Dr. Todd Ovokaitys (or Dr. Todd, as he is called) was formally educated at Northwestern University, where he was 1st in his class of 1800 with a 4.0 GPA. From Northwestern, he was accepted into a combined, accelerated undergraduate/medical school program at the highly esteemed Johns Hopkins University. Following this training he completed an Internship, Residency, and Chief Medical Residency in the Georgetown University Hospital System. This was followed by a two year Fellowship in Pulmonary and Intensive Care Medicine, also at Georgetown University Hospital. At Georgetown, Dr. Todd participated in formal studies of T cell immune function after harvesting lymphocytes from the lung via fiber optic bronchoscopy. In addition, this training involved intensive care of many persons afflicted with HIV infection, as the lung is a common target following the immunologic breakdown of this condition. Aware of the extreme limitations of treating HIV through ordinary conventional means, Dr. Todd began a search for less intrusive solutions. The concept of using the subtle differences of genetic organization between the viral and human genomes was the launch point for exploring new avenues of molecular resonance technologies. In concept, the slight differences of resonance signatures between the viral and human genomes could be used to selectively target and eliminate infected parts of cells leaving uninfected normal cells unharmed. After studying the background work on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living systems, Dr. Todd commissioned a colleague with the expertise to design and build a fundamentally new laser electromagnetic resonance technology. This new laser optical technology has been patented worldwide as U.S. #6,064,500 (worldwide patent WO97/22022) and U.S. #6,811,564,B1 (worldwide patent WO02/02187). Dr. Todd's invention is now being used in the potentiation of nutrients and offers alternative medicine and well-being a very bright future.