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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: A&E's Ghost Hunters, Director, Writer
Guest Biography:

Brandon Alvis is the paranormal technician of the “Ghost Hunters” team. His twin passions for history and the paranormal led him to establish the American Paranormal Research Association (APRA). Brandon has investigated over 200 public and private locations with APRA, many of which bear historical significance.

Investigations have included mental hospitals, prisons, well-known murder sites, cemeteries, and private homes, as well as more famous sites like Alcatraz Island, Preston Castle, and the South Pittsburgh Hospital.

As a natural skeptic, Brandon researches every location meticulously before he begins collecting evidence in an effort to make the study of the paranormal as credible as possible.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts
Guest Occupation: Political Candidate, Author, Attorney, Evangelical, an associate scholar, Journalist, Editor
Guest Biography:

Author. Attorney. Evangelical. Focused on justice, truth, hope & freedom. Every life is full of inherent worth. Best use of spare time? Cooking. Opinion Columns and Educational/Legal Research by Kristi Burton Brown: Live Action News: Charlotte Lozier Institute: Townhall:

Kristi Burton Brown, an associate scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute, is an attorney focusing on First Amendment and sanctity of life issues. She has worked on pro-bono projects for Life Legal Defense Foundation, Live Action, Child Evangelism Fellowship’s parent organization, and Alliance Defending Freedom. She is also journalist and editor for Live Action News and a contributor to The Christian Post.

Longtime Anti-Abortion Activist Kristi Burton Brown Could Be the Next CO GOP Leader

As Chair of the Colorado GOP, I will build an effective state-wide collaboration network that works with our grassroots and advocacy organizations, our elected officials, and our candidates to win back our state.

I am a unifier and a collaborator. I know the only way we move forward is when we strategize together and do not divide ourselves.

I will transform the State Party into a service-oriented organization for our county parties and our candidates instead of a top-down, control group.

I will reform and revitalize our communications strategy, broaden the reach of our Party, and go directly to the voters.

We must expose the Democrats (and WE WILL!), but we must go a step further and paint a future-focused, forward-facing, positive vision for Colorado. It’s about Jobs, Kids, and the American Dream.

Grassroots and Party benefactors believe in my plan and are already committed to coming alongside me to build a vibrant State Party. We will implement business models and grow our small dollar donor program for longterm success.

I will work to recruit effective candidates across the state who represent their diverse districts. We must ensure that candidates have the resources and training necessary to win.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Former congressman of Ohio and president of Sunday Creek Horizons
Guest Biography:

Congressman Zack Space was born and raised in the small eastern Ohio town of Dover. After graduating from Kenyon College and The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, he returned to Tuscarawas County to practice law. Over the course of 20 years, Zack managed a private practice, worked as a Public Defender, and served as Law Director for the City of Dover. In 2006, he was elected to serve as the Congressman from Ohio’s 18th District, comprising 16 counties in rural southeastern Ohio.

During his tenure in Congress, Zack was a champion of working-class Ohioans, and was instrumental in bringing broadband technology, employment opportunities, and infrastructure improvements to his district. He served on the prestigious Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as the House Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Agriculture, and Veterans' Affairs, and was an active member of the Blue Dog Caucus, a centrist, fiscally principled coalition of moderate democrats from largely rural districts. Among his numerous accomplishments in Congress:

  • Securing more than $100,000,000 for broadband infrastructure buildout in eastern and southern Ohio. Much of the existing broadband backbone currently in place in Appalachia-Ohio can be attributed directly to these funds;
  • Pioneering the successful utilization of New Market Tax Credits for projects throughout southeast Ohio valued in the tens of millions of dollars, taking the region from last to first among Congressional districts in Ohio, in the use of this creative economic development incentive tool;
  • Overseeing the formation of RenewOhio, an ambitious, and successful effort to convene leadership across sectors throughout the region, and to develop comprehensive planning around future economic development;
  • Receiving of the Development Districts Association of Appalachia 2008 Congressional Award, in recognition of his support for the Appalachian Regional Commission, and community development efforts undertaken by local development districts across the 13 states within the Appalachian region.

Upon leaving Congress in 2011, Zack joined Vorys Advisors, the government affairs arm of the prestigious Columbus law firm Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease, where he worked with local governments, charitable organizations, and the private sector to promote economic development across Ohio, particularly southeastern Ohio. One initiative Zack oversaw during this time saw him bring together regional stakeholders to plan a prosperous future for southeastern Ohio, driven by the Utica Shale Play, in partnership with oil and gas companies Zack brought to the table.

In 2018, he was elected as the Democratic nominee for the office of Ohio Auditor of State, earning the endorsements of nearly every major Ohio newspaper, and outperformed all other statewide Democratic candidates in Appalachian Ohio.

Zack currently serves as President of Sunday Creek Horizons. He is a proven ambassador for Appalachia, trusted by the region’s residents, politicians, and investors alike. ​Zack has two children, Gina and Nick, who live in Tuscarawas County and are currently studying to become lawyers.


Guest Category: Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Actor Film Producer
Guest Biography:

Brian Anthony Wilson is an American film and television actor. He first appeared in the 1997 film The Postman as Woody. Wilson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has been married to Greer M. Richardson since 2005. He stands over six feet tall.

Guest Category: Comedy, Entertainment, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Alyssa Palazzo is a new-found poet who began writing her first novel at the young age of 18. Her novel dear body is a beautiful piece of work that addresses her battles with mental illness, trauma, and an eating disorder.Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Los Angeles based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and a sound-healing practitioner
Guest Biography:


Ksenia is a Los Angeles based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and a sound-healing practitioner.

The love song between Ksenia and music has been a lifelong journey. She began singing when she was six years old, and was writing songs on her guitar and performing at local festivals by the time she was thirteen. After a while, Ksenia took a break from music and moved to the United States. There she committed herself to a path of spiritual growth and healing. She trained and became a yoga teacher, a Reiki Master, and a bodyworker.

Five years ago, Ksenia was inspired to approach music again from the perspective of her new path. Music became another instrument through which to channel healing and inspiration for all the people Ksenia teaches and works with. The influence of her commitment to a yogic lifestyle and her deep connection with healing work transformed her relationship with sound by integrating her spiritual path with the music.

Today her songs weave together all the aspects of her life and heritage, by blending mantras, icaros, prayers and Russian folk music for a truly unique and inspiring sound. In 2018 she released her first single, “Atman”, which was followed in 2019 by her first album. Ksenia’s music channels inspiration, hope, peace, and strength to guide and support people on their life journeys. She has redefined the use of sound and mixed vibrations in her intention to spread the healing power of musical prayer.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Music
Guest Occupation: Grief, Loss and Transition Coach, a licensed psychotherapist and Medical Social Worker
Guest Biography:


Dr. Katie Eastman is a Grief, Loss and Transition Coach, a licensed psychotherapist and Medical Social Worker with extensive training in the field of Pastoral Psychology. Specializing in loss, traumatic loss and grief she supports individuals, families and communities before, during and after serious loss.

Dr. Katie attended Boston University School of Theology, The University of Houston School of Social Work Masters Program and acquired a Doctorate in Clinical Child Psychology from Antioch University. She has held a series of mental health-related positions working with children and families, culminating in work with seriously ill and dying children and adults and their caregivers. Most recently she has worked with suicidal teens, teen suicide survivors and bereaved parents. 

As a community engagement consultant, Dr. Katie has assisted groups and communities in developing collaborative strategies to prevent teen suicide and programs that offer support in the aftermath of this unique and increasingly common kind of tragedy. Forming a Suicide Prevention/ Mental Health Coalition in her own community, she engaged community stakeholders to collaborate, educate and engage people of all ages in promoting mental health as a fundamental aspect of wellness. The result has been greater access to mental health support and a significant reduction in the prevalence of teen deaths related to suicide. 

An engaging author and storyteller, Dr. Katie is known as an authentic force for good and love.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Relationship Counseling, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Musician, massage therapist, yoga practitioner and guide
Guest Biography:


Musician, massage therapist, yoga practitioner and guide (Kundalini, Tantra, Yin).  Lia Light holds a passion for guiding others in  living a “Tantric Life”- that is fully feeling, expanding vision and truly embracing the mind body connection.  

With her family having roots in Hawaii, she possesses mermaid vibes and values of preserving the land, malama ‘aina! and bringing community together. Lia’s love for the arts lead her on a path of studying graphic design and art history, bodywork and yoga.

She enjoys cooking plant-based meals, singing, playing the guitar, painting and guiding others in exploring their visionary states of consciousness through movement, journey and meditation. She has spent years designing and decorating her home temple to become a place of healing and unity. 

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Yoga, Music
Guest Occupation: Medical oncologist, Medical Director, Animal Welfare Advocate
Guest Biography:

Barbara Jennifer Gitlitz MD. 

Dr. Gitlitz is a medical oncologist, currently serving as a Medical Director at Genentech and affiliated with the University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine as Voluntary Faculty. She is a passionate, devoted advocate for animal welfare and has dedicated much of her free time to helping dogs that have been rescued from the Dog and Cat Meat Trade. She is on the Board of Directors of The Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation.

Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused on rescuing abused and neglected animals – locally, internationally and throughout the Asian Dog Meat Trade – rehabilitating them and finding them their forever homes. We embrace compassion, education and legislation to guide hearts and minds toward a brighter future for animals.

Guest Category: Plant & Animals, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Pets and Animals, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Public Speaker
Guest Biography:

Mike Cotayo received his Master’s in Social Work from New York University in 2000 and is certified in Gestalt Therapy from the Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training. He now works as a funny shrink, bringing humor and compassion to his work so that others may heal deeply and fully. He makes healing work more tolerable by helping providers feel comfortable using humor in their work. Mike toured nationally with The Short Bus Comedy Tour from 2005-2007 and has performed at a variety of places. Some prominent locations include The Laugh Factory, Columbia University, and a bowling alley...seriously, he killed it, and his shoes were on point. His specialties are working with trauma, borderline personality disorder and using laughter as a tool in therapeutic settings.

Guest Category: Comedy, Medicine, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Sex
Guest Occupation: Award-winning International Contemporary Artist, Author, Humanitarian and Visionary
Guest Biography:


Patricia is an Award-winning International Contemporary Artist, Author and Visionary. She is represented by 13th Street Gallery in St. Catharines, Artworld Fine Art in Toronto, Ontario, FACEC International in France, Paul Fisher Gallery in Florida and Gallery on the Bay in Hamilton, Ontario. Patricia exhibited with BB International Fine Arts in Geneva, Berlin, Korea, Austria, and Zurich. In 2018, Patricia won the Gold Medal in Photography at the SNBA at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France. ATIM (Art Tour International Magazine) named Patricia, Artist of the Year 2020.

She is a recipient of the 2017 Excellence in the Arts for Courage and Commitment to Human Rights, Dignity and Freedom by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. In 2019 she was awarded the Silver Medal in Photography and in 2021 she will receive the Pewter Medal in Painting from the Societe Academique Arts, Sciences and Lettres in Paris, France. She is the recipient of the Apollo and Daphne International Award Biennal of Baroque Art Salentin from Italia in Arte Nel Mondo Associaziona Culturaie. In 2020 she received the International Prize Raffaello & Canova in Venice, Italy. She studied under Master Artist Dragan Dragic since 1999 in France. Patricia authored an award-winning non-fiction Karmic Alibi and contributed to several compilations.

Patricia is an Entrepreneur who founded the Kyralex and MLX Property Management Group and has extensive background in banking, property and medical management. She is also the CFO of the Hamilton Vein Clinic owned and operated by Dr. Ned Gagic, General Surgeon.

Patricia is a Certified Meditation Specialist/Facilitator completing her Certification in Applied Mindfulness and Transformative Mindfulness and Mindfulness without Borders from Factor Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. Patricia is a member of the International Women’s Forum Toronto Chapter. She is also a Reiki Master, and a Level 3 Feng Shui consultant. Patricia has been a mentor for the Federal Business Development Bank and taught at Mohawk College Continuing Education.

In 2013 she was Knighted as a Dame of the International Order of St. George Grand Prior of Canada. Niagara Commandery. Past member of the Ontario Cabinet for Friends of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, a member of the Sir Edmund Hilary Foundation Board, a Paul Harris recipient as a Rotarian. She has received the YMCA Peace Medal among other accolades. Patricia has presented on the stage at Carnegie Hall, The Harvard Club of Boston, and Nasdaq in NYC.

Future: Patricia is currently working on the projects which she feels are the culmination of her life as seen through the eyes of wisdom. The Karmic Art Experience, writing the super hero book “The Black Snowflake”, a re-write of Karma and Cash, a non-fiction “Thirsters and Quenchers” and two co-authored projects “Anger to Zen” and “Intentionally Extraordinary”.

She is recognized by WXN (Women’s Executive Network) as one of the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada awarded the BMO Arts and Communication award in 2015, Royal Bank Champion in 2016 and BMO Arts and Communication in 2017. Patricia was inducted into the WXN Hall of Fame in 2018. She received the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award by the Universal Women’s Network as a Woman of Inspiration.

Patricia is a lifetime Volunteer and Activist. On a personal note, she is an avid chess player, recipe creator, long distance swimmer, and has a love of travelling on pilgrimages to Nepal and Tibet…. She also can sing in Swahili. She is Co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer of the not-for-profit Help Heal Humanity.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Professor, and Author
Guest Biography:

Linda De Villers is a licensed psychologist with a background of over 35 years in sex therapy. She's taught classes on human sexuality, therapy, and more in universities all over California. Her two books focus on what you can add to your sexual relationships.

Guest Category: Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Christianity, Sex, Dating, Sex Advice, Sexuality
Guest Occupation: Media Relations Expert
Guest Biography:
Ashley Bernardi is the founder of Nardi Media LLC, a nationally renowned full-service media relations and media training firm. She is a former network television producer, with credits including The Early Show on CBS News, energyNOW! on Bloomberg, and Washington Post Live. She is a frequent speaker on the topics of media relations, media training, and communications, and co-hosts the award-winning podcast 2 Girls Talking.



Additionally, Ashley has a deep passion and interest in health, wellness, spirituality, and healing, after losing her father to a heart attack and her suffering from Lyme disease while caring for her three young children. She is certified in Reiki 1 and completed her certificate in the Science of Well-Being from Yale University. Her forthcoming book, Not So Strong: The Hidden Healing That Lives In Your Mess (Collective Book Studio, Fall 2021), compiles teachings of hope from some of the world’s leading experts in health, wellness, and spirituality. With her book, she hopes to help people navigate through their darkest days.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Marketing, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Personal Development, Religion, Christianity, Sex
Guest Occupation: Radio Personality
Guest Biography:

Shonda is the voice behind radio personality Mallory J from 1075 Jamz FM, home of the Ricky Smiley Morning Show and DL Hugley in the afternoons. She’s been in radio for over 10 years in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and 2 years in Charlotte NC before coming to Fort Myers. Hear Mallory J on her mid-day show from 10 am – 3 pm.

Guest Category: Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Religion, Christianity, Self Help, Sex
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:
Graham McQuade is an Author who has a couple of novels under his belt and a third on the way, Mr. McQuade says he still struggles to see himself as an author. Because his world is dominated by work and his family. writing is still like a bit of a bolt on activity. Although around 80% of his downtime is occupied by thoughts of whatever he is still  writing and not complaining, Mr. McQuade says he obviously loves  his  family and believe it or not, he loves his  job too! Time is something that he has  never really had enough of, in his world, time is the most valuable commodity. But he is  not alone, as an independent author you have to be the master when it comes to finding time to write. And those times are rarely ideal, late at night, early mornings and the odd slot over a weekend.
There is a plus side to this, he has never sat in front of the computer wondering what to write… his  head is usually bursting with ideas and he has stacks of notes that he have taken down when an idea has jumped out at him. Join me on March 2, 2021 at 12 Noon as I have a awesome conversation with the Infinity man here live on BBSRadio/Allroads65...
Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin
Guest Biography:

Sara Kierzek has been executive director for Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin for over 10 years, serving the 35 local Habitat affiliates throughout the state.  Prior to her current position, she was executive director for Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity for 5 ½ years.  Sara developed her strong commitment to community service during her 15 years as assistant director for Wisconsin Congressman Jerry Kleczka, working on a variety of issues including housing, social security and veterans’ services.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Military, News, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Meet Mr. Graham McQuade, With a couple of novels under my belt and a third on the way, I still struggle to see myself as an author. Because my world is dominated by work and family, writing still feels like a bit of a bolt on activity. Although around 80% of my downtime is occupied by thoughts of whatever I’m writing. I’m not complaining, I obviously love my family and believe it or not, love my job too! Time is something that I have never really had enough of, in my world, time is the most valuable commodity. But I’m not alone, as an independent author you have to be the master when it comes to finding time to write. And those times are rarely ideal, late at night, early mornings and the odd slot over a weekend. There is a plus side to this, I am never sat in front of the computer wondering what to write… my head is usually bursting with ideas and I have stacks of notes that I have taken down when an idea has jumped out on me. Join me March 2, 2021 at 12 Noon having plenty to discuss, and his new book 'New Gods' with your host Pamela L Henderson...

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, History, Paranormal, Philosophy, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: singer, songwriter, musician, producer, author and rising star
Guest Biography:

D A R. R A








Dar. Ra is a Music Writer, Producer and Author who earned his stripes with hits for EMI and 21 St Century. One of his tracks ‘Haunted Dancehall’ was featured in a Hollywood film starring Hilary Duff and the movie Snakes on a Planes. Dar.Ra played on BBC Radio Cambridge to a million people live when they connected their regional stations around the Midlands. 

Various EPs 'Now Is Now', Live For Love, Cease Fire and soundtrack to film documentary 'City Of Hope' have also had millions of streams and lead to the recent album 'New Kinda Normal'. The Rock N Roll tour de force, that has seen three singles really make some movements happen in America, with well received Music video’s for ‘Rock Steady’ and ‘Night-Stepper’ being shot in NYC, while ‘Diamonds N The Shadows’ being shot in Atlanta.

With two new EPs out ‘Stand Up For The Heroes’ a tribute to the keyworkers who have stood up to the task of the Pandemic and the Whisky n Honey EP this work continues to shape Dar. Ra’s musical catalogue.

REVIEWS: Dar. Ra Is A Fore-Runner of Rock Step. A New Sub Genre of Rock Music from The UK That Glues the Guitar Bliss Of Rock N Roll With The Euphoria Of EDM! …(Vevo)

Dar.Ra is a unique songwriter, producer and author who makes an Amazing blend of Rock and Soul Music (21st Artists Hollywood)  

Highly Impressive … (Planet Earth Radio USA)  

Well worth listening to this Artist … (Strutter Zine Mag Holland)  

I’ve worked with artists for many years and Dar.Ra is by far one of the best. Great music. Great promotion. Great Interviews with Interesting answers and stories. And the absolute best Promo Liners!! … (Zac Becker Sound Karma Radio)

Rock n Roll Diamond in The Rough … (Electro Wow USA)

Dar. Ra is an incredible act to follow as he is always evolving on each song with incredible results … (Indie People USA)

Dar. Ra infuses layers of vocals and instrumentation into each record he makes. The genius of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles, came to mind while listening to “Phenomenal”, “Back to The Brink” and “Heart Shape Pill” … (Tune Loud Magazine USA)

Soul Powered Riffs Maximum … (Volume Magazine)

Rushing through with an intense energy is the colossal riffing of Dar.Ra’s “Heart Shape Pill” infuses a certain level of late-night sleaze into the proceedings resulting in an absolute blast of a track. Wild and carefree the song is pure bliss. … (Bongo Boy TV)

Nominated 'Heart Shape Pill' GK Rock Music Indie Radio Music Award -2018

Nominated 'Phenomenal' Rock Song of The Year Radio Wigwam FM -2018

Nominated IMA's Artist of The Year -2019 

Countdown Number 1 Single LOZ Radio USA 

Top 20 Radio Air Play Charts USA

Rock N Roll Sensation New Sound Express

Dar.Ra has also written two books under his full moniker Darragh J Brady entitled Road Tales which is about amazing people with life changing stories that he met while touring the globe and The Night That Jimi Died which is about a girl who channels the Spirit of Jimi Hendrix and rises to change the DNA of the World through Music. Both titles have also been given top reviews on Goodreads and Amazon Books.



The Night That Jimi Died 

-Kindle Edition



at amazon books

What if souls could cross over at the point of life and death...?

What if your life was pre-ordained as a result of such a meeting as you were entering into the world...?

Kirsty born in Knightsbridge Infirmary London, the same hospital that a famous American Rock Hero had died in 20 years before.

Could there be a connection between these two completely unlikely connected people...?

Could Kirsty have the ability to hear the voice of this American Rock Star as she grows up to be one of the greatest Guitar Heros of her time...?

Follow this strange tale of Angelic guidance as this reluctant Female Rock Star hero brings the world back from the brink through her incredible Music!


Road Tales

-Kindle Edition


At amazon books

Road Tales is musicians look at the world through touring while meeting some incredible people with life-changing stories to tell.

Darragh aka Dar.Ra was signed to EMI at the age of 21 and been in the music game for a while with number 1 hits and nominations for Best Rock records to his name.

The Author began writing down meetings with everyday people with extraordinary challenges whom he felt needed their stories told.

Fascinated with what makes us humans tick, and how some people rise to the challenge of whatever life throws at them, from an Aboriginal Down Under who used the power of faith to heal a severe injury, to a

freedom fighter in Guatelemala who stood up for Native Land rights and a whole array of miracle people.

The book delves into the rich tapestry of the human psyche and asks the question what is Faith, Altruism, Spiritual healing, Animal communication, Physic ability, Remote Viewing and the Power Of Belief.

Everyday miracles that we pass by are explored to help people see that the impossible might just be possible if we choose to see our hidden powers.

For more information




Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Music, News, Politics & Government, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Best-selling Author, a Langston Hughes Medal Recipient, Preacher and Professor.
Guest Biography:

One of the nation’s most renowned professors, gifted writers, inspiring preachers, knowledgeable lecturers and prominent media personalities, Michael Eric Dyson is our guest this Sunday. Educated at Princeton,  Dyson has taught at some of the nation’s most distinguished universities. Author of more than 20 books, including seven New York Times bestsellers, Dyson is a MSNBC political analyst. He has won two NAACP Image Awards, an American Book Award and the Langston Hughes Medal. 

Dyson has written bestselling volumes on Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, 2Pac, Marvin Gaye, Bill Cosby and Barack Obama. Dyson’s New York Times bestselling Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America, was called by the New York Times, “one of the most frank and searing discussions on race…a deeply serious, urgent book, which should take its place in the tradition of [James] Baldwin.” 

As a preacher and sometime pastor for more than 40 years, Dyson has delivered sermons and lectured across the country, and around the world. Dyson is known as “the ideal public intellectual of our times” and has been called a “street fighter in suit and tie.” 

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Legendary guitarist, singer, songwriter, founder of Grand Funk Railroad and Mark Farner's American Band
Guest Biography:



M A R K  F A R N E R 


Mark Farner’s American Band

'From Chile With Love'

Live DVD




As one of the founding members, lead singer, lead guitarist, and wrote 90% of the Grand Funk music catalog, Mark Farner has always been known as the energetic driving force on stage, the engine that pulled the original Grand Funk Railroad to the top of the charts. From his soulful voice and power rock riffs, to fueling the Funk with his atomic stage presence. His story and his imprint on music starts with Flint and since 1969 from his humble beginnings and a blue-collar outlook, Farner has captained a global crusade for love and freedom and became a rock ‘n’ roll icon.

50 years later – he commands the stage with the same intensity performing epic hits that defined a generation – “I’m Your Captain (Closer to Home)”, “Bad Time”, “Some Kind of Wonderful”, “Foot Stompin’ Music”, “Heartbreaker”, “Locomotion”, “Mean Mistreater” and “We’re An American Band”.

Today, Farner’s amplifying his remarkable career another full decibel selling more than 30 million records worldwide, including 16 gold and platinum albums. Mark Farner’s American Band will honor Farner’s golden anniversary in music, as well as shine a spotlight on his legendary contributions to society, in his 2019-2020 50th Anniversary Tour.

“I am who my songs say I am,” Farner said.

We scheduled Mark back to the show immediately when we learned he has a new Live DVD entitled Mark Farner’s American Band From Chile With Love Live DVD available to preorder now at and out in stores April 6th 2021.




'From Chile With Love'



Available at stores April 6th 



The Rock & Roll Soul

Music Video:


Listen to

The Rock & Roll Soul

Audio File:



For more information about



Mark Farner Official Website

Mark Farner on Facebook


YouTube: Mark Farner

Instagram: markfarners_americanband

Mark Farner's Mid-Michigan Flood Relief

Gofundme Page

Mark Farner Launches Mid-Michigan Flood Relief GoFundMe (Petoskey, Mich.) Legendary rock and roll guitarist and front man, Mark Farner, is helping those closer to home. This weekend he launched a GoFundMe campaign for his Michigan neighbors called the Mid-Michigan Flood Relief. The goal is to raise $25,000 to donate to the American Red Cross’ efforts to the areas affected by the Midland County flooding. Farner and his wife, Lesia, were the first to donate with $2,000.

 Link to the Mark Farner Mid-Michigan Flood Relief GoFundMe here…

moxie publicity official website

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Music, News, TV & Film