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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Singing and Songwriting Duo
Guest Biography:


Hypnotic Dance Meditation grew out of a collaboration between Los Angeles based label founders Will Henshall and Melissa Rebronja. Will is an award winning veteran music producer and songwriter who founded the 90s #1 selling UK pop soul band Londonbeat. Melissa is a celebrity hypnotherapist, relationship counselor and heart healer, with a parallel career as a singer, and voice over artist.

HDM is designed for people who would like to be able to meditate, but can’t sit still long enough. Like us. The act of moving your body at the same time as listening to a guided hypnosis based meditation allows the fidgets to become dance moves while your unconscious tunes into a new type of stillness.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Biography:

From Seed to Flower...

Indra is
the Founder of Silent Moon Imaginarium

Indra Singh is an intuitive guide for those that are ready to face their shadow, em-brace their own wild inner guru and live a truly authentic life. She is the creator of the international flower elixir brand ‘Silent Moon Imaginarium’ and is on a mission to spread awareness of ‘The Power of the Flower’ and vibrational medicine to the masses.Indra spent many years traveling the world and searching externally for her guru; that one soul that would save her. It was only when Indra returned home that she found her true guru; the wild one within.

During her search Indra enjoyed a successful career in Yoga and meditation. She was featured several times on the cover of Yoga Magazine and has written many inspirational articles for Elephant Journal and various yoga publications. Alongside the deep spiritual works, Indra followed her love for colour and the natural world, exploring the realms of Aura Soma, Shamanic Healing and plant medicine.In 2015 she was guided to work intensively with nature; channeling the vibrational energy of flowers and plants and creating elixirs by the light of the moon.

Moon Imaginarium was born and quickly became an international brand with a loyal following on four continents.As well as her powerful elixirs and misters, Indra offers life transforming 1:1 programs, online support groups and magical live events – helping people honour their inner shadow and connect with their wild authentic self.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Science
Guest Occupation: Environmental Activist
Guest Biography:

Ariel Moger collaborates closely with campaigns to develop materials and policy recommendations for activists, journalists and key decision-makers, as well as monitors, researches and analyzes legislative and regulatory attacks on the environment and public health.

Friends of the Earth strives for a healthier and more just world. Together they speak truth to power and expose those who endanger the health of people and the planet for corporate profit. They organize to build long-term political power and campaign to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature.

Prior to Friends of the Earth, Ariel advocated for ocean-friendly federal policies as Oceana’s Policy Fellow. Before moving to DC,

she worked in Southeast Florida as a consultant for the Institute for Sustainable Communities and the City of Miami Beach on climate resilience and sea level rise adaptation projects.

Ariel has a Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School and a B.A. in Political Science from Columbia University. 

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: conspiracy theorist, award winning author, international public speaker, media personality, broadcaster
Guest Biography:

New Film “Renegade” About The Life of Legendary Conspiracy Researcher David Icke Premieres In June

Premiering this April across the United Kingdom and United States is “Renegade” - the first authorized documentary exploring the life of famed conspiracy theorist David Icke. Icke has been warning for nearly 30 years of a coming global Orwellian state in which a tiny few would enslave humanity through control of finance, government, media and a military-police Gestapo overseeing 24/7 surveillance of a microchipped population.

“I have been waiting for this opportunity for so long, the chance to get this information out to a wider audience in a top class, professional way like never before. This is a chance for people to see what I really stand for and why I have done what I do for 30 years,” Said David Icke.

'Renegade' - The Life Story of David Icke (Official Trailer) - 2019


In “Renegade” we learn:

•    David Icke has said that ‘physical’ reality is an illusion and what we think is the ‘world’ is a holographic simulation or ‘Matrix’ created by a non-human force to entrap human perception in ongoing servitude.

•    Today David’s books are read all over the world and his speaking events are watched by thousands on every continent. Why? Because what he has been so derided for saying is now happening in world events and even mainstream scientists are concluding that reality is indeed a simulation.

•    Almost every day something that David Icke said long ago is supported by happenings and evidence. As Mahatma Gandhi said: ‘First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.’ David Icke’s time has come.

About David Icke

A former professional soccer player and sports broadcaster, David Icke is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." Self-described as the most controversial speaker in the world; he is the author of over 20 books and numerous dvds. Through his lectures in over 25 countries, Icke has attracted a global following that cuts across the political spectrum. His book, "The Biggest Secret," has been described as "The Rosetta Stone for conspiracy junkies." After being told by a psychic that he was a healer who had been placed on earth for a particular purpose, Icke held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead." Through his writings, Icke has developed a worldview that combines new-age spiritualism with a denunciation of totalitarian trends. He believes that many prominent figures belong to the

Babylonian Brotherhood, a secret group of shapeshifting reptilian humanoids that control humanity.

Interviews to be arranged with Jaymie Icke /

or +447791308067 ​

Guest Category: Literature, Entertainment, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Extra Terrestrial Contact, Abductee
Guest Biography:

Sherry Wilde was born & raised in southwestern Wisconsin and continues to spend the majority of her time there. In 1987 her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world.  Over the next 18-24 months, Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her.  

Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to exonerate the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it.

Inexplicably, she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her.  Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal.

Following the publication of her book The Forgotten Promise in late 2012, Sherry was poisoned and fell seriously ill, forcing her to curtail all speaking engagements for several years. Recently a documentary was filmed about her life and a major film project is also in the works.  You can find out more, and access her blog posts on her website.

Guest Category: Education, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Founder and President of ChopChop magazine, Cookbook Writer
Guest Biography:

Sally Sampson is the founder and president of ChopChop magazine.

On her motivation behind ChopChop magazine: My career experience has been as a cookbook writer and a magazine contributor. I wrote different cookbooks and I contributed to a lot of different food magazines and other magazines. And I also had a child with a chronic illness. She needed to be on a very, very low-fat diet, so as a result I learned a lot about obesity. I began to feel that writing cookbooks wasn’t what I wanted to keep doing. I wanted to give back in some way. And I thought that I could use my skills as a cookbook writer to help address obesity by getting doctors to prescribe cooking during well-child visits. So, I don’t know if you have children, but it’s now mandated that you take your kids at certain times and that doctor’s talk about healthy eating and physical activity during these appointments.

On expanding the mission: We’ve expanded the mission to obesity, poor nutrition and hunger. Unfortunately, that covers a huge portion of the population. Poor nutrition is an obesity effect, rich and poor, and hunger affects the poor and we’re focused in our brains on those most at risk, but ChopChop is written to appeal to any children. We hope that the Whole Foods moms pay for it and the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) food moms get it for free through their SNAP program.

On whether she sees the niche market of children’s food magazines as growing: Well, it’s definitely grown. We’ve quadrupled in volume since our first year. And we have a bit of a strange business model. We’re a non-profit and we don’t take any ads. So, it really is 39 pages of content. There is one page where we have sponsors.

On any stumbling blocks that she’s had to overcome: If you asked my staff if we had stumbling blocks, they would say yes more than I would. I’m just the sort of person who puts one foot in front of the other and I don’t worry too much. Having had a chronically ill child, I don’t worry too much about anything other than my children being sick.

On the most pleasant moment she’s had throughout this magazine journey: We went to the White House and we interviewed Mrs. Obama; we did sort of a shared 5th anniversary of “Let’s Move” and ChopChop. We both launched within a month of each other and that was really incredible. We brought two kids to the White House and they interviewed her and she was amazing; she gave us way more time than she said she would. She was beyond charming with the kids. That was an amazing experience. We also won the James Beard Award, which was also incredible. So, those things are not insignificant, but I would say that the letters that we get from kids are just really moving and very real.

chop-chop-5On whether anyone has ever told her she was out of her mind for launching a print magazine in a digital age: Oh yes, all of the time. Of course, the people who ask us if we’re out of our minds are not our readers. I think for a child to get this beautiful four-color thing that they can hold and touch, where they see a child who looks like them is important. We show kids of every color, adorable, braces, in wheelchairs; we just featured a child with Down Syndrome. We show real kids, and we don’t put makeup on them; we don’t tell them to smile. So, your grandchildren, and I don’t have grandchildren yet, but my grandchildren someday; the idea is that any child should be able to open the magazine and feel like they can relate.

On the myth that digital natives do not want anything to do with print: I honestly could not begin to understand why people feel that way. I still read paper books and I love magazines. I just think that there is something really special about print. I have an iPad and I read The New York Times on it; I read little things on it. But I think there is no sensuality to digital. Touching and feeling the paper is amazing. And I think for a child, for the magazine to be theirs, is pretty incredible.

On why she thinks it took the magazine industry so long to discover that print is not dead: I think it’s human nature and that people just have a tendency to go to extremes. First it was: no, you can’t eat any fat. Now you can eat fat. It must be the nature of human beings. I don’t know. I never felt like paper was dead and as you said in the beginning, we launched when people thought we were nuts. We launched within a very short time of Gourmet closing. Everybody asked why we were doing paper? But it just seemed like the right thing to do.

On whether she feels now that ChopChop is a movement rather than just a magazine: I do. If you think about it, we’ve got the cooking club; we have the curriculum; we’re not just a magazine. And also, when I started, not only did people ask was I crazy for doing print, but they also asked are you crazy; kid’s cooking? Like, who cares? But you look at it now and everybody sees kid’s cooking as a pipeline to many different things, whether it’s teaching kids about math or teaching them manners or teaching them to be responsible for themselves; really cooking is everything. There’s nothing that you can’t learn in a kitchen.

chop-chop-6On what she would say if this interview were conducted one year from now: I would tell you that we launched a third magazine called “Seasoned.” And that magazine is for older adults. And you would say to me, but you’re focused on kids, and I would say to you, we’re focused on people who need help in the kitchen. “Seasoned” is launching in February, 2017. The AARP Foundation gave us a grant and I believe we’re actually launching in Mississippi as one of four southern states. It’s a smaller magazine and it’s for adults who need to cook from scratch instead of buying junk, and who are downsizing.

On what someone would find her doing if they showed up unexpectedly one evening at her home: I cook a ton. This sounds crazy, but whenever I’m emptying my dishwasher, I’m sort of amazed at how much I cook. I cook all of the time. I don’t eat anything prepared; I make every single thing from scratch.

On what keeps her up at night: Not ChopChop. The direction of the country keeps me up at night, or if my children are having a problem, that concerns me, even though they’re in their 20s. That’s the sort of thing that keeps me up at night.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified Sport Performance Consultant
Guest Biography:

Kathy Feinstein is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified Mental Performance Consultant in private practice in Naples, Florida.  She works with sports parents, coaches and athletes of all ages and levels in a variety of sports.  Kathy also hosts a weekly podcast, Parenting Peak Performers whose mission is to help sports parents manage the challenges specific to parenting competitive athletes.  Her education, depth of counseling experience, specialized training in sport psychology, and parenting two competitive athletes uniquely qualifies Kathy to do the work she absolutely loves!  

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Guitarist,Singer,Songwriter
Guest Biography:

B   I   L   L

N   E   L   S   O   N






Be Bop Deluxe was a '70s British rock group led by guitarist Bill Nelson (born on December 18, 1948, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England) who veered between glam rock, pop, and heavy metal, with lots of demonstrations of Nelson's guitar prowess.

Bill Nelson wrote all of the band’s material. Signed to EMI, the band released five studio albums and scored a top ten UK hit with the single "Ships In The Night."​

In 1979 Bill disbanded Be-Bop Deluxe and launched Red Noise whose 'Sound-On-Sound' album is often cited as an inspiration by many younger bands.

Bill then formed his own independent record label, Cocteau Records, and throughout the 80's and 90's he released many solo albums as well as collaborating with other musicians such as Yellow Magic Orchestra, David Sylvian, Harold Budd, The Associates, Cabaret Voltaire, Sandy And The Sunsets and Channel Light Vessel.

As a producer he has worked on albums for Roger Eno, The Skids, Gary Numan, The Units, The Rhythm Sisters, Nash The Slash and many others. Bill has composed and recorded music for film, television and theatrical productions. Since 2000 he has released many solo albums on his own label.

Explore this website to discover the astounding amount of work that Bill has created throughout his career!

Esoteric Recordings is proud to announce the release of a new re-mastered four-disc deluxe expanded boxed set limited edition (comprising 3 CDs and a DVD) of FUTURAMA the legendary 1975 album by BE-BOP DELUXE.

The album gained much praise thanks to Bill Nelson’s composition skills and his highly innovative guitar playing. Featuring such wonderful material as ‘Maid in Heaven’, ‘Sister Seagull’, ‘Music in Dreamland’, ‘Sound Track’, ‘Between the Worlds’, ‘Jean Cocteau’ and ‘Swan Song’, the album would see Be Bop Deluxe heralded as one of the most accomplished acts of 1975.

Another highlight of this limited-edition boxed set is the lavishly illustrated 68-page book with many previously unseen photographs and an essay of recollections by Bill Nelson. Additionally, the set includes a facsimile Record Store poster for FUTURAMA, replica track sheets, and postcards. This special deluxe limited-edition boxed set of FUTURAMA is a fitting tribute to a fine band, the creative vision of Bill Nelson and a wonderful album.

Order Be-Bop Deluxe FUTURAMA 3CD/1DVD at

For more information about Bill Nelson visit …

Bill Nelson’s official website at

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Comedian Keynote Networker Coach
Guest Biography:

Adora Nwofor is a Comedian, Model, and advocate for women. She is the Founder of the Calgary Women's March, which had over 5,000 people attend in 2018.

I saw Adora speak recently, and can share that she is certainly unique with an expansive personaliity. Standing over 6 feet tall she commands the stage as a comedian, MC, public speaker, and more. She can be seen hosting events such as folk fest Cariwest, femme wave, as well as the Grand marshal of the March for Women (2017 to 2019).

Just when you think she has a niche she pops up as MC for Canada Day 150 and Culture days or for the University of Calgary, as key note speaker for diversity days. Adora's comedy has a feminist POV with a dark twist that has been labeled by some as shock wit.Learn more about the march here:…/ca…/calgary-womens-march-2018-1.4496431

As quoted in Avenue Magazine: Standing over six feet tall, Adora Nwofor, a comedian and feminist activist, is a self-professed “giant” with a personality to match. But compared to her raunchy “shock-wit” humour, her style isn’t that outlandish. She juxtaposes classic cuts and clean lines with bold Nigerian-traditional patterns and bright colours, especially her signature blue. “I tend to give people anxiety just by walking into a room in jeans and a sweater,” Nwofor says. “I’m kind of sensory overload.”

She can be reached at: or at:  facesofwendy or imodel management

Photography by Jessica Pechet; Styling by Julie Redmond; makeup by Amber Chomezcko; hair by Lisa Tompkins.

Guest Category: Comedy, Education, Entertainment, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Talk Show Host, Psychic Medium, Intuitive Consultant, Entertainer
Guest Biography:

MICHAEL W. GOGGER, SR. Talk Show Host, Psychic Medium, Intuitive Consultant, Entertainer 518-209-6530 please leave a message Thank you

Guest Category: Entertainment, Paranormal, Ghosts, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Numerology, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Organizer of The DC Statehood Pledge and The DC Statehood Compact.
Guest Biography:

Noah Wills a non-partisan non-profit organization dedicated to educating and mobilizing students and young adults to advocate for equal rights and statehood for the people of the District of Columbia. Noah has led Students for D.C. Statehood over the years engaging young people in the struggle for D.C. statehood.

The D.C. Statehood Congressional Delegation gave Noah a D.C. Statehood Champion award in 2018. 

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Broadcaster, producer, host, author
Guest Biography:

Im Richard Dugan, host of 'Tell Me Your Story”,


To bring as many different points of view, from around the circle, into your view, to assist you in expanding your life and living. To assist in the positive evolution of mankind and bringing about a greater awareness of self and others in order to create the kind of world YOU want. A world in which we all can search for, find and fulfill our 'first best destiny'.


You deserve to know 'the truth' about who you are, because that 'truth will set you free'. Knowing your past is fine. Knowing who you are now is greater. And knowing who you want to be and how to bring about that transformation is what 'Tell Me Your Story' is about.


Since 2007, we've been producing TMYS, available at

My dream is to syndicate 'Tell MeYourStory' and take it on the road. Traveling to all parts of the world, talking with people who are living, working and playing in new ways that are changing the world, one person at a time.

I have been interviewing for over 30 years, talking with thousands of; authors, musicians, light workers, metaphysicians, spiritualists, co-creators, body, mind and light workers, new thought people, visionaries, revolutionaries, inovators.

We all have a story and mine is no greater or lesser than yours. Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. I was legally blind from birth. In spite or because of that, I went through 13 years of school not knowing what I wanted to do and so I went to Communtiy College and worked in the AV Department. I found out about a job with 'Sun Sounds' Radio Reading Service, for the blind and visually impaired. I not only became a client, I started working there August 29, 1979 and never “looked” back.

On March 6, 1996, I received a lens implant and went from 20/200 or worse to 20/80 overnight. Within just a few months, I was learning to drive a car. A dream I had given up in acceptance of the way I was, legally blind. And that was 'ok'. Bicycling was just fine for me. Then my marriage of 15 years came to an end and I met Amrita Ma. We married and moved to her home town of Santa Barbara and we both started a new life 5 minutes for her childhood home.

We've been to Ireland twice and dream of living there one day very soon.

I dreamed I would drive, travel to far away places, share the love with someone with a very open, loving heart, live by the sea, have my own radio show, teach others my craft, meet new and exciting souls. I am working on 2 books and more.

What are your dreams?........

I will share more thoughts later. RD

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder of ICHOR, a multifaceted CBD, Cannabidiol Health & Wellness Group & American Moda, CBD Consulting & Supply Co.
Guest Biography:

Paul Dagnino, Founder of ICHOR, a multifaceted CBD, Cannabidiol Health & Wellness Group & American Moda, CBD Consulting & Supply Co.

I'm an Entrepreneur, risk taker, and a networker who’s always looking to bring my experience to emerging opportunities. I work diligently to surround myself with people who see the world through a mutual lens. In searching for what's next, I see cannabinoids changing people's lives for the better and I want to be on the right side of history in this incredible industry. By surrounding myself with people who share my vision and unrelenting drive to succeed while maintaining excellence, I've been able to meet and work with some of the most respected and successful people in the Commercial Hemp industry. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Owner Mineral Life Nutraceuticals & Leading Specialists in CBD Purity & Reliability Analysis
Guest Biography:

Neil Butterfield is the owner and founder of Mineralife Nutraceuticals LLC in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and from an early age showed an interest in health and fitness. He’s been amateur body builder, a personal trainer and also started a Weight Loss consulting and dietary supplement mail order business where he helped people achieve their fitness goals.

In 2001, Neil spent time in the United Sates and was shocked at the amount of nutritionally deficient, chemically processed food consumed by Americans every day. He became passionate about helping people recover their health after meeting the owner of a natural health clinic in Louisiana. Using the power of liquid ionic minerals, he witnessed the clinic help hundreds of people looking for solutions to often very chronic health conditions. Neil was amazed at the transformations people experienced through the use of natural remedies and minerals that could be absorbed and utilized by the body. He began studies in Nutritional Therapy at Thames Valley University in London England and later extensively studied the importance of minerals to human health under Dr. Lawrence Wilson at Westbrook University. His goal was to reach thousands of people by creating high quality nutritional products that were highly absorbable and therefore better used by the body. In 2005, after discovering a process which allows minerals to better be absorbed into the body, he opened Mineralife Nutraceuticals LLC and began selling liquid ionic mineral supplements.

Neil eventually discovered a multi patented ingredient that greatly enhanced the absorption of nutrients and minerals. He partnered with a company in South Africa to bring the amazing benefits of CHD-FA (Fulvic Acid) to the US, which has benefits that extend way beyond absorption. Today, all Mineralife products are complexed with CHD-FA (Fulvic Acid) because of its unique ability to enhance the usability of its products. As Neil always says, “It’s not what you take, it’s what you absorb that’s important”.

In 2018, Neil continued to grow Mineralife Nutracueticals expanding our consumer product line to include CBD Oil. In addition, Mineralife Nutraceuticals opened our cGMP manufacturing capabilities to include manufacturing, copacking, white label and private label supplement products.

Neil resides in Colorado Springs, CO with his beautiful wife Kristy, their daughter Makenzie and their three dogs. He has been featured as a guest on radio shows across the United States and is widely considered an expert in the health and wellness field by medical professionals across America and abroad.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Producer, writer and former dance and choreography agent
Guest Biography:


Dance is deeply instinctual to the human soul – the ultimate emotional and spiritual art form. Our most sincere hope is for the Global Dance Initiative to unite and spark the worldwide community to share the energy of dance…to heal, inspire and connect. Please join us as we celebrate the power of dance in our world, and how – together – we can truly make a difference. – Teresa Taylor

“My goal is to bring a transformative experience to all audiences in a way that elicits an emotional response. Whether through media or live productions, I aspire to provide the audience an experiential moment in their lives – one that leaves them with a positive and memorable emotional imprint. This is what gives my work purpose.” – Teresa Taylor


A unique talent in the world of entertainment, Teresa has more than twenty creative years experience producing and brokering dynamic talent and projects with a focus in dance, music and television. Her various roles of producer, writer and former dance and choreography agent have allowed her to work collaboratively with some of the most visionary dance and creative artists in the industry.

The foundation of her own personal and artistic spirit is inspired by the depth and integrity of the creative visionaries she has had opportunity to represent or work with in collaboration. With each project, Teresa hopes to bring the creative teams together in a way that allows for creative freedom and artistic inspiration, allowing the energy of each production to have its own unique rhythm.

Of her vast slate of projects, Teresa was the producer for TV Moves! Live: A Tribute to Dance in Television, on behalf of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Additionally, she was an executive producer of the American Choreography Awards and the highly acclaimed Choreography Media Honors. Other credits include The Cultural Icon, Paris by Night, numerous productions for the LA Opera, and the annual Christmas Eve Special, the LA County holiday celebration she was exceptionally honored to produce the flagship show, Dance America! for USA at the Shanghai World Expo in 2010, together with creative director Amy Tinkham, Teresa produced A Royal Wedding in Dubai, partnering with DesignLab Events on a spectacular show with 3,000 attendees.

She is the recipient of three Emmy Awards for an acclaimed series of specials for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles titled Imagine in partnership with ABC, as well as an Emmy for The LA County Holiday Celebration.

Teresa is exceptionally proud to bring the heart of her career – the spirit of dance to The Global Dance Initiative. Her dream is use the power of dance in the media today, to ignite the positive power of dance globally to use this art-form to, quite simply, inspire life.

Guest Category: Design, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Singer and Songwriter, DJ, musician
Guest Biography:


Vir McCoy has written and recorded over 200 original songs in many styles of music on over 20 albums (as of 2018) in genres of: World, Hip Hop, Electronica, Children’s, Rock, Funk, Devotional and Comedy. In addition to his own music, he has appeared as a guest on several studio albums, including Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead, Rising Appalachia, Beats Antique, Dirtwire, as well as on soundtracks and jingles for film, television, the web and video. Vir plays guitar, bass and also plays the sintir or guimbri, the camel-skinned, ethnic bass of Morocco, the Yali Tanbur or Turkish jimbush, the djeli ngoni of Mali, and he also plays a unique Bass Hybrid instrument he self-created, called the Ark-Bass. He is a DJ as well, and is accomplished with Pro-tools and Ableton Live.

His band Hamsa Lila had song placement with Spike Lee’s, Shes Gotta Have It, in 2018. He has toured all over the U.S. playing at most festivals and many venues with Mickey Hart, Hamsa Lila, The Dogon Lights and House of Hamsa among others. The award- winning music group Hamsa Lila was voted best world music band of 2002, topped the CMJ music charts, headlined at the San Francisco Fillmore auditorium twice and have performed with acts such as The String Cheese Incident, Bassnectar, Tinariwen, and many others. Vir has also created very loved children’s music and has released 4 albums. In addition, many know Vir as creator of the YouTube viral comedy hits, “Man from Marin” and “Sensitive People.” Vir has also created and produced special musical and theatrical events that focus on healing, such as the “Chakra Opera,” a multi-sensory journey.

He currently plays in the Dogon Lights on Jumpsuit Records, House of Hamsa, DJ’s and collaborates on pop-soul music with his wife, Heather Christie. Vir is working on a collection of devotional music, “Desert Fathers.”

Vir McCoy is nothing short of a synthesis of styles and sounds fit to perfectly uplift the surroundings. Vir is a “Cosmic Muse,” that can weave between styles and genres to best suit the occasion. From “Funk Therapy” to New Age Comedy, to Children’s to Electronica to Devotional to Tribal Fusion to Rock. Vir will best choose the style and sound for the event. Uplifting, Inspiring and Hilarious are what you will get. Anyone who has seen Vir in action in his many projects can attest to this.

Vir McCoy is nothing short of a synthesis of styles and sounds fit to perfectly uplift the surroundings. Vir is a “Cosmic Muse,” that can weave between styles and genres to best suit the occasion. From “Funk Therapy” to New Age Comedy, to Children’s to Electronica to Devotional to Tribal Fusion to Rock. Vir will best choose the style and sound for the event. Uplifting, Inspiring and Hilarious are what you will get. Anyone who has seen Vir in action in his many projects can attest to this.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Comedy, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Director, 3D animator, content creator, immersive media specialist
Guest Biography:


Audri Phillips, director/ 3D animator, content creator, immersive media specialist. She is based out of Los Angeles with a wide range of experience that includes over 25 years working in the visual effects/entertainment industry in studios such as Sony, Rhythm and Hues, Digital Domain, Disney and Dream Works feature animation. Starting out as a painter she was quickly drawn to time-based art and visual poetry. An interest in science and technology has always played a part in her work. She is a pioneer of using cutting edge technology, including currently in immersive media performances, and full dome, VR/AR.

Currently a member of the Intel Innovators Group, she writes online articles for Intel, is a member of ADN (Autodesk Developers Network) a resident artist at Vortex Immersion, and a consultant/researcher for a technology company, Stratus Systems. She is the co- founder and director of Robot Prayers an immersive transmedia project which explores AI and our hybrid identities in a world where man and machine are melding.

Over the past 6 years she directed/animated/designed over 6 full dome shows, one with composer, musician Steve Roach, created animations for dance companies as well as a number of cinematic and interactive VR pieces using Autodesk Maya, Touch Designer and Unreal Engine.

One of the VR pieces, “Migrations” is on the Samsung Indie channel. All of the full dome pieces as well as her animations and paintings have been shown in festivals and conferences around the world.

She has been an adjunct professor at a number of Universities around Los Angeles. BFA from Carnegie Mellon University

Guest Category: Design, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Business, Entertainment, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Singing Duo
Guest Biography:


Heart Medicine – is a singing duo comprised of Annmarie Soul and Karen Seva – blending original songs, mantra and native tribal chants. Together their voices blend in harmonic frequencies creating angelic overtones inviting the listener into a deep musical meditation journey.

The music of Heart Medicine is a combination of sacred songs and melodies inspired by nature and spirit, interwoven with healing mantras celebrating many traditions. Both celestial and earthly, each song is a gift from the muse of spirit, channeled and lovingly crafted – opening a doorway to the unseen, requesting our presence in a dance with the divine, inviting us into love, and calling our hearts home.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Singer,multi-instrumentalist,songwriter
Guest Biography:

W  I  L  L  I  A  M

K  I  N  G





One of the greatest Motown and R&B / funk artists of all time, The Commodores’ Walter “Clyde” Orange, James Dean “JD” Nicholas and William “WAK” King have influenced both artists young and old and in all genres with their classic songs. The Commodores brand is bigger than ever as they continue to blaze trails all over the world.

Two Alabama cities recently honored the music legacy of the Commodores! Tuskegee declared Friday March 29, 2019 to be Commodores Day, and Montgomery declared the band members to be honorary residents, receiving keys to the city!

A celebration was held at the Commodore Museum, the site of the Commodores’ former rehearsal and recording studio in Tuskegee. The Commodores was originally formed by a group of college students at Tuskegee Institute just over 50 years ago.

“It is really great to see the place where the group was born! It still feels like home 50 years later, to the point where we didn’t want to leave!” – The Commodores

In 1968 the group was formed while all the members were in college at Tuskeegee Institute. After being discovered by Berry Gordy, the Commodores went on to sell over 60 million records for Motown. With hits like “Machine Gun” and “Sail On,” the Commodores became proven artists. For five decades, the Commodores have remained a force in the music industry. The Commodores aren’t just any group. They have staying power. Just like their hit song “Brick House,” the Commodores have created a foundation that just won’t budge.

Don’t miss your chance to feature one of the most successful vocal groups of all time in 2019 and beyond as The Commodores continue to thrill audiences with their Greatest Hits Tour – Live!


75 Million Albums Sold Worldwide

7 – #1 singles

5 – #1 Albums

20 – Top 10 Singles

15 – Top 10 Albums

1985 Grammy Award – “Nightshift”

1987 Antwerp Diamond Microphone Award

Vocal Group Hall of Fame Inductees

The 58th AutoZone Liberty Bowl Outstanding Achievement Award (2016)

2018 Casino Entertainment Awards “Musical Artist of the Year”



MAY 24 – Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Reno, NV

JUN 01 – Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, CA

JUN 14 – San Mateo County Fair, San Mateo, CA

JUL 12 – IP Casino Resort Spa, Biloxi, MS

JUL 16 – Village Green, Elk Grove Village, IL

AUG 10 – Wisconsin State Fair Park Exposition Center, West Allis, WI -

The Isley Brothers & The Commodores

AUG 18 – Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA

AUG 25 – Embarcadero Marina Park South, San Diego, CA

The Commodores & The O'Jays

AUG 30 – Oregon State Fair & Exposition Center, Salem, OR

FEB 10 – Ultimate Disco Cruise, Miami, FL


Ultimate Disco Cruise 2020

Monday 10 February 2020 – Saturday 15 February 2020


Line-up …The Commodores …KC and the Sunshine Band

The Jacksons …Pointer Sisters…Sister Sledge…Heatwave

Anita Ward…George McCrae…Maxine Nightingale…Harold Melvin's Blue Notes

…First Ladies Of Disco

Miami, FL, USA

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11:      Key West, Florida

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12:         At Sea

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13:   Nassau, Bahamas


Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music, News, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Play-writer, Motion Picture Director, Lawyer
Guest Biography:

Chris Dockrill, Creator of The Island of Doctor Moron

Chris Dockrill’s published plays include – Angry People, Next Station, The Interrogation, Scalpel, Divisions, Flatmates, Cage, The Joker, Old Girls and Benchmarks. His works have appeared in Power Plays (Methuen), Modern Moralities (Nelson), Superscripts (Longman), Dynamic Dramatics (Cambridge University Press) and Enter the Players (Nelson). Works awaiting publication include award winning Barbed Wire Canoes, Middle Class Fantasies, Precious Metal and the collected work - A Corrugated Collection. He is currently working on a two-act play - Flame Trees. Chris has worked as film script adviser to TAFE – ACT, has been a commissioned playwright to the ACT government and has written Frankenstein – A Born Again Legend for Curriculum Resources – NSW DET.

Chris has written and had published, over a 30 year period, numerous papers, articles, lesson units and programs for the teaching of English and Drama in secondary schools. These have appeared in many publications including the NSW English Teachers Association publications (Metaphor etc) and HSC Online. Chris has been an English and Drama teacher for over 30 years. He is the recipient of an Australia Day Award for his contribution to local cultural events and initiatives in the Kempsey Shire. Chris was also the founder of “The Sanctuary Players” – a theatrical society based in Turramurra and has been an active leader in the field of Drama in secondary schools for over 25 years.

In the last decade, he has organised and produced The Hastings Drama Festival and the Mid North Coast Drama Camp which employs professional stage and screen actors to pass on their skills to secondary Drama students. In September, 2010, Chris created and produced the inaugural Curtain Call, a two-day drama festival at the Starcourt Theatre in Lismore featuring public schools from the far north coast area ranging from Lismore to Ballina and north to the Queensland border. He has produced, written, co-written and directed many diverse productions including Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker and Albee’s, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

In 2008, Chris wrote Big Soooze, a musical drama set in Kings Cross in the 1920's after initial developmental workshops with other colleagues. He has also produced a CD of his original songs for the show. More recently, Chris wrote Nightgrooves, a musical drama in two acts with fourteen original songs about escaped convict, Robbie Taggard and his attempts to clear his name and regain the love of his girl, Bella. Chris has also written produced and directed other rock musicals including Beef, and Chill.

He can be contacted at

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Entertainment, Kids & Family, Society and Culture, TV & Film, Variety