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Rahasya Poe
Rahasya Poe, Author, Neuroscience Researcher and Spiritualist
Guest Occupation
Author, Neuroscience Researcher, Spiritualist
Guest Biography

In light of the obvious fact that on every level the world is not functioning well, author Rahasya Poe thinks that individuals need to start looking for the common denominator underlying world events and the decisions being made in every area of society. Below the superficial layers of society, one finds a simple common denominator that dictates most of everyone's actions - beliefs. Poe challenges readers and encourages them to doubt as he explains how beliefs are shaped and how they affect social and neurological factors in a perceptive new book, To Believe Or Not To Believe.

Thought-provoking, this book is an in-depth look at how individuals limit their conscious evolution by maintaining rigid belief systems that no longer serve them and are lacking any logic or reason considering today's advances in physics, neuroscience, and recent archaeological finds. Neuroscience has shown that people who meditate have much higher brain coherence than people who don't; this balance is thought to be the gateway for spiritual enlightenment, which could be viewed as a bio-neurological event. Through a better understanding of reality and one's relationship to it, humankind will be able to see through the veils of illusion that keeps everyone in constant conflict with one another.

Reflecting the words of Voltaire, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities", To Believe Or Not To Believe includes interviews with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Andrew Newberg, Fred Alan Wolf, Neale Donald Walsch, and more. The purpose of this book is to show through evidence that with the practice and maintaining of rigid beliefs, individuals set up deeply entrenched neural networks that not only reflect the limitations of one's beliefs but also limit and distort the way one sees the world.

"If we want to evolve and move on we must first release ourselves from our primitive past beliefs and superstitions, which is what this book is about-creating a new world by identifying and letting go of our outdated and dysfunctional beliefs," Poe says.

About the Author

Living in a world where the options for creating a sustainable society are quickly disappearing, Rahasya Poe has spent many years questioning some of our most cherished and established answers that no longer serve us and are in fact dysfunctional and dangerous in today's world. His journey has taken him from practicing meditation in India to the ruins of Peru to sitting with correnderos in Mexico and taking Ayuhaska in Brazil. He now publishes a magazine in northern California with his wife Dhara.