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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Investigative Journalist/Author/International Security Scholar
Guest Biography:

DR NAFEEZ AHMED is a bestselling author, investigative journalist, international security scholar, policy expert, film maker, strategy & communications consultant, and change activist. This year he is also becoming a novelist with his debut science fiction thriller ZERO POINT.

The focus of Nafeez's work is to catalyse social change in the public interest by harnessing radical, systemic approaches to understanding the interconnections between the world's biggest problems, while developing and highlighting holistic strategies for social transformation. Whether it be foreign policy and terrorism, climate change and energy, or food and the economy, Nafeez deploys the techniques of critical, rigorous and interdisciplinary analysis to join the dots and challenge power, with a view to bring forth constructive change.
From April 2013 to July 2014, Nafeez was an environment writer for The Guardian, the world's third most popular newspaper website, where he reported, commented and analysed the geopolitics of interconnected environmental, energy and economic crises at his Guardian hosted blog, Earth Insight. During that period, Nafeez's blog was by far the most popular on the environment site, garnering around 3 million unique views, posting exclusive news reports, and triggering global headlines.

As a journalist, Nafeez has also written features, commentary and analysis for various publications including the Independent on Sunday, The Independent, The Scotsman, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Huffington Post, Foreign Policy, Le Monde diplomatique, The New Statesman, Prospect Magazine, the Gulf Times, Daily News Egypt, Daily Star (Beirut), Pakistan Observer, Tehran Times, Bangkok Post, the Georgian Times, the Prague Post, Open Democracy, Raw Story and New Internationalist. His work has also appeared in policy periodicals such as International Affairs (Chatham House), Survival (International Institute of Strategic Studies), Foreign Policy In Focus (Institute for Policy Studies), and Europe's World (Friends of Europe).

Nafeez's journalistic work combines insider information from senior government, intelligence, industry and other sources with interdisciplinary analysis of specialist literature. Over the last decade, he has broken exclusives on FBI whistleblowers and pre-9/11 intelligence warnings; the role of energy in the 2003 Iraq War; pre-7/7 intelligence failures; the 2006 liquid bomb plot; the link between the 'Arab Spring' and ecological, economic and energy crises in the Middle East and North Africa; the depletion of strategic mineral energy resources; cutting-edge climate science; counter-terrorism strategy in the AfPak region; sustainable rural development in Pakistan; the role of energy crisis in the Israel-Palestine conflict; among many others.

Nafeez is co-producer, writer and presenter of the critically-acclaimed documentary feature film, The Crisis of Civilization (2011), adapted by director and producer Dean Puckett from Nafeez's latest book, A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It (Pluto, Macmillan, 2010). The film was endorsed by BAFTA Lifetime award-winning filmmaker Nick Broomfield, and was selected as a Festival Favourite at the Leeds International Film Festival, as well as winning several other film festival awards. It has been broadcast nationally on Link TV in the United States, and in parts of Western and Eastern Europe.

Nafeez's other books include The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry (Duckworth, 2006); The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism (Interlink, 2005); Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq (New Society, 2003) and The War on Freedom: How & Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001 (Progressive, 2002). The latter is archived in the '9/11 Commission Materials' Special Collection at theUS National Archives in Washington DC - it was among 99 books made available to each 9/11 Commissioner of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States to use during their investigations. The book was also a finalist for the 2003 Naples Prize, Italy's most prestigious literary award.

Since 2001, Nafeez is founding Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development (IPRD), an independent nonprofit digital transmedia think tank for the public interest. Currently, he is also Co-Director of The Concordia Forum, an independent nonprofit think tank and leadership network working to strengthen trans-Atlantic civil society partnerships.

Nafeez's academic work revolves around the historical sociology and political ecology of mass violence in the context of civilizational systems, and focuses on bridging disciplinary divides across the natural and social sciences. He has taught international politics, contemporary history, empire and globalisation at the University of Sussex's School of Global Studies (from where he obtained his PhD in International Relations and MA in Contemporary War & Peace Studies) and Brunel University's Politics & History Unit, where in 2012 he was Visiting Lecturer in Globalisation & Current Affairs. He won the 2010 Routledge-GCP&S Essay Prize for his seminal paper in the journal Global Change, Peace & Security, The International Relations of Crisis and the Crisis of International Relations.

Nafeez's writings have been translated into French, German, Italian, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese. His books have been reviewed positively in the Journal of Peace Research (Sage); Development and Change (Wiley-Blackwell); Middle East Journal (Middle East Institute), Socialism and Democracy (Routledge); Library Journal (Reed Elsevier); among others - and his work is widely cited in high-quality peer-reviewed social science literature. His work has been used by the Coroner's Inquiry into 7/7; the US Army Air University's 'Causes of War' collection (2007); the UK Ministry of Defence's Joint Services Command & Staff College Research Guide on Counter-Terrorism and the GWOT (2008); Chatham House's Middle East Programme; the International Labour Organization's (ILO) 'World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization' social science bibliography on impacts of globalization (2003); the Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies (2010), among others.

Nafeez is a regular media commentator and has appeared on BBC Newsnight, BBC News 24, BBC World Today, BBC World News with George Alagiah, BBC Radio Five Live, BBC Asian Network, Channel 4, Sky News, C-SPAN Book TV, CNN, FOX News with Sean Hannity, Bloomberg, PBS Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria, Al-Jazeera English, Press TV, Islam Channel, US National Public Radio, the US Progressive Radio Network, David Barsamian's Alternative Radio, TUC Radio, and hundreds of other radio and TV shows in the USA, UK, and Europe.

He is also cited and reviewed in the New York Times (Thomas Friedman), Sunday Times (Bryan Appleyard), Times Higher Educational Supplement, The Guardian (Steven Poole), The Independent (Yasmin Alibhai Brown), The Observer (Gore Vidal), Big Issue Magazine, and Vanity Fair (Christopher Hitchens), among other publications.

Nafeez has advised the British Foreign Office, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the UK Defence Academy, the Metropolitan Police Service on delivery of the Home Office's Channel Project, and the UK Parliamentary Inquiry into UK counter-terrorism strategy. He has also consulted for projects funded by the US State Department and the UK Department for Communities and Local Government. In 2005, he testified in US Congress on Western security policy toward al-Qaeda.

About Zero Point - Science Fiction Novel by Nafeez Ahmed

Near future Great Britain is on the brink of collapse. Mass riots. Economic meltdown. Blackouts. And a new oil war in Iraq to keep the world economy afloat.

Iraq War veteran and war crimes whistleblower David Ariel is sick of violence, and trying to make ends meet working for Specialist Protection. But after Prime Minister Carson is brutally assassinated by extremists on Ariel's watch, he is covertly targeted by a compromised police investigation.

When forensics discover that Carson's assassination inexplicably defied the very laws of physics, bodies drop like flies as key witnesses are murdered in impossible circumstances.

Fleeing for his life while London is locked-down under martial law, Ariel gets a phone call from Iraq he will never forget. His estranged girlfriend, journalist Julia Stephenson, warns that the Carson killing is just the beginning of a wider plot to bring the West to its knees. Then she disappears.

Ariel's blood-soaked race against time to track the terror cells behind Carson's death tumbles into the cross-fire of a hidden battle between mysterious rogue intelligence agencies. The goal: to monopolise black budget technologies which could unlock the universe's darkest, arcane secrets.

As the world he thought he knew unravels, Ariel faces off against bent coppers, double-crossing agents, psychic killers and super soldiers to complete a black ops mission like no other: stop Quantum Apocalypse.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: musician, producer, audio engineer, sound healer
Guest Biography:

Ted Winslow is a producer, audio engineer, musician, singer, songwriter and vocal coach. Ted holds a BS in Music & Audio Engineering from the University of Colorado and has over 25 years in the music business starting his career in an 80's rock band. Ted runs Big Country Productions where he produces commercials, music, builds custom internet tv stations, records & produces audio books, live streams events around the world and conducts research on sound healing frequencies through music. In addition to his internationally acclaimed "Vocalist Scales & Intervals" voice coaching CD series, he has released "Solfeggio Sound Healing from Earthly Frequencies" and "Armonia, Sound Healing from Divine Frequencies" available on iTunes, amazon, Tower Records and worldwide distribution. 

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Music, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Holistic Health Practitioner
Guest Biography:

Barbara Frank, Holistic Health Practitioner, Internationally Certified Lymphologist uses Folk Medicine, Homeopathy, Chinese Medicine, herbs and unique natural detoxing. Serving the community for 37 years. Author of ”How To Take 10 Years Off Your Face And Add 10 Years To Your Life Naturally.”

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Obesity Pioneer, Musician, Nutritionist, Vegan, Speaker, Writer, Educator, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, Author, Natural Health Expert
Guest Biography:

A typical American growing up in the New Jersey/New York area, Brian likes to joke that he was a pioneer in the field of obesity—he was fat even before many Americans were fat! Raised in an Irish household on the standard American diet of meat, processed foods and sugary sodas, he was unfit and gasping for air every few steps. When he was 20 years old, he was dating a girl whose best friend’s boyfriend was 30—and a vegetarian. Despite the fact he had been more or less educated by his family that the body would die without animal-based foods, the lure of an influential peer inspired him to give up meat in one fell swoop. For the first year and a half, he kept his vegetarian diet a secret from his family. Yet after losing 120 pounds and experiencing the difference in his health, he came out of the proverbial closet (much to his family’s dismay!) and became a complete vegan three years later.

A natural performer, Brian had worked his way through college as a musician. Many friends, including one who shared his interest in nutrition after healing herself from cancer through diet, offered feedback that he was born to teach. With his degree in biochemistry in hand and his interest in nutrition sealed, Brian began doing just that.

It was during this time he was living in Southern Oregon where temperatures are hot, dry and sunny from May through September. His body naturally gravitated towards raw foods and, after a few months, he remembered the book “Be Your Own Doctor” by Ann Wigmore. He dug it out, read it again, and realized he had essentially become a raw vegan by default. With the intention of returning to Oregon to open a health institute, Brian moved to Maine for a final taste of the East Coast. While there, he decided to go down to Boston to visit Ann Wigmore at the Hippocrates Health Institute. As his friend had years prior, Ann saw Brian’s natural talent to communicate this lifestyle to people in a relatable way, and she convinced him to move to Boston and work with her.

On behalf of Hippocrates, Brian soon went to Europe and spent three years re-educating Europeans about the raw food movement that had begun on their continent. In 1978, he spent a year in Denmark as Director of the Humlegaarden Institute that had been founded by the famous Danish raw-food pioneer Dr. Kristine Nolfi in the 1940s. Upon his return to the U.S. in 1980, Brian assumed the title of Director of Hippocrates Health Institute and, in 1987, he moved the Institute to Florida.

Since that time, he has directed the Institute’s growth and development, as well as facilitated the implementation of progressive natural health treatments and programs. Brian’s progressive ideas on natural health, coupled with his vast theoretical and practical science experience, have provided him with the opportunity to conduct countless seminars, lectures and educational programs. He has traveled to more than 25 countries motivating the public to take action to improve their lives. Most recently, he was commissioned by government-supported organizations to establish, organize and direct health programs in Denmark, Switzerland, Greece and India.

Brian has also written numerous books in which he explores the various aspects of health, spirituality and natural healing. His best-selling book, “Living Foods for Optimum Health,” has been acclaimed by Marilyn Diamond, co-author of the book “Fit for Life,” as “an important and eminently readable book for the new era of self-care,” and by Coretta Scott King as a “landmark guide to the essentials of healthy living.”

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Singer, Actor, Producer, Writer, Editor, Manager, World Traveler
Guest Biography:

Entertainers and Celebrities are always in the public eye and constantly on our minds. Whether it is because they are acting in something on TV or Film, or acting up in their personal lives, it is on the news, in magazine, and all over the Internet for all the world to see, judge, comment, etc. Yet, the Entertainers and Celebrities are people too. Have we ever stopped to ask, what is their real story? How do they see the world and people?

Tonight’s guest is a man who has worked in the Entertainment Industry for over a half a century, and who has worked in so many of fields of it, with so many well known stars. He has appeared in Prime Time Television Shows, Big Budget Films, and Commercials, acted on Broadway, sung at the Met, Produced over 1,000 TV Commercials, and Produced and Directed over Fifty TV shows, and is still doing it.

Hear the story of a news maker and star maker himself, Ben Bryant.

Ben Bryant – Bio

I have been in the production business since my college days. Until 1972 I was a successful actor and singer in theatre, film, the Metropolitan Opera and TV.

In ’70, seeking to exercise my burgeoning interest in film production, I joined the award winning Group One Productions of Hollywood. I quickly developed production skills on a multitude of projects ranging from two-man second-unit shoots to Carole King’s 1974 Central Park concert (12 cameras and a union crew of over 100.)

Until the early ‘90s I worked in film and TV as a producer and first Assistant Director. Based in New York, I’ve served in one or more of those capacities on over 1,000 commercials and dozens of corporate films for clients including ABC-TV, AT&T, Exxon, Ford, GM, IBM, MacDonald’s, Miller Beer, Porsche-Audi, Proctor & Gamble, and Volkswagen. This work was done in more than half the fifty states, Jamaica and Canada. I’ve also worked as production manager or first AD on five theatrical and TV movies.

After years of supporting directors I decided to apply the skills learned from some of the best and, in ’89, began producing and directing a TV show, Love is the Power. Since then I’ve been working solely in video, producing and directing approximately 70 multi-camera TV shows and over 50 live concerts and documentaries. I now take many projects from concept through completion; often writing, producing, directing, shooting and editing.

A member of the Directors’ Guild of America since ’79, I hold a B.A. In theatre and music from Whittier College.

In 2011, inspired by nothing more than idle time, I began what I thought was a short essay on my childhood in Tennessee. I became so engaged in my memories that the next thing I knew it was two weeks later and I had written twenty-five or thirty pages. I realized that I was beginning to write an autobiography.

Three Stages, book one of this memoir, is the story of my first thirty-seven years – from a small Tennessee town to Hollywood and New York. It comprises my adventures at Hollywood High, Whittier College (where I played football under future NFL greats, George Allen and Don Coryell), in the USAF then as an actor and singer.

The book is filled with stories about the bizarre and funny incidents that happened both on and off stage during my fifteen years as a successful working actor and of the great and not-so-great stars I worked with.

During my next twenty years as a producer and AD (First Assistant Director) I often found myself in social situations – both with fellow film professionals and “civilians” – recounting bizarre or otherwise interesting and funny tales of my adventures in production. At least a dozen times someone said, “You should write a book.” I often joked that, due to the nature of my work, should I ever create such a tome it would be titled Circumstances Beyond My Control. Having finished Three Stages, the obvious next step was this volume.

This book comprises the often hilarious, sometimes exciting series of stories about my adventures in the challenging world of film production. These tales will take you on a stimulating journey that will include an amazing variety of film assignments and locations throughout the US and Jamaica.

I’m currently (September 2014) almost finished with the third and last book, Waiting for Elizabeth which picks up my story at age 55 during a rocky personal and professional period as I migrated from producing to becoming a video director and editor.

To learn more about our guest, Ben Bryant, or to buy his books, visit
Video Business site:

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: talk Radio Show Host, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Philosopher
Guest Biography:

JONAH BOLT A STARSEED The signs were there from the very beginning, just looking at his birth announcement alone. Jonah Bolt Yolman Arrived on Mother Gaia January 1st, 1979. He was the first baby born New Years Day in his county and hit the spotlight right from the start. Jonah was raised in South Florida, USA and at an early age he started to see his talents and creativity blossom. As a child Jonah was always intuitive and driven by an unseen force to progress forward, always helping and guiding others to their destiny. By the age of 12, he already had several pieces of his work published. Poetry, articles, songs & thoughts all seemed to ring truth and take front page. At 13, Jonah rewrote a hit Michael Jackson song into talking about going green. The song itself was so powerful the entire school sang it from kindergarten up. The school then video taped everyone singing it and sent the video to President Bush. A message from Jonah saying, “Start cleaning up and save our planet”. At the age of 19, Jonah moved to New York City where he began to encounter many more interesting experiences. He has had many dreams & visions during his life that have developed into real experiences. He was present at the 9/11 tragedy, intuitively the night before he told his girlfriend to call in sick to work that day to go to a doctor appontment. She did, but lost 3 people in her office on the 81st floor of The World Trade Center. On his way to work that day the trained stopped on top of the bridge into Manhattan at 9:05 am. As he was watching tower one burn the 2nd plane hit the tower shortly after. In 2002 he went to Israel, the first night he arrived he was in Tel Aviv blocks away when the first ever two female suicide bombers struck. The following year Jonah was in London, the bombings happened 2 blocks from his friends work there. One of the only subways he took while visiting him. The next year Jonah arrived in Thailand and was actually on the opposite side of the island when the tsunami hit. Months previous, Jonah had changed his trip from Phuket which was wiped out to KO Sumo. Jonah is a world traveler that has experienced our planet and many events that most would only read about in the news. Some of Jonah's travels have included Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Amsterdam, Switzerland, France, Monaco, Spain, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, London, Israel, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, BVI's, Bahamas, USVI's and Mexico. Jonah has a deep connection to music, is naturally outgoing, and open minded. He is an intuitive leader on a spiritual path toward Ascension. "I know we are not alone in the universe and we are all headed home. Years ago I began my travels in the direction and flow of life. Everything is happening for a reason, things will always work themselves out!"

Guest Category: UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Bass Guitar player
Guest Biography:

Dean Back plays Bass Guitar for Theory of a Deadman.  The band just released it's fifth album, Savages, on July 29, 2014.  Theory of a Deadman has hits like: All or Nothing, Not Meant to Be, Bad Girlfriend, Hurricane, & many more.      Photo courtesy of Amy Willard

Guest Category: Music, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Sports Talk Host on 710 ESPN Seattle
Guest Biography:

Michael Grey hosts "The Michael Grey Show". He came to 710 ESPN Seattle in 2013 from ESPN's affiliate in Omaha, Neb. and previously worked at WBBL in Grand Rapids, Mich. Michael started in radio in 1997 in the rock music world at Grand Rapids stations WGRD and WKLQ. Follow Michael: @TheMichaelGrey

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Seattle Seahawks Beat Writer for the Tacoma News Tribune
Guest Biography:

Gregg Bell joined The News Tribune in July 2014. Bell had been the director of writing for the University of Washington's athletic department for four years. He was the senior national sports writer in Seattle for The Associated Press from 2005-10, covering the Seahawks' in their first Super Bowl season and beyond. He's also been The Sacramento Bee's beat writer on the Oakland Athletics and Raiders. The native of Steubenville, Ohio, is a 1993 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., and a 2000 graduate of the University of California, Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, Amateur
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Bornbazie Flame is an author of occult, esoteric, spiritual, metaphysical and scientific-based literature. Taking inspiration from ancient and contemporary works from humanities greatest teachers whose knowledge relates to living life.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Yoga Instructor, Teacher, Event and Festival Planner, meditation and Kundalini work
Guest Biography:

James Kapicka is best known as "Yoga James" (E-RYT-200).  He is a student of eastern and western psychology and former yoga studio owner. The spiritual path found him through the wisdom teachings of Ram Dass, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Tao te Ching. James then deepened his practice through the physical discipline of yoga, and began to experience more personal power, freedom, and peace in his life. He was soon called to teach others the tools from Vedic wisdom which had transformed him. He has expanded the breath of his teachings, though training in Vinyasa, Forest, Wall, Yin, children’s Kundalini, Embodyoga, and Thai yoga massage at the Old Medicine Hospital in Chaing Mai, Thailand.

In 2010 James met Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma (Mother), and two years later spent time at her ashram in India. There he received his mantra and formal meditation training. In 2011 he took refuge in the 5 Mindfulness Precepts with Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. The lives and teachings of Jesus the Christ, Paramahansa Yogananda, Eckhart Tolle, Mahatma Gandhi, Byron Katie, and Ramana Maharshi have also philosophically, practically, and spiritually guided and molded James’ evolving practice.

James creates an environment that empowers students to stay in their integrity and trust their intuition. His classes are dynamic, yet mindful and grounding. With focus on connected movement and breath awareness, he encourages students to physically and emotionally play, explore, work, and heal on a personal level. He supports students as they face fears, overcome challenges, and leave their all on the mat. 

Along with teaching group classes and private practices, James offers workshops at studios and festivals all over California with emphasis on yoga philosophy. His yin yoga teacher trainings explore energy work, and meditation practices and are influenced by his work with the Tao te Ching, Paul & Suzee Grilley, and Sarah Powers.

Whether he is traveling, dancing, reading, or absorbed in Nature, James says, “it’s all yoga”. He considers himself to be a constant student, in which he aspires to experience life wholeheartedly, and he encourages students to do the same.

He also creates spiritual and metaphysical music festivals, designed to transform the participant through direct experience.  This coming October 3 - 6, 2014 in Sacramento, CA, he is creating a celebration of spirit aptly named, the Transcendence Festival.

During the show, we will be telling you how you can enter to win one of two tickets for the entire 3-day event!  James will explain the details below duriing the show...

1) Go to Instagram

2) Follow us @transcendencefestival

3) Post a picture of what Transcendence means to you or your favorite yoga pose

4) Use the Hashtag #GoBeyond

5) We'll pick the 2 winners on Monday

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Food, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Sound Healing, Yoga, Access Consciousness, Meditation, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Geologist, Engineer, Gemologist and Channel.
Guest Biography:

James Tyberonn is an author, geologist, engineer,  gemologist and channel. He holds a deep love for the earth, and a driven interest in science, spirituality and metaphysics. During his 33 years abroad, he devoted himself to intense metaphysical studies.  He is considered one of the world's most knowledgeable experts on Earth Energies, Crystals & Healing Gems, Sacred Sites, Power-Nodes, Vortexes, Portals and the Planetary Grid System.

He has recently been to the United Nations S.E.A.T as the featured speaker. He has a great love for the planet, and believes the Earth to be the living sentience of GAIA. He has visited over 300 sacred sites across the globe over the past four decades. He has been a guest speaker at the A.R.E. A d will be a guest speaker & channel at Lee Carroll's 2015 Kryon Channel Summit in Sedona.  He has hosted many Earth-Keeper  conferences and been a guest on numerous television documentaries including Nat-Geo and Travel channel.

He has authored four books, co-written a fifth with Lee Carroll (Kryon) and Tom Kenyon (The Hathors), and is writing his sixth book on the healing properties of gemstones, also viewed from a scientific stance. 

He began channeling Archangel Metatron in 2007, and is featured each month in the 'Sedona Journal of Emergence Magazine. He writes and conducts seminars and sacred site travel throughout the World on a full time basis with his life partner, Anne. The Earth-Keeper mission is to merge the scientific with the spiritual, forming the integral circle.

Tyberonn is featured each month in the 'Sedona Journal of Emergence Magazine.  A "Citizen of the World", Tyb dedicates his life to sharing the spiritual and sacred scientific information received from Archangel Metatron. 

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Healer, Teacher of Munay Ki Initiation Rites
Guest Biography:

Laurie Cornell first became interested in spirituality in 1996 with a native drum making course and sweat lodge and continued to follow that tradition as a Sundancer for nine years.  Laurie studied Reiki, NLP, Huna, Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis. During the last year of study at NL Palmer Laurie decided that she needed to expand her studies to the body.  She then mastered Neurolink from New Zealand which uses points in the body to correct anything out of alignment and in dysfunction as well as clear viruses and bacteria. Laurie continued her studies with EnerChi and Lomilomi – the latter with Dane Silva in Hilo, Hawaii.  She  has been a tattoo artist for 20 years a profession that has allowed her to meet people from all over the globe and from every walk of life.

Laurie has been practicing healing and massage since 2000, working with the Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters and other beings of light – along with prayer and the Higher Self.   She taught Drunvalo Melchizedek's Awakening the Illuminated Heart for 3 years and is now focused on  going back to the feminine way of EnerChi Quest that she learned in 2001. This new workshop is Sacred Heart Creations and as with her other workshop begins with a day of learning how to clear emotions with Akashic Emotional Clearing. This clearing removes emotions from root source all the way up to present quickly and easily. Laurie has been doing this work since the 1990's and loves the deep transformation it creates instantly. Laurie teach this work for the simple reason it is a huge assistance in helping students get into their Sacred Space of the Heart and make  huge transformations in their  personal lives.

Laurie has been guided to Munay Ki by spirit teaches the first 4 rites for personal healing.

Munay Ki....Quechua for "I love you"

The Great Principles of Munay-Ki

Nonviolence - bring no harm to yourself or others

Truthfulness - Be true to your word, and let your word be true

Integrity – Do not steal, not even a glance, walk your talk

Moderation – use wisely the life force within you

Generosity – Give more than you take, for nothing in the world really belongs to you

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Author, Inventor, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Dr. Forti has 20 years experience as a clinical psychologist and developed an advanced quantum healing device after a near-death experience that initiated ongoing guidance to comprehend and coordinate research in the harmonic order of the quantum field, including the mathematical order of the harmonics involved with calibrating wholEness in the body.

Kathy’s true story is well documented in her recent book, FRACTALS OF GOD

As a journey into the mysteries of divine creation, this astounding story explores the depths of man’s beginnings and the very blueprint of creation.  Dr. Kathy Forti shares how in 2003 her heart stopped and she was helped to return to Earth by multi-dimensional beings of light whose goal is to bring healing to our world. With this new guidance, she journeyed into the realm of physics and sacred geometry, and learned how key mathematical information affects the consciousness of the cells.  

Dr. Forti’s mystical experiences will forever alter your concepts about life, healing, and man’s true potential for evolutionary change. This revealing and insightful story speaks to the very essence of our soul’s purpose - to find a greater connection to the God Source in all living things.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Hypnotherapist and Past-life Regrestionist Therapy Instructor
Guest Biography:

David Quigley is the founder of Alchemical Hypnotherapy and author of the popular textbook "Alchemical Hypnotherapy." He is a graduate of Duke University in comparative religion and transpersonal psychology, and of the Hypnotherapy Training Institute in Corte Madera, California. David has extensive training in Gestalt, primal therapy, group process and Jungian psychology, as well as courses in Ericksonian and clinical hypnosis and NLP. David teaches throughout the United States and Europe, including speaking at the United Nations Enlightenment Society and numerous hypnotherapy conferences.

Guest Category: Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Owners and Operators of BBS Radio!
Guest Biography:

Sometimes, the people who make things happen don’t always get the credit for doing so.  Sometimes the stories of those people are even more interesting than the people who actually do get the credit.  For our Labor Day Show, Life Changes Network pays tribute to the two brothers behind the station, BBS Radio, that has put out the Life Change Show over the airways, across the Universe, for over five years… Doug Newsom and Don Newsom, by interviewing them as guests on the show!  While they worked, the spoke to us and shared from the heart what it means to be behind puting out hundreds of shows a week and information that may not have gotten out to people like you from people like us, had it not been for people like them.  Hear their story, interviewed for the first time ever on their own Network, here’s Doug and Don…

BBS Radio. A place for answers! BBS Radio’s live internet talk radio network is a profoundly life changing network that will bring you to the place you want to be. Our live and interactive premier internet talk radio stations broadcast live talk radio shows that are often remotely engineered, via live studio personnel, from our California studios.

Learn More about BBS Radio and our guests, Doug Newsom and Don Newsom at BBSRadio

About Doug Newsom

I am also a traveler, excited at new things, enjoying the experience, and living in the moment! I am a reader, writer and poet, with an entrepreneurial, mathematical mind. I love to theorize, think and meditate, but I hope not to miss an opportunity for play!

I am a kind and romantic soul, with a grand zest for life and the desire for exploration. I am humorous and thought provoking with old fashioned manners. I enjoy fine wine, unique cuisine, and conversations about unusual subjects.

I am a spiritual person. I am a true believer in diversity and synergy, and the power of thought! I believe everything ever created has purpose, is perfect, and will change!

I have reached higher levels of consciousness; increasing my capacity to love and be aware in the present; to understand information quickly and to connect to all that is.

I have used meditation to gain i, and I accept people for who they are. But I do not hang around forever! I am too complex, too intelligent, and too quickly bored.

I love to work with my hands; woodworking, landscaping, and just about any home project. I build companies for a living, so it’s no different with other creative outlets, I like to build! When an activity allows me to drift without thinking or stress, like wood working or playing an instrument, it’s a treasure.

My humor is abundant, intense and often dry.

If someone’s emotions are indiscernible to the naked eye, and yet every action they take, or movement they make, is on a comic par with John Cleets – I’m their huckleberry! But, if you’ve stopped laughing at yourself, allow me! I’m still bemused by seeing a lady turn down a polite request to dance! If I find you’ve stubbed your toes, because you over-paid for a trendy pair of shoes, or purchased a size too small to fit, I will laugh! I find that quite funny really!!

If survival depends on scheming, plotting, thinking, and wondering how to guard yourself, get your piece, and do it fast! Don’t make me spank you!

I prefer to hang among those whom Aristotle would have found interesting!

My faults (and this is tough to write about): I sometimes lack patience. I can appear somewhat aloof. I allow others to walk on me at times. I am extremely outgoing, but I rarely do extracurricular activities, perhaps because lately I’ve put too much emphasis into work and not enough into life. I can be stubborn. I am a charmer. I’m self actualized so I often overlook or reluctantly listen to stories of woe. I am just too damn optimistic. I am somewhat old fashioned, and may be  too much of a romantic, because I like to open doors, pull out chairs, and walk on the correct side of a sidewalk. And, whether I can afford it or not, I usually pay the tab!

And I’m the CEO of BBS Radio!

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Fitness Guru
Guest Biography:
Check out Matt's Programs for optimal fitness & special Energy Medicine Radio offer on his website at
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania's Hall of Famer Matt Furey is a native of Carroll, Iowa. He began competing in swimming and wrestling when he was eight years old - and through dedicated practice, became a champion in each sport.
In 1981, Furey was the state runner-up in the Class 3A Iowa High School State Wrestling Championships at 167-pounds. He attended The University of Iowa from 1981-1984, where he wrestled for Olympic Gold medalist, Dan Gable, and was a member of three national championship teams.
In the fall of 1984, in order to help rebuild a doormat wrestling program, Furey transferred to Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, and in 1985 he won the NCAA II national title at 167-pounds, defeating two-time California state champion, Howard Lawson, in the finals. While at Edinboro he was coached by Mike DeAnna and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Baumgartner. 
In February of 1987, Furey opened a training business for wrestlers and fitness enthusiasts. Most of the high school wrestlers he trained went on to wrestle in college. The Fitness Guru receiving Hall of Fame photo
Furey began studying various martial arts in 1990 and immediately saw the physical, mental and philosophical links these arts had with wrestling. This lead to the publication of his first book and videos in 1996, entitled, The Martial Art of Wrestling. 
In 1996, Furey began competing in the ancient Chinese grappling art of Shuai-Chiao, the oldest style of kung fu. Furey's teacher, Dr. Daniel Weng, a national champion from Taiwan, and a ninth-degree black belt, guided Furey to three national titles - then over Christmas of 1997, Dr. Weng brought two U.S. teams to Beijing, China, to compete in the world championships. In Beijing, Furey won the gold medal at 90 KG (198-pounds), and was the only non-Chinese to win a title. In addition, Furey's world title was historic because it marked the first time that an American had won a gold medal in any world kung fu competition held in China. 
In 1999, Furey traveled to Tampa, Florida to train under the legendary Karl Gotch. Several months later Furey moved his family from California to Tampa, Florida, so he could train with Gotch full-time. Gotch taught Furey a treasure trove of knowledge on conditioning as well as the real professional style of wrestling, known as catch-as-catch-can (catch wrestling).
Combat Conditioning Author shows off his ripped abs Furey quickly excelled as a catch wrestler, earning him the covers of Grappling and the U.K.'s Martial Arts Illustrated. 
In 2002, Grappling magazine dubbed Furey, "The King of Catch Wrestling" - and in the book Grappling Masters, Furey is one of 22 elite world class grapplers who are interviewed and featured. 
In addition to The Martial Art of Wrestling and the international best-selling Combat Conditioning , Furey's other best-selling books include Combat Abs and No B.S. Fitness. Furey also has several best-selling courses, including: Combat Stretching , Gama Fitness , Magnetic Mind Power and Farmer Burns Catch Wrestling Video Course. 
Furey is also the author of the international best-selling Combat Conditioning, as well as Combat Abs, The Unbeatable Man, 101 Ways to Magnetize Money, The Fastest Way Humanly Possible to Burn Fat,Combat Stretching, Gama Fitness and Magnetic Mind Power. 

As President of The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Furey is dedicated to spreading the teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 30-million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Self Help
Guest Occupation: US Marine Super Soldier of USMC Special Section and Mars Defense Force - Truth Teller
Guest Biography:

Randy Cramer, known as Captain “Kaye” is a US Marine and Super Soldier who served for 17 years on Mars, defending the Mars colonies.  He was a part of Project Moonshadow and was assigned to the Mars Defense Force from a covert military branch, United States Marine Corps, special section, (USMC s.s.) set up by President Eisenhower as a unit that would uphold moral ethics and hopefully  keep things in check in regards to the activity of MJ-12 and some of their more unscrupulous members.

His story, information and accounts gives us insight into things that other Whistleblowers have been speaking about in relation to Alternative 3 and the establishment of bases on Mars.  Since he has spoken out because his chain of command requested him to do so, he's less of a whistleblower and more of a direct representative of USMC s.s.  He has experiences that take us into an in depth understanding of ET races that are interacting with Earth, covert agendas that are affecting the whole of humanity and information about off-planet military activity that has been kept deep black and that he is now sharing with us.     

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Former Harlem Globetrotter
Guest Biography:

Former Harlem Globetrotter Sterling 'Smooth' Forbes lends his basketball acumen to the show!

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Stress Reduction Expert, Author, Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

I am a Stress Reduction Expert. After 10 years managing and directing theatrical productions followed by a Masters in Integrated Marketing Communication and 17 years in corporate marketing, the stress of high pressure, deadline driven jobs led to my own ill health mentally and physically. This started my search for a long-lasting means of approaching each situation with more ease, contentment, and power. I am committed to guiding professionals to improve their health, increase their mental clarity, easily deal with difficult people, and find peace in their current jobs all through reducing their stress levels.  Haven taken my own journey From Type-A to Type-ME, I intimately understand your challenges. I offer compassion, understanding, and insight from someone who has “been there done that.”  

I am an author, speaker, and host of The Empowerment Show.

You can learn more about me by reading what my clients have said or by listening to recent interviews.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help, Spiritual