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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author, Senior Director of Communications & Content at National Alliance of Youth Sports
Guest Biography:

I am the author of 10 books, including Secrets of Successful Coaching, in which I spoke with 50 highly respected professional and collegiate coaches that included Joe Maddon, Karch Kiraly, John Harbaugh, Jenny Boucek, Charlotte Smith and Danny Manning. I oversee the National Alliance for Youth Sports' SportingKid Live website - - which features free content that is updated daily. I interview top coaches of all sports to gain their insights on all aspects of working with young athletes. I also speak with current and former athletes who share their journeys through sports and how they handled the highs and lows of competing; and I interview leading experts in sports psychology, performance, mental conditioning, nutrition, strength training, injury prevention, safety and other fields related to youth sports to get their insights on these important areas. All stories I write are shared on our SportingKid Live site as well as through all the NAYS social media platforms and in our weekly and monthly e-newsletters that reach more than 120,000 volunteer coaches, parents and youth sports administrators nationwide, and on U.S. military bases worldwide.

Since 1981 the National Alliance for Youth Sports has been a leading advocate for positive and safe sports for children. NAYS works with more than 3,000 communities nationwide, and with U.S. military bases worldwide, providing a variety of programs and resources for volunteer coaches, parents, youth sports administrators and young athletes. Better sports for kids...better kids for life!

Books I have written include:

Coaching Volleyball For Dummies

Coaching Lacrosse For Dummies

Coaching Basketball For Dummies

Coaching Baseball For Dummies

Coaching Soccer For Dummies

Coaching Football For Dummies

A Parent's Guide to Baseball and Softball

Your First Coaching Book

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Independent Business Associate with WCP Solar Renewable Energy & Social Media Specialist.
Guest Biography:
I was born in Lexington, Virginia where my Dad was finishing up his senior year at Washington & Lee University. I grew up in Woodstown, New Jersey where both of my parents were originally from. After graduating from Woodstown High School, I went to and graduated from Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN.  After my college graduation, I moved to Chicago where I began my business sales career.
I have been in business sales for over 30 + years in Companies beginning with Dictaphone/Pitney Bowes to AT&T/Lucent Technologies/Avaya .  I have been blessed to work with many business professionals during my sales career and have learned that trusted relationships are key.
In addition to my professional life, I have participated in many special causes like The Ron Santo Walk for the Cure of Diabetes, St. Baldrick's Brave the Shave for Children's Brain Cancer, Autism Speaks Walk, and the Chicago Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Chicago.
I'm currently an Independent Sales Consultant with WCP Solar in Naperville, IL.  I work with a team of professionals that provide full service Solar Systems for Commercial and Residential Customers.  Clean Green Mother Earth with Renewable Solar Energy is the change we need to make happen.
My wife and I live in Naperville, IL. I am married to a Fighting Illini Grad and  Die Hard Cubs fan.  Our daughter is a University of Alabama Roll Tide Alum.   Her husband is a Clemson Fan. As you can see,  every day is an exciting new experience. 
Guest Category: Business, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcast shows including Fit 2 Love and Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author
Guest Biography:

What if you could find spirit, purpose and energy in your life? My guest is JJ Flizanes who is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcast shows including Fit 2 Love and Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life, and author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core. She was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine. JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, Elegant Bride, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox 11, the CW and KTLA. Her newest book, The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame debuted at #2 on the Amazon Best Seller List for Women’s Health.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Democratic 2020 Presidential Candidate
Guest Biography:

Former 3-star Admiral Joe Sestak is an experienced, independent leader who served in the Navy for 31 years and then as the highest ranking military officer ever elected to Congress when he represented Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District.

When Joe Sestak’s daughter, Alex, was very young, she drew two red shoes and wrote above them, “Joe Sestak is Walking in Your Shoes.” Joe hung Alex’s drawing on his office wall to remind him of what service means: to walk in someone else’s shoes and see the world through another’s eyes.

Joe has walked in many different shoes in his life: as a father and a husband, as an officer and then an Admiral in the U.S. Navy, as a Congressman from Pennsylvania, and as he walked 422 miles across the state to speak with Americans during his Senate campaign.

It was the experience of Alex’s battle and defeat of brain cancer as a four year old child that moved her Dad to serve his country in Congress after 31 years of naval service. With her courage and the care she received from Joe’s military healthcare coverage, Alex beat that demon and Joe dedicated himself toward everyone having access to the same quality of healthcare. After resigning from the Navy and Alex’s recovery, he ran and won in a Republican District under the slogan, “National security begins at home, in health security.”

Joe Sestak is an experienced, independent leader who rose to the rank of 3-star Admiral.  He was the highest ranking military officer ever elected to Congress when he represented Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District from 2007-2011. He commanded an aircraft carrier battle group that conducted combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq with 30 U.S. and allied ships and more than 15,000 sailors and 100 aircraft.  Joe served as President Clinton’s Director for Defense Policy on the National Security Council in the White House, the first Director of the Navy’s strategic anti-terrorism unit (Deep Blue) after 9/11, and the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Requirements responsible for the Navy’s five year $350 billion warfare requirements. As Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, he proposed a controversial reduction in ship-levels from 375 to 260 ships that proved unnerving to the military-industrial-congressional complex, advocating for a greater future capability by harnessing cyberspace, at less cost.

In addition to leading a series of operational commands at sea, Joe received a PhD in Political Economy and Government, and a Masters in Public Administration, from Harvard University.  But he is most proud of being dad to Alex and the husband of Susan, whom he somehow convinced to marry him, as she has also taught him much. This includes from work in international environmental issues, from Kazakhstan to Mozambique; Russian relations, even into Soviet Union archives as U.S. teams still search for clues to our missing POW/MIAs, and on suicide prevention for the Veterans Administration and the Defense Department.

Born and raised in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where he attended Cardinal O’Hara High school prior to graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, in 2006 Joe defeated a ten-term Republican incumbent in his nearly 2:1 Republican home District to become the second Democrat congressman since the Civil War. As a member of both the Armed Services and Education & Labor Committees, and as Vice Chairman of the Small Business Committee, Joe had 19 pieces of bi-partisan legislation passed in the House during his first term, and was named the most productive member of his Congressional class by the Majority Leader’s Office in 2007. He was also recognized for serving four times the constituent cases than the average Congressional office, while hosting an average of 15 large summit gatherings in his district each year on key issues. As a result, his Republican District re-elected Joe by 20 points without his having to air a single campaign ad.

Joe ran for U.S. Senate in 2010, despite the opposition of the Democratic party’s Washington establishment. He disagreed that Republican Senator Arlen Specter should become the party’s nominee in order to avoid defeat in the Republican primary after his 30 years of damaging votes, particularly his humiliation of Ms. Anita Hill when she testified about her sexual harassment by now-Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Joe believed Pennsylvanians deserved a leader who would always be accountable to the principle of people first, ahead of self, party or special interest. Against the odds, he overcame a 40 point deficit to win the Democratic primary over the 30-year incumbent. The general election was decided by only two points in the Tea Party year where the party lost the Pennsylvania governor’s race and five Congressional seats by an average of 11 points – all despite being outspent more than any other Senate or Governor’s race (except one) in America that year.  Afterwards, Joe went to each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties to thank his supporters, including countless African-American churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship that welcomed him.

In Joe’s second Senate race, Joe launched his campaign by walking 422 miles across Pennsylvania, from the border with New Jersey to that with Ohio, stating that “we are in a fight for the soul of America” at the kickoff and throughout the remainder of the election. He held a town hall each day in small towns and cities, and then went to each of the remaining 67 counties. Simultaneously, he published his vision in a policy-based book, “Walking in Your Shoes to Restore the American Dream.”

However, the Democratic Senate leadership directed Joe to “stop walking and just fundraise.”  When Joe demurred, the Democratic leadership sought a primary opponent, funneling over $6 million into false opposition ads that the Washington Post assigned its highest rating of falsity, to win the primary, but losing the general election.

In Congress, Joe championed fiscally accountable “pay-as-you-go” legislation to help ensure its passage.  He advanced educational legislation, from pre-K through retraining; seniors’ quality of life – including authoring and passing the first Elder Abuse Victims legislation in 17 years — and veterans’ educational and healthcare expansion.  He sponsored small business legislation for access to start-up capital, tax and regulatory relief, and workforce development, including initiating and passing legislation for a 35% increase in funding for Women’s Business Centers. He pursued healthcare issues ranging from pediatric cancer to mental health parity, as well as autism as he authored the first successful increase in funding for autism in 12 years. Chosen to serve on two bi-partisan national security Select Congressional Committees, he worked on refocusing our security force posture toward the Western Pacific and China, advocating a new emphasis on cyberspace warfare, and reprioritization of defense funding toward such newly emerging warfare capability areas, with a reformed accountable defense procurement system.  Joe also supported energy development legislation for renewables, with environmental safeguards and job creation, to address Climate Change.

After Congress, Joe taught courses on Ethical Leadership and on Restoring the American Dream at Cheyney University – the oldest historically black university in America – and Carnegie Mellon University, and was the General Omar N. Bradley Chair in Strategic Leadership, a joint faculty appointment at the United States Army War College, Dickinson College, and the Penn State University Dickinson School of Law and School of International Affairs.  

Admiral Sestak remained active in public service through the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; the Ploughshares Fund working on the reduction of nuclear weapons; the Lenfest Foundation focused on education in Philadelphia, pre-K through early childhood, and those who had or were about to drop out of high school; co-chair with former Republican governor Mark Schweiker of the Pennsylvania State Advisory Committee of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, focused on U.S. diplomacy and development; then-Secretary of State Clinton’s Advisory Committee on U.S. educational programs; and the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation, as well as issues regarding small businesses, energy and the environment.

Finally, Joe convened the youth of the world from nearly 160 nations at Constitution Hall in Washington DC for the inaugural robotics Olympics highlighting the need for global STEM education, as teams from the Congo to Iran, a Syrian refugee team and an all-girls Afghan Muslim team showed we have more in common in the world than we do differences.

Most importantly, having served with all Americans in the global canvas of the Navy, and served you as a Congressman, Joe knows that Americans have more in common than we do differences. Now, as President, Joe will need all of you to help answer the call for America’s leadership to restore a just world order so it serves us by raising our collective good, here at home – done by Joe’s gaining your trust that he will always remain accountable to you, alone.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Business lawyer
Guest Biography:
JP is a business lawyer who was recently appointed by the Attorney General to the Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee (JPAAC). JP McAvoy will be serving as a regional member in Ottawa, Canada.  Justices of the peace are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Attorney General. JP McAvoy has been appointed for a three year term.
JP McAvoy also practices corporate and commercial law at Conduct Law. He was called to the bar in Ontario in 2001, he received his LL.B from Queen’s University in 1999. He represents a diverse range of corporations throughout Canada, the United States, and Eastern Asia. JP also works with financial, insurance, and accounting advisers to provide tax, trust and estate planning advice to entrepreneurial clients and professionals.
Prior to commencing private practice, JP was a founding employee of Silicon Valley start-up Zip2, which was sold to Compaq and later merged with Alta Vista. He is a Contributing Writer for the New Economy Watch and a founding member of the Ottawa Junior Chamber of Commerce. He also serves as a Director or Officer on a number of organizations in Ottawa, Barrhaven and Winchester.
Guest Category: Business, Investing and Finance, Legal
Guest Occupation: President and founder of SALSArobics, Inc.
Guest Biography:

Esther Gutiérrez Sloan has been a prominent member of the fitness industry for 35 years.  In 1989, Esther created SALSArobics and in 2010 was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame in recognition of her pioneering efforts to introduce authentic Latin rhythms and dance steps into aerobic exercise in the United States.  Esther has been leading fitness walking classes at the Chicago Botanic Garden for the past 30 years.  More recently, in the past four years she has introduced Nature and Rhythm classes, which are a combination of SALSArobics and Fitness Walking.  As a protégé of former Mr. America and Mr. Universe Bob Gadja, Esther has incorporated his TOTAL BODY TRAINING in all her group exercise and personal training activities.  She has led workshops at events such as the Chicago International SALSA Congress for the past 22 years, as well as classes, exhibitions and presentations at fitness conventions, health clubs, schools, fundraising events, corporate events, and ethnic festivals, both nationally and internationally.  

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Fitness Pioneer, Consultant & Educator, inventor of Nautilus & MedX equipment
Guest Biography:

Bill Crawford has been a leader and visionary in fitness since 1977. In 2012, Bill was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame for his life’s work and was elected to chair the board from 2015 - 2017.In 2016& 2017,Bill represented the NFHOF in Washington D.C. at the Surgeon General's Call to Action for the "Step it Up" Program in collaboration with the American College of Sports Medicine, CDC, ACE, MFA, and others. This historic event featured Regina Benjamin, the 18th U.S. Surgeon General and Vivek Murthy, the 19thU.S. Surgeon General, along with leadership from Congress, the health care system, and the fitness industry. In 2019, I received the Arthur Jones Lifetime Achievement Award from the Resistance Exercise Conference.

Bill was certified for musculoskeletal evaluation and rehabilitation at the Exercise Science Center, University of Florida in Gainesville,Florida and was personally trained and endorsed by the late Arthur Jones, the inventor of Nautilus and MedX.In the 1970’s, Bill pioneered some of the first Nautilus clubs in the Los Angeles area implementing high intensity training principles and was one of the key players in the ignition of the fitness boom. Over the past 42 years, Bill has provided strength and fitness training for thousands, exercising muscles in isolation to muscle failure with equalized resistance through the full range of motion using a safe and effective protocol. You may have seen his national TV ads for the Resistance Chair, his features on CNN and Fox News, or read his stories and articles in countless publications. Bill is a recognized fitness columnist, consultant, lecturer, and educator.He worked with the U.S. Navy which led to the development of his Gym To Go programs featured in Men’s Fitness magazine. Bill has trained major sports teams, athletes, Hollywood celebrities and developed the careers of many fitness professionals.

Bill was born and raised in the Rocky Mountain town of Ouray, Colorado where being fit is incidental to the environment. He spent his youth competitive skiing, hiking and climbing fourteen thousand foot mountains. Bill has received numerous accolades as a longtime community leader in municipalities across the country investing valuable time serving in law enforcement, public safety, search and rescue, boards, committees, and volunteer organizations.

Bill has owned and developed fitness centers around the world. Since 1997, Basic Training Med X has been located in Scottsdale, Arizona and is owned and operated by Bill and his wife Debbie. Today,the Crawford’s clients enjoy their dedication to personal service, state-of-the-art Med X and Nautilus equipment and evidence-based weight resistance and cardiovascular exercise programs for strength, balance, mobility, weight loss, enhanced quality of life and good health. Their knowledge and motivational skills help clients attain their fitness goals by tailoring a program for everyone’s individual needs. People travel from around the world to train at their elite strength training and fitness center. There is no substitute for the decades of Bill’s practical experience and expertise. As a world-renowned strength trainer and fitness expert, Bill continues to passionately promote the benefits of weight resistance exercise and fitness worldwide.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: best selling author, international speaker, thought leader, spiritual leader
Guest Biography:

Sandra Biskind is a global thought leader, international speaker, spiritual mentor and #1 bestselling author.

She has a unique gift to identify and eradicate the unconscious programs that undermine success—instantly amplifying her client’s ability to live freely and thrive.

Sandra and her husband Daniel created a multi-global award-winning retreat in New Zealand, named the World’s Best Luxury Coastal Hotel in 2010.

Sandra Biskind offers a rare combination of business savvy, transformational leadership and soul enrichment. With her down-to-earth wisdom coupled with her multidimensional gifts, she creates profound sustainable shifts.

Sandra is committed to working with leaders who are passionate about attaining the next level of success and making a global impact.

“Known for solving unsolvable problems”, Jack Canfield said, “She is a profound healer, trainer, speaker and author who does some incredible transformational work. I’ve experienced her work and found it truly life changing — so much so I had her work with my entire staff with magical results. She has an amazing ability to shift energy and remove unconscious blocks on very deep levels.

Her unconditional love, joy and radiance fills the room. She is the real deal and I highly recommend her and her work.” — Jack Canfield.

Using her unprecedented laser-like techniques, Sandra takes the brakes off your unconscious, freeing you to accelerate into the thrilling experience of a life without limits.

Her latest book written with her husband Daniel is Codebreaker: Discover the Password to Unlock the Best Version of You. About the book they say:

Did you know you have unseen codes in your DNA that are controlling your life?

YES. The way you repel or attract relationships, the way you maintain or push away someone you love, how you feel about yourself, your motivation, your energy & zest for life and even the level of success you’ll allow yourself.

What if you could uncover these hidden codes that have been running your life and neutralize them once and for all?

You CAN!

Sandra and Daniel Biskind are International #1 Bestselling Authors, Speakers & Spiritual Teachers who for decades have been transforming the lives of Global award-winning business owners and spiritual leaders.

They are Jack Canfield’s energy shifters of choice and now YOU can experience the depth of their work that takes these codes locked in your DNA, trapped in programs within your neural pathways, and finally get yourself free – without having to pay thousands for one-on-one but instead, through experiencing their revolutionary book that shows you step by step what YOU can do to unlock the best version of YOU…right away.  There’s healing and high frequency energy even encoded within the book itself.

Their legacy work, CODEBREAKER: Discover The Password To Unlock The Best Version Of You reveals a system that helps explain the mind, body and soul connection.  As you read through and absorb the PLATINUM password you will experience deep and meaningful shifts and feel like the book is speaking directly to you.

Get yours NOW so you too can become a high frequency codebreaker and breakthrough your unconscious mind that has been running your life – to being free to have what you want.

Finally call in the love of your life, or shift your relationship or feel happy and alive, on fire with purpose once and for all.  Now with CODEBREAKER, YOU decide. YOU create (not your hidden programs running the show).

Here’s to living your ideal life NOW….

Law of Attraction masters and experts acknowledge that limiting beliefs routinely sabotage successful use of this universal law, continually frustrating the efforts of people to manifest their hearts’ desires.

Even after dozens of personal growth trainings and huge investments in coaching and therapy often unconscious beliefs persist in undermining people’s highest goals and aspirations.

These often show up as “unsolvable problems” — patterns that repeat and can’t seem to be thought leader, international speaker, best selling author

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Science
Guest Occupation: Digital Marketing Strategist
Guest Biography:

Catherine's start in school was dark and miserable. It wasn't until grade 4 that she was diagnosed with a learning disability; a severe form of dyslexia. She was entered into a Friday afternoon program for the next 2 years where she learned coping mechanisms and different learning styles. That sparked her seeing the world differently. While school was never a complimentary environment, she began to explore and use her natural strengths.

Today, Catherine Saykaly-Stevens is a digital marketing strategist with the Networking Web growing audiences increasing conversions for speakers, business owners, and authors.

She guides busy professionals who are frustrated and feel overwhelmed weeding through millions of online options that don't work, wasting precious time and effort. Catherine simplifies digital marketing with a five-step, customized, easy process that gets results. Catherine believes every person has a powerful message to deliver once they find their voice, visibility, and audience to connect with.

An active member of the Evolutionary Business Council with a combined reach of 400 Million, Catherine is also the Social Media Expert in Residence for the Canadian Authors Association and the digital marketing expert for the Canadian Authors Association. Listen for more about the resurgence of Twitter engagement, those with an old account or a new account can enjoy accelerated growth and build real relationships in a 30 Day Community Challenge.


Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Technology
Guest Occupation: Singer-Songwriter-Musician-Actor-Author
Guest Biography:

J O H N    F O R D   C O L E Y



and Special Guests

Ambrosia, Stephen Bishop, Player Lead Singer Peter Beckett, Walter Egan and Looking Glass 


There are songs you hear in your life that transport you to a certain time period or give you a special feeling.  You associate those good times to the group that made them famous.  Songs like “I’d Really Love To See You Tonight,” “Nights Are Forever Without You” and “Love Is The Answer” have that kind of effect on people. Those songs and numerous others have made John Ford Coley a singing legend. He has spent decades touring, writing, recording, and producing.

John is most revered as half of the Grammy nominated duo England Dan and John Ford Coley. He continues with an active roster performing the platinum and gold record hits for audiences around the world. Classically trained on piano and a n avid guitarist, John loves the craft and enjoys every audience he encounters.

Of late, John recorded a live album while he was on tour in the Philippines with many of the hits while also recording a CD entitled “The Best of John Ford Coley.” John’s most recent CD is entitled “Eclectic” and contains all new material for an acoustic/Americana album available now at amazon .com

 “I’d Really Love To See You Tonight” appeared in the film "Long Kiss Goodnight" with Geena Davis and Samuel L. Jackson and most recently his and England Dan Seals’ song “Simone” was featured in the new HBO Series “Vinyl” where two actors portray John and Dan in the studio singing the song.

Over the years John has shared the stage with many of the music industry’s famous hit makers.  Some of those include: Elton John, Heart, Fleetwood Mac, Chicago, Carole King, Bread, Loggins and Messina, Led Zeppelin, Carly Simon, Bill Cosby, Steve Miller Band, Randy Bachman, Jesse Colin Young, Air Supply, Ambrosia, Poco, Terry Sylvester (formerly of the Hollies), Orleans, Lou Gramm and Gordon Lightfoot, Dan Hill and Stephen Bishop, to name a few.

John’s television exposure crosses all demographic boundaries. He's hosted “The Midnight Special” and co-hosted “The Mike Douglas Show”.   He's appeared on “The Tonight Show”, “Merv Griffin”, “David Soul and Friends”, “Dinah”, “American  Bandstand”,  “Hollywood  Squares”  (A  Special  Rock  Edition),  “Make  Me  Laugh”,  “Don  Kirshner’s  Rock Concert”, “Prime Time Country”, and the “Trinity Broadcasting Network.”

Some of John’s Television and Movie Theme Songs written or performed include: “Just Tell Me You Love Me”, “Dr. Pepper", “Major League, Back To The Minors”, “James At 16”, “Joe Panther”, “The Spy Within”  “Cold Case” and “Maxwell House Coffee” with Paul Newman in Japan.

John’s experiences stem from a broad background, since he is very eclectic in his interests.  Although John performed throughout high school and college as a classical and rock pianist, he chose to major in English Literature in his university studies and is an avid student of history.

In between the extensive road duty, John lives in the Nashville area as well as the Charleston, SC area with his family, where he's penned a book on his years in the music industry entitled “Backstage Pass.”


Purchase the latest release from John Ford Coley entitled ‘Eclectic’ at

For more information about John Ford Coley visit …  or




This year’s illustrious crew — Ambrosia, Stephen Bishop, Player Lead Singer Peter Beckett, John Ford Coley, Walter Egan and Looking Glass — will be bringing a boatload of greatest hits on the summer trek which initially docks in such cities as Clearwater, Florida, Irving, Texas, Lake Charles, Louisiana and Biloxi, Mississippi beginning in July.

All aboard!



John Ford Coley @ FishStock

SUN, AUG 4 @ 7:00PM

FishStock, Fish Creek, WI


John Ford Coley @ Cape Cod Melody Tent

THU, AUG 15 @ 7:00PM

Cape Cod Melody Tent, Barnstable, MA


John Ford Coley @ South Shore Music Tent

FRI, AUG 16 @ 7:00PM

South Shore Music Tent, Cohasset, MA


John Ford Coley @ Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino

SAT, AUG 17 @ 7:00PM

Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino, Lake Charles, LA


John Ford Coley @ The Community Theatre at Mayo Center for the Performing Arts

TUE, AUG 20 @ 8:00PM

The Community Theatre at Mayo Center for the Performing Arts, Morristown, NJ


John Ford Coley @ Broward County PAC

WED, AUG 21 @ 7:00PM

Broward County PAC, Fort Lauderdale, FL


John Ford Coley @ IP Casino Resort and Spa

FRI, AUG 23 @ 8:00PM

IP Casino Resort and Spa, Biloxi, MS


John Ford Coley @ Music Box

SAT, AUG 24 @ 7:00PM

Music Box, Atlantic City, NJ


John Ford Coley @ Tilles Center’s Concert Hall

SAT, SEP 7 @ 8:00PM

Tilles Center’s Concert Hall, Brookville, NY

Tilles Center at LIU Post & Capital One Present: Yacht Rock @ Tilles Feat. Ambrosia, John Ford Coley, Peter Beckett, Robbie Dupree and Elliot Lurie


John Ford Coley @ Misquamicut Beach

FRI, SEP 13 @ 7:00PM

Misquamicut Beach, Westerly, RI


John Ford Coley @ TBA

THU, SEP 26 @ 7:00PM

TBA, Dayton, OH


John Ford Coley @ Wildwood Springs Lodge

SAT, OCT 12 @ 8:00PM W/Orleans

Wildwood Springs Lodge, Steelville, MO


John Ford Coley @ Circle Square Cultural Arts Center

SAT, NOV 2 @ 7:00PM

Circle Square Cultural Arts Center, Ocala, FL

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Motivational speaker, author, Everyday Peacemaker
Guest Biography:

Dr. Dravon James is the founder of Everyday Peace and the author of Freedom is Your Birthright. As a motivational speaker, Dravon’s goal is to educate, empower and inspire others to build the life of their dreams no matter what shows up in their lives- good, bad, or otherwise.

Her journey began in poverty on the South Side of Chicago. Though she had always dreamt of a career on the stage, Dravon went on to earn a doctorate in pharmacy from Creighton University and has worked as a pharmacist all of her adult life. Along with her medical career and theatrical aspirations, Dravon has also always had a keen interest in personal development. After reading Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking in college, she went on to make a lifelong study of the power we all have to create the life we want.

The insight she gained from her study has served her well during good times and bad. Her marriage hit the rocks, several of her pregnancies failed, her career took a tail spin for a time, and her health has been challenged, yet through it all she has continued to follow her dreams and now teaches others to do the same. Dravon is now the happy mother of two teenagers, a wife of 23 years, a successful pharmacist, motivational speaker, author, and an actress whose career credits include a recurring role on HBO’s acclaimed “The Wire”, many stage plays, and independent films. She continues to inspire and teach what she knows to be the most effective tool for transforming, creating and building a spectacular life—tapping into Everyday Peace.  Her client list includes the University of the District of Columbia, New Hope World Ministries, Today’s Care Adult Daycare, Stadium Place, and Next Chapter online radio.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Speaker, author, Founder of Breathflow Wellness, a transformational holistic health business
Guest Biography:

What if you could find meaning and purpose in your life? My guest is an award-winning speaker, bestselling contributing author, trainer, and life-balance coach. As a former monk of 10 years, R. Christian Minson is currently the Resident Director of the Breathwork Program at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. He’s the Founder of Breathflow Wellness, a transformational holistic health business, that helps others achieve greater spiritual and emotional intelligence by integrating trauma, releasing limiting habits, managing emotions, and teaching others to find meaning in their own lives and work. Christian delivers real-world tools that result in lower levels of stress, greater emotional awareness, and higher levels of fulfillment and performance. Christian shares his message and techniques through speaking engagements, 1-on-1 sessions, and public seminars. He has reached thousands of people across the globe, and has presented at conferences, universities, churches, retreat centers, and the Chopra Center. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Former Pro Paintball Champion & American Moda Associate & CBD Advocate
Guest Biography:
I played  professional paintball for 15 years; most of that was on a team  called Aftershock based out of Chicago land area.  Aftershock was one of the most dominating teams of its time winning more World Cups than all other teams combined.  The sport has progressed from the woods and 10 players per team, to a faster pace play with teams consisting of 5 players per side and played on open spectator friendly playing areas.  
Additionally I work for the largest manufacture/wholesaler of paintball equipment in the world called GI sports.  I've long sense stopped playing paintball and take up my spare time with Brazilian ju jitsu … however long term impact damage to my knees has led me to use cbd topical to reduct pain and inflammation.

Info on Paintball:

Paintball has been described as one of the most enjoyable adrenaline action games in the world! Players work together with their teammates to run, dive, creep, crawl and sneak towards and around opponents to tag them with paintballs and attempt to capture an opposing team's flag to win! Paintball, when payed with friends and family, is enjoyable, great exercise and ideal for church groups, corporate team-building, school outings or just plain having fun outside, off the couch and in the action!

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Songwriter, producer and performer
Guest Biography:


Liz Fohl is a songwriter, producer, and performer based in Los Angeles, CA. A multi-instrumentalist, Liz writes and produces music for a variety of clients, podcasts and independent artists (clients include: Comedy Central, The NFL, Sony BMG). Liz also tours internationally as a guest artist at dueling piano bars, averaging 125+ shows a year.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Internationally recognized as an architect educator
Guest Biography:


Michael Rotondi, FAIA, principal of RoTo Architects, is internationally recognized as an architect/educator. He has practiced and taught architecture for 35 years, and defines both as one activity. He has always been based in Los Angeles, co-founding two international practices, Morphosis (1975-1991) and RoTo Archinects (1991-present).

In 1972, he and 50 colleagues co-founded SCI-Arc under the direction of Ray Kappe. He started and was the first Director of Graduate Programs (1978-1987) and for ten years (1987-1997) served as the second director of SCI-Arc. He currently teaches as a Distinguished Faculty and is an Honorary Trustee.

RoTo Architects works range from contemplative, to cultural, to commercial. The works have received many awards and have been widely published. Rotondi has lectured and taught worldwide for many years. At SCI-Arc, he teaches thesis students, design studios and a lecture-seminar of creative imagination. After so many years of teaching, he believes he is in the 5th phase shifting his approach and delivery from that of a teacher to a mentor.

Guest Category: Design, Visual Arts, Education, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Guitarist, singer and songwriter
Guest Biography:


Jon Statham was raised on music.

One knew when they entered the Statham house, that this family treasured music. Whether it was dad playing guitar and singing country and folk songs from the 30’s and 40’s, to mom and the kids assigning vocal parts to an Irish ballad for church – there just always seemed to be music.

Jon has honed his singing, guitar playing and songwriting into a style that honors the classics, as well as offering a new voice that pushed music further.

After living in both New York and Nashville, playing and singing lots of styles of music, Jon has come to settle in Los Angeles to write the best songs anywhere.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Art curator
Guest Biography:


Anna Dusi was born in Milan (Italy). As an art curator she has been involved in the art world since 1996.

Since 2007 she was a Deputy Curator of Building Bridges Art Exchange in Los Angeles, a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating an understanding among cultures worldwide through international art exhibitions, artist exchange and residency programs.

Anna has curated numerous international exhibitions in USA, Europe and Mexico.

From 2015 she become an Independent curator collaborating with different Galleries, Organizations and Foundations between USA and Italy.

She currently lives and works in Los Angeles.

Guest Category: Design, Beauty, Visual Arts, Entertainment, History, Society and Culture, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Performance artist, dancer, art historian and art world professional
Guest Biography:


Elizabeth Yochim is a performance artist, dancer, art historian and art world professional. She has a degree in Italian Renaissance Art History from the University of Michigan and for ten years directed the international art exhibitions for a gallery based in Beverly Hills, California.

She is a movement educator and studied dance since childhood. Authentic movement and “no fourth wall theatre” is the basis of her artistic practice. She creates solo and group performative works internationally that collaborate with the environment—be it the city or the natural world.  From the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to the edge of the Vatican City in Rome, from Berlin to Paris, the Angelbird, an enchanting, mythical figure, Elizabeth has offered a unique public engagement experience that begins with a specific performance and culminates with the invitation to “remember your wings” and metaphorically take flight.

These works explore the nature of human connection and disconnection, engaging the observer as a participant in equal measure. They provoke the spectrum of internal states, creating pockets of intimacy within the public sphere, to feel the emotional ecosystem we inhabit alongside our patterned life. This ecosystem becomes its own performative space to facilitate spiritual and practical insights into the micro- and the macrocosm.

The performative works engage story, tales and myth to reflect on our own nature within the invitation to participate and contribute as a equal creator and artist. Extinction and rebirth are themes. Love stories requisite.  


The Angelbird is a mythical winged creature inspiring people to remember their dreams about flight and freedom. Through mesmerizing movement and spoken word, the Angelbird engages the audience in a tale compiled from her own migration, adding bits of science and symbolism from art history, ultimately encouraging the audience to engage the imagination and take flight. And they do. 

The experience is a highly entertaining, thought provoking, and deeply touching public performance ritual. Through the symbolism of taking flight, the Angelbird marries humankind’s mortality and divinity. The experience rekindles the imagination and catalyzes the power of the collective—to dream our highest hopes and aspirations into reality. 

As a public performance ritual, The Angelbird shows up on the streets from Los Angeles to Europe, from Croatia to Poland, from Germany to Italy, namely Berlin to Rome, distributing messages from a bird cage inviting people to remember their wings and to fly. 

The Angelbird was created by Elizabeth Yochim, a dancing art historian, who costumed as an all white-winged creature, performs amongst the piazzas and gardens, around museums and cathedrals, on trains and buses and within various congregations gently invading the spaces of our universal, communal psyche and infiltrating the pulse of the human spirit through the cadence of her artfully orchestrated wings. Asking the people that she meets, Do you remember your wings? & Will you fly with me?

Guest Category: Visual Arts, Entertainment, History, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Classically trained cellist
Guest Biography:


Classically trained cellist Ruti Machnai began her musical journey at the age of 8, exploring music at the highest establishments in Israel.

With an extensive orchestral & chamber music experience she moved to the US in 1997 to complete her degree in Cello Performance with Prof. Laurence Lesser at The New England conservatory of Music (Boston) after which she became a fellow cellist at The prestigious New World Symphony Orchestra in Miami (2000-2002).

Between the years 1997-2015 She participated in numerous acknowledged Summer programs such as The Tanglewood Music Festival, The Verbier Music Academy Festival, The Shleswig Holstein Music Festival and The New Direction Cello Festival.

In the past 13 years Ruti became involved in the fields of music production, developing a unique genre of songwriting- a cross between Classical, New Age/ Acid Jazz, Lounge, Trip hop & Dance music. Her productions eventually began including her own sultry vocals which led her to publish 2 solo albums- “Nocturnal Miniatures” and, “Its Just a Little Dream” (both published in 2015)- which she produced and performed on all instruments.

In 2014 Ruti established “Ruti Celli”, a brand expressing a meaningful connection with the cello as a songwriter, producer and performer.

In the summer of 2018 Ruti moved to LA. One her recent composition projects won an award for “The best soundtrack recording” at the Indie Music Channel Awards, 2019. The piece “Separate Journey” co-composed by Ruti will be placed on the soundtrack of the movie Raceland (2018).

Ruti is currently involved in 3 LA based collaborative projects:

1. Ferm & Celli- An improvisational duo with guitarist extraordinaire Fernando Perdomo. Together they improvise on some of the world’s finest platforms. In May 2017 Fern & Celli opened for Jazz Fusion Violinist Jean Luc Ponty at The Canyon Club in LA.  “Fern & Celli” also got to perform on “Cruise To The Edge 2019” as a Progressive rock act, after which they were voted on social media as “one the 5 best acts on the cruise that year”. They release their debut album “The Conversations” in February 2017.

2. “Into The Frequency”– A production project based on Ruti’s original material that expanded into a partnership with Keyboardist & songwriter Dave Schulz (Goo Dools/ Berlin) with whom Ruti plans to release & perform their entire new collection of songs. They have recently debuted their single “Handle All That” at the Viper Room in Hollywood.

3. Ruti will be touring this summer with International singer songwriter Caroline Waters (Norway/ LA) performing original material and improvisations all over Scandinavia, promoting both of their music.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Actor, comedian, and author
Guest Biography:

From Venice Beach to Venice, Italy…

He is Hard to Ignore and Impossible to Forget!

He is the multi-talented Michael Colyar, actor, comedian, and author. Michael is no stranger to work as he is still packing out shows in major cities night after night. His wit, charm and unique sense of style has been captivating audiences since the 80’s.

Michael consistently performed every weekend, 5 shows a day on Venice Beach and was rightfully dubbed the “King of Venice Beach” while performing 9 years straight.

His fans can’t get enough of him, “he’s real” “down to earth” “a giver”, they say. Michael’sphilanthropic legacy extends beyond his $100K win from Star Search of which he gave 50% to the homeless. Today Michael still finds the time to share laughter with those in need in shelters, rehabilitation centers, schools, and military bases.

Michael Colyar is best known for his starring roles in Blackish, House Party III, Norbit, The Princess & The Frog, and his role as Mr. Whitaker on the hit television series “Martin”.

He is currently performing his one man play called “Michael COLYAR’S Momma’s” and will be launching a 100 plus city tour that has caught the attention of major television, cable, and streaming networks.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Comedy, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Society and Culture, TV & Film