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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Global citizen, mother nature lover and conduit for awesome vibes
Guest Biography:


Founder, The Vibe Tribe

Global citizen, mother nature lover and conduit for awesome vibes.

With a passion for story telling and co-creating, Cristina has merged 15+ years of hospitality, brand and event management with holistic lifestyle design.

Aligning with ethical brands and individuals. Crafting strategic brand story telling behind the scenes in order to #brandyourvibe LIVE.

The Vibe Tribe, activates and facilitates journeys and experiences where energy is raised via events, workshops and retreats.

Nourish and balance by getting to know your brand from the inside out.

The Vibe Tribe, a conduit for change.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Marketing, Entertainment, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: singer song writer, healer and conservationist
Guest Biography:


Cornish born Samuel J, is an innovative singer song writer, healer and conservationist. His unique music and soulful performances have helped him to establish a strong reputation with an ever-growing global fan base.

 Some of his career highlights include, being selected to perform for his holiness the Dalai Lama as part of the Dalai Lamas 70th birthday celebration and performing at the Olympic and Paralympic games in London.

 Samuel, has toured and shared the stage with the likes of Ben Harper, Michael Franti, Jack Johnson, Donovan Frankenreiter, Zero 7, Alice Russell, Jurassic 5 and an array of the leading musicians in Brazil where he was base d for many years, including Marcelo D2, Maria Gadu, Gabriel O Pensador and many others.

Samuel completed his international award winning, ‘Brasil Live Project’, in 2015 an Album featuring many of Brazil’s greatest artists dedicated to educating underprivileged children. The project continues to grow and is helping underprivileged children across Brazil.

Samuel’s best works are coming out this year with his big album launch ”Into The Light” The album featuring orchestras and several world renowned producers looks set to take the world by storm.

Many people identify with Samuel’s incredible love and respect of nature which shines through in his music. As a result of his efforts through his own fundraising and dedication, his career has become supported by some of the worlds greatest conservation societies such as The Dalai Lama, Ocean Care, Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd with whom he has crewed with on their campaigns.

Samuel’s second album Brazil Live Project, features some of the greatest talents in Brazilian music was entirely dedicating to the education of underprivileged children.

Samuel, has been raising funds and awareness for the Sea Shepherd organization and Ocean Care for a number of years. He is a major fan of the conservation societies and works continuously at schools and through his music to amplify the positive impact of their work. Samuel, has taken part in expeditions with Sea Shepherd and Ocean Care, visiting remote regions of the world reporting from the areas worse effected by exploitation.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Hypnotherapist, Hypnotist, entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Carmela Tunzi, CMNLP, CHT, CJSJ, CRM, CMER

About Mind Flow Hypnosis

We believe that Mind Flow Hypnosis offers the absolutely best service available, the lowest possible cost, with the least amount of hassle.  We can play a key role in helping you meet challenges such as weight loss, quitting smoking and managing undesirable behavior.

Carmela is a lifelong entrepreneur with a natural gift of working with people, making her an expert in communication. She positively impacts everyone around her and is highly sought-after for her intuitive healing qualities.

Carmela's solutions direct her clients to their highest wellness and needs. Having an innate gift with people of all types and personalities paired with a superior solution-oriented approach, she's been granted years of success of healing with positive outcomes.

Carmela has an interest in human psychology and behavior gave her an incredible edge. She became acutely aware or the mind body connection and fascinated with psychology and human behavior. Carmela studied a variety of modalities to achieve stellar results in one’s goals. During Carmela’s research on “attaining excellence” she found NLP (neuro linguistic programming) which opened new doors for understanding the human brain – how we interact with it and, more importantly, the tools to have outstanding results. Carmela has worked with top performers in many industries over the last 15 years and has helped hundreds of people achieve all kinds of results. Her specific areas of interest include high performance solutions, communication tools and techniques for overcoming obstacles.

Carmela contributes to her community by attending Los Angeles Health based and spiritual fundraisers.

Certified Master Practitioner of NLP

Certified Mental Emotional Release Therapy

Certified Hypnotherapy

Certified Master Reiki Teacher Practitioner

Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Intuitive Reader, Healer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Ruth Anderson is a lifelong student and teacher. Retired after a satisfying and worthwhile career in special education and public school administration, Ruth embraced her second calling, that of an intuitive reader and healer. After becoming a Reverend of the Church of Inner Light, she was given a ministry to provide healing to souls with and without bodies in the ethereal realm called Open Clinic.

Furthering her calling, Ruth brought Divine Healing at Open Clinic to the physical realm. In Open Clinic, she uses her intuition and God’s healing energy, and is assisted by her healing guides, Reiki and Divine Mother, along with archangels Michael, Gabrielle, and Raphael. These experiences make her uniquely qualified to write about Open Clinic. Ruth lives in Colorado and continues to study energetic healing methods.

Facebook URL:

Guest Category: Education, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Intuitive strategist and spiritual advisor
Guest Biography:

Margo M. Mateas is an intuitive strategist and spiritual advisor who helps people all around the world. She is the creator of the Career Cards, a powerful and unique oracle that is used in 14 countries that delivers practical advice for life, career and relationships.

A highly respected corporate trainer to Fortune 500 compaies, nonprofits and the U.S. government, Margo successfully bridges the worlds of spirituality and business by using her intuition to successfully pinpoint client issues and solve institutional problems. She’s helped many executives from companies including Verizon, Wyndham and State Farm become happier and more successful. She is an awardwinning writer, newspaper journalist and accomplished public speaker who began speaking professionally at just 14 years old. Margo works directly with the Archangels to do energetic clearings and chakra work over the phone that result in immediate transformations.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Human-behavior specialist, educator, business consultant, and internationally published author
Guest Biography:

Human-behavior specialist, educator, business consultant, and internationally published author Dr John Demartini is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on human behavior and personal development. He is the founder of the Demartini Institute, a private research and education organization with a curriculum of over 72 different courses covering multiple aspects of human development.

His trademarked methodologies, the Demartini Method®, the Demartini Value Determination Process®, and the Breakthrough Experience®, are the culmination of 44 years of cross-disciplinary research and study. His work has been incorporated into human-development industries across the world.

Dr John Demartini travels 360 days a year to countries all over the globe, sharing his research and findings in all markets and sectors. He is the author of 40 books published in over 29 different languages. He has produced over 60 CDs and DVDs covering subjects such as development in relationships, wealth, education, and business. Each program is designed to assist people in activating their leadership skills and empowering themselves in all seven areas of their lives: family, financial, mental, physical, social, spiritual, and vocational.

Email Address:

Guest Occupation: Inspirational Entrepreneur, RV'er, Transgender Human & More
Guest Biography:


Drew Bensen is an Entrepreneur, Inspirational Coach and Speaker, software consultant, content writer for Winnebago Life, full time Rv-er and Transgender Human.

As he lives full time in his own Winnebago, his current passion is cruising the US in his *Inspiration Station* connecting with folks all around the country and leading inspiration retreats.

While doing all of that Drew is also a Transgender man. He speaks with corporations, universities and small groups about his story and life transitions. Drew believes we all have at least one scary, awesome transition in our life if we choose to step into it and is currently collaborating on a book to be published this summer!

To Contact Drew:

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Personal Development, Biology & Chemistry, Inspirational, Motivational, Sexuality, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Author PTSD Educator
Guest Biography:
Marine, Vietnam Veteran, Bank Manager, and over 30 successful years in corporate executive marketing, business development, operations, and sales. Married, father of three sons, and grandfather to a granddaughter and four grandsons. Schade graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Business Management. After decades of denial, he accepted the fact he had PTSD. 
When images of the Gulf Wars flashed ceaselessly across every media outlet, they triggered his darkest memories of combat in Vietnam. No longer focused on his career and personal responsibilities he agreed to retire early, and began his journey of therapy to subdue the 'demons of war.'
Immersed in his therapy Schade recognized through the assistance of others, who freely shared their time and editing skills, he began to write stories to raise awareness and open minds.
His first story was the award-winning novel, “Looking for God within the Kingdom of Religious Confusion,” An enlightening ‘creative non-fiction’ story of one man’s journey to find the truth about God and religion. Passing through the mystical ‘Gates of Abraham’ his protagonist Jacob engages believers along the divergent roads of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Secular and Spirituality beliefs for answers.  Concluding his thoughts on religion he wrote, "The greatest father"—a satirical tale of how religion began.
Changing direction, Schade wrote two stories to help veterans recognize and accept PTSD. “The Demons of War are Persistent” is a personal short-story of denial and living with PTSD. "Not Alone" is an essay about the trepidation of entering group therapy. Both stories were written to help veterans and families what the stigma of PTSD and seek help—instead of falling into the abyss of destitution or suicide. They are free to read and download on his website.
In 2016, Schade finished his first suspense-filled short-story "If I fail; what doom awaits the children?" 'The only hope to save three kidnapped children is an elderly veteran.'
Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Military, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Religion
Guest Occupation: Holistic Therapist, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Healer
Guest Biography:

As a Holistic Therapist, Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Healer, Melany uses her gifts and connection to Spirit to read people’s soul blueprint and detect energetic blocks that keep them from opening their hearts & having the life and relationship they truly desire.

With over 10 years of experience with healing deep emotional wounds, she now leverages her expertise to help women who are wounded by their childhood traumas & past negative relationships, heal themselves and find true love.

As the creator of Healing the Broken Heart and Complete Heart Attunement she helps women who are heart broken and unable to attract their life partner release all blocks to healing their heart and attract love.

Melany has also created the Heart Paths to support those on their spiritual journey learn how to process their emotions and life lessons, connect to their inner knowing and start to magnetize their heart’s desire

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Philosophy, Psychology, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Actress, Model, Writer, Radio Host
Guest Biography:

Candy Loya a Californian Native from Downey, Ca. a television host and Actress, Model, writer, Radio Host Personality. Over the Past 3 years Candy has worked in a wide variety of professional capacitates both in the private & public sectors. Candy has earned her AA in Liberal Arts & Communications at Los Angeles Trade Tech in 2014 and she will pursue her education to obtain her Bachelors in Broadcasting Journalism.

Thus Far Candy has worked on various projects such as: 2014-2015 Media Consultant and Journalist Rep for hollywood Productions 2014 LA Talk Radio with Host Cameron Datzker as special Co host 2013 Runway Fashion Model for Designer JVONOHAY LUCCI 2013 Carlos Rojas Movie Premiere Event 2012 Groove G Shack Radio as a Co host Candy Loya Can be summed up into two positive words Happy& Adrenaline Candy's personality and character both bring your everyday interaction to the point where you will not get enough of her and her perky personality or she will make you smile and laugh. With amazing and strong ties to her family and community involvement such as volunteering at the Cerritos charity for Abused Women.

Being a lover of animals as an activist for rescued and abused dogs. Candy's goals and dreams are to write her autobiography about her life tribulations to help inspire others and fight to make it in life. Candy is known by many as a Loving Friend, nurturing mother and Professional and career minded woman ready to face her next Challenge.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Literature, Comedy, Entertainment, Inspirational, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Crop circle author Star healer Reiki Master
Guest Biography:

Catherine Cogorno is the author and publisher of Earth Expressions, An Artistic Exploration of Crop Circles.  The innovative book displays the beautiful geometry at the core of the circles’ designs, providing a way to interact with them by tracing and coloring the images, in addition to sharing information and a map worldwide locations.  Catherine has been studying crop circles for over 10 years and has presented the subject in several local magazines and radio stations, and to the MUFON Group in St. Louis and Kansas City.

Reach Catherine at

Recommended sites for research on crop circles are, and Suzanne Taylor’s and Patty Greer’s wonderful films.

In addition to her affiliation with several spiritual organizations, Catherine is a certified practitioner of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy, a powerful system given to the world by Archangel Michael in 2000 via Kelly Hampton.

During the radio interview we will discuss generalities of the crop circles, some insights on their purpose and how they are created, and 3 recent ones which appeared in the UK.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Spiritual, Angel Communication, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Self Improvement Speaker, Actor, Model, Comedian
Guest Biography:


Raised in Seattle, Paris Dylan (no, that’s not a stage name) always had a knack for performing. You could find him involved in theater, running events, and front-manning a successful rock band.
He graduated from the University of Washington as a Dean’s List recipient and with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication. He then worked and lived around the U.S. as a Self-Improvement Speaker alongside Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, Brian Tracy and others for Motivational Seminars. Abandoning his six-figure salary to pursue his dream of acting, he had much success very quickly and began starring in TV Programs, Theater Productions, National Commercials, and Films within his first year of acting and the credits continued to grow.
Aside from print modeling, Paris also performs in a live improv comedy duo act with Hollywood-icon, Andy Dick and holds a number of hosting credits including American Idol, iHeartRadio, and his own talk show ‘PARIS in LA‘ on iTunes, USTREAM, and LiveStream networks. In addition to racking up accolades like “Best Actor”, Paris ventured to create his own content which proved to be a smart career move, as Directing/Writing/Producing garner more positive attention to the Paris Dylan brand.
Lately starring in his own and others’ films that have placed at a variety of festivals including Sundance, Paris Dylan continues to find consistency as a sought-after multi-talented working actor and filmmaker in the unpredictable world of Hollywood.
Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: singer, songwriter, performer
Guest Biography:


“Kimberly paints musical portraits…that touch the heart and illuminate the spiritual quest.”
- Michael Diamond – Music and Media Focus

Kindled by an awareness of divine guidance and conscious connection with spirit, singer/songwriter Kimberly Haynes’ music brings forth an uplifting invitation to discover a sacred space deep within the heart. The spectrum of her eclectic and enlightening songs evokes both the tenderness of a mother’s touch and the ancient feminine power of a tribal priestess singing her truth.

Her music harmoniously weaves inspirational heart-felt lyrics into a rich tapestry of world instruments to create poetic reflections born of a life of tremendous trials and blessed tribulations. “Having risen from my own ashes multiple times, it is my mission to carry music of the heart into the world.

She performed last year at both Shaktifest and Bhaktifest as well as her own CD Release event in October of 2016 to a packed house. This year included gigs at the legendary McCabe’s, Genghis Cohen, Goddess Temple of Irvine, a successful tour of Arizona, and various house concerts.

Her debut album “Awaken Me” was recently reviewed in LAYoga Magazine and just won Album of the Year in the One World Music Awards. She is accompanied by her co-producer and co-conspirator David Vito Gregoli.

Soon to be released, the highly anticipated music video for “You’re The One That I Want/Govinda Jaya.” Featuring gorgeous animation from Nina Paley’s acclaimed movie “Sita Sings The Blues.”

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: High Energy Mixed Martial Arts Cage Announcer and Commentator, Captain USMC, Radio Host, MC, Military Press Reporter
Guest Biography:

The advertising industry would have us believe that The Most Interesting Man in the World hangs out in swanky cocktail lounges and pushes Dos Equis beer. In reality, that title belongs to San Diego’s very own Carlos Kremer.

Carlos Kremer is San Diego’s Renaissance Man. He first appeared on our radar as the announcer of Epic Fighting and host of Epic TV, but when we sat down with Carlos, we discovered that he actually wears many more hats in the San Diego community.

Carlos, a native of Northridge, California, was recruited out of Crespi Carmalite High School to play both football and basketball at UC Davis. He went on to star as a Defensive End for the Aggies, but had his football career cut short due to a serious knee injury that would require 11 surgeries in total.

Upon graduating UC Davis with a Communication degree, Carlos went to OCS (Officer Candidate School) and received a commission as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. During his time in the Corps, Carlos achieved the rank of Captain, received two Navy Achievement medals, and held the position of Series Commander, of which only 5% of all officers are awarded. “I really enjoyed my time in the Marines. I felt it was something I had to do as a commitment to myself and the country,” Kremer said. It should also come as no surprise that Carlos earned the nickname “The Master Motivator” while in the Marines, as you can see from his accomplishments and overall positive demeanor.

Carlos also competed in boxing during his time in the Marines. Carlos was the Great White Hope as a Heavyweight contender here in San Diego. Following his boxing career Carlos became a fan of BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) when Royce Gracie exploded on the scene in the early 90’s and his interest continued with the evolution of MMA. He trains religiously with legendary Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu professor Eduardo Telles, and is currently preparing to test for his purple belt.

In his younger days, Carlos used to get into a little bit of trouble, but used the Marine Corps, Boxing, and MMA as a way to get himself on the right path. “I grew up fighting a lot, and kind of turned over a new leaf when I found boxing and MMA. It completely mellowed me out. So, MMA, for me, and that outlet has been huge, as it has been for so many people. It’s been great and I really think it saves a lot of these kids off the street and gives them focus,” Kremer said.

That helps explain why MMA is such a vital part of Carlos’ life. Along with his role at Epic Fighting, Carlos, the President of Kremer Insurance, also sponsors 99 teammate and Bellator pro Sergio Rios and undefeated fighter Zac Savage. Kremer Insurance also insures various local gyms, including Open Mat and Intensity MMA. Carlos also hosts a weekly radio show entitled “Carlos Kremer Kick Ass Radio!”. While this might seem like a lot of responsibilities for one man to take on, Carlos views it as a golden opportunity to do what he loves. “I do all of this for my passion. My only goal is to take MMA higher. These local guys that we have in this mecca of the world for MMA don’t get enough exposure; don’t get enough credibility or accolades. The gyms in San Diego are amazing, but they’re not getting the right props.”

It is this drive that has established Carlos as an important fixture in the San Diego MMA community. But Carlos is also heavily involved in the professional and entertainment community as well. Carlos hosts red carpet events in L.A., has hosted various radio shows in San Diego, and has appeared on famous TV shows such as The Dating Game, American Choppers, and Gene Simmons’ Family Jewels. “I’m normally drawn to anything with a mic. I love to be involved in any way,” Kremer explains.

On top of that, Kremer has owned his own insurance agency in San Diego for the last 18 years, receiving multiple awards, which include the “Toppers Club Award” seven times and the prestigious “Championship Award Club” twice, which is bestowed upon the top 2% of agencies nationwide. Carlos also performs stand up comedy, which he uses in a similar way that he uses MMA – to entertain others and to stay sharp. “Comedy is the most pure thing you can do and the most challenging thing you can do. It’s kind of like Jiu-Jitsu or boxing, or MMA. You can’t lie. You’re either funny or you’re not. Every time I do it, I go, ‘why am I doing this?’ Even today, I ask myself, ‘why have I agreed to do this?’ But overcoming that fear keeps you sharp for everything else. I do it to stay sharp for what I really love – hosting MMA.”

Comedy has given Carlos a thick skin, which you need if you’re going to be in the spotlight as much as he is. When you watch Carlos host an Epic Fighting event it becomes immediately apparent that he is extremely comfortable in front of a crowd.

The pairing of Carlos and Epic Fighting is a natural fit. Carlos pointed out that the head of Epic Fighting, Jason Stewart, has done an incredible job with the company and the Epic team. “Epic’s grown and grown and grown. We’ve got the basis and the format there. Jason has done an incredible job, and it just keeps getting better. I am proud to be part of the Epic team and we are doing great things in the MMA world,” Kremer said.

Through all of these experiences and avenues Carlos has created for himself, he has been able to fulfill his passion and has positioned himself to help others do the same. “I’m at a point now where if I can help someone, I will. If I can mentor someone, or reach out and expand their career, I’m all about give and get back, and that’s what makes me happy now,” Kremer said.

That fact cannot be stressed enough. During my interview with Carlos, he showed a genuine interest in the Fight Voice and our mission. While I was trying to learn more about Carlos and his story, he kept providing me with advice and tips to further the success of our site. That’s just the kind of selfless and authentic guy that Carlos is. During his time in the Marines, Carlos learned to always be tactful and always treat people well. “It’s the Marine part of me,” Kremer said.

I also witnessed this when Carlos let me sit in on his weekly radio show with guest Manolo “El Hurricane” Hernandez from San Diego Combat Academy. Without any hesitation at all, Carlos let me chime in on his show, which was a big honor for me and the Fight Voice. His skill as an entertainer is obvious when you watch him effortlessly conduct his on-air interviews and bring out the best in his guests. He has that natural ability to put everyone around him at ease, and thus his shows have a great flow.

Carlos has already achieved so much in MMA, but it seems he is just getting started. He has already medaled twice in the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship and Pan Am Games, and plans on competing again in the Worlds in October. “It’s been an amazing ride for me, and it just keeps getting better. It’s been great for me to just be able to follow my passion, and now getting some good following and feedback – it’s just icing on the cake,” Kremer said.

“I’m just following my passion…I’ve been really appreciative of how the MMA community out here is so cool. Everybody has been very welcoming. And we’re trying to help them out. The main thing is helping these guys get the attention and exposure they need.”

It’s obvious that Carlos has the determination and the drive. “[Due to football injuries] I was taken out of competition ‘like that’, and not on my terms. So now I’m competing because I want to taste that again. It’s not even about winning or losing for me. You go in to win, but it’s just about just being there and just experiencing the rush. It’s a journey. I’ve worked hard to be here and we’ll let the chips fall as they may. It’s been a good ride,” said Carlos. 

Carlos has his finger on the pulse of the San Diego fight community and is doing everything he can to help promote the field and assist others in achieving their goals as well. “I’ve learned that if you’re going to do something, then just do it, and do it as best you can and let everything else fall into play,” said Kremer.

It is clear that Carlos is doing that for the San Diego community, and everything is falling into place, and then some, for The Master Motivator.

You can check out Carlos on Epic TV, see him live at the Epic Fighting events, catch one of his standup comedy routines, and check out his weekly radio shows “Kick Ass Radio” at Follow Carlos on twitter @TheLosKremer

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Military, News, Sports & Recreation, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Founder/President of People Against Cancer
Guest Biography:

For nearly 40 years, Frank Wiewel and his wife Denise have led the struggle for medical freedom in America and throughout the world. Frank was a successful Columbia Records recording artist, engineer and producer. In July 1985, he happened to be in Freeport, Bahamas, accompanying his sick father-in-law, when the Bahamian government, at the instigation of the United States National Cancer Institute (NCI) shut down Dr Lawrence Burton’s (IAT) cancer clinic.

The IAT patients organized and asked Frank to become first president of their association. Frank and Denise led them in a march on Washington and drafted the petition for an evaluation of innovative therapies, signed by 43 Congressmen. Frank was the original requestor of this Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) study entitled, Alternative Cancer Therapies and testified at the Congressional Hearings. Frank led site visits to clinics being researched by OTA and the IAT Clinic was reopened.

In 1986, Frank and his wife Denise founded People Against Cancer and organized The International Coalition for the Evaluation of Alternative Cancer Therapies. It was largely through such efforts, including bitter struggles over three years that the OTA report was re-written and made into a useful document for Congress and the public. In conversations with thousands of people with cancer, health activists, as well as over 50 members of Congress; guest appearances on Design for Living, Natural Living, For the People, and other radio programs; prominently featured interviews in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Des Moines Register, Scientific American, Science, East West, etc; and publications in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends (IACVF) Journal, Frank has tirelessly fought for the fair testing of innovative, non toxic cancer therapies.

In 1993, Frank was a founding member of the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) in the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 1994, Frank was chosen to be the Chairman of the Pharmacological and Biological Treatments Committee and chosen to serve a four-year term on the National Advisory Board of the Office of Alternative Medicine. Scientific American wrote, “The Establishment of the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) constitutes a victory for Frank Wiewel.”

Through People Against Cancer, Frank has created and administrates the Alternative Therapy Research Program (ATRP), a program to evaluate treatment options for people with cancer and physicians. Frank has also created and organized the International Physicians Network (IPN) to provide innovative treatment options for people with cancer. In 1996, Frank launched the Alternative Therapy Evaluation Program (ATEP) to conduct scientific evaluations, both retrospective and prospective, of innovative treatments for cancer worldwide.

Frank has been called “The most powerful independent voice in the field of cancer.” He is the editor of a critically acclaimed newsletter: Options: New Directions in the War on Cancer.  “The most revolutionary document published in the field of cancer – the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Options remains the only independent newsletter in the field published without outside influence or advertisements.

Frank remains People Against Cancer’s founding executive and runs this grassroots organization from his base in Otho, Iowa (pop. 650), where he lives with his wife, Denise and their daughters Megan and Allison. More information is available at:

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, History, Medicine, Science, Self Help, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Master Carpenter/Founder Truth Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of Conscience
Guest Biography:

Hello I am Joseph Barber,Master carpenter and Builder, and all around adventure of life.I was a soldier for some time hard job but yet wonderful quite the education you might say,love the Ocean and anything to do with it. Listen to how we speak about freedom and you'll gain tremendous insight into our true attitudes about freedom and, therefore, our relationship to one another I am and author of sorts and write articles for what I call FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience in our world today so many have forgotten those truths that have made us free  “They say you can’t change the past despite the fact it never stops changing you – but that doesn't mean we have to sit back and take it. It may change us, but we have ultimate control over how we let it.”

Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” You have a right to live. You have a right to be. You have these rights regardless of money, health, social status, or class. You have these rights, man, woman, or child. These rights can never be taken away from you, they can only be infringed. When someone violates your rights, remember, it is not your fault.My mission is to empower men and women by helping them to discover their true inner and outer beauty & Strengths. When you look better, you feel better and when you feel better, you can change your life. The key to success whether it be your wedding day to your career is self-esteem My goal is to provide anyone with a professional service that will let them achieve the goals and sophistication that meets each persons needs

Our goal is for you to look great, feel like you're on top of the world, and be fabulous. In my career as a soldier an citizens I have spent years training and teaching young men and women to be the best they can be for themselves and and their families, we promise to never stop learning and to do Our absolute best and put our right foot forward, Our job is never done and there is always a higher goal We can achieve. We Love every aspect in helping Our fellow veterans Inprove their lives and We our so thrilled and excited for our future with learning and passing on our own techniques.

We believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for one self, one's own family or one's nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace.

“We have for many years lived with the knowledge that we, the masses, the working class, the poor, the white, the black, the brown, the immigrants, the Christians, the Muslims, the atheists, the soldiers/ex-soldiers, the peaceniks, the communists, the anarchists, the students, the people, across the spectrum, we all have a common cause”

We have served in many nations my friends with a uniform and with out one, we the free have many colors none of which go by a uniform when a man or a women decides to stand in defiance of tyranny and injustice.every thing you have ever been taught about the human race you have to forget every thing, and use your heart to see the world has one human family with no boundaries or color just human beings who need a hand of gently kindness and understanding with out any judgment only compassion and love to heals their wounds

Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well.


Thanks for your support if you would like to make a donation please do so by sending or going to your closest Chase bank and make a deposit :Suzanne Button family assistance campaign manager routing # 322271627 or contact the project @ 442-251-6553 or you can mail your donations to 11123 valincia st Oak Hills ca 92344

People who believe in the sanctity of life


Sponsored  by Tradesmen Company@Joseph Barber Master carpenter Builder / Tradesmen


Pro Deo et Constitutione –

Libertas aut Mors Semper Vigilans Fortis

Paratus et Fidelis

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Film-maker, writer, composer, alchemist and musician
Guest Biography:

Lorcan O’Toole

Lorcan O’Toole is a film-maker, writer, composer, alchemist and musician. His father is the late actor Peter O’Toole and Lorcan also worked as an actor in Hollywood for a spell, in films like: “In Time” with Justin Timberlake and the television show: “Sons of Anarchy”.  However in May of 2012, Lorcan began to have a profound spiritual awakening of self-realization and also experienced a series of what some people would describe as “supernatural” experiences, communications, contacts and connections. Beyond time and space. He began to go into trances, and unfamiliar breathing patterns and having visions of sacred geometry. 

He was guided to see a number of well respected mediums and channelers to find out what was happening to him. They all independently corroborated that he had made a powerful connection to a future incarnation of his own soul and that Lorcan is a channeler and a medium, somebody who has the ability to communicate and connect with beings or energies from different time-frames, different levels of reality and different frequencies. These include what are known as spirit-guides, angels, higher-self consciousness, those that have crossed over to the spirit side and also beings from other star systems, dimensions and civilizations.

Lorcan’s mission is to bring forth the spirit of unity consciousness, and remind beings of their own infinite nature and  shatter the illusion of limitation and separation.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Music, News, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Los Angeles-based songwriter, New Age Pop artist and community organizer
Guest Biography:


BEN CARON is a Los Angeles-based songwriter, New Age Pop artist and community organizer, who over the past five years has performed at LA’s favorite venues and whose international following enthusiastically helped him to record his debut and sophomore albums completely community-funded
(by over 500 donors.)
An Iowa native, Ben attributes his eclectic musical style to his diverse life experiences, blending elements of pop, New Age, soul, folk and gospel. Having grown up listening to all genres of music, and being greatly inspired by iconic pop, country and folk storytellers such as James Taylor, Elton John and Garth Brooks, Ben learned popular songwriting through aural osmosis. Then at the age of 15 he picked up a guitar and taught himself to play by writing original music based on his life experiences. Needing to expand his horizons, at 18 years old Ben left Iowa to train classically in voice and acting at CSU, Los Angeles where he learned not only the essentials of good vocal technique, but also the crucial necessity for authentic connection and true inspiration in performance.
Ben began his career as a recording artist shortly after college, releasing his self-titled debut album in 2013. In 2014, he formed the singer-songwriter’s collective “The Sovereign Sons & Daughters” with whom he toured for 3 months, and in the Summer of 2014, Ben embarked on a crowd-funded solo tour of the UK. His recent acoustic EP, “CLIMB” debuted in January 2015 and for the rest of 2015 Ben lead THE JOY MACHINE, a collective of local instrumentalists and vocalists whose mission was to spread joy, love and connection through the power of live music. In 2016, with the help of The Joy Machine, Ben recorded and released the community-funded “King Benjamin’s Royal Heart,” a New Age-Pop concept album whose positive messaging has inspired countless listeners. Ben currently performs both as a singer-songwriter and as a workshop leader, collaborating with yoginis, sound healers and flow artists to generate holistic wellness.
Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Doctor and Professor of Psychology and Spirituality as well as an ordained minister, consultant, trainer, retreat director, Deputy Sheriff and Author
Guest Biography:


My passion is to see you make amazing changes in your life. With a background in personal and organizational transformation, I will support you in your quest for achievement.

I have a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology and graduate degrees in Theology and Spirituality. I am the author of three books on personal transformation and am fortunate to be an in-demand speaker and retreat leader.

Having been a Professor of Psychology and Spirituality as well as an ordained minister, I can relate to your desires to make positive and powerful change.

My background is not merely an academic one…I have real life experience and understand your life’s challenges. I was a Deputy with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and retired from the Chino Police Department as a Sergeant; having worked in the patrol division, crime scene investigations, detectives and community relations.

I have been a consultant, trainer, retreat director and counselor in faith based settings, and served as a Priest in Episcopal congregations in California and Washington. In other words, I have seen people at their best and their worst and I understand what makes people “tick.” What I love about my work is that I am able to meet real people right where they are and use my 30 years of experience and education to make a difference.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Radio Host/Political Analyst
Guest Biography:

James Corbett has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. Since then he has written, recorded and edited thousands of hours of audio and video media for the website, including a podcast and several regular online video series. He produces video reports for GRTV, and is the lead editorial writer for The International Forecaster, the weekly e-newsletter created by the late Bob Chapman.

His work has been carried online by a wide variety of websites and his videos have garnered over 40,000,000 views on YouTube alone. His satirical piece on the discrepancies in the official account of September 11th, “9/11: A Conspiracy Theory” was posted to the web on September 11, 2011 and has so far been viewed nearly 3 million times.

For more information about Corbett and his background, please listen to Episode 163 of The Corbett Report podcast, Meet James Corbett:

Episode 163 – Meet James Corbett

The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.

The Corbett Report is edited, webmastered, written, produced and hosted by James Corbett.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture