger has been involved in a wide range of political actions, on District and national issues; a 2014 profile by the Washington Post stated he has been arrested 15 times. Key among his causes have been the marijuana and hemp politics, GMO labeling, anti-war, and social justice.

Hemp Advocacy

Eidinger was the publicist for Vote Hemp and the Hemp Industries Association before opening Capitol Hemp. He has been a frequent speaker at Seattle Hempfest. He was instrumental in uncovering the diaries of USDA botanist Lyster Dewey, who grew hemp on the land that is now the Pentagon. In 2009 he was arrested along with other activists for planting hemp seeds in the front lawn of the DEA headquarters in Virginia.

Medical Marijuana

Eidinger was President of the non-profit organization DC Patients' Cooperative, which was founded in the Spring of 2010 and disbanded in 2012. He, his business partner from Capitol Hemp, and colleague Nikolas Schiller ormed the non-profit organization to educate District residents about the medical cannabis law and to apply for a license open a cultivation center and dispensary. Unlike other for-profit groups vying for a license from the DC government, his non-profit organization was more concerned with patient access and affordability. Over the course of the next two years, he helped organize town hall meetings and press conferences to educate the public and urge the District government to move forward with the long-delayed program. The DC Patients' Cooperative ultimately did not apply for a cultivation center or dispensary license because the DC government required applicants to sign a form admitting they were violating federal law. He said the organization decided it wanted nothing to do with a program “that treats us like criminals.”

Adam has also organized a 300-mile march from New York City to Washington, DC and a cross-country tour of art cars in support of labeling GMO foods. He has also organized acts of civil disobedience, including planting hemp on the lawn of the DEA campus and publicly harvesting hemp and pressing hemp seed oil in front of the White House, to protest federal policies preventing U.S. farmers from growing industrial hemp in the U.S.

Initiative 71 for marijuana legalization

A canvasser for the DC Cannabis Campaign soliciting signatures for Initiative 71

In an interview with the Washington Post, Eidinger attributed his inspiration to legalize marijuana to his experiences in the 2011 raids on Capitol Hemp. In early 2013 Eidinger formed the DCMJ organization to press for decriminalization of marijuana in the District; after seeing no movement from the city council, he submitted initial paperwork for a decriminalization ballot initiative, which was rejected by the city on technical budgetary grounds. Eidinger then refined his initiative, but strengthened it to call for full legalization of marijuana.

The DC Cannabis Campaign's Initiative 71 was approved by the District in April 2014, and went on to gather over 55,000 signatures by the July deadline, assuring the initiative's place on the ballot. The initiative ultimately succeeded, winning with approximately 70% of the vote in the 2014 mayoral election. When Congress attempted to block action on the initiative as part of budget negotiations in 2015, Eidinger led protests in the capital, blocking traffic on Massachusetts Avenue.

Following Initiative 71's taking effect at 12:01 on 26 February 2015, Eidinger publicly smoked a joint and planted hemp seeds before a gathering of national and international press in his home, which also served as campaign headquarters.

Adam was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1973 and currently lives in Washington, DC. He enjoys spending time with his daughter Arundhati.


Guest Category: Business, History, Medicine, Philosophy, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Award-winning American author and a Spiritual Archeologist
Guest Biography:

Harvey Kraft is an award-winning American author and a Spiritual Archeologist. He is pushing the envelope of research into the evolution of higher consciousness by linking the Universe, Existence, and the Mind. He has unearthed ancient evidence showing the inherent capacity of the human mind to expand consciousness beyond perceived limits—an “evolving talent” that may be critical to navigating the future of the species and the planet.

Harvey Kraft is the author of 'The Buddha from Babylon: The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddhartha Gautama' (SelectBooks, NYC), and the upcoming visionary sci-fi novel, The Waker: Portal of Perfect Light.

The Buddha from Babylon is a double Gold Winner of the USA Best Book Awards for two non-Fiction categories: Eastern Religions and History (World), plus it received the 2015 IPPY Silver Medal for Religion (Eastern/Western) from the Independent Publishers Book Awards.

Adept at interpreting meanings in ancient mythic language, Harvey Kraft explores the hidden messages of history and story from a spiritual/intuitive perspective, rather than traditional studies influenced by military conquests or religious agendas. His research method employs a vast array of resources, including archaeological findings, ancient cosmology, cross-cultural linguistics, oral teachings, historical events, and mythic literature.

After a lifelong study of the vast compendium of Buddhist literature, he wrote his breakthrough biography of Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha from Babylon—challenging elements of the sage’s historical legend and connecting him to the proto-sciences and natural philosophy of his time. Most importantly, he has identified the Buddha’s original teachings designed to explore the meaning and scope of Enlightenment, as an expression of cosmic consciousness.

Painting the image of an unparalleled seer and observer, philosopher, cosmologist, and the founder of psychology, Harvey Kraft examines the grand scale of the Buddha’s integrated, advanced system of Existence…revealing insights about time, space, scale, dimensions and the origins of Life that are millennia-ahead.

Harvey Kraft states, “Based on modern revelations of the Big Bang, Genetic Code, Quantum Mechanics, and Brain Waves, scientific awareness has shifted to a deeper engagement with the nature of Existence, ironically an area of exploration once central to ancient seers.”


"(The Buddha from Babylon) is the most comprehensively written and researched piece intertwining cosmic, religious and political history. As essentially a theory of everything, this seminal work offers…a new understanding of Buddha’s role, our origin, our interconnectedness and thus the transformational strategies we need to truly shape our shared future."

— Wanda Krause, PhD, former assistant professor, Qatar Foundation and University

Guest Category: History, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Writer, astrologer, Sabian symbols, Black Moon and Eris, website developer and co-creator of the Oracle Report
Guest Biography:

Andrew Foss has worked as an internet marketing consultant, since embracing unemployment from the Great Repression of 2008.  His personal blog is designed to uplift in a world that challenges a positive outlook.  Thus began “Happy Monday Affirmations”.

Having discovered Laura Walker’s Oracle Report through Jean Haine’s 2012 blog, he asked Laura if he could share it on Facebook.  It was spun off into its own group due to popularity, and to the amazement of both reached 1,000 members at the end of 2012, and is now considered “the home for wise owls” at the 8,700 member mark!

Andrew has worked extensively with Laura, redesigning and developing her site, The Mahavidya Project in 2013.  Our monthly New Moon Phone calls began, and have continued since.  2015 brought us the Parliament of Wise Owls, and our community and mission keep growing.

Laura Walker is the author of, a daily overview of energetics based on the Sabian symbols of astrology, and books on the Black Moon and Eris, which are available for free download on her site.

Before devoting her time fully to astrology and study of the ancient Gnostic teachings, Laura directed not for profit, grassroots sexual assault crisis agencies and was a leading advocate for victims of human trafficking.

Laura's work at focuses on forwarding the Spiritual Renaissance that is underway, while monitoring and analyzing the collapsing control paradigm's attempts to maintain dominance over humanity using astrologically-timed rituals.

Guest Category: Cosmology, Cosmogony, History, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: SomaEnergetics Certified Teacher
Guest Biography:

Gail is PASSIONATE about SomaEnergetics!  Join us as we explore Vibrational Chair Massages, Distance Vibrational Sessions and much more.  Hear how Gail went from hating rubbing her fathers feet as a child to starting her career as a foot reflexologist!

Guest Occupation: Heart Point Technique Master healer, Alchemist and Channel.
Guest Biography:

Pam’s quest for truth has had a dramatic positive impact on her curiosity of life and fueled her spiritual evolution. Pam is a gifted and uniquely-qualified Heart Point Technique Master healer, Alchemist and Channel.

Through the discovery of a variety of spiritual energetic healing modalities, she released blocks and limiting belief’s from her own life, awakened her spiritual gifts, and developed a passion for empowering others.

In personal sessions Pam uses an “in the moment” approach as she connects with clients drawing from her tools as an Alchemist and her wisdom as a Heart Point Technique Master as her foundation. Her role as channel is the central point of her personal evolution and foundation for assisting others.

Pam serves a worldwide clientele in releasing habits and limiting beliefs, awaken spiritual gifts and much more, both in private sessions or courses such as Creating Your Personal Power Field.

Sessions and courses can be in person, over the phone and internet.

With the Archangels and Ascended Masters as her guides, she continues to expand and evolve both personally and in her role as a way shower.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Science Department Teacher, SPARK Talks Coordinator
Guest Biography:

Works at Brandon Hall School as:

Science Department Teacher

SPARK Talks Coordinator

Varsity Girls' Basketball Head Coach

Science Olympiad Coach

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Fiction Author, Freelance Journalist, Former News Reporter, and Fiction Writing Instructor
Guest Biography:

Fiction author, international freelance journalist, blogger, and former news reporter, Anju Gattani grew up in Hong Kong under the influence of cultural tides from the east and west. Anju has also lived and been published in India, Australia, Singapore and USA in a variety of genres from fiction, feature, travel and news, to cover stories, interviews and perspective pieces. Her debut novel, ‘Duty and Desire, A Tale of Modern India’ was published in 2011. She is a member of several professional writing organizations, participated in numerous book events, and is a writing instructor.

Her curiosity about cultures, the traditions imprinting people’s values and the effect on their lives was the beginning of her journey. Anju observes how fixed impressions, predetermined mind-sets and habit-to-stereotype define people’s thinking patterns and behavior. With family and friends scattered across the globe, Anju questions why, despite leaps in technology and communication, meaning is still being lost in translation; her characters explore these concepts.

She is currently at work on her third novel in the Winds of Fire series and hopes her books will one day Bridge Cultures and Break Barriers.

Guest Category: Literature, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: CPA
Guest Biography:

Jerry Catalano, President, has been representing musicians and recording artists for over 25 years and has extensive expertise in the complexities of royalty accounting, tour accounting and tax compliance. Jerry is a frequent instructor on accounting for the entertainment industry. He is a member of the Illinois CPA Society, American Institute of Certified Public Accountant, National Academy of Record Arts and Sciences, and the American Association of Composers and Publishers.

Jerry is also a vocalist and plays the 12 String Guitar with the band, The Fource.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Music
Guest Occupation: Author. Lecturer, Researcher on GMO's
Guest Biography:

Jeffrey Smith is an international bestselling author, award winning filmmaker, Executive Director of the Institute of Responsible Technology, and the leading spokesperson  on the health dangers of GMO’s.

The most recognized consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices, Jeffrey Smith’s meticulous research documents how biotech companies continue to mislead legislators and safety officials to put the health of society at risk and the environment in peril. His work expertly summarizes why the safety assessments conducted by the FDA and regulators worldwide teeter on a foundation of outdated science and false assumptions, and why genetically engineered foods must urgently become our nation’s top food safety priority.

In 2012 Smith’s feature-length documentary Genetic Roulette, The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded Movie of the Year (Solari Report) and Transformational Film of the Year (AwareGuide). Described as a “life-changer” and seen by millions worldwide, the film links genetically engineered food to toxic and allergic reactions, infertility, digestive disorders, and numerous problems that have been on the rise in the US population since genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were introduced.

His books include: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating, the world’s bestseller on GMOs, and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, the authoritative work on GMO health dangers.

A dynamic keynote speaker, Mr. Smith has lectured in more than 40 countries, counseled leaders from every continent, and has been quoted by thousands of news outlets including: The New York Times, Washington Post, BBC World Service, The Times (London), the Associated Press, Reuters News Service, the LA Times, Time Magazine and the New Scientist. He appears frequently on radio and television on shows such as the Dr. Oz Show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Doctors, CBS News, Fox News, CNBC, NPR and Democracy Now.

Mr. Smith is the founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), the most comprehensive source of GMO health risk information for consumers, policy makers, and healthcare professionals. IRT’s educational programs are driving the tipping point of consumer rejection against GMOs, which is already starting to push genetically engineered ingredients out of the market in the US.

Mr. Smith resides in California and Iowa— surrounded by genetically modified soybeans and corn.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, History, Medicine, Politics & Government, Science
Guest Occupation: Life Coaches, Sexual Healing Counselors, Public Speakers, Self Sustainable Living Consultants
Guest Biography:

Ben and Jen Rode are the visionary co-founders of The Rode Institute, an educational center for the advancement of spiritual partnerships, sexuality, and spirituality. Ben and Jen are motivational speakers, leading relationship experts, and cutting edge spiritual teachers. Ben and Jen are internationally renowned transformational leaders and the creators of Explosive Sexual Healing. Ben and Jen have revolutionized sexual healing and redefined spiritual partnership for the modern age by bringing sexuality out of the shadows and into the light of the mainstream. Ben and Jen have been featured alongside Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, the Dalai Lama, and Desmond Tutu in the upcoming Shift Movie. Explosive Sexual Healing has been covered by, Huffington Post, Sirius FM, The Young Turks, Private Matters TV, Elephant Journal, and has been blasted by Bill O’Reilly. Ben and Jen’s passionate mission is to unite spiritual co-creative partnerships for the advancement of humanity.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Coach, Mentor, Author, Musician, Inspiration, Health and Nutrition
Guest Biography:

Joe Vitale, globally famous author, speaker, musician and healer, is an authentic practitioner of modern Ho'oponopono. He is also a certified Reiki healer, certified Chi Kung practitioner, certified clinical hypnotherapist, certified NLP practitioner, ordained minister, and holds a doctorate in metaphysical science. The author of the international bestsellers The Attractor Factor, Life's Missing Instruction Manual, Attract Money Now, Faith, among many others, Vitale was featured in blockbuster film “The Secret.” Most recently, songs from six of his “healing music” CDs were recognized and nominated for the Posi Award, regarded as “The Grammys of Positive Music.” Vitale is considered today’s most powerful leader and coach on how we can achieve miracles everyday. Joe has been on the following TV shows: Larry King Live, Donny Deutsch's “The Big Idea,” CNN, CNBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News: Fox & Friends and Extra TV. He's also been featured in The New York Times and Newsweek.  He created a Miracles Coaching® program and helps people achieve their dreams by understanding the deeper aspects of the law of attraction and the law of right action. This man was once homeless but today is a bestselling author who believes in magic and miracles.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Lecturer & Historian of the African Diaspora
Guest Biography:

Mr. C.R. Gibbs is an internationally noted lecturer, exhibitor of historical information and artifacts, and historian of the African presence worldwide. He is the author/co-author of several books. He is the founder of the African History and Culture Lecture Series which, for nearly two decades,has regularly brought respected experts to lecture at public forums in the Washington,D.C.- Baltimore area. He has served as an assistant tecnical adviser to the Francis Thompson Company on a film entitled "American Years" and as a consultant to the DC Public School System, Georgetown University, Maryland Public Television, and the Smithsonian Institution.

He researched, wrote, and narrated "Sketches in Color," a 13-part companion series to the acclaimed PBS series "The Civil War," for the Howard University TV station. He has appeared on BET, C-Span, and The History Channel and is a D.C. Community Humanities Council Scholar.

Mr. Gibbs is also an honorary paramount chief of the Vai people of Liberia, West Africa. Mr. Gibbs returned recently from leading 26 preople on a transcontinental crossing of Africa, from South to North. The nearly 5,000 mile journey included study stops in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya and Egypt.

The Smithsonian Institution's Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and Culture features Mr. Gibbs among its scholars at the  museum's Online Academy.


- Justice Denied: The Roots of the Reparations Movement.

- White Slaves in Africa: The Untold Story.

- Africa's Gifts To America.

- Journey To Justice:The Continuing Political Battle for Equality & Opportunity in America.

- Black America, Africa, & World War II.

- Afro-Latinos: The Hidden Legacy.

Guest Category: Education, History, Politics & Government, Variety
Guest Occupation: At Large Member of the Buffalo Board of Education
Guest Biography:

Dr. Barbara Seals Nevergold is an At Large Member of the Buffalo Board of Education.

A native of Louisiana, Ms. Seals Nevergold moved to the East side of Buffalo in 1947 with her parents, the late Clara Ellis Seals and Rev. Willie B. Seals, seven brothers and sister. She is a graduate of the Buffalo Public Schools and Buffalo State College, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in French Education. She is also an alumnus of the University at Buffalo with Masters of Education degrees in French Education and Counseling Education. In 1986 she earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree at UB in Counseling Education. Dr. Seals Nevergold also studied French at Laval University in Quebec, Canada and at the University of Dijon in Dijon, France.

Dr. Seals Nevergold began her career as a French teacher in the Buffalo School System. She also worked as a guidance counselor in the system. Subsequent positions have included: Executive Director of Niagara Frontier Association for Sickle Cell Disease, Inc.; Vice President for Children's Services at Friendship House of Western New York, Inc.; CEO of Planned Parenthood of Buffalo and Erie County, Inc.; and Regional Director for Berkshire Farm Center. Dr. Seals Nevergold was, until recently, the Director of Student Support Services at the University of Buffalo's Educational Opportunity Center. She has also held adjunct instructional positions at Empire State College and the University at Buffalo. Beginning in the Fall of 2006, Dr. Nevergold and fellow co-founder, Dr. Peggy Brooks-Bertram, of the Uncrowned Queens Institute began working full-time on the establishment of the Uncrowned Queens Center for Excellence at the University at Buffalo.

The Uncrowned Queens Center for Excellence will enhance the work of the Institute by giving it a home and supporting the extension of the numerous programs developed and implemented by the Institute. The Uncrowned Queens Institute, founded in 1999 by Drs. Seals Nevergold and Brooks-Bertram, strives to promote the collection and dissemination of the individual histories of women, women's organizations and women's collective history; and to teach and educate women on the use of technology to preserve and disseminate their histories.

Dr. Seals Nevergold is an educator, administrator, community and political activist. She has been a vocal advocate for parental involvement in the public schools. In 1989, she also co-founded, with Dr. Brooks-Bertram, Concerned Parents and Citizens for Quality Education, Inc. CPCQE was credited with increasing public awareness of educational issues and organizing parents as effective advocates. In addition, she served on a number of committees and task forces established by the Buffalo Board of Education. An unsuccessful run for school board in 1993 was nonetheless successful in demonstrating the importance of parental involvement in local school politics.

Dr. Seals Nevergold has served in leadership roles on numerous local and national boards. She serves on the boards of Graycliff Conservancy, Buffalo Psychiatric Center and the Afro American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier, Inc. Previous board memberships have included the Studio Arena Theatre, Heritage Centers, Buffalo General Hospital, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., Kaleida Health Trustee Steering Committee, Gethsemane Manor Senior Citizen Home, St. John Christian Academy, Columbus Hospital, the YWCA of Buffalo and Erie County, the Buffalo Rotary Club, the Western New York Council for African Relief, and the Buffalo Alliance for Education.

She is the author of: “From Pan Am Protests to the Niagara Movement: the Buffalo Connection (2005); “Fantastic Color & Special Effects: The Seals Ebony Studio” in Western New York Heritage Magazine (Spring, 2002); “To Be an Instrument for Their Voices: Finding, Writing and Sharing Family Histories” in Afro-Americans in New York Life and History, (July 2001); and “Transracial Adoption: In the Child's Best Interest?” in African America Women's Health and Social Issues, Catherine F. Collins (editor). Drs. Seals Nevergold and Brooks-Bertram have co-authored Uncrowned Queens: African American Community Builders of Western New York, Vol. 1 (2002), Vol. 2 (2003) and Vol. 3 (2005). A family historian, Dr. Seals Nevergold is currently writing a family history of her maternal family. She has also given numerous presentations and workshops at conferences.

Dr. Seals Nevergold has received numerous awards including: the Williams Wells Brown Award in recognition of her efforts to preserve local African American history; the UB Star Award 2001 for outstanding work on the Pan-American Exposition centennial celebration; the Excellence in Education Award from Xi Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; the Community Service Award from the Mary B. Talbert Civic and Cultural Club; the Community Service Awards from the Community Action Organization and the Bufffalo Chapter NAACP (2006). She and Dr. Brooks-Bertram were also recipients of the Brotherhood-Sisterhood Award for Education from the National Conference for Community and Justice (2005) and the Keeper of the Flame Award from the National Women’s Hall of Fame (2006).

Dr. Seals Nevergold has been a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Xi Epsilon Omega Chapter, Inc. since 1987. She has served the Sorority in several capacities, including many years as Ivy Leaf Reporter. In addition, she is a member of the Erie County Chapter of the Links, Inc. She has served on the Christian Education Ministry and is active in other activities at her church, St. John Baptist Church. Dr. Seals Nevergold is married to Paul R. Nevergold and they have two adult children, Alanna Elizabeth Nevergold Marrow and Kyle Robert and two grandchildren, Naia Ellison Reese Marrow and Cameron Josef Nevergold.

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, visionary
Guest Biography:

Kara Johnstad, is a 'Voice Visionary' – a singer-songwriter and "Mentor To Voices Changing Our World".

Kara grew up as a songwriter in Berlin Germany. As a highly sensitive and creative individual, her extraordinary gifts shaped her life as an artist and mentor for thousands of voices.

In this interview on Cosmic LOVE, Kara and I will discuss the voice in all its power, wisdom and love – the carrier of frequencies and encoded thoughtforms behind the science of epigenetics which has proven that our DNA is reprogrammable by frequencies and words.

At the beginning of the show, when you hear Kara’s voice in her song ‘Message of Hope’, you’ll know that Kara has exceptional ‘heart coherence’ – a connection with Source that conveys co-Creation through sound.

The “voice vortex” (torus energies) of the throat is used not only to access higher frequencies but also embody the universal light language of Cosmic LOVE.

The throat chakra of truth and communication holds many secrets. It is the portal – a gateway to many dimensions beyond 3D. Is it the heart that we seek, or to find our heart’s voice in our vocation or soul calling or both?

Join Kara on April 21st at the Awaken Magic Summit and discover how to align your self to your true calling by tuning your voice, raising your frequency and tapping into a magical field of creative abundance success.

Welcome Kara Johnstad to Cosmic LOVE with your Presence!

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Leadership Coach, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Speaker and Writer
Guest Biography:

Thais knows firsthand what it’s like to have a dissatisfying relationship with her life.   After struggling for years with emotional eating, anxiety and several identity crises, she found the key to happiness - worthiness, and set out to support other women embody their spiritual journey and truly be the change. Thais currently works with clients through private coaching, mastermind groups, retreats, workshops and speaking opportunities.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Intuitive and Psychotherapist
Guest Biography:

Banu Sekendur, MA is an intuitive and a psychotherapist turned relationship coach. Her purpose is to help people grow personally and spiritually through the complexities of their relationships.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Son, Friend, Entrepreneur, Activist, Producer, Actor, Speaker, and Founder & CEO of The Thirst Project
Guest Biography:


Seth’s life is busy and full- just the way he likes it! Like most 20-somethings, Seth wears many hats: Son, Friend, Entrepreneur, Activist, Producer, Actor and Speaker. Seth is the Founder & CEO of The Thirst Project, a creative and diverse non-profit organization located in the heart of Los Angeles. The Thirst Project has made a bold commitment to ending the clean water crisis.

Seth is a storyteller at heart, and has spoken internationally at over 300 schools, countless churches, and numerous conferences, including the TEDx Hollywood Youth Conference, the Nexus Global Youth Summit, the Master’s of Science in Communication Commencement Ceremony for Northwestern University, Envision’s Global Youth Leadership Conference in Washington D.C., and meeting with Obama Administration Officials at the White House to discuss how to activate Millennials for social justice and social change. Seth serves the United States Department of State as a member of their U.S. Speaker Program for International Programs representing the United States as a leader in his fields at events and conferences abroad. Seth challenges people to fulfill their true purpose in life & become an engaged and socially-conscious human being. He also is passionate about providing relief for those impacted by the clean water crisis, HIV/AIDS pandemic, feeding the hungry and providing support for the millions of orphans and widows in our world today. Additionally, Seth serves on the Board of Directors for Heartland Film, a national arts organization based in Indianapolis and the Board of Directors for the Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation.

With his inspiring and humorous style, Seth challenges your thinking and touches your heart. He has traveled internationally speaking to audiences about The Clean Water Crisis, Courageous Leadership, The Power of Youth, and Living an Adventurous & Extraordinary Life. Seth has appeared in numerous professional stage productions, television shows and films, and currently is one of the activists/personalities who Hosts USA Networks’ cause-based millennial news show “AsipreIst.” Seth was named to Forbes’ “30 Under 30″ in 2014, and has been honored with the Vh1 Do Something Award, and the Charles Jellinger Humanitarian in Entertainment Award from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Seth currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure, TV & Film