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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Writer, Freelancer, Author, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Diana Schneidman

formerly Diana Cohen Harris

I know firsthand the ups and downs of the work world. After age 40 I landed three corporate jobs, each paying better than the last. I also was terminated from three corporate jobs.

Each time I lost my job, I expanded my freelance writing practice, repairing my soul and earning ever higher rates. The rewards were tremendous. Income, yes, but even more important were the satisfied customers who value me much more highly than the employers who discharged me.

I had an advantage in finding assignments: desperation. Divorced, three children to support and no income in sight. It sure motivated me to overcome my fears by testing new techniques to find work and attempting new types of assignments.

First I met other freelancers. They said networking was responsible for most of their work so I gave it a try. I made small talk with executives in my industry (insurance) over expensive chicken breasts with canned gravy and sparse parsley flakes. This effort generated amazingly little work for so much effort and financial expense.

I needed to try something else. So I started telephoning insurance companies similar to the one I had worked for. (This was more than a decade ago when the Internet was less prominent.) I almost threw up as I made my first call, and it took an hour to wind down from the stress. But I continued to make calls.

In my early days I wasted hours trying to time my calls just perfectly. Before 8 a.m. when executives supposedly answer every call themselves? After 5 when their secretaries go home? And do they go to lunch at noon or 1? (I discovered these are not the right questions. Since everyone is different, it is more important to determine when phoning works for me than to calculate when my prospects will answer.)

Over time I learned what works as I received rewarding assignments at attractive rates. I’ve decided to help others conquer the pain of unemployment, underemployment, or simply not having enough paying work with techniques to land assignments quickly.

I also offer formal qualifications that help me understand where you are and support your journey:

  • Knowledge of marketing developed through years in corporate marketing communications and marketing research,
  • Successful writing for corporate marketing and for publication since 1992,
  • Work experience in all types of environments: corporate and government, family owned and Fortune 50, salaried and temp, in diverse industries,
  • Freelance writing and research experience galore,
  • Master’s degree in library science (Kent State University) and a B.S. in English and French education (Ohio State University), supplemented with credentials in insurance, financial products and resume writing.

Finding the right freelance and consulting assignments was the answer for me and it could be right for you too. So I wrote a book with everything you need to know to enjoy the many benefits of freelancing and consulting this month! I’ve made it affordable for the people who need it most by offering it to you as a book or ebook on Amazon. Click here for full details, including the table of contents, first chapter and much more free information.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Marketing, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Writer and Ex-Director of Studies At The US Army War College
Guest Biography:

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO’S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky’s teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad.

Alan Sabrosky says of himself:

“Having only one Jewish grandparent makes me pretty much an outsider, at least for the Orthodox, although guaranteed of an early ride to Bergen-Belsen had I lived ‘there and then.’ But an outside identity, Jewish or other, has never meant much at all to me. I’m an American, and ancestry is something I reserve for odd tastes in cuisine (I do love overstuffed dumplings) and the like. I find it both surprising (a little) and disturbing (a lot) when I look at the Middle East to realize that an awful lot of American Jews do not think of themselves as Americans who happen to be Jewish, but as Jews who happen to be living in America, and that as de facto unregistered agents of a foreign government they have caused enormous damage to America at home and abroad, and brought an enormous amount of death and suffering to a lot of people across the region who simply happened to be in Israel’s way.”

US targets Syria infrastructure rather than militants: Sabrosky by Dr. Alan Sabrosky

(Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a 1986 graduate of the US Army War College.)

Alan Sabrosky  made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on Washington-led coalition airstrikes in Syria that began last week. 

“As far as I can tell, this is simply an attempt by the Administration to do what it could not do a year ago.”

“What I can see happening is that the targets they’re selecting are those that have, in many cases, no military value at all to ISIS or any other rebel group but really are intended to break whatever infrastructure the Syrian government will have when the fighting is over, such as: the Conoco oil refinery and the grain elevator” Sabrosky said.

Washington intends to inflict “such damage to the economic and industrial infrastructure within Syria that any Syrian government after the fighting will be so weakened that it will be vulnerable to further attacks.”

Sabrosky, also noted that it is important for the international community to understand that “War has become a normal part of the American political, public and social environment here.”

“There is almost no public or congressional questioning, much less public opposition to the attacks now taking place in Iraq and Syria.”

“War has become a normal part of discourse in the US, as the country is now entering its 14th year of continuous warfare.”

“That is extremely dangerous for a lot of other countries,” he stated.

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview

Dr. Alan Sabrosky: Denied Infamy: The Israeli Attack on the USS LIBERTY

by Dr. Alan Sabrosky

Americans respond badly to treachery. This may explain why they went into WWII against Nazi Germany with determination but against Imperial Japan with rage, even though Hitler was decidedly the more vicious enemy. The reason lay in Japan’s surprise attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, described by then-President Roosevelt as “a date which will live in infamy.”

The Attack

Less catastrophic but more treacherous and deserving of infamy was the deliberate Israeli air and naval attack upon the USS Liberty, a clearly marked naval intelligence ship, on June 8, 1967. After several hours of aerial surveillance, unmarked aircraft attacked the USS Liberty with gunfire, rockets and napalm. This was followed by an attack by three motor torpedo boats, firing torpedoes and then machine-gunning the ship, its crew and their lifeboats. The ship managed to get out a call for help under extraordinary circumstances, but was nearly sunk, and more than 200 American sailors and Marines were killed or wounded. Israel claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, and the US Government accepted that explanation.

Both lied, and Israel’s lies become evident when one examines the profiles of the USS Liberty and the Egyptian ship the Israelis supposedly thought they were attacking, plus a photo of the USS Liberty itself. Misidentification in a December gale in the North Atlantic might have been possible. On a June day in the Eastern Mediterranean, never, at least by any pilot with the visual acuity to take off and land his aircraft:

Remember that in 1967, Israel’s fighters and motor torpedo boats had to get close to use their on-board weapons against a target. Anyone seeing the radars and electronic arrays on the USS Liberty knew this was not some Egyptian tramp steamer. Finally, there is the USN designation “GTR5” on both sides of the bow & the stern, with the number larger than the letters — anyone approaching the ship close enough to attack cannot miss that designation, and know that this was a US Navy ship.

Why the Attack

But the Israelis attacked anyway, and tried very hard to sink the ship without any survivors while concealing their own identity. They were aided and abetted by US President Lyndon Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, who personally recalled separate flights of fighters launched from the 6th Fleet’s aircraft carriers USS Saratoga and USS America, fighters whose arrival over the USS Liberty would have saved most American lives and cost the Israelis a number of aircraft and motor torpedo boats.

What Johnson and McNamara did is appalling. As a Marine who served in Vietnam, I have always despised them for their arrogance and incompetence. After understanding their role in the USS Liberty tragedy, I now despise them twice over for their cowardice and their dereliction of duty, and for giving precedence to a domestic Jewish lobby and their own political interests over the lives of Americans in uniform. At the very least, both were indictable accessories after the fact in the murder at sea of 34 Americans and a breach of international law, in open violation of their own oaths of office.

So why did the Israelis do it? One possibility is that for them, it was simply business as usual. Israel has a long history of attacking anything in its path – a civilian airliner, UN posts and officials, refugee camps, hospitals, the lot — and then denying culpability, so the question is not “why,” but “why not?” Another was to dispose of inconvenient witnesses to the murder of Egyptian prisoners and civilians at El Arish. A third was to cloak their strategy of involving Jordan so as to take East Jerusalem & the West Bank. And a fourth was to show other Arab countries that they had such influence in the US that they could do it and get away with it, and perhaps involve the US militarily on their side.

Fixing Things

Any of these would have sufficed. What is important to note is that the Israelis had no qualms about deliberately killing Americans and concealing their own identity, doubtless hoping to bring the US in on their side openly attacking Egypt — they won handily anyway, but they could not be certain of doing so at the beginning of the war. It is something to keep in mind as a possible precedent when we look later at the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 and made the US an active belligerent intent on destroying Israel’s enemies.

The tale of the USS Liberty needs to reach the American people. It needs to reach them in a medium that will convey the calculated nature of the attack and the outrage it should evoke. And it should conclude with the statements of so many people in positions of authority at the time who said categorically that the attack was deliberate, and of survivors who lost shipmates there and likewise are convinced that the attack was deliberate and that their own government abandoned them at the time of the attack, and betrayed them afterwards.

Few events are so calculated to enrage Americans as the image of a US ship being deliberately attacked and Americans being killed and wounded by a supposed ally, for its own local purposes. That this “ally’s” influence in the US government was so great that a US president ordered back fighters whose arrival would have prevented most of the 200 casualties on the Liberty from occurring would compound that outrage. And that this influence allowed Israel both to evade retribution at the time and to conceal knowledge of what happened from the American people, would add insult to compound outrage.

This is the factually accurate message Americans need to see and hear, and it is a message that could impact sharply on what members of Congress — whose jobs depend on votes even more than they do on Jewish money — would be prepared to do to or for Israel. It could also give President Obama political room for diplomatic maneuver IF he seriously would like to reorient the way the US does its business in the Middle East.

AIPAC, its cohorts and the hasbara crowd will howl. There will be the usual flurry of fabrications, denials, falsehoods, fear-mongering, character assassination and disinformation that is their specialty. But at the end of the day, more and more Americans will see graphic portrayals of an American ship attacked — and especially of uniformed Americans killed and wounded — by a foreign country named Israel, whose domestic clout within the United States in 1967 allowed them to do it with impunity, and whose extended clout since that time has already produced one American tragedy (9/11), taken the US into two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) and is pointing the US towards two more wars (Iran and Syria). And there is a good chance that a growing number of Americans will say, “Enough! Never again….” and make things happen. Let us begin.

Guest Category: Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Former Canadian Minister of Defence - Canadian Politician, Journalist, Political Commentator, Author, Senior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister
Guest Biography:

PAUL HELLYER is one of Canada’s best known and most controversial politicians. First elected in 1949, he was the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent’s government eight years later. He subsequently held senior posts in the governments of Lester B. Pearson and Pierre E. Trudeau, who defeated him for the Liberal Party leadership in 1968. The following year, after achieving the rank of senior minister, which was later designated Deputy Prime Minister, Hellyer resigned from the Trudeau cabinet on a question of principle related to housing.

Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and Urban Development, he has maintained a life-long interest in macroeconomics. Through the years, as a journalist and political commentator, he has continued to fight for economic reforms and has written several books on the subject.

A man of many interests, Hellyer’s ideas are not classroom abstractions. He was born and raised on a farm and his business experience includes manufacturing, retailing, construction, land development, tourism and publishing. He has also been active in community affairs including the arts and studied voice at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. His multi-faceted career, in addition to a near-lifetime in politics, gives Hellyer a rare perspective on what has gone wrong with world economies.

In recent years he has become interested in the extraterrestrial presence and their superior technology that we have been emulating. In September 2005 he became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally “UFO’s are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.”

ABOUT Light At The End Of The Tunnel by Paul Hellyer

This book reflects the mature judgment of an author with broad experience in and out of public life. It sets out in stark and unvarnished terms most of the world’s major problems. The Human Species is hell bent for extinction unless we change our attitudes and actions with an urgency appropriate to impending disaster.

Paul Hellyer suggests that we have about ten years to wean ourselves from the oil economy and profoundly regrets that the Copenhagen Conference reflected little progress in that direction. The whole atmosphere was one that reminded him of Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burned. World leaders simply have to do better! The book outlines the three monumental changes required to accommodate the miracle.

First, the book claims that exotic energy sources already exist. They have been developed by the U.S. “shadow government” at the massive underground “black operation” installations in Nevada and Arizona using technology borrowed from visitors from other planets. Yet they remain secret for the alleged benefit of the privileged few.

Second, the money has to be found to subsidize poor nations and facilitate major changes. This can be accomplished by a fundamental re-working of the monetary and banking system. Bank leverages must be dramatically reduced and the percentage of virtual money they create as debt strictly limited so that governments can gain the financial flexibility to finance the transition to sustainability.

Finally it will be necessary for all countries, races, faiths and colors to drop their antagonisms and work together in common purpose to save the heritage they have in common.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Paranormal, UFOs, Politics & Government, Science, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Film Documentarian
Guest Biography:

John Barbour is known as "the  godfather of reality TV". He created,  co-hosted, co-produced, and wrote 'Real People' the first reality show, which was number one on NBC for three years during the early 1980's. He originated the 'AM' show in Los Angeles, was the first newscast movie reviewer for KNBC, where he won 3 Emmys, was film critic for LA Magazine for a decade, won a Golden Mike for journalistic commentary, and was a successful stand-up comic in night clubs and on television.

For 30 years, he worked to tell the story of former New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison, the man who tried to bring Clay Shaw to trial for his role in conspiring to kill John Kennedy.  Barbour succeeded in the mid 1990's with his award-winning documentary  'The Garrison Tapes!'.  John’s latest DVD The Last Word on the Assassination revisits the evidence presented in the Garrison Tapes along with a panel discussion of noted authors.

ABOUT The Last Word on The Assassination DVD by John Barbour...
Anyone who cares about what has happened to our country since the public execution of President John F. Kennedy, simply MUST make time to see 'The Last Word On The Assassination.'  This utterly stunning, unforgettable event features 'The Garrison Tapes'...the definitive documentary on the horror that changed America and the world...followed by a fascinating panel of the most knowledgeable, brilliant writers in the field: Jim Marrs,Joan Mellen and Dick Russell.  Along with Host and Garrison film executive producer, John Barbour, these searingly knowledgeable researchers present amazing and startling NEW material about the assassination which fills many crucial gaps in the story, shredding the vile, official coverup and leaving the viewer with the final answer to the question: Who killed John F. Kennedy?

This program is, truly, an essential, riveting piece of American history and presents a deluge of facts and revelations that have been withheld from the world since 1963.

'New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison, portrayed by Kevin Costner in 'JFK risked everything to tell his story bout his investigation into the murder of Pres. John F. Kennedy. The only person to whom he told the whole story of that investigation was John Barbour, Creator, Co-Producer and Co-Host of 'Real People.'  'The Last Word on the Garrison Tapes' is a must see for those who want to know the truth from a man who sacrificed everything for the truth he learned firsthand from Jim Garrison.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Trailblazer and Mystic-Visionary
Guest Biography:

A unique Trailblazer and Mystic-Visionary, Almine is recognized as a spiritual master, powerful healer, gifted orator, prolific author, unique artist, and talented singer. Many individuals, across the globe, have been drawn to her comprehensible delivery of advanced sacred teachings, as she has traveled the world offering transformative messages empowering individuals and enlivening hope. In her presence, people have experienced profound healings through grace, deep abiding compassion, and awakened into states outside of duality. Almine is published monthly in the Sedona Journal of Awakening and has brought forth the Calendar of Oneness as a tool for mankind to move forward.  

Guest Category: Medicine, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: the “LifeRegenerator”, Certified Detoxification Specialist, Plant Nutrition Expert
Guest Biography:

Dan the Man, the “LifeRegenerator”, is a Certified Detoxification Specialist and has been studying plant based nutrition for the last 15 years.

Dan has close to 2,000 free videos on his LifeRegenerator YouTube channel that are based around raw food nutrition, juicing, detoxification, fitness and spirituality.

He has been a tremendous inspiration and guide in helping people to take responsibility for their health in the simplest and most natural way – with the food we eat!

With over 170,000 subscribers and over 30 million video views, he has truly made an impact on the health and well being of people’s lives all over the world.

Dan’s magnetic personality and true passion for regenerating every cell within his own body has made his show on YouTube a contagious and inspiring ministry for those who are seeking the highest levels of health information.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

LEONARD GEORGE HOROWITZ (a.k.a., Dr. Len Horowitz) D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M., D.M.M, decrypted “The Real da Vinci Code” in 2007, resulting in a music industry revolution–the “LOVE528Revolution.” The world renowned celebrity became famous for his “paradigm shattering” mathematical and metaphysical revelations, explaining their implications and promise for world health, peace, and sustainability.

Then, suddenly, he began to be attacked by “trolls” working for BigPharma and the global elite–rogue minions abusing the U.S. National Security Agency, CIA, and FBI, invested in the status quo of war economies, media persuasion, mass deception, and global “omnicide.”

Undaunted, with the help of his friends, especially journalist Sherri Kane, Horowitz continued to herald the suppressed solutions to humanity’s gravest tragedies through “the music that can set everyone free.” This, he explains, provides We The People our best chance to gain optimal geopolitical and spiritual freedom.

“The petrochemical/pharmaceutical cartel doesn’t vibe to the music of love,” he says, proposing to cure the world’s pollution, medical intoxication, economic recession, and social/cultural degeneration.  Dr. Len Horowitz is a knighted Ambassador for the World Organization for Natural Medicine, ordained by Prince Michael of Russia, and appointed by officials of the Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller (the Russian branch, not the Maltese branch) to advance the “Clinics For Humanity Project,” brainchild of Dame Commander,  Dr. Sheila McKenzie, the Grand Priory of the Humanitarian Medical Order of Knight Hospitallers of North America.

Since publishing 17 books and producing 5 documentary films, Dr. Horowitz has become a favorite on YouTube, and launched his own television channel (on Vimeo) and radio network with his partner in love and business, journalist and health activist, Sherri Kane.
Over the past 30 years Dr. Horowitz has come full-circle, beginning and triumphing in natural healing. As a “World Leading Intellectual,” christened “The King David of Natural Healing” for his BigPharma-indicting award-winning books, DVDs, CDs and documentary films, he has exposed the drug cartel’s medical mischief more than anyone alive.
In 2007, the same year he decrypted Leonardo da Vinci’s real “daVinci CODE,” and stirred up a hornets nest of attacks by intelligence operatives worldwide to discredit him, Horowitz was credited by Barack Obama’s controversial minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, for proving to most reasonable people that HIV/AIDS was a laboratory creation and genocidal imposition.

ABOUT 'Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional?

Dr. Horowitz believes that his shocking book is being censored for his having reprinted U.S. Government/National Institutes of Health NIH)/NCI contracts proving AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses were irrefutably genetically engineered using crude mutation techniques in biowarfare and vaccine development labs during the 1960s and early 1970s, a claim that Robert Gallo denied, despite Horowitz having Gallo’s incriminating contract(s).

The Public Health Minister, and foreign Ambassador is charging the Western news media, and complicit parties at the CIA, with the high crime of treason, under Title 18 USC §2381, for violating First and Fourteenth Amendments civil rights, including freedom of the press, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act for monopolizing urgent media resources required to save lives, and Section 405(v) of The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006, prohibiting “inside traitors” in the pharmaceutical industry from conspiring to fix markets and products brought to market to save lives–matters of organized white collar crime and racketeering activities that dovetail into a U.S. District Court case that the doctor recently moved from the Third Circuit Court of Hawaii to the federal venue in Honolulu. In that lawsuit, the doctor is counterclaiming millions of dollars in damages from a CIA-linked conspiracy to steal his property, libel his professionalism, censor his humanitarian accomplishments, and discredit Judeo-Christian and Muslim religions in order to advance an illegal international drug trafficking enterprise featuring the hallucinogenic drug “DMT” to “experience God.”

“Jurors will need to adjudge the transparency of the NSA/CIA/media conspiracy to defame me, censor my books and films, steal my properties, destroy my family, and ruin my businesses and professional relationships, as a ‘protection racket’ for Big Pharma and the War Cartel,” Dr. Horowitz said.

He added, “This conspiracy is appalling beyond words. Among the ‘smoking guns’ we have witnessed and evidenced is the fact that this censorship is ongoing, organized, and internationally deadly. This frightening, extortionate, and murderous commercial crime is best defined legally as  ‘racketeering in genocide.’”  The National Security Agency (NSA) and CIA’s policy has been to censor and discredit their targets, smearing them as “conspiracy theorists,” and threatening whistleblowers’ lives and livelihoods in retaliation for commercial losses suffered by investors in the Drug/War/Energy/Banking Cartel that has repeatedly put profits before people, murdering millions. These industrialists controlling Wall Street, Capitol Hill, the Intelligence Industry, the Mainstream Media, and public beliefs, attitudes, and actions, are “criminal psychopaths,” according to Dr. Horowitz’s evidence, reasoning, and common sense. They kill millions of people under the rationale of “collateral damage”–that some people, they argue, are expendable to secure the “greater good,” “National Security,” and the Global Economy.”

The fallacy in this reasoning and racketeering is that animals do not kill for sport or financial reward. Without the extinction risks imposed by war makers and drug dealers, Nature has always thrived, always restored balance and harmony by “Divine (intelligent) design”–more intelligence concealed and discredited by the same forces loosing Ebola from labs and libeling Dr. Horowitz’s heroism.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Football Coach
Guest Biography:

Keith Gilbertson, Jr. is a retired American football coach and player. He was the head coach at the University of Idaho, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Washington, compiling a career college football record of 55–51. Gilbertson retired in 2011 as a coach.  Gilbertson was on Mike Holmgren's Seattle Seahawks staff that went to Super Bowl XL. 

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

VINCENT BUGLIOSI, prosecutor of Charles Manson, lives in Los Angeles, California. He is the author or co-author of many books, among them the #1 best-sellers Helter Skelter, And the Sea Will Tell, and Outrage; plus Four Days in November, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, No Island of Sanity, The Betrayal of America, Lullaby and Good Night, Shadow Of Cain, Till Death Us Do Part, Drugs in America, and The Phoenix Solution.


Famed Charles Manson prosecutor and New York Times bestselling author Vincent Bugliosi makes the most powerful, explosive, and thought-provoking argument of his storied career.

In "The Prosecution of an American President", Bugliosi presents a meticulously researched legal case that proves George W. Bush took our nation to war in Iraq under false pretenses and is therefore, under the law, guilty of murder for the deaths of 4,500 young American soldiers who fought and died there. Bush's unlawful war also cost the United States over a trillion dollars; alienated many of our allies; caused the deaths of over 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women, and children; and pushed a previously tranquil nation into unending civil war, atrocities and chaos.

As a prosecutor dedicated to seeking justice, Bugliosi delivers a non-partisan argument based on hard facts and pure objectivity. This searing indictment also outlines a legally credible pathway to holding our highest government officials accountable for their actions, thereby creating a framework for future occupants of the Oval Office. Ultimately, Bugliosi calls for the United States to return to the great nation it once was.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

At the age of eighteen, Sayward Ayre wrote a list of everything she wanted to accomplish in life and divided it into sections of thirty year periods, projecting that she might live to be ninety years old. The last third included the desire to share the stories of her life through the art of writing. Knowing she would be a writer in her later years, Sayward kept journals and photos of her adventures and experiences which she now uses as reference for her books.

Sayward earned a BA in Anthropology/Archaeology, a Masters of Environmental Studies degree, a Doctor of Naturopathy degree, a private pilot license, and a Ham Radio Operator license. She has worked in the field of Archaeology at various sites around the world, and been employed by State, County and City governments on both the east and west coasts of the U.S.

During the first decade of the 2000s, Sayward held juice fasting retreats in Palm Springs, California. She now spends her time writing books, with plans to publish at least 10 more books within the next 8 years.

Guest Category: Literature, Paranormal, UFOs, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: CEO of the World Service Authority
Guest Biography:

David Gallup, Esq.

Specializes in promoting, implementing and educating about human rights, world citizenship and world law.

Mr. Gallup is President of the World Service Authority ® , Washington, DC, a global public service human rights organization founded in 1954. In addition to his role as President, he has served as General Counsel since 1992 and previously served as Vice-President since 1994.

Prior to working at the WSA, Mr. Gallup was a Legal Research Consultant conducting research on construction contracts and mechanics’ liens and a Dean’s Fellow at the Washington College of Law’s International Human Rights Law Clinic, Washington, DC, where he researched asylum and international human rights issues, developed and maintained a human rights document library, coordinated a human rights education workshop and represented asylum applicants.

His professional memberships include the Maryland, American, World Jurist, and World-Space Bar Associations. For fifteen years, he was the Secretary of the United Nations Association Task Forces on UN Restructuring and on Cultures of Peace. He maintains active involvement in his local community having served as Vice-President on the Board of a local day care organization, raising funds for tuition assistance, as a local Alumni interviewer for the admissions department of Washington University, and as President and Treasurer on the Board of a local neighborhood association.

Mr. Gallup’s publications include a feature article in the periodical Current World Leaders: International Issues and Letters to the Editor in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times on the topics of nationalism and terrorism. He wrote several chapters in a United Nations Association Report entitled, “Restructuring the UN to Meet 21 st Century Global Needs.” He is the legal columnist for World Citizen News. He writes the World Citizen Blog and moderates two online forums with thousands of members.

Mr. Gallup has spoken most recently on the topics of: “Who are the Idealists and Realists in International Law Organizations and Policy?” as a guest lecturer at American University’s School of Professional and Extended Studies on September 22 and February 10, 2016 and September 25, 2015, the “World Court of Human Rights” in an American Bar Association International Courts Committee Conference Call on May 14, 2015, “Garry Davis: His Life and Legacy” at the Burlington City Arts Center, on January 5, 2014, “World Citizenship, Religion, and the Nation-State” at Manhattanville College on June 5, 2013, “FAQs about World Government” on May 17 and 31, 2013 in YouTube interviews and “What is World Citizenship?” at a conference of teenagers at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in July 2012. Other recent speeches include: “Claiming Your Rights as a World Citizen” on the World Citizen Radio show on the Global Radio Alliance, “The Right to Self-Determination: Local Citizenship Linked to World Citizenship” in Philadelphia, PA, “What is a Human Rights Lawyer?” at Pinecrest Elementary School, “World Peace Starts with You” in an online webinar, “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights for children and World Citizenship” at Forest Knolls Elementary School and on “Human Rights, Individual Sovereignty and World Citizenship” at the Roots Activity Learning Center in Washington, DC. He spoke at the US Capitol Building in support of the rights of association and assembly at a Falun Gong March on Washington in July 2001. Other noteworthy speeches include “World Citizenship, World Law and Human Rights” at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in the Netherlands, “Human Rights and Global Recognition of Taiwan” in Taipei, Taiwan, and “Celebration of the Creation of the Esperanto Language” before the Esperanto Society of Washington, DC.

He has been interviewed on numerous occasions for books, newspapers, magazines, TV, internet radio shows and FM radio news broadcasts, such as on BBC TV’s “Global” news show, BBC Radio 4 “The World Tonight,” PRI’s “The World,” Huffington Post Live, BBC’s “Postmark Africa,” The New York Times, Foreign Policy Magazine, Works That Work (No. 6) and has appeared twice as a talk radio show guest on WABC – covering topics such as human rights, creating a global justice system, terrorism, world citizenship, trans-border and migration issues. In 2015, he was interviewed by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian for her book, Cosmopolites:The Coming of the Global Citizen. In 1997, he was interviewed by Sylvia Nasar for her biography, A Beautiful Mind.

He received a J.D. in 1991 from the Washington College of Law, American University in Washington, DC and an A.B. in French and an A.B. in History from Washington University in St. Louis, MO, in 1988. He has taken coursework toward an M.A. in International Affairs at the School of International Service, American University, and has spent a year at the Université de Caen in France.

Mr. Gallup may be reached at the World Service Authority, 5 Thomas Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20005, Tel: 202-638- 2662, Fax: 202-638- 0638, Email:,,,,,

Guest Category: Legal, Local News, World News, Local, National, World, Regional, Non-Profit
Guest Occupation: Leading authority in personal and cultural trans-formation, Evolutionary Theorist and Founder of Higher Brain Living
Guest Biography:

With more than thirty years as a leading authority in personal and cultural trans-formation, Dr. Michael Cotton, is a leading Evolutionary Theorist and the Founder of Higher Brain Living®.

Cotton has facilitated more than 75,000 healing or personal growth sessions and has led Higher Brain Living® retreats around the world. He has a Doctoral degree in Chiropractic, has earned all three levels of certification in NSA and is the Creator of the revolutionary Higher Brain Living® Technique, which helps shift a surge of energy into the prefrontal cortex, awakening human potential, for a lifetime of lasting joy, purpose and potential.

Cotton has owned and operated six AWAKEN Higher Brain Living® centers with over 30 more centers slated to be opened by new HBL Facilitators this year. He has created and developed the Higher Brain Living® System for personal and cultural transformation. Cotton has provided academic support material being taught at Ken Wilber’s, (Deepak Chopra’s mentor) Integral Institute in Denver, Colorado. He is currently teaching wellness practitioners worldwide how to change lives through the Higher Brain Living® System.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Actress, Singer, performer, and motivational coach
Guest Biography:

Lynn Rose has been touted, “The Voice Of Transformation.” She is a multi-faceted Singer/Songwriter, who also has made her mark as a Host for TV and Radio. She started out having starred in a National Broadway show and from there, appeared in TV and Film including, ‘General Hospital’,‘Talk Soup’, a CBS TV Movie, Hosting for ESPN, a Disney Film and more.

As a Headliner, Lynn has toured all around the world having opened for Sheryl Crow, Jay Leno and Kenny Loggins and many more. She even sang at The Super Bowl 2003. Her passion and her purpose is to connect people to their hearts and help empower them thus, Lynn is also a Motivational Speaker.

She parlayed that passion into hosting her own show, “Life With Lynn Rose” heard across the country on the syndicated Personal Achievement Radio Network, having interviewed the greatest leaders in that field such as: Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitely, Mark Victor Hansen and many more.

Along her path, she saw a need for people reaching their goals in a way that ensured success along with inspiring them to evolve into who they dream of being in the process – thus she created the highly successful and effective system, “The GoalGetter”.

Her music, however, is dearest to her heart as her vision is to combine the world of Personal Growth within Music and Entertainment. In line with that vision she has released her most recent CD, “Simply The Best – Music To Motivate, Inspire and Connect You To Your Heart” and is currently in progress with a joint venture project of aligning the LEADERS in Personal Growth (such as Marianne Williamson and Wayne Dyer) and with music put to their concepts, along with a TV show along similar lines that is in first stage development.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Literature, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Relationship Counseling, Music, Mental Health, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Author, Coach, President of The Expense Tracker
Guest Biography:

Get to the Top of your Relationship With Money, with our guest Eric Tippetts, Author of the Book, “To The Top, Simple Everyday Steps to Succeed Financially.”

About Eric TippettsEric Tippetts is a speaker, author, and coach with 20 years in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) industry, Eric is an expert in creating and keeping relationships. As President of The Expense Tracker, Eric oversees all Sales of this powerful program that helps entrepreneurs quickly become profitable and can be seen across the country and internationally speaking at live events.

Eric’s programs were recently named “#1 ‘must have’ financial programs in the Direct Sales Industry” by a top trade magazine.  These same programs are utilized by over 150,000 individuals and Eric has trained tens of thousands at live events on “how to become profitable within 7 days” of starting your own small business.

Eric’s experience with many top companies like 3M, Proctor & Gamble, The Boeing Company, Mona Vie, Mannatech, Melaleuca, Nuskin and many more, has caused several publications to quote him in articles published in several top magazines including USA Today, LA Times, NY Times, Forbes, Redbook, Elle, Selling Power Magazine, and many more.

He has also appeared on numerous TV Shows including Good Things Utah, Fox Business News, ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and many more.

Eric lives in Southern California, USA with his wife and daughter.

Guest Category: Business, News, Investing and Finance, Marketing, Management, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Psychotherapist, Board-Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, Mental Health Counselor, Ordained Minister, and Author
Guest Biography:

Join Joel Ayala Ayapana (Monday, September 29th, 2014 8pm Pacific/ 11pm Eastern Standard Time) once more for another intriguing and informative hour segment of Quantum Mindfulness Radio as he brings in to this Quantum Think Tank of sorts... from within the ranks of this sacred space... Special Guest and Dear Friend Dr. Amelia Kemp. The topic of main focus for this show will cover the alternative modalities and in the other more successful approaches to perceiving and treating the many ailments and diagnoses associated with Mental Health as she introduces the many elements of her NEW and fascinating Self-Help book FROM PSYCHOTHERAPY TO SACRETHERAPY: Alternative Holistic Descriptions & Healing Processes for 170 Mental & Emotional Diagnoses Worldwide. Dr. Amelia Kemp has been a psychotherapist for over 18 years and within the private practice for 12 years. She is a board-certified alternative medical practitioner with a masters degree in mental health counseling and a nontraditional doctorate in metaphysical theology. She is a former director of mental health counseling within the school board and a former psychology instructor for two colleges. She's also a certified energy medicine practitioner and also possesses a Ministral Ordination. Dr. Kemp also holds a weekly talk show entitled "From Psychotherapy to Sacretherapy" on Blog Talk Radio.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Seattle Sports SuperFan
Guest Biography:

Big Lo, aka Lorin Sandretzky, is one of Seattle's biggest sports fans.  From the Seahawks, Mariners, the departed Sonics, and yes, even the Seattle Mist, Big Lo loves them all.  He has tatoos of each team logo and mascot.  He hasn't missed a Seahawks game in 28 years! 

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Sports Anchor/Reporter
Guest Biography:

At KOMO since 2002

My most memorable sports-related moment was in 1979 and I was perched in a tree in downtown Seattle. Why was I in a tree? I climbed it to get a glimpse of the Sonics NBA Championship parade.

I have been part of so many special moments in Seattle sports history. And I’ve had a front-row seat as Mariners pre and post-game host and as a freelance sportscaster for ‘ROOT’ Sports coverage of Pac-12 football and basketball games.

Another special moment I had was covering the Seahawks vs. Raiders AFC Title game at L.A. Coliseum in 1985. That’s where I got to ride the elevator with Johnny Carson!

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Flute maker, composer, cosmic poet, and permanent pilgrim
Guest Biography:

Das is a multi-dimensional time traveler, Permanent Pilgrim, and Conscious Yogi from many previous lifetimes. In his current incarnation Just Visiting This Planet he is a composer of yoga meditation music since 1973, a manufacturer of bamboo meditation flutes, a performer and recording artist with 108 releases, and a cosmic poet and spiritual rap artist. He has resided as a sadhu in the primitive villages of holy shrines in rural India for many years, learning 5 languages in order to have direct access to the ancient wisdom of Yoga and Vedic culture in general. He has translated over four dozen rare works into English for the benefit of scholars and devotees around the world, and his works are used by many gurus for their own edification and further studies into the esoteric teachings.

Das is a multi-instrumentalist, flute maker, composer, cosmic poet, and permanent pilgrim. He makes unique flutes from very exotic and rare bamboo specimens. His music is drawn from a variety of ancient spiritual cultures, celebrating Creation with sacred sound. With bamboo flutes, strings, kalimbas, guitars, drums, bells, Sanskrit songs and mantras, and whatever else he brings, Das invokes the Healing Spirit of the Divine Forest.

Guest Category: Arts, Beauty, Performing Arts, Literature, Visual Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Kundalini yoga instructor, healer, intuitive
Guest Biography:

Tejpal was the director of an international business consultant team in Paris, France, specializing in leadership development. She holds master’s degrees in both business management and psychology from France. Following her passion to inspire and uplift, Tejpal attended the Corporate Coach University and the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and became a certified Kundalini yoga teacher. She is now a highly respected life coach, healer, intuitive, and inspirational teacher at the famed Miraval Resort in Tucson, Arizona. Tejpal leads workshops around the world on intuition, healing, soul mission and vibrant living, helping men and women design the life they truly desire.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Concert Harpist, Professor of Music
Guest Biography:

Dr. Carrol McLaughlin is an award-winning professor, heading one of the largest and most respected harp departments in the world. She is a renowned concert harpist who performs internationally as a soloist and with orchestras. Carrol has given workshops and lectures in more than 30 countries, teaching performers to overcome fear and achieve at their highest potential. An expert in Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Kundalini yoga teacher, an author, and a composer, Carrol is also a gifted healer. She has recently conducted a study at the University of Arizona Medical Center, researching the power of harp music to heal patients in the intensive care unit following heart surgery. She is co-author of Manifesting Moment to Moment published by Hay House in June, 2014. 

Guest Category: Arts, Medicine, Music, Spiritual