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Guest Name
James Chappell
Dr. James Chappell, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., M.H., Chiropractic Physician, Naturopathic Physician, Clinical Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist, Health Researcher, Educator, Consultant, Health Products Formulator, Publisher, Producer, Radio Show Host, Author, Writer, Commissioner, Human Rights Activist and Speaker
Guest Occupation
Chiropractic Physician, Naturopathic Physician, Clinical Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist, Health Researcher, Educator, Consultant, Health Products Formulator, Publisher, Producer, Radio Show Host, Author, Writer, Commissioner, Human Rights Activist, Sp
Guest Biography

Dr. James Chappell, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., M.H.

James Chappell is a chiropractic (D.C.) and naturopathic (N.D.) physician, clinical nutritionist (Ph.D.) and medical herbalist (M.H.).

Since 1971, he has been a health researcher and educator specializing in chronic, severe and so-called “terminal” illnesses. He does not treat “disease,” but rather teaches people how to heal themselves using classical, aboriginal, advanced quantum energy and natural healing protocols from around the world.

He is the president of Chappell Consulting Services, founder and formulator of QCI Health Products™, vice president of Heart to Heart Media/Publishing and former producer/co-host of The Shoong & Chappell Show aired on KTMS radio Santa Barbara, California. Dr. Chappell is a noted author, internationally recognized medical consultant and a leading authority on natural healing. In addition to having helped over 10,000 people, he worked ten years as a lot doctor at Universal, MGM, Paramount and Burbank studios in Hollywood, California helping actors, producers and directors.

Whether consulting, participating in seminars, radio or television interviews, infomercials, writing articles, newsletters or books, Dr. Chappell is a teacher's teacher and a whole food nutrition purist, stating, "The key to health is not treatment, be it natural or orthodox, the key is and has always been love and attention, education and taking effective action. We need to remember that we are what we eat, assimilate and don't eliminate. Caution should be taken as to what we consume through our food, air, water and especially our minds. I have devoted my entire adult life to sharing the wisdom contained in nature and what befalls us when we ignore Her. Ignorance is definitely not bliss and hence we continue to suffer because of it. Nothing is more important than our health. Nothing. The laws of nature are without negotiation. The key is in understanding and adapting to them. Those who fail to take the time to be healthy will ultimately have to take the time to be sick."