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Guest Name
Panteha Naghi
Panteha Naghi, Political Activist
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Political Activist
Guest Biography

Panteha Naghi was born into a Jewish family in Tehran Iran in 1979 after one year after the Revolution during which Islamic fundamentalists finally took over the country. She grew up there--during the war with Iraq (it seems like no matter where I go, I can't escape being at war with Iraq!)--and finished 2nd grade. FREE IRANHer family moved to the U.S. in 1988. She completed her studies at St. John's University in New York in Philosophy and English. In 2004 Panteha became a Raelian and has become spokeperson for them. Panteha has been highly involved with Iran's Political Freedom and more recently been an intregal activist here in the US for a FREE IRAN.

In Panteha's words: "The youth of Iran, YOU ARE MY HEROES! I have been waiting for you to act all my life, and you have made my dream come true. We are with you, each and everyone of you. You are humanity's heroes, and I promise you: YOU WILL NOT DIE IN VAIN!"