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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Radio Free Asia Tibetan Service Director
Guest Biography:

TENZIN TETHONG is the founder of key Tibet initiatives in the U.S. including the Tibet Fund, Tibet House – New York, and the International Campaign for Tibet. He is currently a distinguished fellow at the Tibetan Studies Initiative,Stanford University (a program he played a key role in establishing), the President of the Dalai Lama Foundation,and Board Chair of the Committee of 100 for Tibet. In addition to serving as an advisor to the local Tibetan Community Center project, he is co-founder of the Missing Peace art exhibit and recently launched “Tibet in Exile-Fifty Years”, an online documentation effort to commemorate the last fifty years in exile of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people. He currently serves as the director of Radio Free Asia’s Tibetan Service, which delivers uncensored, timely news and information to people living in China’s Tibetan regions.

In the early 1990s, Tenzin Tethong was Prime Minister (Kalon Tripa) of the Central Tibetan Administration based in India. In 1995, he left this post and moved to the United States. That year, he became a principal advisor for the film “Seven Years in Tibet.”

In 1996, he was invited as a visiting scholar to teach courses in Tibetan history and contemporary politics in the History Department of Stanford University. Tenzin Tethong played a critical role in securing the first 1,000 visas for Tibetans to immigrate the United States, Fulbright scholarship program support for Tibetan students and the creation of Voice of America’s Tibetan Service.

For Radio Free Asia, Tenzin Tethong has overseen the operations of its Tibetan Service since last year. RFA’s service was the first to report on many of the self-immolations among Tibetans protesting Beijing’s rule. Since the deadly protests began, 131 Tibetans have self-immolated despite heightened security.

RFA, an independent, non-profit news services, reaches its target audiences in nine languages in six countries that restrict and limit the free-flow of uncensored information. These audiences are in China, North Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Through webcast video, television, satellite, social media networks, and digital content on its websites, in addition to trusted short- and medium-wave radio broadcasts, RFA delivers its unique, award-winning, brand of journalism. RFA also functions as an open forum for those living in some of the most closed societies to voice and discuss their opinions freely. RFA is funded annually through a grant from the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author/Speaker
Guest Biography:

CHRISTOPHER LANGAN was born in San Francisco and spent most of his early life in Montana. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family; his father died or disappeared before he was born. He began talking at six months, taught himself to read before he was four, and was repeatedly skipped ahead in school. But he grew up in poverty and says he was beaten by his stepfather from when he was almost six to when he was about fourteen. By then Langan had begun weight training, and forcibly ended the abuse, throwing his stepfather out of the house and telling him never to return.

Langan says he spent the last years of high school mostly in independent study, teaching himself "advanced math, physics, philosophy, Latin and Greek, all that". His brother recalls that "when Christopher was fourteen or fifteen, he would draw things just as a joke, and it would be like a photograph. When he was fifteen, he could match Jimi Hendrix lick for lick on a guitar."

After earning a perfect score on the SAT Langan attended Reed College and later Montana State University, but faced with finance and transportation problems, and believing that he "could literally teach his professors more than they could teach him", dropped out.

He took a string of labor-intensive jobs, and by his mid-40s had been a construction worker, cowboy, forest service firefighter, farmhand, and for over twenty years, a bouncer on Long Island, New York. He says he developed a "double-life strategy", on one side a regular guy, doing his job and exchanging pleasantries, and on the other side coming home to perform equations in his head, working in isolation on his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe.

Wider attention came in 1999, when Esquire magazine published a profile of Langan and other members of the high-IQ community. Billing Langan as "the smartest man in America", the article's account of the weight-lifting bouncer and his CTMU "Theory of Everything" sparked a flurry of media interest. Board-certified neuropsychologist Dr. Robert Novelly tested Langan's IQ for 20/20, which reported that Langan broke the ceiling of the test. Novelly was said to be astounded, saying: "Chris is the highest individual that I have ever measured in 25 years of doing this."

Articles and interviews highlighting Langan appeared in Popular Science,The Times, Newsday, Muscle & Fitness (which reported that he could bench press 500 pounds), and elsewhere. Langan was featured on 20/20,interviewed on BBC Radio and on Errol Morris's First Person, and participated in an online chat at He has written question-and-answer columns for New York Newsday, The Improper Hamptonian, and Men's Fitness.

On January 25, 2008, Langan was a contestant on NBC's game show 1 vs. 100, where he won 250,000.

Today Chris continues to work on an upcoming book soon to be published.

Please visit:

Guest Category: Education, Physics & Metaphysics, Science
Guest Occupation: Rapper 9-5 Occupation
Guest Biography:

My names Julian DeLeo aka "Jayy". I am from Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. I love my hometown. I am 18 years of age and working hard to make my mark in the music industry!  Music has always been around me and my close friends. Music is something we really like doing and we all have a big passion for the craft. I started writing because I would see people around me in my neighborhood and during my time in school much younger then me rapping and drawing crowds by their talent to ryhme. Just that notion itself set something off inside of me and I knew that I could do the same. So I decided to start writing my very own ryhmes and verses. So I tried both writing and freestyling and people thought it was very good at it. Many have told me to never stop rapping and writing because I have got something special. Whenever I write or freestyle to a crowd, I can really feel the vibe from me and the crowd, or whoever listens to me recite my written ryhmes. It just got better and better so I kept going. I write just about just everyday now. I have big goals and dreams to make it as an artist someday. I really feel that I can make it somewhere with my music. I like being different so being unique only makes it easy for me to keep it original!. Im determinded to be a successful indie artist and possibly discovered for my talent and hard work ethic. I am loyal and keep a tight circle with my friends. I am known for my integrety. I stay socialize openly with my friends and they do the same. They are my squad. We are all headed for success because of our love for one another and our true passion for the music.

                                      I am Julian DeLeo!

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Author/Journalist
Guest Biography:

WILLIAM BLUM left the State Department in 1967, abandoning his aspiration of becoming a Foreign Service Officer, because of his opposition to what the United States was doing in Vietnam.  He then became one of the founders and editors of the Washington Free Press,  the first “alternative” newspaper in the capital.

Mr. Blum has been a freelance journalist in the United States, Europe and South America.  His stay in Chile in 1972-3, writing about the Allende government’s “socialist experiment” and its tragic overthrow in a CIA-designed coup, instilled in him a personal involvement and an even more heightened interest in what his government was doing in various parts of the world.  In the mid-1970’s, he worked in London with former CIA officer Philip Agee and his associates on their project of exposing CIA personnel and their misdeeds.

His book on U.S. foreign policy, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, first published in 1995 and updated since, has received international acclaim.  Noam Chomsky called it “far and away the best book on the topic.”

In 1999, he was one of the recipients of Project Censored’s awards for “exemplary journalism” for writing one of the top ten censored stories of 1998, an article on how, in the 1980s, the United States gave Iraq the material to develop a chemical and biological warfare capability.

Blum is also the author of America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About U.S. Foreign Policy and Everything Else (2013), Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only superpower (updated edition 2005), West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir (2002), and Freeing the World to Death: Essays on the American Empire (2004).  His books have been translated into more than 15 languages.

During 2002-2003, Blum was a regular columnist for the magazine The Ecologist, which is published in London and distributed globally.   In January 2006, a tape from Osama bin Laden stated that “it would be useful” for Americans to read Rogue State, apparently to gain a better
understanding of their enemy.

ABOUT America's Deadliest Export: Democracy by William Blum

For over 65 years, the United States war machine has been on auto pilot. Since World War II, the world has believed that US foreign policy means well, and that America’s motives in spreading democracy are honorable, even noble. In this startling and provocative book from William Blum, one of the United States’ leading non-mainstream chroniclers of American foreign policy and author of the popular online newsletter, Anti-Empire Reports, demonstrates that nothing could be further from the truth.

Moreover, unless this fallacy is unlearned, and until people understand fully the worldwide suffering American policy has caused, we will never be able to stop the monster.

    “A fireball of terse information—one of our best muckrakers.” – Oliver Stone

    “America’s Deadliest Export is a brilliant expose of critically important information about the role of the U.S. in the world - yet that is arguably the least of its virtues. Blum’s book is also passionate when it ought to be passionate, and sober when it ought to be sober. It takes the raw data of international relations and presents it so movingly, so compellingly, and so insightfully, that when it reaches out for us to act - it has put us very much in the mood to do so. Succinct and comprehensive, reasoned and also impassioned, this is a book all should read.” – Michael Albert, co-founder of Znet

    “As in the past, in this remarkable collection Bill Blum concentrates on matters of great current significance, and does not pull his punches. They land, backed with evidence and acute analysis. It is a perspective on the world that Westerners should ponder, and take as a guideline for action.” – Noam Chomsky

    “Coruscating, eye-opening and essential. This is a must-read for anyone rightfully concerned at the destructive influence of the world’s only superpower.” – Cynthia McKinney, Presidential Candidate for the Green Party of the United States

   “William Blum’s America’s Deadliest Export is another in his blockbuster series that has applied the reality and morality principles to work on U.S. foreign policy. This book has vignettes and longish essays on matters running from Conspiracies, Ideology and the Media to Cuba, Iran and Wikileaks. It is brimming with wit and with both laughable and frightening quotations. It is admittedly written for ‘the choir,’ but even the choir needs encouragement as well as facts and analyses that will keep its members from succumbing to a potent propaganda system. And we may hope that choir will grow with books like this that both amuse and enlighten.” – Edward S. Herman, co-author of The Politics of Genocide

    “This book deals with unpleasant subjects yet it is a pleasure to read. Blum continues to provide us with convincing critiques of U.S. global policy in a freshly informed and engaging way.” – Michael Parenti, author of The Face of Imperialism

    “With good cheer and humor Blum guides us toward understanding that our government does not mean well. Once we’ve grasped that, we’re far more capable of effectively doing good ourselves.” – David Swanson, author of  War is a Lie

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Rapper Promotions Social Media Modeling
Guest Biography:

From Eve, "The Ride or Die Chic", to Foxy Brown, "The Ill Nana", to Trina, "The Baddest Chic", to Lil' Kim, "The Queen Bee", all the way to Nikki Menaj, Nikki Nelson aka Ms. Phat Kat is taking it to next level to join the female superstar status. More than a rapper, her songs and live performances display her dynamic singing voice as well as an awesome array of twerk/hip hop dance moves.

Originally born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, she moved to Hot Springs and has been reppin’ the Spa city ever since. Nikki’s adventurous life has taken her down roads of street hustlin’, modeling, working 9 to 5, modeling, and attending college at the same time. No matter how tough the journey got, she never lost her love for music.

The buzz stirring from her Facebook page this year is turning into the perfect platform to spring into 2013 with a strong fan base. Although her song “Put It On Me” is a brief introduction, it obvious that her black and creole mixed background influences the way Ms. Phat Kat cooks up her spicy lyrics.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Producer Songwritter Rapper
Guest Biography:

Meet DZD Productionz.  He is the Untamed Warriors producer, songwriter, artist, and audio engineer.  He is very outspoken and his aggressive delivery is just one of the many things that separate him from other artists.  DZD Productionz beat style consists of urban, club, trap, and soul beats and has been a recording master and has been mixing albums for over 10 years.

DZD Productionz has been making beats every since 2003, when he was just 15 years old. Another member of the group is who DZD thanks goes by the name of M.A.C. He was the first to produce beats using a beat mechine at the age of 13. In 2001 M.A.C was also a member of the local High School Band which brought the two together. Once the ice was broken between the two talented artists, M.A.C and DZD Productionz became the best of friends after about two years sharing ideas and beats in 1998.
After teaming up with M.A.C. and being determind to make music he would met other family also intrested in the industry. All of this took place when DZD Productionz first moved to McGehee, Arkansas. Then finally one day in the projects he met his uncle Dennis Morgan. Dennis was later referred to by his nephew as "Unc D". From that point  his uncle started managing the group. The group started under the name "Four Deep" but was later changed to the Untamed Warriors.
The group put out their first EP which consisted of eight tracks during the year of 2002. DZD Productionz was inspired by Beats By The Pound, Kanye West, Just Blaze, Mannie Fresh, Lil John, Dj Tump, David Banner, Dr. Dre, and Shorty Red. He started rhyming when he was 10 back in 1998 with one of his first cousins Young Spinna and Money Train. They later unified and became the Untamed Warriors. DZD Productionz met up with M.A.C again after a brief seperation between the two and then added him to the group.
Soon after them all coming together they started producing albums such as "We Some Grinders" in 2004. 2005 they made the local hit "Something to Proove Nothing to Loose" and soon after that release 'Only Time Will Tell' back in 2006. The following year after he produced the track "Arkansas History M.O.E"  along with "Diamond In The Ruff" in 2007. He then settled up with Cash Fields a friend and artist of the group who also recorded songs with the group. They soon did a album called "Definition Of Grind" in 2008. In 2009 DZD Productionz went to Dallas, Texas to unite once again with his group members Young Spinna and Money Train. They then recorded the album "Untamed or Die" in 2010. This all transpired into him meeting Fantastic Glover thru Young Spinna for the first time.
Soon after that they all came together again to record "Definition Of Grind 2" with Fantastic Glover, Young Spinna, Money Train, and Cash Fields. The following year after DZD Productionz revisited with Cash Fields and they then recorded the album "Dominate". In 2012 DZD Productionz paid another visit with Cash Fields and recorded the album "Domination" One year later again (2013) he traveled to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to worked with the "Genius" Fantastic Glover and fellow group member/cousin Young Spinna on the song "Live Before You Die" #1.
Now presently in 2014 DZD Productionz is working on a solo project which will be produced by him and him only. DZD Productionz is currently working on the "Untamed The Mob" group project. He is now working with Cash Fields, Fantastic Glover, Money Train, and Young Spinna's solo projects. The Indie Rap Producer/Recording Engineer also direct and shoot videos. DZD's most favorite rappers are Lil Boosie, BIG KRIT, Kevin Gates, Wiz khalifa, Young Jeezy, T.I., and Rick Ross. DZD Productionz and the Untamed Warriors can be found on YouTube, iTunes, GooglePlay, Facebook,  Twitter Instagram, Soundcloud, Soundclick, and Reverbnation.


Guest Category: Business, Music
Guest Occupation: CEO of Rocked Up Records
Guest Biography:

Marcus "Rock Da Don" Murphy CEO of Rocked Up Records and the Young Hogs Family are industry ready and well seasoned. The Young Hogs currently have a movement in the community and indie music scene here in Little Rock Arkansas. This record labels music is Real Country Rap Tunes that will play in your subconscious memory over and over again. Their recent EP release YHF "Soul of the Ghetto" the songs are based on everyday life living in the ghetto.

"Step Up and Stop Bullying Me" was recorded to rally the community to take a stand against bullying at local schools. Bullying is not just a problem with our youths,  but even adults have this issue as well. Just about every part of society today is effected by bullying. This song is only one example of how the Young Hogs are involved with the community, city, state, and the entire country as a whole. The Young Hogs has now join forces with the local Fox 16 News Team with Donna Terrel and Kevin Kelly of the local station there in Little Rock, Arkansas. They have a live interview about their campaign movement and efforts to put a stop to bullying in Arkansas and abroad! The campaign didn't stop there, they have YouTube videos about the song and the campaign with 101.1 FM also.

They have many different performances under there belts. large crowds are no problem for them and they have the record to reflect just that. They also did a live performance before 43,834 combine with a live broadcast with 103 "The Buzz" FM and a live televised segment with Channel 11 THV News during the 2012 Arkansas Razorback vs LSU Tigers and received recognition for the fight song for the team "Umma Hog". The Razorbacks commended them for lifting the teams sports which helped carry them to the Cotton Bowl! Later that year they wrote and produced another fight song for the local North Little Rock High Charging Wildcats Basketball team that won the State Championship Class 7A Division! The name of the song is "We Are The Champions" because of the early season record. They later performed before a packed house of 8,000 to 10,000 fans and spectators at Barton Colisium there in Little Rock.

The Young Hogs Family even did a fight song for the professional native boxer Jermaine Taylor for his 2004 bout with Joppy. They perform their hit song "Bad Intentions" before a packed house at the Barton Coliseum here in Little Rock. Jermaine Taylor won the fight like all the rest they have represented as well. The Young Hogs winners and winners deserve to be on a winning team. They are looking for a label to sign a distribution only contract. They are a ready made product and has sold many underground music locally and nationwide. They have opened up concerts for high profile artist and have had deals on the table also but just didn't like the numbers and terms of the contracts presented in the past.

The Young Hogs are local business owners of a towing service, clothing and appearal outlet, and their label Rocked Up Records here in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Hard working mastered, and well seasoned artist equals only success for anyone who signs them. The Young Hogs album "Still Hoggin" is a new sound for the World of Country Rap tunes! This music is very good riding Rap music tweaked with R&B Soul mixes!!! Throughout their songs are punch line deliveries which are smooth but ratchet when elaborating on their lifestyles as indie artist and personal life experiences. This record label specialize in delivering the truth of everyday life in or outside of their neighborhood. You can find memorizing hits like Everyday-Hustlin and many more songs by the Young Hogs Family at...

SongCast Music Page! via @songcast STEP UP AND STOP BULLYING ME! RINGTONE!!! @kkelly16  @donnaterell_tv @YOUNGHOGS
Go and checkout the entire extended EP on the CD Baby!

The Young Hogs music can be found on the following websites and stores in your area. Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, ITunes, Google Play, Spotify, Cricket Muve, MTV Artist Page, Datpiff, Instagram, and E-Bay as well. Here a several links to add to your browser’s for all of you Young Hogs fans! You can also check them out on Hit Quarters

The Young Hogs Family concert bookings are only negotiated over well tailored accommendations only. Please contact the The Young Hogs Family as follows.

Marcus "Rock Tha  Don" Murphy CEO of Rocked Up Records and The Young Hogs Family
Phone: (501) 256-2229


Dennis Morgan Spokesman/Publicist for the Young Hogs Family
Phone: (501) 912-1973

Guest Category: Business, Music
Guest Occupation: Executive Director, ONEHOPE Foundation / Director of Social Impact, ONEHOPE
Guest Biography:


Executive Director, ONEHOPE Foundation / Director of Social Impact, ONEHOPE

As the Executive Director of the ONEHOPE Foundation and Director of Social Impact for ONEHOPE, Melissa Lake leads one of the world’s first social impact organizations. In her current role, she is responsible for the foundation’s brand, social responsibility, and external nonprofit partnerships. Her vision for the foundation is to partner with the most effective nonprofits, measure dollar-to-impact ratios and provide donors with transparent reports about the social impact that are making.

Prior to joining the ONEHOPE Foundation, Melissa’s experience has spanned work in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. After receiving her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Southern California, Melissa visited Bagamoyo, Tanzania where she taught English to 40 kindergarten students. Inspired by this trip, Melissa knew that her true passion in life lies in helping people and contributing to the greater good. This passion led her to graduate with a Masters in Nonprofit Management and Social Entrepreneurship from New York University. In addition, Melissa spent three years at Google, where she was the assistant to the President of the Americas Operations and the first associate at Google Ventures. She is an advocate for women’s empowerment and believes we can solve some of the world’s greatest problems by educating, investing in, and supporting women and girls.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Marketing, Management, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Non-Profit, Self Help
Guest Occupation: CEO and Co-Founder of ONEHOPE
Guest Biography:

Jake Kloberdanz CEO, ONEHOPE

Jake Kloberdanz is CEO and Co-Founder of ONEHOPE, a social enterprise that donates half of profits to partner nonprofits benefitting a variety of causes. Jake Kloberdanz has been recognized by Businessweek as one of the “Top 25 under 25”, OC Metro’s “Top 40 Under 40”, and was the youngest nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young in 2009. Jake was also recently featured as a TEDx speaker and is an active member of the Young Entrepreneur Council.

Jake has successfully raised over $10M in financing since starting ONEHOPE Wine in 2007 and helped grow sales by over 100% over the last 6 years.  ONEHOPE has successfully worked with hundreds of nonprofit partners and has donated over $1.2M to various nonprofits. With the success of the cornerstone product, ONEHOPE Wine, Jake has led the company to become one of the fastest growing wine brands in the U.S. In addition, Jake’s company was ranked in Inc. Magazine’s 500|5000 in 2012 and 2013 – an annual exclusive list of America’s fastest-growing private companies.

Jake has been profiled in numerous outlets including, Leaders Magazine, Entrepreneurs and SUCCESS Magazine as an expert in integrating cause into our culture, brand or business model. His business model theory, known as Cause-Centric Commerce, defines turning impact into a long term and sustainable one by helping build cause into companies’ and individual’s everyday business model, culture and lifestyle.

He was a three-year Scholar Athlete at UC Berkeley graduating from the Haas School of Business and took home two national championships in college rugby. He has served over 5,000 volunteer hours since 2001 and was also an active member in the alpha beta chapter of Sigma Chi.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Investing and Finance, Marketing, Management, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Non-Profit, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Author, Psychic Medium
Guest Biography:

Sunny Dawn Johnstoni s an author, spiritual teacher and psychic medium who is the host of a new series 'A Seance With', June 14, 2014 at 10pm EST on the Lifetime Movie Network.  She has been teaching seminars and doing private reading for over 20 years in which she helps you become aware of the power you have to change your life.  Her gift to be able to connect with spirts has brought peace and love to those who are in need of some closure or comfort.

Sunny has many free gifts for the listeners at this link.  For more information on Sunny and to learn about her seminars, books and events, visit her website:

Guest Category: Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Researcher / Writer
Guest Biography:

As a young scientist, Carl Johan Calleman was mentored to a PhD in Physical Biology by a member of the Nobel committee in Stockholm, and later served as a Senior Researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Dr. Calleman's 20 year research work with the Mayan calendar has revealed the code map of cosmic cycles allegedly given to an ancient Mayan leader by four 'star people' and then chiseled into the calendar stone. 

Calleman's scholastic presentations on this calendar in worldwide lectures followed publishing of three previous books: Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time, The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness and The Purposeful Universe, which have been translated into fourteen languages.

Even though populist media spun the narrative of the Mayan calendar with doomsday predictions and the blockbuster 2012 movie, Dr. Calleman has consistently maintained that the Mayan calendar is about the evolution of consciousness -- changing people on the inside -- in resonance with the cosmic cycles of the quantum field that the Mayan Calendar brilliantly maps.

From this perspective, the Mayan calendar remains the most important source for us to grasp the divine time plan for the evolution of humanity. In fact, with the shift in the Mayan calendar in 2011-2012, the evolution of the human mind to communion with the unified field is only beginning!

"The first novel idea about the rise of civilization in many decades."
James Redfield
, author of The Celestine Prophecy

In his recent book, The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, Dr. Calleman describes how deep and fundamental the consequences of the shift in the Mayan calendar has been for our worldview, a shift that is only now beginning to make itself known through a new social conscience in our global social networks.

Dr. Calleman describes the pivotal mental shift that created early civilizations; what inspired the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Jews and Mayans, outlining a new theory about the historical, psychological, geophysical, and neurological roots of the human mind.

We may finally understand why monuments such as the pyramids and Stonehenge were built at the same time. This theory goes on to explain how a global mind, rather than the individual, has had the power to make empires rise and fall.

This unified plan plays out in a coherent way on our planet because everyone is connected to one and the same Global Mind, as evidenced in the book. Going from the unity of pre-history through the separation of civilization, the process of return to unity with a higher level of civilization has now begun.

The revelations in this book resonate with the new insights of InnerNet futurists and quantum physicists, that the divine destiny of global humanity is now emerging with a profound understanding of the worldwide web of consciousness.  These new insights in The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization explains 72 factors at that previously have not been understood, including where the human mind comes from, what it is and the role of its "downloading" in shaping the early civilizations of humanity.

An entirely new theory has thus been developed to explain why, for instance, the Egyptians only a few generations after having left the stone age, were able to build colossal pyramids with an astounding geometric accuracy. In this new theory, all human creativity is generated by a divine mind in which all humans share and which allows us to develop in concert with one another -- and for events to happen on schedule. This divine mind is mediated by the Earth and -- contrary to what the modern educational system and official science is saying -- the human mind is not a product of the brain. This is one of the most significant paradigm shifts for us to ponder; almost everyone will have to reconsider their worldviews.

A gateway of understanding has opened up to help us comprehend not only collective consciousness and psi phenomena, but also mental disorders. This first volume of The Paradigm Shift Trilogy provides the basis for how humans may craft the global mind of the future, and recreate our world.

For those who are serious about personal and planetary conscious evolution, there is wisdom to be gained with 'The Global Mind'.

Welcome Dr. Calleman to Cosmic LOVE with Your Presense,

~ Christopher Rudy

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Accomplished artist, lecturer, photographer & producer.
Guest Biography:

Francisco Davis is an accomplished artist, lecturer, photographer & producer.



“My vision is to simply keep Art alive by catering to all of your artistic needs from the quintessential essence of the fine arts, harmonic sounds, and theatrical productions to the literary elegance of written words … all done with a touch of class”.


SOME, LLC is a continuation of a lifetime dream to build an EMPIRE OF THE CREATIVE ARTS. Cisco was born in the Dominican Republic and reared in Newark, New Jersey. He is a visionary, an accomplished detail artist, lecturer, photographer and producer. He has lectured, taught basic drawing skills and shared artwork with elementary, junior high, high schools and civic organizations, in the United States and abroad. He founded Cultural Vortex the group that produced “Black Gold”, whose mission was to educate, inspire and entertain communities across the United States by presenting a Cultural Extravaganza through a chronological historical account of our many “Movers” and “Shakers” (Our National and International Black Treasures), by using various artistic mediums such as: art, theater, music, poetry, dancers and other entertainers. Cisco is a Retired U.S. Army Veteran and during his military career, he received many honors and artistic awards for his outstanding work beyond the call of duty, which included the Meritorious Service Metal. He also served as his Military Unit’s Equal Opportunity Representative. He was nominated for the NAACP’s Roy Wilkins Meritorious Service Award for his exceptional contribution to his country in the area of civil and human rights, race relations, equal opportunity, affirmative action and public service.


• Showcased his original and print Art pieces for public view and purchase since 1989 at galleries, museums, bookstores, schools, and other public venues.
• A Community Mural of the contributions of African Americans from the Northern Anne Arundel County.
• Established the Sights/Video Studio: utilizing 2 Cannon XL1, Final Cut Pro HD Production Suite, Apple G5, 2 Bogen Light Kits, 2 Sennheiser Boon M67, and Azden Laverlear Wireless Microphones.
• Established the Sounds/Recording Studio with a full scale Digital, Analog and Midi Studio utilizing Protools HD2, Protools Control 24, Motu 2408 Digital Recording, Tascam DM-24 Mixer, Triton Studio, Sound Modules: Roland 50/50, Yamaha’s Motif Rack, Microphones: Neumann TLM 103, AKG 414, Blue’s Baby Bottle, Marshall, Carvin, Preamps: ATI’s 8MX-2, Focusrite, PreSonus Digimax LT, and Near Field Monitors, Mackie’s HR824 and Dynaudio BM5A and unlimited virtual plugins.
• Established an Artist Development Group and Management Team. To help, guide and direct the careers of young talented artists.


• Served as Vice President of the NAACP in Kaiserslautern, Germany, which maintained an open line of communication and rapport with the community Equal Opportunity Advisors
• Helped established the African American Artists’ Alliance of Howard County Center of African American Culture (HCCAAC) in Howard County, Maryland, and served as the group’s first President for a term of 2 years.
• Played an integral part in helping produce Fort Meade’s Black History Month Program -- “A Message in the Music.”
• Featured a “Taste of Black Gold” for Radio Personality “LoLo’s Birthday Bash”, Baltimore, MD.
• Produced a Christmas Musical presenting the Unsung Divas, and featured local up and coming talent.
• Featured by WJZ Channel 13 of Baltimore as one of the Artist Sponsored by T & B Custom Framing at the Kunta Kinte Fest, Annapolis, Maryland.
• Featured – Armed Forces Network (AFN) Show – Germany – “Kaiserslautern at Work and Play” for his artwork and volunteer art classes with school children.
• Featured Artist for the Bowie Community Television program (BCTV) Artists on Display -- a 20-minute interview.
• Featured as a Guest Speaker for the Bowie Art Guild, Bowie, Maryland.
• Featured in the Arts and Entertainment section of the Baltimore Afro-American Newspaper, March 17 – 23, 2001 issue.
• Winner – Fort Meade Poster Contest – The design is a pictorial representation of Fort Meade as “The People’s Post.” • Winner – U.S. Army Force European Art Contest - “Let’s Read”
• Winner – U.S. Army European Art Contest – a. “Bus Stop”, b. “Daddy’s Boots!”
• Honorable Mention – Prestigious New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Art Contest – His rendition of the Million-Man March – Listen to the Message!
• Associated Black Charities – Mural – Law and Justice – 2006 Gala, Honoring prominent African American Judges and Lawyers from the State of Maryland, Justice Thurgood Marshall, Judge Harry Cole, Judge Franklin Bourne, Juanita Jackson Mitchell, W. Ashbie Hawkins, Dallas F. Nicholas, and Roy S. Bond.
• Northern Anne Arundel Cultural Preservation Society – Mural; African American Contribution from 1850 to the present. Displayed at the Banneker-Douglas Museum, Annapolis, MD, the Mormon Temple, Silver Springs, MD, and at Saint Mark Methodist Church, Hanover, MD.
• New Covenant Tabernacle – Mural; God Blessings the City of Baltimore, 20 ft.(wide) by 8 ft. (height). Dove: 2.5 ft. (wide) by 3.5 ft. (height), carved in marble, Silhouette of the City of Baltimore, carved in wood, Hands of God, 5 ft. (wide) by 3 ft. (height), carved in granite. Displayed at the New Covenant Tabernacle, Hartford Rd., Baltimore, MD
• Club 347 Sign – 3 ft. (wide) by 2 ft. (height), hand carved wooden letters, edge made from black walnut, background 2 ft. (wide) by 3 ft (height) in white oak. Displayed at 347 Calvert St., Baltimore, MD
• Mural – Original “1” Room School, 2nd & 3rd elementary school mural. The Mural is located at the latest Frank Hebron Elementary School in Harmans, MD. 4 ft x 8 ft, acrylic on canvas.
• Mural - The Avenue Bakery on Pennsylvania Ave Baltimore, Md. The “Royal Theather” and some of the Icons that played there. This is the first of a three part Mural depicting The Avenue in its Hey Days.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Master Astrologer
Guest Biography:

Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is a metaphysical minister, an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT professional and an award-winning author. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. 

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Cofounder and president of New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
Guest Biography:

Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination.

Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her weekly on-line radio program, website, webinars, books, CDs, DVDs, e-mail articles and free seminars.

The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but extremely challenging times on Earth.

Patricia is an internationally known teacher and has taught workshops all over the world. She participated in the Soviet-American Citizens’ Summit in Moscow and represented the United States in the category of Holistic Models in Health, Psychology and Healing. Patricia also participated in the first Global Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Patricia had the honor of being a presenter at the “Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood” gathering in Istanbul, Turkey, and the “Symphony of Peace Prayers,” which was a gathering of over 10,000 people that took place at sacred Mt. Fuji in Japan.

Patricia’s philosophy is: Every person is precious and Divine, regardless of how far his or her behavior patterns and life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. We are not the victims of our lives. We are the cocreators of our lives.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, spritual psychologist, certified hypnotherapist, singer, nutritionist
Guest Biography:

Carolyn Gervais is the author of I Dreamed I Was Human: Awakening from the Illusion, an eloquent explanation of complex metaphysical concepts that describe how human life connects with soul and spirit. She is an ordained spiritual psychologist, certified hypnotherapist, has a Masters in holistic nutrition, and has been a professional singer for more than 20 years.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Trance Channel
Guest Biography:

I've been a Professional Trance Channel for thirty four years, preceded by 6 to 7 years of study and practicing.  

I've been published in magazines and journals. For example, Spirit Speaks, Sedona Journal Of Emergence, various newspaper articles and from time to time television programs. I have over thirty five books in print.

I got into this work because I wanted to leave the world a better place for my having been here. That may sound a little corny but I know a lot of you feel exactly the same way. Oh I grant a call to Channeling may be out of the ordinary and certainly unconventional, nevertheless it is one of the things I do best and most benevolently.

Also I'm happy to say that I have been blessed with training that has guided me to be able to provide answers to questions and answers to feelings that are not always possible to express in questions. This has allowed me to incorporate the Shamanic and Mystical into my work and I feel honored and blessed to be able to provide that.

I feel very good about the books and magazine articles that I've been able to provide through Channeling and I hope you enjoy them as well. I wish to add a special greeting to those who have been following the creation of these books on and other places.

It is my intention to keep up the flow of these books with my Publisher who is also quite dedicated to the process.

I am hopeful you will continue to look upon these books as a worthy addition to your library of knowledge and wisdom and I am also hopeful that you will consider their value and try some of the processes described therein to empower you and to illuminate your own capabilities. I have attempted to provide these books in the best way I know how, to sketch out what I believe is our true value as human beings and our place in the universe.

I believe we are not struggling in some kindergarten - I believe that this is actually a school - yes an advanced school that requires that we prove to ourselves and others that we can, that we are able and that we have the best intents.


Guest Category: Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Bestselling author, artist and celebrity
Guest Biography:

Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. is more than a bestselling author, artist and celebrity. She is known for her well-grounded, very real no- holds-barred approach to everything she does. She is an in-your-face teacher and does it with a heart of gold. She is extremely well traveled in constant pursuit of ancient evidence that leads to who we are today and what the ancients were really trying to tell us about our origins and capabilities.

Referred to by her readers as Dr. Meg, she is passionate about consciousness, healing and the overall construct of creation--including and beyond the measurable physical world. She has spent nearly 20 years researching the possibilities of consciousness and awareness and has vast personal experiences from which to draw.

She has been an advocate for the Children of Now since her bestselling book, The Children of Now was released in the early 2000’s. It quickly became an international bestseller and is currently available in more than 30 languages. The Children of Now is also designated as a seminal work.

Her work has literally changed social paradigms, challenged the school system, and the medical profession, as well as others who are responsible for our children. Dr., Meg maintains that we are dealing with a fast-forward evolution of human consciousness never before seen. She is greatly aware of the challenges parents and caregivers are faced with, and doesn't just ask questions. She gets the answers, too!

Dr. Meg teaches a year-long certification course called “Touching the Light”, during which she teaches not only great life skills, but also the etheric anatomy and how to access, recognize and make changes that can bring forward healing from a holistic manner in every direction.

She is also a dedicated amateur archeologist and anthropologist who travels the world learning about places that offer strange, mysterious and different perspectives on the history of mankind and our world. She is well known and respected by indigenous peoples world wide. Dr. Meg takes groups to sacred places, immersing them in local traditions, ceremonies and teachings. She does this with unparalleled enthusiasm and deep, well-steeped knowledge of each location.

Dr. Meg is a Master Healer and Medical Intuitive. She is a seer and a visionary. Always open to the unknown and new possibilities, she loves to learn by experience , and then factor those experiences into her teachings. She has worked with a great number of families and children, as well as lectured and presented as a keynote speaker both nationally and internationally. She teaches workshops and teleconferences as well.

Dr. Meg is considered an expert regarding the new generation and the challenges they face, and also nearly all things metaphysical. And she backs up her findings with science every way possible. She is dedicated to the truth behind the stories, and researches extensively to maintain a level of expertise and knowledge that she loves to share.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Language Interpreter, Humanitarian, Columnist, Writer, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Before resigning from the US State Department in 2004 due to excessive secrecy demands, Fred Burks served many years as a language interpreter for presidents and other dignitaries. He interpreted for G.W. Bush, Clinton, Gore, Cheney, and many other top officials of the US and other countries. Having participated in numerous secret meetings where the only people allowed were the principals and their interpreters, he has acquired important inside information and contacts.

After receiving a wealth of eye-opening information on major cover-ups from respected friends and colleagues, Fred was inspired to develop this website in October 2002. Continually opening to divine guidance, Fred has dedicated himself both to getting the word out about the cover-ups, and to inspiring others to help transform ourselves and our world through love and empowerment. He is currently executive director of the PEERS network of websites and manager.

Fred has also helped develop and foster several inspiring communities and websites, including Moment of Love and the free Personal Growth Courses. 

Guest Category: Languages, News, Politics & Government, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Speaker, author, wellness consultant
Guest Biography:

Robbie Holz is an international speaker, award-winning author and consultant for body/mind/spirit wellness. She and her husband, Dr. Gary Holz, co-authored their multiple award-winning book Secrets of Aboriginal Healing: A Physicist’s Journey with a Remote Australian Tribe.

Using Australian aboriginal healing principles, Robbie healed herself of Hepatitis C, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. She has also participated in healing ceremonies with Outback aborigines. Robbie is passionately committed to teaching their ancient wisdom to awaken the powerful innate healer within each of us. 

Since 2002, she has spoken at national conferences, international speaking engagements and workshops on holistic health topics. A skilled speaker of exceptional clarity, humor and inspiration, she has presented at various locations including Australia, Canada and across the U.S. 

Through her work, Robbie empowers others to live healthier, happier, enlightened lives.

Guest Category: Medicine, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Martin Pytela

After some eye-opening medical events, I started researching natural and alternative health principles. I started the Fit For Life regimen - mostly raw food, lots of detoxification with algae and proper food combining. After five years of this, my back problems subsided, and after ten years my allergies went away. By that time I was at least as well read as any naturopathic doctor or nutritionist, and I decided to start a health and wellness company.

I wish to give people new hope in natural healing methods, to ease years of suffering. 

Suzanne Toro

Suzanne has a Private Practice that guides her clients through transitions: Birth|Life|Death. She integrates the following modalities during the sessions: Sound, Energy & Human Psychology Therapy and Education: Meditation, Parenting, Inner Wellness, Tea, Food, Yoga & Self Love. In addition, Suzanne is a Public Speaker, Writer, Food Alchemist, and Workshop & Retreat Facilitator. She leads national and international workshops and retreats speaking to diverse audiences ranging from the Business World to remote Jungle settings. 

Morava Schaa

Morava is very excited to announce that she and her husband, Gunter have fouunded an Avesa Quantum Healing Center in Silver City, New Mexico. The services offered include a variety of energetice healing modalities, intuitive and spiritual counseling, transpersonal hypnotherapy, holistic nutritional and herbal guidance, live foods consulting and workshops and much more. Morava embraces that which exponentially expands how she may be of service ot others.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Nutrition, Sound Healing, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual