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Guest Name
Bonny Hughes
Reverend Bonny Hughes, Spiritual Minister, Counselor, Shamanic Healer, Usui Reiki Master, Teacher, Medium, Intuitive
Guest Occupation
Spiritual Minister, Counselor, Shamanic Healer, Usui Reiki Master, Teacher, Medium, Intuitive
Guest Biography

Bonny is an Ordained Spiritual Minister and Spiritual Counselor.  Bonny worked with the Laika Shamans in the Sacred Valley of Peru and is now blessed to work with the Shaman Healing Energies in her work.  She is a Certified Usui Reiki Master and Reiki Teacher and Certified in the Rites of the Munay Ki Healing Energies.  

Bonny has been working with the healing arts for many years, and has trained in Peru, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, Taiwan, Rhode Island,  Virginia, New York State and New York City in various healing modalities.

Bonny has also worked with the Archangels, Angels, and Spirit Guides all of her life.  As a very young girl she had regular conversations with her Guides and the Angels around her.

Bonny's Mother was an loving, caring teacher who helped her to become aware of what was going on and assist her in her development.   As a child and young adult she was also fortunate to have the guiding hand of  Dr. Josephine Sponheimer in the understanding and growth that would lead her to realize more fully why we are here in this physical realm and what she was being given to understand and use to assist others.

As a young adult and adult, Bonny was often brought to people who would benefit from the mediumship she was able to share with them.  Over the years, Bonny has done Angel Card Readings, Spiritual Mediumship, Readings, and Intuitive Healings for hundreds of clients.  She also does long-distance Intuitive Healings and phone readings for those who are brought to her in her meditations and in personal requests.

It is Bonny's understanding from her Angels and Guides that guiding and aiding others to become aware of their full potential is part of her mission in this physical world this time.

Bonny has also studied with the Laika Shamans (medicine Men and Women) Alberto Villardo and teachers  in Peru, Jayne Feldman, Doreen Virtue, Linda Martin, Carol Cicacco, Carolyn Myss, Sharon Houlihan, Josephine Sponheimer and others over the years.