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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Humanitarian, Writer, Spiritualist, Consultant, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart and his newest one, Serpent of Light.  These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world.

He has been on television and the internet, and written about in magazines, newspapers and books all over the world.

Having left the United States over 280 times, Drunvalo is a world traveler helping people understand their intimate connection to God.

Drunvalo is the first person in the world (in modern times) to mathematically and geometrically define the human body light body called in ancient times the Mer-Ka-Ba.

He is a consultant for the international internet magazine, Spirit of Maat, with over 1 million viewers each year.

He is the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators that have been teaching his work in over 60 countries.

He has now founded his newest (and complete) teaching in a facility called School of Remembering with the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Teachers who are beginning their global work.

Drunvalo graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in fine arts. He also has a minor in physics and math with only one quarter to finish his degree.

He lives in Sedona, Arizona with his loving wife Claudette. He has six grandchildren.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Author, Social Critic, Political Activist, Journalist, Researcher, Writer, Blogger, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Author, social critic, and political activist Naomi Wolf raises awareness of the pervasive inequities that exist in society and politics. She encourages people to take charge of their lives, voice their concerns and enact change.

Wolf’s landmark international bestseller, The Beauty Myth, challenged the cosmetics industry and the marketing of unrealistic standards of beauty, launching a new wave of feminism in the early 1990s. The New York Times called it one of the most important books of the 20th century. Her next book, Vagina: A Cultural History, will be released in 2012.

Wolf’s New York Times bestseller, The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, is an impassioned call to return to the aspirations and beliefs of the Founders’ ideals of liberty. The New York Times called the documentary version “pointedly inflammatory.” Her latest book, Give Me Liberty: A Handbook For American Revolutionaries, includes effective tools for citizens to promote civic engagement and create sustainable democracy.

Her international journalism includes the investigative report “Guantánamo Bay: The Inside Story” for The Times of London, and as a columnist for Project Syndicate her articles have been published in India, Philippines, Egypt, and Lebanon. She’s a frequent blogger on The Huffington Post and writes cultural commentary for The Guardian, The Washington Post, and Harper’s Bazaar. Her TV appearances include Larry King Live, Meet the Press, The Joyce Behar Show, and The Colbert Report.

A graduate of Yale and a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Wolf was a consultant to Al Gore during his presidential campaign on women’s issues and social policy. She is co-founder of The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership, an organization that teaches leadership to young women, and The American Freedom Campaign, a grass roots democracy movement in the United States whose mission is the defense of the Constitution and the rule of law.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Actor, Celebrity, Speaker, Political Activist, Producer, Songwriter
Guest Biography:

Russell Means has lived a life like few others in this century - revered for his selfless accomplishments and remarkable bravery. He was born into a society and guided by way of life that gently denies the self in order to promote the survival and betterment of family and community. His culture is driven by tradition, which at once links the past to the present.

The L.A. Times has called him the most famous American Indian since Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. His indomitable sense of pride and leadership has become embedded in our national character. Today, his path has brought him to Hollywood, thus enabling him to use different means to communicate his vital truths. Through the power of media, his vision is to create peaceful and positive images celebrating the magic and mystery of his American Indian heritage. In contemplating the fundamental issues about the world in which we live, he is committed to educating all people about our most crucial battle - the preservation of the earth.

Thirty years ago, reflecting the consciousness of the sixties, he captured national attention when he led the 71-day armed takeover on the sacred grounds of Wounded Knee, a tiny hamlet in the heart of South Dakota's Pine Ridge Reservation. Means joined “The Longest Walk” in 1978 to protest a new tide of anti-Indian legislation including the forced sterilization of Indian women. Following the walk, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution saying that national policy was to protect the rights of Indians, “to believe, express and exercise their traditional religions, including but not limited to access to sites, use and possession of sacred objects, and the freedom to worship through ceremonials and traditional rites.”

Today, with the same passionate determination, he has directed his energy towards the entertainment industry. In a record period of time, this famed political activist and early leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM) has become immersed in all five corners of the business, with projects including:  Lead roles in major feature films, (The Last of the Mohicans, Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers, as a chief in John Candy's comedy Wagons East and as the ghost of Jim Thorpe in Wind Runner); Disney's third highest ever selling video (Pocahantas) in which he was the voice of Pocahontas' father, a television documentary for HBO (Paha Sapa), (Indian Father and Son) a pilot he created; Two albums of protest music with lyrics he wrote (Electric Warrior and The Radical). On the technological side, he stars in a CD-ROM (Under A Killing Moon). The website features information regarding the A.I.M. club, his recordings via the American Indian Music Company, his art, book, current events, biography and upcoming appearances and direct e-mail to Russell. Born on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Reservation in 1939, Russell Means is the eldest son of Hank Means, an Oglala Sioux, and Theodora (Feather) Means, a full-blooded Yankton Sioux. Shortly after the outbreak of WWII, his family moved to California, where he graduated from San Leandro High in 1958 and continued his formal education at Oakland City College and Arizona State.

Russell's commitment to uplift the plight of his people escalated when he served as director of Cleveland's American Indian Center. It was there he met Dennis Banks, co-founder of the American Indian Movement, and embarked upon a relationship that would rocket them both into national prominence. During this period, Russell staged numerous events designed to bring dignity to the American Indian. His most famous act of defiance, however, occurred at Wounded Knee on February 27, 1973. Responding to the numerous murders perpetrated by puppet tribal governments and the extreme conditions of oppression, the takeover at Wounded Knee revisited the sight of the American Indian massacre at the hands of U.S. soldiers in 1890. Ever vigilant for his cause, Russell has been lauded by the international community for his tireless efforts.

Russell splits his time between San Jose, NM, his ranch on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian reservation, Porcupine, SD and his office in Santa Monica, CA. He takes pride in having instituted programs for the betterment of his people: notable, the Porcupine Health Clinic (the only non government funded clinic in Indian Country) and KILI radio, the first Indian owned radio station. Today, one of his principle goals is the establishment of a “Total Immersion School”, which is based on a concept created by the Maori people of New Zealand, where children are immersed in the language, culture, science, music and storytelling of their own people. Russell will adapt this total immersion concept to the Indian way of life and philosophy which is taught from a perspective that will nurture a new generation of proud children educated in the context of their own heritage.

Russell Means has devoted his life to eliminating racism of any kind, and in so doing he leaves a historical imprint as the most revolutionary Indian leader of the late twentieth century. An inspirational visionary, Russell Means remains one of the most magnetic voices in America today. Whether leading a protest, fighting for constitutional rights, starring in a motion picture, or performing his “rap-ajo” music, the message he delvers is consistent with the philosophy he lives by, which states:

The Universe which controls all life, has a female and male balance that is prevalent throughout our Sacred Grandmother, the Earth.

This balance has to be acknowledged and become the determining factor in all of one's decisions, be they spiritual, social, healthful, educational or economical.

Once the balance has become an integral part of one's life, all planning, research, direct action and follow-up becomes a matter of course. The goals that were targeted become a reality on a consistent basis. Good things happen to good People; remember time is on your side.    

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Lecturer, Author, Advisor, Computer Scientist, Professor, Engineer, Speaker, Writer
Guest Biography:

CBS Interactive’s Distinguished Lecturer David Gewirtz is an author, U.S. policy advisor, and computer scientist. He is featured in The History Channel special The President’s Book of Secrets, and, according to CNN, "is one of America’s foremost cyber-security experts, and is a top expert on saving and creating jobs."

The David Gewirtz CBSi Lecture Series is available online and has been sponsored by HP, Google, Dell, Intel, IBM, Oracle, and SAP, among others. You can read David regularly on the CNET Professional Network, at his ZDNet Government and ZDNet DIY-IT blogs. David is also a former CNN Contributor. You can read more of his work on his CNN Anderson Cooper 360 blog.

David is Executive Director of the U.S. Strategic Perspective Institute and Founder of ZATZ Publishing. He is the author of How To Save Jobs: Reinventing Business, Reinvigorating Work, and Reawakening the American Dream, which was excerpted on weekly from 2009 through 2010. David is also the author of The Flexible Enterprise, the classic book that served as a foundation for today’s agile business movement.

Described by ZDNet as "part mad scientist, part celebrity author, and part shadowy government advisor," David is a frequent guest on TV and radio stations across America and can usually be heard or seen on-the-air at least once a week. He has been interviewed by Fox News, CNN, various ABC and NBC affiliates, and Canada’s Global TV. He has been a featured guest on National Public Radio and has been a regular guest featured on the BBC, as well as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and Radio Liberty where his commentaries on technology, industry, and emerging nations have been broadcast into 46 countries (all in their own unique translations).

David has been introduced on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 as "a leading Presidential scholar" and is best known for his non-partisan national security analysis of the Bush White House email controversy. He is the author of the book Where Have All The Emails Gone? How Something as Seemingly Benign as White House Email Can Have Freaky National Security Consequences, which explores the controversy from a technical perspective and, according to The Intelligence Daily, is "the definitive account about the circumstances that led to the loss of administration emails."

The author of five traditional books, David has written thousands of articles about technology, competitiveness, and national security policy and has been a guest commentator for the Nieman Watchdog of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.

He is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism & Security Professionals, a columnist for The Journal of Counterterrorism and Homeland Security, special contributor to Frontline Security Magazine, and has been Cybersecurity Advisor and Curator for The Economist. He is also the IT Advisor for the Florida Public Health Association. David is a member of the FBI’s InfraGard program, the security partnership between the FBI and industry. He is also a member of the U.S. Naval Institute and the National Defense Industrial Association, the leading defense industry association promoting national security.

David is an advisory board member for the Technical Communications and Management Certificate program at the University of California, Berkeley extension and a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. David is also a former professor of computer science, has lectured at Princeton, Berkeley, UCLA, and Stanford, has been awarded the prestigious Sigma Xi Research Award in Engineering, and was a candidate for the 2008 Pulitzer Prize in Letters.

Earlier in his career, he was an executive at Symantec Corporation. He also held the unusual title of "Godfather" at Apple Inc. and served on the board of the Software Entrepreneurs Forum (now SDForum) in Santa Clara County, California.

David is the creator of ZENPRESS, a breakthrough technology for Internet magazine production. He is also the lead developer of the MySQL and SQLite database extensions for the open-source Frontier Kernel project and has designed embedded database technology used by more than 2,000 companies, universities, and government agencies. He is also the author of 40 iPhone applications currently published on the Apple iOS App Store.

David is an entertaining and electrifying speaker. Whether offering insight into technology trends, helping small and large businesses remain competitive in a wildly changing world, providing a broader perspective on policy matters, or helping leaders understand the big technology and security challenges facing citizens throughout the world, David makes complex topics understandable, difficult issues compelling, and challenging concerns actionable and solvable.

Weaving a tapestry of industry, politics, security, and technology, he brings a unique and powerful perspective to all his audiences. Known for their clarity and insight, his articles, lectures, radio, and TV interviews reach more than a million people worldwide each week.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Mayan Priest, Sundancer
Guest Biography:

Francisco Quiroga is a Mayan Priest and Sundancer from Colombia.  He has been trained by Grandfather Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, 13th generation Kiche Mayan Priest from Guatemala.  Francisco has dedicated many years working along side various Indigenous elders from different parts of the world fulfilling the prophecy of uniting the eagle and the condor.  He has coordinated large Indigenous elders gathering in Central and South America.  He continues to walk a path of service for the people and the future generations.

Guest Category: Spiritual, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Futurist, Industrial Designer, Social Engineer, Pioneer in Human Factors, Investor, Scientist, Consultant, Developer, Researcher, Writer, Author, Speaker, Lecturer, Educator
Guest Biography:

Jacque Fresco: Futurist

Mr. Fresco's background includes industrial design and social engineering, as well as being a forerunner in the field of Human Factors. Mr. Fresco has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields spanning from biomedical innovations to totally integrated social systems.

The Venus Project reflects the culmination of Mr. Fresco's life work: the integration of the best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern. It is a global vision of hope for the future of humankind in our technological age.

A major documentary entitled, Future By Design, released 2006 on the life, designs, and philosophy of Jacque Fresco. This is produced by Academy Award Nominated and Emmy Winning filmmaker, William Gazecki. The film Zeitgeist Addendum featuring Mr. Fresco and The Venus Project produced by Musician and Film Maker Peter Joseph was released in 2008. A sequel to this film, Zeitgeist Moving Forward, was produced in 2011 featuring Mr. Fresco aims and directions. The documentary Paradise or Oblivion, produced by Roxanne Meadows, introduces the culmination of Jacque Fresco's work, and viable solutions for the future.

Professional Positions

  • Aircraft Designer for the Northrop Division of Douglas Aircraft, Los Angeles, California
  • Design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company, Los Angeles, California
  • Design consultant for Landgraf Helicopter Co., Los Angeles, California
  • Co-creator of Revel Plastics Company with Lou Glaser
  • Designer in the Army Air Force Design and Development Unit, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio
  • Design Developer of experimental equipment for behavioral scientist, Keller Breland
  • Director of Scientific Research Laboratories, Los Angeles, California
  • Architectural Designer of pre-fabricated industrial buildings for Houser Industrial Co., Los Angeles, California
  • Architectural Designer for Trend Homes, Inc., Los Angeles, California
  • Design Developer of three-dimensional projection systems for Paramount producer Jack Moss
  • Research Engineer for Raymond De-Icer Corp., Los Angeles, California
  • Technical Consultant to the Motion Picture Industry, including technical advisor and effects creator for the film Project Moonbase (1953) written by Robert A. Heinlein; for Encyclopaedia Britannica Films; and for Camera Eye Pictures, Inc., for the film, The Naked Eye (1956), which won the Robert J. Flaherty Award for creative film documentary and was nominated for an Academy Award.
  • Colleague and work associate of Donald Powell Wilson of Los Angeles, the noted psychologist who wrote My Six Convicts.
  • Industrial Design Instructor at the Art Center School in Hollywood, California
  • Design Consultant for Major Realty Co. and Aluminum Co. of America (Alcoa)
  • Creator of Jacque Fresco Enterprises, Inc. for the development of prefabricated aluminum devices
  • Design Developer of electronic devices for the Parkinson's Institute of Miami
  • Founder and Director of Sociocyberneering, Inc., Miami, Florida, the forerunner to the Venus Project
  • Founder and Director of the Venus Project, Venus, Florida

Books Authored

  • Looking Forward co-authored with Kenneth Keyes, 1969, A.S. Barnes & Company
  • Introduction to Sociocyberneering, 1977
  • Sociocyberneering Presents Cities in Transition, 1978
  • Sociocyberneering Presents the Determinants of Behavior, 1978
  • Structural Systems and Systems of Structure, 1979
  • The Venus Project: The Redesign of a Culture, 1995 *World Future Society best seller
  • And The World Will Be One 1997
  • The Best That Money Can't Buy: Beyond Politics, Poverty & War, 2002
  • Designing the Future, 2007

Videos Produced and Filmed

  • The Venus Project: The Redesign of a Culture, 1994
  • Welcome To The Future, 2001
  • Cities In The Sea, 2002
  • Self-erecting Structures, 2002
  • Designing the Future, 2006

Inventions and Designs - many of which have been patented and have had wide commercial acceptance

  • Systems for noiseless and pollution free aircraft
  • Boundary layer control and electrodynamic methods for aircraft control that dispenses with ailerons, elevators, rudders, and flaps
  • A new structural bracing system for aircraft wings, commissioned by the U.S. Air Force, 1947
  • Experimental equipment for behavioral scientist, Keller Breland
  • Pre-fabricated industrial buildings for Houser Industrial Co.
  • 12 variations of an aluminum “Trend Home," a prefabricated house designed and developed for Mike Shore and Earl Muntz, 1945
  • Principle technique for three-dimensional x-ray units and for viewing three-dimensional film and television projection without the use of glasses, for Paramount producers Jack Moss and Irving Yergin, 1949
  • An electrostatic system controls for aircraft and the elimination of sonic boom for Raymond De-Icer
  • Electrostatic anti-icing system for Raymond De-Icer Co.
  • Twin Pontoon Outboard Surf Rider - 10' long, weight 160 lbs., without motor developed for Joe Abaloe
  • Prefabricated aluminum “Sandwich” houses for Major Realty Corporation in collaboration with Aluminum Company of America, 1961
  • A three-wheel low cost motor vehicle developed for Miami Motor Co., consisting of only 32 parts, 1961
  • Experimental electronic devices for The Parkinson's Institute of Miami
  • Structural Y-Frame Shelters developed for Allan Sanford
  • Hundreds of Medical Devices for Dr. Irving Fixel
  • Various products, such as, the Volk Pipe, pre-fabricated extruded display cabinets, record reel dispenser for magnetic tapes, 180° hinge, vectograph displayer, enclosed sanitary sleeping chamber, ultraviolet lamp, serving tray, snap together lamp, high impact safety helmet, electronic surgical instruments for the medical field
  • Numerous extruded aluminum devices, including, Utilitarian Draftsman Rack, Pencil Rack, Draftsman Scale - 12" to 36'', Smokers Pipe Rack, Cigarette Holder, Dual Straightedge, Comb, 1967-68
  • Designed and built a wide variety of reinforced concrete structures
  • Numerous components and systems for architectural construction
Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Science, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Publisher, Coach, Motivator, Lecturer, Psychologist, Author
Guest Biography:

As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, Jack Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre - and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of more than 123 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise (and over 500 million copies in print worldwide), Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success.

Behind the empire Time Magazine called the "publishing phenomenon of the decade" is America's leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, corporate employees, and educators. Over the last 30 years, his compelling message, empowering energy and personable coaching style has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals achieve their dreams.

Affectionately known as "America's #1 Success Coach," Jack has studied and reported on what makes successful people different. He knows what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. He brings this critical insight to countless audiences internationally---sharing his success strategies in the media, with companies, universities and professional associations.

Jack is a Harvard graduate with a Master's Degree in psychological education and one of the earliest champions of peak-performance, developing specific methodologies and results-oriented activities to help people take on greater challenges and produce breakthrough results.

His proven formula for success reached global acclaim with his most recent National Bestseller, The Success Principles™: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. This new standard in self-improvement contains 64 powerful principles for success utilized by top achievers from all walks of life and all areas of commerce. The Success Principles ---and the entire empire of "Principles" books, products, coaching programs and branded retail merchandise ---is Jack’s most recent offering to the more than 100 million readers he currently reaches worldwide.

Guest Category: Psychology, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Author, Journalist, Writer, Quatum Physicist, Broadcaster, Consultant, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Michael Brooks, who holds a PhD in quantum physics, is an author, journalist and broadcaster. He is a consultant at New Scientist, a magazine with over three quarters of a million readers worldwide, has a weekly column for the New Statesman and is a Huffington Post UK blogger. He is the author of Free Radicals: The Secret Anarchy of Science and the bestselling non-fiction title 13 Things That Don't Make Sense.

His writing has also appeared in the Guardian, the Independent, the Observer, the Times Higher Education, the Philadelphia Inquirer and many other newspapers and magazines. He has lectured at various places, including New York University, The American Museum of Natural History and Cambridge University.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Writer, Researcher, Teacher, Martial artist, Editor, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Georg Breckmann is a writer and long-time paranormal researcher. A series of personal experiences compelled him to investigate Contact from other intelligent beings with humanity and what it means.

Breckmann has worked in many fields, been a store detective, an insurance investigator, a printmaker, special education teacher, martial arts instructor, and magazine editor. "If there was one constant in all the jobs I held, it was being a careful, critical observer and reporting what I found," he writes.

Seeking, as we all do, meaning in life, he practiced Zen, attended Wiccan, and Odinic rites, and eventually entered Berendr training with traditional shamans from the North. "I did not want to pretend to be anyone else, but rather to learn what ancient wisdom my ancestors had, prior to the forced conversion of their homelands," some of which is shared in the book, and surprisingly helps understand Contact.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Film Director, Speaker, Teacher, Researcher, Tour Organizer
Guest Biography:

Chris Everard is an award winning British Film Director Who Also Writes Books About the Secret Space Programme, The Global Network of Secret Societies known as “The ILLUMINATI” and appears as a guest on radio and TV shows worldwide.
Chris Everard’s made-for-cinema feature length documentaries about the global network of secret societies (referred to as “The Illuminati”) are the first documentary films to go into FOUR volumes. The third volume of THE ILLUMINATI series exposes the British Royal Family’s ties to the Occult and reveals the true identity of JACK THE RIPPER.

Chris Everard ‘s films are historical documentaries, with all the information backed up by Photographs, documents, film and video footage. Chris Everard is NOT a conspiracy theorist, and challenges anyone who describes him so. Chris Everard has made 8 films - most of which have won awards - and has a global audience who visit cinemas to see his films at late shows in Washington, Las Vegas, Paris & London. Chris Everard’s films about the Antichrist, the Assassination of Princess Diana, and how Television & Radio technology was invented by scientists who were all involved with spiritualism and ceremonial magic are the only films worldwide to explore these topics.

Several times a year, Chris Everard hosts tours and expeditions, which are attended by people from all over the world. Chris Everard organizes tours to sacred sites linked with the legend of the Holy Grail, Easter Island, Egypt, Catalonia, Rennes les Chateau, Avebury, Stonehenge, Houston Space Centre, Cape Canavral, AREA 51 and the former home of French occultist Doctor Nostradamus.

Four times a year, Chris Everard hosts a Documentary Film Makers’ Bootcamp, hosting intensive week-long seminars teaching people how to make made-for-cinema documentaries. It is the only film course of it’s kind in the world.

Guest Category: History, Theory & Conspiracy, Travel & Leisure, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Artist, Producer, Director, Singer, Designer, Composer, Writer, Animater, Editor
Guest Biography:

Artist/Producer/Director Films, TV and Documentaries SyFy, Chiller, NBC Universal and Sony Pictures and Spooked TV. Supernatural Entertainment Content Creator.

Death Tunnel (Sony Pictures), The Possessed, Spooked, Children Of The Grave, The Haunted Boy (SyFy Channel/NBC Universal), DarkPlace. Producer and Director of films and documentaries for SyFy Channel, NBC Universal, Sony Pictures, Spooked Productions, At&t, Apple and more worldwide. CEO of Spooked Television and Twintalk Entertainment. Artist, musician, composer, editor and production designer.

Christopher Saint Booth born in Yorkshire, England started his career at an early age. Influenced by The Beatles, singing and strumming at the age of four. Atlantic crossing brought him to Canada where at the age of thirteen he was writing and performing at the local establishments. In 1978 he he was invited to combine forces with, Juno award winner, Sweeney Todd. (London Records) Worldwide touring commenced immediately as their new gold album paved his way to sunny California. Upon arriving in Los Angeles, greeted with a publishing deal (RCA Music) he began writing vocalizations and musical scores for film, cable and television.

Desires of new creative outlets began further development, now reaching out to the visual side of entertainment. Audio with Video studios were soon built to quench this creative thirst. Christopher, a successful film and music Director, Producer, Production Designer and Composer has written, edited, animated, directed and scored some of Billboard’s Top Ten releases including, Film Features, Erotic Thrillers, Music Videos and over seas releases.

Internationally renown for his provocative style, Independent films soon broadened the horizon. Financing a million-dollar HD digital domain in Los Angeles California, this is where they would design and build their ultimate dreams. As well as endorsed by an array of electronic arts manufacturers, no boundaries would be left untouched. For every new technical toy that the eyes and ears could ever dream of soon became vivid. As an Apple licensed developer and 3rd party designer for SoftImage, AMP, APDA and Microsoft, Booth continue to design the future of entertainment and media for all platforms. New concepts with slick designs go hand in hand with the latest web technology.

With over 50 HD features behind him built all from scratch with the insight of what’s happening tomorrow for the people today. A panoramic view of freedom with the fresh scent of change inspires this Saint to create a brave new world for your eyes and ears.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Actress, Director, Writer, Keynote Speaker, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

Kathy is very proud to have been voted Ms Magazine's’ “Woman of the Year 2005.”

For 14 seasons Kathy provided the voice of “Peggy Hill,” on the Emmy award winning FOX TV hit King of the Hill, (Annie award and 2 Women In Film awards) and for 3 seasons she performed opposite Kirstie Alley as “Olive” on NBC's Veronica’s Closet, (American Comedy Award.) Najimy is known internationally for her portrayal of “Sister Mary Patrick” in the blockbuster hits Sister Acts 1 and 2, (ACA Awards, and Hollywood Press discovery of the Year Award). Kathy was heard in Pixar’s Oscar winning hit Wall-E, and in Disney’s: Tinkerbell. Kathy starred on Broadway and was critically acclaimed for her portrayal of Mae West in Dirty Blonde (outer critics award) - and also appeared on Broadway in the first productions of V DAY (the Vagina Monologues) -- Her original Off-Broadway hit: play The Kathy and Mo Show: Parallel Lives and The Dark Side garnered her and Mo Obie Awards and Cable Ace awards for both the plays & the HBO specials. The Complete Kathy and Mo Show: disc DVD can currently be found on In 2008 Kathy starred as series regular, Millie Finch the saucy head of the University on the CBS hour drama—Numb3rs.

Most recently, Kathy was seen on Desperate Housewives, Drop Dead Diva, Ugly Betty and the hysterical RuPauls Drag Race.

As well, as the Sister Act movies, Kathy has appeared in over 20 films including a starring role in Hocus Pocus and RatRace, Hope Floats, Nevada, Cats Don’t Dance, Zack And Reba, This Is My Life, The Fisher King, Say Uncle, (best actress Philadelphia Film fest) Soapdish, and The Hard Way, and Step Up 3D, with cameo appearances in It's Pat, The Wedding Planner, Jeffrey, The Big K and Margaret Cho's: Bam Bam and Celeste, and 2 Sisters.

For television, Najimy received critical acclaim for her 3-part arc on Chicago Hope, Disneys’The Scream Team, FOX’s TV special Cinderelmo, and with Tim Curry she performed the opening musical number of the 1995 Academy Awards. She starred in - In Search Of Dr. Seuss as well as appearances in the TV series: She TV, Fool For Love, Early Edition, Clueless, That's So Raven, and several episodes of Ellen. She is shamefully proud of the gold chip she won as the tournament champion on Celebrity Poker Showdown and the $100,000.00 she won to benefit V-day. And was the final championship winner on CBS’s Game Show Marathon with the 100 thousand Grand prize going to at-risk teen-age girls.

She has directed several projects including an off Broadway musical -Back to Bacharach and David—(which she also created) recently produced in Hollywood to rave reviews. Kathy has also directed several 1 woman shows.

For her 20 years of AIDS activism, she has been honored with the L.A. Shanti’s Founder award as well as the L.A. Gay Center's Distinguished Achievement Award. As a proud Lebanese American Kathy has received awards from the ACC and The ADC .

Kathy has posed twice for PETA's popular campaign, “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur,” and in 2000, she received PETA’s Humanitarian of the Year Award from Paul McCartney.

She contributed to the Random House book: The Choices We Made, (released on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade), and on tape, voiced Wally Lamb's novel-She's Come Undone. She has been the keynote speaker for over 50 humanitarian organizations all across the country.

Kathy lives in NY with her kick ass husband -- actor/singer Dan Finnerty (the Dan Band), their glorious daughter Samia, and their dogs: Petey and Princess.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Journalist, Cameraman, Director, Presenter, Writer, Narrator, Author
Guest Biography:

Michael Knight’s journalism career began in 1960. He’s worked in many countries and covered countless stories. He has been involved in films and documentary work as cameraman, director, presenter, writer and narrator.

Michael researched, wrote and directed the documentary movie “Contact Has Begun” with James Gilliland.

He is the author of “Earth Changes Report” which seeks out and presents the latest scientific evidence, news reports, and historical information essential for you to prepare for the coming Earth Changes that the mainstream media refuses to talk about. It is essential to know about these changes before they occur.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Recording Artist, Healer,
Guest Biography:

Erik Berglund is a unique recording artist who like the troubadours of yore, combines his musical talents with the Spirit and power of God's healing gifts. Erik sings like an angel with a refined tenor voice accompanied by the crystalline sounds of his Irish harp. He has 20 CDs and 2 DVDs available which bridge the world of angels and healing, and touch people deeply. As a sensitive healer, Erik's life has touched thousands via concerts, workshops, retreats, sacred journeys and private healing sessions. He shares his gifts throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, the South Pacific and the Middle East.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Energy Healing, Music
Guest Occupation: Intuitive, Channel, Medium
Guest Biography:

Magenta Pixie was born in Staffordshire in 1965 at her maternal Grandparents home. Her parents lived in Islington London where Pixie spent her early childhood.

Pixie parents were in the theatre at the time of her birth; her Father was an Opera Singer and her Mother, a Ballet Dancer.

Pixie grew up around the theatre and decided at an early age that she would follow in their footsteps.

She was an early talker and an early reader and at the age of seven was reading several Enid Blyton novels per week, living in a world of fairies, pixies, gnomes and magic.

Pixie had several “imaginary friends” whom she would speak with all the time.

Pixie met her husband at the age of seventeen, married at nineteen and had her first baby at twenty.

Unusual, esoteric and supernatural events occurred throughout the ten years of Pixie’s marriage such as out of body experiences, having visions, hearing voices, seeing people & beings & knowing things before they happened.

After ten years of marriage, Pixie and her husband divorced and she moved into a ixie then began strict daily meditations and followed the instructions in the book on meeting your guide. It was several weeks before Pixie started to communicate with beings in meditation and eventually she met her Spirit Guide who introduced himself as “White Spirit” and presented in the form of a Zulu Warrior.

Pixie remained in contact with White Spirit throughout her life and in the year 2003 White Spirit evolved into a sixth density White Winged Angelic being. Not long after that the White Winged being separated themselves into Nine identical beings…..each one with the ability to come forward separately yet they were a collective consciousness. Hence the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine came into Pixie’s reality.

Guest Category: Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Channel, Medium, Author, Actress
Guest Biography:

Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channelling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ for twelve years now and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.

These meetings have been recorded and ‘White Cloud’s words transcribed and subsequently published in three books. ‘Walking in the Light and the Love’, ‘The Spirit of ‘White Cloud’ and ‘A New Dawn’.

In addition to ‘White Cloud’s guidance on how to live our lives to the fullest he has also given us, through Blossom , a series of guided meditations to help us tune in to our Higher Selves.

Blossom also began communication with The Federation Of Light in 2005. These channellings have now become world renound. The information given can be found in three books from The Federation of Light, 'The Bridge', 'Snaphot', and 'Plan E.T'. Blossom continues these channellings which are freely given . They can be found on the menu bar under The Federation Of Light.

In addition to her spiritual work Blossom is also a wonderful actress, whose experience includes touring the UK in repertoires and musicals. Since immigrating to Australia in 2001 and settling in Noosa with her husband Goody and son Ritchie, she has firmly established herself as one of the finest actresses on the Sunshine Coast. Blossom has performed the one-woman show ‘Shirley Valentine’ as well as major roles in several David Williamson plays for the Noosa Long Weekend. She took on the challenging roles as the lead in ‘The Gingerbread Lady’ in which she won Best Actress and Performer of the Year for the Sunshine Coast Theatre Alliance STAR awards. She returned to the musical stage in Ian Mackellar’s ‘Now That’s Entertainment’ and has just finished performing in a world premiere season in Noosa in a new musical called MOMENTS, which was written for her and her co performer . Blossom is hoping to tour Australia with this production as and when the universe provides!!

Through all of these experiences, Blossom remains firmly grounded and with her easy laughter and warmth is a delight to be around

Guest Category: Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Elder, Record Keeper, Guardian, Author, Researcher, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Barbara Hand Clow, International Mayan Elder, Cherokee Record Keeper, Guardian of Light and Author of The Mayan Code.

The 'Mayan Code' is a perfect companion book to C. J. Calleman: 'The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness' as it shows how the time cycles of the Calendar match important periods in the evolutionary data banks on Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy. These stages of evolution are converging during the final stage of the Calendar, the period between 1999-2011.

Barbara Hand Clow wrote one of the most important books of our time! She will answer many questions you will not learn in school, among others:

The Mayan Code by Barbara Hand ClowWhy is time accelerating faster now than ever before? How is it that in just a few short years the Cycles of Consciousness revealed in the Mayan Calendar will be completed? Darwinian theories, the Big Bang or Creation - where is the TRUTH about life on our planet? What is behind the messages from our Pleiadian neighbors? The Ascencion date: October 28, 2011 or Dec 21 2012? and much more...

Barbara Hand Clow uses her Astrological skills, scientific and archeological research data along with ancient sources, like the Vedic Records to support the validity and accuracy of the combined research on the Mayan Calendar.

Guest Category: Spiritual, Astrology
Guest Occupation: Journalist, Writer, Professor, Critic, Activist, Producer, Speaker, Broadcaster
Guest Biography:

Barrie Zwicker is an independent documentary producer, author and social and political activist. Producer of the 75-minute THE GREAT CONSPIRACY: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw, on DVD and VHS.

Zwicker instigated and was Director of the International Citizens' Inquiry Into 9/11, held at The University of Toronto 25-30 May 2004. It featured 40 presenters from three continents. Video from the Inquiry is being incorporated into numerous documentaries including The Great Conspiracy. The inquiry organization, Skeptics' Inquiry For Truth (SIFT) is incorporated and continues as an educational and activist group.

Prior to December 2003, Zwicker was the resident media critic (the only such in Canada) for 15 years with Vision TV, Canada's only independent not-for-profit TV channel and the world's first multi-faith TV channel. (One reviewer whimsically described Zwicker as "the professional furrowed brow for the small-r religious set.") Vision TV is available in more than 8-million Canadian homes via cable and DTH satellite.

In the 2001-2002 TV season Zwicker hosted VisionTV Insight: the MediaFile Edition, "a weekly half-hour commercial-free alternative look at the media," moderated its media panel and provided a commentary each program. Six of his MediaFile commentaries that season -- a series titled "What Really Happened on Sept. 11th?" - made him the first mainstream television journalist in the world to go on air and deeply question the official story of the events of 9/11. The commentaries elicited the greatest response of any programming in the channel's history. The response was literally 99% positive. The series became known as "The Great Deception" and was released on video under that title. The updated version (available on VHS and DVD) contains seven segments.

Zwicker has worked in journalism and communications since he was 16, when he joined the Russell (Man.) Banner as a Printer's Devil. He worked on major newspapers including The Vancouver Province, The Detroit News, the Flint Journal and the Lansing State Journal, for a year at Canada's largest-circulation newspaper, The Toronto Star and for eight years at "Canada's National Newspaper," The Globe and Mail. While the Globe's education writer, he won all three top awards of the Education Writers' Association of North America.

Zwicker taught journalism part time for seven years at Ryerson Polytechnic University. His courses were "Media and Society" and then "Media, Ethics and the Law."

He co-authored and co-edited, with the late Dick MacDonald, THE NEWS: Inside the Canadian Media (Deneau) and authored War, Peace and the Media (Sources). In September 2004 he produced Barrie Zwicker's 9/11 Resource Guide. He currently is working on a book planned for release in late 2005 or Spring of 2006 tentatively titled 9/11, the Media and Our Future.

He produced more than 200 media criticism segments for Vision TV in his last four seasons. Before that he contributed regularly to Vision's public affairs programs "It’s About Time," "Arts Express" and "Inventing Reality," from Vision's launch in September 1988.

Zwicker is also seen and heard as a media critic on CBC-TV, CTV's News1, RoB-TV and other TV and radio outlets and in print. For three and a half years his "Facing the Fourth Estate" commentary was nationally syndicated on 18 stations on CBC Radio.

He earned a Southam Fellowship (1967-68) and studied for three years under Marshall McLuhan. Earlier (1959-61) he was a University of Michigan/Michigan Press Club Co-operative Journalism Fellow, the first Canadian chosen up until then.

He owned and published the journalism review content from 1974 through 1981, when he sold that publication to Humber College.

In 1999, he sold his directory business, Sources®, The Directory of Contacts for Editors, Reporters and Researchers )* which he founded in June 1977. He also founded Parliamentary Names & Numbers. He is Publisher Emeritus of Sources.

In the 1960s and 70s he was active in the Don Vale Association of Homeowners and Residents. Working in concert with then Ward 7 city Councillors John Sewell and Karl Jaffary, the association became a "giant slayer" at City Hall. The Association succeeded in abolishing a so-called "urban renewal" plan for Don Vale which would have razed numerous homes - including that of the Zwickers - and turned the sites over to developers.

As Corresponding Secretary for the Association, Zwicker wrote letters and press releases arising from democratic meetings. He named and helped found the ward's newspaper, 7 News. He also delivered it door to door.

He was awarded an honourary Life Membership in the Media Club of Canada in 1991 and is listed in Canadian Who's Who.

He was born Nov. 5, 1934 in White Head, N.S., a son of the late United Church minister, Rev. W. G. Zwicker and the former Norah Hall. He has been married to the former Jean Adie Muzzell of Owen Sound, Ont. for 41 years. They have two children. Xena-Linda is a musician and therapist. Gren-Erich specializes in audio post-production in Toronto and has worked with Norman Jewison and David Cronenberg. He has just finished working on Cronenberg's latest, History of Violence, to be premiered at Cannes this month.

Following the lead of his parents, Zwicker has long been a committed environmentalist. Jean is an avid gardener. Under Zwicker's guidance Sources was the first directory in Canada to be printed on all recycled stock. He and wife gave up automobile ownership in 1966; Zwicker has ridden a bicycle since.

In the Summer of 2000 he started a solo cross-Canada bicycle journey, off-road as much as possible on the Trans-Canada Trail, travelling 1,900km from Vancouver Island to Calgary. The Summer of 2001 he covered 4,000km from Calgary to Toronto. He plans to resume his cross-Canada tour from Toronto to St. Johns, Newfoundland when time permits.

Zwicker describes himself as "an atheist Christian humanist" and is a member of the Humanist Association of Canada. His hero is Bertrand Russell. He's a board member of both SIFT and of 9/

Guest Category: News, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Journalist, Blogger, Commentator, Broadcaster, Editor, Researcher, Writer, Producer, Programmer
Guest Biography:

Brad Friedman is an independent investigative journalist, blogger, broadcaster, creator of, co-founder of, expert on issues of election integrity, and a Commonweal Institute Fellow.

Fighting for truth, election reform and media reform, because it's not about right and left, it's about right and wrong.

Brad Friedman is an investigative citizen journalist/blogger, political commentator and broadcaster. He is the Creator and Managing Editor of The BRAD BLOG. Among the many things that will be discussed, Brad will pose what he calls serious questions regarding the anthrax case.

Just some of the many notable national stories he’s broken on his blog include “The White House Website Scrubbing”, the “Tom Feeney/Clint Curtis/Yang Enterprises Vote-Rigging Scandal”, the story of the phony GOP front group, “American Center for Voting Rights”, the E-Voting Machine “Sleepover” controversy in San Diego’s Busby/Bilbray U.S. House Special Election, numerous explosive exclusives on whistleblowers such as FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, along with his well-respected, and widely-touted continuing coverage of various Electronic Voting Machine companies like Diebold who are destroying American democracy. He has filed, literally, thousands of stories on Election Integrity and Electile Dysfunction since at least November 3rd, 2004.

He has appeared in numerous documentary films, as well as on ABC News, CNN, CourtTV and elsewhere to discuss his reporting and expertise on a variety of issues. He’s a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post and has written articles and editorials for Mother Jones, Editor & Publisher, ComputerWorld, Columbus Free Press, Salon, TruthOut, Harvard’s Nieman Foundation of Journalism, Hustler and other non-pornographic publications and websites. In addition to live speaking engagements around the country, Brad has Guest Hosted on a number of radio programs for Peter B. Collins, Mike Malloy, The Young Turks and others. He’s also the host of The BRAD SHOW, a radio program co-produced with Internet news site RAW STORY and a frequent Guest on radio shows across the country.

Brad’s reports and breaking news from his popular website, The BRAD BLOG, are frequently cited by the national media.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Biologist, Teacher, Ecologist, Consultant, Entreprenuer, Lecturer, Pioneer, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

Dave Blume started his ecological training at a young age. He and his father organically grew almost all the food their family ate. This wouldn't be unusual out in a rural setting nowadays, but they did this on a city lot in San Francisco in the mid-sixties!

Dave taught his first ecology class in 1970. He majored in Ecological Biology and Biosystematics at San Francisco State University while doing volunteer fieldwork with a number of non-profits like the Point Reyes Bird Observatory. He put himself through school by teaching backpacking and wildlife biology through open universities during the summers.

In 1978, he was employed by NASA to work on an experimental solar self-sufficient energy, sewage treatment, desalinization plant in the Virgin Islands. After solving many previously persistent problems in this system, he went to work for the Mother Earth News Eco Village in North Carolina where he worked in a team using alternative building techniques. There he constructed a number of unique structures, like a cordwood half dome, that was used as the back half of a greenhouse. He also worked extensively with their alternative energy projects.

When the energy crisis of 1978-9 struck, Dave started the American Homegrown Fuel Co. Inc. It was an educational organization teaching farmers and others how to produce and use low cost alcohol fuel at home or on the farm. Alcohol, a renewable and virtually pollution-free fuel, is used in place of gasoline in automobile engines. AHGF became a small corporation with 15 employees. Dave taught 180 workshops to 7,000 people over a two year period while appearing over 1000 times in print, radio and television.

PBS then asked Dave to put his workshop on television. He spent two years working with PBS to make the 10 part series Alcohol as Fuel, which aired in 1983. To accompany the series he wrote the comprehensive manual on the subject, Alcohol Can Be A Gas! The book and series were so powerful that shortly after the series began to air in San Francisco oil companies threatened to pull out their funding if the series was released to the rest of the PBS network!! PBS caved in and halted the distribution of the series and book.

Alcohol Can Be A Gas, has been completely rewritten after four years of full time research by Dave and his team. Its now available in bookstores and online everywhere and is being hailed as the bible of alcohol fuel production.

Dave went on to consult for a wide array of clients including foreign governments, farmers and food processors in turning waste into fuel, animal feed, carbon dioxide, and valuable industrial products.

Dave founded Planetary Movers Inc in 1984.

1n 1994, he started the community supported agriculture farm, Our Farm.

Our Farm fed approximately 450 people through 150 shares in its CSA at its peak. Annually, it grew as much as 100,000 pounds of food per acre, without a tractor, using only hand tools, on a terraced, 35 degree slope similar to farms in China or Guatemala. Dave used a combination of biointensive and permaculture techniques to produce these impressive yields.

Our Farm was a teaching farm, which hosted over 200 live-in interns and apprentices from all over the world, during its existence.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Science