Headlined Guests
Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV
Mario Beauregard, Ph.D. is associate researcher at University of Montreal (Departments of Psychology and Radiology, Neuroscience Research Center). He is the author of more than 100 publications in neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry. Because of his research into the neuroscience of consciousness, he was selected by the World Media Net to be among the "One Hundred Pioneers of the 21st Century."
His groundbreaking work on the neurobiology of emotion and mystical experience at the University of Montreal has received international media coverage. In 2006, he received the Joel F. Lubar award for his contribution to the field of neurotherapy. The National Film Board of Canada has recently produced a documentary film about his work titled The Mystical Brain.
Mario authored, The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul (HarperCollins), in collaboration with science writer Denyse O'Leary. He also edited Consciousness, Emotional Self-Regulation and the Brain, and coauthored Neural Correlates of Conscious Self-Regulation of Emotion, Neural circuitry underlying voluntary suppression of sadness, The Neural Substrate for Concrete, Abstract, and Emotional Word Lexica: A Positron Emission Tomography Study, “Change the mind and you change the brain”: effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the neural correlates of spider phobia, and Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind-brain interaction.
Mario earned his B.Sc. in Psychology at the University of Montreal in 1985 and his Ph.D. in Neurological Sciences at the University of Montreal in 1992.
Ty Bollinger -Author of book, "Cancer: Step Outside the Box"
During the last 15 years, I've lost 7 close family members due to cancer. I have devoted the last decade of my life to medical research to find alternative cancer treatments and cures so *YOU *and* YOUR* family don't have to experience the same tragedy. I have summarized this voluminous amount of research in my book, Cancer - Step Outside the Box
A Cleaner and Safer Future for Our Environment.
Under a recalcitrant red sky somewhere between The Iliad and The Odyssey, there were some who marched beneath the 110 Freeway’s ruins and swore they would not stop until they seized the Grail: The Ruby Friedman Orchestra….if you keep listening you may hear their spaceship boarding call. That’s it for now, it’s raining.
Ruby Friedman’s music turns new listeners into instant fans. Take Lucinda Williams, for instance: In the late summer of 2008, just a couple of months after the venerated singer-songwriter and multiple Grammy Award winner first heard Ruby at the Hyperion Tavern in Los Angeles’ Silver Lake district, Williams joined her for a number on stage at Hollywood’s Hotel Café.
Blessed with a bold, octave-leaping voice and a brace of rapturous radio-friendly songs, Ruby is poised to leap out of the pack. Her crackling live performances showcase a singer who has melded a panoply of diverse musical tributaries – Bessie Smith, Etta James, Patsy Cline, Whitney Houston, PJ Harvey – into a distinctive, unclassifiable, high-powered, utterly surprising style of her own.
She’s radio-active: During 2008-09, she graced the airwaves with a live performance on the late, lamented Indie 103.1, regular spins on Rodney Bingenheimer’s legendary KROQ show “Rodney on the ROQ,” and airplay from guest DJ Rosanna Arquette on Chris Douridas’ KCRW program “New Ground.” She has appeared on RocknRoll Television.com and cut a live session at ChessVolt Studios for the indie music site Luxury Wafers.
She has wowed audiences at the Hotel Café, the Mint, the Viper Room,
and the Echo in Los Angeles, and played three stomping shows during the 2009 South By Southwest Music Festival in Austin, Texas. The renowned audio equipment manufacturer Sennheiser, which sponsored one of her SXSW gigs, named her their “Unsigned Artist of the Month” for March 2009.
The titian-haired vocalist’s recent studio activity brought her together with some noted producers. Sessions with the team Beethoven – Alex Elena and Josh Valleau, known for their work with Grammy nominee Alice Smith and Little Jackie – yielded the hit-worthy tracks “Look For the Shooting Star” and “That’s Why I Let You Hang Around,” as well as a scorching cover of the Beatles’ “I Want You/She’s So Heavy.” Her original “Sex” was mixed by Mike Chapman (Blondie, the Knack, Pat Benatar).
Ruby has performed and recorded with some storied players: John Taylor (Duran Duran), Billy Zoom and DJ Bonebrake (X), Tony Gilkyson (Lone Justice, X), Gregg Sutton (Lone Justice), Michael Ward (Glen Campbell, the Wallflowers), Brian Head (John Doe, Dead Rock West), Bob Thiele, Jr., and many others.
The members of her band the Ruby Friedman Orchestra – all seasoned L.A. pros – include keyboardist Arlan Schierbaum, keyboardist for the seminal funk unit Mandrill; bassist Edwin Livingston, a top-flight jazz player and former Queen Latifah sideman seen and heard in the feature films Ray and Dreamgirls; guitarist Adam Zimmon, who has toured with country legend Glen Campbell and Latin star Shakira; trombonist Ulf Bjorlin, a classically trained player who also performs with Vaud and the Villains; and, on drums, producer Alex Elena, whose credits include touring and studio work with Avril Lavigne, Belinda Carlisle, and Bruce Dickinson.
Invariably, audience members at a Ruby Friedman Orchestra show are left hunting for superlatives to describe what they’ve just seen. We’ll give the last word to Lucinda Williams, who may have put it best: At the Hyperion Tavern, she turned to another spectator next to her at the bar and exclaimed, “I am f*cking blown away.”
Jonathan Baltuch & Lori Baltuch are the owners of ShoesOnlyTravel.com which provides Lifestyle couples with the most amazing and unique trips along with group and individual travel to your favorite resorts like Hedonism and Desire.
Shoes Only Travel cruises are more than just cruises. They’re intimate adventures to places most of us only dream about visiting. Imaging sailing the day away in the Greek Islands, drinking in the beauty of the Tahitian Islands or living the mystique of Singapore and Malaysia. Each cruise includes the personal touch of Jonathan and Lori as your hosts, tour guides and organizers. Jonathan and Lori have planned these trips down to the last detail, choosing intimate cruise ships that hold 50 to 150 couples. You’ll expect to find the service on these smaller ships impeccable, the food superior and ambience heavenly. Best of all, these cruises are designed for people in the lifestyle, swingers and nudists, so you’ll have the freedom to be yourself, sunbath and swim naked, and find new friends, or old ones, to party and play with.
Melanie Pauley, Media Director – SDC.com "The Voice of SDC"
SDC, is the world's largest and most active swingers personals Lifestyle website offering easy to find local swingers in your area. Since 1999, SDC.com has provided swingers with the opportunity to express themselves freely in an adult manner consistent with their lifestyle choices. We promote and advocate liberty of personal sexual choices between consenting adults in a nonjudgmental, nondiscriminatory forum. SDC is available in five languages and has over two million real lifestyle swinging couples and swinging singles worldwide to fulfill all of your erotic dating needs and desires.
Michele Capozzi was born in Genoa in 1946. He graduated in Law and a degree in Social Sciences, he moved to London where he carries on legal practice, it becomes flower child and attended the hippy community. Back in Rome, working for a while in the cinema. In 1978 he moved permanently to New York, where he still lives on his boat, inventing the profession of urban explorer and pornologo. Natured nomadic, spend a lot of time flying between Los Angeles, Milan and Rome.
Andrew Sinclair (born 1935) is a British novelist, historian, critic, and film-maker. He was a founding member of Churchill College, Cambridge University, England, and has taught and traveled widely across the world. He currently lives in London and is married to the writer and leading London socialite Sonia Melchett (formerly married to Julian Edward Alfred Mond, 3rd Baron Melchett), and has two sons from previous marriages.
Andrew Sinclair is an internationally best selling author and authority on Rosslyn Chapel, the chapel of Templar secrets in Scotland built by his ancestors. Andrew is the author of The Sword and the Grail, The Secret Scroll and Rosslyn: The Story of Rosslyn Chapel And The True Story Behind The Da Vinci Code. Andrew is the only person in modern history to venture into the crypt under Rosslyn Chapel. Andrew will share his extensive information about the Sinclair Clan and Rosslyn Chapel, including some important new discoveries that were recently made.
Author, motivational speaker and radio personality Kari Hohne shares 28 years of research as a Dream Analyst, helping clients to discover their personal roadmap for success and wellness.
"As we move through life to actualize our desires, dreams become key in understanding how we get stuck, where we need to go, and also provide uncanny wisdom about our life direction."
In her books The Mind's Mirror and The Mythology of Sleep: The Waking Power of Dreams, she describes the 3 parts of every dream and how the hero is initiated to activate one's life purpose in the dreamscape. Exploring the common similarities between dream themes and the landscapes of our ancient myths, she writes: "Just as the mythical hero traverses bizarre landscapes, solving strange paradoxes that will reveal one's real identity and destiny, the cryptic nature of dreams serve the same purpose for the dreamer. Each night we enter a topsy turvy world of symbols to explore a conflict, cause and resolution cycle as a way of embarking on a Great Adventure of Self-discovery." See Why Dreams are so Bizarre.
Her website pulls users from all over the world and has allowed her to explore the common symbolism that guides dreamers no matter where they live in the world. Her Iphone App Way of Dreams: Dream Dictionary and Interpretation Tool, is available at Itunes and allows you to type in your dream to receive an interpretation, pulling from a dictionary of over 3000 definitions. It has consistently remained in the top 30 Lifestyle Apps at Itunes.
She conducts dream workshops on Living Life Intuitively and has developed motivational art programs for prison inmates and high school kids at risk of dropping out or joining gangs. Her articles appear in PubMed and she is also the author of Nothing Bad Happens in Life: Nature’s Way of Success and Tao te Ching: The Poetry of Nature. She is featured in Early Women Masters as a contributor to Women Authors of the Tao te Ching and as a contributor to the Mythology section.
Howard Zinn (August 24, 1922 - January 27, 2010) was a historian, playwright, and activist. He wrote the classic A People's History of the United States, “a brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those whose plight has been largely omitted from most histories.”
The book, which has sold more than two million copies, has been featured on The Sopranos and Simpsons, and in the film Good Will Hunting. In 2009, History aired The People Speak, an acclaimed documentary co-directed by Zinn, based on A People's History and a companion volume, Voices of a People's History of the United States. Howard Zinn was a co-executive producer, co-director , and co-author of The People Speak.
Zinn grew up in Brooklyn in a working-class, immigrant household. At 18 he became a shipyard worker and then flew bomber missions during World War II. These experiences helped shape his opposition to war and passion for history. After attending college under the GI Bill and earning a Ph.D. in history from Columbia, he taught at Spelman, where he became active in the civil rights movement. After being fired by Spelman for his support for student protesters, Zinn became a professor of Political Science at Boston University, were he taught until his retirement in 1988.
Zinn was the author of many books, including an autobiography, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train, the play Marx in Soho, and Passionate Declarations. He received the Lannan Foundation Literary Award for Nonfiction and the Eugene V. Debs award for his writing and political activism.
Marie is also a screenwriter currently developing "Twilight Child," a science fiction feature film and a paranormal horror film called "19 Hz" with Bruce Lucas Productions, and she is also developing a paranormal-related television series for tweens. She has also contributed to over 50 inspirational books for PIL/New Seasons, as well as hundreds of articles, essays and stories in magazines, online ezines, newspapers and anthologies, including five Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She is now a regular contributor to Intrepid Magazine, and writes regularly for New Dawn Magazine and Phenomena Magazine.
Marie is a co-host on the popular Dreamland radio show interviewing luminaries in the fields of the paranormal, science, unknown anomalies and alternative history. She also spent fifteen years as a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network in Los Angeles and San Diego. She currently serves as Director of Special Projects to ARPAST, the Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team. She is also highly active in local and regional disaster preparedness, and is a trained CERT member (Community Emergency Response Team). She is also training with the American Red Cross and is a member of several ham radio disaster NETs, including SATERN, MetroNet and QuakeNet. Her call sign is KI6YES. In her spare time, she runs and is training for a marathon.
She recently appeared on the History Channel's "Nostradamus Effect" series and "30 Odd Minutes" television with Jeff Belanger, and has been interviewed for dozens of magazines, newspapers and websites, and has appeared on hundreds of radio shows all over the world, including Coast to Coast AM, The Shirley MacLaine Show, The Jeff Rense Show, X Zone Radio, NRP, KPBS Radio, The Conspiracy Show, Beyond Reality with the Ghost Hunters, Dick Sutphen's Metaphysical Radio, Just Energy, TAPS Family Radio and Paranormal Podcast.
Marie is a highly regarded and popular speaker on science, metaphysics, consciousness and the paranormal and has appeared at major conferences and events. She has also lectured to local and regional meet-up groups, networking organizations and libraries, bookstores and author events.
She currently resides in sunny Northern San Diego County, California.
Therese Emmanuel Grey is a journalist who has written about personal growth for more than a decade, and co-authored the book Why We Do What We Do: Four Pathways to Your Authentic Self with psychologist Caroline Hanstke and Brian Emmanuel Grey.
Interviewing the mystic and author of 'The 2012 Spiritual Shift', Therese Emmanuel Grey. She has written and co-authored a number of other books about spirituality and spiritual psychology including Miracles, Masters and Mirth, and The Legend of the Ancient of Days. Therese regularly conducts online seminars and Radiant Sherpa Retreats, including an upcoming retreat this winter solstice: 'Integrating the Cosmic Wave of Divine Love'. Therese founded Lightbearers Worldwide, an online community of spiritual seekers.
Therese first discovered the transforming power of the inner family archetype model by applying it to her personal circumstances. "I had explored different avenues of psychological and spiritual growth, yet I still could not hit my rock bottom self-limiting patterns," says Therese. "That changed when I found this work. With these amazing teachings, I was finally able to face my deepest fears and disappointments. Week after week, I watched as layers of entrenched, negative core programs began to lift, giving way to new levels of understanding and appreciation for myself and for others."
In 1998, Brian and Therese married. Today, Therese works alongside Brian and Caroline to facilitate the inner family archetype model in workshops, seminars, and publications—in English, French, and Spanish. She shares life-changing concepts to help guide people on their journey toward psychological wholeness and spiritual fulfillment, and is working on several new books.
Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D., is President of The Empowerment Partnership, where he serves as a master trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a practical behavioral technology for helping people achieve their desired results in life. Dr. Matt delivers seminars and cultural trainings throughout the United States, Canada, Asia, and Europe. Due to his expertise on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), indigenous cultures, and his research on forgiveness, Dr. Matt is a regular contributor at The Huffington Post and Psychology Today blogs. He is also often quoted in magazines, newspapers, and has been featured on Fox News, CNN Headline News, and many other TV and radio shows around the world.
Dr. Matt's degrees include an MA in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix, and a Ph.D. in Health (Integrative) Psychology from Walden University. He completed his residency at Indiana University and wrote his dissertation on "Ho'oponopono: Assessing the Effects of a Traditional Hawaiian Forgiveness Technique on Unforgiveness." This dissertation is available in print, or online through UMI or ProQuest.
BIO FROM: http://www.lymebook.com/top10abouttheauthor
Bryan Rosner is recognized internationally for his books on Lyme disease. His work has received critical acclaim from people across the globe. Bryan’s first book, Lyme Disease and Rife Machines, has been sold in over 20 countries. The research substantiating Bryan’s work is derived from numerous sources, including his personal experience with Lyme Disease, input from hundreds of other Lyme sufferers, clinical and laboratory studies, and collaboration with leading physicians on several continents.
Bryan’s books are known to include not only treatments popular in the United States, but also successful healing modalities found throughout the world. In fact, Bryan communicates with researchers and physicians worldwide, and many of the treatments found in his books are unpublished and unknown to the public in the United States. In this way, his writing is balanced and broad, offering readers a wide array of treatment options from which to choose.
Bryan has spoken at numerous Lyme-related conventions and events, including, of particular note, the 2006 Rife International Health Conference. He is available on a limited basis for speaking engagements. Bryan Rosner works as a writer and publisher and lives in the mountains of Northern California with his wife Leila and son Judah.
Energy is everything and it is the vision and mission to help you reclaim your vital, vibrant and vivacious energy.
From the trenches of her own illness and near death and the loss of the love of her life, Sheevaun knows the reaches of physical, emotional pain and loss. She has a genuine interest in ensuring that you do not have the same issues or hurdles that caused so much pain in her life. (For the real and more detailed story about how Sheevaun has come to share her talents, technology and theology with the world in hopes of making a dent in as many ways as possible)
As a visionary and mystic in pursuit of a new way to resolve lack of clarity dissolve obstacles, remove negativity, not enough energy, health challenges and financial freedom, Sheevaun has developed a technology to get you back on track and tap into the vast resources to make it all happen. Sheevaun is a highly regarded speaker, spiritual teacher and entrepreneur. Over 20 years working with subtle energy Sheevaun is an expert and adept teacher sharing its application in life to our minds, bodies, emotions, relationships, and finances. She believes that through the use of energy you are fully empowered to achieve and succeed with new awareness and clarity.
She has produced over a fifteen popular transformational CD’s that get fast results for you, created innovative energy technology that transmutes energy blocks into success and health, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and is the author of the latest book Learn to Meditate in 2 Minutes, for the Lazy, Crazy, and Time Deficient. Sheevaun is the transformation trainer to workshops worldwide and the producer and host of the popular radio program Master Your Energy, Master Your Life!
If you want Success Beyond Reason(TM) and need it fast then that’s when to work with Sheevaun. She is masterful at bringing you back to clarity, getting you on track and bridging the gaps. This is where results and miracles occur.
Over 10,500 Clients and Climbing
“She is direct, clear and sees things that you can’t see and you get the results fast!”
Sheevaun has helped thousands of people improve their lives. Her one on one and group programs help you accelerate through to the other shore in record time (guaranteed), the Platinum Program is for executives and has resulted in success with increased cash flow, higher sales, client retention, and employee harmony. The Personal Care and Healing Division is where she has worked with the physical disorders that include traumas, diabetes, ADD, ADHD, autism, OCD, cancer, ALS, Autism, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Malaise, Stroke, Addictions, and more.
Since early childhood she observed energy and has taken its mastery as key to the success of every facet of life. She has achieved success when in the corporate confines, become a Master of Energy, Mastered Wisdom Yoga and Energy Healing along with success in multiples of business/entrepreneurial ventures. Sheevaun works with the energy that flows in and around the whole of the life (body, business, relationship, space and spiritual realms) and emphasizes equilibrium in the lives of the individual physically, mentally, emotionally, nutritionally, and financially.
Christopher Knight is well known to any student of the mysteries of Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and other Secret Societies. He is an internationally bestselling author of The Hiram Key with Robert Lomas which reveals many of the previously hidden mysteries of Freemasonry, the Sinclairs and Rosslyn Chapel. He is also the author of Uriel's Machine, The Second Messiah, Solomon's Power Brokers and Before the Pyramids. The book includes many mysteries, including a Freemasonry conspiracy he discovered while studying the Pentagon and the geometries and symbols of other government buildings in Washington D.C.!
Dawn The Self Esteem Queen™ is an internationally recognized motivational speaker, author, business coach & small business consultant, serial entrepreneur and spoken word artist. Founder of the SEQ/H.O.P.E. Movement™, Dawn uses her trials to mentor, minister, and coach people all over the World. One of today’s leading experts on teen mentoring, self-esteem enhancement, personal & professional leadership, and entrepreneur development,
Dawn’s mission in life is to teach individuals how to BE BETTER Human Beings. Her goal is to raise awareness and eradicate the exploitation of teenagers all over the Globe. Her Current Projects include: SEQ Collection Clothing, H.O.P.E. Platinum Coaching™, Sessions with The SEQ™, Stop Teenage Prostitution™, What Does Cancer Look Like™, Consumer Vigilantes™, and the highly anticipated H.O.P.E. Mindset™ Program.
Pam Montgomery
Partner Earth Education Center
Pam Montgomery received training from Empire State College in Alternative Health Education. She is the originator of Green Terrestrial Herbal Products of Vermont and was one of the founding members of the Northeast Herbal Association where she served as their president for four years. For a decade, Pam was on the Executive Council of the Board of Directors of United Plant Savers, an organization dedicated to preservation of our native medicinal plants. Pam has been organizing the Green Nations Gathering for nineteen years and has presented the Spirit Healing Conference and the Healing With Flowers Conference. She teaches workshops internationally on herbal medicine, Plant Spirit Healing, and spiritual ecology.
Pam is the author of Plant Spirit Healing; A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness and Partner Earth; A Spiritual Ecology published by Inner Traditions and a contributing author in Planting the Future.
An herbal and plant spirit healing practitioner, Pam offers healing sessions from her home at Sweetwater Sanctuary and long distance.She has recently produced Sweetwater Sanctuary Essences infused with the plant spirit.
BIO FROM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_David_Manning
James David Manning (born February 20, 1947)[1] is chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church on 123rd Street in New York City. Manning grew up in Red Springs, North Carolina, born to an African American family, and has been at ATLAH since 1981. ATLAH stands for All The Land Anointed Holy, which is Manning's name for Harlem.[2] His congregation, "ATLAH Worldwide Missionary Church" is the former Bethelite Missionary Baptist Church. The church is also the site of the ATLAH Theological Seminary, which offers classes on preaching and prophecy.[3]
Manning is fiercely opposed to the gentrification of Harlem[4] and calls for its residents to boycott its shops, restaurants, doctors, banks and churches.[5] That action, combined with a general rent strike, would force all property owners out of Harlem, he said, leaving the neighborhood to its rightful inheritors: black people.[2][6] Manning calls his plan "No Dew, Nor Rain," after Elijah's warning to Ahab, king of Israel, of a coming drought. "When there's no dew, no rain, there's a drought – there's all kinds of suffering," said Manning. The whole of Harlem, he said, is to be a "drought zone."[5][7]
Manning graduated from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York where he was awarded a Master of Divinity.[8] Manning also holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from his own ATLAH Theological Seminary, an unaccredited educational institution.[9]
As a younger man, Manning burgled homes, mostly on Long Island. He spent about three and a half years in prison in New York and Florida for burglary, robbery, larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, and other charges before his release in 1978. While in prison, he became a devout Christian.[2]
According to Manning, he attended the Oxford Round Table in 2004.[10]
Dr. Francisco Contreras
Director, President and Chairman
Dr. Francisco Contreras serves as director, president and chairman of the Oasis of Hope Hospital. A distinguished oncologist and surgeon, Contreras is renowned for combining conventional and alternative medical treatments with emotional and spiritual support to provide patients with the most positive treatment experience possible.
Oasis of Hope was founded by Contreras’ father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Sr. in 1963, and since then the hospital has provided integrative cancer treatment for more than 100,000 patients. As director, Contreras continues the practice of his father’s two fundamental principles – do no harm and treat the patient as yourself. Today, Contreras oversees the treatment of 800 cancer patients annually.
After graduating with honors from medical school at the Autonomous University of Mexico in Toluca, Contreras studied alternative therapy at the Oasis of Hope Hospital. He then completed his specialty in surgical oncology at the University of Vienna in Austria, where he also graduated with honors.
Contreras has authored and co-authored several books concerning integrative therapy, cancer and heart disease prevention and chronic illness, including “The Hope of Living Cancer Free,” “The Hope of Living Long and Well,” “Fighting Cancer 20 Different Ways” and “Dismantling Cancer.” His newest book with co-author Daniel E. Kennedy, “Hope, Medicine & Healing,” is scheduled for release in fall 2008.
In addition to writing for numerous medical journals, Contreras has participated in medical conferences such as the World Conference on Breast Cancer and is active in the Cancer Control Society. He has been a part of governmental organizations, including the Georgia House of Representatives Health Policy Task Force and the Japanese Medical Association. He has also been on special assignment to Slovakia as a member of the Mexican Health Advisory Board.
A qualified entry-level professional motorcycle racer, Contreras says that racing is similar to performing surgery in that it requires 100 percent focus. Contreras and his wife, Rosa, have four daughters and one son. The family attends church in Bonita, Calif., and enjoys skiing and travel.
The discoverer of life on Mars, Andrew D. Basiago, 47, is an American trial lawyer, writer, and environmental scholar. He was born on September 18, 1961 in Morristown, New Jersey, the youngest of five children, and grew up in New Jersey and California. Andy was one of the "whiz kids" who served from 1969 to 1972 in DARPA’s time-space exploration program, Project Pegasus.
A past member of Mensa, the high IQ society, he holds five degrees, including a BA in History from UCLA and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge. While an undergraduate at UCLA, Andy became a journalist and a protégé of editor Norman Cousins of the Saturday Review, who once compared him to Robert Hutchins and nominated him to be the Editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. He was inspired by a meeting with architect Buckminster Fuller in 1981 to pursue a career in environmental policy. After their meeting, Fuller wrote: "Andrew Basiago’s integrity augurs well for humanity’s continuance in (the) Universe."
Andy began his career writing articles about the urban environment for Los Angeles newspapers, national periodicals, and the Cousteau Society magazine Calypso Log. He studied environmental law at Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, and then went on to design nature-friendly urban plans for cities in California and study environmental law and policy with Professor Malcolm Grant at Cambridge. His papers about the theory and practice of urban sustainability have been published in international, peer-reviewed journals in Australia, Britain, and the United States, cited widely, and placed in the environmental policy collections of major university libraries.
Andy was admitted to the Washington State Bar Association in 1996. A lawyer in private practice, he represents and collaborates with writers and filmmakers in the development of books, TV shows, and feature films with planetary and interplanetary themes. Recently, he edited several major works related to humanity’s contact with extraterrestrial life. He was the editor of Alfred Lambremont Webre’s book, Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe (Universe Books, 2005), which uses as a case study human contact with an advanced civilization on Mars. He also edited The Fátima Trilogy by Joaquim Fernandes, Fina d’Armada, and other scholars (Anomalist Books, 2007), a definitive history of the Fátima Incident of 1917 that explores its extraterrestrial aspects.
Andy founded the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) in 2008 after discovering abundant evidence of life in a photograph of the Red Planet beamed back to Earth by NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. His discovery of life on Mars might be an epochal event in human history. His crusade to evaluate and prove his findings and bring them to public light has been called "heroic." About his discovery, Andy stated: "NASA-JPL photograph PIA10214 is going to spark a second Copernican revolution on our planet, and it was my cosmic privilege to discover that it contained evidence of life on Mars. Society will be transformed – I think, for the better – by the revelation of the fact that we are not alone in the Universe, indeed, that we are not even alone in our own solar system."