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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: UFO Contactee, Photographer, Conscious Channel, Clairvoyant, Medium, Mystic Artist, Soul Traveler, Animal Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

Marc is a conscious channel for finer Dimensional Ascended Master Extraterrestrials and rare contactee who is able to often call in Extraterrestrial craft to be photographed to bare witness to his ongoing contact. He can be seen in the award winning film by James Carman, "The Hidden Hand". Marc's presence in the film provides the benevolent aspect of human ET interaction.
A word from Marc...
I'm a conscious channel contactee, UFO photographer and animal artist. I've been in contact as far back as I can remember and have been seeing UFOs with and without witnesses since I was 4 years old. I started taking photos of UFOs in 1976 with film until 1986. I began shooting UFOs again in 2009 with digital cameras. You could say I'm a messenger from a benevolent group of extraterrestrials. They exist on much finer frequencies than ours and are interested in our spiritual as well as physical evolution. They want you to realize the frequency of our planet is changing and so must we. They suggest you Transform Your Thoughts to Transform The World.
They are the signs in the skies.
Conscious Channel - Marc is a conscious channel who can call in the presence of the Ascended Master Exterterrestrials he is in contact with.

Contactee - Has been onboard Extraterrestrial Spacecraft and had multiple encounters with benevolent beings. Major CEIII was documented by SBI, Scientific Bureau of Investigation headed by Pete Mazzola.

UFO Photographer - Is directed to capture photographs of space craft. His early photography and encounters were thoroughly investigated 1979 thru 1981by the SBI, Scientific Bureau of Investigation headed by Pete Mazzola. He started capturing NEW UFO photos in 2009. Magazine article 1988.

Born without the veil - Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Medium, etc. from earliest recollections.

Mystic Artist - Able to see and illustrate beings that exist beyond our dimension, such as Guardian Angels, Higher Selves and/or Oversouls plus higher dimensional Extraterrestrials, and inhabitants of the Elemental Kingdom.

Soul Traveler - Ability to Soul Travel and remember.

Paranormal Abilities - Clear channel, animal intuitive, Elemental Kingdom advocate.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual, Animal & Plant Communications, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Theory Instructor, Recruiting Officer, Unit Secretary Officer, Military Intelligence Offcer, President of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Consultanti
Guest Biography:

Paul H. Smith served for seven years in the government's remote viewing program at Ft. Meade, MD (from September 1983 to August 1990).  During 1984, he became one of only a handful of government personnel to be personally trained as coordinate remote viewers by Ingo Swann at SRI-International.  Paul was the primary author of the government RV program's CRV training manual, and served as theory instructor for new CRV trainee personnel, as well as recruiting officer and unit security officer.  He is credited with over a thousand training and operational remote viewing sessions during his time with the unit at Ft. Meade.

Raised in Boulder City, Nevada, he enlisted in the Army in 1976 for Arabic training, attended Officer Candidate School, and was commissioned as a Military Intelligence officer.  Besides his tour at Ft.  Meade, his military assignments included Arabic linguist, electronic warfare operator, strategic intelligence officer for a special operations unit, Mid-East desk officer, tactical intelligence officer with the 101st Airborne Division during Desert Storm/Shield, strategic intelligence officer in the Collection Directorate of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and chief of the intelligence and security division for the Military District of Washington, from which he retired in 1996.

Paul has a BA from Brigham Young University in Mid-East Languages & Affairs, Art, and English; an MS from the Defense Intelligence College (Mid-East Concentration); and a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, specializing in philosophy of mind. consciousness, philosophy of parapsychology, and philosophy of science.

He or his work as a remote viewer have been featured on television programs such as the Arts & Entertainment Network's "The Unexplained," the History Channel's "History Undercover" series, "Strange Universe," "Inside Edition," "CBS Sunday Morning," the DVD bonus features for the feature film Suspect Zero (2004; Benn Kingsley, Aaron Eckhart, Carrie-Anne Moss), and two documentaries on remote viewing produced for German television.  He has also been a frequent guest on numerous radio programs, including both Art Bell's and George Noory's Coast to Coast AM, the Jeff Rense Program, Whitley Strieber's "Dreamland," and many others. (See linked media on the "Information Overload" page.)

Besides serving as President of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc., a company offering remote viewing training courses to individuals and small groups, he also works as a remote viewer and RV consultant, is a founding director of the International Remote Viewing Association, and currently serves as the organization's President.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Near-Death Expirience Survivor, Church President, Treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent, Physisist, Mechanical Engineer
Guest Biography:

40 some years ago I, Alan Hugenot, while a college student, was killed in a motor cycle accident. But, returned for a second life in the same physical body. Today, the medical community calmly says that I, "survived a Near-Death experience (NDE)", But, in those days (early 1970's), if I talked about being dead, traveling out of body to the other side and coming back. they wanted to immediately commit me to the nut-house. It was not until 1975 and the publication of Dr. Raymond Moody's book Life after Life, and it's integration into the main stream that the medical community finally began to allow NDE survivors to speak more freely about their experience in which they had actually experienced the afterlife, out of body, on the other side of the veil and then returned to a second life in the same physical body.

As a child I was raised in the Christian faith and as an adult I served  my various congregations as a church officer. After my NDE I continued to serve as President, Treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent, Head Elder, etc. Later, when our church pastor became ill with cancer, he appointed me to teach the adult bible classes for several years prior to his death.

In college I trained as a physicist and mechanical engineer and am well grounded in the Newtonian materialist scientific world view which appears to describe our reality here in time and space. But, because of my knowledge gained during the NDE I adhere more strongly to the quantum mechanics view of the conscious universe, which I know personally to be a better model of the universe than is Newtonian materialism.

Consequently, these three differing perspectives, Christian, Physicist and Near-Death Survivor, added to 40 years of avid study since my death, have given me a broad understanding of all sides to questions of consciousness survival after death as well as the leading edge physics which supports this survival. This multiple perspective allows me to provide honest analysis of the evidence for consciousness survival derived from the following emerging sciences:

1.    The Near-Death experience as documented by the International Association  for Near Death Studies (IANDS)

2.     Research on children who remember past lives by Ian Stephenson at the the University of Virginia

3.     Research on Mediumship by the Gary Swartz at the University of Arizona.

4.     Quantum mechanics and dark energy.

Guest Category: Religion, Christianity, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Peace Activists, CODEPINK, International Rights Organization Global Exchange
Guest Biography:

After the great success of the first-ever International Drone Summit hosted by CODEPINK last March, Code Pink was invited by the Foundation for Fundamental Rights, to organize a Peace Delegation to Pakistan September 21-28th. Code Pink will meet with survivors of US drone attacks, lawyers who are representing drone victims and political figures. As citizen diplomats from the United States, the delegation will join with people from the region affected by U.S. drone attacks, and call for an end to the killing.

Code Pink will also ask for permission from the Pakistani government to march to Miramshah, the capitol of Waziristan. Delegates were ready to take the risks involved in traveling to this region. In the event that the government does not give permission, they plan to hold meetings and a peace rally in Islamabad.

MEDEA BENJAMIN is the cofounder of the creative women-led peace group CODEPINK and the international rights organization Global Exchange. A former economist and nutritionist with the United Nations and the World Health Organization,

Medea has authored and edited eight books with her latest being Drone Warfare: Killing By Remote Control. In 2010 she received the Martin Luther King Jr. Award for her peace activism and in June of 2005 she was one of 1,000 exemplary women from 140 countries nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize collectively.

TIGHE BARRY has been as an artistic director and prop man in Hollywood feature films for 20 years, working on films such as Fugitive, Under Siege, Kingdom of Heaven, Collateral Damage, Universal Soldier, Terminator and Batman. He has also worked on TV shows, including as Melrose Place, X-Files and Monk. He is an activist with the peace group CODEPINK, and an organizer for the Washington D.C. group Occupy Freedom Plaza.

He has led seven delegations of Americans to Gaza, including a delegation to build playgrounds for the people of Gaza. In 2007 he was in Pakistan supporting the pro-democracy movement of the lawyers and students

Weeks after the 2002 American invasion of Afghanistan, Medea Benjamin visited that country. There, on the ground, talking with victims of the strikes, she learned the reality behind the “precision bombs” on which U.S. forces were becoming increasingly reliant. Now, with the use of drones escalating at a meteoric pace, Benjamin has written this book as a call to action: “It is meant to wake a sleeping public,” she writes, “lulled into thinking that drones are good, that targeted killings are making us safer.”

Drone Warfare is a comprehensive look at the growing menace of robotic warfare, with an extensive analysis of who is producing the drones, where they are being used, who “pilots” these unmanned planes, who are the victims and what are the legal and moral implications. In vivid, readable style, the book also looks at what activists, lawyers and scientists are doing to ground the drones, and ways to move forward.

In reality, writes Benjamin, the assassinations we are carrying out via drones will come back to haunt us when others start doing the same thing—to us.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: City Planner, Architectural Designer, Writer, Lecturer, Creator of the Governors' Institute on Community Design, Contributing Editor to Metropolis Magazine, Author
Guest Biography:

Jeff Speck is a city planner and architectural designer who, through writing, lectures, and built work, advocates internationally for smart growth and sustainable design. As Director of Design at the National Endowment for the Arts from 2003 through 2007, he oversaw the Mayors' Institute on City Design and created the Governors' Institute on Community Design, a federal program that helps state governors fight suburban sprawl. Prior to joining the Endowment, Mr. Speck spent ten years as Director of Town Planning at Duany Plater-Zyberk and Co., a leading practitioner of the New Urbanism, where he led or managed more than forty of the firm's projects. He is the co-author of Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream as well as The Smart Growth Manual. He serves as a Contributing Editor to Metropolis Magazine, and on the Sustainability Task Force of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. His new book, Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time, is now available in print, digital, and audio format.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Business
Guest Occupation: Informer of Man's Off Planet Origins, Blogger, Educates and Frees Humanity from Control and Tyranny
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

James Horak shares with Earth bound Humans his knowledge of Man's off planet origins and gives us a refined cosmology to educate and Free Humanity from Control and Tyranny. He explains the task driven purpose of the EMVs - Electro Magnetic Vehicles extracting surplus energy from our Sun and reveals how E.T civilizations are helping us prevent total annihilation of our species and the Earth.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Cosmology, Paranormal, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Comedian, Actor, Author, Political Conspiritist
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

RICHARD BELZER is a stand-up comedian, actor and author. He is best known for his current role as John Munch on the hit NBC show, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He is also famous for his acerbic wit and astute political commentary: “90% of the American people believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. The other 10% work for the government or the media.” He has written such books as UFOs, JFK, and Elvis (2000), and the novels I Am Not a Cop! (2009) and I Am Not a Psychic! (2010).

Dead Wrong is a study of the scientific and forensic facts of four assassinations of the 1960s (President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black Panther leader Fred Hampton), as well as an examination of new and incriminating evidence indicative of murder, not suicide, in the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, White House Counsel Vincent Foster, U.N. Weapons Inspector Dr. David C. Kelly and bioweapons expert Frank Olson. It also examines the cases of two murders directly linked to Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States.

Frank Olson-
One of the clearest cases of a “national security” assassination in history: Forensic evidence reveals that the CIA’s Director of “Special Research” was knocked unconscious and then pushed through a 10th-story window in New York City. The so-called suicide was actually a textbook murder taken right out of the CIA Assassination Manual and was even used as an example of perfect assassination in Israeli Intelligence training.

Henry Marshall-
In a vivid example of future U.S. President Lyndon Johnson’s political clout, even a man shot 5 times with a bolt-action rifle is officially ruled a suicide.

George Krutilek-
Another victim of LBJ, Krutilek also got in the way of Johnson’s political plans and also paid with his life.

Marilyn Monroe-
It is scientifically impossible that Marilyn Monroe committed suicide by swallowing pills, as most people mistakenly believe.

The best combat sniper in history tried and could not match the shooting attributed to the alleged killer. Why? Because it never happened that way to begin with!

Dr. Martin Luther King-
Ballistic and forensic evidence prove that Martin Luther King could not have been shot by the man in the location that the Official Version purports.

Robert F. Kennedy-
According to the U.S. Government, Senator Robert F. Kennedy was killed by 14 shots from an 8-shot gun, and at point-blank range by a man who never got that close. And they didn’t let the facts stop them from prosecuting the wrong man.

Fred Hampton-
Was murdered by a special police unit -- and ballistic and forensic evidence prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. He was totally unconscious during the entire police raid – but that didn’t stop the government from lying about it.

Vince Foster-
We can’t say with certainty how Vince Foster was killed but we can say with certainty that the Official Version is dead wrong. The forensics tells us he was shot with a gun different than the gun found in his hand and at a location other than where his body was found and that his gunpowder burns were defensive.

Dr. David Kelly-
One of the smartest people on this planet was asked what would happen if Iraq is invaded and he answered with seriousness: I’ll probably be found dead in the woods. Iraq was invaded and he was found dead in the woods. Now would you say that’s a red flag? But we’re expected to believe that this brilliant individual marched off into the woods to kill himself, armed only with an old pruning knife that had a very dull blade. Yeah, right. Sure he did.

Guest Category: Arts, Comedy, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Regressionist, Spiritualist, Guide to Self Healing
Guest Biography:

I discovered my passion for past life regressions at the age of 13.  I came across Brian Weiss’ book Through Time Into Healing and I was so deeply intrigued by the idea of reincarnation that I decide to regress myself.

On the back of the book there was a suggested script for people to make a recording that they can play back and have their own regression.  I thought to myself that even though I had no physical ailments or emotional issues to heal I was really curious and wanted to try.  I recorded the script on a tape and a few moments later I began playing it.

What I experienced was so vivid and so dramatic that it shook me deeply.  I had a peak experience.  In an instant I become this other person who was running scared for her life.  Through the guidance of the questions that were coming from the recording I was able to understand the story of that lifetime, the lessons and how that life related to the person I am now.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Right Wing Conservative Federalist, Patriot, Rdaio Host, Small Businessman
Guest Biography:

A staunch (and fiercely-proud) right-wing conservative Federalist, Keith is an uninhibitedly-outspoken, God-fearing, gun-toting, America-loving Patriot who is not afraid to stand up and speak out for the causes of Liberty, Personal Responsibility, Limited Government, Freedom, and American Exceptionalism.

Joined by Smitty, Southwest Florida's most popular bleeding-heart liberal, the week's hot button political and social issues are dissected and discussed in blistering fashion, along with lively interviews featuring locally and nationally-prominent guests.

Guest Category: Business, Politics & Government, Religion
Guest Occupation: Music Artist, Former Apollo Theatre Finalist, Former Member of the Baltimore Colts Marching Band, An Aid in Restoring Respect for Hip-Hop and Black Culture
Guest Biography:

I Dat Zulu am a Baltimore native aged 41. My real name is Robert M. Ward Jr. I am the son of Baltimore Jazz and top 40 great Bobby Ward. My musical history includes graduating with theSemper Fidelis Award for musical excellence in 1989. I am an Edmonson Westside Sr. High school alumni. Shouts out to Mr. Stanley Brown who was my hardworking band teacher and guardian. I was also a student at James and Henrietta Holliman Music Studio on Bond St. I am also a former Apollo Theatre finalist and a former member of the Baltimore Colts Marching Band. Bringin' It Back is a project I started and finished in 2010. Songs SHE DOES and HUMMIN' THAT I LOVE U are inspired by and written for my fiance of 1yr. ( together for 3) Brande Michelle Carter. LOVE'S MELODY is also written in her honor. Bringin It Back seeks to rekindle African-American pride in African-American youth as well as others by piquing curiosity instead of preaching. Words like Nguzo Nane (en gu zoe nah nee) which are the 8 principles I live by reach to spark interest in a culture lost to the streets and lack of knowledge. Truthfully speaking it is my mission with this project, to aid in restoring respect for Hip- Hop and black culture, thus: "Bringin' It Back." Listen and Enjoy. Thanks for your support.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Mayor's Executive Assistant, Past President of LAMSA, Author, Editor, Journalist, Speaker, Chairman of Southern Christian Writers Guild, Planner
Guest Biography:

Marlaine was hired to serve as the Mayor's Executive Assistant in April, 2000. She attended Loyola University and majored in Administrative Practices in Business Administration. Marlaine is Past President of LAMSA (Louisiana Association of Municipal Secretaries and Assistants) and served on the board of the Louisiana Municipal Association.  She is a graduate of Leadership St. Tammany West, author, editor, journalist, speaker and Chairman of Southern Christian Writers Guild.

As the Mayor's Assistant, Marlaine provides administrative support to the Mayor and assists in standard operating policies and procedures of the Mayor's office. She maintains the Mayor's schedule and sets appointments with citizens, residents and visitors. Marlaine also directs incoming calls to appropriate departments whenever a problem occurs and follows up on departmental actions. It is her job to prepare reports, presentations, media releases and news articles about programs and services. On behalf of the Mayor, Marlaine attends meetings of various boards and commissions and maintains official records and files. She plans conferences, training sessions and major city events.

Guest Category: Business, Politics & Government, Religion
Guest Occupation: Contactee, Communicator of the Zeta Message, Producer of the Zeta Report, Radio Host, Maintained a Hydroponics and Vermiculture Lab, Web Mistress
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

Nancy became aware of her contactee status in 1993, and the potential for being a communicator of the Zeta message, in the midst of a full life with a family and a full time job. As a contactee, Nancy participated in the hybrid program, and met one of her hybrid children. In preparation for her communicator role, Nancy was given life form introductions and introduced to MJ12 at an early age. Nancy expends her retirement time and money on getting the ZetaTalk message out. Requests for interviews take top priority. She quit a professional job in California in 1999 to move to Wisconsin to walk the talk. Born in Wisconsin, Nancy returned to her grandparent's homestead, where she first met the Zetas in the woods as a young girl. There, she gardens, saves seed, raised chickens, and tries to be an example of how people should prepare for the coming changes. As the ZetaTalk message is threatening to the establishment, who fear the populace will panic, Nancy deals with a lot of flack.

ZetaTalk began on January 19, 1995 in Michael Lindemann’s ISCNI chat group. By late 1996 the Zetas were debating with astronomers on the sci.astro Usenet. Nancy has written two script, both available to the public in short story form - The Passage om 1997 and Finegan Fine in 2009. A ZetaTalk book was produced in 1998, and the basic message remains the same. Nancy ran weekly live chats where the Zetas addressed current topics on IRC from late 2001 into 2003, and from 2006 until early 2010 on the GodlikeProduction message board. Weekly chats are currently hosted on the Pole Shift ning. A Newsletter was started in late 2006 and continues today. The BBS Radio show featured Nancy as their premier show in August, 2005 where Nancy had a weekly spot until 2007 called The Connection. Between 2007 to 2010 Nancy had a regular Friday radio show on The Micro Effect. As of 2007, Nancy also began producing The Zeta Report, which are video clips on the Internet.

Jeff Rense featured Nancy several times on his Sightings radio show, 1998 through 2000. Nancy has twice been included in Wireless News Service notices in 2000 and 2001. Nancy was featured in the April 2001 edition of Art Bell's After Dark magazine and appeared on the Coast to Coast radio show in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2011. On October 24, 1997 ZetaTalk was featured on the Strange Universe TV program.  OutThereTV has featured Nancy several times between 2002 and 2007. Nancy has been featured on TV in New Zealand in 2003, on Seoul Broadcasting System S Korea in 2009, on News First in Sri Lanka in 2012, on Ren TV is Russia in 2012, and on Russia 1 in Moscow in 2013.

The inbound Planet X was sighted at the coordinates given by the Zetas in early 2001, imaged in infrared twice in January, 2002, tracked by CCD images in late 2002 to early 2003, and thereafter photographed by amateur astronomers around the world. That a middle aged woman with a high school degree, who does not even know which end of a telescope to look into, could pinpoint the RA and Dec of the brown dwarf, Planet X, is astonishing, and speaks to the validity of ZetaTalk. Due to the international interest in ZetaTalk, Nancy assists with providing translations into almost two dozen different languages available to the public.

Due to the serious nature of the ZetaTalk message, the Troubled Times group was formed in 1996 to seek survival solution sets for the common man. Nancy functions as the web mistress of the huge Troubled Times site. A nonprofit, Troubled Times Inc, was incorporated in 1997. The nonprofit has now closed its doors. Nancy supported the nonprofit in an administrative capacity, has grown and gathering seed for the seed team she started in 1998, has in the past maintained a hydroponics and vermiculture lab started in 2000, and assisted in the layout of the booklet offered by the nonprofit to the public from 2001 until the end of 2012.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Doctor of Psychology, Editor, Research Director, Journalist, Author
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

Hillary S. Webb, PhD., is the former Managing Editor of Anthropology of Consciousness, the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness and the former Research Director at The Monroe Institute. Having received her undergraduate degree in Journalism from New York University, Dr. Webb went on to earn an MA in Consciousness Studies from Goddard College and a PhD in Psychology from Saybrook University.

She is the author of Exploring Shamanism, Traveling Between the Worlds: Conversations with Contemporary Shamans, and Yanantin and Masintin in the Andean World: Complementary Dualism in Modern Peru. She lives in Southern Maine.

Guest Category: Psychology, Science, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Physician, Author, Doctor, Writer, Expert Witness in Legal Settings, Expert in Addiction Related Fields
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D., is a physician certified in Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine and Pain Management. She is the author of 10 books and numerous articles in professional journals. She is a compassionate professional committed to educating others in her fields of specialty. She is a nationally recognized expert in two addiction-related fields: addictive sexual disorders and the management of chronic pain with opioids. She also has experience and interest in the area of osteoporosis and its drug treatment, and maintains an email support group for people who have experienced atypical femur fractures related to the use of bisphosphonate medications. Now retired from direct patient care, her professional activities include writing, lecturing at conferences, serving as an expert witness in legal settings, and appearing as a media guest on television and radio.

Guest Category: Medicine, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Writer, Researcher, Filmmaker, Musician, Inspirational Speaker
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

Scott Mowry is the primary voice and writer of Currently, he works as a freelance writer, researcher, speaker, filmmaker and consultant. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh where he obtained a BA in English Writing and Journalism.

In college, Scott was the editor of Showcase Magazine, which was the entertainment supplement of his school newspaper, The Pitt News.
He has experience in journalistic fields in news, sports, entertainement and feature stories.

He has also worked within the public relations and advertising fields and, in a former life, he even dabbled in the music industry as a recording engineer, producer and musician.

One of the most important discoveries that Scott has made was information that gave him direct insight into his purpose, his destiny and his mission on planet Earth. Thanks to the amazing work of author and past-life regressionist Dolores Cannon, Scott was able to identify himself as one of the "first wave souls" on planet Earth.

Scott is a tireless researcher, innovator and creator. Recently he has added filmmaker to his resume and has produced two films to date, including the very warmly received, "Welcome to the New Earth," with more in the planning stages.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Cancer Survivor, Creator of Tea4life Company
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:…

Sam Corti had a sense of foreboding as she drove to hospital. For more than a year, the 40-year-old had been suffering increasingly painful and heavy periods and cramping pain in between.

Although her GP had reassured her it was probably nothing more sinister than fibroids - benign growths in the womb - her instinct was that it was much more serious.

Jade Goody had just been diagnosed with cervical cancer and I’d had the same disease when I was 21,’ she recalls. ‘Unlike Jade, my cancer had been caught in the very early stages - it was picked up on a smear test - and treated successfully.

Even though I’d had annual smear tests since, which were always clear, I had this horrible feeling the cancer had returned.’

Unfortunately, her instinct proved right. A scan and a further internal examination showed a grapefruit-sized tumour had wrapped itself round her bladder and bowel.

The tumour was graded as a very aggressive 4a - with 1a being the least aggressive. Sam was also told they had found several inflamed lymph nodes in the groin area. Her chances of survival were 50:50.

Although Sam felt ‘completely helpless’, she says: ‘I thought there must be something positive I could do.’

She decided radically to alter her diet - and started to drink lots of green tea. Within just four weeks, her cancer had withdrawn from her bowel - to the astonishment of her surgeons.

She is now clear of cancer and, while radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment have been key, she is in no doubt that her green tea diet has been significant to her recovery.

Guest Category: Self Help
Guest Occupation: Nurse, Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition, Cancer Survivor, Blog Writer, Author, Co-Author, Founder of MOON Organics
Guest Biography:

Susan Gonzalez is a registered nurse, certified in plant-based nutrition, and a stage III cancer survivor. She is an advocate for health and wellness with a focus on cancer prevention.  Her blog The Savvy Sister: Simple Ways to Better Living gives readers valuable information, delicious vegan recipes and a hefty dose of positive attitude. Susan is the founder of MOON Organics, a natural skin-care company that caters to the needs of survivors and she has also just completed her first book, 100 Perks of Having Cancer Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It. She and her co-author, “Perks of Cancer” blogger Florence Strang, hope to revolutionize cancer survivorship with the web-based program associated with the book called Cancer Plan 4 Life.  Susan resides in Georgia with her family.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: President and Founder of Doug Elwell, Inc., Bachelor's Degree in Cinema & Photography, Master's Degree in Communications, Proofreader, Graphic Designer, Website Designer, Internet Consultant
Guest Biography:

Doug Elwell is the president and founder of Doug Elwell, Inc., a client-focused communications consulting firm that provides comprehensive, integrated marketing communications solutions and strategies to businesses and organizations of all types. Doug first began studying communications (and computers) in 1986, acquiring a bachelor's degree in Cinema & Photography from Southern Illinois University in 1990. Seeing the rapid changes taking place in the communications industry — brought on largely by computerization — Doug decided to broaden his course of study, completing a master's degree in communications from Wheaton College Graduate School in 1993. It was here, during his study of marketing, media effects and persuasion, that he was first introduced to computerized publishing and the then-emerging World Wide Web.

After completing twin master's degrees in communications and ancient history at Wheaton College, Doug entered the publishing industry first as a proofreader, then as a graphic designer, designing books, magazines and advertisements. Catching the Internet wave at its peak, he began designing websites in 1997, and became a full-time Internet consultant in 1999, accepting a position with divine interVentures as their creative director later that same year.

On January 1, 2001, Doug started his own consulting business, Doug Elwell, Inc., providing professional-level web design and consulting services at affordable prices. After five years of profitability, Doug Elwell, Inc. continues to defy the experts, expanding and growing its service offerings and client base using a decentralized, sales-based approach. Not reliant on venture capital and free of costly overhead, DEI looks forward to a sixth profitable year, and looks to expand in 2007.

Guest Category: Business, Technology
Guest Occupation: Doctorate in Nutrition, Natural Health Specialist, Director of Sweden's Brandal Health Center, Co-Director and Chief Health Administrator of Hippocrates Health Institute
Guest Biography:

Anna grew up in a Swedish family that consumed a traditional diet of meat and carbohydrates. But at the age of 15, her entire family became vegetarian and Anna’s interest in the intersection of health and nutrition began.

Similar to Brian’s experience with his mentor Ann Wigmore, a Danish woman by the name of Alma Nissen changed Anna’s course. In 1974, Alma was so incapacitated by arthritis that she was practically bedridden. Her hands and fingers were stiff and in constant pain, and she could not bend, walk or even turn over by herself in bed. Unwilling to accept her lot as a bedridden invalid, she changed her diet and normal routine. She began drinking fresh vegetable juices and herbal teas and taking heat treatments and hydrobaths – all with the goal of cleansing her intestine. She began to feel better and, after just a few months, was completely cured. Wanting to share what she had learned, she transformed her seven-room apartment in Copenhagen into an arthritis clinic that attracted patients on stretchers, on crutches and in wheelchairs. After four to eight weeks on Nissen’s simple regime, these patients left the clinic on their own two feet. Word spread, and a wealthy Swedish benefactor offered the Brandal estate in Stockholm for her use as a rheumatic clinic. With a doctorate in nutrition from Denmark University, Anna became Director of the Brandal Clinic in her twenties, while also working towards her nursing degree.

In 1978, Ann Wigmore and Brian Clement were invited to speak at a conference in Sweden, where Brian and Anna first met. For Brian, it was love at first sight. Two years later, Anna came to Boston to experience the Hippocrates program for herself. A year following, she asked Brian if she could come work at Hippocrates and the rest is history.

To Hippocrates, Anna brought a refreshing European approach to healing, and her maternal ways rounded out the edges of Brian’s straightforward approach. She speaks seven languages, and travels the world with Brian to lecture on the topics of natural health methods in family and pediatric care.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Card Reader
Guest Biography:

Unlike other pychics who rely on the symbolism of the Tarot cards, Joan is a clairvoyant and draws on her own psychic powers to give accurate and indepth counseling by reading from only a half a deck of playing cards. She provides guidance on personal and business issues.

Joan Carra is also a medium and can successfully contact 'passed on' loved ones, creating closure by delivering messages from the other side. She has worked with bereavment groups to help heal people suffering from grief.

Guest Category: Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive