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SHLOMO SAND was born in 1946, in a displaced person’s camp in Austria, to Jewish parents; the family later migrated to Palestine. As a young man, Sand came to question his Jewish identity, even that of a “secular Jew.” With this meditative and thoughtful mixture of essay and personal recollection, he articulates the problems at the center of modern Jewish identity.
Sand studied history at the University of Tel Aviv and at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, in Paris. He currently is Emeritus Professor History at the University of Tel Aviv. His books include The Invention of the Jewish People, On the Nation and the Jewish People, L’Illusion du politique: Georges Sorel et le débat intellectuel 1900, Georges Sorel en son temps, Le XXe siècle à l'écran and Les Mots et la terre: les intellectuels en Israël. His current book is How I Stopped Being a Jew.
ABOUT 'How I Stopped Being A Jew' by Professor Shlomo Sand
How I Stopped Being a Jew discusses the negative effects of the Israeli exploitation of the “chosen people” myth and its “holocaust industry.” Sand criticizes the fact that, in the current context, what “Jewish” means is, above all, not being Arab and reflects on the possibility of a secular, non-exclusive Israeli identity, beyond the legends of Zionism.
Extract from 'How I Stopped Being a Jew':
During the first half of the 20th century, my father abandoned Talmudic school, permanently stopped going to synagogue, and regularly expressed his aversion to rabbis. At this point in my own life, in the early 21st century, I feel in turn a moral obligation to break definitively with tribal Judeocentrism. I am today fully conscious of having never been a genuinely secular Jew, understanding that such an imaginary characteristic lacks any specific basis or cultural perspective, and that its existence is based on a hollow and ethnocentric view of the world. Earlier I mistakenly believed that the Yiddish culture of the family I grew up in was the embodiment of Jewish culture. A little later, inspired by Bernard Lazare, Mordechai Anielewicz, Marcel Rayman and Marek Edelman – who all fought antisemitism, nazism and Stalinism without adopting an ethnocentric view – I identified as part of an oppressed and rejected minority. In the company, so to speak, of the socialist leader Léon Blum, the poet Julian Tuwim and many others, I stubbornly remained a Jew who had accepted this identity on account of persecutions and murderers, crimes and their victims.
Now, having painfully become aware that I have undergone an adherence to Israel, been assimilated by law into a fictitious ethnos of persecutors and their supporters, and have appeared in the world as one of the exclusive club of the elect and their acolytes, I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew.
Although the state of Israel is not disposed to transform my official nationality from “Jew” to “Israeli”, I dare to hope that kindly philosemites, committed Zionists and exalted anti-Zionists, all of them so often nourished on essentialist conceptions, will respect my desire and cease to catalogue me as a Jew. As a matter of fact, what they think matters little to me, and still less what the remaining antisemitic idiots think. In the light of the historic tragedies of the 20th century, I am determined no longer to be a small minority in an exclusive club that others have neither the possibility nor the qualifications to join.
By my refusal to be a Jew, I represent a species in the course of disappearing. I know that by insisting that only my historical past was Jewish, while my everyday present (for better or worse) is Israeli, and finally that my future and that of my children (at least the future I wish for) must be guided by universal, open and generous principles, I run counter to the dominant fashion, which is oriented towards ethnocentrism.
As a historian of the modern age, I put forward the hypothesis that the cultural distance between my great-grandson and me will be as great or greater than that separating me from my own great-grandfather. All the better! I have the misfortune of living now among too many people who believe their descendants will resemble them in all respects, because for them peoples are eternal – a fortiori a race-people such as the Jews.
I am aware of living in one of the most racist societies in the western world. Racism is present to some degree everywhere, but in Israel it exists deep within the spirit of the laws. It is taught in schools and colleges, spread in the media, and above all and most dreadful, in Israel the racists do not know what they are doing and, because of this, feel in no way obliged to apologise. This absence of a need for self-justification has made Israel a particularly prized reference point for many movements of the far right throughout the world, movements whose past history of antisemitism is only too well known.
To live in such a society has become increasingly intolerable to me, but I must also admit that it is no less difficult to make my home elsewhere. I am myself a part of the cultural, linguistic and even conceptual production of the Zionist enterprise, and I cannot undo this. By my everyday life and my basic culture I am an Israeli. I am not especially proud of this, just as I have no reason to take pride in being a man with brown eyes and of average height. I am often even ashamed of Israel, particularly when I witness evidence of its cruel military colonisation, with its weak and defenceless victims who are not part of the “chosen people”.
Earlier in my life I had a fleeting utopian dream that a Palestinian Israeli should feel as much at home in Tel Aviv as a Jewish American does in New York. I struggled and sought for the civil life of a Muslim Israeli in Jerusalem to be similar to that of the Jewish French person whose home is in Paris. I wanted Israeli children of Christian African immigrants to be treated as the British children of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent are in London. I hoped with all my heart that all Israeli children would be educated together in the same schools. Today I know that my dream is outrageously demanding, that my demands are exaggerated and impertinent, that the very fact of formulating them is viewed by Zionists and their supporters as an attack on the Jewish character of the state of Israel, and thus as antisemitism.
However, strange as it may seem, and in contrast to the locked-in character of secular Jewish identity, treating Israeli identity as politico-cultural rather than “ethnic” does appear to offer the potential for achieving an open and inclusive identity. According to the law, in fact, it is possible to be an Israeli citizen without being a secular “ethnic” Jew, to participate in its “supra-culture” while preserving one’s “infra-culture”, to speak the hegemonic language and cultivate in parallel another language, to maintain varied ways of life and fuse different ones together. To consolidate this republican political potential, it would be necessary, of course, to have long abandoned tribal hermeticism, to learn to respect the Other and welcome him or her as an equal, and to change the constitutional laws of Israel to make them compatible with democratic principles.
Most important, if it has been momentarily forgotten: before we put forward ideas on changing Israel’s identity policy, we must first free ourselves from the accursed and interminable occupation that is leading us on the road to hell. In fact, our relation to those who are second-class citizens of Israel is inextricably bound up with our relation to those who live in immense distress at the bottom of the chain of the Zionist rescue operation. That oppressed population, which has lived under the occupation for close to 50 years, deprived of political and civil rights, on land that the “state of the Jews” considers its own, remains abandoned and ignored by international politics. I recognise today that my dream of an end to the occupation and the creation of a confederation between two republics, Israeli and Palestinian, was a chimera that underestimated the balance of forces between the two parties.
Increasingly it appears to be already too late; all seems already lost, and any serious approach to a political solution is deadlocked. Israel has grown used to this, and is unable to rid itself of its colonial domination over another people. The world outside, unfortunately, does not do what is needed either. Its remorse and bad conscience prevent it from convincing Israel to withdraw to the 1948 frontiers. Nor is Israel ready to annex the occupied territories officially, as it would then have to grant equal citizenship to the occupied population and, by that fact alone, transform itself into a binational state. It’s rather like the mythological serpent that swallowed too big a victim, but prefers to choke rather than to abandon it.
Does this mean I, too, must abandon hope? I inhabit a deep contradiction. I feel like an exile in the face of the growing Jewish ethnicisation that surrounds me, while at the same time the language in which I speak, write and dream is overwhelmingly Hebrew. When I find myself abroad, I feel nostalgia for this language, the vehicle of my emotions and thoughts. When I am far from Israel, I see my street corner in Tel Aviv and look forward to the moment I can return to it. I do not go to synagogues to dissipate this nostalgia, because they pray there in a language that is not mine, and the people I meet there have absolutely no interest in understanding what being Israeli means for me.
In London it is the universities and their students of both sexes, not the Talmudic schools (where there are no female students), that remind me of the campus where I work. In New York it is the Manhattan cafes, not the Brooklyn enclaves, that invite and attract me, like those of Tel Aviv. And when I visit the teeming Paris bookstores, what comes to my mind is the Hebrew book week organised each year in Israel, not the sacred literature of my ancestors.
My deep attachment to the place serves only to fuel the pessimism I feel towards it. And so I often plunge into despondency about the present and fear for the future. I am tired, and feel that the last leaves of reason are falling from our tree of political action, leaving us barren in the face of the caprices of the sleepwalking sorcerers of the tribe. But I cannot allow myself to be completely fatalistic. I dare to believe that if humanity succeeded in emerging from the 20th century without a nuclear war, everything is possible, even in the Middle East. We should remember the words of Theodor Herzl, the dreamer responsible for the fact that I am an Israeli: “If you will it, it is no legend.”
As a scion of the persecuted who emerged from the European hell of the 1940s without having abandoned the hope of a better life, I did not receive permission from the frightened archangel of history to abdicate and despair. Which is why, in order to hasten a different tomorrow, and whatever my detractors say, I shall continue to write.
Inspirational Speaker, Wealth Coach, & Best-selling Author
Born in Seattle, grew up on South Whidbey Island, founded the Brimstone fireworks company in college, shut down by the ATF my junior year in 1990.
Spent 3 years as a sous chef at a Greek restaurant, won the first computer pinball world tournament in 1994, hired by a PC game publisher in Boulder Colorado the same year, played computer games for a living until 1997. Stayed in the Boulder technology sector ever since.
Never married, never had kids. Most of my extensive free time is spent trying to unravel the hidden truths of our civilization, and the never ending search for the meaning of life itself. If I had to pick a single motto, it would be, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst". A close second is, "Don't regret what you've done, regret what you haven't".
Contact me at msargent23@comcast.net
TIM TAKARO MD is a physician-scientist trained in occupational and environmental medicine, public health and toxicology, at Yale, the University of North Carolina and University of Washington. His research is primarily directed toward the links between human exposures and disease, and determining public health based preventive solutions to such risks. His work includes use of biological and other markers for medical surveillance, exposure assessment, and disease susceptibility with a focus on immunologic lung disease, human health and war, clinical occupational and environmental health and population resiliency in the health effects of climate change. Current research on human health and climate change focus on water quality in BC communities and building and mapping watershed resilience in Nicaragua. Current research collaborations include projects in India, Iraq, Mongolia, Nicaragua, the U.S. and Canada.
In March 2015, Dr. Takaro was awarded with the President’s Award for Leadership in Sustainability at Simon Fraser University.
Why Age is just a Number?
Reverse the aging process
Learn easy steps to make healthy changes
First 3 callers will get 30-minute online consultation with Chris
Chris been before on the show talking about :
Life Changing Fitness
Chris Cray is the founder of Total Body Fitness Personal Training company (1998) with a holistic approach to fitness. Chris has been involved in fitness for over 30 years as a College Athlete, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Teacher, Personal Trainer and Research Development Coordinator. He has developed programs with success for multiple populations including athletes, corporate groups, amputees, stroke victims, terminally obese, those suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, and much more. Growing up as an obese child with family members suffering from diabetes, Chris is motivated to help others to achieve a healthier and happier lifestyle.
This call is dedicated to bringing awareness how fitness can change your life and your lifestyle.
We will talk what is the #1 step that Chris is using that is making the difference to achieve the end result.
Why New Years resolutions don't work, make you disappointed ,why you give up and how you can make it work
We will talk about different Myths that people use and what is holding them back...so if you STRUGGLE yourself and you feel stuck and disappointed with fitness and how is not working for you this show may help you to get some answers. So bring your questions and ask Chris!
Big Lucky Band
It was a vintage swing night in Hollywood, and the freewheeling, speakeasy spirit of the roaring ‘20s was making the dancers crowd the floor. On the stand, torch songstress Val Peterson was at the mic, singing a tune that would have made the Great Gatsby proud. That’s when he walked in. Paul Frederick: composer, arranger, musician. In his hand, a weathered, black case. In the case, a clarinet.
“Who plays clarinet, anymore?” Peterson thought as she watched Frederick assemble his axe to sit in with the band. “Who sings like that, anymore?” Frederick thought to himself as he put a reed on his horn and listened to Peterson finish a chorus. They nodded at each other, and he started to play. With just a few notes coaxed from the licorice stick, Peterson had her answer.
In such moments bands are born. Call it lucky. Call it Big Lucky…
As fans of classic songwriters and performers – Porter, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Shaw – Peterson and Frederick bonded instantly that night in Hollywood, and Big Lucky was born. From there, they set out to evangelize the greatest music of the past, but with a hipster chic style that’s all their own.
Whether performing as a trio or tearing the roof off with a full, 18-piece orchestra, Big Lucky has been wowing audiences and critics from their native Los Angeles all the way to Paris and Budapest with their unique, retro-lounge swing and glamorous sound.
In 20xx they caught the well-tuned ear of NAME, a vintage and rare Gatsby-era jazz connoisseur who commissioned the band to create their album, “The Venture Capital Follies of 1929.” To summon the speakeasy flavor of the roaring ‘20s, Frederick drew upon his skills as a composer/arranger to create original arrangements for a full dance band while Peterson studied 100s of period recordings to capture just the right sass and flavor.
Critics praised the album’s attention to detail, its superlative sound quality, and the excellent musicianship. The album led to Big Lucky’s first appearance at the famed Biltmore hotel in downtown Los Angeles and guest spots on HBO’s hit shows, “Entourage” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”
Recently, the band inked a deal to create original songs with their patented, vintage ‘20s lounge flavor for international music library XYZ. They’re also hard at work recording their follow-up album. “Around the World with Big Lucky.” Blending the band’s love of 1950’s and ‘60’s movie themes, Peterson’s unique ability to sing in five languages, and the virtuoso accordion stylings of Nick Ariondo, the new album promises music fans a whirlwind tour of continental, folk, and gypsy sounds served up ala “martini chic.”
With the finest touring and studio musician in Los Angeles behind them, Peterson and Frederick’s Big Lucky brings the best in jazz, standards, swing, pop, and lounge to discriminating music fans the world over.
Joshua grew up in a magical little town called Oakley, Utah. He grew up as 20th century Huckleberry Finn in the mountains, rivers, and farms of the majestic Uinta Mountains. His youth was founded in harvesting the bounty from local farms, growing food in gardens, and the spirit of a community that deeply values independence. This left a ever-lasting love for nature, profound respect for the environment, and strong sense of independence.
The eldest son of woodworking artists, his parents instilled a thirst for knowledge, a strong work ethic, and the courage of life long artists to follow his passions and dreams.
Upon graduating from high school he traveled the world serving in the U.S. Navy as a Gunners Mate Guns. He entered the military as a boy full of pride and blind patriotism. He left as a man with a more true understood what it means to be a patriot and deep respect for being a Citizen of the Republic of the United States of America
In early 2,000’s, Joshua served as the Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for a Nutracuetical company Kleos Laboratories in Salt Lake City Utah.
He graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Biology from the University of Utah in 2003 and began his adventure in real estate within the mortgage industry. The majority of his professional career has been in Advanced Mortgage Planning & Real Estate Portfolio management. He specialized integrating mortgages and real estate investments in a similar manner as traditional financial portfolios. The focus of these strategies was to optimize both the assets and liabilities within the portfolio for maximum risk protection, increased liquidity, and sustainable prosperity. for generations to come.
He has practiced portfolio management at many levels within the finance spectrum. Creating individual portfolios, consulting to Mortgage Banking institutions, and managing mortgage portfolios.
His main focus is the development and creation of Prosperity Homes. Prosperity Homes homes are high quality homes that create 3E (Energy Economic, Environmental) Independence. Achieved through synergistic integration of energy production (solar), electric vehicles, sustainable food/water systems non-toxic materials combined with energy efficient designs. The result is beautiful homes which produce power, grow food, harvest water, save money, add wellbeing to our lives and with the environment.
Prosperity Homes are the culmination of everything he has learned real finance and from years deeply studying the systems Energy, Environment, & Economic systems. Analyzing the core problems from the top or Global perspective, down to the most fundamental levels, the level of us as individuals citizens, families, and communities. Applying the principles developed in financial portfolio management, to create holistic solutions in the 3E’s Energy, Economics, Environmental
He views the significant problems of today as grand opportunities to fundamentally restructure our energy systems from the bottom up and rebuild our economies from the inside out.
Transforming our lives of over-consumption of debt, excessive leverage, & dependence on distant dark energy which is keeping us locked in a ever cycle of struggle, suffering, and pollution into super-production into a driving force of sustainable wealth, locally produced energy, ever more pristine environment, and prosperity that echoes for generations.
Joshua Tree is a powerful public speaker who has spoken to thousands of citizens, mortgage, real estate, and financial professionals about the power and strategies of Advanced Mortgage Planning. He currently resides in Los Angeles CA with the love of his life, working in his dreams, and living his life’s purpose with passion
Because of her love of nature, the great outdoors, Earth’s bountiful gifts of natural resources, clean air and water, animals, marine life, wild life and all plant life “Lexie” Alexandra May Hunter has been an environmental activist for 40 years. She began doing volunteer service in her hometown community of Barrington, Illinois when her children were young where she acted as The Environmental Awareness Director for her children’s school district. Ms. Hunter is also a published photographer and writer & master equestrienne who now resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
During the course of her 24+ year business law career she has become an environmental law expert and has practiced as a Contract Manager concisely drafting, analyzing, advising, negotiating and successfully closing very complex technical high revenue deals for American based corporations. She has a sub specialty in environmental law, intellectual property, media law, commercial real estate, the UCC, labor law, corporate governance, railroad law, health care and IT, estates and trusts as well as training employees on best practices, corporate policies, labor law and complex legal issue matters. She is highly adept at handling extremely complex issues often in very contentious adversarial settings where she navigates easily and brings the parties to a meeting of the minds that is a win-win for all involved. She is an expert at analyzing complex verbiage, issues and concepts and boiling down the ambiguous complexity to the root cause principal issues at hand making it easy for understanding and communicating. She is an expert researcher and draftsperson.
Alexandra became aware of the currently in effect geoengineering program approximately 3 years ago and she set to devoting all of her time and energy to conducting an in depth thorough fact based analysis and research of the entire scope of the history, chronology, laws, science and technology, engineering, congressional oversight and removal of such oversight, the United Nations and countries participation, the military industrial complex, the banking system, the past & current day political system, non-governmental organizations (“NGO”), private foundations, entities, trusts and individuals funding the many facets of the program as well as all of the principal persons involved with regards to the global implementation, operation and cover up of the covert program. On June 25, 2014, in a precedent setting action at the State level, Alexandra delivered actual legal notice of the currently in effect program & non-consent at a public meeting in Kingman, Arizona to State Senator Dr. Kelli Ward and 2 lawyers, Sherri Zendri & Beth Hager of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”). During her speech she recited the precise Arizona laws which govern the scope of the issue, the historical & scientific facts, fact based background and present day on-going activities thereto and the affirmative truth that the state of Arizona does have legal jurisdiction over the currently in effect program.
After attending the first anti-geoengineering conference on Los Angeles, California in August of 2012 where she initiated, built and has maintained relationships with all the content experts on this matter, she has devoted her entire life, attention and abilities to this dire global survival matter. She has been a guest on many radio interview programs and has been interviewed by Robert Phoenix of Austin Texas, Sonny Thomas of Ohio, Larry Becraft, Esq. of Alabama, Dr. Dan Koontz of Phoenix, Tony Palleresco of Canada and Dave Kelman of Nevada to name just a few.
Alexandra has been helping the anti-geoengineering community by drafting a 70+ page state specific Resolution document that is intended to be presented to all state level elected representatives. For serious minded activists who are interested in Ms. Hunter’s expert services they can contact her at her email address which is; alexandrahunter@att.net. She can also be found on Facebook, TSU, Seen.is and Twitter.
Over the years, Elana Freeland has been a Waldorf school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and ghostwritten books on diverse topics. Her second major in college was biology. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Freeland has self-published a fictional American history series called Sub Rosa America about the “deep politics” behind the downfall of the United States since John F. Kennedy's assassination.
In June 2014, Feral House Books released Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, the book that connects how the chemical aerosols whiting out our skies and ionospheric heaters around the world work together to assure seven major military operations of global control.
In October 2014, the Australian magazine Nexus published her article on invasive electromagnetic weapons, and now she has begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth about the next operation to be served by global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Inside the electromagnetic lockdown of the Space Fence, humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future. . She now lives in Olympia, Washington.--
Robert M. Gould, MD graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and from 1981 until 2012 worked as a Pathologist at Kaiser Hospital in San Jose. In 2012 Bob was appointed as an Associate Adjunct Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the UCSF School of Medicine, to serve as Director of Health Professional Outreach and Education for the UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment (PRHE).
Since 1989, he has been President of the San Francisco-Bay Area Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), and in 2003 was President of National PSR, to serve again in this capacity in 2014. Since 1986, Bob has been an active in the Peace Caucus of the American Public Health Association, for which he has been Chairperson for numerous years, and in 2009 APHA awarded Bob the prestigious Sidel-Levy Peace Award.
In addition to speaking and publishing extensively on the clinician’s role in environmental and public health advocacy, Bob is an expert on the environmental and public health impacts of nuclear weapons; he is a contributing author to chapters on health impacts of nuclear weapons and nuclear terrorism in “War and Public Health” (2008) and “Terrorism and Public Health” (2011) published by Oxford University Press. Since 1992 Bob has been a leading member of the Environmental Committee of the Santa Clara County chapter of the California Medical Association (CMA), and through this work has authored and submitted numerous environmental health resolutions adopted by CMA as policy.
For his work within CMA, he received the Santa Clara County Medical Association’s "Outstanding Contribution in Community Service" award in 2001, and “Outstanding Contribution to the Medical Society award in 2012. Dr. Gould was also listed as one of Santa Clara County's "Top 400 Physicians" in peer-review surveys published in San Jose Magazine in 2001 through 2007.
Areas of Expertise:
- U.S. chemical policy and health effects of environmental toxins
- Biological Weapons and public health
- Air pollution and air quality regulations
- Nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament
- Nuclear war, terrorism and preparedness
- Global warming, fossil fuel energy and public health
- Nuclear power and related waste and proliferation issues
- Greening Hospital Practices
"As a human being and physician I am deeply drawn to PSR's mission to "protect human life from the greatest threats to health and survival." Being active in PSR greatly strengthens my determination to help preserve the web of life that sustains us all, and which is severely threatened by nuclear weapons and rampant militarism, toxic pollution and global warming." --Robert Gould MD
Since joining Friendship Place in 2006, Jean-Michel has drawn on his 25 years of clinical experience in human services, training in psychiatric rehabilitation, expertise in recovery and a commitment to person-centered programming. This tool kit had allowed him to pioneer innovative program models that have moved DC's entire homeless services system forward. In 2009 he was named to the DC Interagency Council on Homelessness and the board of the Coalition of Housing and Homeless Organizations (2009-20130). In 2010 he received the Meyer Foundation Exponent Award for visionary nonprofit leadership.
Jean-Michel's focus on cost-effective, permanent and rapid solutions to homelessness has been lauded by the DC government, the Department of Veterans Affairs and homeless service advocates. He also authors a blog on Huffington Post.
Margo M. Mateas is an intuitive strategist and spiritual advisor who helps people all around the world. She is the creator of the Career Cards, a powerful and unique oracle that is used in 14 countries that delivers practical advice for life, career and relationships.
A highly respected corporate trainer to Fortune 500 companies, non-profits and the U.S. government, Margo successfully bridges the worlds of spirituality and business by using her intuition to successfully pinpoint client issues and solve institutional problems. She’s helped many executives from companies including Verizon, Wyndham and State Farm become happier and more successful. She is an award-winning writer, newspaper journalist and accomplished public speaker who began speaking professionally at just 14 years old. Margo works directly with the Archangels to do energetic clearings and chakra work over the phone that result in immediate transformations.
After years of studying Musical Theatre, Opera, ballet, tap, jazz, violin, and classical piano, Makeda traveled to New York City where she received a BFA in Acting from Marymount Manhattan College. While in New York, Makeda landed leading roles in the Off-Broadway productions of Road and The Colored Museum. One of the highlights of her career was touring throughout Northern Italy with famed Opera/Jazz singer, Cheryl Porter. As a result of her operatic studies, she is comfortable singing in many languages, including Italian, French, German, and Spanish.
A few months after arriving in Los Angeles, Makeda became a member of the world renowned Los Angeles Jubilee Singers, under the direction of Dr. Albert McNeil. While traveling with the Jubilee Singers, the coloratura soprano performed in operas such as Porgy and Bess and Carmen Jones. Makeda has also studied piano under Wycliff Gordon, trombonist for the Winton Marsalis Jazz Quintet.
Shortly after graduating from Pepperdine University (MA Psychology) Summa Cum Laud, Ms. Tene’ was cast in the musical, If You Don’t Believe: A Love Story, which was nominated for a 2005 NAACP Award for Best Play. The soul stirring musical, which featured the classic music of Deniece Williams, starred actress/singer Tatyana Ali, and was directed and produced by Michael Ajakwe, Jr. and Deniece Williams. In June 2007, Makeda world premiered her original One-Woman Show, “Love-In Concert”, at Lucy Florence Cultural Center in Los Angeles to sold-out audiences. She also toured the production in Georgia, and was featured on the renowned television program, “The Parade of Quartets” on ABC.
Other notable performances include: 2009 Verizon Wireless “How Sweet The Sound” Gospel Competition: Marvin Sapp noted that Makeda’s voice “reminds me of a young Kathleen Battle singing in the style of Porgy and Bess”; 2008 Holy Ghost Congress in Lagos, Nigeria (the Congress was also broadcast on LIVE TV throughout Nigeria and neighboring countries). “A remarkable performance by an American artiste, not only got all enraptured in a frenzy of worship, but calling for more when the time came for her to exit the stage”—Nigeriafilms.com; Guest International Artist at historic Wesley Church in Belize City, Belize; Featured Soloist for Claremont Institute’s Winston Churchill Dinner at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel; Vocalist for the 21st Annual New York Alumni Night of Nostalgia honoring Neil Sedaka and Mitzi Gaynor—Joan Mangum of the Beverly Hills Courier wrote, “ Robbie Britt and Makeda Tene’ opened the show with God Bless America (the most stirring rendition I’ve ever heard)…”; and Guest Soloist at City of Angels Church in Los Angeles—“An electrifying version of ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ was magnificently performed by Makeda Tene’”–Virgie Murray ,The Los Angeles Sentinel.
Dr. Lisle Staley is currently the Head at Berkeley Hall School. A lifelong educator, Dr. Staley has a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Learning and Instruction from UCLA.
While pursuing her Ph.D., she developed and tested assessments at UCLA’s Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing before becoming Director of Research and Evaluation for the Santa Barbara School Districts.
In 2000, Dr. Staley joined LessonLab, a Santa Monica-based startup education company. As VP of Teacher Learning she oversaw the creation of technology based professional development programs. Later Dr. Staley became Senior VP of Design and Development for Pearson Achievement Solutions following its acquisition of LessonLab, focusing on large-scale solutions for school districts and professional development programs around the nation.
Lisle has enjoyed working with Berkeley Hall’s faculty to create a professional development protocol that allows teachers and administrators to clarify performance standards across the grade levels and among subject matters.
Sheldan Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations - light-form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft. During most of his life, he has enjoyed ongoing telepathic communications and direct 'core knowledge' inserts (etheric and physical implants). Sheldan has visually observed and physically experienced spacecraft throughout the years.
Around the age of fourteen, Sheldan requested that the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies discontinue communications with him because he was experiencing overwhelming conflict between their scientific knowledge and what he was learning here on Earth. They left, but the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies told him that they would be back when it was time to complete his mission for planet Earth and her people. In high school, he was placed in advanced science programs in subject areas such as physics, chemistry, and calculus.
Sheldan received an M.A. in Political Science from the University at Buffalo in 1968. He also received an M.A. in Southeast Asian Government from Ohio University in 1970 and an M.A. in American Politics and International Public Administration from the University of Southern California, where he also pursued a Ph.D. program (1974-76). In the 1970s, he was Vice-President for Scientific Programming at Syntar Productions, where he co-created a documentary on the life and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla. From the 1970s through the mid-1980s, he was involved in scientific research on alternative sources of electrical energy. In the mid-1980s, his extraterrestrial contacts resumed. Currently, Sheldan is a representative and lecturer for the Galactic Federation of Light and, in November 1997, founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO).
Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD, is a physician specializing in cardiology and molecular biologist who has helped thousands of people with his Personal Breakthrough and Empowerment program that combines his medical expertise with NLP, Time Line Therapy™, clinical hypnotherapy, and more. His book The Fear and Anxiety Solution: A Breakthrough Process for Healing and Empowerment with Your Subconscious Mind was published in 2012.He lives in Seattle, Washington.
Lance B. White, famed & gifted psychic healer, author, and exceptionally adept practitioner of question triggered channeling, L.B. White, is Zany Mystic.
I was born in Santa Barbara, California in 1950 to pioneers from Kansas, who landed there not far from Dorothy. My journey has taken me to the depths and heights - ultimately a spiritual journey. In 2007, I wrote an irreverent account called Tales of a Zany Mystic, offered at Amazon Books in paperback and free on Kindle. One year prior, I was asked if I wanted to do a weekly radio show. This marked the birth of the internet radio series on BBS Radio: A Fireside Chat With Zany Mystic. Shows are broadcast live and free. Archived show are free to listen to and download; now on iTunes. What began as a deep search underneath the surface of murky waters, looking for the truth about 2012, aliens, UFOs, metaphysical, mystical and esoteric, is today a beacon of light to guide fellow travelers through choppy waters, largely unseen. A few years ago, friend and guest George Kavassilas and his wife Cynthia, asked me to edit their new book, Our Universal Journey. Recently, Inelia Benz, another good friend and frequent guest, had me edit her new book, a huge sensation: Tales of a Psychic Vampire.
BOOK Information for Tales of a Zany Mystic - "A page turner!"
On June 21st, 2013 during the Summer Solstice, I recorded a series of 20 half hour interviews with Andrew Bartzis on Galactic History. I personally transcribed the videos, added pictures and hyperlinks, then wrote the 21st transcript to give the reader an idea about who I am and offer a few thoughts. The videos are free to watch and there is a small suggested donation for the enormous task of transcribing. Today, I live quietly on a small ranch in Northern California with my true love, my four-legged Jack Russell Terrier. I do pro bono healing work with a small group of friends, and am available for occasional sliding scale phone consultations and book editing and creation. Those who would enjoy having a personalized, signed copy of my book with a conscious charged crystal, write me via email.
To follow me on Facebook, type in Lance White. There, I host a group called Galactic History Discussion Group. Email: zanymystic59@yahoo.com
Within the traditional indigenous circles and within the native people of the Maya, Tat Erick is called an Aj Q’ij and a KamalBey (spiritual teacher). His entire life has been walking between the worlds, the physical/mental with the spiritual/elemental. And with this lifelong experience, he has become aware of the supernatural beings that hold and co-create cosmic natural elemental forces. In the ceremonies, he has received their blessings and their manifestations, so that it becomes more than a human ceremony experience, but a true dimensional spiritual experience.
This incredible journey has guided him to create sacred spiritual sanctuaries north of Mt Shasta in Northern CA and Lake Atitlan, Guatemala- places of profound beauty, learning and healing. He is also the Founder and Spiritual Leader of Earth Peoples United, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting people with the natural and spiritual worlds.
With a foundation in oral tradition, Tat Erick shares with a global community via tele-class teachings and lectures at universities, schools, international gatherings and conferences. His wisdom and teachings have also been featured in various documentaries, magazines, journals and books.
PrepareforChange.net Radio Show #5
BBSRadio Station 1
March 22, 2015
Judi and Dov interview Gordon Asher Davidson about his book, ‘The Transfiguration of the World’ - How a Light Alliance is Transforming Darkness and creating a New Earth.
The book and the interview highlight the immense changes underway and points towards a response from the Light Alliance that is on going in reaction to the dark, controlling forces that have had their way for some time.
There is much reason to be optimistic, according to Davidson, for a creative unfoldment of joy is underway due to our ability to connect to the Matrix of Love. In his Book he states:
Love is the greatest expander and extender of consciousness there is, the link between all the worlds and dimensions, the ever present matrix which holds every atom and every galaxy in right relationship. As such, entering the matrix through any dimensional portal intimately and ultimately leads into an ever expanding revelation of the seamless unity of the whole, which is the One, the One Life.
Thus, the task of unfoldment for each individual unit of life is to discover their unique portal of entry into this Matrix of Love, the One Life. This point of entry can be love for oneself, one's family, group, nation or the world.
Once entered, the matrix steadily and naturally expands the focus of love, its reach and inclusive embrace, to all the worlds. In this understanding is hidden the secret of the human heart, and its capacity to endlessly expand into the Whole.
In interview we discuss transformation of the financial systems and how charging high interest rates is a problem, 911, the history of Atlantis and Lemeuria, and how to work with your subconscious, meditation, and the difference between Transmutation, Transformation and Transfiguration.
In addition, there is a discussion of what Cobra and others label The Event which Gordon calls The Day of Revelation. It will be fascinating to those who follow Prepare for Change to see how he has come to so many similar realizations and insights about the days ahead and he sees a tremendous amount of light coming to the planet in a very short time, and this will be the catalyst for positive change for the world.
Everything is lining up in readiness for massive positive changes on our planet.