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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: business consultant, speaker, workshop leader, trainer
Guest Biography:

Marni Spencer-Devlin is a certified business consultant who increases profits and performance by creating passion in the work place for both leadership and employees. Passionate leaders enjoy greater clarity and decision-making agility. Passionate employees are more engaged, perform better and form more cohesive teams.  Passion is the sure-fire way to attract new clients because people can always tell when you love what you do and they tell others!

Marni is the former founder and president of ocdm marketing, a southern California marketing company she turned into a multimillion-dollar enterprise with seventy employees.

She is a sought-after speaker, workshop leader and trainer.

She was named a Top 100 Who’s Who by Women in Ecommerce Magazine and was a cover and featured article in Grey Matters Magazine. She is also a sought-after guest on various radio shows about business and motivation.

She is an author of two books, her bestselling autobiography, Crawling Into The Light as well as the metaphysical book, The Iceberg Principles, which outlines the philosophies that make her business strategies to successful.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Marketing, Management, Education, Philosophy, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Musician
Guest Biography:

Coming from the Land of Love, meeting every breath as a cosmic hug, Shamanatrix Missy Galore creates music and art to galactivate hearts in Loveolution for all.

Pioneering the genre of psychedelic devotional disco, her self titled album Shamanatrix Missy Galore, is cosmically designed to make the listener shine!

Winner of the 2016 Global Peace Song Award for best pop song: Love*o*lution; & the Federation of World Peace + Love Award, her creations are dedicated to uplift spirit, unify hearts and inspire peace, love, joy + justice for all.

Fast with a freestyle as a singer and event MC her cross cultural creations transcend generations and nations.  Performing at festivals like Sundance, Symbiosis,, Burning Man and Prana Fest, as well as the United Nations, the Guggenheim + Warhol Museums and the Comedy Store her vibrant message of Love shines

Founder of FLUFF the GOODNESS.  Inspired by Shamanatrix Missy Galore’s song of the same name; the FLUFF experience includes Playshops, Comedy, Music + Art designed for all ages to enjoy and take part.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Activist, Video Blogger, Filmmaker, Actor
Guest Biography:
 I am just a simple southern guy who was raised in a small country town in the south, who is still hoping to find a wife to start a family and settle down with. I do hope to make a movie one day about our culture of white supremacy. I have always connected with movies. I used to do filmmaking and acting but gave it up many years ago. The last few years when I'm not working trying to pay the rent I have been studying up on race and issues of race.
Growing up I was programmed by our racist society. I used the n_word growing up without even giving it a thought, and then because of suffering and abuse I endured I began to understand prejudice and racism. I made a promise to myself and God many years ago that I would always fight against prejudice and racism. One day I decided to make a video urging white America to recognize their inherited "white privilege" and to take a racial responsibility towards ending it. That video went viral. 

My challenge: Lets Make a Movement America!

I am asking for a Racial Healing Video Selfie Challenge from everyone, take the challenge! Let's fix this damn thing! (The video should address our culture and systems of white supremacy without a "but" in it and without denial and defense of it.)

Guest Category: Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Life & Health Coach
Guest Biography:

Alannah Joy has over 30 years’ experience working as Spiritual Life & Health Coach for people and animals. She is highly intuitive and has both a traditional Medical background and a Holistic health background. As an Animal Communicator she helps people to understand their Pets better. With her Hospice background, she is gifted in helping people & their loved ones feel complete with their transition & that of their animals. She has had extensive training in nutrition, Light Therapy, and in working with vitamins, herbs, and cleansing. As she is also a Reiki Master and Ordained Minister, her healing abilities, combined with powerful prayers are very soothing and effective.

Guest Category: Plant & Animals, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Nationally recognized speaker, award winning writer/journalist, film producer, master collaborator and project director
Guest Biography:

Dianne Gray is the President of Hospice and Healthcare Communications, (, an international firm focused on creating and furthering advocacy projects and education/communications initiatives involving all aspects of end-of-life and palliative care.


Dianne is a nationally recognized speaker, award winning writer/journalist, film producer, master collaborator and project director.  She is also a passionate advocate for improved communication and care for seriously ill patients, their families and the loved ones they leave behind.


In addition to being the President of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, Dianne also participates on the boards of International Children’s Palliative Care Network and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Pediatric Leadership Council. She is also the co-chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section of Hospice and Palliative Medicine’s Parent Advisory Group. Over the past twenty years, she has founded four non-profit organizations, each focused on improving life for seriously ill children and their families.


She is currently producing a documentary on end of life care for PBS and is collaborating with other major media partners and hospice professionals to produce a wide array films, books and other exciting projects. Dianne is an intrepid traveler who enjoys connecting people everywhere. Over the past several years, she’s worked, hiked, adventured, and/or presented in 17 countries and over 100 cities.


Wherever she goes, Dianne also sits beside with the ill and the dying, and still sees her family’s ten year pediatric hospice/palliative care experience with her son, Austin, (who died in February 2005) as the gift of a lifetime.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: CEO, Author, Executive-Life Advisor, Leadership Developer
Guest Biography:

Mark Susnow knows change. He is passionate about you making positive changes in your life, so that it becomes a vibrant, on-going journey of growth and discovery. Mark is an Executive Life Coach, Life Discovery Guide, author, JD, and recognized thought leader, with more than fourteen years coaching experience and thirty years of daily mediation and yoga practice.

More than inspiring his clients, readers and radio program listeners to believe in themselves, he also motivates you to start taking action to live a more fulfilling life.

His enthusiastic and inspiring keynotes on change, leadership and connection consistently reach into your audiences and engages them in stepping through long needed changes.

Mindfulness: Supporting the 'New Competitive Edge'

Mark supports his private and organizational clients who have been newly embracing meditation, mindfulness, and self-awareness practices with a variety of resources. Familiar with many modalities, Mark coaches clients as they begin, keep, navigate and integrate the inner changes such practices often generate. See New York Times article.

Mark's interest in helping people and social change led to his first career as a San Francisco trial attorney. The New York Times, Rolling Stone Magazine, Boston Globe and The San Francisco Chronicle all covered his exciting legal career. He is the author of Dancing on the River: Navigating Life's Changes. Most recently he has written Discover the Leader Within. He is a coauthor, along with Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy in 101 Great Ways to Improve your life. Mark continues to expand his own personal life journey as an avid hiker, musician and writer

Guest Category: Legal, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Holistic Integrative Physician (M.D.)
Guest Biography:

Sunil Pai, MD is Board Certified in Holistic Integrative Medicine. After his residency in Family Medicine at the University of New Mexico he became Board Certified in Family Medicine.  He was one of the first physicians 16 years ago in the U.S. to become a Fellow of the Program in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona (Class 2002) directed by Dr. Andrew Weil. He is certified by Dr. Deepak Chopra as a Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and a Creating Health (Ayurveda Lifestyle) Instructor. He is also certified in Functional Medicine, Physiological Regulating Medicine, Medical Acupuncture and Neuro-Acupuncture through Stanford University School of Medicine and Dr. Jason Hao. Dr. Pai is the Vice President of the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute, a non-profit organization focusing on teaching physicians neuroacupuncture which is focused for pain conditions and neurological dysfunction such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, parkinsons and traumatic brain injury.  Dr. Pai also specializes in Auriculotherapy focusing on treatment of both food and inhalant allergies. Dr. Pai is also certified in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Foundation and teaches each patient about the health benefits of eating whole food plant based diets. Dr. Pai has undergone specialized training in Ayurvedic Medicine at the Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, and Intensive Yoga Therapies at the Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana in India.

Sunil Pai, MD is a Deacon of the House of Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health & Lifestyle Center located in Albuquerque, an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Santa Fe.  As a nonprofit organization, they provide full service health education and Integrative Medicine services with emphasis in indigenous and natural medicines. Sanjevani is certified by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), as an Educational Alliance Partner for delivering evidence based, clinical plant based nutritional programs.

Dr. Pai specializes in custom formulation of dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, Ayurvedic herbs, medical foods, and homeopathics using safe, clinically effective ingredients. He has been a consultant to various nutraceutical companies as well as functional medicine testing companies. Over the past 14 years, Dr. Pai has studied the processing of raw materials from farm to manufacturing and from the bench top research to clinical studies. His interest in the benefits of natural therapies led to the development of Sanjevani nutraceutical products. Dr. Pai has become internationally recognized by his Sanjevani’s flagship product, Bosmeric-SR®, the strongest natural supplement for pain and inflammation support available worldwide. The all-natural, patented ingredients in a bi-layered tablet provides an immediate action within 20 minutes and sustained release over an 8 hour period.

Dr. Pai recently released his critically acclaimed book An Inflammation Nation (Forward by Dr. Andrew Weil), The Definitive 10-step Guide to Preventing, Treating and Reversing All Diseases Through Diet, Lifestyle and the Use of Natural Anti-Inflammatories for the prevention and treatment of chronic

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Author, Researcher, Traveler, Healer, Ex-Operative
Guest Biography:

Aug Tellez is one of many who were participants in "underground" secret programs...

"I was shown many things by those who work behind the scenes.  The Unveiling is a series of events brought about by the necessity and capacity of the human race and this civilization to come to the awareness of the true nature of the corruption of power as well as the reality of the soul.

Many people are here to help perform this task; they are ex-operatives, researchers, healers, travelers, scientists, and so on.  I am here to assist in informing the public of "The Unveiling".  I was cloned and utilized as part of a secret underground breakaway military operation.  This is an entire breakaway civilization that uses very advanced technology to dominate the world.  This isn't to say that there are no groups of military operating for the benefit of humanity.

I believe we have come to this age in civilization because of an increase in human awareness as well as various factions working in their own ways towards the preservation and protection of the Human race.  I was part of a genetic engineering program that sought to combine various elements of DNA from various sources in order to create a more easily controlled yet powerful and defined person.  This involved chemicals, advanced scalar wave technology, ritual trauma and programming/mind-control, and many other aspects of conditioning, training, secret operations, physical enhancements, cognitive enhancements, virtual reality, off-world operations, temporal manipulation, spiritual and etheric training, conditioning or programming.

This is just the beginning; these operations span this civilization and involve advanced technology that goes far beyond what is released publicly."

Guest Category: Cosmology, History, Military, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Researcher Artificial Intelligence
Guest Biography:

Prof. Dr. Hugo de GARIS

Retired, Summer 2010

In the summer of 2010, I retired from my job as Director of the Artificial Brain Lab (ABL), Xiamen University, China, at the age of 63, to concentrate on my strongest intellectual interests of pure math and mathematical physics, and pushing the “species dominance” and “globist” issues. During the period 2008-2010 I was building China’s first artificial brain by evolving neural net modules in $10,000 super computers very fast (seconds to minutes) and then connecting them into humanly specified architectures to make artificial brains to control the behaviors of robots. This evolutionary approach I labeled “Evolutionary Engineering.”

I am now (what I call) ARCing, (i.e. After Retirement Careering). I have longevity genes, take multi-vitamins and exercise vigorously for 15 minutes every day, so I expect to live into my 90s, i.e. 25+ more years, a big block of time. Since I  am now  no longer a wage slave, I am free to do what I like, and live off my American savings, which go 7 times further in China, given the much lower cost of living, so I can afford to retire much earlier.

Globacator (Global Educator)

Starting in 2012, I began making Masters and PhD level YouTube lecture course videos in Pure Math, Math Physics, and Computer Theory to educate students around the world in these topics for free. I also set up an e-library in these topics plus philosophy, brain, etc for students to use.


Over the past few years I have appeared in about a movie a year on the species dominance issue (whether humanity should build artilects (artificial intellects) or not.)  The number of invitations to appear in the world media has picked up considerably after the appearance of the Hollywood movie “Transcendence” which I suspect was based on my book “The Artilect War”

Current Life Style

 My life style now is rather unusual. I spend my afternoons in my favorite beautiful park (see the Photos section) and study and read all night, going to bed after the sun comes up. I love the quiet of the night, and can close in on my own thoughts, which come quickly at night. I’m obviously a night person.

Books and Essays

I have read that the average scientific published paper is read by only one other person. So perhaps for years, to earn a salary, I have been churning out 150 published papers that have barely been read. That is rather dispiriting. So now, I feel free to do what I like, which is to study intensively PhD level pure mathematics and mathematical physics to write books on such topics as Topological Quantum Computing (TQC), for which I have a contract with World Scientific, (as well as on Artificial Brains, with the same publisher). I am also very interested in the possibility of a femto meter technology (“Fermitech”), so I’m hunting around for phenomena at the femto meter level (quarks, gluons, nucleons, nuclei, etc) that might serve as a basis  for a technology that is a million times smaller and hence faster than nanotech. I also plan to write books on  a host of social and technical topics. Here is a list of  possible future book titles, which are rather self explanatory.

a) Masculism (i.e. Mens Lib, pushing the idea that girls around the world should be raised to be career conscious and hence financially independent  as adults so as not to parasite off mens money.)

b) Sageism (i.e.  Discrimination against the Sages (wise knowledgeable intellectuals))

c) Mathematical God

d) Fermitech

e) Democratization Plan for China

f)  Brain Theory

g) ARCing (After Retirement Careering)

h)  Science vs. PC (using science to attack popular myths)


I also write essays on a range of topics, mostly concerning the rise of massively intelligent machines (e.g. see the essays on  this  website), and on globism (the ideology in favor of creating a global state), plus other social and technical topics.

Species Dominance Publicity

One of my strongest interests is in promoting  worldwide an awareness of the “Species Dominance Issue”, i.e. the question whether humanity should or should not build godlike massively intelligent  machines this  century. I see this question dominating our global politics this  century and will eventually lead to the worst, most passionate war that humanity has ever had, “The Artilect War” which will  kill  billions of people (“gigadeath”) using later 21st century weapons. I get regularly in the international media on this issue,  and the frequency of such occurrences is increasing, as the performance level of artificial intelligence keeps increasing (e.g. IBM’s Watson’s recent defeat of the best human performers on the quiz game “Jeopardy”) My first book “The Artilect War : Cosmists vs. Terrans : A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines” (see the  Books section) was on the issue of species dominance.  See the Media section for my appearances on the world media on  this huge question.

Globist Publicity

Another topic that obsesses me is Globism, i.e. the  ideology in favor of  creating a global  state, that would rid the world of war, of the arms trade, nuclear weapons, ignorance and poverty. I see the annual  doubling of the speed of the internet (and many other factors) enabling the creation of this world state (that I call “Globa”) by mid century. My second book “Multis and Monos : What the Multi-Cultured Can Teach  the  Mono-Cultured : Towards the Creation of a Global State” is about Globism. I’m hoping that my species dominance publicity will give me more opportunities in the future to present Globist ideas to the world. I’m as optimistic about Globism as I am pessimistic about the Artilect War. For articles and media appearances on  the theme of Globa, see the tab “GLOBA”(L) State on my website.

Pre Retirement Resume/CV

This section is more history than anything. It gives an idea of what I was doing with  the first “half” of my career. The  second half I’m beginning now, that I call ARCing.  Its a second career, wageless, so I’m free to do what I like, which is most liberating.

Current Research

Now that I am in my 60s, and ARCing (i.e. After Retirement Careering, which I describe as “wage free careering in the third third of life”) I have returned (after working 20 years on artificial brains) to my old love of mathematical physics, studying intensively PhD level pure math and mathematical physics, with the view of writing several books on math/physics topics, such as “Topological Quantum Computing” and “Fermitech”.


I am now actively hunting down phenomena in physics at the femtometer scale that might serve as substrates to allow computation and engineering at that tiny scale. Since a femtometer (a.k.a. a “Fermi”) is 10-15 of a meter, to find such phenomena implies that one should be hunting at the nuclear, nucleon, and elementary particle levels. Hence one should be studying nuclear physics, elementary particles physics, QCD (quantum chromo dynamics), etc. I spend my afternoons in my favorite (beautiful) park, and my nights in my apartment, studying the following subjects in pure math, and theoretical physics, partly because of a deep inherent love of these topics, as well as being motivated to use this knowledge to try to find bases for a fermitech.

 In pure math, I’m studying :- finite groups, abstract algebra, Lie theory, general topology, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry , smooth manifolds, complex manifolds, representation theory, ring theory, Galois theory, knot theory, quantum groups, low dimensional topology, etc.

 In theoretical physics, I’m studying :- quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD), special and general relativity, gauge theory, supersymmetry (SUSY), supergravity, superstring theory, M-theory, brane theory, conformal field theory (CFT), topological quantum field theory (TQFT), topological quantum computing (TQC), etc.

 At the top end of both subjects, low dimensional topology and gauge theory have merged, thanks to the genius of Ed Witten, today’s Einstein, and the only physicist ever to have won the coveted Fields Medal for mathematics. I call this math-physics merge “mathics”.

Topological Quantum Computing (TQC)

In 1997, Kitaev had the idea of storing quantum bits in topological quantum fields, which are robust against local distrubance, and hence in theory could make quantum computers robust and hence scalable to large numbers of quantum bits. Since quantum computers can outperform today’s classical computers by a factor of 2 to power N, where N is the number of qubits in a quantum register, quantum computers will utterly eclipse classical computers and revolutionize everything – physics, chemistry,  biology, economics, politics etc. Ministries of education will be phoning the presidents of major universities instructing them that their institutions are to teach TQC, for the economic health of the country. Deans of computer science will then be shocked to learn how heavily mathematical  physics based TQC is, and will be forced to revolutionize their computer science curricula, which in  effect will become much  more pure math and math physics based. Since pure math and math physics are intellectually the most demanding on campus, the future status of computer science will rise to the same level as pure math and math physics.

I am contracted with World Scientific (Singapore) to write the planet’s first text book on the  topic of TQC. It will either be a tome of about 800 pages or will consist of several books, since there is  so  much heavy math and physics to explain.

So, I have my plate full, undertaking an ambitious program of study and keeping an idea note book on my desk, that I’m constantly jotting ideas into.


The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines

by Hugo de Garis


This book’s main idea is that this century’s global politics will be dominated by the "species dominance" issue. 21st century technologies will enable the building of artilects (artificial intellects, artificial intelligences, massively intelligent machines) with 1040 components, using reversible, heatless, 3D, molecular scale, self assembling, one bit per atom, nano-teched, quantum computers, which may dwarf human intelligence levels by a factor of trillions of trillions and more.

The question that will dominate global politics this century will be whether humanity should or should not build these artilects. Those in favor of building them are called "Cosmists" in this book, due to their "cosmic" perspective. Those opposed to building them are called "Terrans," as in "terra," the Earth, which is their perspective. The Cosmists will want to build artilects, amongst other reasons, because to them it will be a religion, a scientist's religion that is compatible with modern scientific knowledge.

The Cosmists will feel that humanity has a duty to serve as the stepping-stone towards building the next dominant rung of the evolutionary ladder. Not to do so would be a tragedy on a cosmic scale to them. The Cosmists will claim that stopping such an advance will be counter to human nature, since human beings have always striven to extend their boundaries. Another Cosmist argument is that once the artificial brain based computer market dominates the world economy, economic and political forces in favor of building advanced artilects will be almost unstoppable. The Cosmists will include some of the most powerful, the richest, and the most brilliant of the Earth's citizens, who will devote their enormous abilities to seeing that the artilects get built. A similar argument applies to the military and its use of intelligent weaponry. Neither the commercial nor the military sectors will be willing to give up artilect research unless they are subjected to extreme Terran pressure.

To the Terrans, building artilects will mean taking the risk that the latter may one day decide to exterminate human beings, either deliberately or through indifference. The only certain way to avoid such a risk is not to build them in the first place. The Terrans will argue that human beings will fear the rise of increasingly intelligent machines and their alien differences. To build artilects will require an "evolutionary engineering" approach. The resulting complexities of the evolved structures that underlie the artilects will be too great for human beings to be able to predict the behaviors and attitudes of the artilects towards human beings. The Terrans will be prepared to destroy the Cosmists, even on a distant Cosmist colony, if the Cosmists go ahead with an advanced artilect building program.

In the short to middle term, say the next 50 years or so, the artificial brain based industries will flourish, providing products that are very useful and very popular with the public, such as teacher robots, conversation robots, household cleaner robots, etc. In time, the world economy will be based on such products. Any attempt to stop the development of increasingly intelligent artilects will be very difficult, because the economic and political motivation to continue building them will be very strong in certain circles. If the brain-based computer industries were to stop their research and development into artilects, then many powerful individuals, including the artilect company presidents and certain politicians will lose big money and political influence. They will not give up their status without a fight.

However, as the intelligence levels of the early artilects increases, it will become obvious to everyone that the intelligence gap between these artificial-brain-based products and human beings is narrowing. This will create a growing public anxiety. Eventually, some nasty incident or series of incidents will galvanize most of society against further increase of artificial intelligence in the artilects, leading to the establishment of a global ban on artilect research.

The Cosmists however, will oppose a ban on the development of more intelligent artilects, and will probably go underground. If the incidents continue and are negative enough, the anger and hatred of the Terrans towards the Cosmists will increase to the point where the Cosmists may decide that their fate is to leave the Earth, an option that is quite realistic with 21st century technology.

Since the Cosmists will include some of the most brilliant and economically powerful people on the planet, they will probably create an elite conspiratorial organization whose aim is to build artilects secretly.

The book presents a scenario in which the Cosmists create an asteroid-based colony, masked by some innocuous activity. In reality, this secret society devises a weapon system superior to the best on the Earth. With their wealth and the best human brains, this may be achievable. They will also start making advanced artilects. If the Terrans on the Earth discover the true intentions of the Cosmists, they will probably want to destroy them, but not dare to because of the counter threat of the Cosmists with their more advanced weapons. The stage is thus set for a major 21st century war in which billions of people die – "gigadeath."

This horrific number is derived from an extrapolation up the graph of the number of deaths in major wars from the beginning of the 19th century to the end of the 21st century. Approximately 200 million people died in the 20th century, for political reasons -- wars, purges, genocides, etc.

The profound schizophrenia that the author feels on the Cosmist/Terran species dominance issue will be felt by millions of people within a few years he expects. There is probably Cosmist and Terran in nearly all of us, which may explain why this issue is so divisive. The author is simply one of the first to feel this schizophrenia. Within a decade it may be all over the planet.

The last chapter of the book closes with a repetition of a pithy slogan that summarizes the two main viewpoints in the artilect debate in a nutshell; a debate that the author believes will be raging in the coming decades.

"Do we build gods, or do we build our potential exterminators?"

Guest Category: Earth & Space, News, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: motivational speaker
Guest Biography:

Michael Sage Hider graduated with a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering. Having been in the Air Force ROTC Program, he was selected as part of a very elite group of engineers to participate in underground nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site, performing tests which required the detonation of low yield atomic bombs.  After active duty, Hider entered the Seminary and later majored in Philosophy with a strong minor in Psychology. Seeking more personal freedom, he entered Law School and became a very successful trial attorney, he ran for and was elected a California Superior Court Judge. Michael was elected by his peers on several occasions, as Presiding Judge of the Court. He received numerous awards and honors including the Judicial Officer of the Year from the County Bar Association.  Outside the Court, Hider taught courses in science, philosophy, and law at Colleges and Universities.  It was during his tenure as a judge, and using anecdotes from the courtroom, that he authored the acclaimed book, “Spiritual Healing-Making Peace with Your Past,” now in its second printing by Tate Publishing. After thirty years on the Bench, Hider retired and spends his time as a sought-after motivational speaker. 

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology, Variety
Guest Occupation: Therapist
Guest Biography:

Philosophy of Counseling

I recognize the value in every human being and do my best to have every client not only reach the goals they want, but to thrive in life.

Each of us is a multilevel being; biological, psychological, cognitive, relational, emotional, energetic, and spiritual.  These levels influence each other.  We all know that if you are in discomfort in any way that it will influence your mood.   The point of cause for the reason a person seeks treatment could be on any of the aforementioned levels.  This is why a therapist needs to address the various levels in each client.

Working from the simple to the complex, the client is able to address their needs and improve their life.

To recognize the unique abilities in each person and work to bring out the best in everyone. The client is given tools with which they can work to improve their lives in their own way.  In counseling, I not only share skills you need to improve your life in the way you want, but reveal the very processes by which this can be accomplished.  Increasingly, you take control of your own process of self improvement.

As the cause of the problem can be completely different from person to person, so too are the solutions. By considering all the possible factors, your problem can be addressed with an attainable solution that is unique to you.

Guest Category: Relationship Counseling, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development
Guest Occupation: Medium, Channel, Clairvoyant, Healing Facilitator and Teacher
Guest Biography:

Monty Burgess is a practicing Medium, Channel, Clairvoyant, Healing Facilitator and Teacher, and has been professionally guiding and inspiring others through his readings, healing and connecting people with loved ones who have crossed over consistently for 20 years, and professionally for the past 12 years. His energetic compassion and humor allows his clients and students to open their hearts and awareness that anything and everything is possible in their own lives. Monty’s expansive life experiences have simply re ignited the wisdom, joy and compassion he holds within his soul and extends that toward his clients and students, while helping them understand and facilitate the same in their own lives. Monty is sought after to teach and speak in various arenas throughout the world. 

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Alternative Health, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic
Guest Occupation: Singer,Songwriter
Guest Biography:




After playing and singing with about 15 different bands in Louisiana and Texas, Bobby ended up in a band called "The Levee Band", which became a high watermark of musicianship and talent. In the middle of a tour with The Levee band, Bobby received a call from a long time musician friend, Jon Smith, who asked him to come to LA and sing with the musicians who had made up the band "Three Dog Night", one of Bobby’s favorite bands ever. He had to make a very hard decision to leave, not only one of the best bands he had ever played with, but also his native Louisiana home.

After arriving in LA to meet the band, things changed drastically for Bobby. He was finally in the city where the music industry thrived, and most of the great musicians and singers who had created the hit songs that drew him into the fold to become a musician were living and working. After this band got together, they signed a contract with CBS Records under the name "S.S. Fools", which was the title of the first and only LP recorded by them. This band lasted for about 18 months before Bobby decided to leave them for better opportunities. During the rehearsal stages of "S.S. Fools", Bobby first met, and became friends with Jeffery Porcaro (then, the drummer with "Steely Dan"), and David Paich (who had just co-written the Grammy winning "Silk Degrees" LP with Boz Scaggs). Jeff and David were at most of our rehearsals, because they loved the music of "Three Dog Night" as well. A few months after leaving S.S. Fools, Bobby was asked by Jeff and David (the initial founders of Toto), to become the lead singer. There were no questions, nor hesitation about his decision to join this band. They were the best musicians Bobby had ever heard, and a perfect platform for his voice.

The very first LP Toto released, entitled "Toto", broke out with the massive hit single, "Hold The Line". The band was nominated for a Grammy as "Best New Band" that year, but lost to "A Taste of Honey".

Toto’s music was very well received and the band built a huge following of very loyal fans. Bobby was in the band for the recording of the first 4 records ("Toto", "Hydra", "Turn Back", and "TotoIV"). It was the "Toto IV CD" that absolutely defined the band, and it’s future. At the 1982 Grammy Awards, The "Toto IV" CD was nominated for a "record breaking" NINE Grammy Awards. Out of these nine nominations, the band won SIX Grammy Awards, based on the strength and popularity of the song, "Rosanna". Also, Steve Lukather, co-writer of "Turn Your Love Around", with Jay Gradon and Bill Champlin, won a 7th Grammy. Altogether, the band brought home 7 Grammy Awards that evening, ...which set a precedent for the number of Grammy Awards ever won by a single band in one year.

It was in the middle of the recording of the 5th CD that some differences broke out amongst the members of the band, and Bobby was asked to leave Toto. The band went through several singers, Fergie Frederikson & Joseph Williams, to name a couple of really great vocalists.

Bobby moved to Germany for 6 years, and recorded his first CD there with Frank Farian called “The Far Corporation”. This is where he met Simon Philips, who played drums on the CD. The CD did very well in the charts in Europe, and a 2nd CD was in the works by then. 

Bobby ended up recording 3 more CDs in Germany:

1. “Rise Up”

2. “Tribute to Ray Charles”

3. “The Toto Classic Hits”

 After several vocalist changes with Toto, in 1998, Bobby was asked to rejoin the band, which put the band back to it's most original form, and he remained the lead vocalist for the next 10 years until the band dissolved in 2008.

Not long after his departure from Germany, Bobby met, and began co-writing his next CD work with his friend John Zaika. The CD was entitled “All I Ever Needed”. Now, John and Bobby are starting on their 2nd project, but this time, they have started their own Record label called:

“Future Memories Music”

Bobby and John’s next CD work will be the first thing to be released on that new label, and then, other artists will be considered to join the label. John and Bobby are writing the new CD now (May 2011).

Bobby spent about 2 weeks, beginning may 8th, 2011, touring in Kuwait & Iraq for the US Troops. “It was one of the most interesting tours I’ve ever done. I learned so much about what was going on in the Middle East, that most people have no clue about.”

Since the dissolution of Toto in 2008, Bobby has been touring the world over, non-stop. At this time, he has 6 major tours lined up, and more on the way. “I’ve never been this busy in my whole career in music. I love touring, and I always have fun on the road with the fans.”

Bobby Kimball’s latest solo release is entitled We’re Not in Kansas Anymore available now for Pre-order and officially released November 9th in Japan and on November 18th in the U.S. at amazon

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: International spokesperson, radio show host, healing mentor
Guest Biography:

Susan Jacobi is an international spokesperson shifting the global consciousness for adult survivors of childhood trauma. She is the radio show host of 15 minute inspirational healing messages, Conversations That Heal, author of How to Love Yourself: The Hope After Child Abuse, speaker and healing mentor.

Susan has healed from her own personal journey of severe trauma. She is dedicated to helping survivors discover how to make the decision to overcome childhood trauma, develop self-love and live a life of peace and joy.  Susan offers private mentoring.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, News, Philosophy, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder & Executive Director River Road African American Museum
Guest Biography:

Kathe Hambrick-Jackson is a public historian, curator, cultural activist, and preservationist consultant. She holds an undergraduate degree in English from California State University in Long Beach and a master’s degree in museum studies from Southern University in New Orleans.

Founder River Road African American Museum in Donaldsonville, Louisiana, one of the South’s first museums dedicated to interpreting slavery and the achievements of African-Americans in the rural communities along the Mississippi River.

The museum is a major repository for historical documents, oral histories, artifacts, and art related to African-American culture in south Louisiana’s river region and was selected as one of American’s top 10 African- American museums in the U.S. by American Legacy Magazine.

Under Hambrick-Jackson’s leadership, the museum became an internationally recognized institution featured in several media outlets, including Essence Magazine, AAA Magazines, Good Morning America, the BBC Learning Channel, USA Today and The New York Times.

She is the past national president of the Association of African American Museums.

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Education, History, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Autor, Facilitator, Speaker on Loss and Grief
Guest Biography:

Diane Pomerance is the author of nine books, seven of which are nonfiction about animals. She has a deep love and profound respect for nature and all living creatures, and she writes and speaks of the interconnectedness and interdependence of the whole of life. She is an ardent animal lover and advocate who has rescued, rehabilitated and adopted more than 46 dogs over the past decades. She is deeply involved with animal welfare and the environment.

She is also a Grief Recovery Specialist who helps people recover from grief over any kind of loss, but has a special interest in helping those who have lost a beloved animal companion to cope with and recover from their grief. Animals are dearly loved and respected family members to many of us, and yet we have been socialized to feel ashamed or embarrassed by the intense grief we feel following their loss. Dr. Pomerance created and established the Pet Grief Counseling Program for the SPCA of Texas in 2000. It is a free service open to the public which offers bi-monthly grief recovery groups as well as telephone and one-on-one counseling. All of the grief counselors are specially trained SPCA of Texas volunteers.

Spirituality has been the passion, the “calling” of her life, and she has dedicated her life to spiritual research and exploration. A dear friend of hers introduced her (at age 15) to a book that would transform her life. It was called An Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda at. At about the same time she was also introduced to an Indian guru of the Sant Mat religious movement and spent a weekend retreat with him in Toronto, Canada. She was a voracious reader and felt a powerful affinity for the teachings of Sant Mat.

For many years Diane studied and conducted research into various world religions and philosophies ranging from Hinduism and Buddhism, Spiritualism and Theosophy, Sufi to Subud, etc.and was privileged to study with many great spiritual teachers and masters including J. Krishnamurti, Swami Muktananda, Gurumayi Chidvilisananda, Sri Daya Mata and contemporary life teachers such as M. Scott Peck, Jack Canfield and Dr. Leo Buscaglia.

She spent five years studying with and then writing the biography of her remarkable spiritual teacher and mentor, British psychic, medium/healer, Katherine Hayward who had been born in Wales in 1899 and had an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 7. Angelic beings encouraged her to return to the physical body and Katherine awoke in agonizing pain but speaking in a full, mature adult voice and being able to predict the future. Diane researched and witnessed numerous examples of psychic phenomena. Above all else, she learned a body of spiritual teachings that Katherine and her family had received from their Spirit Guides for a 6-month period of daily instruction during the early 1920’s regarding Life & Death – their meaning and purpose.

Diane holds a Ph.D. degree in Mass Media/Communications from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She earned her M.A. in Theater from the University of Michigan. She also received her B.A. in History and Speech from the University of Michigan along with a secondary education

teaching certification.

Diane loves animals and nature. She also loves to travel and has been to most parts of the world from Africa to Australia, South America to Asia, Europe to South America, and so on. She has an innate love of and respect for indigenous peoples and all non-violent cultures. Her exciting new book, Katherine: A Woman of Vision

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Musician,Songwriter
Guest Biography:




Carl Palmer is a drummer’s drummer. A consummate professional, a brilliant

technician and a dynamic showman, he has thrilled listeners and audiences alike

for nearly four decades with some of music’s most memorable bands including

Atomic Rooster, The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, Asia and Emerson, Lake &

Palmer. Along the way his dexterity, speed and mastery of the drums, combined

with his infectious stage personality, have secured for him a respected place in

history as one of Rock and Roll’s greatest drummers.

At the age of 18, Carl joined up with The Crazy World of Arthur Brown at the

absolute peak of their success following the smash single “Fire” (“I am the God of

Hellfire…”). In 1969, Carl returned to the UK to form Atomic Rooster. It was with

Atomic Rooster that Carl enjoyed his first real success as a founding member of

a band.

But it would be in the spring of 1970, Carl received a phone call that changed his

life forever. Keyboard virtuoso Keith Emerson from The Nice, was forming a new

band with King Crimson founder Greg Lake. Immediately dubbed a “super-group”

by the media, Emerson, Lake and Palmer (ELP) entered the musical arena with

great expectations.

The classic single "Lucky Man" became a hit, and their stage show quickly

became the stuff of legend. They recorded and released five albums in four years,

all of which reached platinum status. Among them: Tarkus, Trilogy, and Brain

Salad Surgery.

An insane touring schedule followed and the legendary scale and musicianship

of ELP’s live show continued to grow. Tired from a grueling four year run which

had seen the release of 5 albums as well as untold hundreds of tour dates, the

band decided to take a hiatus. The material created during this period was the

basis of the ELP albums Works Volume I and Works Volume II, which were

released back to back in 1977. The band continued to tour and record for two

more years, before disbanding in 1979.

Opportunity knocked again for Carl when he was approached to form a supergroup

concept for Geffen Records. Eventually, along with King Crimson

vocalist/bassist John Wetton, Yes/ Buggles keyboardist Geoff Downes and Yes

guitarist, Steve Howe, Asia was born.

The band’s self-titled debut album Asia was released in 1982 and a tour began.

Asia’s debut LP went to number one, selling over seven million copies

worldwide. Along the way singles such as “Heat Of The Moment”, “Only Time

Will Tell”, “Wildest Dreams” and “Sole Survivor” dominated the charts for months.

In 1985, Asia went their separate ways. Carl would spend the next seven years

playing in different combinations of bands with Keith Emerson and some of the

ASIA members. Finally, in 1992, ELP returned with Black Moon. They would

remain together until 1998, and reform for one final appearance in London at the

High Voltage Festival in 2010.

Carl set out on a schedule that included drum clinics, master classes and

teaching children with special needs. In 2012, he became a Fellow at Solent

University Southampton, UK, lecturing in music business classes and career


In 2001, Carl once again set out to create his own new band with two

accomplished musicians: bassist Simon Fitzpatrick and guitarist Paul Bielatowicz.

Together, they have toured the world as the progressive trio “Carl Palmer’s ELP

Legacy”. The thought of Carl Palmer assembling a progressive trio might seem

like he was relying on formula, especially since the band’s material consisted

mainly of ELP classics, but this was indeed a new direction. Purely guitars-driven,

this band put a new face on the ELP classics, performing them with musical

complexity and a raw energy not heard, since the earliest days of ELP.

In 2006, Carl also regrouped for the long awaited reunion of the original ASIA,

with Steve Howe, Geoff Downes and John Wetton.

To date, Carl has sold nearly 50 million records.

In 2012, Carl was approached by the innovative art company, Scene 4, to do a

series of art images based on his rhythmic and musical ideas. The images are a

unique blend of light, shadow, reflection and musical performance, related his


Carl is an avid collector of contemporary art and antiques from all over the world.

His knowledge of contemporary art fuelled his interest in pursuing his own art

projects with Scene 4. To date, he has released two collections: Twist Of The

Wrist and The Rhythm of Light.

Carl Palmer, is returning to the United States for the second leg of the enormously


PALMER TOUR. Originally designed to be a celebration of Palmer’s 50th year in

music, the focus and name of the tour was changed in light of the tragic death of

Keith Emerson on March 11th. Carl Palmer’s ELP Legacy will play nearly two hours

and drum enthusiasts can expect an evening of compelling percussive skills, from

the man who brought the drum set to the forefront of rock n roll music.

Guest Category: Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Radio show host, psyhic medium/ healer
Guest Biography:

Ericka Stouts first series of books starting with "Star Crossed" a story about A woman who had a past life regression and her journey to find her one and only true love! Her first book "Star Crossed" will be out at the end of November 2016 on Amazon Kindle.Also Ericka Stout has a published book of her most beloved poems called "In A Misty Meadow" already on Amazon Kindle at a discount price of 99 cents US dollars. Ericka Stout is a natural Healer and a Reiki 1 practitioner and medium psychic!


Guest Category: Arts, Paranormal, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic
Guest Occupation: Sound Healer/ Shaman Channel
Guest Biography:

Norma Gentile

Who am I?

A recording artist of four solo musical CDs, 45 Meditation and Teaching CDs, an energy healer and channeler. I receive information for individuals in healing sessions, and written transmissions from Archangel Michael, Mary and Thoth which I share in my newslettters and articles. As a singer of healing music I work with the Hathors and Hildegard.

What I do...


I offer session both in-person and by phone. Sessions include both information and energy healing around your current issues, and are recorded for you. It can be extremely effective on chronic and deeply rooted issues

Chronic issues, including those around trauma, sexuality, and power are up for everyone. These wounds are the source of our greatest power when we let our own healing and compassion move out through them. This is why I offer Individual Sessions.



My healing Meditation Concerts include chants by Hildegard von Bingen and Songs from Spirit. I use Tibetan Singing Bowls and Harmonic Toning to accompany harmonize the medieval chants. See my Itinerary to find out when I'll be in your area, or go to my Booking Page if your organization wants to bring me to your city.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Spiritual, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Judyth Vary Baker Biography


Ten years ago, I decided to speak out concerning my relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald, who has long been accused of murdering President John F. Kennedy. I remember placing about half the evidence I had on the bed and looking at it, wondering if it was enough, and if I could find witnesses to our relationship. For Oswald and I had a love affair in New Orleans, which was known to some others; I had remained in contact with Lee until a day and a half before Kennedy's assassination. We planned to marry if he was able to escape with his life. To this day, I have never met another man with such courage.

I had written down a highly detailed account for my son, for him to read after I died, but it occurred to me that he might not understand its complexity and importance: Lee Oswald had been demonized in the press, and I had heard many lies about his character and personality, even though I tried hard to remove myself from every possible contact with the past, for I had seen Lee shot to death on television, a indescribable shock. Lee had told me that he was being set up to get trapped and killed, because he had penetrated an assassination ring, in hopes of saving Kennedy, by means of his association with David Ferrie and anti-Kennedy former FBI officer Guy Banister, and others. But he understood that he had no way to extricate himself without endangering me, his wife, and his babies. Besides, he told me that he had become part of an abort team that would try to save Kennedy. He stressed that he would try to act as naturally and normally as possible, despite what he knew, in order to protect us and others who had tried to save the President.

Lee Oswald expected to be shot dead the same day as the President, because he knew too much. He had far closer ties to the mafia than was known to most between 1963 and 1999, when I finally revealed his extensive ties with the Marcello organization in New Orleans. Carlos Marcello was the country's most powerful godfather in 1963, but was scarcely mentioned in official investigations in 1963. From childhood on, Lee yearned to become a double agent/spy against communism, ever since viewing "I led Three Lives" in New York when he was a young teenager. He was NOT an ordinary young man: he became a Marine, was trained in covert activities, conquered the difficult Russian language, and entered Russia as a fake defector while still 19 years old. He returned to the United States at the height of the Cold War almost three years later with a Russian wife and child without difficulty, because he was one of our own. A true hero and patriot - one of the few who had ever entered the USSR as a defector and returned alive to tell the tale. All his later actions, such as passing out pro-Castro literature in New Orleans, were choreographed by the CIA and FBI, so that he could be sent into Cuba against Castro in a later assignment.

Lee became a successful double agent working secretly against Castro for the CIA, with ties to the FBI, even while posing as pro-Castro. He had successfully worked as a spy for the US inside the Soviet Union, and was soon assigned to prepare himself as a spy inside Cuba. But he also had numerous jobs to do for the CIA and FBI here in the United States - and I was aware of many of them, having at times posed as his wife in New Orleans, and for some time had also served to help cover his activities while he and I worked at a small coffee company in New Orleans. I was from Florida and was very anti-Castro, beginning with my close friendship in high school with Tony Lopez-Fresquet. (The son of Castro's first finance minister, he was forced to flee Cuba because his mother was an American.)

I won't discuss my training in cancer research here, but I was qualified to work in an anti-Castro cancer research project that began in 1962 in New Orleans under the auspices of Dr. Alton Ochsner, known for his anti-communist ferocity, and Dr. Mary S. Sherman, along with other doctors, specialists, and trained assistants, including the well-known anti-Castro genius-eccentric, David Ferrie, a friend of Dr. Sherman's. Through a series of events, I was brought inadvertently into the project: I was originally supposed to be involved only peripherally, in Dr. Sherman's bone cancer laboratory. How this occurred is told in detail in several books, as well as on DVD's, and in documentaries. Lee Oswald - an intelligent man--was involved as a courier and lab tech in the project. My recent, but unhappy marriage, the absence of my husband (and his being unavailable to help me during a severe crisis), and Lee Oswald's interventions and help in my times of need (he was equally unhappy in his own marriage) created a camaraderie which developed into a romance. I know Lee loved me with all his heart. And I loved him the same.

The trials and tribulations we endured to get the product developed, tested, and into Cuba were many and complex. Lee did everything he could to protect me after our efforts failed, especially after I had a falling-out over using one or more 'volunteers' to test the cancer. By then, Lee was already involved, through David Ferrie, in penetrating a JFK assassination ring that existed in New Orleans; he later was lured into its arm in Texas. Believing he could obtain information that might be used to save Kennedy, Lee, fully aware of the dangers, cooperated with the assassination ring's leaders. Concurrently, Lee's attempts in Mexico City to get the cancer product into Cuba to use against Castro were fruitless, because the project was called off. The excuse was the approach of Hurricane Flora and the scattering of Castro's medical teams throughout Cuba: the shelf life of the product was limited and wouldn't survive neglect.

I was warned--after Lee was arrested, pointed out immediately as the 'sole assassin,' and then shot and killed on November 24--to keep quiet and to become a 'vanilla girl'. I was to do no more cancer research, though it had been my great dream, and I had been exceptionally good at it. I would eventually get a B.S. in anthropology and spend much time teaching and counseling. Lee had begged me to have babies and to go on with my life, so I did. I ended up with five children, and waited until the last one left home before looking into the current state of affairs regarding the JFK/RFK/MLK murders. I knew enough about what happened to Lee to suspect that all three murders were agency-arranged. I took out the film "JFK", by Oliver Stone, to watch--a film I could not bear to see when the kids brought it home a few years earlier. They remember my unexplainable walk-out, leaving them alone in the house to watch it--and now, by myself, I saw enough to understand what a mess had been made of the truth. I felt my soul shrink with shame when Stone noted that to remain silent was cowardly!

I had heard that Dr. Sherman and Dave Ferrie had both been murdered. Now I saw more murders of witnesses on that film. Though it had been 38 years since JFK had died, I feared who might still be alive to do harm to me or my loved ones. I had written down the entire truth for my son in a series of letters, but I realized I could not simply publish them. I could be sued by the powerful people still alive, including the Lyndon Johnson, Nixon and Bush dynasty beneficiaries of the assassinations. I remember trembling all over, with pure fear. Still, Oliver Stone's movie had awakened my conscience. What kind of love had I held for Lee, if I didn't try to set the record straight, best I could? I couldn't betray him by continued silence. I just couldn't. But I decided to protect myself. I began writing The Oswald Connection, a mishmash of memories thrown together without regard to my painfully written and highly accurate letters. If any publisher showed interest in this incomplete story, which omitted some key names and activities, I'd then bring out the full 600 pages I'd written and ask for protection from lawsuits.

Satisfied that I had enough evidence to back my testimony, and certain I'd find witnesses that Lee and I had been lovers--some of them had to still be alive!--I sent a fax to "20/20", a TV program that had investigated Benny Hinn and other controversial figures quite well. They felt the story was too big for them, and contacted "60 Minutes", who soon after contacted me. At the same time, I found a European-based literary agent, after a US agent backed out due to fear. This agent took my hastily-written book, interviewed me by phone and email, and edited the book, unfortunately adding details such as 'Cancun' that I would later be criticized about. "It doesn't matter," he told me. "Once it's with a publisher, fix it up as you please." That agent was a go-getter, but he created a fake story about my hiding out in Europe, and other lies, and also tried to get a producer friend of his to film my story for "60 Minutes". The final blow was too much: the agent insisted that "60 Minutes" sign a contract with financial demands in it, and they refused to handle the story. I personally turned down all financial offers.

After I fired the agent, and told "60 Minutes" he was gone, for the next year and a half, Mike Wallace, Don Hewitt, Phil Scheffler and others investigated me, and everything I said and showed them. They sent me to New Orleans, to Washington, to New York, and I was vetted mercilessly. I have much more supporting evidence now, and now have my living witnesses on tape and film as well, but at the time, a third party threatened one of my witnesses (Anna Lewis), and she refused to be re-filmed for "60 Minutes". Another witness worried that I was an imposter (he has since realized that another person was posing as me!). He has since written a book (Dr. Mary's Monkey, by Edward T. Haslam) using me as a primary witness. "60 Minutes" didn't learn about that new book in time nor did they want to use the poor quality original film where Anna Lewis states how she and her husband, and Lee Oswald and I, double-dated together in New Orleans. Her husband was David Lewis, who had worked with Guy Banister, as had Lee.

Howard Liebengood, who had had access to HSCA/CIA files, supported me, but there was also difficulty trying to get this story told in just 18 minutes - the longest time segment allowed in the format of the program. In the end, as Don Hewitt told the world on C-Span, "the door was slammed in our faces." Despite promises that filming would proceed--three times--in the end, I got email apologies, and two checks for lost wages (CBS told me they had never done that before for anyone investigated by "60 Minutes").

Meanwhile, one researcher had leaked information to a vicious newsgroup, which over the years issued over 250,000 posts, mostly flaming and attacking. Most of these have since been erased, but the thrust was that I sought money and fame and attention. The opposite is the case: I have turned down all requests for interviews since 2004. Several huge websites variously attack me as a liar or fantasist, while suggesting I should be arrested if I'm telling the truth, all the while ignoring numerous statements from living and dead witnesses that have long proven that Lee and I were lovers, as well as much new evidence and leads that I've given researchers, which has unearthed new information concerning Oswald and the assassination, such as that Oswald worked with Customs agents, and that CIA handler David Atlee Phillips was in Dallas on Nov. 22nd, the day JFK was shot.

Of course, I also hear "So what? He probably lied to her, too!" Ten years after speaking out for the first time, I am a shadow of my former healthy and strong self, plagued with chronic pain and double vision. Why? I've been struck twice by vehicles in Dallas, have been assaulted, have been stalked, threatened and found my teaching jobs vanish, again and again. My phones have been tapped in Europe, I've been followed openly, the brake line on my car was cut, and vandals have repeatedly broken into my homes and destroyed my property. But that's just the start.

I do not want pity, but understanding my situation is important. My reputation has been destroyed on the Internet. While teaching in Hungary, in 2007, I was suddenly told I had to quit: Hungarian agents warned me to leave the country, but not to return to America. The date: Sept. 8--the same day Edward T. Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, was reviewed by a popular blogger in Hungary. I ended up fleeing to Scandinavia, where I sought political asylum. It was a delicate political situation--after all, I came from America!--but they did not deport me, as at first I was told was 100% inevitable. After reviewing my case, I received protection under appeal, remaining sheltered in Sweden for over ten months. I finally obtained safe haven in the Middle east and in Europe, through the actions of friends and my children, just before I would have been forced to go back to America. Instead, I am free to go anywhere I choose, and do so, but I am a woman without a country, without a home, unable to see my grandchildren and children, for I do not want bad things to happen to them because of my presence. I am grateful for those who handled my case in Sweden, who despite political difficulties granted me time to find safe haven (actually, two safe havens)! I'm safe now, I feel, thanks to everyone's help. I do hope someday to be able to safely live and travel in my own country.

It has been difficult getting out the truth to the world. Twice, books I attempted to write, with much more information, and with those important names and events added, that I so long feared to mention, have been published without my permission, because both books needed much more work. The present book, Me & Lee, reflects our personal lives and adds new information. Donations allow me to travel between my two residences. I can only stay 89 days at a time at each residence, and it's expensive to move four times a year, but I currently have no choice, if I am to live in safety. After The History Channel aired "The Love Affair", I received many threats and was hospitalized three times from injuries associated with my situation.

In 2003, British film producer Nigel Turner, famed for the once-popular (and now banned) History Channel series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy, which had previously been featured on The History Channel for two decades, offered three final segments to the world about the Kennedy assassination: The Smoking Guns, The Love Affair, and The Guilty Men. "The Love Affair" (in 5 sections on YouTube,, Edward Haslam's websites,, etc.) was Turner's only documentary featuring just one witness story--mine.

Supposed to be shown for nine years running, until 2013 (the 50th anniversary), the series nailed down the role played by President Lyndon Johnson in helping to assure Kennedy's assassination--with a terrible outcry from two former Presidents, Lady Bird Johnson, Jack Valenti, and others. The documentaries were secretly purchased from The History Channel, and banned. They were seen only five times in America. They were also shown in Europe and Australia. Other documentary attempts were made by Jim Marrs, Wim Dankbaar, and Dutch investigator Peter deVries, who runs a Sixty-Minute style investigative news program--all of these persons spent significant time investigating me and my witnesses and evidence. Finally, Edward Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, explains in detail, and quite accurately, just what happened in New Orleans in 1963, and the roles Lee and I played there in our attempt to help kill Fidel Castro and to try to save JFK. But only in the book Me & Lee will you learn of the greatness, patriotism, courage and decency of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Today, several of my children are very unhappy with my having spoken out. I have lost friends; many relatives are also upset with me, though others pray every day for my safety. I have lost health, income, savings, and my reputation in the world as a good, kind, truthful person. For some time, after I endured pain and crippling from an (unrelated) assault--but would I have taken that hazardous teaching job if I had not lost so many other job opportunities?--I was in a wheelchair, and got badly overweight, almost overcome with neck and back pain. I have since lost considerable weight and am now healthy again. Maybe I won't be harmed again and can keep my health. I am so grateful for the donations that have paid my medical bills!

I am treated with respect overseas, but it seems that all my efforts have had little impact in the United States. Even my home town area newspaper wrote a damaging article about me in 2008, using quotes from two former classmates I scarcely knew, plus additional nasty comments from the ever-ready newsgroup. (None of the people quoted there had ever met me.) It broke my heart, for the article also mentioned that I did not attend my mother's funeral--not explaining that I was being protected in the political asylum system in Sweden, due to death threats!--making it seem I didn't care about my beloved mother. She fully supported me in life: she knew I would have come to her side, had it had been possible.

While there have been some defeats, I hope to live to see Lee Harvey Oswald fully exonerated. Every year, on November 24, the date Lee died, we hold THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD MEMORIAL EVENING. We expect it to be held in 12 countries in 2009. Visit or for more information!

My closest friends and allies know what I've been through--depending on when and where they've been. They generally concede that pressure has been put upon me to give up, to shut up. To a great extent, attempts to close my mouth succeeded, because I must keep my locations secret, if I am to have peace. But I will never give up efforts to exonerate Lee Harvey Oswald. Do not go gentle into that dark night of lies. Fight to stop the dying of the light!

When my voice goes silent at last, who then will speak for Lee Oswald? For the truth? Those who killed Kennedy went on to push not one, but two wars, onto the American people. Look to Texas. Look to New Orleans. Some were finally exposed in their lies, deception, and cruelty. Some of them believed torture was okay--they believed it was okay to intercept your emails, to listen to your phone calls. They used fear to control you, and money. It started with Kennedy's murder. Jim Marrs said, "It may be too late for justice, but it is never too late for the truth." Watch the banned documentaries. Copy them. Buy the books. Tell your friends. Teach your children. Never forget!

Judyth Vary Baker: ten years later.

Judyth Vary Baker was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer, but strayed from a path of mainstream scholarship at the University of Florida to a life of espionage in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald.

In her memoir, Me & Lee – How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald, Judyth offers extensive documentation of how she came to be involved with cancer research at such a young age, the personalities who recruited her to move to New Orleans in 1963, how she was hired there – along with Lee Oswald – by Reily Coffee Co. and fired the same afternoon Lee was arrested for disturbing the peace on Canal Street, and how she became a participant in the development of a biological weapon that Oswald was to smuggle into Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro. ​


Judyth shows the evidence and relates – from her first-hand experience – all she knows about the Kennedy assassination, her love affair with Lee Oswald over the summer of '63, her conversations with him as late as two days before JFK's death, his role as a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent, and how he was silenced by his old friend Jack Ruby.

"If you want to stay alive, it's time to go into the catacombs. Promise me you will keep your mouth shut!"

Judyth Vary Baker was only twenty years old when she heard those alarming words. It was the strained voice of David Ferrie.

The date was November 23, 1963, the day after President Kennedy had been fatally shot in Dallas. Her co-worker, friend and lover, Lee Oswald, had been declared the "lone-nut" assassin.

Judyth knew this wasn't true, but what could she do? She was now living in Florida with her new husband, Robert Baker III, having left New Orleans in September of 1963 when Lee moved to Dallas after their summer-long affair.

Then came November 24th. Lee was shot — live on television — right before her eyes. Devastated, depressed and scared, Judyth was told to lay low, to be a "vanilla girl," to trade her silence for her life. She knew things, secret things.

Judyth made a decision. She dropped her childhood dreams of finding a cure for cancer along with her first love: science. Choosing survival, she soon buried herself in her family (raising five kids), her work and art. She resolved that, one day, she would tell her story. She would speak he truth so Lee's children, whom he adored, would know what their father really did and what he really stood for.

As a high school student, Judyth had independently discovered a method of accelerating cancer growth in lab mice, and came to the attention of top-echelon doctors and medical researchers, including renowned surgeon Dr. Alton Ochsner, a past president of the American Cancer Society and founder of the world-famous Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans.

After her sophomore year of college in Florida, Judyth landed a summer job in New Orleans with prominent cancer researcher Dr. Mary Sherman, a physician working with Dr. Ochsner.​

Within days of her arrival, a man named Lee Oswald just happened to be standing in line behind her at the post office. This seemingly chance encounter began a relationship which drew her through the looking glass into a maelstrom, changing her life forever.

She soon found that, instead of working to find a cure for cancer, she was actually helping to create a super-cancer virus for the purpose of killing Fidel Castro. But there was an even more sinister side.

Over the next few months Judyth met several infamous figures surrounding Oswald: the fanatical ex-FBI right-wing racist Guy Banister, Mafia Godfather Carlos Marcello, club-owner Jack Ruby, and many others. She also became a friend and workmate of the brilliant but bizarre David Ferrie.

Unlike any other book about the events of that fateful year, "Me & Lee" is a deeply personal memoir relating the author's firsthand experience in New Orleans as lover and confidante of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy