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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: RN, Owner of Pure Force Fitness Sports Training
Guest Biography:

Dan Cirino is a Registered Nurse, Owner of Pure Force Fitness featuring the innovative Rock Steady Boxing program for Parkinson’s, Coach, Level 1 CrossFit Trainer, USAW Sports Performance Coach and CPR/AED Certified.  He founded Force Sports Training in 2007 to help youth athletes learn proper weightlifting, nutrition, agility, and stretching methods. Pure Force Fitness was added in May of 2016 to serve the members of the community who were interested in a deeper level of fitness training. He also provided fitness training and testing for unit personnel as a member of the US Army 12th Special Forces Group Airborne.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Founder/CEO of JAL Fitness Consulting
Guest Biography:

Tracy Schy is a boutique fitness studio owner and consultant of JAL Fitness Consulting , whose main focus is on assisting fitness business owners in the building, growth and maturity of their new or existing studio. Not only does Tracy have 10 + years knowledge and experience in the fitness world. She also has built and owned her own successful studio, and is a former master instructor for Flywheel Sports Chicago. Well versed in designing unique fitness programs, recruiting and training new talent, social media marketing and sales, studio floor operations and helping to build a brands community. She is skilled in the ability to be proactive and solution focused, and has outstanding customer service.

JAL Fitness Consulting offers support in the areas of: brand identification, class formatting, instructor training, niche marketing and sales approach. With over 10+ years experience in the fitness industry, including building her own successful boutique fitness studio. Tracy have the knowledge and expertise to help make any fitness business a success.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Spike Edwards - ️Profitability & Safety Consultant
Guest Biography:

Spike Edwards is a Best-Selling Author, TEDx Speaker, and host of “Spike's Bulletproof Your Business” podcast.  Internationally acclaimed Safety Culture Expert and Business Maverick, Spike Edwards, shows businesses how to regularly create profits, increase productivity and save lives. After serving in the military Spike Edwards spent 21 years to focus on one challenge: Cracking the Safety Code. The turning point for Spike Edwards was working with a large American company where he was brought in to a scene from the movie Deep Water Horizon, to head the project, design and roll out a safety campaign and 18 months later it was a hugely successful campaign. Today, Spike helps to grow leaders in businesses around the globe.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, News, Psychology, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Professor of American Comparative Religion
Guest Biography:

Brian C. Wilson, Ph.D

Brian C. Wilson, author of the new book, John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age, is a professor of American religious history in the Department of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan University (WMU). He holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

After writing an award-winning book on cereal inventor and the leading Seventh-day Adventist of his time, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, the Fetzer Institute invited Wilson to write a full-length spiritual biography of its founder, John E. Fetzer. The Kalamazoo-based Fetzer was a radio pioneer, media mogul, and long-time owner of the Detroit Tigers baseball team. But what most people didn’t know was that John E. Fetzer was quietly behind-the-scenes a significant figure in the consciousness movement and a spiritual seeker of the first order. For more than 60 years, he sought ways to open the doors of higher consciousness, spiritual empowerment, paranormal insights and energy medicine to humanity through spiritual study, science and the influence of the wealth at his disposal.

In John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age, Wilson not only explores the evolution of Fetzer’s beliefs, but how he put them into action by permanently endowing three funds that will foster research into the scientific/spiritual interface for years to come, and help cultivate a more peaceful, loving and inclusive world founded on the principle that we are all connected through one infinite force.


  • John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age by Brian C. Wilson, Ph.D.
  • Available at major book stores and online

John Fetzer and His Legacy

  • The Fetzer Memorial Trust


  • Be inspired as you learn about the interconnection between Science, Spirituality and John’s Fetzer’s journey

Social Media

For John E. Fetzer

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Quantum Shamanic Healer, Matrix Energetics, Owner URTHealer
Guest Biography:

Joseph Tajalle is affectionately known as Chief Joseph.  His journey in this incarnation brought him from his birthplace of Okinawa, Japan - where he interacted with small galactic beings he called "the brownies" - to living in the United States.  Born of an Okinawan mother and a Cherokee father, it wasn't until Joseph was 17 years old that he found out the father he knew as his Dad - who was Guamanian - wasn't his biological father. His initiation journey at finding his biological father (who his mother told him was dead) is a story of Divine Synchronicity.

Joseph's passion for natural health started when, overcome with psoriasis and eczema on 98% of his body, he gave up on the pharmaceutically driven US medical system and their toxic chemicals and started researching the root cause of his ailment.  The long and winding road of Chiron, the wounded healer, brought him to an understanding that it was toxins in his body that was causing his immune system to be on overdrive - not his immune system attacking his body.  And with that knowledge he cleared himself of the psoriasis and eczema that was so bad at times he'd have to wrap his cracked and bloodied hands and feet in bandages.  His investigative journey also introduced him to an Arapaho-Iriquois Medicine Man who was also an Ortho-Molecular Biologist.  

From that introduction Joseph developed his proprietary chelation product called SuperShotz* and the topical StopItch* under his business URTHealer - for YOU are the Healer.  For people called to heal their body naturally, this chelation process (which includes the product, cleanses and awareness of the toxins in your life) provides a pathway out of many conditions if one is willing to do the work. 

In addition to Joseph's passion for natural health, he is also an experiencer, Sun Dancer, energetic healer and avid student of the downfall of the Archon Network.

*Anecdotal evidence only:  StopItch/SuperShotz are natural supplements which are required to carry the following labeling:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your Health Care Practitioner before starting this or any other program.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Nutrition, Medicine, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Shamanism, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author Speaker Certified Sound Healer
Guest Biography:
"I find it endlessly fascinating how what we perceive as a failure turns out to have a purpose beyond our imagination. My journey with music started innocently enough with receiving a guitar under the Christmas tree when I was 16. Fortunately there was a teacher close by who taught guitar who sparked an interest in classical guitar within my heart. My guitar was put on the back burner as I left home for university and teaching public school in a tiny town in Northern Ontario. That's when the challenge started..."
Sharon Carne has felt the love of music for most of her life. After falling in love with the Classical guitar in her teens and having earned her Bachelor of Music, and Master of Fine Arts degrees, Sharon joined the faculty of the Conservatory at Mount Royal University in 1988.
Sharon is the author of “Listen From the Inside Out”, has produced 8 CDs including “Transmutation, Shed the Negative”, “Woodland Song”, and “Blissful Chimes”, and a series of DVDs.
Sharon is regularly invited to speak for corporate and private events – many of them based within the medical community. Such as the Integrative Health Institute at Mount Royal University, Canadian Blood Services, Canadian Mental Health Commission, the Alberta Health Region conference on Chronic Disease Management, the Manitoba Health Region, the National Health Work and Wellness conference in Quebec, numerous staff and teacher conferences, countless radio shows, and many corporate and private events.
Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Guitarist
Guest Biography:


“My mom had a profound effect on me, teaching me about art, introducing me to many artists, taking me to galleries and analyzing paintings. When she developed dementia, she reached a point where we couldn’t talk anymore, so I would go and play guitar for her and kiss her forehead. She liked that—still does. She played these songs for me when I was young, and now I do it for her.”

—Eric Garcia

Eric started his engineering life as a programmer for the Record Business helping artists sing in tune and play in time. Twenty years ago he gravitated to post production first as an Avid editor and then back into audio as a mixer, sound designer and composer. Eric opened 48 Windows in the early 90’s as a single room facility in Hollywood. Starting in the analog world, he saw the future of digital recording when it first began, and plunged in headfirst and has never looked back. In addition to his sound design, producing and mix talents, Eric is an accomplished guitar player (with jazz and blues tendencies) who’s begun to explore the world of bluegrass and spends most of his spare time leading club jams.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Volunteer working with Indigenous People, and Founder of the Tribal Trust Foundation
Guest Biography:


Barbara Savage’s career now capitalizes on the relationships, experience, and compassion for humanity that has colored her 20 years of volunteer work among indigenous people.

On a visit to Chitwan, Nepal, she was outraged to see how indigenous people were displaced and disenfranchised.  This experience fueled her desire to make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable populations.  Since then she has witnessed the struggle for survival of indigenous people throughout the world.

In 1996 she founded the Tribal Trust Foundation (TTF) with the mission of sharing indigenous wisdom and culture in support of Mother Earth and global healing. As President and CEO, she has dedicated her time, energy, expertise, and resources to further this mission. In spite of being threatened many times and putting her life on the line, her passion for the cause is still as strong as ever.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, News, Philosophy, Psychology, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Artists and Musicians
Guest Biography:


Lisa Salloux was born into an entire family who plays music. She was brought up on classical, blues and bluegrass while playing piano, mandolin, guitar and bass. She’s been writing and performing original tunes since she was a teenager and currently is engaged in a couple of projects in Los Angeles, an all female string band called Sugar In The Gourd, and Killing Cassanova, a ‘swampytonk’ band that Doug is also a member. “Playing bluegrass music is absolutely re-juvenating and re-kindles a spirit that loves to dance on the land.”

Doug Funkhouser is a singer song writer and has played bluegrass banjo and guitar for over forty years. He is currently a member of The Henry Ridge Ramblers and Killing Cassanova. He has developed his own style of progressive and three finger banjo playing based on the work of Earl Scruggs. “You can’t help responding to the honesty of bluegrass, it’s a music that finds its way deep into your soul.”

Doug Funkhouser and Lisa Salloux as Heads of Industry in Textiles

Douglas Funkhouser

CEO, Founder, Artist

He comes to the printed fabric world naturally. From the scenic arts to the decorative arts, his disciplines have informed him to create this fine handcrafted line. The evolution of the line is a reflection of the master finishes and custom murals that grace his portfolio.

Douglas has since developed le gracieux, his own line of hand-crafted hemp textiles. He borrowed the term from an essay by French author Montesquieu, in which he discusses the many degrees of pleasure contained within the arts. le gracieux (the gracious) was listed among them, meaning “that which is refined and beautiful.” Douglas says, “It’s important for my textiles to possess an ageless sense of beauty and a hand softened by time.”

Lisa Salloux

CFO, Director Marketing and Design

With a background in architectural design, Lisa comes to le gracieux to facilitate the exposure of Doug’s artistic intention behind the line. Formally educated at Laguna Beach School of Arts, her extensive travel pursuits and appreciation of invention make for a finely tuned partnership with le gracieux.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Wellness Travel Teacher and Guide
Guest Biography:


Evan grew up as the quintessential California kid, living in Valley Center and traveling to the beach at any opportunity he was able, in order to surf and immerse himself in the ocean.  Throughout his childhood, he developed a deep appreciation for the beauty of the natural world and thrived in all aspects of outdoor life. At a very young age, his family discovered that he possessed a highly developed artistic aptitude for creativity. He began expressing it through various forms of media. Painting with vibrant color combinations became his primary vehicle of creative expression. He was encouraged to pursue this talent by attending various schools of art throughout his early education.

As Evan grew, he found himself continually inspired by beauty, creativity, nature, humanity, all of which intrigued his gypsy-like soul. In his 20s, his wanderlust lured him on many journeys and adventures which shaped the man he is today.  While on the road, he developed a new passion as a culinary luminary, which would define his next evolution. Evan discovered that creating food was very similar to creating art, and began to use cuisine as his artistic palette. He honed his skills by studying with, and observing master chefs in action. Evan soon learned how to create unique delectable, healthful, and beautifully intricate dishes, influenced by global cuisine. But one of the most important culinary techniques he developed is something he labels as “epigenetic fusion.” Very similar to Dr. Masura Emoto’s studies of changing the structure of water molecules by nurturing them with positive speech, Evan infuses his culinary creations with his love and positive energy, which in turn is consumed by his guests, ultimately changing their personal inner energetic vibrations. Not only did Evan work as a chef in traditional kitchens, but he also organized underground supper clubs, such as Black Label Table. This format gave him more freedom to create unique dining endeavors, venturing outside the box of the traditional restaurant experience.

Eventually, his travels brought him full circle, back to his roots in Valley Center, where he easily settled into his new role as Executive Chef and Creative Director of Keys Creek Lavender Farm. Not only did he take on the responsibility of nourishing the guests with his excellent cuisine, but he was also in charge of designing and constructing the magical environment experienced by the guests on the Farm. Keys Creek is a rural destination for retreat events, such as yoga and spiritual journeys, so the energy of the space is a very important aspect of the venue. Similar to his cuisine, Evan was able to utilize his artistic creativity and construction skills to infuse the entire space with magic and positive vibes, from the meditative Crystal Labyrinth to the blissful lighting and whimsical chandeliers in the trees. Every guest comes away from the Lavender Farm with a deep sense of well-being and inspiration.

The newest portion of Evan’s evolvement began with a cup of tea, and an inspirational quote advising him to “be the light and spread the light.”  This encounter planted the seed for the concept of “lighthouse.” Through a series of serendipitous connections with like-minded individuals and collaboration with inspirational groups, such as Evo Room, the ideology of “lighthouse” began to materialize. Lighthouse organizes wellness retreat experiences at amazing unique venues that offer not only relaxation, nutrition, and self-care, but the opportunity for deep inner work, participation in playful and inspiring team building activities to connect like-minded individuals and build stronger communication skills. The ultimate culmination of these experiences is to offer inspiration and opportunities to activate the “flow state” and take these lessons from the retreat experience and into the homes and communities of the guests, making an impactful difference in the world. The next step of this journey is to continue to develop and manifest the inspiration of this project and share the light of creativity and intentional living on a global scale.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Intuitive
Guest Biography:


I’m Mark Mezadourian, an intuitive specializing in connecting with the angels and guides. My work encompasses the core of all spiritual traditions – peace and love – and helps people realize their dreams and live a fulfilling life. The goal of the work is to access spirituality from a heart-centered yet practical perspective, and put it into action. Sessions and workshops focus on allowing our connection with angels and guides to be fluid and familiar through technique. Through this, we can create the conditions to live as our authentic and unique selves while we grow, excel and share our gifts with the world.

My work with guides and angels began slowly. At first, I would receive guidance mainly through numbers. That evolved into trusting what I received through claircognizance (knowing) and clairsentience (feeling). I attended workshops, read many books, talked with folks on the spiritual path and gradually began listening to the guidance I was receiving. In October, 2003, I attended Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner ®  Course and have been giving readings to others ever since.

I was born in Pomona, California on November 30, 1967 and grew up mostly in Palo Alto. Professionally, I have spent my life in the theatre, acting, directing and most recently playwrighting. In January, 1998, my spiritual life began in earnest. Multiple events (my beloved Grandmother’s death, the end of a relationship and my home being violated) piled up, leading to an anxiety attack. That event made it very clear to me that how I lived my life was no longer serving me. My sister, Rachel, introduced me to Doreen Virtue’s work. My family has always been, consciously or not, intuitive and tuned into each other.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Children’s singer, songwriter and composer
Guest Biography:


Kymberly Stewart is a dynamic children’s singer/ songwriter and composer, who is on a mission to provide good music for children everywhere. A native of Oakland, CA who currently hails Los Angeles as home, Kymberly is bursting onto the children’s music scene with a passion that is contagious to all who listens to her music. Her debut original children’s EP, Giggles and Curls, which is available on iTunes, Apple Music and all other online music retailers, is a testament to her versatile talent. Upbeat and interactive, her songs promote positivity and early childhood learning over a soundboard of jazz, gospel and soulful pop sounds. One of the songs on her CD, “I Am a Robot,” is a Hip Hop favorite amongst preschoolers, and the video has reached 20k views on YouTube. This number continues to climb as Kymberly showcases her eclectic skills through developmentally appropriate performances at farmers markets, outdoor festivals, libraries, and family friendly events.

In addition to singing children’s music, Kymberly has performed with Angel City Chorale, a professional choir that encompasses the spirit of community, diversity, and commitment to music in Los Angeles. She had the honor and pleasure of appearing with Angel City Chorale on America’s Got Talent. She has also performed in numerous stage productions in the greater Los Angeles area, her most recent performance being in the Los Angeles premier of the musical Dessa Rose, which was recently nominated for Musical of the Year award by Stage Raw.

Kymberly considers it her responsibility to commit to creating and sharing quality music that children can enjoy, appreciate, and learn from as well. Childhood is a magical journey, and Kymberly intends to see to it that every child has good music to listen to along the way.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Lead investigator and Demonology Expert
Guest Biography:

Bill is a leading author and has been in the paranormal field for over 12 years now. He has achieved completion in the training of Demonology. He is the founder and lead investigator of Hopkins County Paranormal of Kentucky. The groups main focus is in helping individuals with paranormal events and experiences they can not explain.

Guest Category: Paranormal
Guest Occupation: Interventional Cardiologist, CEO CLn Therapeutic Skin Cleansers
Guest Biography:

Dr. Azam Anwar has over 25 years of clinical and high-level research and innovation expertise; from successfully developing medical devices, to founding the Interventional Cardiology Fellowship at Baylor University Medical Center, to spearheading formation of a world-renowned heart hospital, to multiple company formations and board memberships. He collaborated with dermatologists and chemists to invent a line of sodium hypochlorite cleansers, noting that there was a large void in the market for highly effective, easy-to-use therapeutic cleansers. What came out of Dr. Anwar's innovative collaboration was the development of the CLn® Skin Care line of products.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, News, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Miami Heat Pro Basketball Player, Speaker & Motivator
Guest Biography:

Jarnell Stokes (born January 7, 1994) is an American professional basketball  player for the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball at the University of Tennessee. He was one of the top rated high school players in the class of 2012. He was selected in with the 35th overall pick in the 2014 NBA draft by the Utah Jazz, and later traded to the Memphis Grizzlies.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: internationally acclaimed psychic, medium, healer, dowser, ordained minister
Guest Biography:

Dean McMurray—“The Military Medium”— is an internationally acclaimed psychic, medium, healer, dowser and ordained minister. His story, so powerful and so authentic, is unlike any other psychic medium out there, and it’s why people from all across the globe are drawn to him for readings and personal guidance. So what’s his story… why is he the psychic so many trust?

Spending most of his childhood in northern Minnesota, Dean developed a deep love for nature and his country. That love of country inspired him to enlist and serve 24 years in the United States armed forces. Dean’s service brought him overseas on several occasions, the last of which awakened his psychic abilities and set him on a new path in life… a new mission with new marching orders.

After returning from his last overseas tour, Dean’s deceased grandmother paid him a visit. She had a message for him: you are a medium, Dean, and it’s time to get to work. There were no words. No sound. But the message was as clear as any he’d ever heard. It came straight from his grandmother’s immortal heart to his own.

With this new directive, Dean retired from the Army and enlisted in a new service—he devoted his life to developing these newfound psychic abilities in service to others. Today, Dean conducts readings for clients throughout the world, teaches mediumship classes, presents at regional symposiums, conferences and workshops, and he is currently working on his first book.

Described as “spooky accurate,” Dean has helped hundreds of clients connect with their loved ones and receive messages of hope, love, peace, healing and inspiration.

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Paranormal, Ghosts, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker
Guest Biography:

I (Judy Carroll/Lorkiah) and many others, have come to Earth on a guided mission to help humans become galactic citizens. For this reason, we are assisting them to raise and expand their conscious awareness to a higher vibrational frequency, for the good of all.  As part of this mission I am helping to prepare the way for people on Earth to understand that there are many human cultures throughout the universe who all share the same God/Source Consciousness.  

Through my books, I am relaying the vast amount of information, teaching and messages passed on to me by off-planet teachers and star family.  

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, Paranormal
Guest Occupation: Associate Professor of History at UW-Parkside
Guest Biography:

I feel very fortunate to make my professional home in the same region where I grew up. I have been at the University of Wisconsin at Parkside since 2003, and I am regularly amazed by the dedication and determination of our students, who often manage challenging work and family responsibilities. I teach courses on 20th century U.S. history, African American history, race & ethnicity in American history, poverty in U.S., Wisconsin history, and several others. I am currently working on a book about the unique role of activist and humorist Dick Gregory in the social movements of the 1960s and beyond. I have three children, and my wife is also an educator. When I have spare time like to run and collect/repair old stereo equipment.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: International Intuitive Energy Healer, Business Coach, Author, Spiritual Teacher
Guest Biography:

Michael Bradford is an International Intuitive Energy Healer, Business Coach, Author and Spiritual Teacher, with extensive expertise in the areas of Health, Healing, Personal Excellence, Spiritual Growth, Entrepreneurship and Success. He has a Masters Degree in International Management and advanced training in Intuition, NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki, Energy Medicine, Reading Energy Patterns and many other specialties. During his travels, he shared healing experiences with Native American Medicine People, Canadian Medicine People, an Eskimo Healer, Peruvian Shamans, the Psychic Surgeons from the Philippines, the Maoris and many hundreds of therapists, healers, psychics, shamans and medical professionals. He also assisted the patients of Chiropractors, Holistic Medical Doctors, Psychiatrists and Therapists. Using his unique cutting-edge multidimensional approach, Michael has helped more than 30,000 clients in over 50 countries to break free of their limitations, balance Karma and become more successful. This helps his clients to gain greater access to their intuition, speed up their healing process, accelerate their spiritual growth, gain clarity, improve relationships, attract greater success and increase finances. Michael offers private sessions and in-depth workshops on Personal Breakthrough, Financial Success and Intuition Training.

Michael Bradford MA (International Management)

Intuitive Healing, Guidance, Insights, Answers, Solutions, Results!

Energy Medicine Specialist, Business Coach, Consultant, Mentor

Building Deep Meaningful Heartfelt Spiritual Connections

FaceBook: "michaelbradfordglobal"
YouTube: "Michael Bradford Intuition"
Guest Category: Business, Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: MD, Author Cardiologist
Guest Biography:

For more than 30 years, Dean Ornish, M.D.and his colleagues at the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute (PMRI) in collaboration with the University of California, San Francisco and other leading academic institutions, have conducted a series of research studies showing that changes in diet and lifestyle can make a powerful difference in our health and well-being, how quickly these changes may occur, and how dynamic these mechanisms can be. He is the author of Reversing Heart Disease and six other books regarding health. His new book, UnDoIt, will be released in Jan 2019..