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Guest Name
Candia L Sanders
Candia L. Sanders
Guest Occupation
international medical intuitive, high-frequency energy healer, motivator, speaker, the ultimate optimist and outdoor enthusiast
Guest Biography

Candia Sanders is an international medical intuitive, high-frequency energy healer, motivator, speaker, the ultimate optimist and outdoor enthusiast. She has helped thousands of people ease their medical issues, navigate important relationships and find their soul’s purpose and life direction. She also works with lost and sick animals around the world. Candia is the author of the transcendent book, “Soul Rays: Discover the Vibratory Frequency of Your Soul,” which explores the choices we make before entry into the physical world and how they guide our lifetime paths.

She has written a lively magical and spiritual children’s adventure called “The Adventures of Jack Starr, In Hawaii.” “When Eagles Soar: From Diagnosis to Death to Open Dialogue” is her uplifting story through cancer and beyond with her husband who died in 2016. The book’s goal is to offer up suggestions, tips and tools to cultivate inner strength, emotional stamina and resolve for turning high stress and crisis into self empowerment. Psychic since early childhood, her greatest passion is the awakening of global consciousness.

Personal successes and failures:

As a healer who’s been validated thousands of times by the medical establishment as well as enabling others to really find their path to wellness whether they be people or animals,  it was difficult to embrace and finally commit to allowing my husband to take his own healing journey that eventually ended with his death. When I realized it wasn’t my story or my job to take on his healing or to combat his desire to expedite his demise, when I literally let go and allowed the process to unfold the way he wanted it to be, it freed me to be in the moment and discover the beauty in the process, the gold in the dust. Not an easy lesson.
