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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Canadian Author, Editor and Speaker
Guest Biography:

If you’re ready to have a portion of your manuscript professionally edited so you can “test drive” the editing relationship and get some honest but compassionate feedback on your writing, then this Editing Package is just the thing for you!

Created specifically for members of Debbi Dachinger’s community, it leverages Susan Crossman’s decades of professional editing and writing experience and the thousands of hours she’s spent training in the areas of linguistics, reader engagement, and personal transformation. The result will be a professionally edited sample of your manuscript that will move your book forward in significant and resonant ways. 5,000 words for $497 USD.


Visible Visionaries Book Coaching (we meet on Zoom 2x/Month & You Will Write Your Book!):

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Games & Hobbies, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology, Variety
Guest Occupation: Kinesiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Tai Chi and Qigong Instructor
Guest Biography:

Gabriel works with health professionals who are in pain and feeling overwhelmed to heal over-giving and find ease and balance physically, mentally and spiritually. We do this by moving through stress and trauma stored in the body and cultivating functional patterns. His mission is to bring people together, on the inside and on the outside, to help us heal and awaken to our true nature. Gabriel is a coach, kinesiologist and tai chi/qigong instructor in Victoria, BC. In his previous career, Gabriel worked in emergency services in both field and hospital settings.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help
Guest Occupation: air force veteran, Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom!
Guest Biography:

Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom!

Air Force Veteran walking across America against govt overreach

He goes by the name Grey Wolf as that is his trucking business name.

If you are willing to speak to him I am including his email or you can contact me.

He is not getting the media coverage from the MSM so we are getting some from local towns he travels through, but not enough, we need country wide coverage and that is why I am contacting you, I feel you can give him that coverage.

He first started with The Peoples Convoy and when he met with Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson in DC, he ask Ted Cruz what was needed to get things done and he replied, we need people, they need to be involved. So When the TPC broke up, Ron decided to do the walk and meet people along the way. He is very knowledgeable in the constitution, and the ways of the political world, but he is non partisan, he feels that All Americans need to be awakened and see what is going on around them. He informs and tells it it like it is.

He has a youtube, and Rumble live stream and another website for your review.

He is 62 years old and as I said an Air Force Veteran. He is followed by a 1967 Beechwood RV as a support vehicle.

I am one of his Admins who does his logistics and phone calls and also one of his mods on the chats. I have known him since February.

All I can tell you is this in a nut shell, he loves this country and fighting like hell to get it back and out of the hands of destructive people in the white house and congress. He is humble and is saddens him that people are not waking up. So he is doing all he can to change that.

So I hope I have given you enough. I am also attaching a pony express flyer to show what he intends to do with the letters he collects along the way.

Thank you for your time and I will be awaiting your reply


Donna Prue--Admin for Ron Coleman


Meet Singer/Songwriter Steve Spurgeon (“Wake Up in the USA” and “Let’s Save America”) at the Meet and Greet on Saturday, October 8th in Beatrice, NE.

Meet and Greet, Saturday and Sunday (Oct 8-9, Noon to 6pm) in Beatrice, NE with special guest appearance by Steve Spurgeon on Saturday. Location to be announced later today.

Friday, October 7 through Monday, October 10 – the team will be at the Chautauqua Park Campground, 9th Street & Grable Avenue, Beatrice, NE 68310 for 3 nights. If you live in the area, stop by and say hello. We’d love to meet you! Be sure to bring your letters for the Pony Express bag.

For future Nebraska stops, please click here

For future Missouri stops, please click here

Webinar with Dr Pierre Kory (FLCCC) and Grey Wolf from Wednesday, September 28. Watch the replay here:

Watch this space for details as they develop. 

Download, print and share the Grey Wolf Pony Express flyer here.

Words of the day “Government Overreach”!

Our Constitutional Freedoms are being eroded right before our eyes❗️ 

“We The People” are the answer to stopping THEM from taking them away❗️

Let’s show THEM who they really work for❗️

“WE” need to take our country back❗️

Guest Category: Military, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Founder and Executive Director of The Weiss Scholarship Foundation
Guest Biography:

You pitch: Despite lots of money being spent and hard work by many people in the developed world, today more than half of the children in the world get little to no education and, in Africa, this number is about 80%. And, we believe we cannot end poverty until every child in the world gets at least a high school education. So, here at the Weiss Scholarship Foundation we have built an holistic business model that can create a world where every child gets a great education which is how we end poverty.

Already in Kenya we have awarded 141 scholarships. Already we have four university graduates and eight vocational school graduates. We also have one of our students who is at Elmhurst University in Elmhurst, IL. We support children through high school and then on to either University or Vocational School. We do this through our holistic business model that recognizes children need much more than having their school fees paid. This is why we have seven staff people on the ground who are totally engaged in the lives of our children to make sure we are doing everything possible to help our children be successful.

We started in one community in 2012 and now we have scaled our holistic business model to four communities. We have proven the quality of our model and that we can scale it. Additional resources will allow us to scale even more.

We look for donors of all kinds. We send children to four years of boarding high schools for only $3,500 which covers all expenses for all four years. This is $3 per day. So, we welcome all donations from a few dollars to many thousands of dollars. Donors have the opportunity to support a student on their own for all four years of high school with a $3,500 donation.

We ask people to picture a world with no poverty. This is our goal.

Biography: Brett Weiss spent eighteen years as a high school social studies teacher and twenty-five years in software sales. He made a volunteer trip to Kenya in 2009 that dramatically changed his life. He was able to get to know people who are among the poorest in the world and whose children were getting little to no education. Yet, they were incredibly kind and hard-working people who just wanted a chance for their children to have a better life. This led to the creation of the Weiss Scholarship Foundation.

Brett and his wife Chris have two adult children and three grandchildren.

Mobile, business and Res Phone: 1-630-248-5405

State: Illinois

Country: USA

Book: The cover of my book is attached and is called, “Just Give Them A Hug…And The Rest Will Be Easy”

Facebook URL:

Twitter URL:

Guest Category: Education, K-12, Kids & Family, World News
Guest Occupation: Lee Carroll is the original channel for KRYON, having started his writing/channeling career in 1989. Monika Murany is in partnership in Kryon work resulting in the creation of three beautifully illustrated oracle card decks, two Kryon Apps for the smart
Guest Biography:

Today we are speaking with Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi who work together as part of a joint mission to share the messages and teachings of Kryon’s wisdom. Lee’s relationship with Kryon began in 1989 when he experienced a profound loving energy that awakened him to an understanding that God was bigger than anything he was ever told. Since then, Lee has produced fourteen Kryon books, and was the co-author of three Indigo Children books. These Indigo books introduced the world to the term “Indigo Children” in 2000, spawning many follow-up books by various authors, a movie, a documentary, and lots of interest worldwide regarding our changing kids! The Indigo books have sold almost half a million copies world-wide in twenty-three languages. Lee is the original channel for Kryon and his service to humanity as a channel for Kryon has been recognized by the Delphi Metaphysical University who awarded him an honorary doctorate degree of Science, Transpersonal Psychology, & Metaphysics. In addition, Lee Carroll has been listed as one of the “100 most spiritually influential living people” by the prestigious WATKINS “Mind, Body, Spirit” magazine from the UK for over six consecutive years. In 2012 Monika Muranyi began her journey with Lee when she launched her first published book, The Gaia Effect. Monika went on to publish three more subject-driven books from the vast collection of Kryon channels. As a result, she has masterfully helped tie together the complex subject of who we are and why we are here. Throughout her books, Monika has posed dozens of questions to Kryon that provide us with greater understandings and new realizations about our esoteric truths. Their partnership in the Kryon work has resulted in the creation of three beautifully illustrated oracle card decks, two Kryon Apps for the smart phone, and a weekly online gathering of old souls who participate in the Healing Wednesday program. Learn More:,,

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: General Manager of Henhat Orthotics Lab
Guest Biography:

I started in the orthotic industry in 1987 as a Lab technician.

In a short time, I had worked my way up into a management position.

I have 30 plus years of biomechanical knowledge, all taught to me by my mentor, Dr. Michael J. Burns.

In my spare time, when I'm not at work, I like to hunt/fish, go on long walks or maybe go target practicing. I also try to spend as much time as I can with my grandson.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Consultant in EMDR and Co-Coordinator of Fairfield County Trauma Response Team
Guest Biography:

Michael Crouch, LCSW graduated from Columbia University with his MSW in 1991. Before that he spent 15 years in theatre/music. He has a private practice in Stamford, CT and is the co-coordinator of the FCTRT and a Consultant in EMDR. As part of his work with the FCTRT he is embedded with the Norwalk Fire Department. The FCTRT was formed after the Christmas day fire in Stamford, CT and a year later responding to the tragedy of Sandy Hook/Newtown. His understanding of and training in trauma and 1st responders began. Michael did a TEDx talk in 2014 on "Grit" in the 1st Responder Community. 

Guest Category: News, Local News, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development
Guest Occupation: Dave Wissel for Park County Commissioner 2022
Guest Biography:

My Values: Family, Hard Work, Honesty, Community, and Fiscal Responsibility.

Growing Up: I was born and raised in Eads, CO. My parents, Henry “Burrel” and Ruby, were from farming families and longtime residents of the area. I have an older brother, Ken. My father was a barber by trade and operated Burrel’s Barber Shop after serving overseas in World War II. He semi-retired from his shop and worked for the local Draft Board until fully retiring in 1986. My mother worked in the office of the local Eads hospital for over 30 years until 1987. Following retirement, they moved to Fairplay to help my wife, Lillian, and I raise our children.

My father and two of his brothers (one older, one younger) each married one of the three Buck sisters!

My First Job: When I was 12, I began working at the local flower and gift shop owned by my aunt and uncle. Frequently, we worked into the night getting flowers ready for weddings or funerals. This is where I learned the work ethic that I still carry with me today. They later opened Wissel Dry Goods where I worked through high school until leaving for college in 1974.

College: I left for college in the fall of 1974 and attended Southern Colorado State College in Pueblo, and attended one year.  I was a music major with a minor in Business Administration. I loved band.

Love for Music: I am a drummer to the core; playing music is my passion. In fact, I played rock ‘n’ roll with my brother from age 12 through today! He plays bass guitar. Our dad used to drive us to and from gigs around southeastern Colorado when we were starting out. Music was always important in our family. My father loved music – he played trumpet and was a member of our church choir along with my mother. They always sang for Sunday services. I still enjoy singing hymns at church on Sundays.

As a child, I tried to learn piano, but my teacher couldn’t get me to play softly. I wanted to make noise – not just music! In fifth grade, I switched to drums.

Finding My Forever Home: I moved to Fairplay in the summer of 1979 to play rock ‘n’ roll with my brother Ken who was working for CDOT as a “drift buster.” I needed a day job so I applied for a position at the Park County Assessor’s Office doing administrative work. I was promoted to Deputy Assessor after six months and in October 1980, I was appointed as Assessor. I proudly served in that capacity for 38 years.

My grandfather, Aurelias Barr worked on the Sam Hartsel Ranch in the 1920’s – 30’s with his two brothers. That was the beginning of our family heritage in South Park.

Love of my Life: I met my wife, Lillian, in 1980 while we were both working for Park County – I was Deputy Assessor and she was Administrative Assistant to the Board of County Commissioners. We became fast friends and shortly after getting to know her, I knew she was the one. We were married in May 1982. We have three children together: Brandon, Jennifer and Dominic. Lillian has two sons from a previous marriage, Mark and Jeffery. We have a wonderful, large family that has given us grandchildren, great grandchildren and grand-dogs!

My Hobbies: Playing drums! I was a member of the band Revolver from 1979-2012 . We played classic rock ‘n’ roll all over Park County. I get an opportunity to play every now and then, and I still love it! I also enjoy spending time with my family – we are lucky that our children live in Colorado.  

I also serve on the Board of the Upper South Platte Water Conservancy District (USPWCD) and have been involved with that organization since 1985. I wanted to get involved and give back to the county that had given me so much.

My Philosophy: Lillian and I do not know a stranger. We are regular local folks. We have remained here through these years because we love this place, and the people. I am a good listener - I have to be - since I have hearing loss in my left ear. I was swimming and got an ear infection when I was five. It has taught me to be a very attentive listener.

My Favorites:

  • Food - Pork Chops & Rice.

  • Sport - All Colorado based teams, college and professional. Love the Broncos, Nuggets, Rockies, and Avalanche. Go CU Buffs!

  • Dream Vacation Spot - Colorado - there’s no place like it. Anything with water and camping is always awesome.

  • Band - Revolver of course ;) I also love Rush (Neal Perth is my idol as a drummer), Eagles, Doobie Brothers, Eric Clapton, Journey and anything that has that old classic rock feel.


Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: PhD, Ukrainian born Possibility & Financial Coach, Author, Speaker.
Guest Biography:

A few facts about me:

  • I am a wife, a mom, and an avid animal lover and tennis player who also is a:
  • 4x Bestselling Author and Founder of Empower-mE and Master-mE Apps
  • Quantum Freedom™ Technique Founder as used in Empower mE Academy
  • Free mE EFT™ Founder
  • PhD in Metaphysical Studies
  • John Maxwell Leadership Team Founding Partner
  • ThetaHealing Instructor, Master and Certificate of Science
  • NLP and Hypnosis Master Practitioner
  • DISC Certified Human Behavior Consultant
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Neurosurgical Consultant for the Pittsburgh Steelers Football & Medical Director of WWE
Guest Biography:

Joseph C.  Maroonis Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and longtime team neurosurgeon to the Pittsburgh Steelers.

His educational training was at Indiana University, Georgetown, University of Vermont and Oxford University, England.

His research interests have been diverse, including the development of minimally invasive surgical procedures for the brain, orbit and spine, traumatic brain injuries, and diseases related to aging.

He served as president of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, the largest society of neurosurgeons in North America. He co- developed the ImPACT® neurocognitive test for concussion management, now a standard of care for the NFL and all contact sports.

He was a scholastic All-American in football at Indiana University and is also a triathlete. He has competed in over 100 races including 8 Ironman distance finishes, 5 in Kona, Hawaii. On Sept. 28th, 2022, he was first in his age group at the Chicago Triathlon, the largest triathlon in the country.

He was inducted into the Lou Holtz Hall of Fame along with Joe Montana and Kareem Abdul Jabbar for his sports contributions. He is a member of the NFL Head and Spine committee and in 2022 was awarded the NFL Physicians Society Arthur C. Rettig Award for Academic Excellence in Research for advancing the health and safety of players in the NFL.

He was the recipient of the Jerome Bettis Humanitarian of the Year Award. Academically, he has authored more than 300 scientific papers, seven books, and 60 book chapters. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Certified Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer and International Speaker
Guest Biography:

Jill Fischer, Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer and International Speaker

Jill coaches people who are struggling with anxiety, chronic health, weight and sleep issues. They've tried western medicine, alternative therapies, counselling, prescription drugs, yoga... and nothing’s worked and they’re feeling hopeless. That's where Jill comes in. With her fun energizing process, she helps people live healthier, calmer, lighter and happier lives than they’ve ever felt before.

Jill is The Healthy Wealthy Healer: Un-Hypnotizing Humanity... Listen to the end of the show for 2 FREE GIFTS, in addition to the wisdom nuggets shared during the show.

Learn more about Jill here:


Facebook Public Group for MindReset Living a Life You Love :

Facebook Public Group for Positive Inspired Thinking:





Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Financial Representative specializing in first responders
Guest Biography:

Adam is a 20 year professional in the sales industry recently transitioned into finance over the past several years. He has built a practice currently working with over 100 First Responders and Veterans across the country. His conviction is built on his father who is a Vietnam Veteran and his brother who is a Navy Veteran and retired Cold Case NYPD Detective, now Director of First Responders for Forge Health. Adam is a member and sponsor for many local police organizations and hopes to have the opportunity to give some piece of mind to as many First Responders and Veterans as he can.

Guest Category: Investing and Finance, Military
Guest Occupation: Cognitive neuroscientist, author
Guest Biography:


Mona Sobhani, Ph.D., is a cognitive neuroscientist.

A former research scientist at the University of Southern California, she holds a doctorate in neuroscience from the University of Southern California and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Vanderbilt University with the MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project.

She was also a scholar with the Saks Institute for Mental Health Law, Policy, and Ethics and her work has been featured in the New York Times, VOX, and other media outlets. She lives in Los Angeles.

More about Mona Sobhani, Ph.D. at:

More about “Proof of Spiritual Phenomenon:”

Fully indoctrinated into the cult of science, neuroscientist Mona Sobhani, Ph.D., aggressively defended the dogma of scientific beliefs—until a series of life-altering events caused her to reconsider spirituality and psi concepts and launched her into a two-year investigation into the ineffable mysteries of our world.

Sharing the extensive research she discovered on past lives, karma, and the complex interactions of mind and matter, the author details her transformation from diehard materialist to open-minded spiritual seeker. She reveals her conversations about spirituality and anomalous occurrences with scientific colleagues as well as high-level experts and government officials who shared data on extremely sophisticated experiments that provided proof for the existence of psi phenomena. She discovered that psi research has been conducted on a grand scale for more than a century—by hundreds of scientists with hundreds of thousands of participants—and that there exists substantial evidence for the reality of psi. She examines meta-analysis of these experiments, such as that of the Ganzfield tests, which showed odds against chance of 12 billion to 1—throwing our current scientific materialist paradigm into question.

Providing a deep dive into the literature of psychology, quantum physics, neuroscience, philosophy, and esoteric texts, Sobhani also explores the relationship between psi phenomena, the transcendence of space and time, and spirituality. Culminating with the author’s serious reckoning with one of the foundational principles of neuroscience—scientific materialism—this illuminating book shows that the mysteries of human experience go far beyond what the present scientific paradigm can comprehend.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Songstress, recording artist, and vocal improvisationalist
Guest Biography:


Erin Pillman is a Los Angeles based songstress, recording artist, and vocal improvisationalist.

She has released two music projects, “It is Given” (2020) and “Beloved” (2013).

Erin creates music that inspires the heart, ignites the spirit, and nourishes the soul.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Bandleader, actor and multi-instrumentalist
Guest Biography:


Bandleader, actor and multi-instrumentalist Richárd Bernard is seen frequently in whimsical commercials playing Contra Bass Balalaika, Bouzouki, Sitar, Concertina or other exotic instruments.

He is known for his work on films Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Iron Man, Oscar-winner The Artist, Love Affair, TV shows The Golden Girls, Gilmore Girls, Monk and many more.

When not leading his Klezmer-fusion band The OY!Stars, he has performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and been seen by millions as the Orchestra Conductor in United Airlines commercials.

Born in Brooklyn, NY, Richárd began playing music professionally in rural Georgia at age 13, his first gig being backing up strippers in the district now represented by Marjorie Taylor Greene. By 15 he was on the road playing lead Guitar for Jerry Lee Lewis and other Sun Records Rockabilly pioneers.  At age 20 after earning a BFA in Theatre from University of Georgia, he moved to Atlanta where he wrote and performed songs for theatre and bands, including a “Black consciousness raising theater” of which he was a founding member along with Samuel L. Jackson (Richárd generally acting the villainous white roles).

Performing in shows by Sid & Marty Krofft led to relocating to Los Angeles where he was a regular on NBC’s Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters for two seasons while simultaneously leading his trio in downtown L.A.’s Bonaventure Hotel. Session work for films and major artists followed, as did performing in concert with Blue Man Group, Marvin Hamlisch, Theodore Bikel and many others. Along the way, Richárd has written hundreds of songs, authored TV animation scripts for Hanna Barbara and Filmation, brought the creations of Jim Henson to life in major films, and played Mandolin, Tenor Banjo and Classical Guitar for Geffen Playhouse’s Klezmer Musical production Schlemiel the First.

His several international, Rock, and Folk music bands are regularly seen performing around Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Richárd gives seminars in Ethnomusicology for students at California State University and University of Southern California, and is active in performing for Holocaust survivor groups.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, public speaker, and endurance athlete
Guest Biography:


David is an author, public speaker, and endurance athlete whose mission is to form more meaningful human connections through storytelling. His first book, Winning in the Middle of the Pack, discussed how to get more out of ourselves than ever imagined. With Cycle of Lives, David shares stories of people overcoming trauma and delves deeply into their emotional journeys with cancer.

He continues to do Ironman triathlons and recently completed a solo 4,700-mile bike ride.

More about Cycle of Lives

Raising funds and awareness for cancer research and care while sharing stories of emotion and inspiration.


• 15 REAL STORIES OF TRIALS AND TRIUMPH WITH VICTORY AND DEFEAT: Many books only share one perspective; however, David’s book provides cancer stories told from 15 different perspectives, allowing readers to examine a wide range of experiences, events, emotions, backgrounds, and viewpoints. This array of human experiences will help readers to grow in empathy and better understand how issues like suicide, abandonment, loss, survivor guilt, abuse, fertility, and more, affect the way people deal with the traumas that shape their lives, cancer, or otherwise.

• LIFE WISDOM WITHIN EACH PAGE: Readers of Cycle of Lives will be better equipped to deal with trauma, be there for the people around them, and feel more supported in starting hard conversations.

100% of the net proceeds from the book are donated to the cancer-focused charities as chosen by the book participants

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Kids & Family, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Oral and written language specialist, lecturer, speech-language pathologist, teacher, consultant, author
Guest Biography:


Rebecca Givens Rolland is an oral and written language specialist in the Neurology Department of Children’s Hospital Boston and a lecturer at Harvard University. As a nationally certified speech-language pathologist, she has worked clinically with populations ranging from early childhood through high school and provided teacher professional development.

As faculty and Module Director at Harvard Medical School, she lectures on topics of communication, mental focus, and creativity. She frequently consults with organizations working to design powerful learning experiences for kids and adults, including the World Bank.

She has an Ed.D. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, an M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology from the MGH Institute of Health Professions, an M.A. in English from Boston University, and a B.A. in English from Yale. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts with her husband and two children. 

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Psychology, Personal Development, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Songwriter, story teller, singer
Guest Biography:


Genre:  Alternative Folk Pop – A story teller with catchy hooks.  From haunting ballads to driving rock with the occasional county pop thrown in the mix.


It was New Year’s Eve in Noosa Bay, Australia.   At midnight, looking up at the Southern Cross, Bryn didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life.  However, she did know that she did NOT want to grow old and look back with regret that she let fear or insecurity keep her down. 

Bryn also knew that, in order to be really good at something, you need to have passion for it.  The only thing that really moved her was music.  This presented a problem – she didn’t really know how to sing.  Music struck deep emotion in her and she wanted to explore why

Bryn decided to start believing she could sing-figuring by the time she got a chance, she would learn.  That chance came sooner than expected after returning home to Southern California.  She asked to sing a song with a band at a party – that started her journey.

Bryn began to write songs and teach herself to play the guitar at night because she had a day job.  She started playing with a small band at coffee houses and small venues.  After a while, Bryn broke out on her own and played all over Hollywood in places like the famous Rainbow Room, Pig n Whistle, Coconut Teazers, Club Lingerie and all over Orange County, CA.

Bryn focused mainly on songwriting.  Even though she had wonderful fans and performed often, she never felt truly comfortable on stage or with her singing voice.  She finally started doing some serious work on her voice a couple of years ago and Covid gave her extra time to focus.

Because there are people who believe in her songs and because she now truly believes in herself, She has turned a page in her musical journey. 

“I want to look back on my life without regret – I want to help people with my music – I am looking forward to the future and this new phase of my journey.”

Bryn Ryan-VanDyke

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Hockey Player, Whistleblower, Author, Researcher
Guest Biography:

With one record-smashing night in his exploding hockey career, Boyd Anderson went from 'the best line in junior hockey' to an international playoff team of champions from Zug, Switzerland. After creating a huge sale to Saudi Arabia, Boyd moves from Toronto to Budapest to Dubai and unknowingly finds himself at the 'Top of the Food Chain'. It is in Dubai, 2007 where he meets Thomas who introduces him into a world of deception and unimaginable Power Wielding Elite, hyper-competitive dealmakers and hungry profiteers, who trade entire lives just as easily as they swapped arena tickets and team contracts, behind the scenes of business, governments and politicians you've heard of.  But when CNN announced, “Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has disappeared” on a March morning in 2014, Boyd immediately blurted out, “I know who did this.” Horrified, he became an investigator, using his highly toned instincts and perception, along with his memory. Backed up with facts, he saw all the pieces coming together, realizing that hundreds of lives lost were just 'collateral damage' for a 55,500 Ton gold heist. Even worse, using ancient numerology and researching the main players introduced to him from a nearly forgotten contact who had described a plan for just how Bitcoin, political turmoil in Europe and the Middle East, and even the world's economy would play out -- drastically changing the world as we know it, in just a few years. After spending 3 years investigating and researching, Boyd discovered 3 abandoned Boeing Jumbo 747's left on the tarmac at Kuala Lumpur airport, he finally figured things out. Unable to escape the feeling that all the signs were in place for a scandal that's bigger than Watergate, now everyone needs to know the truth regarding the origin of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero & ETC Classic, the Blockchain, Kraken, Brexit, ISIS, Interest Rate Hikes -- and the biggest gold heist-assassination in the history of the world!

Guest Category: Literature, Entertainment, History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Virtual training, Talent development leader, speaker & author.
Guest Biography:

Diana L. Howles, MA is an award-winning speaker, global virtual facilitator, and master trainer who brings 25 years of experience in the talent development field. A virtual training expert, she has designed and facilitated live online and blended learning programs for organizations since 2000 in more than a dozen countries. As a professional speaker, she has addressed hundreds of audiences, and has trained Fortune 100 and 500 companies, government agencies, and academic institutions on a variety of professional business skills. Currently, she is CEO and co-owner of Howles Associates. Her learning and development articles have appeared in publications such as TD, Learning Solutions, Training, and, and she is author of the book, Next Level Virtual Training (2022). Diana earned her master’s degree from Colorado State University and is a frequent presenter at in-person and virtual international and national conferences.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Variety