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Guest Name
Lori Paine and Katherine Miller
Restore Grandparent's Rights
Guest Occupation
Nurse, Hypnotherapist and Artist
Guest Biography

Lori was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. She lived in Washington State all her life. She is a retired registered nurse, a certified hypnotherapist and a self-taught artist. She is married, a mother of three, a stepmother of three adult children and presently has three beautiful grandchildren. She is the sponsor of People's Initiative in Washington State that has been written to restore a law for grandparents/grandchild visitation. Katherine Miller was born and raised in San Jose,California. She moved to Washington State in 2003. She is married and has three adult children and four beautiful grandchildren. Sadly the two youngest grandchildren have been in foster care for the past three years. Our message is that good, loving grandparents enrich the lives of their grandchildren and children benefit from having as many loving family members in their lives as possible.


Jamielee1967 (not verified)

25 May 2017


i just came across this post.

i am more then interested in becoming part of the Grandparents rights restored .

I am a first time grandma of a now 3 year old amazing little boy who my husband and I had to go through hell and back to get legal custody of as parents are both addicts .

I can't believe the stories I've heard or things we've come up against just to try and protect and  love our beautiful grandchild who is our world .

we bonded when he was in my daughters belly, she lived with us while they waited for their new home to be completed. My daughter said every time I'd walk through door after work or heard my voice at all that he would kick like hell and poke at her .. you could see his little hand imprint if he pushed on area closer to belly button... 

i told her he was either trying to run away from me cause the stories she had shared with others while pregnant in what a no bullshit and believe in natural consequences for things that happen to one no matter if bad or good ... so he thinks I'm some crazy , no filter , tough love and funny as hell lady that he really wants to get away from 

or he loves all that about me and he wants out here Of you NOW to get in the arms of this so excited Grammy to be.

well, it was the latter lol.

they lived here til he was 6 moths then moved into new home 10 minutes away ... where i would visit every night (if not at our house ) to bathe and rock to sleep (parents believed in self soothing crap) not me .

thank god I did that as I'm very naive when it comes to drugs but I am an ex social worker and definitely aware of other things that I heard or others said they have seen ... trust but verify.

which sadly was verified by myself and youngest daughter after waking up in cold sweat out of dead sleep with the absolute worst feeling that my grandson wasn't feeling safe ..  he is not ok and I must go to their house now , this was 2 am

at 210 am I pull up to sone stranger washing his car in their garage. Their car no where to  be seen . Asked stranger where baby, and parents are , he states " running errands " wtf is 215 am

i was sick ...I was starting to panic . As I put in reverse I told him to tell my daughter her mother and sister cane by at 215am incase he forgot since washing a car takes place normally in daylight .

he sighed and said " oh your her mom, oh I'm sorry I thought you were CPS. She said they have been here almost every day " 

WTF??? Then he said my grandson was in house asleep. We ran into house where there were people who I seriously thought broke in and were ransacking and taking apart electronic... they didn't even look at us as we bolted in and down hall to a pitch black hot room with door all the way closed... to what I soon found out was my sobbing chubby beautiful always happy grandson that was soaked , filthy , and eyes swollen from crying so long and hard .

told my 19 year old to grab whatever she can in the baby supply department as he has own room at our house still so good there and with toys and clothes... but I'm not going to give him back ... I know my daughter will pull grandparents have no rights as well as possible kid napping ... you see my grandson is also half native and his tribe is one of the most powerful and the richest here in this state, and receives a hefty monthly check that we later found out was also used on drugs and casinos just like our daughters boyfriend monthly check was.


oh I could go on and on ... but end result 

is a very happy,funny,loving,smart,curious, caring, and oh so very loved little boy who adores his Grammy and papa and uncle and aunts as well as his nana and poppa on daddies side .

it was scary ... it was sickening to think how many babies are in or have been in sane kind of scenario and grandparents had nothing to stand on ... nothing like a bond between grandchild and  grandparents.

please let me know what to do to help.

i have a big mouth , no filter when it comes to speaking the  truth and asking questions and demanding answers that so many are afraid too .

i look forward to hearing back 
