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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author, Whole Earth Festival Founder, Historian, Professor, Writer, Poet, Artist, Peace Activist, Scholar, Mayan Calendar Mathematician, Visionary, Speaker
Guest Biography:

José Argüelles was born January 24, 1939 in Rochester, Minnesota. He and his twin brother, Ivan, were the son of a Mexican father and German-American mother and lived their first five years in Mexico.

Argüelles was best known as the initiator of the world famous Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation, which occurred on August 16-17, 1987. During that time, he also awakened the mass consciousness to the significance of the year 2012 and turned the world’s attention toward the Maya and their calendric system. His best selling book, “The Mayan Factor” (1987) gives credence to the Mayan Calendar’s cycles of natural time, and reveals the historically unprecedented galactic shift in time coming in 2012.  

José Argüelles is also recognized as one of the creators of the Earth Day concept and founder of the Whole Earth Festival, now in its 43rd year in Davis, California. During the Fifth Annual Whole Earth Festival in 1974, he received a special commendation from the State of California for being the "Father of the Whole Earth Festival” and for his contribution to the art and culture of California.

His love of art and culture inspired him to obtain his Ph.D. in art history and aesthetics from the University of Chicago in 1969. His academic career led to professorships at Princeton University, University of California Davis, the Evergreen State College, the Naropa Institute, San Francisco State University, San Francisco Institute of Art, University of Colorado Denver, and the Union Graduate School.

Author of numerous philosophical and cultural essays, as well as poetry, his pioneering books were translated into many languages and include: The Mayan Factor, Earth Ascending, Surfers of the Zuvuya, The Arcturus Probe, Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs, the seven volume Cosmic History Chronicles (with Stephanie South) and Manifesto for the Noosphere: The Evolution of Human Consciousness. (For full bibliography see below).

As a prolific artist, Argüelles has provided the illustrations for a number of his books, as well as the cover art for the periodical Psychedelics: Their Uses and Implications (Osmund & Aaronson, 1969). His activity as a painter includes exhibits at the Princeton University Art Museum, 1968, and the Inner City Gallery, Los Angeles, 1969. His murals can still be seen at the Psychology Department, University of California, Davis (1969), and in the Dan Evans Library Building, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington (1972). With Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, he assisted in the Dharma Art Exhibits in Los Angeles (1980) and San Francisco (1981). His visionary drawings were also exhibited at the Time is Art Gallery, Portland, Oregon (1999-2000) and his "Doors of Perception" paintings exhibited at the Time is Art Gallery, Ashland, Oregon (2004-2005).

Argüelles is a lifelong arts activist for peace and the planetary transformation of consciousness. In 1968 he co-organized the Transformation Event, New York City, March 25, 1968. He is co-founder with former wife Lloydine of the Planet Art Network (1983), and World Thirteen Calendar Change Peace Movement (1994). The Planet Art Network (PAN) spread to more than 90 countries promoting art as the foundation for global peace, while reviving the Nicholas Roerich Peace Pact and Banner of Peace (1935).

Inspired by prophetic information received from Tony Shearer in 1970, Argüelles distilled his lifelong study of the mathematics and prophecies of the Mayan Calendar into the Harmonic Convergence (1987). This event commemorated the last day of the “Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hell” cycles as prophesied by Mexican prophet Quetzalcoatl.

As a scholar of comparative religion and world thought, he has made major contributions to research on the I Ching, and studied and practiced Tibetan Buddhism for many years with artist and meditation master, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. More recently he had focused his attention on the mathematics of the Qur’an in relation with the Law of Time.

But he is most noted for his pioneering work on the mathematics of the Mayan Calendar. A visionary experience at the age of fourteen atop the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán, Mexico, in 1953, led him to a lifelong investigation of the mathematics and prophecies associated with the Mayan Calendar. His decoding of its mathematics resulted in the discovery of the Law of Time (1989).

According to the Law of Time, modern humanity is in crisis because it is immersed in an erroneous and artificial perception of time, causing civilization to deviate at an accelerated rate from the natural order of the universe. To remedy this self-destructive situation, a collective unification into galactic consciousness is required. For this reason, José Argüelles promoted the return to a natural timing cycle through the regular measure of the 13-Moon 28-day calendar. Knowing that the Maya used up to 17 calendars simultaneously, and after experimenting living many cycles at once, Argüelles found that the 13-Moon 28-day cycle was more than a calendar, but a master synchronization matrix that all other systems and counts could be synchronized by. For this reason he called it a synchronomoter, a tool for measuring synchronicity.

José Argüelles has received recognition from many cultures. He was a recipient of the Magical Blend 2000 Millennium Award. On March 3, 2002, he was honored as "Valum Votan, Closer of the Cycle" by Nine Indigenous Elders atop the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán, Mexico. They recognized him as bringing new knowledge to regenerate the traditional knowledge, and awarded him a ceremonial staff for helping to wake humanity up to the meaning of 2012, the conclusion of the 5,125-year Great Cycle of the Mayan Calendar (as well as many other cycles). On October 9, 2003, The Archbishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church of St. Petersburg, Russia, publicly recognized him as the bearer of Mayan prophecy.

He was chief Founder and President of the Foundation for the Law of Time (2000-Present), a non-profit organization that promotes the new time knowledge and 13 Moon calendar.

In 2002, he recognized his apprentice, Stephanie South, and soon thereafter began a process of education known as the Galactic Mayan Mind Transmission that continued until his passing in 2011. In 2005, he began the Noosphere II Project with South, and participated in the Pakal Votan global telepathic experiment in conjunction with ISRICA, a branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 2005, he initiated the vision of CREST13: Centers for the Restitution, Investigation and Education of the Natural Mind, self-sustainable centers with an eye to global telepathic experiments ( As a member of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly (Moscow, Russia) in 2009, he launched the Noosphere World Forum (

In 2009, he presented his final 7-day seminar, “Synchronotron” at the Babaji ashram in Cisternino, Italy. In 2009 he was also named Honorary Member of the Club of Budapest.

In 2010, he received the highest honor of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace in Mexico City: the Nicholas Roerich Peace Medallion. In 2010 he was honored for his lifelong work with the Mayan Calendar, by Flordemayo, Mayan curandera and member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.

José Argüelles passed away on March 23, 2011 (9.17, Kin 89), 6:10 a.m. (exactly the same time as his birth) and precisely 1,328 years after the passing of Pacal Votan (683).

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, History, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Spiritual, Divination
Guest Occupation: Otolaryngologist, Surgeon, Author, Assistant Professor, Integrative Medicine Reseacher
Guest Biography:

Dr. Steven Y. Park is an author and surgeon who helps people who are always sick or tired to  once again reclaim their health and energy. For the past 10 years in private practice, he has helped thousands of men and women breathe better, sleep better, and live more fulfilling lives. His passion is to identify and empower people to overcome sleep-related breathing problems, which most people don’t realize is the real reason for many of their common medical ailments.

Dr. Park is a native of New York City, where he attended Stuyvesant High School. He received his undergraduate degree from The Johns Hopkins University and his medical degree from Columbia University’s College of Physicians & Surgeons. His otolaryngology residency training was completed at Albert Einsten/Montefiore. He is:

• a fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery

• a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

• board-certified in Otolaryngology (ear, nose, throat) – Head & Neck Surgery

• board-certified in Sleep Medicine

• actively involved in teaching residents and other surgeon in cutting-edge surgical techniques.

Dr. Park practices integrative medicine and surgery, with a firm belief that other models of health and disease can complement traditional, Western medicine. He provides monthly live tele-seminars with experts not only related to his field, but also professionals in other areas—he has interviewed an acupuncturist, dietician, and a neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis expert in the past. He firmly believes that one must treat the whole person first, including addressing his or her diet, lifestyle, stresses and emotional states, rather than focusing on one simple symptom or area of the body.

He is a published author of the book, Sleep, Interrupted: A physician reveals the #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired. It was endorsed by numerous New York Times best-selling authors such as Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Dean Ornish, and Mary Shomon.

In his spare time, he loves to cook Latin food. Dr. Park is also an avid runner with the Van Cortland Track Club in the Bronx. He is happily married to his wife, Kathy, and adores his three boys Jonas, Devin, and Brennan.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Expert Speaker on Natural Medicines, Broker, U.S. Marine, Humanitarian, Nutritional Supllements Developer
Guest Biography:

Lou founded Topical BioMedics, following 25 years dedicated interest in the application of herbal and homeopathic medicines and therapies, and nutritional supplements to stimulate health and healing. Mr. Paradise's enthusiasm, insight, and perseverance during a ten-year research and development phase led to the company's breakthrough product, Topricin®.

Mr. Paradise frequently serves as an expert speaker on the use of natural medicines on nationally syndicated radio, and conducts pain management seminars for audiences throughout the northeast. Lou has participated in addressing compliance issues related to natural medicines with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and regularly speaks to clinical audiences on the use of the company's proprietary technologies in the treatment of acute and chronic pain, and trauma injury as a compliment to primary care. Formerly, Lou worked in the brokerage and aerospace industries.

Mr. Paradise served in the U.S. Marine Corps on active combat duty during Vietnam, where he was decorated for bravery during military and humanitarian rescue missions.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition
Guest Occupation: Body Expert, Accountant, Teacher, Yoga Instructor, Wellness Coach, Keynote Speaker, Columnist, Motivator, Hatha Yoga Instructor, Pilates Instructor, Author
Guest Biography:

Hello, I'm Kathi Casey, The Healthy Boomer Body Expert.

At age 40 I was an overweight, out of shape accountant.  My doctor prescribed medication for high blood pressure and that's when it hit me.  I will NOT enter the "rusty" years like my parents did - I want more.  I will enjoy every last minute of this life well into my "golden years"!  I started taking Yoga, then became a certified teacher, and the rest of the story as they say, is history.  Today at age 59, I am more flexible, healthy (no more high blood pressure) and happier than I was at age 20 and I can show you how I did it!    

I'm a wellness coach, Amazon international best selling author, popular TV and Radio Show guest, inspiring keynote speaker,  health and fitness columnist for the South Shore Senior News (Boston), Life After 50, Boomer-Living, Forever Boomer Magazine, and have published in More Magazine. I've shared my exercises and techniques on ABC-8 Evening News, Fox 23, CT. Style Show and my own TV show  "To Your Health" airs in the Berkshires of Massachusetts where I also own and operate the Healthy Boomer Body Center.  I hold certifications in Pilates from the Body College in Washington DC;  Acu-Yoga  through the Acupressure Institute of Berkley California;  I'm an Experienced Registered Hatha Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance (American licensing board).  In addition, I've studied advanced techniques and courses in Pilates, Somatics, QiQong, Tai Partner Yoga, Healing Touch and also have over 20 yrs. experience working with special needs populations.

As a Baby Boomer myself, I understands the changes our bodies are going through. Through my years of teaching Yoga and Pilates, I've discovered many simple ways to combat my early morning stiffness, tension headaches and hormonal weight gain, to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. The powerful programs I've developed, will end your chronic lower back or neck and shoulder pain, relax muscles that haven’t relaxed in years, achieve PERMANENT weight loss, lost the hot flashes and night sweats, lower the levels of stress hormones coursing through your body so that you'll feel energized and revitalized -  All the ingredients for a Healthy Baby Boomer Body!

I currently offer coaching, speaking, and trainings all along the Eastern Seaboard and plan to expand across the entire USA.  Products like my book "Get Off The Couch, Potato!" are perfect for working moms, texting addicted teens, football dads, and grandma and grandpa too! Both "Get Off The Couch Potato" and my popular book "STOP Back Pain - Kiss Your Back, Neck and Sciatic Nerve Pain Goodbye!" are international bestsellers on Amazon.

My work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Colette Baron Reid, Dr. Pat Baccili, Dr. Darren Weissman, Dr. Joe Rubino, Peggy McColl and others. I currently live in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts near my 2 grown children Mick and Loretta.

My personalized  coaching services help Boomers wanting to retrain their bodies and regain their youthful vitality or boost their Boomer Brain Power!  Also anyone recovering from injury, chronic pain, or simply looking for an easy way to add fitness into their daily schedules.

Kathi with Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup For The Soul Books

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Yoga, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Morgellons Syndrome Researcher, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. David Conroy, MD, LLM,

Morgellon's Syndrome is the name given to a cluster of symptoms including pruritis, erythematous dermatological irritation, and excoriations. The defining feature of Morgellon's Syndrome is the spontaneous exodus of fibers from the epidermis in affected individuals.

The vast majority of the medical community believes that persons presenting these symptoms are delusional and are therefore suffering from a mental illness. For the last two years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States have been investigating persons afflicted with what the CDC term an explained dermopathy and Morgellon's Syndrome for the presence of an infectious aetiology.

This book demonstrates evidence of a new microorganism infecting a person complaining of a dermopathy and fibers spontaneously exiting the dermis who was diagnosed with delusional parasitosis. The organism is likely a fungus that lives beneath the epidermis with the ability to infect common fibers including cotton, feathers and hair follicles.

Guest Category: Medicine, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Great Master of the Illuminati Order, Sovereign, Holy Imperator, Sovereign Great Prior, Sovereign Great Commander
Guest Biography:

Frater Corvus is the Great Master of the Illuminati Order, Sovereign and Holy Imperator of the Societas Ordo Templi Orientis, Sovereign Great Prior of the Order of Templar Knights for Mexico and Latin America, and Sovereign Great Commander of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Masonry of the Rites of Memphis-Mizraím for the Mexican United States.

Guest Category: History, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Lecturer, Filmmaker, Researcher, Author, Writer, New Age Thinker
Guest Biography:

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. His upcoming Hollywood film CONVERGENCE unveils the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways.

David is also the subject and co-author of the international bestseller, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, which explores the remarkable similarities between David and Edgar, features many of David's most inspiring psychic readings, and reveals documented NASA scientific proof of interplanetary climate change... and how it directly impacts our DNA.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Documentary Investigator, Writer, Reporter, Columnist, Ufologist
Guest Biography:

James C. Fox - Documentary investigator, discusses his investigations and findings in Florida and Louisiana during the BP oil spill.

James Fox was born in England and raised in America by his father, Charles Fox, who wrote for newspapers and magazines like Rolling Stone, Playboy, Harpers and the Catholic Digest. When James was three years old, his father was struck with Multiple Sclerosis. For many years, James assisted his father as he traveled to locations for news stories. They conducted interviews with people ranging from theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking for Esquire to racecar driver Dan Gurney for Car & Driver.

After completing two years of education in Paris at the Sorbonne, James moved to San Francisco. He attended San Francisco State University where he finished his degree in French.

James was very skeptical when a close friend first introduced him to the field of UFOs in 1993. However, when a reliable acquaintance corroborated the first story, James began to investigate.

In 1998, he completed and sold his first major documentary UFOs: 50 Years of Denial? to the Discovery Channel. It included such notables as Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Col. Philip J. Corso, who was in charge of the foreign technology desk at the Pentagon during the Eisenhower administration. The success of UFOs: 50 Years of Denial? has led James to travel around the world for years in pursuit of further evidence. For his film, Out of the Blue, James interviewed witnesses including President Gerald Ford, Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich in Star City, Russia, and five-star Admiral Lord Hill Norton in England. He has a new film coming out called "I Know What I Saw." His passions are photography, bicycling, motorcycles, traveling and seeking truth.

Guest Category: News, Paranormal, UFOs, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Doctor of Materials Engineering, Writer, Author, Channel, Healer
Guest Biography:

Richard was born on a farm in country Victoria, Australia. Whilst he loved the country, the connection with native and farm plants and animals this provided as well as the practical skills he learned, he never felt at home in that community.

After four years at boarding school in Ballarat, Victoria, he moved to Melbourne to attend University. Apart from 18 months in Adelaide, Melbourne and its nearby surrounds has been his home ever since.

After completing his PhD in Materials Engineering, Richard joined IBM in sales and spent some 7 years with the company in sales and management roles. In the mid-80’s he joined a small existing consulting and products business and helped grow that business to a A$25M operation in a few short years. It was a pinnacle in his business and financial success.

A year or so prior to deciding to sell the company, Richard had an epiphany of sorts, when he realised all the success he had been creating was not addressing a deep void he felt inside himself. So began a search to understand this and shortly thereafter came a crisis that led him to destroy almost everything he had created in his life. This included losing over $1M in a year and experiencing a breakdown in his marriage.

In his attempts to make some sense of his life, he investigated many healing modalities and finished up becoming a member of small yoga-based group that morphed into a cult. After some years Richard realised that, although he had learned a lot about spirituality through the group, it was not where the answers lay.

The only healing modality that brought any lasting benefit to him was Reiki and through this work became aware of a connection to Archangel Michael. Richard also studied Reiki to be able to heal himself.

He continued to investigate other healing modalities and read a broad range of spiritual material as he looked for answers. Despair was a close companion throughout this time, though underlying this was also a sense that it would all work out and make sense. It seemed like a piece of cosmic irony. He was deeply in debt, unemployed with no seeming employment prospects, a desire to keep his children in their schools… A mix that looked like it was never going to work - and yet there was this optimism deep inside him.

In investigating the connection he felt to Archangel Michael, he found a resonance with the work being done by Carolyn Evers. He began to participate in some conference calls with her and this work resonated deeply within him. It began a continuing unfolding that has been in part expressed in his eBook.

In more recent times, Richard has been working closely with Carolyn, and this work is deeply connected to the unfolding of events at the end of 2012 and beyond

Richard has 5 children ranging in age from 25 down to 11. The launch of his eBook has opened many doors as people on many levels have begun to connect with its message.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Physical Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo has the prescription for success: in work, health and life.

Elizabeth started her professional career as a Physical Therapist after getting her Master’s degree at Duke University.  It was then that she realized that every goal we have, whether it is related to our bodies, relationships, work or life, requires a significant mental edge in order to achieve it.

In her quest to help people actualize their dreams, Elizabeth went back to school to get her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.  Wanting to help people “before they need a couch,” Elizabeth now coaches, consults, and speaks to groups about how to achieve their desired results.

Elizabeth is a highly sought-after speaker and media consultant.  She has been honored by giving a prestigious TED-x talk.  Elizabeth is frequently interviewed by today’s top media outlets including Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Health, MSNBC, USA Today, CNN and National Public Radio. She has made multiple appearances on The Today Show.

Her book, “A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness” is a national bestseller.  Shaquille O’Neal says, “Dr. Lombardo is my head coach for happiness.”

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Chiropractor, Executive Director, Editor, Trainer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Sigmund Miller has been a chiropractor since 1977 practicing in Florida and California. He is currently the Executive Director of the Association of New Jersey Chiropractors. He is married and has 23 year old triplets.

Sigmund Miller, DC, FICC, founder of Chiropractic Back School, is also executive director for the Association of NJ Chiropractors, and editor of Chiroview Presents, one of the largest online and free information services. For years he trained hundreds of chiropractors and presented Industrial and In-Office Back School to many thousands of people.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine
Guest Occupation: CEO, Nutritional Business Consultant, Supplements Product Developer, Author
Guest Biography:

Mr. Gary Sandman is CEO and Founder of Individualized Health Solutions,llc. /Signature Supplements. He has worked for over 30 years to help integrate natural and contemporary medicine. He developed a template for credentialing standards used nationally to assist in identifying qualified alternative and complementary practitioners. He was also co-chair of the congressional mandated forum on integrative medicine and has extensive experience in start up companies in the nutritional field. He is currently writing a book on healing and another about his time spent with Rolling Thunder, a native Indian Medicine Man who appeared in the movie Billy Jack.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Family Practicioner, Geriatrician, Diplomat, Medical Director, America's Top Family Doctor Distinction
Guest Biography:

Jonathan Musher, MD, CMD - Family Practitioner and Fellowship-trained Geriatrician | Private Practice

Dr. Musher is a family practitioner and a fellowship-trained geriatrician. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Pain Management as well as a charter Certified Medical Director through the American Medical Director's Association. Dr. Musher is currently in private practice in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Prior to establishing his private practice Dr Musher served for 10 years as the Vice President of Medical affairs for Beverly Healthcare, the largest nursing home company in the world. Dr Musher received his medical degree from the University of Bologna School of Medicine in Bologna, Italy and completed his residency training at a Cornell affiliate in New York City.

Dr. Musher is President of Metropolitan Physicians' Practice, Chair of Family Medicine at Suburban Hospital a Johns Hopkins Hospital, and is actively involved in family medicine and geriatrics. Dr. Musher has over 25 years of clinical hands-on medical experience. His expertise spans the spectrum of acute care and long-term care services, from inpatient and ambulatory care through home and hospice care to skilled nursing care. He has published and lectured extensively in the areas of Geriatrics, Long Term Care, and Medical Direction. Dr. Musher is a Past President of the American Medical Directors Association (AMDA), Immediate Past Chair of the AMDA Foundation, a member of the AMDA Public Policy Committee, and was a recent delegate to the White House Conference on Aging. He is a member of several Medical Boards and Committees and was a member of the National Assisted Living Task Force. Dr Musher also participated on the Obama Healthcare transition team Washington DC workgroup and was recently named Top Doctor by The Washingtonian Magazine and one of America's Top Family Doctors by the Consumer Research Council of America. Dr Musher has participated and consulted on various committees and task forces as well as given testimony to Congress on issues related to health care and long term care medicine.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Actress, Advocate, Mother, Humanitarian, Author, Spiritual Facilitator
Guest Biography:

Lindsay Wagner makes little distinction between her life as an actress, advocate, mother, humanitarian or author.   What unites these various parts is a commitment through her work and her personal life to advancing human potential.  Early in her career this commitment was evident in her Emmy Award winning portrayal of “The Bionic Woman”.  Her use of media as a way to communicate ideas to help people in their personal process is demonstrated in so many of her films. 

Films such as:  "Shattered Dreams" on spousal abuse and domestic violence starred in and co-Produced by Lindsay in 1991; "The Taking of Flight 847" on the root complexities of terrorism (1988); "Evil In Clear River" on the quiet rise of the Neo-Nazi movement in America (1988); "Child's Cry" on child sexual abuse (1985);  "I Want To Live" on the moral dilemma regarding capital punishment (1983); and "The Incredible Journey of Doctor Meg Laurel" on the battle between the naturopathic and allopathic healthcare (1979).

Off screen, Lindsay continuously works both publicly and privately in advocacy and public education.  She shares the knowledge and experiences, which have greatly impacted her life and have profoundly enhanced her awe of our often unrecognized human potential.  Lindsay has co-authored two books: a best-selling vegetarian lifestyle cookbook entitled, The High Road to Health (Simon & Schuster) and a book on acupressure, Lindsay Wagner's New Beauty: The Acupressure Facelift (Simon & Schuster).  

From 2003-2006 Lindsay co-facilitated a support group for convicted batterers and their families.  In 2004 she co-founded “Peacemakers Community”, a non-profit organization that offers families and individuals more constructive and peaceful ways of relating to each other and oneself in order to help end the cycle of family violence.  Her work utilized a range of psychological techniques and Spiritual encouragement. 

For the public, Lindsay has been offering experiential “Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart” retreats and workshops. These programs are designed to help us access more deeply the peace and joy which is naturally within us and to realize how the conscious and unconscious concepts we carry in the mind often have a life diminishing influence on others and ourselves.  For many, it can be the catalyst needed to break through old or undesirable patterns affecting our family dynamics, intimate relationships, self-image, parenting, friendships and our work/career. 

“Every aspect of our lives will benefit from a shift in perspective that ‘Quiets the Mind and Opens the Heart’.“ 
 ~ Lindsay Wagner ~

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, Editor, Writer, Occult Researcher, Obscure Subject Historian
Guest Biography:

Tracy Twyman has been writing about alternative history and the occult for 14 years. She is the author of several nonfiction books and is also the former Editor of Dagobert's Revenge Magazine, a journal of esoteric history that was published from 1996 to 2003. In 2006 her website made national news when it was banned by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on charges of blasphemy. Recently she was featured in the documentary film Bloodline, released in May 2008. Her book The Merovingian Mythos was licensed by Sony Pictures for use in the upcoming film Angels and Demons, prequel to The Da Vinci Code.

Tracy R. Twyman's latest work on the esoteric history of money. Learn how the modern-day alchemists who control our economy create fool's gold out of nothing. These masters of illusion have tricked us all into sacrificing our own youth, and that of our own children, by convincing us that "time is money."

Tracy R. Twyman is an author and commentator on a number of obscure subjects. Her books include Mind-Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA; The Merovingian Mythos and the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau; Solomon's Treasure: The Magic and Mystery of America's Money. She's also the former Editor of Dagobert's Revenge Magazine about mysticism, secret societies, and alternative history.

Guest Category: History, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Grand Master, Baphomet Preceptory, Knight Templar
Guest Biography:

Knight Templar David De Paul
The Ancient Order of Baphomet

David De Paul is the Grand Master of the Ancient Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon and Baphomet Preceptory.

David will discuss the Ancient Order of Baphomet and why the Knights Templar and many other initiatic societies have embraced the ominous figure of Baphomet over the last one thousand years.

Guest Category: History
Guest Occupation: Miss USA 2010, Community Volunteer, Actress
Guest Biography:

Rima Fakih was born September 22, 1985 in South, Lebanon. Fakih’s parents, Hussein and Nadia, immigrated the family to New York City in 1993 when Rima was seven years old escaping Lebanon’s civil war. One of five kids, Rima grew up most of her life in Jackson Heights, Queens where she attended elementary public school P.S. 69 and Intermediate School I.S. 145. She graduated from St. John's Preparatory School, a Catholic high school in Astoria, Queens. After graduating high school, Fakih’s family moved to Dearborn, Michigan where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, with a minor in Business Administration at the University of Michigan. Active in campus life, Fakih served her fellow students as president of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) and President of University of Michigan-Dearborn, Business School.

On May 16,2010 Rima Fakih made history as the first Arab, Lebanese, and Muslim to be crowned Miss USA representing the state of Michigan. Proudly Ms. Fakih represented her title as she faced many controversies because of her ethnicity and religion with the media nationally and internationally. Armed with a quote that her father raised her to believe, “You don’t know who you are until you know where you came from”.

Rima Fakih has been honored numerous times including, The Ethnic Foundation of Understanding, American Task Force of Lebanon, Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Renee Mowad Foundation, the president of Lebanon, Michel Suleima, the Beirut International Award Festival, and received the key to the city of Connecticut. Upon winning Miss USA she returned to Dearborn, Michigan where she was given the key to the city. Approximately 150 people -- including politicians and community leaders – attended the event.

Fakih also spent time volunteering for various community organizations such as Ameri-Corp, ACCESS (Arab-American Community Center), American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and sat on the board of AAPN (Arab American Professional Network.) Fakih is dedicated to helping remove the stereotype of Arabs in America and all over the world and removing the fear that many Arabs possess in America. As Miss Michigan USA 2010, she served as one of the first official pageant ambassadors for women’s self- defense awareness, educating women on the importance of taking the necessary precautionary measures to best protect and prepare themselves from unwanted situations.

Rima Fakih wants to continue to break barriers and make history. She passed down the crown of Miss USA in June of 2011 and has been active in taking part in Hollywood films and reality TV shows as well as taking more initiatives to support her platform and her dream.

Guest Category: Beauty, History, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Reporter, News Correspondent, Researcher, Author, Diplomate, Fierce Thinker
Guest Biography:


Alan Hart has been engaged with events in the Middle East and their global consequences and terrifying implications – the possibility of a Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic, and, along the way, another great turning against the Jews – for nearly 40 years…

  • As a correspondent for ITN’s News At Ten and the BBC’s Panorama programme (covering wars and conflicts wherever they were taking place in the world).
  • As a researcher and author.
  • As a participant at leadership level, working to a Security Council background briefing, in the covert diplomacy of the search for peace.

He’s been to war with the Israelis and the Arabs, but the learning experience he values most, and which he believes gave him rare insight, came from his one-to-one private conversations over the years with many leaders on both sides of the conflict. With, for example, Golda Meir, Mother Israel, and Yasser Arafat, Father Palestine. The significance of these private conversations was that they enabled him to be aware of the truth of what leaders really believed and feared as opposed to what they said in public for propaganda and myth-sustaining purposes.

It was because of his special relationships with leaders on both sides that, in 1980, he found himself sucked into the covert diplomacy of conflict resolution…

President Carter had been prevented by Prime Minister Begin from involving the PLO in the peace process, an opening made possible because Arafat had signalled, secretly and seriously, that he was ready to make peace with an Israel inside more or less its pre-1967 borders. Carter was in despair and said, in private, that events had once again proved that it was impossible to advance the peace process by institutional diplomacy (because of the pork-barrel nature of American politics and the Zionist lobby’s awesome influence). It was then suggested to Alan that he should undertake an unofficial, covert diplomatic mission to get an exploratory dialogue going between Arafat and Peres, with himself initially the linkman. The assumption at the time was that Peres would win Israel’s next election and deny Begin a second term. The initiative was funded by a small number of wealthy British Jews led by Marcus Sieff (the Chairman of Marks and Spencer) with the approval of Lord Victor Rothschild…. It happened and enough progress was made to get Peres and Arafat into public dialogue in the event of Peres winning the 1981 election. Unfortunately, and against all expectations, he did not.

In the course of this mission, Alan learned two things. The first was the truth about the miracle of Arafat’s leadership – his success in persuading his side (most of it) to be ready for unthinkable compromise with Israel for peace. (Which was why Alan wrote his first book Arafat: Terrorist or Peacemaker). The second was why it is difficult to impossible for any Israeli prime minister, even a rational, well-motivated one, to make peace on any terms the Palestinians can accept.

A decade later, this initiative became the Oslo process, which might have delivered peace if Prime Minister Rabin had not been assassinated by a gut-Zionist.

Alan has long believed that what peacemaking needs above all else is some TRUTH-TELLING, about many things but, especially, the difference between Zionist mythology and real history, and, the difference between Jews and Judaism on the one hand and Zionists and Zionism on the other. (The Zionism of the title and substance of Alan’s latest book is, of course, political Zionism or Jewish nationalism as the creating and sustaining force of the Zionist state, not what could be called the spiritual Zionism of Judaism).

Alan is also credited with having played a leading role in getting the ‘North-South’ issue onto the agenda for political and public debate throughout the Western world and beyond. In 1973, frustrated by the mainstream media’s refusal to come to grips with issues that really matter, he set up his own independent production company (World Focus) to research, film, edit and promote the first ever documentary on the full and true dimensions of global poverty and its implications for all.

The end product, a two-hour film titled FIVE MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT, had its world premiere, hosted by Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, at the formal opening of the 7th Special session of the UN General Assembly, (called to discuss the need for a New World Economic Order); was screened on television in most countries of the North; was versioned for schools in many countries; and became something of a standard work of reference. (The visual impact of the production was supplemented by statistics then new to the world including, for example, the estimate that, in the South, 15 million children under five were dying each year from a combination of malnutrition and easily preventable diseases – in a word, poverty).

To make the project work, Alan, on the strength of his international reputation, raised £1 million in grants from international development institutions and governments and put together a think-tank of world leaders to advise him.

Alan is a fiercely independent thinker. He hates all labels and isms and has never been a member of any political party or group. He prefers to judge issues on their merits. When asked what drives him, he used to say: “I have three children and, when the world falls apart, I want to be able to look them in the eye and say, ‘Don’t blame me. I tried.’” Today he gives an improved answer, one borrowed from a conversation with Dr. Hajo Meyer, a Nazi holocaust survivor and a passionate anti-Zionist. When Alan asked him why he was still campaigning at the age of 82 even though he was being reviled by Zionism, he replied: “The first person I see when I get up in the morning is me.” Alan, too, has to be able to live with himself. He believes that heaven and hell are states of mind. Hell, he says, “is when you know that the end of your life is approaching and that you have not used your talents and resources as well as you could have done to make a difference – i.e. when you realise upon reflection that you have wasted your life. Heaven is contemplation of the approach of death without fear because you know that, on balance, you’ve done your best to make a difference.”

Guest Category: History, News, World News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Experiential Explorer, Executive Director, Facilitator, Educator, Pastor, Author, Spiritualist
Guest Biography:

For over 25 years, Paul Rademacher has been studying the intersection between consciousness, spirituality and the Christian tradition. After graduating with a Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1985, Mr. Rademacher spent 15 years in the pastoral ministry working in congregations in Muncie, IN and Charlotte, NC. From 1989 to 1992 he pursued doctoral studies in the areas of mysticism, meditation and spiritual practice, at the Ecumenical Theological Center in Detroit, MI.

In 1997 he attended, for the first time, The Monroe Institute and continued as a student there until 2000. In 2001 he became a residential facilitator at the Institute leading groups in experiential explorations of their inner awareness. Since October of 2007 he has served as the Executive Director of The Monroe Institute.

Before leaving the traditional ministry in 2000, Mr. Rademacher was able to bring together the worlds of spirituality and consciousness by introducing the Monroe methodology to small groups within his congregation. Through courses he designed and taught, the participants were not only able to move personally into profound altered states of consciousness, but were also able to see the connection between these states and what Jesus termed “the kingdom of heaven.” For most of them it was their first introduction to perceptions beyond the physical body – an experience that was life changing for many.

Guest Category: History, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Visionary, Community Developer, Teacher, Tribal Planner, Healer, Hope Prophecy Authority
Guest Biography:

John had an innate characteristic of a visionary/community developer. John’s family includes 13 offspring including 2 great grandsons. John is a practitioner and teacher of Hanmi Esoteric Buddhism.

Kimmey arrived in the Southwest in 1965 in Santa Fe. John and a group founded the American Church of God, a chapter of the Native American Church of North America. This chapter has been successfully active for the past 48 years assisting thousands on their own spiritual paths.

Graduating from the College of Santa Fe in 1967 as a certified elementary school teacher, John and another teacher founded the Santa Fe Community School in 1968. This was New Mexico’s first alternative school and swiftly became a model for numerous educational experiments.

In 1980-81 john was a tribal planner at taos Pueblo. In this position he conducted a survey of the adults of the Pueblo and that became an important planning instrument for years of future community development.

While still living in Santa Fe in the seventies John became acquainted with the elders of the Hopi village of Hotevilla, Arizona. he became a student and traveling companion of the late Hopi Prophet and village leader, David Monongye. At the elders’ request John came to live in Hotevilla to assist them in a communication effort which reached out to the United Nations and many other world leaders. While fulfilling their request, John also taught and created curriculum for the independent Hotevilla-Bacavi Community School.
While residing with the Hopis John was urged by the elders to return to Santa Fe and found an organization to collect and conserve native food crops of the Southwest. John founded Talavaya center, a non-profit educational and research center which established a community seedbank of over 600 varieties of native cultivars. In 1984 talavaya Center received the United Nations Environmental Programme Award for its successful efforts in the conservation of genetic diversity of important germplasm and the farming lore of the ancestral cultures of the Southwest.

In 1987 John returned to Taos to found and direct the Sustainable Native Agriculture Center (SNAC) in the Hispanic village of Arroyo Hono. These efforts, in two years time, created a community seed bank and grow out program for many gardeners and farmers in the valley. John completed his project by leaving over one thousand pounds of seed for the rural communities of Arroyo Hondo and Embudo, New Mexico.

John traveled extensively in the Northwest for several years, including southern British Columbia, Canada where he delivered to native bands numerous strains of native foodcrops of the Southwest. At that time he also delievered the wisdom of the Hopi Prophecies and conducted workshops. He also studied the skills and techniques of community facilitation and was called upon to facilitate for several Indian bands in British Columbia, as well as serving to facilitate cooperation between residents of the Colville community in making preparations for possible collapse of services associated with the Y2K crisis.

While in the Northwest Kimmey wrote a book, LIGHT ON THE RETURN PATH. This book has been described by some as the best overall synopsis of the pertinent aspects of the Hopi Prophecy and its associated instructions for this time.

In 1999 John was called to deliver the Hopi Prophecies in New Zealand. He traveled for three months, being initiated into 20 Maraes, or Maori tribal centers, where he was welcomed by the wisdom keepers.

In 2004 Kimmey moved to Hawaii where he learned Huna ceremonial practice and Buddhist healing practice. He presently continues healing and teaching in Santa Fe, NM.

My life is dedicated to helping others.
I have acquired various ways to accomplish this mission:

  • I am an empowered practitioner of the Lapis Lazuli Medicine Buddha healing Dharma of the Hanmi Esoteric Buddhism, an 1,400 year old ancient Dharma lineage from China. This practice has been known to cure terminal diseases.
  • I myself was cured of cancer with this practice, thus I have trained to perform this service to others.
  • I am a ceremonial leader in various traditions and believe that creation and participation in ceremony is essential to our collective evolution, so necessary in this time of transformation.
  • I am available as a consultant and teacher in leading you into inclusion of ceremony into your life on a regular basis.
  • I have years of experience in small farm development.
  • My mentors were elder indigenous farmers in the Rio Grande Valley, Hopi Mesas, and among the Dukabors of Southern British Columbia.
  • Crop selection and seed saving is my specialty.
  • I am linked to the network of growers in Northern New Mexico.
  • As an educator I have developed reliable strategies for the inclusion of the ancient process of Apprenticeship into home schooling and progressive school curriculum.
  • Empowerment of our youth is essential in this time, and apprenticeship does the trick.As a great grandfather I have much experience in family and individual counseling.
  • I have a great track record with couples in this regard. I especially emphasize the integration of spiritual precepts into the solution of conflict and/or confusion.
  • My background includes shamanic techniques which I integrate into all my practices.
  • For those interested in persuing intensive self cultivation leading to enlightenment perhaps the Path of Esoteric Buddhism is in your destiny.
  • For information on weekly classes contact me.
  • This Path is demanding and rewarding. When one is dedicated to the practice your own enlightenment is the result.
  • Those who attain it will survive the Time of Purification now upon us.
Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, History, Buddhism, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy