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Guest Name
Marcey Hamm
Marcey Hamm
Guest Occupation
The World's Most Various Composer
Guest Biography

Marcey Hamm was born in Oklahoma surrounded by the Native American Indian culture, wild buffalo and her family's business being in the movie industry. All of these influences gave her the foundation which she later needed for what was to come into her life. Marcey Hamm's life story is not like any other life story. She remembers her birth and before her birth. Also, Marcey's Mother left her body while giving birth to Marcey.

Below is what Marcey Hamm's Mother wrote describing her experience while delivering Marcey, her newborn baby: Birth, written by Elsie M. Hamm, Ph.D. (Marcey Hamm's Mother)

I think I saw eternity,
I think I heard the sound
Of swishing wings and currents
And creatures all around.

It was the Beatific Vision,
It was light giving light from above.
It was music and color and sweet scents
And it was love gazing at love.

It was a defining moment
And it could have been much more.
Could I again possess such riches,
Such a feeling deep and warm
As the night they laid my new born
In the waiting curve of my arm.

Marcey Hamm's background is in Nuclear Engineering, Electronics and Software Development. Marcey died in a car wreck one morning on her way to work. She was given a gift of music when she died and has been composing music ever since. Marcey Hamm is not a musician. To make matters even more interesting, people from all over the world attest of healings and miracles just from listening to Marcey Hamm's music. For example, one man was deaf and now can hear. Another example, a police officer became paraplegic from an accident and now lives a normal life. The stories are endless, varied and are not limited to just the human species. Marcey's music effects animals, plants and all of Mother Nature including the weather. For example, one farmer in Tennessee uses the music out in the fields for his tobacco and has the biggest bumper crops he's ever had. When hurricane Ike hit Texas in 2008, thousands of people were without electricity except for a widow out in the country who was the only one with electricity in a 100 mile radius. She plays Marcey's music 24/7 non-stop. No one can explain how she had electricity. These kinds of experiences are not isolated and people all over the world have their own varied experiences with Marcey's music.

The events that surround Marcey Hamm's music are a phenomena that are truly a mystery. Marcey says the music has an effect on all of life because of the love that is within the music. She says there is no greater or more powerful energy than love. The testimonials speak for themselves. One woman kept having miscarriages. Everything she was trying in order to have a baby was not working. Then she heard Marcey on a radio show. She bought her music and started playing the music non-stop. She carried her first baby to term and delivered her first baby. No one can explain it. One thing is for sure, Marcey Hamm's music is an experience and her music has changed thousands of lives all over the world.