Dr. Rod was trained as a medical doctor but chose to take a spiritual path as a leader, healer and teacher before completing his boards. As a young child arriving in the States at the age of ten from Tehran, Iran, he dreamed of being a healer. Today as a Transformational Life Coach he has a thriving business based on his core beliefs:
- We are one
- There is enough
- We share to live
- Peace and harmony reigns supreme
Dr. Rod learned early on to master social media and through daily Facebook postings and rooted in loving advice and affirmations, he has garnered a dedicated group of followers. His postings receive many likes and shares. He uses Facebook for messages of deep transformation and a daily affirmation .His use of technology has widened his audience and introduced his optimistic outlook to thousands.
He freely admits that his life has not always been that easy. He has been to the dark side of the moon and back and with much work and a loving community he was able to heal himself. He encourages and shows the way for others to do the same for themselves. He acknowledges the struggles of depression and other dis-ease process, he works with energy and he often shows his human side very clearly. Recently, he had some personal challenges that he spoke about overcoming and his continued interest in looking for the best solutions. Not only does this endear him to his audience it deepens his empathy for daily struggles.
Three of the major issues he deals with in his practice::
1: Overcoming severe depression naturally.
2: Visioning and helping finding focus for individuals seeking their purpose in life
3: Finding purpose and alignment through service.
He also deals with anxiety, low self esteen, chronic dis-eases, sleep dis-orders, sudden emotional trauma, divorce, loss and grief, weight addictions and creative blockage amongst other ailments. He believes in the power of self discovery, healing and turning within.
His books are available on Amazon
Live a Purposeful Life With Passion: Connect To Your Inner Being! Quotes & Affirmations
by Dr. Rod Pezeshki
Authentic Being: Your Soul’s Hidden Secrets
by Dr. Rod Pezeshki