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Guest Name
Patricia Albere
Patricia Albere
Guest Occupation
Founder and Director of the Evolutionary Collective, An Internationally recognized contemporary Spiritual Teacher, Transformation Educator, Public Speaker, Workshop Leader, Host of the popular global webcast Evolutionary Collective Conversations (ECC)
Guest Biography

Patricia Albere is an internationally recognized contemporary spiritual teacher passionate about creating a new paradigm for a higher order of human relatedness. Her work awakens others to the profound depths and infinite wisdom accessed by way of two or more people connected to larger and more powerful evolutionary forces.

For the last 40 years, her teaching arises from being finely attuned to the transformational power of emergence – that which occurs on the edge of consciousness, culture and human awakening. Her work with collective fields of consciousness has been developed through her continuous work with groups and over 150,000 people internationally. Her unique discovery of the essential components that activate evolutionary relating is transforming our understanding of what it possible in the space between us and in creating new fields of higher collective consciousness.

Albere is the founder of the Evolutionary Collective, a new model for awakened community. The Evolutionary Collective marks the creation and ongoing expansion of an inter-subjective field of intimacy, truth, mutuality and depth that occurs in a new space in consciousness – one that allows participants to transform inside an intense and accelerated relational field.

She is also the host of the popular Evolutionary Collective Conversations (ECC), a global webcast in which today’s top evolutionary leaders join Patricia for dynamic on-line dialogues.