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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Musician
Guest Biography:


Chris Amodeo’s recent burst into music has been mythic. As a Rolfer®, Shaman and voiceover artist, he already lives an unusual life. ” I’ve spent the last 26 years in my own little magic box working with people individually exploring realms of therapy and personal transformation. Now, with the music, it’s still about transformation…. it’s just being delivered in a way that’s more familiar, accessible and fun .”

” I think people are hungry for what’s real, soulful and transparent, more than ever in this jaded, post-meltdown world. Now music can offer more than the status quo in this new, internet-based “free-for-all”. The epitome of rock’n roll has always been to challenge the status quo. Artists don’t have to play down to some vast demographic. We’re already seeing too much dumbing down of our culture…just look at what most of the world watches on Youtube. Reality is nearly degrading to what the movie Idiocracy portrayed. What I’m doing has an underlying shamanic/spiritual energetic wrapped in a musical idiom influenced by 60’s and 70’s folk, American and British pop and, of course, classic rock.”

Check out Chris Amodeo’s CD “Homo Luminious.”  Homo Luminous refers to a new kind of human emergence, foretold in Incan myth, characterized by a quantum shift in consciousness to a more essential, perceptual state that is capable of dreaming a new world into being. It represents our collective evolutionary journey.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Designer, Caregiver, Communist era Survivor, Actress
Guest Biography:


A survivor of the Communist era, Valerie Sobel fled her native Hungary during the 1956 uprising against the Soviet regime, eventually to settle in Toronto, Canada. She vividly remembers that time. She recalls carrying her younger brother on her back while walking eight miles with her parents to safer ground in Austria, and thereafter many months of stays at refugee camps.

In high school, Valerie was interested in acting. Through a fortuitous chance encounter, she was flown to Los Angeles for a film test, got the role and was introduced in Mr. Hobbs takes a vacation” with Jimmy Stewart. She became and remained a California resident since 1962 to date. Marriage followed, with the birth of her son Andre and daughter Simone. She eventually left film to focus on her family and later developed a successful career in interior design with her projects appearing in several books and magazines, including Architectural Digest. She remains a member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) as a “keepsake from that career.”

A new period marred the life of Valerie Sobel the day her teen age son Andre was diagnosed with a malignant and inoperable brain tumor. After a year in 1995 the family suffered his devastating loss.

Shortly after Andre’s death Valerie’s mother died, and a year later to the day, her husband Erwin 54, took his own life.

Through the subsequent months of crushing grief, Valerie sought to re-direct her life. What has continued to haunt her was the witnessing of children that were alone in hospitals; facing pain, treatments, their fears and often death alone. These were mostly the children of single parents/ single caregivers. Almost as a spiritual revelation, a vision for the organization came to her. Going through her own personal experience with her son in a financially secure position that these parents did not have. The injustice of this was the motivation for establishing the Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation. “Experiencing the sudden onset of a life-threatening illness of a child devastates every family,” she said. “But for the single caregiver without financial resources, it is unimaginable.” The Foundation is named after Andre because if gives his mother great pleasure to see and hear his name.

The vision statement of the organization is “We care for very ill children by caring for their caregiver”

The Foundation fulfills its mission by offering emergency assistance to those single parents who are experiencing a financial crisis brought on by the medical crisis of their child. Their program operates at an ever-growing network of affiliated hospitals, and their social workers identify the families where other resources have been exhausted or are unavailable.

The hallmark of the ASRL organization is to provide “help in 24 hours”, and so far they never had to say no. Over the past six years, they have supported thousands of family members. They pay rents, mortgages, utilities, non covered medical costs, transportation, and often for burials. Many other organizations take up to three months to provide help; The Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation is there when it matters most. “We spend tons of money on overnight Fed-ex and hand-delivered checks,” Sobel said.

The Foundation’s pioneering work in servicing caregivers highlighted a problem that in turn engendered a study by the National Institutes of Health about the subject of how single parent families cope with the life threatening illness of their child. Valerie’s expertise has led to collaborative efforts with Harvard pediatrician, Dr. Elizabeth Rider, in the creation of a book titled “Caring for the Caregiver: A formula for Survival.” “I know what a caregiver feels and needs by paying the full price of admission,” said Sobel.

The Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation began with Valerie Sobel and her family’s financial contribution and now their program operates at 12 prestigious pediatric hospitals in 7 states; including the Children’s Inn at the NIH, Stanford’s and Harvard’s Children’s hospitals “By the time a child is seriously ill, they are no longer in the hands of a pediatrician, so our system of delivery is through the hospitals,” Valerie says that her prior life and its accomplishments have been eclipsed by the passion she now feels for the work that no life can prepare one for , the extraordinary mission of the Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation. Her sole priority has become the plight of the single caregiver caught in the devastating struggle of their child with a life threatening illness.

Valerie is a recognized speaker on the subject of caregiver support, a trained Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), a charter member of the Women of Washington/Los Angeles, the Music Center’s Blue Ribbon Society, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, The Council of Women World Leaders, the recipient of Nawbo’s (National Association of Women Business owners) “inspiration of the Year Award” and is a founding member of the Women’s Foundation of California’s Donor Circle. She is a Purpose Prize Fellow a Stanford initiative. She resides between Los Angeles and her mountain home in Idyllwild, California.

Guest Category: Design, Health & Lifestyle, History, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Certified relationship coach, author, blogger, loneliness expert, and speaker.
Guest Biography:

Kira Asatryan, a team coach who trains Silicon Valley startups to work cohesively, also helps newly committed couples solidify their relationship. She has run marketing campaigns across major platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Google Search and lives in San Francisco,

Guest Category: Business, Education, Kids & Family, News, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: CEO/President of Dr. Jo Anne White Consulting Services, LLC
Guest Biography:

International bestselling and award winning, author and speaker, Dr. Jo Anne White, pioneered a program for the Philadelphia school system for children who weren’t allowed to attend public school until a Federal law mandated that every state in US serve these children.  Her new book, More Heaven: Because Every Child is Special is based on the true story of educating these kids and the successes and challenges they faced. Jo Anne is the CEO and Founder of the Power Your Life Network, a broadcasting network, and the Power U Online University.  Jo Anne’s also the Executive Director and Host of the popular Power Your Life TV & Radio Shows, and CEO/President of Dr. Jo Anne White Consulting Services, LLC.  She is a certified professional coach, lead generation expert, trainer, a Therapeutic Energy Healer, and image and branding specialist.  Jo Anne's been featured on, Good Housekeeping, More, and WebMD and a frequent guest on NBC, CBS, FOX, and Voice America. Dr. White was named a 2015 Worldwide Branding Top Female Executive for Professional Coaching by Worldwide Who’s Who and is featured in Women of Distinction Magazine in 2016.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Artist
Guest Biography:

Manny Bartolome and Francis Klein of 'Pieces of Light' -

Our company ‘Pieces of Light’ is the culmination of over thirty years of research,

collecting, experimenting and experience with gemstones and minerals of

all kinds. We reached a point where we first wanted to be able to make

wearable pieces out of the many stones we'd collected. We'd come to

appreciate the subtle but, for us, very discernible energy shifts that

occur when gemstones are kept close to the physical body. After making a

few pendants for ourselves, we decided that it would be fun and

satisfying to be able to make them for others as well. After all this

time, there is no longer any doubt for us that the energies we describe

for each piece are real and powerful. For us, it is that property which

is the most important facet of the items we make. We do strive, however,

to make the pieces aesthetically pleasing and fashionable as well. When

asked by a few friends if they had to believe in the stones to buy them,

we replied immediately. The stones don't need for you to believe in them

to be what they are, and do what they do. If you're just in the market

for a beautiful piece of jewelry, that's perfectly fine. We only ask

that you keep an open mind, and let yourself observe whatever changes,

if any, take place when you wear them. Since the energy component of our

work is foremost to us, we want you to know that each piece has been

cleared of all prior intents and energies. It was also charged with pure

light frequencies and is ready to go to work for you.

We hand make one of a kind spiritual tools that can be worn as jewelry.

We've developed a style to our wrapping techniques which we are told by

most of our buyers is unique in the online market. Each piece is

designed for the energy it offers the wearer. The aesthetics are

important in that they encourage people to wear and use the tools we

make. The stones we use are handled with respect and appreciation for

their unique appearance and inherent qualities. We work in relationship

with the stones themselves, allowing them to guide us in our design

choices. This insures that each piece is as unique as the stone that it

features. For us, this is more than commerce, it is both art and a

spiritual calling.

Guest Category: Arts, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Public Speaker, Remote Viewer, and Psychic Investigator
Guest Biography:


Owner/Executive Director of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, Inc.

Joseph McMoneagle has well over 30 years of professional expertise in research and development, in numerous multi-level technical systems, the paranormal, and the social sciences. Experience includes: experimental protocol design, collection and evaluation of statistical information, prototype design and testing, Automatic Data Processing equipment and technology interface, management, and data systems analysis for mainframe, mini-mainframe, and desktop computer systems.

He is currently a full time Research Associate with the Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, Palo Alto, California, where he has provided consulting support to research and development in remote viewing for 14 years. As a consultant to both SRI-International and Science Applications International Corporation, Inc., (1984–1995), he’s participated in protocol design, statistical information collection, R&D evaluations, as well as hundreds of remote viewing trials in support of experimental research and active intelligence operations for what is now known as Project STARGATE. He is well versed with developmental theory, methods of application, and current training technologies for remote viewing, as currently applied under strict laboratory controls and oversight.

With a career spanning 34 years, Mr. McMoneagle has provided professional support to the Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Drug Enforcement Agency, Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Customs, the National Security Council, and most major command within the Department of Defense. Twenty of those years have been within paranormal operations, as viewer No. 001 (372).

McMoneagle has also been responsible for a Military Occupational Specialty at Army Headquarters level, to include control and management of both the manned and unmanned sites, within the Continental United States as well as overseas. He was responsible for all tactical and strategic equipment, including aircraft and vehicles, development of new and current technology, planning, support and maintenance, funding, training, and personnel. He has performed responsibly in international and inter-service negotiations and agreements in support of six national level intelligence agencies. And he has acted as a direct consultant to the Commanding General, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), Washington D.C., as well as the Army Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI), Pentagon.

Other employment has included, Assistant to the Security Officer for a multi-billion dollar overseas intelligence facility, with responsibilities that included physical plant communications, personnel, and technology security; as well as counter-terrorist, counter-intelligence operations. He has served as the Detachment Commander at two remote intelligence-collection sites overseas, providing field intelligence collection, analysis and reporting at theater, region, country, and city levels. He has also served on an Air and Sea Rescue team, in long range reconnaissance, as a quick reaction strike force team leader, and rifleman. He has earned 28 military decorations and numerous awards, to include a Legion of Merit for support to the Nations Intelligence Community.

His publications include:

Book: MIND TREK, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1993 (revised edition 1997).

Book: THE ULTIMATE TIME MACHINE, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc. (release date: October 1, 1998).

Journal: J.W. McMoneagle, PERCEPTIONS OF A PARANORMAL SUBJECT, The Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 61, June 1997.

Article: J.W. McMoneagle, JULES VERNE: WRITER, PSYCHIC, OR REMOTE VIEWER, The Anomalist, No. 5, Summer 1997. (translated) J.W. McMoneagle, Julio Verne: Visionario o Vidente? Ano 4, No 3, January 1998.

Book: THE STARGATE CHRONICLES, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc. (2002).

Joseph McMoneagle is currently a full member of The Parapsychological Association.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Singer/Songwriter/Musician
Guest Biography:



AndersonPonty Band Featuring Music Icons Jon Anderson & Jean Luc Ponty To Tour North America Spring 2016

In support of their critically acclaimed CD/DVD release “Better Late Than Never”, the AndersonPonty Band, featuring music icons Jon Anderson and Jean Luc Ponty, will be touring North America in Spring 2016! The band played a series of successful US dates in the Fall of 2015 and are excited to bring their music to the fans once again.

One of the most eagerly awaited releases of 2015, the AndersonPonty Band’s “Better Late Than Never” features outstanding performances by the group from September 2014 at the Wheeler Opera House in Aspen, Colorado, as well as some innovative production.

Along with some breathtaking new musical compositions, “Better Late Than Never” also showcases rearrangements of classic YES hits like “Owner Of A Lonely Heart”, “Roundabout” and “Wonderous Stories”. The album also includes some of Jean Luc Ponty’s beloved compositions, with Jon’s lyrical vocals and melodies enhancing the music and creating a very special and unique sound such as “Infinite Mirage” a new song incorporating Jean Luc’s classic tune “Mirage”.

YES’s original singer/songwriter for 35 years, Jon Anderson has had a successful solo career, which includes working with such notable music artists as Vangelis, Kitaro, and Milton Nascimento. International violin superstar Jean Luc Ponty is a pioneer and undisputed master of his instrument in the arena of jazz and rock. He is widely regarded as an innovator who has applied his unique visionary spin that has expanded the vocabulary of modern music. Together these two music legends have formed a musical synergy that is unparalleled!

“A breakthrough feeling came as I sang with Jean Luc’s music, to be in a band again is very exciting on many levels, we will play and sing our way around the world and have fun, for music is pleasure, music is all that is.” – Jon Anderson

“Collaborating with Jon who is such a creative singer/songwriter is unlike any project I have done before. I knew that we had plenty of musical affinities to make it work, but the result is way beyond my expectations. It is also a lot of fun to reunite with these excellent musicians who played with me in the past, they really put their heart in this project and with Jon’s creative input we are not just rehashing the past but giving a new life to the music we started developing decades ago.” – Jean Luc Ponty

The AndersonPonty Band also includes Jamie Glaser on guitars (Jean Luc Ponty, Chick Corea, Bryan Adams and Lenny White); Wally Minko on keyboards (Pink, Toni Braxton, Jean Luc Ponty, Tom Jones, Gregg Rolie and Barry Manilow); Keith Jones on bass (Airto, Santana, Kenny Loggins and Jean Luc Ponty); and Rayford Griffin on drums and percussion (Stanley Clarke Band, George Duke, Jean Luc Ponty and Michael Jackson). The band visit the music created by Jon Anderson and Jean Luc Ponty over the years with new arrangements, virtuosic performances and new energy.

Jean Luc Ponty was originally approached by Jon Anderson with the idea of working together as far back as the 1980’s. Now 30 years later the dream has become a reality!

To purchase AndersonPonty Band “Better Late Than Never” visit … CD/DVD:

Watch the forthcoming AndersonPonty Band special on PBS. Check your local listings for dates and times.

For more information visit the official AndersonPonty Band website:

Jon Anderson on facebook:

Jean Luc Ponty official website:

AndersonPonty Band tour dates:

Apr 28 – Fox Tucson Theatre – Tucson, AZ 

Apr 30 – The Canyon Theater – Agoura Hills, CA 

May 01 – The Grove of Anaheim – Anaheim, CA   

May 04 – Boulder Theater – Boulder, CO 

May 06 – Majestic Theatre – Dallas, TX 

May 07 – One World Theatre – Austin, TX 

May 10 – Ames Center – Burnsville, MN 

May 11 – The Arcada Theatre – St. Charles, IL 

May 13 – The Pageant – St. Louis, MO 

May 14 – Barrymore Theatre – Madison, WI

May 17 – Riviera Theatre – N. Tonawanda, NY 

May 18 – Tarrytown Music Hall – Tarrytown, NY 

May 20 – Cabot Performing Arts Center – Beverly, MA 

May 21 – Calvin Theater – Northampton, MA 

May 23 – The Ridgefield Playhouse – Ridgefield, CT 

May 25 – The Egg – Hart Theatre – Albany, NY 

May 26 – St. Denis Theatre – Montreal, Canada 

May 27 – Palais Montcalm – Quebec, Canada 

Guest Category: Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Political Historian
Guest Biography:

Nelson Rimensnyder is a noted political historian who served on the District of Columbia committee of Congress for many years. In his own words:

"My platform, simply stated, is that until DC residents have voting members of Congress, they should be exempt from paying United States Federal income taxes. NO VOTE - NO TAX.

This idea is not new and has been gaining bipartisan support. In 2009, U. S. Representative Louie Gohmert, Republican of Texas, with ten Republican co-sponsors, introduced the "District of Columbia No Taxation Without Representation Act." That bill was reintroduced in the current Congress last year. The bill concludes, and I quote:

'The Congress finds the following: SEC. 2. In keeping with the early history and democratic traditions of the United States, the principles established in the Constitution, and in conformance with the other territories of the United States which have delegates but no Representative, the residents of the District of Columbia should be exempt from paying United States Federal income taxes.'

The DC Chapter of Log Cabin Republicans has endorsed my candidacy and platform advocating a NO VOTE, NO TAX policy for DC until we are represented in Congress by voting members.

We are the only American citizens who are taxed without our consent. Residents of Puerto Rico and the U. S. territories also are represented by non-voting Delegates in Congress, but they are exempt from paying federal income taxes. If elected Delegate from D.C., I will work to educate Congress and the public on the need to end the injustice of taxation without representation for DC residents. This is a goal that cannot be achieved without support and cooperation from both Republicans and Democrats. It is time to send a bi-partisan delegation to the Congress. Taxation without representation is tyranny!"

His background:

First at the Library of Congress (1970-1975), and then as Director of Research for the U. S. House Committee on the District of Columbia, I compiled the only existing comprehensive archive on the history of the complex D.C. - Federal relationship. This unique treasure barely escaped destruction when the House Committee was abolished. Rescued from the dumpster, it is now stored precariously in my Capitol Hill garage. I hope an appropriate D. C. institution will accept the archive and enable me to catalog these records and documents for eventual publication. The archive would be of particular assistance in resolving the issue of an equitable Federal payment to the D. C. government for revenues denied and services rendered. It is rich in material related to our 200 year struggle to achieve territorial status leading to statehood. The archive would provide an invaluable resource in the struggle to forge a bipartisan agenda for advancing self-government initiatives.

Military Experience:

U. S. Army, 1964-1968 After graduation from the Army Language School in Monterey, CA with proficiency in Spanish, I spent two years stationed in Panama, traveling throughout most of Central and South America working as a translator and gathering information for military intelligence reports used in counterinsurgency operations of both U.S. and allied personnel.

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, Variety
Guest Occupation: Professor of Psychology, Author of Gratitude Books and Articles
Guest Biography:

Phil Watkins received his B.S. in psychology from the University of Oregon and his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. He has taught in the Psychology Department at Eastern Washington University since 1990. After investigating memory biases in depression, Phil shifted his focus to gratitude and how it impacts well-being. He developed one of the most utilized measures of gratitude (the GRAT), and has been called a “pioneer in gratitude research.” He has remained active in the science of gratitude, and his research now focuses on how gratitude enhances happiness. He has published a number of scientific papers on gratitude, and has also published two books. His first book, Gratitude and the Good Life, is a treatise on the current science of gratitude. More recently he published Positive Psychology 101, which is written for a more general audience on the science of happiness and positive psychology (Springer Publishers, New York). 

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Owner of Chasky Enterprises and Personal Chef
Guest Biography:

Craig Chasky grew up in Long Island, New York, where he loved to cook with his mother and grandmother. When he was six years old, he burned his hand on the electric stove. He jokes he likes the heat in the kitchen and his hand is okay. When Craig became a teenager, he moved to North Carolina where he washed pots and pans at Queens Women’s College for 750. He filled in for an absent chef and was voted in to take over at just 15 years old.

Craig moved back to New York to work with the renowned Glorious Foods Catering. He catered events at The MoMA with Cary Grant as host. As well as Rudolph Nureyev’s 50 th birthday at The MET. He catered The Bicentennial of The Statute of Liberty 1986 with Chef Paul Prudhomme of New Orleans. For 3 years Chef Craig worked at the famous Hermitage Restaurant in New York and catered for patrons such as Jackie Onassis, Salvador Dali, Mick Jagger, Donald Trump, Brooke Shields and Tommy Matola/Sony Music.

After attending Peter Krumps Cooking School and Culinary Institute of America – Chef Craig studied with Chef Bernard Clayton, Jr., Jacque Pepin as well as James Beard.

In 1988 Chef Craig opened up the Underhill Inn in Hillsdale, New York and within four months received four-4 Star reviews.

Local catering in Sarasota/Bradenton, Florida: Digital Village, Schroder-Manatee, Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance, Manatee Chamber of Commerce, Boys and Girls Club of Manatee – Carnival Event Michael Saunders Real Estate, Sotheby’s International Real Estate , Keller Williams, Real Magazine, Wine Styles Lakewood Ranch, Crunch, LaFitness, Shapes, Fit2Run-HealthFit, Florida Blue, Banks: Regions, Synovous, HomeBanc, 5/3rd ; Center for Sight, YMCA, Mandala Spa, Muse Salon, Fyzical-SRQ, Hand and Stone, Martin Freeman, As Good As it Gets.

Craig’s success took him to THE FOOD NETWORK, New York Times, New York Magazine Yankee Magazine, Sarasota and Manatee Herald – ABC and NBC TV-NPR Radio.

Today Chef Craig Chasky is empowering others to achieve their dreams by encouraging and guiding, so in turn they can be successful in their field.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Coach, Speaker, Author and Founder of The Inspirational Woman Project
Guest Biography:

Bri Seeley is a a multi-talented and passionate entrepreneur that accomplishes her mission of inspiring women to BE women through coaching, writing, speaking, hosting events, and more. Women connect with her writing and coaching because of her direct, raw, and vulnerable approach to life.

Bri shares her perspective and experiences with the purpose of inspiring women to live life on their terms. Her conviction to infuse life with truth, passion, and focus inspires the women she works with to feel confident in their decisions and embrace their power to create and embody their remarkable futures now.

Guest Category: Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Positive Transformation Catalyst
Guest Biography:

After a life spent experiencing trials by fire while simultaneously navigating choppy waters, she is passionate about helping others navigate their own paths and become the very best version of themselves they can be.  Having been told early in adulthood that as an employee she would make an excellent entrepreneur, Kellie, has started, grown and/or run several small businesses.  Currently, she is a real estate broker and life coach in southeastern Arizona and, as usual, lives with a rather large menagerie of animals and way more gardens and other projects than any truly sane person would attempt to handle.

Guest Category: Personal Development, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Professor of Educational Leadership at Cambridge College
Guest Biography:
Dr. Jim Horn is Professor of Educational Leadership at Cambridge College, and he has published widely on education issues related to policy, theory, research, and politics. With co-author, Denise Wilburn, he published The Mismeasure of Education in 2013.

Jim Horn began teaching in 1971 in Sandersville, Ga., just one year after school desegregation convinced most of Washington County's white parents to enroll their children in private academies. He has been an educator most of the time since. He has served as K-12 librarian, high school and middle school English teacher, and for the past 18 years, he has taught at Long Island University, LSUS, University of Alabama-Huntsville, Monmouth University, and Cambridge College. He holds a PhD in Social Foundations of Education from the University of Tennessee. He has published and presented widely in both popular and scholarly venues on social justice issues in education, education reform and accountability, and educational theory and learning in relation to complexity.

Jim is the founder of the blog, Schools Matter, and he contributes at Schools Matter: He is an intermittent contributor at Common Dreams. Jim splits his time between Cambridge, MA and Nashville, TN, and he is currently Professor in the Educational Leadership Doctoral Program at Cambridge College in Cambridge, MA.

His most recent book is "Work Hard, Be Hard: Journeys through 'No Excuses' Teaching."
Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Western Regional Manager - Animal Wellness Magazine, IVC Journal & Canadian Dogs Annual
Guest Biography:

Becky is a gifted educator and a has been a driving force at Redstone Media Group for over 12 years as the Western Regional Director of operations located in Los Angeles. Animals, natural healing, alternative health care and educating people are her passion which is why she is so successful in helping our advertising partners tell their story. Becky also has the rare gift of being able to understand the needs of her clients as well as the challenges that many of our readers experience with their animals. She is a true advocate of integrative health care for both animals and humans … “When I found Animal Wellness Magazine, it was everything I had been working toward and promoted all that I believed in”. Becky enjoys the California lifestyle living on Long Beach with her beloved dogs Timothy and Cute at her side. Oh ya...she likes monkeys too!

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Education, Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: Doctor and Inventor
Guest Biography:

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys (or Dr. Todd, as he is called) was formally educated at Northwestern University, where he was 1st in his class of 1800 with a 4.0 GPA. From Northwestern, he was accepted into a combined, accelerated undergraduate/medical school program at the highly esteemed Johns Hopkins University. Following this training he completed an Internship, Residency, and Chief Medical Residency in the Georgetown University Hospital System. This was followed by a two year Fellowship in Pulmonary and Intensive Care Medicine, also at Georgetown University Hospital. At Georgetown, Dr. Todd participated in formal studies of T cell immune function after harvesting lymphocytes from the lung via fiber optic bronchoscopy. In addition, this training involved intensive care of many persons afflicted with HIV infection, as the lung is a common target following the immunologic breakdown of this condition. Aware of the extreme limitations of treating HIV through ordinary conventional means, Dr. Todd began a search for less intrusive solutions. The concept of using the subtle differences of genetic organization between the viral and human genomes was the launch point for exploring new avenues of molecular resonance technologies. In concept, the slight differences of resonance signatures between the viral and human genomes could be used to selectively target and eliminate infected parts of cells leaving uninfected normal cells unharmed. After studying the background work on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living systems, Dr. Todd commissioned a colleague with the expertise to design and build a fundamentally new laser electromagnetic resonance technology. This new laser optical technology has been patented worldwide as U.S. #6,064,500 (worldwide patent WO97/22022) and U.S. #6,811,564,B1 (worldwide patent WO02/02187). Dr. Todd's invention is now being used in the potentiation of nutrients and offers alternative medicine and well-being a very bright future.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Bestselling author and spiritual expert
Guest Biography:

JAMES REDFIELD: MY STORY – I grew up a searcher.  From an early age, I can remember desiring a more complete answer to life’s more puzzling questions.

Sure everyone knows we have to grow up, find a way to make a living, take care of our kids, and seek a better world. But there were larger questions and no one was talking about them: Why are we here in this life in the first place? And why is life, at times, so hard?

Is there a secret to being lucky, confident, and successful in the pursuit of our dreams that humanity had not worked out yet?

As I realized later, my home environment was Synchronistic to my search for an answer to these questions. We didn’t have much money, but we had something better- enough land to have a sort of homestead, with gardens and food stock, lots of trees, pastures, and overlook mountains.

I can tell you with certainly, growing up in the South during the Civil Rights era awakened my advocacy for positive social action. My father, being from California put me on the correct side of that issue. Dad was an art teacher who struggled with some PTSD after World War II, and he valued the arts, especially writing. Not that I knew anything about Synchronicity back then or had any dreams of writing. Those ideas came to me when I was older.

As an older adolescent, I just kept asking questions about how to pursue life.  I was beginning to find some answers given by religion and academic philosophy, but they seemed too intellectually abstract and incomplete. I knew, the truth I was searching for, might not be simple, but it had to be clear…and concrete enough to put into action personally.

Early on, some part of me believed this knowledge existed, yet rebelliousness hampered my adolescent life. Confusion sent me through phases of challenging the rules, and took me very close to dire consequences. I often pacified myself with various distractions and a defended Aloofness (characteristic of the 5 in Enneagram terminology). I often went through alternating periods of frustrated self-isolation and deep research.

I’m sure I drove everyone crazy during this time. And no doubt my family was pleased when I departed for college. There, I was finally in my element. I was able to pursue my education in comparative religion, modern physics, and the academic movement of the day: the “Human Potential Movement.”

This idea taught us that humans are not reaching their true potential and fulfillment, and gave a name to my inner sense: there was more to life than we have fully discovered. It was an exciting time for me. I studied all the traditional expressions of human potential: Eastern and Western Mysticism, Humanistic Psychology, and Meditation, just to name a few.

As I continued my education searching for the truth, I found each area of research much too theoretical and abstract.  Though lacking my clear direction, I went on to graduate the university with an advanced degree and years of profound experiences. My college education, though enlightening, left me wanting a straight explanation and this further engaged my need to develop a study designed from authentic experience. It was this break-through that led me to realize a higher calling. I began a career as a therapist, hoping for continued growth through experimental studies.

After years of professional work, I realized that our human potential was being viewed too academically. I found the truth and wisdom so many of us were looking for to be in fact: Spiritual. However, it seemed religion had not yet defined this experience in practice. They were much too familiar with the alignment of individual doctrines.

As a result, I began to observe and then document the experiences of ordinary people who sought to live a Spiritual life in the early 1990’s. I thought this study would hand over profound evidence in view of how humans were evolving in consciousness. I also incorporated my experiences, observing a higher Divine presence in my relationships and career. As this study continued, I noticed we are coming to a higher Spiritual consciousness by way of steps or Insights. In turn, I found we were beginning to sense a heightened practical Intuition and precognition in forms of Synchronicity, purpose, or destiny.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Author and Artist
Guest Biography:



Pink Floyd's David Gilmour, Ginger Gilmour Matthew Gilmour create a multi-media phenomenon--1 Book, 2 Albums simultaneously & coincidentally released.

Ginger Gilmour releases her book 'Memoirs of the Bright Side of the Moon'. Matthew Gilmour (son of David and Ginger) releases his album titled 'The Grey'. David Gilmour releases his solo album 'Rattle that Lock'.

"Despite living in separate houses, separate lives, the Family Affair still carries on creatively," says Ginger with a smile. "It is such an energetic period to be living, especially watching our children's artistic flowering within the wings of our support," she adds.

Matthew Gilmour has released his first solo album titled 'The Grey' which has received high acclaim from all who have listened. "I am extremely proud of him. He has climbed a great mountain," says Ginger. "It has been amazing to watch him grow into the artist he has become. It is only the beginning," she adds.

The album contains 11 cuts containing 10 of Matthew's original material, recorded in Texas at the private recording studio of musician/producer Danny Johnson of Steppenwolf and tweaked and mastered by James Guthrie of Pink Floyd fame. "Matthew is someone to be reckoned with. The world needs to hear his music!" says James.

'Memoirs of the Bright Side of the Moon' is Ginger's personal way of thanking David for such a wonderful adventure-filled life (a story never told before).

It consists of 653 pages, 140 photographs and 90 descriptive stories as she walks us thru individual chapters of her life ... glimpsing her heart as you meander down the hallways of her life, pausing & peeking inside a closet or two. A one of a kind life that takes you to secret beach hideaways in the Greek Islands to a remote Middle Eastern village where the likes of Mick Jagger frolic within a hidden world unknown to fans. Ginger's life has crossed paths with a list of Rock n' Roll's biggest stars, spiritual teachers, therapists, friends AND adversaries who have helped to guide her to Live, Let go, Forgive and Love God.

Her self-published book itself has been described as a work of art by fans who have already received it. The book is Not a Tell-All but a collection of self-revealing stories of love, truth, motherhood and creativity. Through her artwork and self-belief that she shares, it is evident Ginger's passion is to uplift others' hearts beyond the challenges and to remember the Beauty that they are.

It is a must have for those who want to glimpse the other side of the Wall. It is brimming with content that will enlighten anyone who was part of that Rock n Roll Era or has ever dreamt that they could have been.

'Memoirs of the Bright Side of the Moon' can be ordered thru Ginger's website

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Photographer of Joy
Guest Biography:

Brand new to Southern California as of October 2014, Yelena is located in the picturesque area of  La Jolla, California. 

Creating magical portraits in nature for clients internationally and in the U.S., with most of her awe-inspiring work being done in San Diego, Los Angeles and Seattle

Formal photography studios with fake backgrounds, and blocks for kids to stand on just don’t capture the mood but outside sessions have natural energy, an energy that reveals the nature and energy of the individual. “If anyone can find a green patch, Yelena can,” says one portrait client, “and those places have energy.”

An unusual aspect of such portraits is as Yelena says, “They have a healing effect not just on the people photographed but on others who view it. Many of Yelena’s portrait art fans comment that “You will see this in her exhibits. You will smile. These photos make you feel good every time you look at them.”

What do you have to wear? Yelena, the magical fairy godmother has a collection of clothing, costumes, and accessories. It’s like delving into a princesses closet—clothes for little fairies, young fairies, middle age fairies and older and, for her male clients there is a selection of hats and ties. “I like dressing my clients in vintage clothing as princesses, fairies, or angels (wings included) and photographing them in natural settings- by a lake, a field or woods. I don’t ask clients to sit still or smile in a fake way; we have fun.” She says.

Yelena was born in the Eastern European country of Belarus and has lived in the U.S. since 2002. Her studio is called “Yelena: Photographer of Joy”. She says, “I believe my life mission is to create and celebrate beauty, joy, magic, and our oneness with Nature. I am passionately interested in spirituality, mythology, and metaphysics with a particular delight in angels, fairies, and goddesses. I use costume styling, floral accessories and my imagination to transform little girls and women into angels, fairies, nature goddesses for the portraits they treasure for the rest of their lives."

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Attorney
Guest Biography:

Former Alabama state Attorney General and now practices private law

Guest Category: Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Pastor at Miracle Deliverance Temple and station manager at Trinity Broadcasting Network in Montgomery AL.
Guest Biography:

He has a Doctrine and a committed follower of Jesus Christ and his ministry is based on helping others and providing academic sports for our youth such as basketball and other sports to help keep them out of trouble

Guest Category: Spiritual