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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Novelist
Guest Biography:

Rachel Kenley believes in embracing the power of passion and she does so every time she sits and spends time creating stories for the characters who live in her head. The characters in her life include her husband, two sons, her family, and a group of writer friends she would be lost without. She knows how lucky she is to be living the writer's life that has always been her dream.

Guest Category: Literature
Guest Occupation: Spokesperson for Redmond, manufacturer and distributor for natural, healthy, sustainable products.
Guest Biography:

Darryl Bosshardt is passionate about healthy living, healthy eating and life-long learning! Darryl is currently employed by Redmond Trading Company which is a manufacturer and distributor for natural, healthy, sustainable products. Darryl grew up working for the family mineral business in Redmond, UT and then earned a Bachelors of Science degree at Southern Utah University followed by an MBA at Western Governor's University. In his spare time Darryl enjoys the outdoors, hiking, fishing, canyoneering, beekeeping, and just about anything else he can get is hands on. He currently lives in Heber City, UT with his wife and three boys.

He is a spokesperson for Redmond, manufacturer and distributor of Real Salt unrefined crystal sea salt, Redmond Clay Powder, an all-natural bentonite healing clay that has been used for generations, and Earthpaste, an all-natural clay & salt solution for cleaning, brightening, and remineralizing tooth enamel.

Everything you've always wanted to know about

brushing your teeth with clay

...but didn't know who to ask

An interview with Darryl Bosshardt of "Earthpaste"

As a kid growing up in Redmond, Utah, Darryl Bosshardt rarely saw a tube of toothpaste on the family's bathroom sink.

"Maybe because my dad was cheap, or maybe because he was a genius, he had us dip our wet toothbrushes into a bowl of tooth powder he created by mixing together powdered clay and ground-up crystal sea salt in a 50-50 combination," says Bosshardt. "Although it didn't taste great, brushing with the clay-salt mixture worked amazingly well and kept our mouths and gums healthy and our teeth strong, clean, white and largely cavity-free."

Bosshardt says when he had children of his own years later, he decided to update the family toothpowder recipe and began studying toothpaste labels to find ingredients to improve the taste and consistency of his father's formula.

"I was shocked to discover the dozens of potentially harmful chemical additives being put into toothpaste by all the top brands," says Bosshardt. "What really got my attention was the warning printed on every manufacturer's product: If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately."

Amongst the dozens of worrisome additives Bosshardt discovered in most top toothpaste brands were: 

1. Sodium fluoride:

Many health experts agree that sodium fluoride is a neurotoxin and unfit for human consumption. This is why toothpastes containing fluoride have a warning advising to call poison control if more than a small amount is swallowed.

2. Synthetic dyes 

Food dyes, synthesized originally from coal tar and now petroleum, have long been controversial. Many dyes have been banned because of their adverse effects on laboratory animals. A recent report titled "Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks" from the Center for Science in the Public Interest finds that many of the nine currently approved dyes raise health concerns. 

3. Glycerine:

Among other things, glycerin is the base for many liquid soaps and on the body isn't a problem. However, in the mouth, glycerin creates a coat or film that won't rinse away. Many natural dentists say this glycerin film on teeth can prevent the teeth from being able to re-mineralize, thereby weakening the teeth.

4. Foaming agents such as SLS 

Among other things, foaming agents such as SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) are said to have a drying effect on the mouth which can increase mouth acidity. These chemicals are also known to cause membrane disruption and trauma in the mouth leading to canker sores.

5. Titanium dioxide

A fine powder that makes toothpaste, and vinyl fencing, bright and white, but is classed as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" if inhaled.

"We decided to keep the Earthpaste formula simple and natural," says Bosshardt, now a spokesperson for Redmond, makers of Earthpaste. "We use only food grade Redmond clay, unrefined crystal sea salt from the Redmond mines, purified water, essential oils and menthol for flavor (there are five), and a pinch of xylitol for a hint of natural sweetness. I think we did a pretty good job because Earthpaste became a success virtually overnight. It might look like mud, but it is delicious, healthy mud!" 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Line Producer, Hollywood Producer, and Channeler for the "The Guardian Alliance"
Guest Biography:


Hi. My name is Mathew. I’m a sensitive, a channeler, and a Hollywood film producer. Welcome to my blog, The Life Intended, where I share my channeled messages and personal experiences regarding all things spirit and healing.

My Shocking Introduction to the World of Spirit

Back in the early ’80’s, I entered adulthood with absolutely no interest in spirituality or religion, enamored with science, and quite skeptical about anything that couldn’t be proven. But between the ages of 21 and 23, everything changed when three incredible spirit encounters occurred within a two year period that radically altered my perspective of the unseen world.

In the first incident, an experiment with automatic writing led to an undeniable encounter with a ghost.

In the second incident, a surprising emotional breakdown oddly progressed into a high fever and a fight for my life with a spirit being I later came to think of as The Grim Reaper. In the third incident, I was blessed to have the most miraculous encounter with a beautiful spirit being whom I innately recognized as Jesus.

Perhaps this all sounds a little incredible? Now, just imagine the reactions I would have received 30 years ago (before the days of personal computers and the internet) if I had openly talked about them. That said, after my encounter with Jesus, I decided to keep quiet. For one thing, I knew my experiences and explanations weren’t likely to be well-received by the majority of the people I knew. But, more importantly, given that I was in the early stages of a career in the film industry, the last thing I wanted was to be unfairly judged as mentally unstable. Consequently, I did what I thought was prudent at the time — I kept all three encounters to myself!

A Painfully Long Dark Night of The Soul

As the years rolled by, however, I became more and more confused as the spiritual side of my life took a back seat while I made advancements in my career, got married, and started a family. For the most part, this was because throughout those years, I was never able to shake this nagging feeling that there was something I was supposed to do with the message that Jesus had shared with me. But what? Unbeknownst to me, I didn’t fully understand the message, nor did I realize that I was hindered by mental and emotional wounding from childhood. (Unfortunately, it would take years before I made those discoveries.) In the meantime, as much I tried to forget the visitation from Jesus and get on with my life, I just couldn’t. As a consequence, my confusion gradually developed into chronic depression, as well as periodic episodes of anger and frustration.

Help On The Way

Thankfully, after 15 years of struggle, I experienced a breakthrough one day when I accidentally discovered my Higher Self. Having kept a journal since the ghost incident in 1982, it had never occurred to me to review those journals. But, one day in 1999, something compelled me to do just that, and that’s when I discovered a wise aspect of my subconscious mind that had presented itself whenever I had resorted to stream-of-consciousness writing — basically, an exercise where I wrote down, without censoring, anything and everything that rolled off my mind.

And, so it came to pass for the next two years, although I wasn’t the clearest of channels (I was still dealing with episodes of depression and anger), I continued to channel my Higher Self using stream-of-consciousness until one day a second breakthrough occurred: the introduction of my spirit guide. Although he told me that he had no name, and that where he resided (in another galaxy) names were unnecessary, I wasn’t comfortable speaking to him without a name. (I say “him” because his energy felt masculine to me.) Thus, I named him Z, and he was fine with that. And our relationship developed over the months that followed.

About a year later, following a channeling session in which I asked Z questions about angels (at the time, I thought that angels and guides were the same thing), a third breakthrough occurred when Z introduced me to Archangel Michael, whom he referred to as my guardian angel. Well, from that moment on, the spiritual guidance took a noticeable leap forward, while at the same time, I experienced several more breakthroughs (or awakenings if you will — many of which I have written about in this blog). Basically, I was encouraged to follow my heart, to be the most loving and present person I could be, and to do so without expectation of outcome or return — which by the way, is much easier said than done!

A Cautionary Tale

As time marched on, I was grateful for Michael’s guidance as lessons on the subject of Love were welcome in light of the depression, anger and frustration that I had been living with for so many years. Consequently, channeling both Michael and Z continued on a regular basis until Michael surprised me one day when he casually mentioned that sensitivity to spirit beings was both a blessing and a vulnerability. What that meant, I hadn’t a clue. But, over the days and weeks that followed, after several encounters with negative beings (also referred to in this

blog as dark beings, or dark forces), I began to understand. I also began to understand that lessons on Love (lessons that usually involved some from of cleansing, purification, and disentanglement — in general, awakening), were far from easy, and not without opposition and struggle.

Enter, The Guardians

One day in 2006, I was surprised to channel a source that identified itself as “The Guardians of Light and Love.” (Later, as “The Guardians of the Light” or just “The Guardians.”) This source came thru sporadically at first. By early 2008, however, The Guardians had become my primary source.

To Sum Things Up

To say the least, it’s been a long and challenging journey. However, in spite of the hardships, if I could go back in time and change something, I wouldn’t change a thing. Because, if not for the challenges, together with my sensitivity, and my unwavering desire to know the truth, I would never have married my amazing wife, had the beautiful children we have, discovered that spirit is real, know that with practice and sincerity, a meaningful personal relationship could be kindled and developed with our guides and angels, or know that the heart is so much more than a pump that circulates blood. That said, my life today is far from a cake walk, as evidently, lessons on Love never stop. Nevertheless, I continue to seek the truth, and I continue to strive to be the best person I can be, because, well, that seems to be my nature. Just as it also seems to be my nature to record and share my experiences, insights, and channeled guidance in an open, honest, and transparent manner. Blessings and Namaste, Mathew

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Religion, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Consultant in the financial arena, speaker, writer, artist, musician,
Guest Biography:

Taansen Fairmont is a consultant on debt elimination, common law trusts and asset protection. He is also a meditation teacher, musician,artist and writer on Vedic Science, higher states of consciousness and the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment.

Taansen was educated at Maharishi International University in America and at the Maharishi European Research University in Switzerland, where he received the title “Governor of the Age of Enlightenment” in 1977 at age 22.

He is a former keynote speaker at numerous international investment conferences worldwide, on ocean cruises and at many exotic tax haven resorts, around the Pacific Rim and the Caribbean. He is the author of the 1997 book Sovereignty Consciousness.

Taansen has been a non tax-filer since 1990, and has been a manager of various pure natural sovereign irrevocable trusts since 1993. He has either spoken at or attended hundreds of seminars on asset protection, freedom from income tax, individual sovereignty, government exposés, patriot campaigns, high yield investments, the UCC, the banking cabal, commercial remedies, mortgage fraud, debt elimination, prosperity programs, the global currency reset and more.

Out of the thousands of programs, techniques, methods and systems that attempt to provide asset protection for individuals and families, Taansen has been focusing on the few solutions that actually work consistently.

The solutions he has found enjoy a 100% success rate … and these are

  • his simple system for cancelling unsecured debts,

  • one of the best credit repair services in America

  • his approach to asset protection by using one of the best trusts in the world.


Guest Category: Arts, Investing and Finance, Legal, History, Music, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Meditation, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Professor, Executive TV Producer, Entertainment Industy Business Developer, Coach
Guest Biography:


With 18 years of experience in the entertainment industry, Krista Parkinson guides hundreds of executives, assistants, producers, talent, crew, students and others in the art of gainful employment in the entertainment industry. Those same principles can be applied by any recent graduate to any sector of business.

When Krista moved to Hollywood in 1997 fresh from Brigham Young University, she had no idea how to find her first job in the entertainment world, much less how to help anyone else. With a phone call from her grandfather and a little luck, she was able to get her first job as a temp at the iconic William Morris talent agency (now WME/IMG).

She worked her way up the career ladder from assistant to talent agent in the then burgeoning reality TV department. She represented talent, producers, directors and writers in the alternative television arena. She secured and negotiated deals with most of the major television outlets such as; CBS, ABC, Fox, NBC, HBO, Bravo, E!/Style, MTV, VH-1, TV Guide Channel, GSN, Paramount Syndication, Sony Distribution, Buena Vista Television and Telepictures. With this experience, she left the representation business to work as the VP of Development for Tony Hawk’s production company 900 Films.

From 2007-14, Ms. Parkinson worked as Senior Vice President of business development and marketing for Content Partners, a unique entertainment finance company that buys backend profit participations in Film and Television. Her responsibilities included developing and maintaining strong relationships with lawyers, managers, wealth managers, and others who have entertainment industry clients while assisting in raising capital for the funds, marketing and working in various stages of the deal making process.

In 2012, ABC Family bought a sitcom based on her life’s experiences where she served as Executive Producer.

Krista serves as an adjunct Professor in the Cinema School at USC where she teaches a course she created called “Breaking Into the Entertainment Business” which empowers students to find and land their first internships and jobs in the entertainment field.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Performing Arts, Business, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: bassist, singer/songwriter and multi instrumentalist
Guest Biography:


As a bassist, singer/songwriter and multi instrumentalist, Chazz has recorded and performed with artists as talented and diverse as Michael McDonald, Christopher Cross, Chuck Mangione, Wilson/Phillips, Karla Bonoff, Perla Batalla, David Pack, America, Chaka Khan, Gregory Hines, Sheena Easton, Vonda Shepard and many others.

He can also be heard singing the theme to NBC’s syndicated hit sitcom “Saved By The Bell” which has aired continually since 1990.

Chazz has appeared on numerous recordings for television and film soundtracks, commercials, jingles, and many recording projects.

He is a long standing member of AFTRA/SAG and endorses Sadowsky Guitars NYC and Ernie Ball/Music Man.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Co-Owner, Operator and Host of Self Discovery Radio
Guest Biography:

Sara Troy, producer/host of 'Self Discovery Radio'

Sara recently interviewed me for her radio show - airing May 1st - so we are cross-pollinating the airways with the blossoming capabilities of cosmic self discovery.

Sara has been teaching personality self-identity and soul development for over 16 years using tools from 42 years of accumulated knowledge. She has an unbridled passion for helping people liberate their possibilities into opportunities.

In April of 2012, Sara was presented with an opportunity to host her own talk show on a small blog talk radio station called 'Authentic You media' where she hosted her show live for 13 months before going out on her own with her own station 'PLV Radio' now called Self-Discovery Radio. Now in her 5th year of hosting, Sara has found her groove in life, and has interviewed more than 900+ inspirational guests from around the globe on her weekly hour show Choose Positive Living and Their Story Matters and Positive Vibrations Roundtable and more.

So Sara Troy brings a lot of light to the subject of personal discovery and growth.
Welcome Sara to Cosmic LOVE with your Presence,

~ Christopher
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Feng Shui Master
Guest Biography:

A reporter once remarked in his article that Feng Shui Master Diana Garber "isn't your typical candle sniffing cloud watcher". In fact, her results have transformed the minds of many skeptics.  She has achieved much success in the Feng Shui world serving as the Feng Shui practitioner for the Ohio State University. Diana is the 1st Feng Shui Master to speak at a national medical convention and has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX and NPR.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Founder and CEO of Trueify, LLC - Communications executive with expertise in reputation management, crisis communications and media relations.
Guest Biography:

Ken Ferber has more than 30 years of expertise in reputation management, CEO branding and crisis communications. He is one of the few executives to lead reputation and communications functions in all three sectors - corporate, government and not-for-profit. He has represented such entities as a multi-billion dollar healthcare company, the Los Angeles Police Commission, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Ferber is the founder and CEO of Trueify®, which helps professionals develop their unique personal brand and teaches them how to protect their reputation within the social media environment.

TRUEIFY is a family of professional reputation training modules for corporations, executives and recent graduates. TRUEIFY is also a family of “reputation defense” modules, teaching individuals and entities how to protect their reputation in the online and digital world. TRUEIFY trains targeted audiences how to successfully enhance their career path and their company’s reputation by exploiting and manipulating social media.

Since his teen years, he has been an impassioned student of the rise of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. This past June, he made is first trip to Germany and Poland to learn firsthand of the horrors of the Holocaust, and to study how Germany has been remaking its image as it relates to its role of the murder of six million Jews.

Ferber is a graduate of The George Washington University where he witnessed firsthand the demise of the Nixon White House during Watergate.

Guest Category: Business, News, Self Help, Society and Culture, Technology, Variety
Guest Occupation: Doctor, Speaker and Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Ellie Drake is an expert in teaching Ease of Purpose from a physiological, emotional, and even entrepreneurial perspective... As a doctor, visionary and prosperity creator, she is passionate about applying her expanding insight to living in her potential. 

"Blossoming into my essence is at the core of my purpose... All else overflows from there"...she says.

 Ellie is an active member of the BraveHeart Women Global Community where many visionaries from around the world are in authentic collaboration.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Book Publisher, Event Producer, and Award-Winning Author
Guest Biography:

Brad Olsen is  an award-winning travel writer, publisher and producer. He gained notoriety in February, 2010 when his travel guide Sacred Places North America: 108 Destinations (2nd ed.) won the Bay Area Travel Writers top gold prize award.  Several other of his books…

Although the professional task of book publishing occupies most of his year, Brad Olsen is also the founder and event producer of the How Weird Street Faire in San Francisco, the city where he currently resides. Between writing online and print publication articles, new book chapters, and posting on social media, he also manages various websites, does marketing work, special sales fulfillment, administrative tasks, manages various projects with outsourced collaborators, and produces one of the largest festivals in The City. Wearing his publisher’s hat, he makes the stated goal of only releasing only the kinds of books he would value owning himself, which incorporates thought-provoking and critical content, and with a wide appeal to readers. His book publishing business CCC Publishing is distributed by Independent Publishers Group.

How Weird Street Faire in downtown San Francisco. The annual springtime event features a dozen stages of costumed performers, electronic music DJs, dancing in the street, and ample art projects commissioned for the 20k-person event. The How Weird Street Faire is centered at Second and Howard Street. How Weird = Howard, get it?

PUBLISHER AT CCC PUBLISHING: Brad Olsen has been a published artist since he was a political cartoonist in high school and college. He took his passion of the printed format from Illinois to California in 1995 when he founded Consortium of Collective Consciousness Publishing in San Francisco, the city where he currently resides. CCC Publishing has released one DVD and 22 book titles by numerous authors.

EVENT PRODUCER OF THE HOW WEIRD STREET FAIRE: In addition to running his book publishing business, Brad Olsen is also the founder and event producer of the wildly popularBrad Olsen’s passion for writing goes far beyond his book publishing business or the online content he produces. His books have reached a wide audience across the country and have won numerous awards. His work has been reviewed in top publications and he continues to lecture nationwide on various subjects. He has appeared on dozens of television and nationally syndicated radio shows over the course of two decades. Yet for all the fanfare, Brad Olsen likes to spend time with his friends and family, while attempting to be outdoors as much as possible.

AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR OF NINE BOOKS: Brad Olsen started his writing career in 1996 with the advent of his book "World Stompers" which was called a "subversive masterpiece of travel writing" by film director Oliver Stone. Each book he wrote in the "Sacred Places: 108 Destinations" was either nominated or won an award for excellence in writing. Brad Olsen's latest "Esoteric Series" of books has already hit the pavement running with a Pinnacle Book Award first prize in the category of "New Age." Brad's stated purpose is valuing the reader's time and purchase, and creating a book he would want to own himself.


Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Business, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Angel Communicator
Guest Biography:

Born in 1952, a water dragon, I am the child of a homesteader in northern BC. During the harmonic convergence many of us awoke and started networking the New Age philosophies, I am one of many doing that. I organize the Spring Festival of Awareness, for the past 28 years, publish Issues Magazine for 26 years, and married Richard Ortega 10 years ago who owns the Johnsons Landing where we are doing our best to become a canadian version of Findhorn. More data about me on  my website, click the Musing button. It is a 25 year blog about becoming 'me.' probably one of the oldest running blogs out there. I dont even consider myself a writer but my angels asked to write it and God asked me to publish the magazine and title it Issues for Empowerment.  I feel like I have passed my final angel exam and the wings are my diploma. Living in Angel time has many interesting moments of understanding.

Guest Category: Self Help, Spiritual, Angel Communication
Guest Occupation: Keynote Speaker. Recording Artist. Men’s Leader. Podcaster.
Guest Biography:

Nathen Aswell is a gifted keynote speaker, recording artist and musician based in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and he believes that his calling in this life is to inspire and heal through his talks and his heart-centered music-making. His CDs “Little By Little” and “YES” are celebrations of life, transformation, evolution and the oneness of humanity, delivered in a variety of popular music styles.

Nathen honours his calling by speaking and performing at Conferences, Concerts, Men’s Retreats and Churches both nationally and internationally, presenting his music, stories and humour with his voice and the NS Stick (an 8-stringed electronic instrument that can be plucked like a bass, strummed like a guitar, or tapped with both hands like a piano).

He also hosts “Small Steps Big Life”, a podcast which showcases people sharing stories about their unique AND universal journeys.

Guest Category: Comedy, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Writer/Author/Archivist
Guest Biography:


 Dear Scholars and Readers of Jew Watch:

It has been my honor to present you with Jew Watch, an archive of information for your scholarship, education, and personal study. The information in this expanding library concerns a people whom we have all met at one time or another and who refer to themselves as Jews.

It has never been my intent to defame Jews. Although I have issues with many Jewish movements such as communism and Zionism, I have consistently stood for the freedom of religion of Jews in America, Europe, and anywhere else in the world. I believe in freedom, and, if necessary, I stand ready to give my life to protect the right of Jews to their culture, religion, and destiny, as I do for all races, creeds, colors including my own.

I do not, however, believe that Jews have an inherent right to dominate entire industries, societies, and governments where they are not the majority but represent 2% or less of the people. To allow this would be to allow the colonization of these majority cultures merely through the power of Jewish money to corrupt. The majority people in each nation deserve better. It is up to Jews to see that they get better treatment.

I stand against the type of ad hominem, personal attacks against Gentiles that certain Jews and organizations perform. Instead of arguing in an honest manner on the strength of facts, they have tended to disgrace themselves. By stooping to calling bad names, the Jews and organizations that continue in this line of distraction have already admitted that they have lost all arguments and prefer instead to indulge in various forms of verbal savagery to hide that fact.

If anything in my archive is found to be incorrect, I will remove it. I am a librarian. Like all librarians, I am committed to honesty in filling my library with materials for scholars. Any and all facts that might be found to be untrue in any library call all other facts into question. Even though this is the case, almost all libraries in the world probably contain untruths, because they contain so much knowledge which in time will be overturned with new theories and facts which supplant what was known before, yet those books usually remain on the shelves forever in the name of historical scholarship, because they have their usefulness.

If you do not like the facts archived at Jew Watch, please do not blame me personally. I did not make Karl Marx, whose real Jewish name was Mordecai Levi, write Das Kapital, a book which began movements which resulted in the deaths of more than 150 million innocent non-Jews.

I did not train David Bronstein, a Jew who lived 3 years in exile from Russia in New York City only to return to Petrograd with millions of Jewish dollars from Jewish banks to fund the Red Revolution there. Mr. Bronstein's preferred name as a revolutionary, if you do not already know, was Leon Trotsky. In fact, most Jews running communism changed their names to keep their Jewishness hidden from the non-Jewish majority.

I did not bring the United States into many wars in the 20th century, but the Jews have done so time and again. Their stories and how they manipulated us in into wars are inside Jew Watch where they demonstrate their personal responsibility for many, many non-Jewish deaths.

I am not the evil doer in this deadly game of world wide control. I am only an innocent librarian of existing information. I only archive the information printed in many honest and scholarly documents including State Department documents, Almanacs, Encyclopedias, New York Times, BBC, Washington Post, Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, history books, letters, and related documents.

If you do not like what you find here, please do not blame me. I am merely an honest librarian. You will have to blame the Jews who performed the atrocities. If only these few Jews had not performed these millions of atrocities, I would never have archived them.

I did not build this archive out of a sense of hatred toward Jews. I do not hate Jews. In fact, I am intrigued by them.

In the past and present, I have befriended Jews. I have had about 20-30 roommates. Two were Jews. Two were homosexuals. One of the two was a homosexual Jew. One was a straight Jew. The other roommates and housemates were Gentiles and straight, and some were women, including my girlfriends, my wife and my offspring.

As a religious child, I grew up learning the names of Jewish patriarchs and kings. I memorized them in Sunday schools as did millions of children all over the world. In doing so, I developed an interest in their comings and goings throughout history.

If you are a Jew, you have nothing to fear from learning the truths that are found in Jew Watch.

If you are a Jew, and if you had nothing to do with whatever these few unscrupulous Jews did in the documents I have archived here, then this information is not about you. Instead, it is about others who call themselves Jews, and it is not pointed at you personally. So, you should not be concerned by it, as you were never involved in doing these things, so you are guilty of nothing.

Because of my work at Jew Watch, I have been labeled an anti-Semite by unscrupulous and fake Jewish organizations, and they have seen to it that their friendly Jewish-owned media refer to me as such. It is a slander that is totally untrue. All of my life I have worked in the civil rights movement. I registered African Americans in Mississippi in the first half of the 1960's which places me squarely as a freedom rider. I learned civil rights from the best in Mississippi and at the University of Missouri where I attended college and earned my Master of Arts in English. I learned everything about civil rights from African Americans, Jews, Quakers, and communists. I was a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Congress of Racial Equality, and I would have been a member of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee if they only allowed whites to join. In my younger days I thought seriously of converting to Judaism, based on my studies of the Old and New Testaments. I almost did so thinking this is what Jesus might require of me. Instead, I joined the Unitarian-Universalist Church which was very theologically close to Judaism's single God, because it rejected the Trinity.

Later, I began to notice problems associated with immigration and integration. These movements were not working to bring peace and happiness. Instead they had fomented more and more hate between people. Familiarity, it seems, breeds more discontent than anything else.

So, I reluctantly began to change with the times and with what I was observing to be detrimental to all societies and peoples which I observed around me.

I developed new views including the view that immigration and integration are totally wrong, if they are done in order to be kind to all races. Immigration and integration are great evils that impact all races, creeds, and colors negatively and harmfully, because their logical end is the destruction of each and every one of these races, creeds, languages, and cultures. In general, immigration and integration create reactions such as Balkanization, hate, and civil war. Besides, in the end, with all races inter-marrying and disappearing into a single new race, they will all end in defacto racism anyway, because the outcome is again, a new world wide single race, which is another enforced form of total racial separatism from which there is no back door through which one can back out. The children of these people will only know thousands of cultures, religions, languages, art, and races in video files, and electronic encyclopedias, until they, too, are lost and forgotten.

In the logical future, all of these races will have vanished completely into that new master race and so, in the final days, immigration and integration will be no more forever.

In general, my humanitarianism concerning race is found at Civil Rights Name, which I hope will foster a new and improved view of race and creed which can create a better way to preserve all that we have in the richness of human experience so that it is not leeched out of our many peoples.

I also published a religious revelation known as The Revelation of Michael in Adam's Bible in which violent religiously-inspired racial separation is seen as the ordered will of God. Its vision from God is anti-Semitic, and so, where does that bring us? Anyone criticizing me for this religious revelation or any for those adhering to any other religion is by definition a bigot, because all religious beliefs are protected under the laws of most governments and are not to be questioned or trampled upon under the present edicts of toleration printed in law. To hate me for my religion is the definition of being a bigot.

In the hundreds of pages inside Jew Watch, I have never utilized any derogatory, defamatory, or slanderous words against the Jewish people, nor were they ever used in Adam's Bible. During all of the years of working for this enterprise, I have been as fair as possible in remaining objective. I have never called for violence against Jews. I have never used racial slurs against them. At the same time, Jewish organizations such as the racially-centered Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and Southern Poverty Law Center have falsely portrayed my website called "Jew Watch" as "the anti-Semitic Jew Watch" and have seen to it that all news stories around the world will use this exact false and demeaning mantra concerning a scholarly archive of information whenever they use the two words "Jew Watch" in their stories. When I first began Jew Watch, it was placed under Religion--History by Yahoo. However, Jewish leaders were able to see to it that Yahoo granted their wishes to defame it and so placed it under the false and misleading category of Society > Issues > Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations > Hate > Hate Groups > Anti-Semitic even though it is a truly scholarly library with not an ounce of hate in it. The fact the Jews in these and other moneyed and powerful organizations were able to do this demonstrates just how powerful they are that they can paint new false realities even in the number one search portal on the Internet with their own petty and unfair racist prejudices. In addition, they have succeeded in removing Jew Watch from the view of millions of university students using their ADL Hate Watch software scheme in an attempt to control the thoughts of an entire new world of people when the #1 Hate Site on the web is the ADL of B'nai B'rith itself which contains a treasure trove of ad hominem attacks, hate accusations, and negative slants from a twisted, intellectually dishonest, and hateful anti-Christian point of view masquerading as both Jewish and non-Jewish and one that represents only the miniscule and over-paid leaders of the ADL Hate Bund and not the average Jewish person.

I have joined white civil rights organizations including the now fractured National Alliance in an attempt to help my people whose government is controlled by AIPAC, which represents Israel only and represents less than 2% of the people in America and therefore has no right to colonize and rule over the 98% majority. In each of my speeches before the National Alliance, I worked to inform its members that they possessed a guaranteed civil right as white people to politic, protest, demonstrate, organize, run for offices, and peacefully labor to change the world toward their own world view just so long at they remained perfectly legal and non-violent. I taught them the peaceful means to protest that were used so successfully by Mahatma Gandhi of India which he freed from British Colonialism by using logic, ethics, and peaceful protest. I taught them that violence ends in violence, that government will always be stronger than them, but peaceful means might well end in favorable long-run peaceful outcomes.

Everyone in this world has the right to respect. Everyone. Jews. Mexicans. Americans. Christians. Hindus. Everyone. We each have the right to walk our own path as long as we are peaceful and respectful of others without some one or some government getting in our way.

Some people are not blessed enough to understand that.

It is my promise that Jew Watch shall always be non-racist and will honor those millions of innocent Jews in America and elsewhere around the world who have had nothing whatever to do with many of the human tragedies outlined here in major publications which I have archived.

You can quote me on that.

Whatever Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich, Gingrich Yagoda, Menachem Begin, Arial Sharon, and other Jews did to kill millions of Christians, the Jew down the street from you had absolutely nothing to do with them and may not even be aware of what other Jews did in the past, unless they read about it in Jew Watch. The Jew in your town, business, or sports team is not your enemy and never will be. But the people of wealth who seek control over your government and have grasped it through AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of spies and lobbyists, have taken over your government and led you into useless wars for Israel, and that is not right. If you don't believe me, believe the scholars at Harvard University and the University of Chicago who wrote the report on the Jewish Lobby which is here in a large PDF file for you to print and study at your leisure.

The problem today seems to be that certain racial organizations such as the Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the very Jewish Southern Poverty Law Center have been able to frighten the innocent Jews of this nation who are their major member base into worrying about websites and organizations like the innocent Jew Watch and to utilize that fear to raise $100 million a year for their coffers from which they extract outrageous and selfish salaries of more than $800,000 per year for their executives for artificially raising the hate levels in our American society by manipulating the largely Jewish-owned presses that print their sleazebag lies. These organizations have spied on innocent Americans and given their names and addresses to known assassin agencies such as the Mossad and Shin Bet in Israel placing Americans and others in mortal danger. The pages of Jew Watch contain information on these felonious enterprises, and it is everyone's right and need to understand how dangerous and deceitful these organizations have been. They have even penetrated your own local police departments, invited your Police Chiefs and Sheriffs to Jerusalem for weeklong propaganda sessions filled with lies along with holy trips to sites and to the holocaust museum to instill false guilt. People and organizations slurred and defamed by these racist Jews in Israel have never been given the right of reply, but are kept out of these meetings so that they have no way to defend themselves. These are the illicit methods of the Jewish propaganda felons who are ruining our world and tossing all racial and religious fairness to the winds in their hatred of freedom of speech, intellectual honesty, and diverse methods of expression.

I hope that Jew Watch will alert you and all others in the world of the problems you are facing but cannot otherwise objectively study without the benefit of this archive. You are being misused by a very small number of very powerful, rich, seditious Jews who prefer not to be pulled up by Jew Watch from under the dark rocks under which they prefer to hide and whom Jew Watch daily waves before the bright sunshine of public exposure. Whether you are a Gentile or a Jew, you have a right to know by whom and how the many evils being done to you have been accomplished by them.

Jew Watch is the central index to help you find the answer. It is the one place where you can easily find thousands of citations for reports, studies, and searches.

I caution you that you are never to use the materials in Jew Watch to develop a general hatred for the Jews. First of all, most Jews have nothing to do with what their vicious leaders have planned and carried out against you, and they have also carried their same plans out against the innocent Jews who live in your cities as well. These Jewish villains who are in control of many areas of the world's existence are a minority of the Jews and do not represent them or take orders from them. They work as lone political, financial, and media wolves to get their work done.

Remember that although some Jews might hate you, most Jews harbor no hatred against you. You should never harbor hate for these innocent Jews either.

Both the Gentiles and the Jews need to right the wrongs that some powerful and deceitful Jews are doing to both of our people, because both of us suffer equally from their actions. It is in the best interests of both of our people to end these activities once and for all, so that we can go about our lives in peace and engender goodwill for all who live in this world.

This is a political work and is not personal. Do not make it personal. It is all about political changes and not about personally hating people and certainly not about hating the Jews in general.

I pray that my work will aid all of us, Gentiles and Jews alike, in going beyond what has happened in the past and in ending it forever in our future that we may live our lives in peace and that majorities may be represented by majority governments instead of being ruled by minority controlled traitors who have agreed to be totally corrupted by the bribery money of Jewish millionaires just to stay in office.

Yours truly,

Frank Weltner, Librarian


About 'My Dead America' - by Frank Weltner

The murderous one-percent are playing their last deadly card. They are not sure if it will work or not. They are scared shitless and hiding like spineless cowards even though they have hired armed soldiers to protect them.

Out there amid the developing conflagration, a few unprotected yet extremely talented and dedicated men and women have the guns, the survival skills, and the terrorist death squad training to exact horrible revenge against whoever their tormentors might be.

You are about to travel into a mind zone where you have never been. Hold on tightly. You are now nothing more than a helpless page turner. You are unable to stop yourself from ravenously ingesting page after page of this indescribable trip into madness.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Religion, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Web Development
Guest Biography:



One thing is very clear, websites are my passion.  I look after them as if they were my children. I have always been naturally drawn to computers and have a solid 20+ years of experience in the technology field.  I am in a constant state of learning to stay current with technology and I love it!   On the flip side, I am an artist.  I have a natural desire to create and design every day.  Couple the two together and wa-la: Web Design. When I created Web Design Island, I wanted to build a unique company that did not compare to other Web Design companies.  Basically, I wanted what I wanted.  I quickly learned the horrors others had experienced from past web designers so I wanted solutions. First, no one could ever find their web designer down the road, so I created a life service.  This way you could always reach your web designer, and your website is always looked after and updated.   Second, websites are such a necessity these days (even replacing brick and mortar buildings) making them a huge investment to get it done right.  Therefore, a la carte pricing was invented.  You have the ability to purchase web pages and products individually AND all the pricing is listed directly on our website - just straight forward pricing. Lastly.  If getting a website designed is not intimidating enough, now-a-days you have to have Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, compelling Web Copy, professional Photos, etc., etc.  People are scrambling trying to find the graphic designer that has their logo, or can’t decide how to choose an SEO company, or doesn’t know if their company Facebook page is set up correctly.  Web Design Island is truly a One-Stop-Shop.  We have carefully selected experts in their field.  Everything you need, all in one place. If you are tired of trying to keep track of your online marketing, and have everything spread out all over the place, Web Design Island is exactly right for you.  We are committed to your success.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Business, Psychology, Technology
Guest Occupation: Intuitive and Healer
Guest Biography:

Mas Sajady is a Healer and has always been intuitively gifted. Like many others, he tried to hide or ignore his highly intuitive nature so he could “fit in”.  It is for this reason Mas has always strongly advised parents to support children who have similar affinities. It literally took Mas two near death experiences to awaken and embrace his abilities.

His first near death experience was in his early twenties. Aside from the crushed jaw and torqued neck, it was the best experience he has ever had.

"The beauty, peace and love present during this experience can never compare to anything we have on earth at this physical level”, says Mas.  After this experience, his intuitive abilities were heightened and he was able to sense future events and the internal issues of others.

Mas' intuitive abilities were then pushed aside as his family life took over.  His children and his successful web development business took center stage during this time of his life.

His second near death experience occurred in 2006.  This was his second best life experience. This second near death experience opened Mas to even higher levels of awareness where miracles can and do happen.

To clarify, Mas does not have the power to heal; rather he acts as the “conduit” for pure energy to manifest this healing from a higher energy field. These fundamental shifts can impact anyone's physical, emotional, financial or spiritual health, and all areas of relationships, creating 360° of Abundance.

Although his abilities have been compared to religious figures, a healing with Mas has no religious significance.  It is spiritual in nature. It is for this reason that Mas’ diverse community consists of clients of all faiths and beliefs.

Mas began studying similar near death experiences in order to understand the incredible shift he was undergoing. The closest explanation he found was in the field of Quantum Physics.

The most important lessons come to him through meditations where, since his crossovers, these meditations have become even more vivid; he enters a dream-like state but wide awake and aware of his surroundings. At times he transcends his physical body and from these meditations gains knowledge on a multitude of subjects, including spiritual and earthly matters. Over time his healing abilities have been magnified and sessions have been condensed, generating significant shifts at the core level.

He started working on clients professionally in November of 2009. Within less than a year, he had worked on over a thousand individuals who were drawn to  him by referral. Through his daily mediation sessions and frequent speaking engagements worldwide, Mas has been able to touch countless individuals around the world. Whether it is physical or emotional health, finances, relationships or spirituality, Mas can change your frequency in order to Be Limitless & enjoy 360° of Abundance in all aspects of your life.

After his second near death experience, Mas Sajady was gifted with intuitive and healing abilities so remarkably potent that he was soon likened to some of the most significant healers in history. Mas works on the core frequency level to help redesign and reprogram your blueprint, materializing fast and tangible results and manifesting abundance in all areas of life. Thousands around the world have transformed their lives after just one or a few sessions with Mas.  "Change your frequency, change your life,"  shares Mas.

Areas of Transformation:

        Relieve Persistent Health Issues

        Supercharge Finances

        Heighten Relationships

        Rise to True Spirituality

        Transform Businesses

        Sharpen Intuition

        Enhance Beauty

        Accelerate Success

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Writer, educator, photographer
Guest Biography:

Frank Thayer, Ph.D., co-author of the newly-published The Aztec UFO Incident, came to the Aztec Incident project in 2009, when Scott Ramsey shared witness information of the recover at Hart Canyon. Thayer is a New Mexico native with extensive journalistic and journalism education experience. Now a professor emeritus at New Mexico State University in Las Crusces, he has professional experience as a writer, editor, photographer and educator both in New Mexico and Canada where he also lived and taught for 11 years. He is a published book author and is co-author of the Ramseys’ successful 2012 The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon.  

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, UFOs, Politics & Government, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Founder and Executive Director of (ARC) Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, Patent Lawyer in the Bay Area and practices Human Rights Law in California.
Guest Biography:

J. Steven Svoboda is founder and Executive Director of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC), a federally and state-certified non-profit corporation Steven founded in early 1997. Steven graduated summa cum laude from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1983, received a Master's Degree in physics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1985, and then graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1991. Currently in addition to serving as Executive Director of ARC, he works as a patent lawyer in a well-known Bay Area firm and practices human rights law in Berkeley, California. In July and August 2001, Svoboda traveled to Geneva on behalf of ARC to consult with the United Nations’ Sub-Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, making oral and written submissions, the latter of which became part of the official UN record and the first document ever accepted by the UN focusing on male circumcision.

His publications include “A Rose by any other Name: Rethinking the Similarities and Differences between Male and Female Genital Cutting," with Robert Darby, Ph.D.,Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Volume 21, Number 3 (September 2007), pp. 301-323 (a critical examination of the differential treatment given to studies of male genital cutting and female genital cutting), “Gender Equity and Genital Integrity,” in Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision: Culture, Controversy, and Change (G.C. Denniston et al., eds., Plenum/Kluwer, 2006); “Educating the United Nations about Male Circumcision,” in Flesh and Blood: Perspectives on the Problem of Circumcision in Contemporary Society (G.C. Denniston et al., eds., Plenum/Kluwer, 2003); "The Limits of the Law: Comparative Analysis of Legal and Extralegal Methods to Control Child Body Mutilation Practices,” in Understanding Circumcision: A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Multidimensional Problem (G.C. Denniston et al., eds., Plenum/Kluwer, 2001); and "Prophylactic Interventions on Children: Balancing Human Rights with Public Health," with Frederick M. Hodges and Robert S. Van Howe, in the Journal of Medical Ethics, October 2001.

Steven’s article “HIV and Circumcision: Cutting through the Hyperbole” was published in the November 2005 issue of the Journal for the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. Penn & Teller shot a full-length feature on male circumcision broadcast in 2005 in which Svoboda’s and ARC’s work are prominently featured. Steven is the circumcision correspondent for KKZZ in Ventura, California, having appeared on that radio station numerous times.

Over several years and with the assistance of volunteer attorneys, ARC put together a compilation of worldwide statutes regarding FGM. ARC cooperates with numerous other organizations to leverage its work to protect both male and female genital integrity. In 2002 he received the Human Rights Award for his work with ARC from the International Symposium on Human Rights and Modern Society. ARC’s work has been recognized by Harvard Law School, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Men’s Health Magazine, and numerous other well-known organizations and publications. He has represented plaintiffs in several state and federal lawsuits to protect genital integrity.

Steven coauthored a gender studies textbook with Dr. Warren Farrell and Dr. James Sterba, published in 2008 by Oxford University Press and entitled, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?: A Debate. Steven is also Public Relations Director and Board Member of the National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM), the world’s largest and oldest men’s rights organization. He has published over 150 reviews of books relating to masculinity and men’s rights, and is a long-standing columnist for GRIP Magazine, having published over 40 installments of his column entitled, “Gender, Law, and Fatherhood.” He is a patent lawyer in the San Francisco Bay Area and an expert tournament chess player. He also likes dancing and being silly. Steven is a proud husband of a pediatrician and a proud father of a boy and a girl.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Sex, Variety
Guest Biography:

Bernice Yoder, is a 9 year pancreatic cancer survivor. Berenice says: I will be a nine year pancreatic cancer survivor this coming November. When I found out I had cancer, I had no idea what pancreatic cancer was. It had never touched my immediate or extended family. It was something you heard of or read about, not something that happened to you.

This illness changed my life. It gave me more will to live, to be able to finish raising my then 13-year-old daughter who had just lost her dad 15 months before. It taught me to fight, and to never give up. There is always hope even through the pain and grief and anger that is part of this terrible illness. I am proud to say I am a survivor of one of the deadliest cancers

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: CEO and President of Cancer Crackdown
Guest Biography:

Tara and Steve Mann, are Co-Founders, CEO and President of Cancer Crackdown. (This is a continuation of an interview started last show). Cancer Crackdown is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization, their passion is to help fighters take their battle with cancer to the next level. They are unique in that they fight alongside those battling this disease. They develop plans and help fighters and survivors to be successful in following them to reach their overall health goals. They offer a wide range of resources and encouragement for those fighting, those surviving and those that wish to prevent this disease. We all have a choice in this battle against cancer, to survive or to prevent!!

Their mission is to be the trusted source of knowledge regarding natural therapies to defeat cancer and remain cancer free. We partner with fighters and survivors by supporting and navigating them through their battle. Together, they develop a unique plan that is specific to each individual and instills in them a fearless approach to winning the battle.

Cancer Crackdown started as a small group on Facebook in January 2012 with a few people who wanted to share some information on tips and best practices during chemo. Cancer Crackdown has grown and we are now serving cancer fighters all over the world!!

Cancer fighters that can no longer take chemo or choose not to are in dire need of accurate information and guidance. Due to the vast amount of information available and many untrustworthy sources on the internet, it makes it difficult for us to make decisions about what is viable information and thus dissuades many from knowing what is worth trying. We have and will continue to research topics of interest and ensure credibility of sources. We help put patients in contact with proper practitioners in their area and locate services for them that may benefit their treatment. We are in the process of building on the services we are able to provide to cancer patients that we are so fortunate to partner with during their difficult time.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Science