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Guest Name
Dr Larry Payne
Dr Larry Payne to speak on yoga.
Guest Occupation
yoga teacher and back specialist
Guest Biography

My first guest ,Larry Payne, Ph.D,  is an internationally respected yoga teacher and back specialist. He is the co-author of international bestseller Yoga for Dummies, Yoga Rx, and The Business of Teaching Yoga He was selected as a yoga expert by, The World Economic Forum, Web MD, Reader’s Digest, RodalePress, Yoga Journal, and named ‘One of America’s most respected Yoga teachers’ by the Los Angeles Times.

Doctor Payne is co-founder of the yoga curriculum at the UCLA School of Medicine, and founding director of the Yoga Therapy Rx™ and Prime of Life Yoga™certification programs at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He is featured in 7 DVDs on Yoga Therapy for Common Ailments. Most recently he is co-author of Yoga Therapy & Integrative Medicine published by Basic Health and scheduled for release December 2014