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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author, Doctor, Writer, Physical Organic Chemist, Molecular Geneticist, CEO of a Biotechnology Firm, Spiritual Healer, Hypnotherapist, Physicist, Cosmologist, Venture Capitalist
Guest Biography:

Healing the Rift is the culmination of over twenty-five years of Leo Kim's involvement in science and commitment to spirituality.  Having completed a Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry, he continued with a post-doctoral fellowship at MIT. Leo has over fifty scientific publications and patents, and he has edited a biotechnology book. Several of his publications are referenced in Healing the Rift, specifically in the chapters on evolution and origins of life.

Leo has organized panels for technological predictions. He has performed and managed research in chemistry, biochemistry, bioinformatics, catalysis, information technology, molecular biology, microbiology, and biotechnology. He was a visiting scientist in the Shell United Kingdom biochemical research laboratory, which earlier produced the Noble Prize-winning work of Sir John Cornforth. In the last several years, his interests have included physics and cosmology.

During his involvement with cancer patients, Leo became intrigued with healing, alternative medicine, Eastern traditional spirituality, and spiritual healing modalities. He has performed volunteer work in healing, and he is an on-going student of numerous healing methods.

During the last two decades, Leo was a chief technical officer and executive vice president of research in biotechnology companies. He developed a talent for describing complex technical concepts for executives, marketing groups, and the general public.  He is currently the CEO of a venture-capital firm.  He has been in contact with thousands of  companies, creating cutting-edge science and technologies for our future.  His position also requires Leo to distill complex technology into simple, easy-to-comprehend concepts and metaphors. Leo Kim is a popular public speaker with special training in television, radio, newspaper and magazine interviews. 

Leo's professional memberships and affiliations include the New York Academy of Science, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society, and the American Institute of Chemists.  He is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Clinical Hypnoanesthesiologist. One of his hypnotherapy healings is described in the book. He has studied with and taken workshops from spiritual healers Depak Chopra and Bernie Siegel featured in Healing the Rift.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Biology & Chemistry, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Talk Radio Advocate, Publicist, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Reporter, Writer
Guest Biography:

"Talk Radio Advocate" Francine Silverman is an author/publicist and radio host who honed her writing skills as a newspaper reporter and freelance writer.

Her latest book is Talk Radio Wants You: An Intimate Guide to 700 Shows and How to Get Invited (McFarland & Co. 2009), a National "Best Books 2009" award winner in the Business: Reference category. The book contains everything a potential guest needs to know before contacting a host, including the theme of the show and guest criteria.

She authored two travel guidebooks, Catskills Alive (2000 and 2003) and Long Island Alive (2003), both published by Hunter Publishing.

Francine Silverman, host of, Ship to Shore with Silverman, on BBS RadioIn 2003, Fran started Book Promotion Newsletter for authors of all genres The ezine spawned Book Marketing from A-Z (Infinity Publishing 2005), containing the best marketing strategies of 325 subscribers. The 400-page paperback is in alphabetical order for ease of use. The book received nearly 40 rave reviews from on-line reviewers.

In 2006, Fran started a publicity service and has gotten clients placed in the Boston Herald, Oklahoman and Chicago Tribune as well as on hundreds of Internet and terrestrial radio programs.

Fran is also author of 16 ebooks of talk radio shows, ranging from animals to sports.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing
Guest Occupation: Author, Lecturer, Professor, Consultant, Cancer and Nutrition Expert, Musician, Inventor, Founder
Guest Biography:

Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS, an internationally respected author, lecturer, professor, consultant and recognized expert in the area of nutrition and cancer, has 27 years experience as a clinical nutritionist, of which 10 years were spent as the Vice President of Nutrition for Cancer Treatment Centers of America where he worked with thousands of cancer patients in a hospital setting. He has appeared on over 40 television shows and 220 radio shows nationwide and is a regular speaker for medical and trade conventions including ACAM, A4M, American Assn of Naturopathic Physicians, and Integrative Medicine. He has been a consultant to the National Institute of Health, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and many other groups. His 15 books sold over 1 million copies and included his best sellers Healing Nutrients and Beating Cancer with Nutrition (now translated into Japanese, Korean, and Chinese). He is also an accomplished musician, a successful inventor, and founder of 3 corporations.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Musician, Filmmaker, Public Speaker, Researcher, Producer
Guest Biography:

Ben: Stewart, born January 14, 1983 in Seattle, Washington, is a musician, filmmaker and public speaker. He is best known for his three independently released documentary films Esoteric Agenda (2008), Kymatica (2009), and Ungrip (2011). Along with the films, Ben is singer/songwriter for the alternative rock group Hierosonic. The full scope of Ben's work with the films and the band has been called the 'Mecca for all artists and revolutionaries', regarding how his artwork ranges from revealing global conspiracy to examining the depths of consciousness.

Ben's appearance on the 2003 Lollapalooza Music Festival with Hierosonic was pivotal in his outlook at the music industry. This ultimately led to the years of research in all fields which led to his first film, Esoteric Agenda. Less than a year after this free online documentary grew international roots, he then decided to produce a follow up film. Kymatica was released in 2009 and went on to win 'Best Scientific Film' in the 2009 New York Independent Film Festival.

With notable public mentions such as Jesse Carmichael of Maroon 5, Anthony Burulcich of The Bravery, Alex Jones (PrisonPlanet / InfoWars), and Best Selling author Dr. Bruce Lipton, the music and films have sent a 'call to action' to all artists. Jared Gomez of Billboard artist He'd (PE) gave a shout out to Esoteric Agenda at the end of the single 'Stay Ready'. In 2010, Ben Co-produced the single 'Love or Illusion' with hip-hop group BXC in Chris 'Ludicrous' Bridges home studio with his long time producer Josh 'Igloo' Monroy.

As an Army brat, Ben moved with his family in and out of the country before high school. Since then, he has toured nationally with the band several times. At age 17 he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force as a crew chief on the C-130 aircraft. At the 193rd Air Guard unit in Central Pennsylvania, Ben mobilized for real world operations including Operation Enduring Freedom in March of 2003. After completing his six year enlistment, he began his solo world travels to South America, Australia, Canada and Europe for speaking tours as well as vision quests with native tribes in the Amazon rain forest, North American native reservations, and through Australia. Documenting every step of the way, all of his travels developed his thirst for knowledge, experience and art.

'All systems of government, much like the human mind, do not corrupt but become riddled. The trick is not to call the riddle a defect and then condemn it, but to explore it, experience it, embrace it, and eventually outgrow it like an old pair of shoes. That's how an artist approaches a bump in the road. Lord help us if we lose sight of the importance of art culture.' says Ben.

Guest Category: Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: UFO Contactee, Writer
Guest Biography:

How does a small town woman from British Columbia become involved in one of the most talked about prophecies on the planet today?

Learn how her life was completely changed after an encounter on a lonely highway with Tall Blond Aliens in 1988.

Miriam has embarked into a world of secret governments, clones, Russian psychic army recruiters, the ancient Hopi people, and alien encounters.

The truth that aliens exist is only the beginning. Learn how they are connected to our world, to humanity, and why they are contacting the people of earth today.

Miriam will share the alien’s warnings about a possible future in which our existence as a species is at risk.

Learn where the safe lands will be in the end times and why the alien’s messages are important to all of us.

Miriam is a grounded individual speaking of alien contact with balance and wisdom.


The writing of Blue Star began after an abduction experience in 1988. I was asked to write a book for the beings I had encountered explaining who they were at their request. The idea and acceptance of this task was not easy. Fifteen years after they initially requested this of me, I began writing. Not only did complete acceptance take place, but the TIME was right as well.

Although I have no formal education or degrees, my intelligence and intellect imply otherwise. Contact began with me at birth and is ongoing. I feel I have been groomed for my role in this cosmic event as a messenger for the beings from afar. They have provided me with education, they have become my teachers in this life, and more. I feel that everyday of life on this planet is a great gift to be cherished, honored and respected.

Since 1988 I intermittently watched the UFO community develop in knowledge as well as acceptance and comprehension. A great deal of information initially given to me is now being accepted as truth by the UFO community, as well as by mass public.

Those who have worked for years informing the masses of the existence of Extra Terrestials have worked tirelessly never allowing the skeptics to stop them from their work. It is only because of their hard work I feel I am able to share my story with the world. Without the messages from each and every one of us the whole truth would not be possible. I know that everyone who works towards education of Alien existence has a specific role to play. We are in a community that can unite and have more effect on the world than any government, group or organization in the history of mankind.

With gratitude and love,

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Doctor, Scholar, Foreign Policy Expert, Author, Writer, Philospher, Researcher, Speaker, Extra Terrestrial Life Conference Organizer
Guest Biography:

Dr.Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship to an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or even senior military officials. His groundbreaking Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) was the first published book on exopolitics and explained the political implications of extraterrestrial life. His more recent, Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life (Exopolitics Institute, 2009) takes exopolitics to a new level of sophistication by revealing how the world's most powerful nation secretly manages information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology.

Guest Category: UFOs, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Investigative Journalist, Retired Marine, Military Analyst
Guest Biography:

Dedicating more than 90,000 hours over a span of 15 years, Debra and Dru are pleased to unveil their serial publication titled: Phase Transition... The Philadelphia Experiment.

Investigating the circumstances surrounding the allegations of an experiment in invisibility and teleportation, both are committed to resolve this decades old mystery once and for all.  Disappointed with prior reporting and attempts to settle this case, including the course in which this debate has gone, Dru and Debra are bent on changing both its scope and tone.  Utilizing critical thinking skills supported by credible documentation—since released by the United States military—you'll be launched onto a fast track of an engaging narrative grounded in impeccable research.  To that end, their evidence will prove, beyond all doubt that, the alleged naval experiment in invisibility and teleportation involving the USS Eldridge did actually take place.

Dru retired from the United States Marine Corps after 30 years of honorable service to his much-loved Country.  He held senior enlisted career positions in material management, inventory control, and financial accounting.  For over half of his military career, Dru had been hand selected for special duty as a military systems analyst tasked with evaluating and reporting on the efficiency and combat readiness of Marine Corps units worldwide.  Since his retirement, Dru had applied his exceptional skills as a military analyst towards the study of World War II Naval history and the rumors surrounding this amazing secret account.  As a student of naval history, Dru's military experience and ability to process large amounts of specialized information has been an advantage in tapping into a gateway of new knowledge.

Guest Category: Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Conduit, Empathic Healer, Psychic, Medium, Medical Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Jeff Baker is a Conduit and an Empathic Healer. He is often referred to as a psychic or medium or medical intuitive. These are all just terms that characterize a giftedness that people find hard to describe.  He prefers to just to be known as a person who is a conduit for healing in all the services that he offers.   Although his gifts lay in almost all of these “esoteric” areas, Jeff feels that the work he does is grounded in Spirituality and is therefore practically applicable on a real and reasoned human level.  And as a conduit, he prefers to not take credit for the work he does but he will say, “I am part of it for sure, but it is innate faith in yourself and what I do that makes the marriage work”.  For that reason Jeff does not take on every case that is submitted and prefers to help those that he can’t by training them to be their own healers!

He believes that vulnerability in life is empowerment and not a weakness and that everyone is ultimately their own healer. Jeff uses his gifts- and shares them -through holding satsangs (see services page), and personal development seminars, whether addressing dis-ease or spirituality or addiction or any topic where his guidance is needed.

As an Empath, Jeff feels what his clients are going through. He has worked with many different diseases.  He has worked with many types of Cancer, Diabetes 1 and 2, HIV and AIDS, COPD, ALS, deformities, Adrenal Burnout and Kidney Failure, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Herpes, many varieties of brain disorders and diseases, Crohn's Disease, Lyme, Food Allergies, Depression, Anxiety, Thyroid and Endocrine issues, Hormonal issues, Glandular disorders, Vascular Dementia, Astigmatism and other eye and sight issues, Hearing Loss, Nerve Damage, Parkinson’s Disease, Mental Health Issues and many more.

Guest Category: Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Recording Artist, Actress, Author, Hypnotherapist, Motivational Speaker
Guest Biography:

Born into a well-known Australian show business family, Helen Reddy has had a life and a career richer and more varied than anything she could ever have imagined as a girl in Melbourne. She has dined on her birthday with the Prince of Wales, danced in the White House with the President of the United States, and had a tulip named after her in Holland.

Best known as a recording artist, Helen Reddy had more than a dozen Top 40 hits in the United States. She was the first Australian to win a Grammy Award and to have three #1 hits in the same year. In television, Helen was the first Australian to host her own one-hour weekly primetime variety show on an American network, along with several specials that were seen in over forty countries.

In theater, Helen has starred in London’s West End and on Broadway in New York. As a solo concert artist, she has played at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York, as well as the Royal Albert Hall and the Palladium in London. Helen was also the first western female performer invited to sing in the People’s Republic of China. In film, her starring role in Disney’s Pete’s Dragon continues to delight the younger generation, while the lyrics she penned for her feminist anthem “I Am Woman” are now included in Modern American History high school textbooks. Besides the compilation, The Woman I Am: The Definitive Collection, all 12 of Helen’s original studio albums for Capitol are now available for digital download worldwide.

Her best-selling memoir The Woman I Am (Tarcher/Penguin), reveals that at the height of her career, Helen’s world was shattered by the death of both her parents and, simultaneously, the news that she had a rare and incurable disease, A riveting, frank and ultimately brave memoir, she recounts the emotional highs and lows that have shaped her life as an artist and as a complex woman, with a rich inner life sustained by a strong spiritual faith.

Helen retired from live performance in 2002 and practiced as a clinical hypnotherapist and motivational speaker in her native Australia for ten years. But after singing a duet with her sister at her sister’s 80th birthday party, Helen decided to come out of retirement in July, 2012 and return to the stage where, in addition to a selection of her hits, she now treats audiences to songs from her vast catalog she had never before performed live.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Editor, Theologian, Spiritual Seeker, Torah Teacher, Native American Minister, Intertribal Elder, Sportswriter, Journalist, Columnist
Guest Biography:

Maggid ben Yoseif  is a retired career daily newspaper editor turned theologian, spiritual seeker and Torah teacher.  He is an independent and self-supported Native American minister and intertribal elder associated with the Sundance warriors of the Membreno Apache and is past-Ambassador-at-large for the Central Band of the Cherokee (2010-2011).

He began his career as a sportswriter at the Houma Daily Courier (Houma, La.) and while completing journalism school at Louisiana State, for the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate. He moved on to covering urban affairs for the Vicksburg Evening Post (Vicksburg, Ms.), ran the state desk and assisted the city desk at the Monroe News-Star World (Monroe, La.), and became managing editor and executive editor of the Daily Iberian (New Iberia, La.). For editions published during his tenure as executive editor at the Iberian, the 15,000 circulation daily was brought from obscurity and named the best small daily under 40,000 circulation in the State of Louisiana by the Louisiana Press Association. This was in head-to-head competition with larger dailies with more resources owned by the New York Times and Gannett.

In 1982, while editor at the Iberian he had an experience with the Light of God that he said, "scared the bee-Jeezuz out of me and about nine reporters and section editors who witnessed it," and led to his attending seminary.

He completed all but the required systematic theology courses at the ORU Graduate School of Theology in Tulsa, OK., -- forbidden by the same Light to take those courses -- and then moved to the Middle East in 1987.

Israeli news media

Over a 14-year period, he worked six years full-time in the Israeli news media in Jerusalem and the then-Israeli-administered West Bank of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (biblically Judea-Samaria). He was the chief news writer and features producer for Middle East Television, headquartered in Marjahoun, S. Lebanon, covering Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's efforts to rebuild ancient Babylon, the last year of the Iraq-Iran Persian Gulf War,  the cease fire that united Shi'a and Sunni against America and the Israeli-Lebanon conflict. When METV's English news, which had been named the most comprehensive and unbiased media outlet in the entire Middle East, was suddenly discontinued by owner Pat Robertson and the staff fired, he was hired the same day his job ended by The Jerusalem Post.

At the Post, he was a pagination design editor, assistant special sections editor, relief religion writer and columnist.  A column he published in the Post entitled, "The Speech Nobody Heard in Madrid," attracted him to the attention of several Jerusalem rabbis who allowed him to study Torah and Halachah as a non-Jew in their houses of study. Earlier, while at METV, he had studied Koran with a Moslem imam in Beit Phage as a condition of living in the all-Moslem East Jerusalem village.  His ministry there was to simply tell the Palestinian population that God was "bringing home the children of Israel to reunite with the children of Judah."

Return of the House of Joseph

His training in Hebrew and Aramaic Biblical exegesis, Talmud and Koran has led to several innovative proposals attempting to reconcile and dovetail the theologies of all three faiths. He also has promoted the Zechariah Plan, (the biblical state for the Palestinian people in the Gaza and regions contiguous including parts of the fertile Sh'felah valley) and the Return of the House of Joseph.

In 2001, he was exiled from Israel after three political arrests and imprisonment in which he was never charged with a crime and not allowed contact with the U.S. Consul for the first week of his incarceration in violation of the treaty between Israel and the United States and his rights as an American citizen.  Rather than comply with orders for his release from the highest level of the Sharon government's cabinet, the Israeli Secret Police instead transferred him to Ma'asiyahu, Israel's highest security prison, where he was incarcerated with Islamic fundamentalists who had "overstayed their visas."

In an unprecedented move with the support of Israeli Interior minister Eli Yishai, and then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, he won his release upon the condition that he would leave Israel voluntarily and not return until the message of the Return of the House of Joseph and the biblical Palestinian state he proposes, "were no longer considered a threat to Israeli national security."

After his release from Ma'asiyahu, he was given smichah (akin to ordination) as a "maggid," by his mentor and friend of 14 years, the Rebbe Shani Dor, who is a member of the Revived Jerusalem Sanhedrin Court.  He was charged with the duties of a mokhiah (someone who resolves doctrinal disputes with historical grammatical exegesis).

Native American credentials

Today, Maggid ben Yoseif, mixed Cherokee and a great-great-great grandson of William Griffin, a member of the Cherokee National Council at Red Clay, TN., before the 1830s Removal, lives among the Membreno Apache in the southwestern Colorado Rockies where he is considered a spiritual elder and "gatekeeper." He is a Torah teacher assisting the Membreno with their vision of uniting Native tribes and restoring Native ceremonies.

In the fall of 2009, Chief Joe Sittingowl White, principal chief of the Central Band Cherokee, invited ben Yoseif to serve his Tsa-la-gi (Cherokee) people as one of the 13 Equahiyi-Wasi (EH-KWAH-HE-YEE WAH-SEE). With the help of Creator, this Abraham-Moses society is researching Native American origins, prophecy and spirituality and specifically their Hebrew ties. After presenting Apache demands to the George W. Bush White House that the skulls of Geronimo and other Apache be returned in a sacred manner "before the curse grows much worse", he was adopted as an elder by the Sundance warrior lodge of the Membreno Apache.  He is "keeper of the gate" at Eldersgate, American Indian Council., in SW Colorado at the eastern extremity of the Four Corners region anciently known as "Aztlan."  During an exchange of gifts at his first meeting with Membreno spiritual leader Jimmy Tenrivers Atencio, he was gifted with his medicine from the land of the Aztecs.  In 2004, he was asked by the Bear Clan elder Abe Walkingbear Sanchez, of the Zuni nation, who along with Tenrivers helped ben Yoseif envision Eldersgate, to serve on the board of directors of Turtletribe and begin a working version of the websiteHe has also served as an ex-officio board member of Iglesia de Aztlan.  His long-standing interest in Native American affairs stems from moderating a debate between representatives of the American Indian Movement and the Bureau of Indian Affairs as a news editor on the campus daily at Louisiana State University in 1973.

Guest Category: News, World News, Religion
Guest Occupation: Senior Fellow, Researcher, Columnist, Editor, Author, Writer, Remote Viewing Expert, TV Producer, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Stephan A. Schwartz is the Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of  which covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post. Previously he was the founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory, and Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center, Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society, Special Assistant for Research and Analaysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, and an editorial staff member of National Geographic. For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time. Schwartz is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. Using Remote Viewing he discovered Cleopatra’s Palace, Marc Antony’s Timonium, ruins of the Lighthouse of Pharos, and sunken ships along the California coast, and in the Bahamas. He also uses remote viewing to examine the future. Since 1978, he has been getting people to remote view the year 2050, and out of that has come a complex trend analysis. His submarine experiment, Deep Quest, using Remote Viewing helped determine that nonlocal perception is not an electromagnetic phenomenon. Other areas of experimental study include research into creativity, meditation, and Therapeutic Intent/Healing. He is the author of 50 technical papers and reports. In addition to his experimental studies he has written numerous magazine articles for Smithsonian, OMNI, American History, American Heritage, The Washington Post, The New York Times, as well as other magazines and newspapers. He has produced and written a number of television documentaries, and has written four books: The Secret Vaults of Time, The Alexandria Project, Mind Rover  and his latest, Opening to the Infinite.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Famous Scottish Singer
Guest Biography:

Singer - Singing Sensation - Susan Boyle - Britain's Got Talent Singer Susan Boyle - Britain's Got Talent singing sensation contestant.

Susan Magdalane Boyle born 1 April 1961 is a Scottish singer who came to international public attention when she appeared as a contestant on the TV programme Britain's Got Talent on 11 April 2009, singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables. Her first album was released in November 2009 and debuted as the number one best-selling album on charts around the globe.

Global interest in Boyle was triggered by the contrast between her powerful mezzo-soprano voice and her plain appearance on stage. The juxtaposition of the audience's first impression of her, with the standing ovation she received during and after her performance, led to an international media and Internet response. Within nine days of the audition, videos of Boyle—from the show, various interviews and her 1999 rendition of "Cry Me a River"—had been watched over 100 million times. Her audition video has been viewed on the internet several hundred million times. Despite the sustained media interest she later finished in second place in the final of the show behind dance troupe Diversity.

Guest Category: Performing Arts
Guest Occupation: Law School Dean, Author, Writer
Guest Biography:

Madoff Victim Lawrence Velvel
Dean Mass. School of Law at Andover

A Massachusetts law school dean that lost money invested with swindler Bernard Madoff said that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was “willfully, horribly negligent” in failing to monitor his operation.

Lawrence Velvel, dean of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover, said, “The SEC’s incredible willful negligence” to not seriously investigate Madoff’s operations despite repeated red flags and written warnings of his criminality probably makes the agency liable to legal action by aggrieved investors. The SEC, he said, “has no discretion—none—to fail to follow up, with serious investigations, when presented with knowledgeable, detailed, obviously highly competent, and in many respects easily ‘checkable’ allegations of...a huge fraud that is fooling thousands of people, stealing billions of dollars, and causing horrible injustice.”

Equally bad, says Velvel, the SEC was responsible for a lot of people being sucked into Madoff in the first place, because in 1992 it publicly announced that there was no fraud.

Referring to the preponderant majority of Madoff’s victims, Velvel said, “These are not the billionaires, or the huge institutions, that could hire expensive experts in due diligence…These are the plain people who worked hard and saved all their lives, as capitalism says they should, and who…depended on their government to protect them…but were failed by it because of one of the most willfully negligent, incompetent, and perhaps even complicitous courses of action any agency has ever engaged in.”

Guest Category: Legal, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Author, Public Speaker, Coach, Teacher, Self Development Motivator, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Healer
Guest Biography:

Lisa Nichols is a best-selling author, a popular public speaker, a powerful coach, and a charismatic teacher!

Lisa Nichols has reached millions, both nationally and internationally with her powerful message of empowerment, service, excellence & gratitude..

Her participation in the self-development phenomenon, The Secret, catapulted her popularity across the globe. Lisa has appeared on the “Oprah Winfrey Show,” “Extra,” “Larry King Live” and on NBC’s Emmy Award-winning show, “Starting Over.”

In addition, Lisa is the founder of Motivating the Masses and CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit, LLC. Her transformational workshops have impacted the lives of over 210 thousand teens and over 1 million adults.

Her new book, No Matter What! Hit 6 bestsellers lists, including the New York Times, in the first 37 days of being released and has already been sold in 20 foreign languages. Lisa has been coined “The Breakthrough Specialist” by her peers in the industry.)

Lisa has been honored with many awards in recognition for her empowering work, including the Humanitarian Award from South Africa, the Ambassador of Good Will Award, Emotional literacy award, The Legoland Foundation’s Heart of Learning Award. The Mayor of Henderson, Nevada has proclaimed November 20th as Motivating the Teen Spirit Day. And recently the Mayor of Houston, Texas proclaimed May 9th as Lisa Nichols day for her dedication to service, philanthropy and healing.

Lisa is a dynamic speaker with an extraordinary story and a tremendous ability to touch people’s hearts and souls. She is a master at accomplishing unfathomable goals and teaching others to do the same. Lisa Nichols has transformed her life from struggling single mom to a motivational millionaire entrepreneur, and she has dedicated her life to teaching others how to do the same.

Guest Category: Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Nobel Peace Nominee, Anti War Activist, Anti War Tax Resistor
Guest Biography:

Cindy Sheehan, Author - Nobel Peace Nominee! Anti War Tax Resistor

Cindy Sheehan, is the internationally known anti-war activist whose son Casey died in Iraq. Sheehan gained national attention in early August 2005 when she traveled to President Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch just outside Crawford, Texas, during his five-week vacation retreat there. Demanding a meeting with the President and an explanation of the "noble cause" for which her son died, she created a peace camp called Camp Casey by pitching a tent by the side of the road and announced her intention to stay, day and night, for the full five weeks, or until such a meeting was granted. She has also promised that, if she was not granted a second meeting, she will return to Crawford each time Bush visits there in the future.

Since the first Camp Casey, Cindy has established or inspired similar camps and protests all over the USA. Her journeys on behalf of the Peace Movement have taken her all over the world - Australia, South America, Europe. In all her travels and talks, she touches on how the president has betrayed the American people and exploited the brave men and women in uniform to bring more profit to his friends. "My goal is to bring our troops home to try and save another mother from going through what I am going through."

by Cindy Sheehan

The Obama Files is Cindy Sheehan's latest book. The book is a six-year long chronicle of the hypocrisy of the US Empire and the abdication of the "left" in calling out the war crimes of "the first black US president."

Cindy's work shows clear-thinking and understanding of the truth behind the Empire of lies, but this is not a book about "gloating:"  meant to awaken people to these truths that should be "self-evident" by now!

The Obama Files is now in its final stages of production and if you pre-order a copy today, you will get one of the first ones hot off the presses, signed by the author.


Foreword to The Obama Files: Chronicles of an Award Winning War Criminal
by Larry Pinkney

Though often hidden or distorted, human history is replete with examples of courage and sacrifice by a relatively few political dissenters sounding the alarm and speaking truth to power. These dissenters are scorned and ridiculed by those who control the corporate mass media and its concomitant systemic machine of perpetual war, death, and destruction. Yet, US society in particular, and Mother Earth as a whole, are in dire need of these principled dissenters whose stories represent the very best of struggling humanity. This is the essence of Cindy Sheehan and why her actions and writings over many years are of such invaluable and enduring significance. She has repeatedly actualized the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., when he said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter...”

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Librarian, Bibliographer, Meditator, Researcher, Writer, Channel, Ufologist
Guest Biography:

Carla L. Rueckert (McCarty) was born in 1943 in Lake Forest, Illinois. She completed undergraduate studies in English Literature at the University of Louisville in 1966 and master’s degree studies in Library Service in 1971. She served as librarian and bibliographer to college and school libraries for six years. She was a meditator with the group Don started in early 1962, and became partners with Don in L/L Research in 1968. In 1970, she turned full-time to assisting Don with his research. She read and abstracted books and periodicals, and did correspondence and writing for Don. In 1974, she began channeling. She continues these activities. In 1987, she married Jim McCarty. She enjoys corresponding with a wide variety of wanderers, readers and spiritual seekers of all kinds, as well as reading romances, fantasy, sci-fi and mysteries, gardening, cooking and writing. She continues her channeling efforts with non-trance Saturday meditation meetings. On behalf of L/L Research’s Metaphysical Library, she has been collecting books, tapes and other material in the areas of metaphysical and UFO research since 1970, and invites those who are disposing of metaphysically oriented materials to remember that L/L Research is glad to receive such donations. She lives with three cats, Jim, and GLB in Louisville, Kentucky.

Carla has garnered the reputation as one of the most accurate and high integrity channelers on the planet. Her 5 books of the Ra channelings have touched readers around the globe. Her work is not ordinary New Age love and light. Her Source describes itself as a group soul by the name of Ra (and Q'uo), composed of millions of individual souls who have graduated from this realm (gotten off the wheel of reincarnation) and serve as a helper and guide for planetary populations who are still experiencing 3D evolutionary patterns, helping them (those who ask) in their own "graduation" process.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Yogi, Mystic, Visionary, Humanitarian, Spiritual Master, Guru, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Sadhguru, a yogi and profound mystic of our times, is a visionary humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader. A contemporary Guru, rooted as strongly in mundane and pragmatic matters as he is in inner experience and wisdom, Sadhguru works tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all. His mastery of the mechanisms of life, an outcome of his profound experience of the Self, guides in exploring the subtler dimensions of life.

At home in loincloth as much as he is in blue jeans, barefoot through the mighty Himalayas, or straddling a BMW motorcycle on the expressway, Sadhguru is the most unusual mystic that one can encounter. Marking a clear departure from mere customs and rituals, Sadhguru's scientific methods for self-transformation are both direct and powerful. Belonging to no particular tradition, Sadhguru incorporates and presents what is most valid for the contemporary life from the yogic sciences.

Sadhguru speaks at some of the world's most prominent international leadership forums. In January 2007, he participated in four panels at the World Economic Forum and spoke on issues ranging from diplomacy and economic development, to education and the environment. In 2006, he addressed the World Economic Forum, the Tallberg Forum in Sweden, and the Australian Leadership Retreat. He has also served as a delegate to the United Nations Millennium Peace Summit and the World Peace Congress.

Sadhguru's vision and understanding of modern social and economic issues have led to interviews with BBC, Bloomberg, CNBC, CNNfn, and Newsweek International. His insights are regularly featured in India's leading national newspapers. A well-known public figure, he regularly draws crowds of more than 300,000 people for his public talks and "sathsangs" (group meditation).

Traversing seamlessly from the ancient to the ultramodern, Sadhguru bridges the gap between the known and the unknown, enabling all those who encounter him to explore and experience the deepest dimensions of life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual, Mystic & Seer
Guest Occupation: British Politician, Author, Journalist, Broadcaster
Guest Biography:

George Galloway (born 16 August 1954) is a British politician, author, journalist, and broadcaster, and the Respect Member of Parliament (MP) for Bradford West. He was previously an MP for the Labour Party, for Glasgow Hillhead and then its successor constituency Glasgow Kelvin from 1987 until 2005. He was expelled from the Labour Party in October 2003 because of his strident public opposition to the Iraq War. He subsequently became a founding member of the left-wing Respect Party, and was elected as the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow in 2005. In 2010, Galloway unsuccessfully contested the seat of Poplar and Limehouse, and in 2011 he unsuccessfully contested the Glasgow list for the Scottish Parliament, before being elected as an MP in the 2012 Bradford West by-election.

Galloway is well known for his campaigns in support of the Palestinians in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. In the late-1980s Hansard records him delivering a ferocious assault on the Ba'ath regime, and Galloway opposed Saddam's regime until the United States-led Gulf War in 1991. Galloway is known for a visit to Iraq where he met Saddam Hussein, and delivered a speech, which ended in English with the statement "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability." He has always stated that he was addressing the Iraqi people in the speech. Galloway testified to the United States Senate in 2005 over alleged illicit payments from the United Nations' Oil for Food Programme.

Guest Category: Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Physician, Chronic Pain Specialist, Medical Pioneer, Writer, Author, Lecturer, Consultant, Professor
Guest Biography:

Norman Shealy is one of the world's leading experts in pain management. He was the first physician to specialize in the resolution of chronic pain. A pioneer in developing safe and effective treatments such as Biogenics, he founded, in 1971, the first comprehensive pain and stress management facility in the country, The Shealy Institute, respected world-wide for its innovative and successful rehabilitation approaches. Over the years, Dr. Shealy's intensive pain and stress management research has resulted in numerous pioneering treatments. His published works total over 325. His seminars and workshops are given worldwide, and attended by physicians and lay persons alike. He has acted as consultant to leaders in every specialty, including the personal physicians of President's Kennedy and Eisenhower.

The noted English physician Dr. Francis Peabody said "The secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient." Dr. Shealy has long adhered to this philosophy. He once commented to a friend, "The most common symptom among humans is pain, but nobody seems to specialize in treatment of this symptom." From there, he went on to establish the Shealy Institute, a center for the treatment and research of chronic pain. This medical center has become world renown for its foresighted therapies and treatments. Dr. Shealy, now retired from clinical services, continues his research and teaching, and shares his concerns for patients and the medical profession alike with anyone who would enjoy his insight. Like Francis Peabody a century ago, Norm Shealy says today that "while the science of medicine is indispensable to the physician, it is the art of practicing medicine that heals the human body and soul." For over 4 decades, Norm Shealy as been at the forefront of Alternative Medicine and Alternative Health Care. In the mid-60's he introduced his major innovations for pain control ---Dorsal Column Stimulation (DCS) and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, both now used world-wide. Shortly after that his emphasis broadened to include the vast field of Self-Regulation with the addition of biofeedback, autogenic training and his introduction of Biogenics ©, a major tool for stress reduction.

Then he turned his attention to Holistic Medicine, founding the American Holistic Medical Association in 1978, to include the concepts of spiritual healing and spiritual health. This led to almost 30 years of research into an emphasis on anti-aging. He discovered 5 intrinsic electrical circuits in the human body. These selectively raise DHEA, neurotensin, calcitonin, oxytocin, aldosterone or lower free radicals. Upon completion of this work, he theorized that average life should be 140 years of age. More recently he has demonstrated regrowth of telomeres, the tail of DNA. Telomeres ordinarily shrink 1% each year after birth. His work with the RejuvaMatrix is the first to demonstration rejuvenation of telomeres, a major key to anti-aging and longevity.

Overall, Norm's work has expanded the field of Energy Medicine, using electrical, electromagnetic, mental, physical and emotional tools for health enhancement. He has been president of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. His work with Caroline Myss let them to start the first doctoral program in Energy Medicine. In 2001, that work led to the establishment of Holos University Graduate Seminary. He was President of Holos University for its first 7 years and is now Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine.

Throughout his career, Norm has considered Self-Health to be the foundation for all of life. He founded Self-Health Systems in 1974, to provide tools for assisting individuals in their approach to health. His first major book, 90 DAYS TO SELF-HEALTH sold 130,000 copies I n the mid-70's.

Most recently, Norm has focused on MEDICAL RENAISSANCE THE SECRET CODE, a 90 minute DVD which demonstrates the success of a comprehensive, holistic approach to almost all illnesses. In over 30,000 patients with chronic pain and depression, his success rate of 85% is unequaled. For over 20 years his weekly radio program on KWTO in Springfield has been the most popular call-in program in the Ozarks.

Norm s latest discovery is specific blends of essential oils which can effectively stimulate the circuits which enhance DHEA, oxytocin, calcitonin, and reduce free radicals. The most popular, Air BLISS is receiving rave reviews from hundreds of users. It provides detached calmness and relief from both depression and anxiety.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Socialist, Political Activist, Former Black Panther, Civil Rights Activist, Feminist, Professor, Doctor of Philosphy, Social Activist, Author, Speaker, Lecturer, Educator
Guest Biography:

Through her activism and her scholarship over the last decades, Angela Davis has been deeply involved in our nation’s quest for social justice. Her work as an educator – both at the university level and in the larger public sphere – has always emphasized the importance of building communities of struggle for economic, racial, and gender equality.

Professor Davis’ teaching career has taken her to San Francisco State University, Mills College, and UC Berkeley. She has also taught at UCLA, Vassar, the Claremont Colleges, and Stanford University. She has spent the last fifteen years at the University of California Santa Cruz where she is Professor of History of Consciousness, an interdisciplinary Ph.D program, and Professor of Feminist Studies.

Angela Davis is the author of eight books and has lectured throughout the United States as well as in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America. In recent years a persistent theme of her work has been the range of social problems associated with incarceration and the generalized criminalization of those communities that are most affected by poverty and racial discrimination. She draws upon her own experiences in the early seventies as a person who spent eighteen months in jail and on trial, after being placed on the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted List.” She has also conducted extensive research on numerous issues related to race, gender and imprisonment. Her most recent books are Abolition Democracy and Are Prisons Obsolete? She is now completing a book on Prisons and American History.

Angela Davis is a member of the executive board of the Women of Color Resource Center, a San Francisco Bay Area organization that emphasizes popular education – of and about women who live in conditions of poverty. She also works with Justice Now, which provides legal assistance to women in prison and engages in advocacy for the abolition of imprisonment as the dominant strategy for addressing social problems. Internationally, she is affiliated with Sisters Inside, a similar organization based in Queensland, Australia.

Like many other educators, Professor Davis is especially concerned with the general tendency to devote more resources and attention to the prison system than to educational institutions. Having helped to popularize the notion of a “prison industrial complex,” she now urges her audiences to think seriously about the future possibility of a world without prisons and to help forge a 21st century abolitionist movement.

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government