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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Political Translator, Music Video producer, Comedian, Artist, Writer
Guest Biography:


Jill Gatsby just so happens to be a political translator for the most important entity in this entire solar system! She works for #YourMutha at “earthspeaksout” where she has animated the planet and given her a voice that’s a mix between Jason Alexander and Phyllis Diller.

#BadMutha is the latest music video Jill Gatsby produced for Earth Speaks Out, where she is playing a #BADMUTHA with co-star, her son, Gabriel Gocobachi!

Jill is one of the founders of The Sanford Meisner Center For The Arts and worked with Mr. Sanford Meisner for seven years in New York, Bequia and Los Angeles.  She is also the founder of the SuperCellular Music, Science and Arts Program that is currently in development here in Los Angeles.

Jill Gatsby has been doing comedy since she came out of the womb and then continued on to the world famous Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd all the way back in 1886.  I’m sorry. 1996. She really looks great for her age! These days she’s doing her stand up comedy on YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK LIVE when she’s got the time off from building content for SuperCellular.

Some of her comedic work includes writing both the one-man show & feature film, “Holyman Undercover” starring David White, Fred Willard and Pauli Shore. She’s also acted in a couple of very funny Henry Jaglom films with Tanna Fredrick, and she’s died in 6 bad horror films! Finally, she is rekindling her coma of a career by portraying YOUR liver as an adorable and relatable organ everyone wants to learn from!  Meet Little Liver!

Jill is also an artist of recycled bottles and did an art installation last year in 2017 at the BEQUINOX ART FESTIVAL with her BELIEVE BOTTLE ART INSTALLATION where she transforms bottles headed for landfills into gorgeous LED Lighting systems that resemble alien oceans.

Visit Jill Gatsby on Facebook or look For FRESH MORNING NEWS on how to live with a sense of humor and love your Electrons … because face it, you can’t live without ‘em!

Guest Category: Arts, Comedy, Entertainment, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: SuperCellular creator, author and savant at age two and a half
Guest Biography:


Gabriel Gocobachi created SuperCellular, the first healing micro superhero for kids when he was only 2 ½ years old.

After meeting a young boy at the Woodbridge Park who was very sick, Gabriel came home and declared that the world needed a healing superhero for kids, because the ones that Marvel Comics made didn’t do anything for a rotten cell! LOL

He said the boy told him he had good cells and bad cells inside of him and the good cells had to fight the bad guys.  This is how a two-year-old boy came up with the name SuperCellular!

The first book Gabriel made was called THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERCELLULAR and it’s been for sale on Amazon for 8 years now.

The 1st Adventures Of SuperCelular 2008 on Amazon

Over the past 8 years Gabriel has helped to create more books:







Gabriel has also created 3 bravery awards for kids to help give them encouragement through tough times.

He’s taken these awards to the City of Hope Children’s Hospital and donated hundreds of them, but he’d like to see these bravery awards in the hands of all kids who have to go to the doctor or to the hospital to get shots or procedures.

Gabriel is currently starting a program at his school to teach other kids about Photoshop, Final Cut Pro and Adobe editing with animation.

Gabriel also co-starred with his mother in #BadMutha The Music Video where he plays an “overexposed” child exploited by his super liberal mother! #BADMUTHA MUSIC VIDEO with Jill Gatsby & Gabriel Gocobachi

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Guitarist, songwriter and composer based in Los Angeles who performs on classical, electric, and 20-string Indian slide guitar
Guest Biography:


Dave Cipriani is a highly accomplished guitarist, songwriter and composer based in Los Angeles who performs on classical, electric, and (20-string) Indian slide guitar.

He has self-produced 3 CD’s and has received awards from the Maryland State Arts Council and the Baltimore Office of Promotions and the Arts.  Dave’s diverse background include studies with jazz great Charlie Byrd, classical guitarist Christopher Parkening, sitar master Jai Kishor, and Indian Slide guitar pioneer Pandit Barun Kumar Pal, a senior disciple of Ravi Shankar.

Dave holds an MFA in North Indian Music at California Institute of the Arts, which included studies with Balkan/classical/flamenco guitarist Miroslav Tadic, Indian masters Ustad Aashish Khan and Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri, and classical guitarist Stuart Fox. 

Dave leads the world fusion band Mahadev, and performs at concert venues and yoga studios in the LA area.

On This Live Broadcast, Dave Cipriani was accompanied by Drummer Chris Payne.

Dave Cipriani’s Personal Statement: 

I have been on a constant quest to connect with deep spiritual/music roots while still being in the modern world.  I try to find out what makes different aesthetic approaches speak within different musical and cultural systems and then combine them into something new that can still speak to each individual system with depth and authority, while remaining evocative for the musician and listener. On a practical level, this has meant independent study of african and folk music, and studying with masters of jazz, classical guitar, balkan and indian music often at very high levels.

Studying Indian classical has been pivotal to this, even as it has sharpened my relation with non-Indian music.  From just a musical point of view, it has broadened the way I hear music, making connections to different styles of music that have hidden roots and connections, opening up new ideas of melody and rhythm.  It has certainly also changed my ideas about how music is recorded and transmitted from one musician to another, and its relation to audiences, creativity and spirituality.  But more importantly, it has helped to me to learn to listen with my heart on a much deeper level, and made me more interested in music that does seek to speak, rather than obfuscate, the emotions that every human being experiences.

This desire also springs from my years of studying Buddhist meditation, and trying to understand how it relates to creativity.  In meditation we seek to be completely honest with ourselves about who we are, warts and all, and to stay present with that, non-aggressively, non-judgmentally, compassionately.  This reveals tenderness and brilliance that we all hold as our basic being.  This is what I am trying to speak to and reveal to myself and others in the music.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Founder and CEO of AllOneWealth, a Socially Responsible and Impact Investment Advisory Firm
Guest Biography:


Mark Sauer is the Founder & CEO of AllOneWealth, a Socially Responsible & Impact Investment Advisory Firm.  AllOne’s mission is to be a vehicle for change – to be the means of transferring money and energy from that which extracts value from our world, to that which creates value and contributes.  Mark’s mission is to empower investors, giving them the tools they need to vote with their investment dollars so that we, collectively, can create a more prosperous and sustainable future for our communities and the world.

AllOne does not invest in products associated with alcohol, tobacco, firearms, war related products, gambling products or oil.  AllOne utilizes ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) metrics to assist in further identifying socially conscious investment products.

He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Caitlin, and their fluffy black cat, Mia.

CA Ins. License: OL88386

Guest Category: Business, Investing and Finance, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Investigative Reporter, Founder/Editor in Chief
Guest Biography:

My name is Russ Baker. For more than two decades I have been an investigative journalist, doing what I believed journalists were supposed to do — seek the truth and publish nothing less. Over the years, however, I have learned how the media gatekeepers, both “mainstream” and “alternative,” will not allow the biggest, most disturbing revelations to see the light of day.

I started WhoWhatWhy because I was tired of the cynicism, self-interest, and cowardice that I witnessed in the news media. I started WhoWhatWhy to show how good — and how consequential — journalism can be when the only mandate is to dig relentlessly, and reveal, without exception, what we uncover.

What we do

WhoWhatWhy embodies a form of investigative reporting that is rigorous, relentless and scientific — we call it forensic journalism.

Forensic journalism requires skepticism towards power and credentialed expertise; a determination to unearth the facts interested parties want to keep hidden; and an unflinching commitment to follow the trail wherever it leads. We are truth seeking-not quote seeking.

We take on controversial topics others will not touch and dig deep to uncover and name the institutions and persons shaping our world. Our organization is neither partisan nor ideological and only provides accounts based on extensive research and thorough sourcing.

In addition to producing rigorous investigative reporting, we seek to further the long-term survival and betterment of the news industry as a whole.

We pair senior reporters who have decades of experience with dedicated young journalists new to the field. We facilitate the transfer of values, methods and culture as our talented and varied investigators shape an improved and adaptive form of journalism to fit our times.

Provide us your ideas

We strongly encourage our readers to join us in our mission. If you know of a news, academic or literary source that relates to one of our stories, tell us about it. If there is a story of interest that hasn’t received coverage or documented facts we are missing, let us know! Consider yourself the media watchdog for the media watchdog.

Donate to Us

We are a non-profit organization. We need readers, supporters and citizens passionate about and committed to strong investigative journalism. Please consider a donation to help us produce the next story.

The People


WhoWhatWhy is made up of a combination of full-time journalists, expert advisors and other specialists.

Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief Russ Baker

Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter with a track record for making sense of complex and little understood matters — and explaining it to elites and ordinary people alike, using entertaining, accessible writing to inform and involve.

Over the course of more than two decades in journalism, Baker has broken scores of major stories. Topics included: early reporting on inaccuracies in the articles of The New York Times’s Judith Miller that built support for the invasion of Iraq; the media campaign to destroy UN chief Kofi Annan and undermine confidence in multilateral solutions; revelations by George Bush’s biographer that as far back as 1999 then-presidential candidate Bush already spoke of wanting to invade Iraq; the real reason Bush was grounded during his National Guard days — as recounted by the widow of the pilot who replaced him; an article published throughout the world that highlighted the West’s lack of resolve to seriously pursue the genocidal fugitive Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, responsible for the largest number of European civilian deaths since World War II; several investigations of allegations by former members concerning the practices of Scientology; corruption in the leadership of the nation’s largest police union; a well-connected humanitarian relief organization operating as a cover for unauthorized US covert intervention abroad; detailed evidence that a powerful congressional critic of Bill Clinton and Al Gore for financial irregularities and personal improprieties had his own track record of far more serious transgressions; a look at the practices and values of top Democratic operative and the clients they represent when out of power in Washington; the murky international interests that fueled both George W. Bush’s and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns; the efficacy of various proposed solutions to the failed war on drugs; the poor-quality televised news program for teens (with lots of advertising) that has quietly seeped into many of America’s public schools; an early exploration of deceptive practices by the credit card industry; a study of ecosystem destruction in Irian Jaya, one of the world’s last substantial rain forests.

Baker has written for The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Village Voice, Esquire, and dozens of other major domestic and foreign publications. He has also served as a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. Baker received a 2005 Deadline Club award for his exclusive reporting on George W. Bush’s military record. He is the author of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America (Bloomsbury Press, 2009); it was released in paperback as Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Secret History of the Last Fifty Years

Board of Directors and Their Affiliations

Russ Baker

  • Award-winning investigative reporter
  • Contributor: The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Village Voice, Esquire, and dozens of other major domestic and foreign publications
  • Contributing editor: Columbia Journalism Review
  • Deadline Club Awardee
  • Author: Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America (Bloomsbury Press, 2009); in paperback as Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Secret History of the Last Fifty Years
Guest Category: Education, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Chiropracter, author, blogger, speaker
Guest Biography:

​Dr. John Michael Mooney is the clinical director of Premier Healthcare in Placerville, California. He received the Chiropractor of the Year award, is President of H.E.L.P., an organization that provides shelter and food for people in need and is a member of the Rotary Club.  John spent 30 years collecting his favorite quotes while writing them in the margins of his Bible and then handing them out to patients. One Christmas, as a gift, his son compiled all the quotes into a book format. Thus, Treasures in Truth: Quotes to Nourish Your Soul came to be published by Innervisions Publications. John has a bachelor’s degree from Long Beach State University and a Doctorate degree from Pasadena College of Chiropractic.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Singer-Songwriter-Musician
Guest Biography:

'M   E   L   A   N   I   E'

S  A  F  K  A




Melanie Safka (Melanie) was once hailed as the female Bob Dylan. Her awe-inspiring lyrical connotations were accompanied by her majestic voice and an acoustic guitar. She was a lone entity onstage but radiated a powerful force that became the voice and spirit to one of the most important generations the world will ever know.

When I asked Melanie how she developed her unique and sensational singing style she said … “I went out to imitate Billie Holiday and Edith Piaf and got it wrong.”

Melanie was born in Queens, New York to a Russian-Ukrainian Father and an Italian Mother. Her musical career began in Greenwich Village and eventfully landed her first recording contract with Columbia Records. She released several singles on the label but retained greater success after signing with Buddah Records.

Her debut album Born to Be (1968) was acclaimed for her independent music styles. It became clear that there was an exciting new singer on the block. In 1969, the single “Bobo’s Party” a track from her debut album reached #1 in France. Her second studio release Affectionately Melanie (1969) spawned the single “Beautiful People,” the song became a Top 10 hit in the Netherlands.

Melanie’s songs began gaining momentum but she was still, for the most part, considered an unknown to the U.S. music scene until August 15th 1969. Melanie was invited to perform at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair held on a dairy farm in Brethel, New York. Her mother drove her to the event. She had been clueless to the size and significance of the concert until she witnessed Sly Stone walking around and Janis Joplin sipping Southern Comfort while being interviewed by reporters. After arriving at the hotel she was separated from her mother and rushed onto a helicopter. While descending towards the stage area, she was in total disbelief over the mass of people attending the three-day event. Melanie shared a tent with folk musician and composer Tim Hardin while she awaited her turn to perform at the most famous concert event in music history.


Several hours later, she was called upon to perform after Ravi Shankar’s set. Melanie was terrified … a lone woman performer with a guitar in front of a half a million people. Without a setlist to guide her, she opened with “Close to It All” followed by “Momma Momma,” “Beautiful People,” “Animal Crackers,” “Mr. Tambourine Man,” “Tuning My Guitar,” and concluded with “Birthday of the Sun,” a song she chose simply because it was raining.

Before and during her performance, concert organizers had distributed candles throughout the crowd. The lit candles during her performance while it rained inspired her profound composition, “(Lay Down) Candles in The Rain” (1970 #6 Billboard Hot 100 singles chart). She also inspired the etiquette of raising candles and cigarette lighters at concerts while portraying an audience of fireflies. 


After Woodstock, Melanie became the concert festival queen, performing at such outdoor events as The Isle of Wight, Strawberry fields Festival and Glastonbury Festival. She was also asked to perform on numerous Television programs including Dick Cavett, Ed Sullivan and Johnny Carson.

“(Lay Dow) Candles in The Rain” was followed by “Peace Will Come (According to Plan)” (#32 Hit),” and her Rolling Stones cover, “Ruby Tuesday” (#52 Hit). 

Melanie and husband/ producer Peter Schekeryk formed their own record label called Neighborhood Records in 1971.

Also in 1971, Melanie landed her biggest commercial hit entitled, “Brand New Key” (#1 Billboard Hot 100 singles chart). A song inspired after a stop at a McDonalds fast food restaurant.

Melanie also released “What Have They Done to My Song Ma’” which was also covered by The New Seekers and Ray Charles. The New Seekers also covered “Beautiful People” and “Nickel Song” composed by Melanie.

Melanie set a record for the first female performer to land three simultaneous Top 40 hits … “Brand New Key,” “Ring the Living Bell” and “Nickel Song.”

Melanie was awarded Billboard’s #1 Top Female Vocalist for 1972. She also became a UNISEF Ambassador that same year.

In 1973, Melanie spawned the hit “Bitter Bad” (#36 Billboard Hot 100 singles hit).

In 1989, she won an Emmy Award for writing the lyrics to “The First Time I Loved Forever” the theme song for the TV series 'Beauty and The Beast.'

Melanie’s songs have been covered by countless musicians over the years.

She has sold more than 80- million records to date.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Former Mayor of the District of Columbia from 1991 to 1995 and Founder of Pratt Consulting LLC.
Guest Biography:

Former Washington, D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt was born on January 30, 1944 in Washington, D.C. Pratt is the daughter of Mildred Petticord and Carlisle Edward Pratt. Pratt graduated from Roosevelt High School in 1961 and earned her B.S. degree in political science in 1965 from Howard University. Pratt attended Howard University Law School where she earned her J.D. degree in 1968.

Pratt served as in-house counsel for the Joint Center for Political Studies from 1970 to 1971. From 1971 to 1976, she worked as an associate for the law firm Pratt & Queen PC. In 1972, Pratt became a law professor at the Antioch School of Law in Washington, D.C., and worked there until 1976 when she became the Associate General Counsel for the Potomac Electric Power Company, known as PEPCO. In 1982, Pratt directed the failed mayoral campaign for Patricia Robert Harris. That same year, Pratt married Arrington Dixon, a Democratic Washington, D.C. City Councilman. Pratt was promoted to the Director of Consumer Affairs for the Potomac Electric Power Company in 1979 and then later to Vice President of Consumer Affairs in 1983. In 1988, Pratt announced that she would challenge Mayor Marion Barry in the 1990 mayoral election in Washington, D.C. Pratt was elected Mayor of Washington D.C., the first African American female to hold this position. In 1994, she lost her bid for re-election as mayor to Marion Barry. From 1997 to 2001, Pratt served as the President of @ The Center, a start-up electrical marketplace for Africa. In 2002, Pratt began Pratt Consulting, working with companies and governments developing Homeland Security/Emergency Management Plans. She is also the Executive Vice President for BI Solutions.

Pratt’s past and present board memberships include: the Center For Creative Leadership, the Democratic National Convention, Society for PSP, Emmitsburg St. Mary’s College Board, Opportunity Funding Corporation and a trustee at Howard University. Pratt is also the recipient of the Presidential Award from the NAACP, Glamour magazine’s Woman of the Year Award, the Congressional Black Caucus’ Mary McCleod Bethune-W.E. Dubois Award and the Clean Cities Award.

The Executive Office of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and the University of the District of Columbia are launching an Institute of Politics Policy and History. The Founding Director of IPPH will be former D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt. MISSION Rediscovering District of Columbia history – and its consequential role in determining contemporary politics and policy.VISION IPPH, housed at the University of the District of Columbia, will encourage constructive, spirited dialogue about tough issues of the day; illuminating these conversations with insights from our city and our nation’s history. The Institute of Politics Policy and History, housed at the University of the District of Columbia, one of the country's oldest HBCUs, will encourage constructive, spirited dialogue around the issues of the day – illuminating these conversations with insights from our city and nation’s history.

Pratt is divorced, has two children, Aimee A. Dixon and Drew Willliams, and is also a grandmother.

Pratt was interviewed by The HistoryMakers on July 26, 2007.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: PhD., researcher, Professor of Research
Guest Biography:

William F. Bengston is a professor of statistics and research methods, and the President of the Society for Scientific Exploration, an international group of scientists and researchers who study anomalies.  Dr. Bengston has been researching anomalous healing for over thirty five years, and has numerous publications in scientific journals.  He has also lectured widely in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

His memoir, The Energy Cure, is published by Sounds True.  Bill’s research has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in mice by energy healing techniques that he helped to develop.  He has also investigated assorted correlates to healing such as EEG and fMRI entrainment, and geomagnetic micropulsation anomalies in healing space.  His current research focuses on the attempt to record and store healing in both biological and physical systems, and to be able to reproduce the healing effect without the healer.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Personal Trainer Author Dancer Visionary
Guest Biography:

Batista Gremaud is the co-founder of the International Institute of Body Design, helping busy women over 40, look and feel 15 years younger, by eliminating aches and pains  with Dr Fitness USA's proprietary  system, guaranteed.

Certified also in personal training, Batista's expertise in strength training includes structural realignment of the spine and injury prevention.

Batista is a No1 Best Selling author and co-creator of the Feminine Body Design prescription strength training system.

Featured guest as an expert authority speaker on the International Pain Foundation, she has appeared as a celebrity guest speaker on numerous radio shows; Batista regularly writes for addiction recovery magazines and online health platforms.

A former international performer in ballet and Spanish dance Batista Gremaud is a visionary, also certified in hands on healing, intuitive readings and energy clearing, Batista Gremaud ‘s long time passions in dance, quantum physique and metaphysical science inspires her to help busy women over forty to achieve greater integration of body, mind and spirit through the practice of strengthening the body and the mind with the Body Design Formula prescription strength training coaching system.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition
Guest Occupation: Author, astrologer, cosmologist, ceremonial teacher, researcher
Guest Biography:

Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally acclaimed ceremonial teacher, astrologer, cosmologist, author, and Mayan Calendar researcher.  Her numerous books include The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind and The Mayan Code.  Her recent two books are part of a trilogy:  Revelations of the Ruby Crystal, and its sequel, Revelations of the Aquarian Age,  

Revelations of the Aquarian Age is the second of three works of fiction in the "contemporary spiritual and erotic thriller genre" by this bestselling author.  The quasi-fictional narratives reveal church revelations and esoteric teachings on Jesus and Mary Magdalene, holy relics, sacred sexuality and art. This is a very well-researched book which received early praise from Nicki Scully, Tricia McCannon, Graham Philips, Andrew Collins and others. 

“Barbara Hand Clow opens the door to understanding the importance of the Divine Feminine to heal our world and why the wisdom once taught by Jesus and Mary Magdalene, which was repressed by the Church for over 2000 years, is so crucial to the time we are living in now.” Tricia McCannon, author of Return of the Divine Sophia.

Barbara has taught at sacred sites throughout the world

Guest Category: Literature, Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Animal & Plant Communications, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Turkish-American author and a Hollywood film and television actor
Guest Biography:

Behcet Kaya is a Turkish-American author and a Hollywood film and television actor known by the stage name Ben Kaya.

As a published author, Behcet Kaya has written four literary fiction novels, 'Voice of Conscience', 'Murder on the Naval Base', 'Road to Siran: Erin's Story and Treacherous Estate'.  Kaya is currently completing his fifth novel, 'Body in the Woods'.

Born in Evren-Siran, Turkey, Kaya enjoyed a traditional Turkish upbringing in a small village, where he read Turkish translations of books by Mike Hammer, Dale Carnegie and Yashar Kemal while dreaming of a western life in Europe and America.

Behcet Kaya left home at age 14 for Istanbul, Turkey and continued to London, England, where the young student earned scholarships from the Inner London Education Authority.  While in the UK studying the literary works of Dickens, D.H. Laurence and the Russian masters, Kaya was cast in a play and performed as a thespian for the first time on a London stage to rave press reviews, which opened a new avenue for the ambitious young Turk.

Behcet Kaya made his first visit to the United States as an exchange student with the British Universities North American Club while completing his Mechanical Engineering degree.  He permanently relocated to America in the 1970s, becoming a U.S. citizen in the 1980s.

While living in Atlanta, Georgia, actor Ben Kaya attended the Alliance Theatre School and the Screen Actors Guild Conservatory of Georgia. Upon earning his SAG-AFTRA card, Kaya moved with his wife to Los Angeles, California for an engineering career and to expand his acting opportunities.

Ben Kaya has appeared in numerous stage productions, television commercials and TV programs including "In the Heat of the Night," "Kids Like These," "Mayflower Madam" and "The Practice.” In September 2018 will be starring in TV series Council Cell

As a Hollywood movie actor, Ben Kaya has enjoyed acting roles in films such as David, Magician and the Crook, He Bop, The Chase, Fast Food and Being American, a 2014 film in which Kaya played the Turkish Minister of Defense alongside film star Lorenzo Lamas.

Known in entertainment circles as "The Hollywood Turk," actor and author Behcet "Ben" Kaya is currently completing his latest novel while studying International Relations and Political Science -- and, of course, acting throughout Southern California.

An award-winning novelist, Behcet Kaya made his four published books available for Hollywood film adaptation in 2015.  He can be contacted in Los Angeles by EMAIL.

In May of 2017 Kaya graduated from California state university channel island majoring in Political science.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Society and Culture, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Lori Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Visionary, Lightworker
Guest Biography:

Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Ascension Guide,

Multi-Dimensional Channel, Intuitive, Healer, Animal Communicator, Visionary,

Lightworker, and Starseed, who radically transformed her life after a series of near

death experiences while living in Maui.

Lori has over 20 years of experience serving humans and animals around the world

and is an internationally recognized speaker, best selling author and teacher who

provides seminars and workshops for awakening Lightworkers and spiritually minded

animal lovers about how we can improve our lives by learning from animals.

Lori also provides Sacred Energy Activations, Sacred Key Code and DNA

Activations, Healing Transmissions, Sacred Key Code Activations and Dormant DNA

Upgrades for people and animals.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, News, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Ganz Ferrance is a Speaker, Author and Registered Psychologist.

For over twenty-five years, Dr. Ganz has been helping individuals, couples, families, and corporations reduce their stress, improve their relationships, and enjoy more success.

Dr. Ganz presents his information in a straightforward, down-to- earth, no-nonsense way and does not present anything that he has not personally put his blood, sweat, and tears into. This approach has made him sought-after in media and as a public speaker. He has been interviewed on Good Morning Canada, and in Psychology Today, Ebony magazines as well as many other radio, TV shows and publications.


Guest Category: Relationship Counseling, Mental Health, Personal Development
Guest Occupation: Activists for sensible gun laws
Guest Biography:


We are a group of citizens from DC, MD, and VA who have been demonstrating for sensible gun laws since the Aurora Colorado Theater shooting in July 2012.  On July 27th, 2017 it was exactly five years of Mondays that we have been in front of the White House from 11am-1pm with our signs, banners, and other materials talking to people  from all over the country and from all over the world. We speak with people one on one about the importance of having common sense gun regulations. We are not an "organization," we are an ordinary group of concerned citizens seeking to make change in our culture of violence.

Specifically we are calling on the President and Congress to:

*Recognize This Is A Public Health Emergency

*Require Universal Background Checks

*Oppose Concealed Carry Reciprocity of Guns Among States

*Oppose Deregulation on Sales of Gun Silencers

*Ban Sale of Bump Stocks

*Ban High Capacity Magazines and Military Style Assault Weapons

*Recognize Domestic Violence Directly Relates to Weak Gun Laws

*Oppose Repealing Gun Free School Zones

*Close The Terrorist Gun Loophole "no fly, no buy" 

*Require Gun Safety Training

*Mandate Gun Insurance for Gun Owners

*Provide Research Funds Into Causes and Solutions to Gun Violence

We have spoken to NRA members and have found places in our dialogue for common ground. With others, we have needed to respectfully agree to disagree. Most of the people who stop and chat with us agree with many of our ideas and support us. We encourage all US citizens we meet to email/write, visit or call their Senators or Congressional representatives, the President, Governors, and participate in national and grassroots activities. We remain hopeful and optimistic. It is what brings us back week after week. In many instances we have measurably changed people’s minds on this issue.

Various professional organizations have joined in our demonstrations --The Brady Campaign, Protest Easy Guns, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Newtown Action Alliance as well as victims and relatives of victims. Our numbers vary weekly.  Along the way, we have attended Judiciary Committee Hearings, worked to organize The January 2013 March on Washington for Gun Control, participated in Congressional Action Days organized by Moms Demand Gun Sense/Everytown for Gun Sense and most recently assisted with the "lie-in" of teens in front of the White House after the Parkland high school mass shooting. We have received both domestic and international press coverage calling attention to this issue.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: medium, tarot card reader, spirit artist, astrologer, teacher, and writer
Guest Biography:

Michael Schlotterbeck is a medium, tarot card reader, spirit artist, astrologer, teacher, and writer based in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He is a certified medium through the Indiana Association of Spiritualists at Camp Chesterfield and is currently working towards his Associate Minister certification.  Michael has spent most of his adult life as a spiritual seeker studying various topics including comparative religion, contemporary spirituality, and mysticism.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Ghosts, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Tarot & Other Cards, Astrology
Guest Occupation: Sales Expert, Business Sales How To, Author
Guest Biography:

Hi, I’m Chris Spurvey

​I believe that feeling good about sales is the foundation for success in business. I turn business owners and new sales professionals into confident and effective sellers.

I am the author of the best-selling business book It’s Time to Sell: Cultivating the Sales Mind-Set. My work has been featured by many major media outlets, such as Forbes, Inc., LinkedIn and The Good Men Project.

I am the creator of the Entrepreneur Personalized Sales Plan. It is in use by thousands of Business Owners and Sales Professionals around the world. It will help you grow a thriving book of business.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Courses & Training, Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Motivational, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: AFSC Program Coordinator Indiana Peacebuilding Program
Guest Biography:
Indiana Peace Building Program Coordinator
Areas of Expertise: 
Peace Building | Federal Budget | Arts and Social Change

Erin Polley is the Program Coordinator for the Indiana Peacebuilding Program. She has been involved with AFSC’s work to address war and militarism since 2003, when she started with the organization as a volunteer. She has worked on such projects as the widely acclaimed "Eyes Wide Open" exhibit, "Windows and Mirrors: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan" and has done local organizing work in Chicago and Indianapolis.

In her capacity as program coordinator, she works with students, activists and people of faith in Indiana, challenging militarism and violence in the U.S. and Israel-Palestine. She also coordinated the “If I had a Trillion Dollars” Youth Film Festival.

Erin has appeared in numerous media outlets, including the Indianapolis Star, Nuvo, Public News Service, and the Indianapolis Recorder.     

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service.

AFSC’s Indiana Peacebuilding Program works throughout the state to promote peaceful alternatives to war and educate people about the human and economic costs of war. The program coordinates AFSC’s national If I Had a Trillion Dollars youth film festival and, in coalition with a statewide network of activists, tours peace exhibits across Indiana.

The program works with veterans, faith communities, labor groups, and community advocates for women’s rights, fair wages, food security, and education and immigration reform.


The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action. Drawing on continuing spiritual insights and working with people of many backgrounds, we nurture the seeds of change and respect for human life that transform social relations and systems.


AFSC envisions a world in which lasting peace with justice is achieved through active nonviolence and the transforming power of love. We work toward a world in which:

  • All persons affirm the common good and recognize our mutual interdependence
  • Societies steward resources equitably
  • Caring, respectful economic development, including work with dignity, promotes wellbeing for all 
  • Communities and societies fractured by exclusion and marginalization are healed and transformed, embracing inclusion and equality
  • Conflicts are resolved through restorative means and without force or coercion
  • Governments and societal institutions are fair and accountable


AFSC values are grounded in Quaker experience and universal truths that are upheld by many faiths and that honor the light of the divine in each person.

  • We cherish the belief that there is that of God in each person, leading us to respect the worth, dignity, and equality of all.
  • We regard no person as our enemy. While we often oppose specific actions and abuses of power, we seek to call forth the goodness and truth in each individual. 
  • We strive for integrity, simplicity, and practicality in our expressions and actions.
  • We assert the transforming power of love and active nonviolence, as a challenge to injustice and violence and as a force for reconciliation.
  • We work in partnership with people in communities around the world, respecting their wisdom about how to change their circumstances and offering our own insights with humility.
  • We trust the power of the Spirit to guide the individual and collective search for truth and practical action.
  • We accept our understandings of truth as incomplete and have faith that new perceptions of truth will continue to be revealed. 
Guest Category: Education, History, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Social Activist
Guest Biography:

Umaymah Mohammad is a senior at IUPUI double majoring in Neuroscience and Political Science. She is an organizer and focuses on countering Islamophobia and the liberation of Palestine, among other anti-racist work. She is a co-founder of the Muslim Youth Collective, an organization that trains young Muslims to be leaders in the resistance against Islamophobia, racism, and all forms of oppression.


Being Muslim in today's political climate is getting more difficult everyday, and countering Islamophobia is a movement that must be led by and informed by Muslims.

 This training is the initial launch of an Indianapolis coalition of Muslim youth to begin strategic organizing around unwarranted surveillance and targeting of the Muslim community.

This training will help to:

-Develop an analysis of Islamophobia and how it affects our community

-Unpack the dominant myths and narratives about Muslims

-Move from looking at Islamophobia as individual acts toward an analysis of state violence and systems of oppression

-Unpacking internalized Islamophobia

-Brainstorm ways to counter Islamophobia as a Muslim community in Indianapolis

Guest Category: Education, News, Politics & Government, Religion, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: LCSW, psychotherapist
Guest Biography:

Bree Bonchay is licensed psychotherapist with almost two decades of experience working in the field of mental health and trauma recovery.

She specializes in helping people recover from toxic relationships, and shares her insights about Narcissistic Personality Disorder and psychopathy in her blog FreeFromToxic. Her articles have been featured in major online magazines, she is the founder World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day, (WNAAD), which is celebrated every 1st of June, and she is on the Board of Directors for The Association for NPD/Psychopathy Educators & Survivor Treatment.

Guest Category: Psychology, Mental Health