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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author of Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life, Conscious Globalism: What’s wrong with the world and how to fix it and Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity
Guest Biography:

David A Schwerin, Ph.D over 20 years of channeled interactions with spirit, David has gone through reincarnation in the same lifetime as well as many other experiences, as detailed in his book Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life. David has an MBA in finance and a Ph.D. in religious studies and has been a business executive for over 30 years.

Author of Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life, Conscious Globalism: What’s wrong with the world and how to fix it and Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity. Conscious Capitalism has been translated into Portuguese and Chinese and is in its second printing in China. Conscious Globalism was published in China in October 2005. In addition, he contributed to the anthology The New Bottom Line: Bringing Heart and Soul to Business.

David has over thirty years of business experience, beginning as a financial analyst and senior investment officer with a large bank. He founded D J Investment Advisors, Inc. and served as its President since 1976. David has taught economics on the college level and has given expert witness testimony on financial matters. His articles have been published worldwide and he has often been quoted in the press.

He received his undergraduate degree in Business, a MBA in Finance and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies. David was awarded membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, a national business honor society and is a member of the Chartered Financial Analysts Institute and The Sustainable Business Network. He has served as Chairman of the Pathwork Press and on the boards of directors of a number of non-profit organizations. David has been a member of the Advisory Board of the Pedro Arrupe Center for Business Ethics, Erivan K. Haub School of Business at St. Joseph's University and President of the Institute for Ethical Awareness.

Dr. Schwerin has given lectures, presentations, and radio and TV interviews throughout the U.S. Between 2001 and 2019 he made nine extended visits to China where he gave over three dozen lectures in twelve cities. The lectures covered a variety of business topics and were presented to political leaders, business executives and academic audiences.

In 2005 David helped establish and dedicated the Socially Responsible Business Center at Tianjin University of Commerce where he currently serves as a visiting professor. He is an editor of Seeking Truth, a widely read journal published by Heilongjiang University in Harbin, China. In 2007, Schwerin was the featured speaker at a press conference in Beijing and gave keynote speeches in Dalian and Tianjin on ethics and the environment. In 2009 he was appointed an Honorary Director of the Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center at Suzhou University of Science and Technology and a guest professor at Tianjin Normal University.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Traditional credentials with non-traditional schooling in music, yoga, world scriptures, and on-the-job training
Guest Biography:

Patrician Ellen West combines a rare blend of education, with an array of traditional credentials with non-traditional schooling in music, yoga, world scriptures, and on-the-job training. Pat has studied at Himalayan Institute in India from a master, and trained along-side pioneers of the holistic health movement. Author of The Common Sense Book of Change.

Author of;

  • The Common Sense Book of Change is an easy-to-read introduction to the time-tested decision-making manual, the Chinese I Ching.

  • Two Sides of a Coin: Lao Tze’s Common Sense Way of Change is a version of the Tao Te Ching that underscores its connection to I Ching and yoga science.

  • Conscience: Your Ultimate Personal Survival Guide supplies background to explain how and why the I Ching is such a powerful and effective tool. Essays on change give examples of how to apply the underlying philosophy to daily concerns.

  • Rethinking Survival: Getting to the Positive Paradigm of Change is a personal reflection on Einstein’s warning, “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” It offers an innovative structure and helpful method for approaching personal change.

  • The Positive Paradigm Handbook shows how change agents can personalize the Wheel of Change. It includes a step-by-step method for putting the Life Wheel into action and introduces the MPI (Motive–Purpose–Intent) Standard used to increase self-awareness.


Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Singer-Songwriter
Guest Biography:

Scott Howard has performed nationally for over 20 years, and is the centerfold in the latest issue of Billboard Magazine!

"Growing up, I was always playing music. My mom sang opera and I was a stagehand. Since my son Maxx was tragically taken from me, my life has a new purpose. I’m working with charities to help young adults and the children of our world with positive songs and lyrics. A portion of all proceeds from my music will benefit Sweet Relief (”  

Scott Howard is riding a musical wave on a path to enlightenment, with his latest album ‘The Ascended Man’ tuned to 432 Hz, the same frequency as the formerly ascended genius’ of our world such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. His sound, though, is not classical; Scott Howard’s music is a fine-tuned cornucopia of rock, adult contemporary and pop with soul-inspiring lyrics under a smooth harmonious voice reminiscent of Cat Stevens or Crosby, Stills & Nash. Catchy and vibrant, anyone looking for depth and spirit will vibe with the various tunes on Howard’s album, although a closer look will provide a glimpse into a world of intricate philosophies, ancient secrets, and a boatload of mystery. 

Scott Howard has released three full albums including his latest, “Ascended Man,” on which he has worked with major players in the industry such as hitmaker Producer, Marc Tanner (Madonna, Aerosmith) and multi-Grammy winner and legendary engineer/mixer, (David Bowie, John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, Santana, Rob Thomas). Howard, who has performed at top tier venues throughout the country, awaits the day when he can fulfill his ultimate goal of performing at the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. “There is nothing more important to me that performing, offering joy and connecting with my fans,” says Howard, who is changing the world with literally uplifting and inspiring songs that promote healing and happiness for every listener.

Check out Scott Howard online and find his album Ascended Man on all streaming platforms.




Guest Category: Entertainment, Music, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Joy Elaine is a Level Four Master Practitioner and an Animal Healing Practitioner of SVH (Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique).
Guest Biography:

Joy Elaine is one of the foremost experts in the world on the Ashtar Command, "mythical" creatures that are real, and where Earth is in her evolution. Joy Elaine channels information from an Asthar Commander, and galactic masters such as Thoth, Osiris, Isis, and has spoken with dragons and fairies. Joy has her fingers on the pulse of the evolving Earth and has a profound understanding of the nature of the 47 universes and many of the races that inhabit them!

Joy Elaine is a Level Four Master Practitioner and an Animal Healing Practitioner of SVH (Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique). She credits this energy modality with being instrumental in assisting her to bring forth the information in the Joy Chronicles.

In the late 1990’s she began experimenting with different forms of energy work including: Reiki, past life regression, Akashic record reading, Shamanism, Angelic Healing and others. In 2003 she became aware of SVH and immediately began learning and practicing this modality. The information for this series of books began coming to her in February of 2014.

She graduated magna cum laude from Indiana State University and has a master’s degree in music from the University of Illinois. She has taught public school music (orchestra) and currently plays violin and viola professionally in Bloomington, Indiana.

In 1991, an exploration of companies involved in the area of nutrition and wellness led her to become a representative of Shaklee Corporation. The philosophy of that company, Creating Healthier Lives, upheld and continues to match her desire to lead a healthy life. During that period of time she also became involved in bodybuilding and competed in several shows in northern Illinois. She is a hobbyist orchid grower and loves to travel to shows around the country to add to her collection.

She is excited to reveal the information in this series of books and hopes that it will assist you to become aware of and step through one of the many doorways leading to your own magical future.

Guest Occupation: Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist & Host of “Shift Happens!” on Voice America
Guest Biography:

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Break Through Life Coach, Collaborative Divorce Therapist, Reiki Healer, Speaker, Radio show host on Voice America for the Health & Wellness Show “Insights from the Couch” premiering November 6th, 2018. Speaker at the It Takes Money Honey women’s empowerment conference and contributor to the It Takes Money Honey magazine.

Karin Weiri specializes in EMDR and has worked with many people who have experienced severe anxiety, PTSD, and depression. She works holistically and looks at each person’s emotional, physical, and financial health and targets the area that is most in need. Karin's passion is to help people who have gone through trauma and suffer from anxiety using a powerful method called EMDR that targets cognitions, emotions, and the physical body to help release the body's memory of it on a cellular, neurological, and physical level. In essence, EMDR is a way to speed up neuroplasticity. She works holistically and looks at each person’s emotional, physical, and financial health and targets the area that is most in need. Karin is the host of "Shift Happens!".

Over the years Karin has realized that the majority of people who are experiencing anxiety/fear, depression, or PTSD is because of something, and often, many things have happened that confirmed some negative belief you have about yourself that has now become the subliminal background music for your everyday behavior. Ninety percent of our behaviors are subconsciously derived based on early programming if you will. By that, I mean that the first 6 years of a child’s life, is when the majority of what we learn about how the world works and how we interact with other people, is cemented in the brain and that is the place from which we behave 90% of the time. This means that since many of us did not grow up in a perfect and ideal family home, we benefit greatly from “updating” the programming.

Without updating our programming, we then re-create situations in our relationships that confirm these negative beliefs over and over again such as the woman who keeps choosing to be in a relationship with men who cheat on her because she has the belief that men are not to be trusted. Or the man who gets fired from every job because he is late every day and misses important deadlines because subconsciously he believes that “I am not good enough.” Therefore, he underperforms in all situations including in his marriage where he does not contribute to planning for the future or making daily decisions in the household but leaves it all up to this wife.

The good news is that you do not have to continue to live your life that way. And you do not have to be on medication for the rest of your life because the medication does not resolve the reason why you feel and behave the way you do. It simply numbs you for a while and has numerous side effects that may lead to much worse health issues.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author of Man at 50: an autobiography filled with Crisis, Revelation & Survival!
Guest Biography:

S. Richard is a pseudonym. Richard aka Mr. Richard has been through abuse, failed marriages and sexual identities. He's confronted with white magic, dysfunction, judgment, and bad choices. S. Richard hopes to help at least one person and leave his story behind for others to learn, benefit, and grow by. Author of Man at 50: an autobiography filled with Crisis, Revelation & Survival!

Mr. Richard currently lives in East Texas with his wife. He is a full-time security officer, REALTOR® and is currently working on his second book.  His goals are simple; help at least one person and leave his story behind for others to learn, benefit and grow by. Mr. Richard is available for speaking engagements to your group, company or organization.  

Contact him at:

Guest Category: Entertainment, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Lucifer Tells The Truth About The Flat Earth and Multiverse
Guest Biography:

Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories, Lee's show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth.

Born in Boston, Lee move to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio.

For over thirty years, he’s criss-crossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations.

In 2018, he wrote Morning Star's Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of topics discussed on Outcast Radio.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Health coach, entrepreneur, spiritual expert and artist
Guest Biography:

James lives on the path of ascension/spiritual enlightenment. He practices yoga + tai chi that awaken DNA activation to interact with higher densities of God source consciousness. Author of Your Fountain of Youth available on Amazon Prime.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder of The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation
Guest Biography:

Marilynn has taken the out of body journey much deeper than most, beyond the initiations into the mysteries...and way further! She has thirty-two years of experience, thousands of experiences... .and authored over 100 books, 40 magazines, and 18 CDs on Out-of-Body Travel and Comparative Religious Mysticism. All available for FREE download! She's been on countless media outlets including Coast to Coast AM, Joan Rivers, Raymond Moody, etc., and was featured in a documentary, 'The Road to Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary'. Marilynn is the founder of 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation' in 2003 (Mission: Reduce Spiritual and Physical Hunger Worldwide)

The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation was founded in 2003 with the express mission of Reducing Spiritual Hunger Worldwide.

Our mission came from the words of Mother Teresa, “The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty -- it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There's a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.”

As a result of these words, the vision for The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation was born. We Reduce Spiritual Hunger Worldwide by making our Out-of-Body Travel Resources available for free download and free use through Amazon Kindle's Lending Library. We Reduce Physical Poverty by donating much of our earnings and raising funds for a variety of projects around the world every year. If you'd like to help us, please check out our Charitable Projects and give if you can. We Reduce Spiritual Loneliness in our world today with 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation Forum' where those of like mind can meet and discuss their spiritual journey with other seekers.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Teacher and There’s More in You: How to Get Through It
Guest Biography:

Detra Carter-Wilson overcame the obstacles of coming from a low-income, single-parent family, and becoming a teenage parent. Her history of trauma and drama led her to found “More in You Coaching” designed to help people let go of their fears and pursue their purpose.

Detra is a certified life coach, author, and educator. She is also the owner of More in You Coaching, a social enterprise dedicated to helping youth reach their potential using a holistic approach. Detra has a bachelor’s degree in English,a master's degree in Nonprofit Management & Leadership and a master’s degree in education. She received a life coaching diploma and a Christian life coaching certification from New Life Coach, Inc. In addition, she has obtained a life coaching certification from the University of NLP. 
Throughout the years, Detra has gained experience in the field of human services and education. She has incorporated her experience as an educator and facilitator into her coaching work, which assists people with stress management, problem-solving, decision making, goal setting, vocational rehabilitation, career readiness, and confidence-building. Throughout her career, Detra has developed a passion for helping people with challenging circumstances achieve goals despite obstacles through spiritual and personal development education, life coaching, career coaching, and career advising. 
She grew up in Springfield, Ohio where she developed a hunger for helping people to discover their potential. Due to her own struggles with low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, she became determined to help others discover their worth. Throughout her own process of growth and development, Detra learned how to overcome obstacles such as being a teenage mother that led to a challenging marriage which ended in divorce. Nonetheless, the grief from her obstacles led her to God, who defined her purpose to help others through their process of growth and development. Because of her own personal struggles and revelation from God, Detra believes that there is unlimited potential in each and every person on earth.  
Detra is passionate about sharing her life experiences with others through writing. Over the years, she has co-founded a church newsletter and assisted with the launch of the church magazine. In 2009, she became an expert exine writer for the articles, “7 Ways to Success,” and “Believe in Yourself.” As a Relationship Advice Examiner she published, “7 Way to Get Over It,” “Loving with a Broken Heart,” 7 Principles of Love,” “What a Man Wants,” “Do You Know What You Want,” and “It’s More Than a Game.” She has self-published her first book, There’s More in You: How to Get Through It. 
Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Business lawyer
Guest Biography:

JP is a business lawyer who was recently appointed by the Attorney General to the Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee (JPAAC). JP McAvoy will be serving as a regional member in Ottawa, Canada.  Justices of the peace are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Attorney General. JP McAvoy has been appointed for a three year term.

JP McAvoy also practices corporate and commercial law at Conduct Law. He was called to the bar in Ontario in 2001, he received his LL.B from Queen’s University in 1999. He represents a diverse range of corporations throughout Canada, the United States, and Eastern Asia. JP also works with financial, insurance, and accounting advisers to provide tax, trust and estate planning advice to entrepreneurial clients and professionals.

Prior to commencing private practice, JP was a founding employee of Silicon Valley start-up Zip2, which was sold to Compaq and later merged with Alta Vista. He is a Contributing Writer for the New Economy Watch and a founding member of the Ottawa Junior Chamber of Commerce. He also serves as a Director or Officer on a number of organizations in Ottawa, Barrhaven and Winchester.

Guest Category: Business, Legal
Guest Occupation: Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and Author
Guest Biography:

As an Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and Author, I am committed to providing Inspired Answers to Today’s Challenges. The bottom line, I help individuals like you and organizations like yours grow market penetration, improve profitability and grow the quality of your people.

My 35+ years of life experience in sales, marketing, training, and speaking to corporations, business owners, and entrepreneurs enables clients to transform their businesses achieving more sales and greater profitability with less effort and expense. It is my life’s purpose: To Inspire and Empower others to serve humanity through living their life’s purpose in spirit, love and joy!

Scott Schilling lived through a near-death experience...and came out the other side better off for going through it! Scott Schilling, a.k.a. The Reinvention Specialist is an Executive Coach, Trainer, Author, and International Speaker, committed to providing Inspired Answers to Today's Challenges.

Scott has presented at over 2,500 live events sharing the stage with General Colin Powell, Jack Canfield, Rudy Giuliani, Steve Forbes, Author of That Sucks...What Now? Real-World Solutions for Getting Through What You're Going Through!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author of The Power Symbols for Balanced Energy
Guest Biography:

A natural-born teacher and healer, Krystalya enjoys supporting others on their path to growth and healing by working with the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.

As a child she was injured on a bicycle and although the injury was nothing more than a severe bruise her doctor told her that she would probably have pain in the area of the injury whenever it was cold or damp for the rest of her life. During her mid 20’s she discovered that she had the innate ability to heal herself. Once she realized this, she was able to stop having the pain that her doctor had programmed her to have for all of those years.

Since that time she has taught many people various techniques to overcome their doctor’s predictions. She emphasizes that it is not the doctors' fault, although she does feel that doctors need to be more careful with the words they use and the predictions they make.

More importantly, though she points out that it is up to each of us to decide whether we are going to believe what our doctors tell us without question or whether we are going to decide to listen to our inner healer.

Ms. Marié spent over 13 years in talk therapy only to discover that although her life had improved dramatically she was still carrying much of her childhood baggage. In 2000 she met author and teacher Dawn E. Clark and through Ms. Clark’s processes learned to heal deep emotional issues. This work helped her immensely, yet this was just the beginning.

In 2002 when she was unable to heal a lump in her breast that was the size of a golf ball by using all of what she had learned she was guided to create symbols (colored drawings) along with new processes. Within 24 hours of using the symbol to remove the lump from her breast, the lump was gone.

For the following 8 months, she continually got one ailment after another as she was guided to draw symbols and create tools for healing each ailment and the underlying emotional issue that created the ailment.

Ms. Marié has created a simple step by step process to heal the underlying emotional components to many ailments using, these symbols and processes. Ms. Marie’ believes that the only true way to heal any ailment is to heal the cause, wherein many cases traditional medicine only heals the symptoms.

After over 30 years in the computer industry, Ms Marié left her career to follow her dream of teaching others the power of taking control and responsibility for their lives and their health.

Ms. Marié travels across the country conducting lectures and workshops. She is down to earth, fun-loving, compassionate and supportive.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author of “Spiral of Denial” & Researcher & leading expert with football & concussions
Guest Biography:

Matt Chaney is a writer, editor, publisher and teacher living in Missouri. A former college football player, Chaney specializes in issues of sport, producing reports and commentary for publications such as The New York Daily News and The Kansas City Star. For his master’s degree thesis, Chaney analyzed media coverage of anabolic substances in American football from 1983 to 1999. His previous nonfiction books are My Name Is Mister Ryan and Legend In Missouri.  Chaney and his wife, Laura, operate Four Walls Publishing.

He is the author of 'Spiral of Denial: Muscle Doping in American Football' and in the book he identifies the problem through extensive research and lives the gamut of guilty parties, as juicer football player, perpetrator coach, ostrich reporter and partying fan. Now in middle age, Chaney gets the picture and brings it, connecting the problem's dots, its sustaining forces from the cultural realms of economy, social structure and ethos. Finally, Chaney proposes to drop urinalysis and moralizing in favor of research and real-world prevention. Then America can genuinely impact this uniquely American problem -- muscle doping in its brutal football.

'Spiral of Denial: Muscle Doping in American Football' is the reality of tissue-building substances in America's holy football -- the story of steroids, HGH, and more. Author Matt Chaney identifies the problem through extensive research and lives the gamut of guilty parties, as juicer football player, perpetrator coach, ostrich reporter and partying fan. Now in middle age, Chaney gets the picture and brings it, connecting the problem's dots, its sustaining forces from the cultural realms of economy, social structure and ethos. Finally, Chaney proposes to drop urinalysis and moralizing in favor of research and real-world prevention. Then America can genuinely impact this uniquely American problem -- muscle doping in its brutal football.

"Before you read this book, make sure you can handle the truth about drugs in football. Why? Because Chaney lays it out for all to see. He thoroughly documents the widespread problem in NCAA football and the NFL. He details the lies, obfuscation, and denial on the part of coaches, athletes, sport journalists, politicians, and, of course, us the fans! Oh, one other thing: This book s one hell of a read."

-- Dr. Charles E. Yesalis, epidemiologist, historian, doping in sport

"Richly detailed, passionately written and as sharp as a needle, this is the most important book on the most important sports story of our time. The League will hate it. I loved it."

-- Robert Lipsyte, author of "Raiders Night"

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: highly gifted clairvoyant aura reader, Archangel Michael Channel, and Divine Alignment Coach
Guest Biography:

Do you know how to stop over giving and learn to have badass boundaries? Want to know how to be better at receiving? My guest SAGE Kingsley-Goddard is Voted the world's #1 Law of Attraction teacher.  Known as The Prosperous Goddess, Sage has personally gone through spiritual fire and transformation, from bankruptcy to over a million dollars, from homelessness to Dream Home, from divorced to married 21 years to her Twin Flame soulmate, living and loving life to the fullest!  Sage is a highly gifted clairvoyant aura reader, Archangel Michael Channel, and Divine Alignment Coach. She’s helped tens of thousands worldwide experience greater enlightenment, empowerment and enrichment by clearing out their blocks to receiving, aligning with their sacred purpose, and shining and sharing their unique gifts with the world. Sage is a #1 international best-selling author, and a dynamic speaker, as well as a shamanic hypnotherapist, Reiki and Money Reiki Master Teacher, and Mother Wound healer.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Educator, public speaker, writer, and consultant
Guest Biography:

Robin Casarjian, M.A. is the Founder and Director of the Lionheart Foundation and its National Emotional Literacy Projects. She is an educator, public speaker, writer, and consultant. In developing and implementing programming for prisoners and youth-at-risk, she draws from her experience as director of a school for at-risk adolescents, as well as extensive experience in education, stress management training, psychotherapy and administration. She is author of Forgiveness: A Bold Choice for a Peaceful Heart (Bantam, 1992) and Houses of Healing: A Prisoner’s Guide to Inner Power and Freedom (Lionheart Press, 1995), and co-author, with Bethany Casarjian, Ph.D., of Power Source: Taking Charge of Your Life (Lionheart Press, 2003).

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Foundation President and Advocate
Guest Biography:

Nadia moved to Calgary in 2006 with her family, and graduated in 2018 from Mount Royal University with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. Today she is the president of Nadia's Hope Foundation, founded in April 2019, about a year after her younger sister Nadia was tragically murdered in a case of domestic abuse in Calgary in March 2018. The foundation has been raising awareness on domestic abuse, Nadia's story and the statistics we see in Canada.

“Our goal is to raise awareness through education by presenting to the public as well as high schools in Airdrie and other towns and cities, to give proper resources and information that people can take on unhealthy relationships and where to go for help. We want to emphasize that abuse does not discriminate against anyone, regardless of age, religion, culture, socioeconomic background, ableism, or any other stereotype that society instills on victims. We want to share Nadia's story as much as we can and be able to prevent this from happening to anyone else.

I have been a strong media presence since my sister's passing in March 2018, and have used this as a platform to bring awareness of the rise in statistics of domestic abuse.  My family teamed up with Shoppers Drug Mart, as well as the Calgary Emergency Women's Shelter to share Nadia's story as well as raise funds to go towards their shelter.  We have also become involved with Gems for Gems when they decided to name their first scholarship in honour of my sister Nadia.  I have also attended a conference on International Women's Day that was hosted at the McDougall Centre by the Uturn Project.”

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Multi-instrumentalist,Singer,Songwriter
Guest Biography:

B  R  U  C  E

S  U  D  A  N  O








Bruce Sudano has had his hand in some of the 20th century’s biggest hits, sung by mega talents from Michael and Jermaine Jackson to Dolly Parton and Donna Summer, his late wife. At this point, he could easily rest on his musical laurels. Instead, he recorded an album about life right here, right now, in this 21st Century World. And he filled it with hard questions, some well-aimed finger pointing and poignant observations about the human experience — for better and worse.

When he speaks, the longtime Los Angeles resident’s accent still conveys his strong New York roots; in fact, his first child is named Brooklyn. (He and Summer had two daughters; Brooklyn stars in the new NBC series Taken, and Amanda co-founded the band Johnnyswim. Sudano also raised stepdaughter Mimi.)

Sudano was 4 when he began making music, first on accordion, then on guitar and piano. He started getting paid for it at 12. By the time he was 20, he had a hit, “Ball of Fire,” co-written with his mentor, Tommy James (“Hanky Panky,” “Mony, Mony,” “I Think We’re Alone Now”), who recorded it with his band, the Shondells.

“He was the first person to take me under his wing, to take me into a recording studio, write with me and basically show me how it was done, in the real world,” Sudano recalls. “He took me out of the neighborhood and put me in the music business. We’re friends to this day.”

Sudano had co-founded the band Alive N Kickin’ in 1968; in 1970, James wrote and produced their top-10 hit, “Tighter, Tighter.” Five years after leaving that band, Sudano co-founded Brooklyn Dreams. That same year, 1977, he met Summer, who began writing with the band. They penned “Take It to the Zoo” for the Thank God It’s Friday film soundtrack, then the band appeared as the Planotones in the film, American Hot Wax. They hit No. 4 with Summer duetting on “Heaven Knows,” and in 1979, Summer and the band wrote the No. 1 pop and R&B hit “Bad Girls.” It became the title song to the most popular album of her career.

In 1980, Sudano released his first solo album, which contained “Starting Over Again,” written with Summer about his parents’ divorce. Dolly Parton turned it into a No. 1 country hit. Fifteen years later, Reba McEntire took it to No. 19. In 1985, Sudano co-wrote the Grammy-nominated Michael and Jermaine Jackson duet, “Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming (Too Good to Be True).” After years spent managing Summer’s career, as well as playing and singing in her band, Sudano released another solo album, Rainy Day Soul. That 2004 release gave him three top 10 adult contemporary hits, and New Music Weekly’s Adult Contemporary Artist of the Year award. “It's Her Wedding Day,” a track from his third solo album, earned him the 2009 New Music Weekly Adult Contemporary Song of the Year award.

Bruce has returned to touring as well. These days you can find him performing alongside an eclectic group of musicians. From the wildly successful band Johnnyswim to the iconic British band The Zombies, or jamming with young rockers Hollis Brown, Sudano is back on the road re-engaging with audiences.

For more information about Bruce Sudano

And to purchase his new singles

visit …

and  The Donna Summer musical Donna Summer official site

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: CEO, Doctor/Owner/Founder RADicalReliefandWellness
Guest Biography:

I am a retired doctor. I have always been an entrepreneur; founding my own unique healthcare IT medical concierge business in 1997 and successfully practicing all over the world until my retirement In 2015. After retirement and since I felt I still had time and business to do, I looked long and hard to find a “cause” worthy of my undivided attention. That cause came to light when the opioid crisis hit too close to home: a couple of friends of my children (whom I remembered as charming little boys in cubscout uniforms, little league unis and Halloween costumes), lost their lives to overdose. It became clear to me that “obliterating opiods and the opiate crisis, one step at a time” was to become my mission. Big Pharma drugs and synthetic compounds were being marketed at the expense of lives. I knew CBD would become the vehicle central to my mission, but to find a company with a combination of quality product, a solid philanthropic business mission, transparency, integrity and ethics while wanting to help the community find wellness, was a task. After due diligence I found a company with the best sourcing, quality control, production, packaging and reported OUTCOMES within the constraints of the law. I chose CBDBioCare. Now, I educate consumers in Wellness and alternative medicine, the potential benefits and proven results conferred by CBD. Since my business, RADical Relief and Wellness, partnered with CBDBiocare in October 2017, I have been delightfully rewarded with support of my mission, as well as personally rewarded with the proven benefits of CBD. I take CBDBiocare for pain and inflammation due to overly ambitious workouts, occasional bouts of arthritis, daily RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome) and insomnia. Every day in my research, I am amazed at what new discoveries are being made in which CBD can offer relief and Wellness. Join me and my team and help us fight to offer alternative medicine to those in pain.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Researcher, scientist, healer
Guest Biography:

Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space and universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, pyramid energy or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar energy.


I began research with scalar energy during my undergraduate years. Inspired by various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla (a genius who invented alternating current), I was curious to learn more about the existence of an energy that was not of the electromagnetic spectrum. I pursued a course of independent study in order to better understand and subsequently harness scalar energy, as this emerging science is not taught at the university level.


One of my scientific predecessors was T. Galen Hieronymus, a resident of Georgia and one of the few scalar energy researchers in the United States in the last century. I read Galen's notes and used his instruments after his death.


Some of Galen's inventions, according to a 1977 magazine article, were "quasielectronic instruments that could (a) analyze the component elements of an ore sample without spectroscopic, chemical or other orthodox methods, and, most surprising of all, (b) influence (even kill) living organisms, even from vast distances, with no scientifically understandable mechanism at the other end."


I theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin, "the storehouses," for scalar energy. I further theorized that scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe.


Based on these theories and the work of scientists who came before me, I was able to develop scalar energy instruments capable of harnessing and transmitting instructive energy to heal human subjects remotely. You can think of this as similar to a radio broadcast with my instruments as the broadcaster, and your body as the receiver. The difference is that the energy transmitted is not electromagnetic, and is therefore immeasurable by traditional science.


My instruments provide a remote, fast, harmless and painless treatment process that has successfully healed patients with HIV/AIDS, Ebola, herpes, hepatitis, Lyme disease, and over 400,000 pathogens that cause disease. They administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan, can all be disassembled, representing a cure for thousands of diseases. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eliminated, the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether.

Lab experiments were conducted in 2015 that served to prove that my scalar energy pathogen cleanse disassembles and subsequently destroys micro-organisms at a distance by way of a photograph.


An independent, out-of-state laboratory submitted magnified photographs of various species of living protozoan to me to be treated by way of the scalar energy instrument. Four experiments were conducted in which various species of Paramecium, Volvox, Amoeba, Euglena and Stentor were treated with scalar energy, resulting in these protozoa being disassembled and subsequently destroyed.


The lab experiments were video recorded in order to substantiate the efficacy of the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse to disassemble and destroy pathogens. You can check my websites to see the results!


Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida. For full details on how you can receive scalar energy treatments remotely, call 805.364.3051.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Physics & Metaphysics