Fritz Springmeier is foremost a follower of Yahshua the Messiah. He gave his life to Christ when he was 13. And believes that what happens with his life is not about himself but about Christ. As Christ wanted to save the world, Fritz has also done projects that would significantly help improve the world. He believes that we are called to love our enemies and do good to our enemies. Evil can not be overcome with more evil. His life can only be understood that Christ came to give us life and a more abundant life even in the here and now. Let us take care of the here and now to improve life.
Fritz Springmeier is probably the world's foremost authority on the bloodlines of the Illuminati and the techniques they employ to create a mind controlled slave. His books on mind control (co-authored with former Illuminati programmer Cisco Wheeler) are without peer in depth, rigorous detail, and uncompromising accuracy. His lecture on the Illuminati and mind control given at the Granada Forum in 1998 was the best and most astute presentation on the subject.