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Guest Name
Ben Caron
Ben Caron
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Self-taught Singer-Songwriter
Guest Biography

Los Angeles-based Ben Caron is a self-taught singer-songwriter and wrote his first song at 15. Ben picked up a guitar for the first time—the same guitar his mother purchased when she was pregnant with him—and plucked out an original tune. He has written songs on the same guitar ever since. At 18, Ben moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting. He continued to write music and gig at open mics on the side, but it wasn’t until he’d finished college that he realized that his true passion was for music.

Known for his full and clear vocals, Ben approaches each of his songs from a pivotal “everyman” point of view and delivers a powerful performance that resonates with the audience. His own relationship experiences, some good and some bad, have presented opportunities to learn and grow, and his feelings and stories expressed through song are easily relate able.